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Today 12:43 #13005
Posts: 2590Originally Posted by JohnnyRocket [View Original Post]
However, we are running out of topic.
Today 02:50 #13004
Posts: 540Originally Posted by BlackPage [View Original Post]
However, when I travel on business, as I soon will, I maximize pooning time and fuck as many willing women as I can. In our hobby there is a risk of contracting these relatively minor STIs. And I want to have a stock on hand in case this happens to me. As it has before, twice.
Waiting until it happens means a visit to a doctor, probably back in my own country, and potentially a question from a regular back home re why I am avoiding her. I'd rather be prepared to take immediate action.
Some countries' public health systems are starting to recommend PrEP with doxycycline for this, in the same way that HIV drugs are given for PrEP to high-risk individuals.
02-04-25 13:39 #13003
Posts: 2590Originally Posted by WonderBoyz [View Original Post]
02-04-25 01:09 #13002
Posts: 17Hours for the JLM and King Hin Building?
Will be visiting HK in early March for business. Unsure exactly when I'll have free time to pursue the hobby, but it will likely be either very early in the morning or very late at night.
How early / late do the ladies in the JLM and King Hin buildings start / stop working? I understand that there will be less working girls very early / very late. But I guess the question is will any girls at all be working say around 7 am or around 1 am?
02-03-25 22:51 #13001
Posts: 435Originally Posted by BlackPage [View Original Post]
HK really is like that, isn't it! Even Singapore, which looks so clean and sanitised, has its own little scene, including Geylang and the much-missed Orchard Towers, but they were still sort of 'know' to most everyone. But there's so much more of HK that is 'underground', like another city running parallel to the one we know.
And thankfully the Internet and then smartphone apps have helped make more of this fun available to those who know. Before apps, the only way to hook up with DHs for example was pretty much on their Sunday off, either at a 'tea dance' in Singapore or visiting one of the places they hang out or even wandering past clusters of DHs and having a little bit of game. Now with apps, well it removes that enjoyable almost random 'on the hunt' aspect but you get a chance to connect with DHs in advance, get to know them and what they want, build up a bit of a rapport and then not waste any of your previous time on the Sunday, have different DHs lined up for breakfast and dinner if you want!
02-03-25 22:29 #13000
Posts: 29Agree
Originally Posted by Libertine212 [View Original Post]
02-03-25 19:13 #12999
Posts: 26DIA is a no. I'm not posting my photo.
Originally Posted by JackTheLad2 [View Original Post]
Then again, I in turn have found women online and met / befriended them without needing to see their photo either.
Back in the day, used thebeijinger in Beijing. In HK, maybe I used linkedin to find some dates.
02-02-25 20:55 #12998
Posts: 2590Originally Posted by Libertine212 [View Original Post]
I took a friend, who is Western but has been living in HK for some 25 years and has a reputable position in the society, to the JLM building. He was kind of shocked. He told me that if it wasn't for me, he could not even imagine what's running underground.
He asked me how the hell I could know about such hidden place, if he had no clue after 25 years living in city. I did not mention ISG... Indeed, ISG is unbeatable.
02-02-25 17:22 #12997
Posts: 924 Hours in Hong Kong
I had a 24-hour layover in Hong Kong and was able to make the most of it thanks to this forum. After checking into my hotel I headed straight for the King Hin building.
As described in a previous post, it's very discrete and could be easy to miss, so for those who haven't been, I took the train to the Mong Kok station, walked 3 blocks down Argle St, and when you make the turn onto Fa Yuen St it's the first door on your right. There are two elevators, one has even numbered floors and the other odd numbered floors.
I've been in the hobby for years and traveled all around the world but never experienced anything like this before. It was like trick or treating for deviants. I started at the top and worked my way down, running through the building ringing every doorbell and trying to remember my favorites. After making it down to the 4th floor, I went back up to the top and on the 13th floor found a hot Thai chick that was tatted up wearing CK underwear and a schoolgirl skirt with an asking price of 500 HKD. She spoke English well and provided good service.
After I was finished, and totally content, I decided to take another pass of the 11th floor. This floor is all Russian. When I passed by previously only one of the rooms was available, so either all the others were out, or busy. When I passed by a second time, a few more girls were available, and one of them had a killer body and a gorgeous face. Her asking price was 800 HKD. I walked away at first, but thought I'm not going to have this opportunity again anytime soon, so went back and had a great time with this Russian vixen for about $100 USD. I'm a 1-pop guy so I wasn't able to finish, but not for her lack of trying.
If I were local, I'd definitely be a regular at that building. Thanks for the intel and the great memories.
01-31-25 13:04 #12996
Posts: 435Originally Posted by JohnnyRocket [View Original Post]
Pharmacies: most of the smaller pharmacies (not your big chain places) will sell almost anything (within reason) without a prescription. One of my go-to shops is Shiu Tak Pharmacy on 273-277 Queen's Road Central at Sheung Wan, they have doxycycline over the counter at HKD40 for one sheet of ten capsules. Check your PM box, I've sent you a bit more on this.
01-31-25 12:57 #12995
Posts: 2590Originally Posted by JohnnyRocket [View Original Post]
If you need them, you have a prescription, because you / someone have such a serious infection, diagnosed by a doctor, that standard antibiotics would not work.
If you don't have a prescription, you don't need them and you should not take them, because they are dangerous if taken without specific need.
If you don't have a prescription and you don't need them, but you want to buy them to resell them in your country, then a word of caution is urgent: importing any quantity that is enough to make the "business" worth the hassle is illegal. If caught, it's a serious problem.
01-31-25 10:48 #12994
Posts: 1082Yes to both antibiotics
Originally Posted by JohnnyRocket [View Original Post]
01-30-25 18:59 #12993
Posts: 540Question on pharmacies
I may finally be back to HK for the first time in a long time.
Question on pharmacies: are azithromycin and / or doxycycline available without a prescription? I have forgotten what is and is not available.
01-27-25 18:38 #12992
Posts: 29Same
Originally Posted by IndianTravel10 [View Original Post]
01-27-25 10:33 #12991
Posts: 435Originally Posted by PhilJoy [View Original Post]