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Thread: Madagascar

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  1. #5868


    Quote Originally Posted by SouthEaster  [View Original Post]
    You really should quit while you are behind. You do not have a fucking clue and you prove it every time you post.
    I also tried to teach him the best practices in Mada via MP, but after few messages, I just quited and stopped. Words are useless with him.

    Let Life teach him the hard way. One night, after a 'high end' puta** trio, he will be drugged, he will wake up with a World Cola bottle in his ass, and be stolen everything.

    That's the day of his life when he will become suddenly wiser than the day before. And hopefully never come back here.

  2. #5867


    You really should quit while you are behind. You do not have a fucking clue and you prove it every time you post.

  3. #5866

    I am +- from there. No!! It is not.

    Quote Originally Posted by BionicMan  [View Original Post]
    It's typical writing style of a Central Europe language this ending with exclamation point. Indeed it is annoying as it transmits the feeling of an overimposing way of talking or addressing to people.
    The excessive use of it related to other things.

  4. #5865

    General awareness?

    Quote Originally Posted by GeoExplorer  [View Original Post]
    Why vasectomy? Do the women get pregnant with the intention of going after the man? Can they do it?
    Some dudes do not give a shit about it or are just plain to stupid to think about it. But again each his own.

    Be reminded, the HIV epidemic has reached Mada years ago. Some outdated numbers do mean nothing. Officials do start campaigns in Mada to create a awareness too.

    I did witness, followed a case were a guy impregnated a massage girl and the following year she made a claim on him. First he had to pay child support, wich is aktual a clan support. She refused to let the child be taken to Europe but agreed to the father after he continued to pay " clan support " . The child lives now in Europe. No, I do not think that is a common practice in Mada.

    I do simply not support the Theorie of other members that a additional child is not problem to the mother, even received from a vahaza makes it worse in my point of view. No that's is not a easy accepted circumstance by the clan in Mada it therefore is rather big problem. Take also notice that the ethnic Groups still exist and still not mingle.

    An last, who wants to think about his own blood might be running around in poorest conditions in Mada? Just a dam XXXX. Each his own.

  5. #5864
    No I don't use nothing. But when you fuck high sexy ladies who are 20, you just want to fuck them all night and creampie them! Nowadays, most of the men who stay like me in Hotel 4* want fuck bareback. The girls are totally aware of this, and they take advantage of it to increase prices!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tinte  [View Original Post]
    From my side there is just two points to be considered. First, I hope you had your Vasectomy and second I guess your are on Prep.

  6. #5863
    Quote Originally Posted by Tinte  [View Original Post]
    From my side there is just two points to be considered. First, I hope you had your Vasectomy and second I guess your are on Prep.
    Why vasectomy? Do the women get pregnant with the intention of going after the man? Can they do it?

  7. #5862

    Hi gilolo

    From my side there is just two points to be considered. First, I hope you had your Vasectomy and second I guess your are on Prep.

  8. #5861

    Lesson for naive!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilolo  [View Original Post]
    Waouhhh! So many comments! And I feel people are angry I pay so much! Well I'm not Quasimodo like you wrote! I'm nice boy, good-looking, slim, I'm 40 and girls love me a lo!
    If girls love you a lot they go with you for 20000-30000 k ariary short time and 40000-50000 k ariary all night at small towns like sambava, antalaha or ambilobe and you can add like 10000_20000 ariary more on the top for bigger towns. Your biggest mistake the girls smell you are newbie and don't have any clue that you was doing. Smart guys never ask how much the girl want in africa if he don't want get silly price from girl he just give right amount himself (prices mentioned above) in the morning or if you are less expierenced and fear to have drama from a girl and going for hard pros (like (ally ah facebook) at tana or another ones at nosybe just offer your price before but never ask how much she want!! You are not smart to pay all this amount even you has been told the going rates before. I guess all this girls you pay crazy amount is laughing on you now in their mind and brag their friends how all they hit jackpot first time in their life with you! I even don't get suprise if you sending money for them now without reason just want to be nice guy!! As we never heard on this subforum someone can be some naive like you. Some not smart guys overpay 2-3 times (its already bad) but I never heard someone manage overpay 10-15 times more for a girl (till now) .

  9. #5860
    Quote Originally Posted by SouthEaster  [View Original Post]
    Two things. You do not need to end every sentence with an exclamation point. You are a grossly overpaying moron. Please stick to Pattaya.
    It's typical writing style of a Central Europe language this ending with exclamation point. Indeed it is annoying as it transmits the feeling of an overimposing way of talking or addressing to people.

  10. #5859
    Quote Originally Posted by Amadeuss  [View Original Post]
    Depends on what you want to see. For the national parks in the northern area like the Amber Mountain park you need to hire a 4 x4 for a few days and it will cost you easy 200 EU plus.

