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 Posts: 74
Severe case of mythomania
 Originally Posted by Slowalk
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Since you have been to Uganda 5 times, you should already know the answer.
That guy has a severe case of mythomania and does not know when to stop even though he had been caught. The most recent one is his "visit" to Angola.
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 Posts: 503
 Originally Posted by JonesLover
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Hello, I went to Kampala some years ago, the next month I'd like to reach Uganda again. I'd like to rent a nice apartment and to rest for 10 days.
In your opinion is Kampala better than Entebbe to find some beautiful girls?
I thank you!!
Kampala of course, Entebbe is small place. So after next month, you can write us report about Uganda nightlife.
I have spent long time in Kampala but my information is outdated so I cannot help you or anyone else with details about accommodation or anything else, so no use to PM me.
Senior Member
 Posts: 343
Ugandan Veteran.
 Originally Posted by JonesLover
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Hello, I went to Kampala some years ago, the next month I'd like to reach Uganda again. I'd like to rent a nice apartment and to rest for 10 days.
In your opinion is Kampala better than Entebbe to find some beautiful girls?
I thank you!!
Since you have been to Uganda 5 times, you should already know the answer.
Senior Member
 Posts: 292
Kampala o Entebbe?
Hello, I went to Kampala some years ago, the next month I'd like to reach Uganda again. I'd like to rent a nice apartment and to rest for 10 days.
In your opinion is Kampala better than Entebbe to find some beautiful girls?
I thank you!!
Senior Member
 Posts: 225
 Originally Posted by JonesLover
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I (went to Uganda 5 times and they are hot. This is that's what I think. Maybe each of us should categorize girls as pro, semi-pro and regular in the world. Maybe a guy goes with a prostitute in one country but with a regular in another country and can't make a comparison. What is another country where girls squirt? It's only Uganda. There they all squirt because they have experience and are hot.
Maybe Filipinas are hotter than Ugandans?
I would be curious to know your experience.
I had only one girl squirting in Uganda, even if I know it is in their culture, not all the girls do, even between the ones I fucked multiple times. Consider I do not pay women, so all I had were not prostitutes, with maybe one exception. No one rimmed me, and some didn't even like to suck dick.
Brazilian and Thai girls are, in general, hotter than Ugandan girls. In Uganda is very easy to get raw, because they all dream to get pregnant. In Thailand also is easy. Uganda is a very conservative and religious country. It is very unlucky a girl is giving you ass, because it is not in their culture. Tried with one, but she was into too much pain.
Anyway, I always try to avoid prostitutes because I want to be with women who likes me. In Thailand, where I spent 5 months, the 1st of January I fucked two women, one after the other. One Indonesian, and the other one was a local. The first one had a flight at 2 PM so she left after we fucked, the other one, was about to go home, and she decided to visit me, instead. The last one, who works in a bank, licked my ass, I mean she just did without me asking her.
If we look at famous mongering destination, I think both Thai and Brazilian girls are more uninhibited than Ugandan. And I would add Cuban girls. I have a very limited experience in Colombia, where many escorts do not even kiss. Even though you may find some who do, and do it all, including squirting and rimming, usually en El Centro. Colombia surprised me on that regard. Some girls give you nothing, some give you all. It is not a spot I would recommend anyway, because you can fuck for cheap, but not for free. Meanwhile in Thailand and in Uganda, I just fucked for free, and in Brazil I paid and fucked for free as well. Cuba, same as Brazil.
I had an extensive experience in both Brazil and Thailand, where I lived for a while. In Uganda I have been 50 days in total, which is not bad, in Colombia I spent just 2 or 3 weeks. Thailand is the place where I fucked the most. In Thailand I fucked the impossible, and I wonder why people even pay here. But of course, I had a lot of time, which you do not have if you go on holidays for 2 weeks. In Thailand I have been invited by a couple to have a threesome. Never happened in my life before something like that. The girl was hot and she came three times. I fucked her in front of her boyfriend, who was mostly watching us. It was a surreal experience, and I had a lot of fun. I recommend if you are lucky enough to find a couple, go for it. One of the best fuck of my life. And yes, that was free as well.
