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Thread: Nigeria

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  1. #1281
    Quote Originally Posted by Trlffick  [View Original Post]
    I think 50 K is low if you are looking for quality. You do have a short window and may be best served with pros / semi pros that are already at Sheraton or CR.
    N50 k is right for all-nighters. That's the right price for foreigners. Locals pay N30 K, or even N25 K or 20 k. Because you're foreign the Nigerian girls will try to get you to pay outrageous amounts of $100 or so. Whatever happens don't go above N50 k. The sweet spot is between N30 k and N50 k.

  2. #1280
    Quote Originally Posted by CheekyDarky  [View Original Post]
    Apologies gents for asking what seems like the thousandth time in this thread, but want to try and get my ducks in a row before I visit. Nigeria has never been at the top of my go to list, however over the years I have softened somewhat to the dark chocolate girls and in recent years have had a load of fun with a handful of ladies from Nigeria, where I am based in the UAE. So needless to say I am looking forward to this trip, however short it will be.

    Right the company is sending me to Lagos, unfortunately I have to stay in the Ikeja area (Sheraton) due to proximity to the office. Cutting down commute times and will only be in the country for 4 days. I've reviewed the thread and seen what's available on CR and have around a dozen or so fillies on my list, whom I will ping when I'm in the country. Have seen the talk around pricing, and will never go over 50 k, but will try to negotiate down to around half that.

    Looking for advice regarding potential pickup spots close to the hotel, but I will also strike out further afield if the urge strikes me (Shades, Rumours etc). Also a couple of quick questions if I may:

    Travel is Sunday to Wednesday. Everything dead during those days?.
    I think 50 K is low if you are looking for quality. You do have a short window and may be best served with pros / semi pros that are already at Sheraton or CR.

  3. #1279

    Long time monger, first time to Nigeria

    Apologies gents for asking what seems like the thousandth time in this thread, but want to try and get my ducks in a row before I visit. Nigeria has never been at the top of my go to list, however over the years I have softened somewhat to the dark chocolate girls and in recent years have had a load of fun with a handful of ladies from Nigeria, where I am based in the UAE. So needless to say I am looking forward to this trip, however short it will be.

    Right the company is sending me to Lagos, unfortunately I have to stay in the Ikeja area (Sheraton) due to proximity to the office. Cutting down commute times and will only be in the country for 4 days. I've reviewed the thread and seen what's available on CR and have around a dozen or so fillies on my list, whom I will ping when I'm in the country. Have seen the talk around pricing, and will never go over 50 k, but will try to negotiate down to around half that.

    Looking for advice regarding potential pickup spots close to the hotel, but I will also strike out further afield if the urge strikes me (Shades, Rumours etc). Also a couple of quick questions if I may:

    Travel is Sunday to Wednesday. Everything dead during those days?

    Rumours appears to have a few locations. I take it the one everyone is referencing is the location on VI? If so does anyone have any intel on the Rumours x 2 in the Ikeja GRA?

    I've also seen the various reports regarding day game as being relatively easy I. E. Malls etc. But anything close by the hotel?

    Thank you in advance for anyone who replies, I'm a savvy traveler, very security conscious and not afraid to do the backstreets if the potential for pussy is greater. So looking for all sorts of guidance.

  4. #1278

    Security situation

    How is the security situation in Lagos these days? Would Abuja be a safer bet for a first time traveller?

  5. #1277
    Quote Originally Posted by MysteryOcean  [View Original Post]
    Never been to Nigeria but had Nigerian girls in Ghana.

    Been to Uganda 3 times.

    Ugandans are ugly. Slim if you like them slim but hard to find a pretty face.

    Nigerians are beautiful (atleast my liking).

    Sex wise I didn't see much difference. Except Ugandans like to squirter which I find disgusting but a lot of people here likes it very much.

    Both countries are equally not safe. Food sucks in Uganda.
    I haven't been to Nigeria, but I do agree with everything you said about Uganda. Food sucks, and it is hard to find a girl with a pretty face. I would like to add that girls, in general, have no boobs, and those who have some are usually fat, and boobs are shaggy and too soft. Possible anyway finding some South Sudan queens (rare), and some pretty Eritrean girls. If you know where to look.

