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Regular Member
 Posts: 11
Tried Victoria
Was a decent experience. Good GF experience ready to do everything 2 k + 4 k expense.
Average looks, can you suggest better options.
What is your experience on Nana.
 Originally Posted by Crater77
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Try Snm GK2.
With 5 k you get 4 visit (u have to be a member).
They will not show you the lineup but vict is very nice experience. I rate 10/10 in terms of experience and she is 8/10 in looks. Avoid mercy.
For line up. You can try BL Heri.... They have NI but experience is hit / miss.
Senior Member
 Posts: 36
 Originally Posted by Mongerer124
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My trusted SP in Gurgaon recently shared the attached picture. He's asking 30 k for night for her.
Planning to try her tomorrow. She's hot, but 30 k still seems exorbitant for a night. Unable to come to a decision on this.
Has anyone tried her? Your feedbacks would be much appreciated.
Bro, did you end up taking the plunge? Share FR if so!
Senior Member
 Posts: 222
Don't overpay
 Originally Posted by SexDivine78
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Septic quoted me 30 k for 3-4 HR meet. I countered with 20 k to which she said 2 hours, giving me clear WG / Escort vibes. Final offer she made was 25 k 3-4 hrs. Also, I felt the pics she shared now were very different from the ones she shared a few months back when I connected with her. Her quote then also was similar so didn't proceed then but hearing her praises I thought of giving this another shot. You guys think she is worth 25 k for a few hours?
Bro please stick to market rates.
Senior Member
 Posts: 141
Contacts in Guwahati
Hello Brothers.
I'll be in Guwahati for a couple of days.
Could anyone please help with reliable contacts of inde / SP in the Guwahati please.
Regular Member
 Posts: 20
Tng LN birds reviews
Many of them are already discussed sp will keep it short.
1. Miss and (singer of Manali Trance): dusky heavy chested chick from UP. Had a four hands with her and Cath earlier. Service is mechanical and very reluctantly gave a pathetic BJ. Good thing is her big melons and she never stops smiling.
2. Miss Nee2: middle age bhabhi type figure with decent service. Gave a good BJ but was a bit rushed. Earlier used to sit in the salon downstairs. Somewhat better at service out of the bunch but hygiene can be an issue. Didn't clean herself before or after.
3. Miss are (Hindi translation of soul): new petite girl with non existent assets. Looks GND. Very tight kitty but new to the scene. Not very good in service but was fairly neat. If someone wants to experience fresh chicks.
4. Miss J (Hindi translation of flame): decent service with decent looks. Can take a serious pounding. Nothing special to be expected when you are there for a quick release.
Regular Member
 Posts: 16
Tina / Nanny Revisited
I was craving some Thai curry so I contacted Fon. Unfortunately she was in Bhopal and running some knitting business. So I decided to visit Nanny.
Nanny / Tina had just gotten back from Shimla. Last time I visited her, I had taken a bottle of wine and she served me a pork dish. She mentioned she liked whisky too.
This time around I took a bottle of JD Honey. She served me thai sausages which were also sweet. The sugar intake got too high for my liking so I swiggy'd a few savoury japanese dishes.
Tina kept complimenting my perfume and even took a few selfies of us on her phone.
Tina has very smooth skin and is very hygenic. I risked it and asked if I could enter raw. She said it was alright as I seemed clean and proper too but warned me not to do the same with any other Thai girl especially with those from Pattaya due to high HIV risk. She said she gets herself checked regulary. I ended up doing it with her twice, finishing on her back both times.
I paid her 5 k and she said she usually charged 7 k for 2 shots, but this time it was alright.
After cleaning ourselves, we started drinking again. She got a little drunk and would spill while pouring. We browsed MR, she recognised a few faces like Raine who now goes by Fon. Tina does not know the actual Fon. She also said Hana is a full post-op lady boy.
Overall it was a fun night and I would definitely visit her again. I arrived a little before 9:30 pm and left at 2 am.
Senior Member
 Posts: 43
FR | Tanya at Paradise Spa
I am a regular at Paradise Spa, JMD Galleria, Sohna Road, Gurgaon. But this was the first time I met this bong chic Tanya.
Will keep it short:
Face: 8/10.
Boobs: 9/10.
Overall figure: 9/10.
DFK: Mild.
Anal: No.
Attitude and service: 8/10.
Damage: 4 k for 1 pop and 1. 5 k at counter.
Won't repeat because I think she asked too much for a spa experience. 2. 5-3 k is the sweet spot which would have been lovely.
P.S.: I get bombarded with requests of contacts as soon I publish a FR. I try to pass on the details when I feel there is a genuine interest but some guys are overzealous and I hate it. Of course, in this case, I don't take numbers of spa girls.
Senior Member
 Posts: 43
Swati Maliwal at GB Rd.
Unrelated to your FR.
