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Thread: Madagascar

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  1. #6089
    Quote Originally Posted by SexGuy2799  [View Original Post]
    Visiting Tana next week, looking to get some good young ones. Anyone around wanting to meet and have fun together please message.

    Any recommendations / contacts that I can call to come to my hotel are welcome! Thanks.
    It seems that you're only asking on this forum, for every country you visit, and never report.

  2. #6088

    Visiting Tana

    Visiting Tana next week, looking to get some good young ones. Anyone around wanting to meet and have fun together please message.

    Any recommendations / contacts that I can call to come to my hotel are welcome! Thanks.

  3. #6087
    Quote Originally Posted by Tartuffe  [View Original Post]
    I have a visit arranged for 10 days in Ambataloaka in June. Although I have travelled widely, it will be my first time there and I am looking for any advice or tips about the place and its nightlife? I am an older guy but I speak French fluently. I have watched a few vlogs about the place and it seems that Taxi Be is the place to go, but I see many girls just standing outside. Do they approach you or should I talk to them if interested? Are most of the ladies in groups inside 'available' or just out with friends? Do most expect to stay all night or is shortime more normal? Could you give me an idea of the fee that they might expect? I really prefer very slim ladies.

    What about daytime activity? There seem to be legitimate massages on the beach but do these ladies come back to the hotel and offer more? Are there any fun bars in Hellville or Darsalam?

    Any info regarding good restaurants or pick up places as well as places to avoid would be a great help to me.
    Most is already written here, if you take your time and read through.

    Suggest you do a morning walk, starting from the south end at Hotel CocoPlage. Stroll along the whole main road with open eyes, stop then at the restaurant "Chez Bidule". Its a 40 minutes walk. The place is full from 9 am having a petit dejeuner until late with your countrymen living there. From them you get all actual info to make your stay worth.

    Don't forget: most of the tips here on ISG are written by tourists not speaking french. You got an advantage over them!

  4. #6086


    At this point someone (in this case me) will tell you to read the bloody forum. Every question you asked is answered somewhere in there.

    Just cause I feel amiable today:

    Almost every chick inside and outside Taxi be is available. Many will approach you, lots will let you make the first move. The worst you can get is a no, but most of the time it will be yes.

    LT or ST is up to you. Many girls will expect that you want them to stay, particularly if it is late at night. Beware that a few will be hesitant to leave the next day hoping that they have found a one week sugar daddy. Don't be afraid to politely turf them out if this is not what you want.

    Fee is typically 30-50 K ST and 50-60 LT. Be aware that some of the best looking girls are now starting to ask for 2-4 times that so it is advisable to avoid the drama of your ho demanding more money in the middle of the night or the next morning. Get a price before you head to the room. That said the girls don't have much of a leg to stand on. No one wants the cops involved and the girls do not want the cops or hotel managers or reception to single them out as trouble makers.

    You are in luck if you prefer slim girls. Probably the most common type in Mada, slim with small tits, they are everywhere.

    Finally, have not been for 2 years so maybe others with more recent experience will chime in. Leave a report if you go.

  5. #6085

    Ambataloaka 1st time visitor

    I have a visit arranged for 10 days in Ambataloaka in June. Although I have travelled widely, it will be my first time there and I am looking for any advice or tips about the place and its nightlife? I am an older guy but I speak French fluently. I have watched a few vlogs about the place and it seems that Taxi Be is the place to go, but I see many girls just standing outside. Do they approach you or should I talk to them if interested? Are most of the ladies in groups inside 'available' or just out with friends? Do most expect to stay all night or is shortime more normal? Could you give me an idea of the fee that they might expect? I really prefer very slim ladies.

    What about daytime activity? There seem to be legitimate massages on the beach but do these ladies come back to the hotel and offer more? Are there any fun bars in Hellville or Darsalam?

    Any info regarding good restaurants or pick up places as well as places to avoid would be a great help to me.