  6. #1276
    Quote Originally Posted by Amadeuss  [View Original Post]
    "Originally Posted by JonesLover a few dasy ago in the KL thread:

    I would like to inform you that no one is forcing me to go to Malaysya. Ajajajaja I had thought of going there just to change country, because I have been to the Philippines several times. ".

    Now John is trolling Africa also --can the mod please stop this kid?

    Thank you.
    Never been to Nigeria but had Nigerian girls in Ghana.

    Been to Uganda 3 times.

    Ugandans are ugly. Slim if you like them slim but hard to find a pretty face.

    Nigerians are beautiful (atleast my liking).

    Sex wise I didn't see much difference. Except Ugandans like to squirter which I find disgusting but a lot of people here likes it very much.

    Both countries are equally not safe. Food sucks in Uganda.

  7. #1275
    Quote Originally Posted by JonesLover  [View Original Post]

    Can anyone tell me the difference in beauty, attitude in sex between Ugandan and Nigerian girls? I mean not pro but regular girls. If you know both countries, which one do you like better?
    "Originally Posted by JonesLover a few dasy ago in the KL thread:

    I would like to inform you that no one is forcing me to go to Malaysya. Ajajajaja I had thought of going there just to change country, because I have been to the Philippines several times. ".

    Now John is trolling Africa also --can the mod please stop this kid?

    Thank you.

  8. #1274

    Nigeria vs Uganda


    Can anyone tell me the difference in beauty, attitude in sex between Ugandan and Nigerian girls? I mean not pro but regular girls. If you know both countries, which one do you like better?

  9. #1273

    Trip Report: West Africa Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast: Lagos

    Lagos: Victoria Island and the Mainland.

    Had an eventful few evenings here. Stayed on VI at 5 star hotel, which was GF (as I think they all are) and hit a few of the clubs and the #1 strip bar. Additionally, had a wild ride out to a remote locals only party arena with some pick-up options at low prices. As with most of West Africa, 90% of the women in the clubs will be BBW, it's only 10% of the women are average / slim. Most are literally clinically obese. Dont believe me: check a Tinder Feed for Lagos - the locals like the woman to weigh double the men.

    I started the night, taking a Bolt (best ride sharing app) not far from my hotel to Shades ( around 9:00 pm. Had a beer and decent pizza in the front of the house watching the women come in. This is definitely a popular working girls bar, with ex-pat mongers lurking, and you have good lighting and music not too loud so you can have a conversation. Most of the women were not to my taste, but met one hottie, Cee . (PM for her dets) Just the type of body I like: slim tight, waist, nice plump but not kardasian ass, decent breasts, and a magnificent smile. We chatted and swapped WhatApp numbers. I wanted to look around at a few more places.

    I had retained my Bolt driver (very cheap to just hire one of these guys for the evening) who was savvy and had a decent car, so he was waiting and we next went to the SilverFox, ( which is kind of like a US strip club you would find in Atlanta. At least that's what the Nigerian-American owner is shooting for. A couple of girls on a small stage, kind of dancing in skimpy attire, not striping, but it was only 10:30 pm and they say more of that happens later. It again proved out my worst worries - 80% of these girls are over-weight and wholly unattractive jiggly bodies to me. But, I did find one to my liking and took her for a "lap" dance. , which is really more free-for-all naked groping session. We went upstairs to a semi-private seating area and she stripped and began to grind. Lots of groping is encouraged and even a bit of fingering. Nice to see the whole gorgeous black body. I'm sure I could have arranged take out but seemed expensive and time consuming and my Bolt driver had promised a trip to the Mainland where we might find some smaller, thinner girls. Victoria Island had a large number of western mongers compared to other locations in Lagos. I wanted to see the local scene.

    Was told it would take 45 minutes to drive to this location and he wanted extra cash from fuel, which was no problem for me, it was only a few USD worth. He drove me on a hair-raising speed haul through dark streets and back roads with potholes and ditches, he was on his phone texting half the time. Scared the shit out of me. Must admit, it did cross my mind that I was being taken to be mugged, but he could have organized that without the 45 minute drive. But safely arrived at the Premier Guest House Oluti ( near the border with Festac. Definitely a large happening place, but slowing down by midnight. There were 3-4 girls he encouraged to come say Hi. But I keep asking for a slim young girl and he would bring a skanky 32 year old or a 70 kg short 20 year old. I gather the prices would have been very low and I think he mentioned a few nearby hotels. Might be worth another try if arrived early. Probably not for the beginner.