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 Posts: 23
 Originally Posted by CleanShave
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I am in Kampala next week with a friend and have had some success on Tinder finding some very attractive super-slutty girls although we have ploughed through about 2 k to get there.
I will report on what happens afterwards.
However, we would appreciate some advice about the best clubs to visit and what time is best. I have been to Kampala before, but I am aware that the club scenes change quite quickly. So any ideas would be appreciated.
I m curious to see how these girls look like.
Senior Member
 Posts: 1079
 Originally Posted by CleanShave
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I am in Kampala next week with a friend and have had some success on Tinder finding some very attractive super-slutty girls although we have ploughed through about 2 k to get there.
I will report on what happens afterwards.
However, we would appreciate some advice about the best clubs to visit and what time is best. I have been to Kampala before, but I am aware that the club scenes change quite quickly. So any ideas would be appreciated.
Why you ask? You been there many times. You asked hundreds of questions but never wrote any report of value. Instead all what you do is to pay as if there is no tomorrow.
Best clubs are the ones with many people inside at the time when you are there. Go for it.
Senior Member
 Posts: 72
Advice sought
I am in Kampala next week with a friend and have had some success on Tinder finding some very attractive super-slutty girls although we have ploughed through about 2 k to get there.
I will report on what happens afterwards.
However, we would appreciate some advice about the best clubs to visit and what time is best. I have been to Kampala before, but I am aware that the club scenes change quite quickly. So any ideas would be appreciated.
Senior Member
 Posts: 292
 Originally Posted by Incrociatore
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As someone who has been in Uganda twice, I can tell that Ugandan girls are not particularly good in bed. Maybe you have no experience, therefore you think they are.
I didn't keep count, but I am pretty sure I fucked more than 500 women in my life, all over the world. And Ugandan girls are nothing special. They are nice, well behaved, but they aren't that good in bed. I spent in Uganda around 50 days in total, so I fucked many, and for the most part, for free.
I (went to Uganda 5 times and they are hot. This is that's what I think. Maybe each of us should categorize girls as pro, semi-pro and regular in the world. Maybe a guy goes with a prostitute in one country but with a regular in another country and can't make a comparison. What is another country where girls squirt? It's only Uganda. There they all squirt because they have experience and are hot.
Maybe Filipinas are hotter than Ugandans?
I would be curious to know your experience.
Senior Member
 Posts: 225
 Originally Posted by MrMatrix
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The Uganda thread appears to have gone to sleep, in an effort to revive it, I wanted to post a video that shows why I keep going back. Everything this girl says I know is true having experienced myself, the Ssenga or auntie teaches the girls when teenagers how to take care of a man in bed.
As someone who has been in Uganda twice, I can tell that Ugandan girls are not particularly good in bed. Maybe you have no experience, therefore you think they are.
I didn't keep count, but I am pretty sure I fucked more than 500 women in my life, all over the world. And Ugandan girls are nothing special. They are nice, well behaved, but they aren't that good in bed. I spent in Uganda around 50 days in total, so I fucked many, and for the most part, for free.
Senior Member
 Posts: 61
Link got mutilated
 Originally Posted by MrMatrix
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The Uganda thread appears to have gone to sleep, in an effort to revive it, I wanted to post a video that shows why I keep going back. Everything this girl says I know is true having experienced myself, the Ssenga or auntie teaches the girls when teenagers how to take care of a man in bed.
The Ssenga can be a relative, usually a sister of her father, or just a woman known to be a good teacher, and these days can be a professional whom the girls pay for a consultation. Interestingly many of these professional sex teacher's are Muslim.
Youtu. Be / xB2 fIYduS_I?si=z6 v8 gAxY1 GCf_8 OC.
Try again.
Search youtube for Lyzandra. Why Ugandan Women are best at Making Love.
