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Thread: Uganda

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  1. #2285

    Spouting nonsence again

    Quote Originally Posted by JonesLover  [View Original Post]
    Why Fort Portal? In Fort Portal and near this city there are Pygmies.
    Why do you make statements that are often totally irrelevant and / or incorrect.

    Fort Portal is home of the Tooro Tribe, the Batooro women are considered amongst the most attractive in Uganda. The Pygmy tribe, the Batwa are near the Semuliki National Park which is 75 miles from Fort Portal, they only number around 6,000, the Population of Fort Portal is 135,702. In the 2024 census.

    I notice you post in various forums on various continents, often contradicting yourself, but as far as I can see have never posted a Field Report of any of your claimed trips.

    Like many others I will now block you as a troll and time waster.

  2. #2284
    Quote Originally Posted by Amha  [View Original Post]
    How did you approach the room maids? I have seen quite a few good lookers where I usually put up but they seem unapproachable.
    Many work 6/7 or 7/7 So they have little time for going out. If you have already taken other girls to the hotel it is not a good point to start with a private girl. Only very occasionally I scored with roommaids when they locked the door for a quick BJ. And last but not least they risk their job.

  3. #2283
    Quote Originally Posted by SoiThree  [View Original Post]
    I still have UGX so will book a ticket eventually. Fort Portal on my list..
    Why Fort Portal? In Fort Portal and near this city there are Pygmies.

  4. #2282

    Kampala etc

    Well I'm not a troll.

    Invisited. Kampala stinks and is unhealthy. Girls are ok but I prefer Asian puss.

    Might return, but for sex Asia 100%.

    Now in Budapest for some kinky stuff. BDSM, wrestling, pornstars.

    I van afford it but bought kamagra, 60 yo now.

    I still have UGX so will book a ticket eventually. Fort Portal on my list.

    Grtz guys.

  5. #2281


    Quote Originally Posted by Pokeris  [View Original Post]
    He is doing it for year and years. He just asking the same questions everywhere. Even he text you private to ask same nonsense. Don't waste your time on him guys!
    Don't feed the troll. I ignored him years ago. See post above. He's clueless.


  6. #2280
    Quote Originally Posted by JonesLover  [View Original Post]
    Hello friends, why the Cameroon forum is almost dead and the Uganda one is very active?

    Yet both have no tourist attractions that distinguish them.

    I'm curious about it.
    You need to research more. Uganda has a lot of tourist attractions especially gorilla treks (which is more inexpensive than Rwanda and safer than DR Congo) and Lake Victoria (largest lack in Africa). Uganda has a decent tourism industry while Cameroon does not. More importantly Uganda like many East African countries have a booming "mongering" scene. No offense but you late.

  7. #2279
    Hello friends, why the Cameroon forum is almost dead and the Uganda one is very active?

    Yet both have no tourist attractions that distinguish them.

    I'm curious about it.

  8. #2278
    Quote Originally Posted by Tottem  [View Original Post]
    I advise other members of this forum to check this guys posts before you waste time responding like I do now, unfortunately someone has to do it as he is still delusional. He asks advice about all destination but never goes anywhere. My advice is stop day dreaming and actually do something instead. Especially check his posts about the Philippines, they are pathetic.
    Indeed the only way is to put fake posters on one's ignore list. On some threads I would sometimes have the whole page filled with ignored users. This is because fake posters like to reply to one another (or to themselves, as the case may be).

  9. #2277


    Quote Originally Posted by Tottem  [View Original Post]
    I advise other members of this forum to check this guys posts before you waste time responding like I do now, unfortunately someone has to do it as he is still delusional. He asks advice about all destination but never goes anywhere. My advice is stop day dreaming and actually do something instead. Especially check his posts about the Philippines, they are pathetic.
    He is doing it for year and years. He just asking the same questions everywhere. Even he text you private to ask same nonsense. Don't waste your time on him guys!

  10. #2276
    Quote Originally Posted by MysteryOcean  [View Original Post]
    Whats up with Ugandan women on Afro introduction? Each and every one reply with same shit: I am looking for a serious relationship that leads to a marriage. Keep complaining about nobody is serious.

    Like of course who the fuck is going to be serious about you? Apart from a washed up pussy, you bring nothing else to the table. May be some white simp somewhere came and married a Ugandan girls and now all live in a fantasy that some white sucker will come and immediately marry them and take them away.

    Now am I wrong or there are really those simps who marry these girls?

    Sorry rant over.
    Don't blame them, its enough one of their friends find a white man and go out from the misery to start to dream a better life for them. I understand your point of view anyway.

  11. #2275

    Did you you anywhere?