    In the end it was getting late and I had a few messages from the girl from Shades. The proper price for her should have been less than 30,000 Naira,(which is about an inch: the largest bill is worth only $0.70) we text negotiated with her promising "everything but anal". Finally I was tired of negotiating and just asked her to provide excellent service including a professional massage (she's licensed and trained for that) for a total of 40,000 ($27). Turned out to be a terrific evening, she could not get enough of the fucking, could suck and rim like few hoes I have had and is a genuine person. PM if you would like dets.

    Great invigorating time in Lagos. I appreciated the bars which give plenty of time to chat and inspect. I was wired up on Tinder, but saw only 3% of the girls who looked attractive to me. Drove by the streetwalkers on Lekki Phase 1, but very dark and hard to see, but what I saw was 100% Plus Sized. I would return for the places on VI like Shades and check out the Mainland place. This is the one place I would like to go back to, as I dont think I plumbed 10% of the opportunity.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_2777.jpg‎   IMG_2778.jpg‎  

  10. #1272

    Car& Driver: Lagos, Benin, Ghana, Cameroon

    Bros- anyone have any English-speaking driver / local nighttime guides for the above countries?

    Please PM or post. Times are difficult and always good to help local folks if possible.

    Strictly looking for car&drivers who know the mongering waterholes. Not need tourist guides.

    Thanks. And will report back in a few weeks.

  11. #1271

    Supply and demand

    Quote Originally Posted by SteelBaton  [View Original Post]
    Usually in a poorer country there are lots of slimmer smaller girls, but Africa seems to feature a hell a lot of BBW women on the escort and massage sites. This seems like Bangladesh. 90% of the women there are chubby. It seems to be a local preference like in some of the Arab world.

    Just hoping there is a good supply the slim, athletic 18-22 women. Are university's a reasonable hunting ground??
    In Lagos there is a supply of everything. Everywhere is hunting ground. I was in a supermarket and was telling a friend of mine, buy whatever you want I'll cover it and suddenly was approached by a sales rep 18 yr old slim pretty gal saying: can you do the same for me? I guess that is a strong indication of what's to come.

  12. #1270
    Quote Originally Posted by SteelBaton  [View Original Post]
    Then I'm even more concerned: they consider these (fake) photos the best for hooking mongers? That implies these are the ideals of beauty in Lagos.

    If so sounds like Lagos could be your heaven and my wasteland.
    The chances of them being as attractive as the US Onlyfans images they've ripped off are minimal. Don't rely on any technology services in Africa.

  13. #1269

    FFS. If those are the chosen fake fotos.

    Then I'm even more concerned: they consider these (fake) photos the best for hooking mongers? That implies these are the ideals of beauty in Lagos.

    If so sounds like Lagos could be your heaven and my wasteland.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarrenGap  [View Original Post]
    If you believe those are real photos and real bio's then I've got a bridge you may be interested in. FFS sometimes the pics are different within the same profile. BTW I'm into big ass titties, so Africa is my go to spot.

  14. #1268

    Thanks. I sure hope so

    Usually in a poorer country there are lots of slimmer smaller girls, but Africa seems to feature a hell a lot of BBW women on the escort and massage sites. This seems like Bangladesh. 90% of the women there are chubby. It seems to be a local preference like in some of the Arab world.

    Just hoping there is a good supply the slim, athletic 18-22 women. Are university's a reasonable hunting ground??

    Quote Originally Posted by Vartan007  [View Original Post]
    No. A lot of them are big gals but you will find a lot of the slim ones. They call them strippers.

    You will find all sizes and most of them are very fit. Don't be scared by CR, just go out and you'll get gals approaching you. Just pick the ones you like and have fun.

  15. #1267
    Quote Originally Posted by SteelBaton  [View Original Post]
    Bros. I'm planning my first African mongering adventure and finally got around to checking out the CR site. Holy fuck! Every single one of these girls weighs over 200 pounds! I've never seen such a bunch of fatties except on those BBW fantasy sites. Please tell me that this is not representative of the type of women most of you are finding. Are the majority of P4 P women in Lagos and ACC this fat? I may need to cancel this whole trip if CR is what I should be expecting. Please tell me it ain't so!
    If you believe those are real photos and real bio's then I've got a bridge you may be interested in. FFS sometimes the pics are different within the same profile. BTW I'm into big ass titties, so Africa is my go to spot.

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