Swati Maliwal (Chair of DCW) has very recently raided GB road along with Delhi Police. Would suggest folks to keep it low for sometime and not visit there.
 Originally Posted by HannyKing918
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I meant to share this weeks ago, but have never actually gotten around to finishing it. I do have a couple other unrelated reports to share so I am finally completing this. Sorry for the delay.
This report is regarding my experience at GB Road Kotha 64. I have spent countless nights since November 2024 till mid January. I have only recently stopped. The service is not really great, very loose cunnies, missionary only. Recommended for those looking for cheap quick release.
Why have I spent countless nights you ask?
Initially it was because it was very cheap, I could spend the entire night with the girl cuddling. Mostly times in groups with me being the only male and the girls fighting for attention. But I have had my fill, I may visit again to complete my to-do list.
I humbly request not to share the private details mentioned here with the girls at #64 as it will be very clear I am the source and I will no longer enjoy the same level of trust with the girls I had built, worst case I will never be welcome.
How safe is Kotha 64?
The kotha is very safe (not GB Road). In fact I never had any problem. I have gone wearing gold earrings and nike jordans, no problem so far. Yes, I did draw attention, but I did not mind as the girls were paying attention too.
The entrance of Kotha 64 has green inner walls and a hand written warning in red saying beware of pimps. The only thing you need to be wary of are the old hags at the ground floor who may suddenly hold you. Pull away, ignore and never look back as you make your way up the narrow stairs.
The Kotha closes at 2 am at which point they lock the hall entrances on each floor and there are a few police personnel outside dispersing the crowd below. The police rarely come up and even if they do, they don't really bother you rather they ask you to leave. Beware their sticks if you're drunk.
Beware the hijiras (LB), they come in groups at around 11:30 pm and will not leave till you hand one of them some change (carry 10-20 change, give it to them and they won't bother you but do not hand over large notes as you won't get back any change).
Beware fellow customers, they love to discreetly record (very common) and may upload on social media. Usually the girls catch them and gang up on the person till the person opens his gallery. What these illiterate fools don't realise is that modern phones have a feature called bin where deleted footage can be later recovered. So please wear a mask if you value your privacy.
Weekends are very busy but it is during weekends you get to meet the entire roster. Most girls take leaves during weekdays, there is no guarantee you will meet them during a particular time. And when it gets busy, there is hardly any room. On busy nights you also find couple of ghazal singers performing on a harmonium.
The first and second floor have girls some of whom are not nepali and are cheaper than the ones on the 3rd floor. I have never done anyone on these floors.
As for the girls on the third floor, I believe all of them are Nepali.
The 4th floor is private and customers aren't allowed unless invited. There is a toilet, opposite that is a room where the girls keep their toys and teddy bears, and eat meals, change etc. And then there is a line of smaller private personal rooms on both sides belonging to each of the girls.
Charges 3rd floor-.
50% goes to the girl, 50% room rent.
Regular Room (Small single beds with thin mattresses, hardly any room).
500 for 1 shot /15 minutes.
1250 for 3 shots /1 hour.
2000 for night (2 am to 7 am).
AC Room 3rd floor (Has a couple of plastic chairs, a bench, a medium sized bed with a slightly thicker mattress, a slab / desk containing stationery and a water heater. And a pair of slippers.).
2000 for 1 hour.
4000 for night (2 am to 7 am).
If you ask for the AC room, they will get the room ready and available by 1 am so you can relax inside. If your girl does not wish to entertain anyone else, she will go change and join you early.
There is another AC room on the second floor but I have heard it is not as decent.
If all the rooms are booked, the girl may take you upstairs to their smaller personal rooms.
You can also pay 1200 and sleep with the girl on the common hall, they lay down mattresses after 2 am.
They do not have hard drinks but Tuborg and Kingfisher are available. Both bottle and can cost the same, 300. Just hand over the change to your girl and she will get them drinks and cigarettes for you. I once bought 14 beers of 6 of us in the AC Room.
You can also get your own drinks and food from outside.
I have Swiggy'd several times at night and the delivery people very rarely come to the exact location, never upstairs. They usually take the parallel road behind #64. I once made a Swiggy person wait 30 minutes outside. I did tip him a 200 note though.
If you bring weed, ask the girl if she is comfortable and smoke only in the AC room. Some are very uncomfortable with the smell.