Senior Member
 Posts: 61
Why I keep going back to uganda
The Uganda thread appears to have gone to sleep, in an effort to revive it, I wanted to post a video that shows why I keep going back. Everything this girl says I know is true having experienced myself, the Ssenga or auntie teaches the girls when teenagers how to take care of a man in bed.
The Ssenga can be a relative, usually a sister of her father, or just a woman known to be a good teacher, and these days can be a professional whom the girls pay for a consultation. Interestingly many of these professional sex teacher's are Muslim.
Youtu. Be / xB2 fIYduS_I?si=z6 v8 gAxY1 GCf_8 OC.
Senior Member
 Posts: 508
Spent 10 days in Uganda, my first visit. The whole time I was with a contact from online who satisfied all my needs to the point that I didn't need to look at another woman. No money changed hands. Just paid for the meals and hotels. I did notice a few things out of the corner of my eye. Aura, on the street between Four Points Sheraton and Acacia Mall, is pretty active through the week. Even on a weeknight there were several doable girls obviously available. Given the location in Kololo it might be a little pricier than other parts of town. On weekend nights all the area bars become happy hunting grounds. Bubbles Irish Bar next to Aura was full of muzungu and local girl couples, with lots of girls left over hoping to find one of her own. Otter's Bar, below the airstrip, was not quite as full but had some looker freelancers. I like the life in Uganda and will probably go again.
Senior Member
 Posts: 343
 Originally Posted by Rwenotmen
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Good, because I'm also joining the Block-You Team.
I've gone and read some of your previous posts, in this forum and others, and I too am convinced you're just a Troll!
He's been posting and sending PMs with absurd questions since before 2019. He’s learned nothing.
Regular Member
 Posts: 3
Very good tips on how to avoid scams
I've been scammed too many times with sending transportation money beforehand thing but I still do it sometimes. Got to learn to convince myself not to send money to people when I'm horny, haha!
 Originally Posted by Incrociatore
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It is time for another report. This is my second time in Kampala. I was here for three weeks, two years ago. The situation is pretty the same, with the only difference that prices are slightly higher, in general, I would say for food especially. Also I noticed that the number of girls on Tinder multiplied.
For transport I use Faras, already mentioned by someone in the forum. Better prices than Uber or Safe boda. The app is simple and works well. Drivers usually wear a green helmet, and they need to submit their data to the company, which make them traceable. They do offer better prices than the random boda boda you get on the street, and you do not risk to get robbed.
Last time, after I spent a couple of days in Nakasero, where I rented an apartment, I moved to Bukoto, which is North West of Kampala. This time, instead, I am in Muyenga, near a quarry. I have a much better accommodation, with armed guards, the cleaners come 3 times a week, change my towels and bed sheets, wash dishes and clean everything properly. I paid 800 USD for the entire month, which is not much if you want a decent place to stay in Kampala. This same apartment goes on other website for 1300 GBP, but I was able to get it on a local website, from a local agent, who also asked me a 500 USD deposit, which I did not pay because he would have scammed me. Never send any money to these people, not even if they are genuine. Anyway, a friend of mine I'll talk about later, visited the place and made a video call so that I could see it. The agent asked her 50 k UGX. Initially I thought she was lying, but here in Uganda is common practise to pay for viewing, between 30 k and 50 k. Usually to see a number of apartment. The agent knew I was a muzungu, so he asked for 50 k. Fair enough. She paid with her own money, I paid her back when I got here. Overall I am very happy with the accommodation. I am very close to Ggabba road, which is where you can find refugees from Eritrea, Somalia and South Sudan, mostly.
A trip to Kampala Road, post office, the city center, costs me 5000/5500 UGX. When not mentioned I will always talk about UGX.
Now let's talk about pussy.