  6. #6084

    Winds of change

    Quote Originally Posted by SouthEaster  [View Original Post]
    They exist but are not really necessary and in my experience most foreigners don't bother. There are plenty of places and situations that present themselves when looking for pussy. Just read back about a hundred posts! As for creampie, bareback is standard in Mada although I am hearing (unfortunate) rumblings lately of girls asking for condoms. It is far from standard. Recently I saw 2 posts about it, one guy claiming you need to offer an extra 20 K and the other guy talking about negotiating up front. Sounds like BS to me. I have never paid extra and never discussed it. I have had a total of maybe 4 girls bring it up and only one insisted. A nice BJ and out the door solved that one. Have fun and report back.
    Most of the Massage Parcours I knew in Tana did not survive COVID. There's no market. Except for real massage. I'd say fly to Addis if you want "massage parlors" The younger girls all know what STDs are and HIV and how to protect themselves. Thanks to the wife of the president. That is a new generation. The 20 y old now is more adept and better educated than 10 years ago. Surcharge for BB? I never heard about that BS. Might be that some dumb mongers ask for BB. AND girls are not stupid here. They know what's going on. Some already were hooking in Dubai on Tourist Visas. But Madagascar is not an island anymore. Broadband Internet and cheap smart phones also make inroads. Not in La Brousse but times are changing for sure in Tana. But the broad masses living in La Brousse. Not much change there.

    Other than that. The whole city 3 million of Antananarivo has NO piped in drinking water since 6 months. Typhoid and Cholera are everywhere. Ask me. I came down with Typhoid fièvre. No fun.

    La Buse.

  7. #6083


    They exist but are not really necessary and in my experience most foreigners don't bother. There are plenty of places and situations that present themselves when looking for pussy. Just read back about a hundred posts! As for creampie, bareback is standard in Mada although I am hearing (unfortunate) rumblings lately of girls asking for condoms. It is far from standard. Recently I saw 2 posts about it, one guy claiming you need to offer an extra 20 K and the other guy talking about negotiating up front. Sounds like BS to me. I have never paid extra and never discussed it. I have had a total of maybe 4 girls bring it up and only one insisted. A nice BJ and out the door solved that one. Have fun and report back.

  8. #6082

    Massage parlors in Tana and nosy Be


    I'm planning on visiting Tana and Nosy be in June.

    Do you have any recommendations of massage salons that would offer a wide array of spinner girls (I like them slim, 18-25 yo), even better if you're able to call and have them come to your airbnb. And their prices??

    And. Be: ooh I forgot, since I only creampie, only recommendations from places ok with the practice: no condom attitude.

    Feel free to pm too if you have some good contacts.

  9. #6081

    Near toliara

    If you go to Toliara, check my recent report:

    Go to Anakao, chez Peter Pan.

  10. #6080

    Ifaty / Mangily

    Quote Originally Posted by VavyLover  [View Original Post]
    Hey all. Wondering if anyone has recent experience in Ifaty?

    I frequented Toliara some 15+ years ago, still my favorite spot in Madagascar, and at that time the road to Ifaty was basically like a dried up river bed. Took 2-4 hrs to get there from Toliara if I recall, in a 4 x4. At that time Ifaty was kind of like a beautiful outpost, lots of gorgeous beaches, and I stayed in a bungalow on the beach, at the Bamboo Club, I don't think there was any surveliance or checking of comings and goings, and the scene in general was very mellow. Bar with dancing (hardly a discoteque) was open only on the weekends, maybe just Fri and Sat. Plenty of girls on the weekend, but also during the weeks, often walking the beach.

    The road has been paved since (maybe 5 years ago). I have never been on it, but I now understand it takes only 20 min to get there and you can hire a standard taxi from Toliara and go back and forth in a day or just for the evening / night. I wonder how the scene has changed. Any comments out there on the current accomodations and girl availability?.
    I was in Ifaty / Mangily in October 2023.

    Please see also my repots - 10-29-23.

    Cheers DV.

  11. #6079


    Hey all. Wondering if anyone has recent experience in Ifaty?

