Thread: Dhaka
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Today 07:10 #4520
Posts: 3Pretty Much the Same
One thing is that don't go in those absolute Cheap Motels where they provide girls. I haven't seen any Spas getting raided but I've seen those cheap motels get raided by student mobs. If you are in a decent hotel and calling up independent birds to your hotel, it is just as safe as before. As far as Adil's place, I'm not sure. I have not visited his but from what I heard, he takes security pretty seriously, so he'll be able to tell you better if you ask him. Pro tip: if you ever get raided by students, throw out any condoms or any sex items you have if you can and under no circumstances admit of what you're doing. Just tell them you are here to get a massage, and absolutely nothing else. If they can't get an admission out of you, it is likely that you can talk your way out. Worse case scenario, they will summon a few army members and from what I've seen, they will be more reasonable once you tell them you are only here to get a massage. I haven't seen or heard Islamists are raiding places yet but they might be soon. Good Luck!
Originally Posted by KaluBaba23 [View Original Post]
09-09-24 18:13 #4519
Posts: 15Hobbying In Current Situation.
Hey hey Everyone!!
Have a trip planned in a month to DHK. How is hobbying like these days.
Hearing chatter re islamist groups banning all spas and bars?
I had a blast last winter in Dhaka!! Is it safe to visit Adil's playground? Since Police is out of the scene and mobs ruling the street. How safe is it these to hobby in Dhk?
08-28-24 12:36 #4518
Posts: 22Found him!
Originally Posted by KodomTuli [View Original Post]
08-20-24 04:28 #4517
Posts: 22Babu and Ondrila Islam
Originally Posted by Shojib20 [View Original Post]
08-01-24 10:11 #4516
Posts: 18Tanzila Nur
Tanzila Nur, She is pretty active on social media. Anyone took service from her? Any info shall be appreciated. Thanks.
07-16-24 19:55 #4515
Posts: 8Originally Posted by Rajshekhar1 [View Original Post]
07-14-24 19:50 #4514
Posts: 188Originally Posted by Rajshekhar1 [View Original Post]
07-14-24 12:56 #4513
Posts: 69Babu is doing scam nowadays
Originally Posted by KodomTuli [View Original Post]
07-14-24 12:04 #4512
Posts: 36Originally Posted by NaughtyKid86 [View Original Post]
07-13-24 06:14 #4511
Posts: 8Originally Posted by Rajshekhar1 [View Original Post]
07-12-24 01:33 #4510
Posts: 36Clear your inbox
Elpapi: I am not able to reply to your messages on DM. Your inbox is full.
07-10-24 17:38 #4509
Posts: 36Spa Experience
As I am new to this scene, I did some searching and came across this spa in Gulshan 2 area. (Not sure if this place and girl is already discussed in this forum).
Called up the number and it was very close to where I was put up.
It's not a very fancy place. Line up was young and decent. Selected a girl named Akhi. No rush no watching time. Gave a good massage and was open to DFK, BBJ, DATY, she wasn't comfortable with fingering and anal. Overall Good GFE experience.
Happy to share the details if anyone is interested.
07-09-24 17:05 #4508
Posts: 36Happy Mongering
Originally Posted by LoveItHere69 [View Original Post]
Thank you for at least replying to my post. How else do a new person ask for help?
Most of my posts are 'help me' because I am new to the scene and I genuinely need help. You can surely find my post from Hyderabad where I have shared my first experience as well. I believe you have very conveniently missed seeing that post. If you want me to make up stories just for the sake of posting. Happy to do so.
Anyways, your wish if you are not comfortable in sharing the details. All the best!
07-09-24 07:35 #4507
Posts: 617Originally Posted by Rajshekhar1 [View Original Post]
07-09-24 01:29 #4506
Posts: 36Originally Posted by Rajshekhar1 [View Original Post]
Anyone willing to help here? The whole point of purchasing a subscription was to ensure exchange of quality and trusted leads for safe mongering.
I see people are active on this thread. It will be really helpful if anyone can share their trusted contacts so a newbie like be doesn't fall into a trap or doesn't get cheated.
Thank you in advance!