3rd floor Girl Index:
1. Siya. While sitting and waiting for a decent looking girl one afternoon, she approached me and won me over with her devilish grin. She is the one I have spent the most time with. Infact the only girl I have been doing at #64 since November. She isn't a looker but she has a lean body, my taste. Apparently she was healthier before but lost weight due to jaundice. Been at #64 for about 2 years now. Was at Mumbai earlier but Mumbai does not have the same footfall as GB Road. Her confidant is an thin elderly madam. They usually travel together. She does not smoke anymore but enjoys light beer. Sometimes when she is really happy, she reaches out for the cigarette in my mouth and smokes, asking me not to tell anybody. She had added me on facebook and regularly video called me. She loves posting flower pictures but I unfortunately have no courage to take an actual bouquet of flowers to #64. She once invited me to watch a movie together but that date did not happen. In front of other girls she acts like she does not really care but privately she gets very sweet with me. Initially she was very charming but lately she has been getting very unwilling. She does not kiss anymore, but still bends over as she knows I like doggy. She does not like anyone nibbling on her modest tits, calls be a baby when I do. She is the only girl in #64 I had raw sex with. But now she straightup refuses or asks me to pay 5 k more. Maybe because once while I was high and cocky, I tried to record myself entering her raw. She does have a crush on boy who is a training to be a monk. I saw a picture on her phone with both of them cuddling under a blanket. She then took similar pictures with me. She keeps asking me to be quiet when he calls her, her boy back home apparently has no idea what she is upto in India. She used to leave love bites but now she refuses as I mentioned this to another girl and she got upset. She is unmarried but has a lot of pictures with her sister's kids. She said she is 27 (I suspect her to be younger) but does not really know her exact birth date, except that it is during summer. Her reading is very basic and cannot write up any sentence. She has no tattoos. During the initial honeymoon phase, she called me one weekend asking me not to come as she was sick, afraid I would take on another girl. I had been ignoring her calls lately and now she has completely blocked me on social media and no longer receives my calls. I haven't been to GB road since.
2. Anushka. While waiting for Siya one day, she approached me and tried seducing me by placing my head on her clevage. I reciprocated by fondling her ass. Later that evening, she sat beside me, sang a nepali line, covered our faces with her red saree and planted a wet kiss on my cheek. She is a looker and one of the very popular girls on the floor. Until she opens her mouth that is. She strenly orders customers around. She does not shy away at all. Siya noticed my interest and would regularly invite Annu to our AC room for booze and food. Anushka would not stop, she would regulary press her body on mine, sometimes rest her legs on my lap but does not allow me to touch her tits. I have to pay for it, she says. She once asked me to take her and Siya to India Gate, knowing well I had work that particular day. She loves showing off gifts her customers have gotten her. She was the one who propositioned I cough up 8 k and enjoy her and Siya together in the AC room. I lacked funds that day otherwise I would not have missed out. She has alot of funny stories to share. She has a few tattoos. She spends time with me despite another customer having booked her for the night. When her customers notice her laughter coming from my room and calls for her, she screams back "Maa Chikne chup chap so jah, baad mae aaungi" (translation: Mfckr go sleep quietly, I will come later" Whenever she sees me in the hall, she comes over and orders me to hand over a cigarette, then she greets me. She has a decent TikTok following and regularly creates reels. She has added me on facebook but does not really reply back. Anushka said she is 19 but looks little older. She got married at 14 years of age and has had 2 children. Have not done it with her yet but she is on my to-do list.
3. Suhana. Glasses girl with great knockers. One of Siya's best friends. Used to come over for food and drinks but leaves early to attend her husband's call. If she is not with us, Siya always saves a beer and some food, and later takes them up to deliver. Suhana shows her appreciation whenever we meet. Seems very kind, I have never noticed any vulgarity escape her lips.
4. Sima. I call her the water heater girl as she always comes over to heat water in the AC room. She seems a little shy and very rarely eats outside food. Once I took along a random guy from reddit with me to #64 as he kept pestering me, saying he is afraid to go alone. Sima was sitting beside him and no customer was approaching her. Without saying nothing, shy Sima was trying to get his attention by resting her legs on his lap but the guy kept ignoring her. I suspect he was still shook after being rejected by sexy Rima who refused his night proposal. The guy was being undecisive so I took him aside and asked him to quietly book Sima for the entire night, AC room. Sima has been fond of me since. She always greets me with a smile and loves takes the initative shaking hands. Sometimes she teases me by showing off her milky fair thigh skin, then covers them up and tells me sorry, she cannot show anymore. Sima is a looker too, and one of my top 2 to-do list. She know I am interested and continues to tease me.
5. Rima. I do not know much about her but she seems very sexy and has the looks and the curves. She came to our room once for a short while, briefly spoke to me and left. Siya tells me the largest teddy that I keep seeing in the private room while on video call belongs to Rima.
6. Shristi. Busty girl. Had done her once long ago. She has an Iphone and creates a lot of reels. On her instagram you can see her jetski, commute on flights and go on dates with a certain customer whose face she blocks with stickers. Whenever there is a conversation regarding content on social media, the girls often mention her name. I aksed Siya if Shristi is actually in love with the customer, she said she does not know. Has a tattoo of a rose in her hand.