    Quote Originally Posted by JonesLover  [View Original Post]

    I'm European. I know Kamapala because I have been there several times 10 years ago. I liked Kampala because the girls were quite beautiful, sweet and submissive. I booked an apartment near Acacia mall and was looking for a nice girl via social networks and stayed with her 10 days. I always get a wonderful GF experience. They enjoyed being with me. We cooked together, watched TV, laughed, etc. I have never gone to the bar to look for them. They were always regular and beautiful girls. I was quite old that time, but now I am even older, although good looking and youthful. My hair is not white. Jajaaja After about 10 years I would like to return to Kampala again and have the same experience as that time. I don't like pro, I like regular girls. In your opinion is it possible to do this? Or as I've gotten older, girls don't want me anymore? What is your opinion? If I want to give some money to a girl who stays with me full time for 10 days, how much can I give to a nice regular girl? If you want you can send me a PM, but I need information please. Thank you.
    I advise other members of this forum to check this guys posts before you waste time responding like I do now, unfortunately someone has to do it as he is still delusional. He asks advice about all destination but never goes anywhere. My advice is stop day dreaming and actually do something instead. Especially check his posts about the Philippines, they are pathetic.

  12. #2274

    Kampala: is it easy to get a nice GF experience after 10 years?


    I'm European. I know Kamapala because I have been there several times 10 years ago. I liked Kampala because the girls were quite beautiful, sweet and submissive. I booked an apartment near Acacia mall and was looking for a nice girl via social networks and stayed with her 10 days. I always get a wonderful GF experience. They enjoyed being with me. We cooked together, watched TV, laughed, etc. I have never gone to the bar to look for them. They were always regular and beautiful girls. I was quite old that time, but now I am even older, although good looking and youthful. My hair is not white. Jajaaja After about 10 years I would like to return to Kampala again and have the same experience as that time. I don't like pro, I like regular girls. In your opinion is it possible to do this? Or as I've gotten older, girls don't want me anymore? What is your opinion? If I want to give some money to a girl who stays with me full time for 10 days, how much can I give to a nice regular girl? If you want you can send me a PM, but I need information please. Thank you.

  13. #2273
    Quote Originally Posted by LucaDali  [View Original Post]
    Soon I'll go to kampala, can you please tell me something about new best hotel?
    If you want to see a bit of them, they are on Tiktok.

  14. #2272
    Well I was there, Stayed in Entebbe for a few days, met a Congolese girl at Rider's Lounge, had a few drinks with her, she gave me a few contacts. Cheap and good. Went to a massage places on Berkeley road, nothing special. Walked a lot there, I remember meeting a nice looking girl at momo's bar who went to my appt with me.

    In Kampala I had a few good nights, The bar that used to be the Irish pub is now called Jam I suppose. A bit upscale, had my beers there, met a few girls there who took me to more good places. Girls were polite and nice.

    One night a bit too drunk took a Rwandese beauty to my airbnb, she stole a bit of my money and took off, own fault, not more than 100 euro though. I try to be careful but too many beers that night.

    All in all I had a good time in Uganda, still, for easy sex nothing beats Thailand, Pattaya where I live.

    I also did a safari, good price, did this with Red Chilli (Murchison falls). Good price and great experience.

    I might return to see some more, stay a bit longer, was there for just 18 days.

    I was at New best hotel BTW, didn't like it too much (check them out on Tiktok haha), and really disliked capital pub.

    I also visited some bars that are not so well known, was one close to my airbnb on Mwamba road with some nice girls.

    A place liked as well was Que Pasa near Acacia mall, got to know a South African guy who worked there, had his own driver and knew Kampala very well.

    Yes this was a nice trip.

  15. #2271
    Quote Originally Posted by Amadeuss  [View Original Post]
    What I "should" pay is up to me and depends entirely on the situation. In Uganda you can find all varieties:

    I did give roommaids 20 k for a quickie and they wanted to come back next day.

    I rewarded an 18 year student, slim and pristine after a night of pleasure with 50 k but ordered her an Uber halfway back to Entebbe for 60 k. As her lecture did start at 9:00 morning and I didn't want to miss our morning fuck.

    I did pay 40 k in the NewBest Hotel for room and fuck with a squirter, wetting the tiles that I almost slipped.

    A Java-Cafe pick up lady was curious how a white dick is tasting. She came to my hotel by her own car. Money was not what she wanted and 60 k would be an insult to her.

    Its the same if you go out for dinner: One day fast food for 4. -$ and at another day you order an aged steak for 40. - Both worth the money spent.
    Soon I'll go to kampala, can you please tell me something about new best hotel?

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