This one is a girl I met 2 years ago. I met her in the city center, asked her number. She got in contact only a week later. Came to my place in the afternoon, stayed for 3 hours. Took me an hour just to get her undressed. Since then she is in love. We have been chatting for 2 years, she never asked me a penny. She works as teacher in a private preschool in Kololo, and she lives with her auntie and uncle. The last one is a director of an international company and makes a lot of money, so she does not spend anything living with them. At the same time, the uncle is very protective and she cannot spend the night outside. Only thing she asked me, if I could bring her a perfume. I bought a cheap one in Dubai, for 15 GBP. She was happy. This is the girl who did the viewing of the place I am staying. She is a muganda. I have seen her 3 times. First time we did not fuck because she was having her period, so she made me a blowjob. Second time we fucked, third time we did not do anything, because I was about to see another girl. She left super horny. I'll see her next days. This is what you call a freebie. I don't give her anything, and she even pay for her own transport.
A bit chubby for my taste, good kisser, she loved my dick. Was keeping say "your dick, your dick" when we were having sex. Met on my second day, I did not repeat because not really my type, but great attitude. Paid her 60 k (transport inclusive) for the night. Not that unless specified I do not pay for dinner. The price I pay includes all I spend on the girl, with the exception of snacks and a drink at home.
Pretty girl with an amazing ass. Single mother. Met her twice. Paid her 60 k (transport inclusive) for the night. Unfortunately in the morning she was sick, so we only fucked once. I gave her a painkiller. Then she ruined my evening, because she was supposed to come and she did not. I gave her another chance. Good fuck till she came, then it was like to fuck a plastic doll. In the morning I decided not to go for a second. She got in contact yesterday, I told her I wasn't happy with the service and I would not have seen her again. She was not happy. She sent me a lot of texts. She needs the money. This made me understand that, even if they are pretty, they do not find clients so easily. She lives with her grand parents, and her kids live in a village with her parents.
I forgot the name
This was a mistake. I match with this girl on Tinder. She looks too big for me, but hot. Problem is, there is only one picture. Didn't make a video call, didn't send me other picture. She was really energetic and accommodating. We didn't speak money, and she wanted to see me straight away. I did not have anything planned for the night so I agreed. She was fat for my standards, and not as pretty as in the picture. But I though was a freebie, so I let it go. She drank the wine I had left, like two glasses. After a bit of chitchat, we kissed, but it was too professional in the way she did it. Then we moved to the bedroom. She had these big tits, but once naked, I noticed one was bigger than the other. As soon as she sit on the beds, she begs me for money. She asked me 100 k. I already paid the transport, I think it was 10 k. I told her I was going to give her 50 k. I should have not, I should have sent her away. My bad, I learned from the mistake. She starts a blowjob (very bad, like a professional who does not want to do it), and she spits on my cock, staining the white bed sheets. Bad change was in two days, and I was so pissed off by that. I put a condom on, I come as quickly as I can, and I send her away. She still ask for transport and I tell her to go because I was in a bad mood. Waste of money and time. Lesson learned: do not agree on meeting a girl who is too pushy or want to meet straight away. These are professionals, and usually bad professionals.
Forgot the name of this one as well
This was another flash meeting, flash because we met very quickly after a few chat on Tinder. This was before the previous girl. Good vibe, once again, girl looking nice, but too big for me. Not as big as the other one, just a bit overweight I would say. Nice face. Great kisser. She drank an entire bottle of wine, 11% of alcohol. In the end she was drunk. She came after dinner. After a lot of kissing and touching we moved in the bedroom and we fucked. She came 3 times in a row, squirting all over the bed. I had to wash everything the day after, and I made her sleep on the side that was wet. It was a lot of squirting. She was basically using my dick as a dildo, and was keeping coming. She does not come with penetration. She was clean, I even licked her pussy. Enjoyed the sex, but I didn't want to repeat cause not my type. I like petite, very slim girls. I paid 50 k for Uber. It was 38 k but the driver did not have the change so he sent her money on her mobile number. I did not enable that feature on my number. So, 50 k, plus a 30 k bottle of wine. 80 k in total. She wanted me to pay Uber on her way back, but I did not. I told her to take a boda, but she did not want too. She ended up paying her own Uber. She proposed me a threesome with a pretty friend (this before I told her I wasn't going to pay her Uber), but I was not interested either. Anyway, the sex was intense, and overall money well spent.