7. Fogot name. The most popular girl on floor. Has the best figure. I find her scary. She outright refuses customers. I have seen her slap and abuse customers. We had a conversation only once, she raised her hand up for me to clap like we both agreed on the same point, I misunderstood and left her hanging. Never spoke again. She puts on proper pretty night dresses.
8. Yuna. Short girl. Some call her crazy. Her voice is a little harsh. She once came over to eat chicken. While the other girls had nighties on, she came into the room wearing a tank top and mini pants. Her butt looked so cute, I could not help but stare. She caught me intensely staring. I also witnessed her dance to some nepali folk song. She has a similar tattoo on her arm as Anushka, it says "I miss Mom & Dad". Both she and Anushka joke that their own tattoo is authentic and the other one had gotten the tattoo from a shady place for 500. She once heard me narrate some nepali lines to Siya. She calls to me across the hall and repeats my fumbled lines. She once took a customer inside, looked at me and jokingly asked me not to peek. She is on top of my to-do list.
There are a few more girls on the 3rd floor but I have never interacted with them.
Regular Member
 Posts: 33
Truely incredible bro.
Will you recommend going there alone first time, as I don't know anyone who has gone there.
Any idea bro about noida red light bro or if anyone else have?
 Originally Posted by HannyKing918
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I meant to share this weeks ago, but have never actually gotten around to finishing it. I do have a couple other unrelated reports to share so I am finally completing this. Sorry for the delay.
This report is regarding my experience at GB Road Kotha 64. I have spent countless nights since November 2024 till mid January. I have only recently stopped. The service is not really great, very loose cunnies, missionary only. Recommended for those looking for cheap quick release.
Why have I spent countless nights you ask?
Initially it was because it was very cheap, I could spend the entire night with the girl cuddling. Mostly times in groups with me being the only male and the girls fighting for attention. But I have had my fill, I may visit again to complete my to-do list.
I humbly request not to share the private details mentioned here with the girls at #64 as it will be very clear I am the source and I will no longer enjoy the same level of trust with the girls I had built, worst case I will never be welcome.
How safe is Kotha 64?
The kotha is very safe (not GB Road). In fact I never had any problem. I have gone wearing gold earrings and nike jordans, no problem so far. Yes, I did draw attention, but I did not mind as the girls were paying attention too.
The entrance of Kotha 64 has green inner walls and a hand written warning in red saying beware of pimps. The only thing you need to be wary of are the old hags at the ground floor who may suddenly hold you. Pull away, ignore and never look back as you make your way up the narrow stairs.
The Kotha closes at 2 am at which point they lock the hall entrances on each floor and there are a few police personnel outside dispersing the crowd below. The police rarely come up and even if they do, they don't really bother you rather they ask you to leave. Beware their sticks if you're drunk.
Beware the hijiras (LB), they come in groups at around 11:30 pm and will not leave till you hand one of them some change (carry 10-20 change, give it to them and they won't bother you but do not hand over large notes as you won't get back any change).
Beware fellow customers, they love to discreetly record (very common) and may upload on social media. Usually the girls catch them and gang up on the person till the person opens his gallery. What these illiterate fools don't realise is that modern phones have a feature called bin where deleted footage can be later recovered. So please wear a mask if you value your privacy.
Weekends are very busy but it is during weekends you get to meet the entire roster. Most girls take leaves during weekdays, there is no guarantee you will meet them during a particular time. And when it gets busy, there is hardly any room. On busy nights you also find couple of ghazal singers performing on a harmonium.
The first and second floor have girls some of whom are not nepali and are cheaper than the ones on the 3rd floor. I have never done anyone on these floors.
As for the girls on the third floor, I believe all of them are Nepali.
The 4th floor is private and customers aren't allowed unless invited. There is a toilet, opposite that is a room where the girls keep their toys and teddy bears, and eat meals, change etc. And then there is a line of smaller private personal rooms on both sides belonging to each of the girls.
Charges 3rd floor-.
50% goes to the girl, 50% room rent.
Regular Room (Small single beds with thin mattresses, hardly any room).
500 for 1 shot /15 minutes.
1250 for 3 shots /1 hour.
2000 for night (2 am to 7 am).
AC Room 3rd floor (Has a couple of plastic chairs, a bench, a medium sized bed with a slightly thicker mattress, a slab / desk containing stationery and a water heater. And a pair of slippers.).
2000 for 1 hour.
4000 for night (2 am to 7 am).
If you ask for the AC room, they will get the room ready and available by 1 am so you can relax inside. If your girl does not wish to entertain anyone else, she will go change and join you early.
There is another AC room on the second floor but I have heard it is not as decent.
If all the rooms are booked, the girl may take you upstairs to their smaller personal rooms.
You can also pay 1200 and sleep with the girl on the common hall, they lay down mattresses after 2 am.