    I frequented Toliara some 15+ years ago, still my favorite spot in Madagascar, and at that time the road to Ifaty was basically like a dried up river bed. Took 2-4 hrs to get there from Toliara if I recall, in a 4 x4. At that time Ifaty was kind of like a beautiful outpost, lots of gorgeous beaches, and I stayed in a bungalow on the beach, at the Bamboo Club, I don't think there was any surveliance or checking of comings and goings, and the scene in general was very mellow. Bar with dancing (hardly a discoteque) was open only on the weekends, maybe just Fri and Sat. Plenty of girls on the weekend, but also during the weeks, often walking the beach.

    The road has been paved since (maybe 5 years ago). I have never been on it, but I now understand it takes only 20 min to get there and you can hire a standard taxi from Toliara and go back and forth in a day or just for the evening / night. I wonder how the scene has changed. Any comments out there on the current accomodations and girl availability?


  12. #6078


    Very nice report. Short rides with the bus I. E. 1-2 stations can be 400. They can also be more if zone suburbaine or bus class. 800/1 k or 1.5 k respectively.

    The price of 'passage' / ST for the low class streetwalkers is not 40 k but rather 7-10 max 15 k plus room 2-5 k. Also including BBFS but negotiated before or you ask for drama.

  13. #6077

    Tana report

    First time in Tana, didn't believe my eyes!

    These fair haired beauties weren't at all what I expected! Also everyone is so polite, is that French influence? Not sure if I should head to India next or another French speaking African country. Brazzaville and Yaoundé are high on my list. Of course the 3 month visa couldn't be extended at Immigration HQ.

    Glacier, Taxi Be, Manson and L'avenue de l'Indépendance is where it's all happening. No working girls at Irish Pub or Red Club next door as far as I could tell.

    Pay 40-100 k depending on how good she looks, add 20 k for raw. Same price for all these locations. Pay 20 k extra for Tinder girls.

    Got 50 matches on Badoo but nothing ended up being genuine, just lot's of chat. Tinder is fine but these were my worst experiences. If you say Kampala, Lusaka or Nairobi, I say Tinder! If you say Tana I say head out to a bar.

    Medicine are cheap just avoid city center pharmacies, they sell expensive brands. Antibiotics and MA pills (Pregnon 5800 MGA) go under 6 k if you look around.

    Just 600 MGA for the minibus? Plan with or you'll be helpless. Taxi at Glacier starts at 10 k, at Taxi Be you pay 15 k.

    Maybe the power downs are not so amazing.

    Bonne chance!

  14. #6076

    Massage and brothels

    I'm looking for massage and brothels in town. Asking taxis and motos goes very difficult, talked to 5 in city center but weren't even able to point me out to the ones I already knew. Best to head to les quartiers first and ask there but yeah beaucoup the'efforts.

    Massage places that act as brothels:

    Soft Hands Massage. Near Manson, alley before Belvedere Hotel. Isoraka.

    4 Charm Spa & Massage / Charm' Spa. Same alley as Flora Hotel. Ivato, near the airport.

    Massage starts with the minimum hour price of the room 30-40 k. Add for the girl depending on your wishes and how pretty she is 40-100 k.

    Some local brothels open during the day, wouldn't really walk in myself but was tempted sometimes:

    Across the street from Sole Hotel in City Center.

    Down the street near Mada Hotel in 67 HA.

    On the north end of Rue Razafindrokoto Eloi just before the roundabout where Paositra Malagasy is.

    These local brothels probably start at 40.000 MGA.

    Old reports say more then 7 massage places around Manson and Lalana Russie but it's just Soft Hands right now.

    I don't see any brothel near Gare Soarano, this shouldn't be hard to spot after dark, nothing there. Independence girls can be very pretty though, good experiences with all of them.

    Several massage places I walked into were genuine massage places.

    If you know something please let me know!

  15. #6075

    Hotels of my choice

    Antsirabe: Hotel Diamant for 50 K with large rooms, the Nightclub and the area has got something to it. But its out, it is no attraction anymore, only for the sake of its former glory.

    The place to be is Hotel du Terme were Kings resided, nice park and pool 80 K. Louis 15,60 K All you need to know about the Antsirabe will tell you the nice French owner.

    Tamatave: Hotel Veranda for 135 K my favorite! Top kitchen, clean rooms, quiet location, mayor attractions in close distance. Joffre out.

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