Honey honey
This one is my favorite, or my second favorite. She is 20 or 21. I saw her twice. First time agreed on 60 k transport included for the night. She stayed longer, the afternoon as well. She is tall, about 170 cm, long legs, very high ass, hard as a rock. An incredible ass to the touch. She does not kiss very well, and she is not well at blowjobs, but what a great fuck she is! Incredible. She takes it deep and hard, and she grasp, squeeze anything she can take with her hands, like a pillow or whatever. "Honey honey" is her nickname, because when we fuck she is so exited that she can only say honey honey and momy momy. Momy is when she is in pain, for example when I tried to fuck her ass. She takes ages to cum, and I had to fuck her for hours, literally. And she is always horny, and she does not let me go if she does not come. She is a very pretty girl, very childish. She was starving, she was having issues to swallow the food because sometimes she does not have money for food. On her way back she took a boda, but it was not the one she booked through Faras, so she was robbed of the money I gave her and the phone. Last weekend I spent with her almost 3 days. I gave her 180 k, so she could by a phone. I fed her, mostly food I cooked myself. She was feeling better. I brought her to the hospital, but it was too late. She went on Monday, and they gave her some drug because she had like an ulcer. I never really know when she is in need or she is lying, but the pain to the stomach was real, so I tried to help her as I could. She is now better. I will see her on Sunday because she was able to get a job as hairdresser outside Kampala, very far from here, where they give her accommodation. Very kind girl, breaks my heart sometimes.
Another girl I met 2 years ago. She works near City Mall, block S, second floor if I am not mistaken. She is a seamstress. Amazing body, pretty face. Last time before she asked me for an iPhone. Of course it did not happen. Then on my last days she asked me to take her for an horse riding. But since I was feeling the scam I dodged the bullet. I only paid her a dinner, last time, and this time as well, but in a cheap place, plus her transport home. I was not able to fuck her. She was just looking for money, but she is not willing to give you anything in return. Cold person, calculator. Met her inside the mall, where she works 2 years ago, I visited her this year. She is still there. Time wasted.
Another freebie. We matched on Tinder the other day. Then she told me on WhatsApp if I was ok to have a call later. She works as waitress. She went home, then she video called me. We had a lot of fun, there was some jerking off involved. Yesterday night my planned date told me she was not feeling well. I could not find a replacement, because I was home very late. So I texted Shakira, and after a long chat, I convinced her to come over. She did not want too, she was not well. Turned out it was the first day of her period, and in addition she had a cold. She came over. Very pretty slim girl, well groomed. Great, amazing chemistry. Super deep and intense french kisses. We could not fuck, but she jerked me off. Had an amazing night. Paid 5 k for her transport, but that just because the driver didn't have the change. She didn't want me to pay. She paid the boda on her way back, even if I offered to pay. I will see her again soon. So far my favorite with honey honey.
The other day I was in Nakasero. There was this very pretty, super tall South Sudanese girl. I asked her number, and she said no. Same story with two Eritrean girls. Another one gave me her number, but she didn't answer my texts. There are some very pretty Eritrean girls. They are so much better than Ugandan girls. I was in a place with other bazungu yesterday, and there was this Eritrean girl with these amazing tits. OMG. So pretty! But I could not make a move in front of these people. Anyway, Ggaba road if you want to see these girls, that is where you can find them.
Just a note on Tinder. Move immediately the conversation to WhatsApp. I had to verify myself twice and my profile was like ghosted. Tinder gold is absolutely unnecessary, do not waste your money. Be straightforward in your bio. Tell that you are looking for fun and hookups. Even girls who look long term will match you, but you would not waste time filtering the ones who really consider only long term. Some girls are clearly professional. I try to avoid them. Never pay for transport in advance, never send any mobile money. Some girls are after this, they try to lure you into paying 10 k. They do this with many bazungu. If you do not pay, eventually they disappear. I always say that I am willing to pay the transport in cash, when the girl gets here. If they genuinely want to meet, they will accept that, otherwise they are just looking to scam you.
It is all for now, I will send another update in a few days.
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