They do not have hard drinks but Tuborg and Kingfisher are available. Both bottle and can cost the same, 300. Just hand over the change to your girl and she will get them drinks and cigarettes for you. I once bought 14 beers of 6 of us in the AC Room.
You can also get your own drinks and food from outside.
I have Swiggy'd several times at night and the delivery people very rarely come to the exact location, never upstairs. They usually take the parallel road behind #64. I once made a Swiggy person wait 30 minutes outside. I did tip him a 200 note though.
If you bring weed, ask the girl if she is comfortable and smoke only in the AC room. Some are very uncomfortable with the smell.
3rd floor Girl Index:
1. Siya. While sitting and waiting for a decent looking girl one afternoon, she approached me and won me over with her devilish grin. She is the one I have spent the most time with. Infact the only girl I have been doing at #64 since November. She isn't a looker but she has a lean body, my taste. Apparently she was healthier before but lost weight due to jaundice. Been at #64 for about 2 years now. Was at Mumbai earlier but Mumbai does not have the same footfall as GB Road. Her confidant is an thin elderly madam. They usually travel together. She does not smoke anymore but enjoys light beer. Sometimes when she is really happy, she reaches out for the cigarette in my mouth and smokes, asking me not to tell anybody. She had added me on facebook and regularly video called me. She loves posting flower pictures but I unfortunately have no courage to take an actual bouquet of flowers to #64. She once invited me to watch a movie together but that date did not happen. In front of other girls she acts like she does not really care but privately she gets very sweet with me. Initially she was very charming but lately she has been getting very unwilling. She does not kiss anymore, but still bends over as she knows I like doggy. She does not like anyone nibbling on her modest tits, calls be a baby when I do. She is the only girl in #64 I had raw sex with. But now she straightup refuses or asks me to pay 5 k more. Maybe because once while I was high and cocky, I tried to record myself entering her raw. She does have a crush on boy who is a training to be a monk. I saw a picture on her phone with both of them cuddling under a blanket. She then took similar pictures with me. She keeps asking me to be quiet when he calls her, her boy back home apparently has no idea what she is upto in India. She used to leave love bites but now she refuses as I mentioned this to another girl and she got upset. She is unmarried but has a lot of pictures with her sister's kids. She said she is 27 (I suspect her to be younger) but does not really know her exact birth date, except that it is during summer. Her reading is very basic and cannot write up any sentence. She has no tattoos. During the initial honeymoon phase, she called me one weekend asking me not to come as she was sick, afraid I would take on another girl. I had been ignoring her calls lately and now she has completely blocked me on social media and no longer receives my calls. I haven't been to GB road since.
2. Anushka. While waiting for Siya one day, she approached me and tried seducing me by placing my head on her clevage. I reciprocated by fondling her ass. Later that evening, she sat beside me, sang a nepali line, covered our faces with her red saree and planted a wet kiss on my cheek. She is a looker and one of the very popular girls on the floor. Until she opens her mouth that is. She strenly orders customers around. She does not shy away at all. Siya noticed my interest and would regularly invite Annu to our AC room for booze and food. Anushka would not stop, she would regulary press her body on mine, sometimes rest her legs on my lap but does not allow me to touch her tits. I have to pay for it, she says. She once asked me to take her and Siya to India Gate, knowing well I had work that particular day. She loves showing off gifts her customers have gotten her. She was the one who propositioned I cough up 8 k and enjoy her and Siya together in the AC room. I lacked funds that day otherwise I would not have missed out. She has alot of funny stories to share. She has a few tattoos. She spends time with me despite another customer having booked her for the night. When her customers notice her laughter coming from my room and calls for her, she screams back "Maa Chikne chup chap so jah, baad mae aaungi" (translation: Mfckr go sleep quietly, I will come later" Whenever she sees me in the hall, she comes over and orders me to hand over a cigarette, then she greets me. She has a decent TikTok following and regularly creates reels. She has added me on facebook but does not really reply back. Anushka said she is 19 but looks little older. She got married at 14 years of age and has had 2 children. Have not done it with her yet but she is on my to-do list.
3. Suhana. Glasses girl with great knockers. One of Siya's best friends. Used to come over for food and drinks but leaves early to attend her husband's call. If she is not with us, Siya always saves a beer and some food, and later takes them up to deliver. Suhana shows her appreciation whenever we meet. Seems very kind, I have never noticed any vulgarity escape her lips.
4. Sima. I call her the water heater girl as she always comes over to heat water in the AC room. She seems a little shy and very rarely eats outside food. Once I took along a random guy from reddit with me to #64 as he kept pestering me, saying he is afraid to go alone. Sima was sitting beside him and no customer was approaching her. Without saying nothing, shy Sima was trying to get his attention by resting her legs on his lap but the guy kept ignoring her. I suspect he was still shook after being rejected by sexy Rima who refused his night proposal. The guy was being undecisive so I took him aside and asked him to quietly book Sima for the entire night, AC room. Sima has been fond of me since. She always greets me with a smile and loves takes the initative shaking hands. Sometimes she teases me by showing off her milky fair thigh skin, then covers them up and tells me sorry, she cannot show anymore. Sima is a looker too, and one of my top 2 to-do list. She know I am interested and continues to tease me.