    If you are in internet dating, then start searching Ambilobe. This village is half way to Diego at the junction to Vohemar and got an ample supply of girls looking for vahazas. There is a nice hotel, the Kozobe. 2 or 3 days can be fun. If you have more time, take from there a taxi brousse to Vohemar on the new road: wild long east coast beach and also lonley girls, bored to get fucked by the locals for no reward. However, French language is a must plus some words in Malgache will open their pussies.
    Thanks gentlemen,

    Diego Suarez sounds more interesting to hang out and actually was thinking of going there but the airfares are like 250 euro each way. Are they cheaper if bought in Madagascar?

    As to Ambilobe are there bars? Other things to do other than stay in a room with girls? For that I can just stay in Nosy Be where there is no chance of running out of new girls to fuck?

    What about Hellville? Is it worth going there at night? All my nosy be fucks advised me against it, but I knew they were just trying to stop me from meeting new girls to replace them.

    Thanks in advance for any further tips.

  11. #5858
    Waouhhh! So many comments! And I feel people are angry I pay so much! Well I'm not Quasimodo like you wrote! I'm nice boy, good-looking, slim, I'm 40 and girls love me a lot! When I see the situation in Madagascar, I was in Tana, Nosy Be, Ambilobe, Diego, Sambava and Antalah, I used the taxi-brousse and planes and I can see people are so poor! So I'm glad to make girls happy with my money. Anyway for us europeans, to pay a girl 200 000 AR or even 400 000 AR, it's nothing! And seriousely, if you want high class and sexy girls, who are between 18 to 25 max, they don't go with you for 50 000 AR. Most of the girls go with 200 000 AR. And if a girl is nice and ask 300 000 AR it's not so much, and I'm glad to make her happy!

    And I can say, that when you're nice and generous with the girls, they love to stay with you and they don't use you.

    Most of the girls, I found them on Facebook! It's very easy, some french sponsors who are totally in love of their girls, want to show everybody who is their girlfriend / Wife and they post so many pictures of their girlfriend, so I love to contact their girlfriend directly, and they always answer me to meet me! In 3 weeks I fucked without condom 11 girls. Girls don't use condom in this country, and they really love to fuck and of course get money!

    But for the men on this website who say they fuck girls in LE Glacier or even Taxi-Be in Tana, I totally believe them when they say they fuck for 10 euros all night! But I was everyday in LE Glacier or Taxi-Be to check the girls, and sorry but girls are so ugly there! If you want sexy girls, better to find them on facebook, or even in the streets or in the hotels directly when they leave their customers! I did that twice, waiting girls leave their customer when I was in Radisson Hotel in Tana, and they came my room directly!

    Quote Originally Posted by Amadeuss  [View Original Post]
    Please stay in Pattaya and never set foot on Mada again. Or change attitude and approach. Because in your looks you must be Quasimodo, wearing singlets and sandals with white socks, using translator to communicate with them so that the girls did asks for that ridicolous amounts to fuck you. Then I really can understand the asked prices. As a girl I would do the same!

  12. #5857
    Quote Originally Posted by SmitHandy275  [View Original Post]
    For this money I can fuck any good looking escort in London UK, well maybe not all night and with condom but still don't understand your excitement. Nothing in your report is useful just palm face all over.
    Cause the Madagascar girls are hot. They have a unique look. I've been there once but didn't do mongering. I want to go back for a mongering trip until the novelty wears off.

    There was a hot bartender at my hotel showing cleavage. I wanted to make a proposition but didn't know if it would be wildly inappropriate LOL. I didn't know about the clubs. Hopefully I can go to clubs on Tana and find some good looking Malagasy girls.

  13. #5856
    Quote Originally Posted by Amadeuss  [View Original Post]
    To insist that speaking French in Mada is no longer necessary (after one short trip) is simply wrong!
    Don't worry; in September, I'm going there for two months straight! It will be nice to prove you all wrong again. My goal is not to pay for any sex. I'll be staying in basic hotels, nothing fancy. So, as you can see, any "glacier type" girl is not an option for me and I'm not an option for her.

  14. #5855

    Why do you folks are getting so upset?

    Likely, that's all not true or are you jealous of the big cash he spendend?

    Anyway, as for me Mada will become better and better.

  15. #5854
    Quote Originally Posted by SmitHandy275  [View Original Post]
    However, I believe that some of you may have fallen behind on the latest advancements in technology and internet applications. When I arrived in Madagascar, I only spoke five words of French, but that was enough for me to get by and meet many girls. With new applications, you can effortlessly chat with people using instant translation. .
    Don't feed that troll. Translation Apps are doing their job. But to talk to people with an App you will just find the fallen apples. The sweet ones without worms inside are high on the tree and your app won't be able to climb up there.

    Yes, short time bitches can be got to your room. But after one hour, the girl will feel bored to entertain a robot and not a human being. For some simple minded guys it may be good enough.

    I look forward soon again on wine and dine with young ladies of style at La Varangue, plaisanter les uns avec les autres, la faisant se sentir à l'aise et mouillée, attendant ma langue pour lécher la chatte. Ohhh. You will say that your machine can translate it. Right. But menawhile I already gave her an orgasm -- go figure beauf.

    To insist that speaking French in Mada is no longer necessary (after one short trip) is simply wrong!

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