5. Rima. I do not know much about her but she seems very sexy and has the looks and the curves. She came to our room once for a short while, briefly spoke to me and left. Siya tells me the largest teddy that I keep seeing in the private room while on video call belongs to Rima.
6. Shristi. Busty girl. Had done her once long ago. She has an Iphone and creates a lot of reels. On her instagram you can see her jetski, commute on flights and go on dates with a certain customer whose face she blocks with stickers. Whenever there is a conversation regarding content on social media, the girls often mention her name. I aksed Siya if Shristi is actually in love with the customer, she said she does not know. Has a tattoo of a rose in her hand.
7. Fogot name. The most popular girl on floor. Has the best figure. I find her scary. She outright refuses customers. I have seen her slap and abuse customers. We had a conversation only once, she raised her hand up for me to clap like we both agreed on the same point, I misunderstood and left her hanging. Never spoke again. She puts on proper pretty night dresses.
8. Yuna. Short girl. Some call her crazy. Her voice is a little harsh. She once came over to eat chicken. While the other girls had nighties on, she came into the room wearing a tank top and mini pants. Her butt looked so cute, I could not help but stare. She caught me intensely staring. I also witnessed her dance to some nepali folk song. She has a similar tattoo on her arm as Anushka, it says "I miss Mom & Dad". Both she and Anushka joke that their own tattoo is authentic and the other one had gotten the tattoo from a shady place for 500. She once heard me narrate some nepali lines to Siya. She calls to me across the hall and repeats my fumbled lines. She once took a customer inside, looked at me and jokingly asked me not to peek. She is on top of my to-do list.
There are a few more girls on the 3rd floor but I have never interacted with them.
Regular Member
 Posts: 20
Old mongering experiences at SP den (NSP) 2 of 2
Met her around Sep 2023 from the same SP. Her name was Miss S (Heart Bechara actress name). She looked similar to her pics but was not that fair. She had voluptuous sexy Bhabhi type figure and I picked her as soon as I saw her. She was high in demand and I was lucky to get in before some other punters waiting in the lobby. She was also one of the girls who was not very frequent here. She had milky white thighs and smooth skin. Was expected some shenanigans but she was a no nakhras girl. After the usual foreplay (which is me fondling with her boobs and ass) she started cleaning my tool for BBBJ. And what a sloppy BJ it was, she sucked me for a whole 10 minutes and I had to stop her as I didn't want to cum so soon. Slammed her ass and went on a little rough. On came the packet, and banged her in missy and doggy and she didn't break a sweat and took the pounding like a champ. Came in the bag and came out a happy man. Was totally satisfied and felt like VFM for the price I paid. She was reluctant to share her number as I met her for the first time. And, never heard of her since. She told me she frequents near A Mall, Indrprm. Didn't explore that area as I heard LE action were common there. If any brother has met her anywhere please do share.
Looks: 9/10 Total NI Bhabhi and had a wicked smirk (in a good way) on her face the whole time.
Age: Around late 20's or early 30's.
Body: Had good size boobs but ass was the better part.
Kitty: 7/10. Was lose, not her best part.
BBBJ: 10/10. One of the best I had which I told her.
A level: Denied.
Damage: 2 k to the SP. Totally VFM (felt like 3-3. 5 k experience honestly).
Pics: attached, were mildly edited and may be old.
The SP was my go-to for quick cheap fks but has closed his NSP operations and has shifted to are. Bagh. The quality of chicks has also gone down since.
Regular Member
 Posts: 20
Old mongering experiences at SP den (NSP) 1 of 2
Hi guys, thanks to the forum for all the info which I RTFF, helped me navigate the mongering scene. Sharing some past experiences and apologies in advance for non availability of contact.
It was around the end of 2023. Contacted my regular SP for the lineup. The SP maintained some regular staff and also got some new chicks every few weeks. Eventually cam across this young NE looking chick. Was a little darker than the pics. She was petite, about 5 ft and wore specs. Looked GND. She was fairly clean and was avoiding shabby looking customers. She told me that she worked in some bank was doing for some extra income and was not a regular. Enquired her about BJ to which she denied within a second (was disappointed initially as I am a fan of BJs). Nevertheless, went forward with deed. To my surprise, she was a total GFE. As soon as the deed started, she looked me in the eyes, grabbed my hand and placed it on her crotch and started kissing me. While I was kissing her, she was running her hands through my hair which turned me on further. We undressed and she put on the protection on my tool. We started in miss. From the first thrust, I knew that she was tight down there. She wrapped her legs around me and was constantly pulling me closer while I was inside her which had a satisfying feeling. Wanted to try other positions as well but her actions made me horny and I came soon. One of my best experiences at an SP den and was feeling lucky to find this gem. I exchanged contacts in hopes for a possible outside meetup. After this, I never heard of her from the SP. After a few months I tried to contact her but she said she has left the scene. Will give it a try soon and check if she is available again. If anyone of you have encountered her, please do share.
Looks: 8/10 looks GND. YMMV.
Age: Early 20's.
Body: 8/10 Slim and petite.
Kitty: 9/10 Fairly tight.
GFE: 10/10. Was totally involved in the deed.
A level: Didn't ask.
Damage: 2 k to the SP.
Pics: attached, will be a little old.
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 Posts: 142
Septic. High Quote
 Originally Posted by YoungBanger
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I've met most of the girls mentioned here, indeed I might be one of the first guys septic must have met through seeking, and shared it with a few guys back then, but the charges were high, God knows how bro convinced her for 15 k, she was really good in bed and very cooperative, open to kinks but not to the level of golden shower, I guess her ID is being passed too much these days, after this review, she got quite a bit attitude.
Heiress: that girl is a in SA since a long time, avg looking girl with good skills in bed.
Kashmiri: she said she is from Chandigarh, so not really sure if she lied or if she is from Chandigarh, she had a Muslim name on her ID, very rude and quotes what ever she likes, avg experience in bed too.
Don't know about first girl in the post but other two are WG level girls, better to avoid.
Septic quoted me 30 k for 3-4 HR meet. I countered with 20 k to which she said 2 hours, giving me clear WG / Escort vibes. Final offer she made was 25 k 3-4 hrs. Also, I felt the pics she shared now were very different from the ones she shared a few months back when I connected with her. Her quote then also was similar so didn't proceed then but hearing her praises I thought of giving this another shot. You guys think she is worth 25 k for a few hours?
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 Posts: 88
Unverified pics.
Photos of different people.
WA DP is of a different person as compared to the ad on MR.
Searching the number provided (on MR) on truecaller, produces multiple comments / reports on truecaller stating that it's a fraud / scam.
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 Posts: 42
Airport to ggn can take an hour in traffic & 30 min otherwise. Sahara fun picks up around 9 pm on weekends. If weekday it's dead until 100-11:00.
Keep rates in check bro. Don't make holes in the plate that feeds you.
Enjoy to max.
 Originally Posted by SidClick
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Hello Brothers,
Will be in Delhi for Business Trip over this weekend.
Would Appreciate if anyone can Share Leads for Indies / CIS / SA Profiles. (Not looking for Thai & Afro Contacts).
Need VFM profiles, also Budget not a Constraint since this is my Anual Mongering visit to Delhi as well & Pune is dry as fuck.
Also, my return flight departs Delhi T2 at Midnight, do you think I Could make it to the famous Sydney in Sahara Mall? What should be my cut off time assuming I Need to reach the Airport at 10.30 PM?
Happy to share my contacts with punters visiting Pune. TIA.
Regular Member
 Posts: 16
GB Nights
I meant to share this weeks ago, but have never actually gotten around to finishing it. I do have a couple other unrelated reports to share so I am finally completing this. Sorry for the delay.
This report is regarding my experience at GB Road Kotha 64. I have spent countless nights since November 2024 till mid January. I have only recently stopped. The service is not really great, very loose cunnies, missionary only. Recommended for those looking for cheap quick release.
Why have I spent countless nights you ask?
Initially it was because it was very cheap, I could spend the entire night with the girl cuddling. Mostly times in groups with me being the only male and the girls fighting for attention. But I have had my fill, I may visit again to complete my to-do list.
I humbly request not to share the private details mentioned here with the girls at #64 as it will be very clear I am the source and I will no longer enjoy the same level of trust with the girls I had built, worst case I will never be welcome.
How safe is Kotha 64?
The kotha is very safe (not GB Road). In fact I never had any problem. I have gone wearing gold earrings and nike jordans, no problem so far. Yes, I did draw attention, but I did not mind as the girls were paying attention too.
The entrance of Kotha 64 has green inner walls and a hand written warning in red saying beware of pimps. The only thing you need to be wary of are the old hags at the ground floor who may suddenly hold you. Pull away, ignore and never look back as you make your way up the narrow stairs.
The Kotha closes at 2 am at which point they lock the hall entrances on each floor and there are a few police personnel outside dispersing the crowd below. The police rarely come up and even if they do, they don't really bother you rather they ask you to leave. Beware their sticks if you're drunk.
Beware the hijiras (LB), they come in groups at around 11:30 pm and will not leave till you hand one of them some change (carry 10-20 change, give it to them and they won't bother you but do not hand over large notes as you won't get back any change).
Beware fellow customers, they love to discreetly record (very common) and may upload on social media. Usually the girls catch them and gang up on the person till the person opens his gallery. What these illiterate fools don't realise is that modern phones have a feature called bin where deleted footage can be later recovered. So please wear a mask if you value your privacy.
Weekends are very busy but it is during weekends you get to meet the entire roster. Most girls take leaves during weekdays, there is no guarantee you will meet them during a particular time. And when it gets busy, there is hardly any room. On busy nights you also find couple of ghazal singers performing on a harmonium.
The first and second floor have girls some of whom are not nepali and are cheaper than the ones on the 3rd floor. I have never done anyone on these floors.
As for the girls on the third floor, I believe all of them are Nepali.
The 4th floor is private and customers aren't allowed unless invited. There is a toilet, opposite that is a room where the girls keep their toys and teddy bears, and eat meals, change etc. And then there is a line of smaller private personal rooms on both sides belonging to each of the girls.
Charges 3rd floor-.
50% goes to the girl, 50% room rent.
Regular Room (Small single beds with thin mattresses, hardly any room).
500 for 1 shot /15 minutes.
1250 for 3 shots /1 hour.
2000 for night (2 am to 7 am).
AC Room 3rd floor (Has a couple of plastic chairs, a bench, a medium sized bed with a slightly thicker mattress, a slab / desk containing stationery and a water heater. And a pair of slippers.).
2000 for 1 hour.
4000 for night (2 am to 7 am).
If you ask for the AC room, they will get the room ready and available by 1 am so you can relax inside. If your girl does not wish to entertain anyone else, she will go change and join you early.
There is another AC room on the second floor but I have heard it is not as decent.
If all the rooms are booked, the girl may take you upstairs to their smaller personal rooms.
You can also pay 1200 and sleep with the girl on the common hall, they lay down mattresses after 2 am.
They do not have hard drinks but Tuborg and Kingfisher are available. Both bottle and can cost the same, 300. Just hand over the change to your girl and she will get them drinks and cigarettes for you. I once bought 14 beers of 6 of us in the AC Room.
You can also get your own drinks and food from outside.
I have Swiggy'd several times at night and the delivery people very rarely come to the exact location, never upstairs. They usually take the parallel road behind #64. I once made a Swiggy person wait 30 minutes outside. I did tip him a 200 note though.
If you bring weed, ask the girl if she is comfortable and smoke only in the AC room. Some are very uncomfortable with the smell.
3rd floor Girl Index:
1. Siya. While sitting and waiting for a decent looking girl one afternoon, she approached me and won me over with her devilish grin. She is the one I have spent the most time with. Infact the only girl I have been doing at #64 since November. She isn't a looker but she has a lean body, my taste. Apparently she was healthier before but lost weight due to jaundice. Been at #64 for about 2 years now. Was at Mumbai earlier but Mumbai does not have the same footfall as GB Road. Her confidant is an thin elderly madam. They usually travel together. She does not smoke anymore but enjoys light beer. Sometimes when she is really happy, she reaches out for the cigarette in my mouth and smokes, asking me not to tell anybody. She had added me on facebook and regularly video called me. She loves posting flower pictures but I unfortunately have no courage to take an actual bouquet of flowers to #64. She once invited me to watch a movie together but that date did not happen. In front of other girls she acts like she does not really care but privately she gets very sweet with me. Initially she was very charming but lately she has been getting very unwilling. She does not kiss anymore, but still bends over as she knows I like doggy. She does not like anyone nibbling on her modest tits, calls be a baby when I do. She is the only girl in #64 I had raw sex with. But now she straightup refuses or asks me to pay 5 k more. Maybe because once while I was high and cocky, I tried to record myself entering her raw. She does have a crush on boy who is a training to be a monk. I saw a picture on her phone with both of them cuddling under a blanket. She then took similar pictures with me. She keeps asking me to be quiet when he calls her, her boy back home apparently has no idea what she is upto in India. She used to leave love bites but now she refuses as I mentioned this to another girl and she got upset. She is unmarried but has a lot of pictures with her sister's kids. She said she is 27 (I suspect her to be younger) but does not really know her exact birth date, except that it is during summer. Her reading is very basic and cannot write up any sentence. She has no tattoos. During the initial honeymoon phase, she called me one weekend asking me not to come as she was sick, afraid I would take on another girl. I had been ignoring her calls lately and now she has completely blocked me on social media and no longer receives my calls. I haven't been to GB road since.
2. Anushka. While waiting for Siya one day, she approached me and tried seducing me by placing my head on her clevage. I reciprocated by fondling her ass. Later that evening, she sat beside me, sang a nepali line, covered our faces with her red saree and planted a wet kiss on my cheek. She is a looker and one of the very popular girls on the floor. Until she opens her mouth that is. She strenly orders customers around. She does not shy away at all. Siya noticed my interest and would regularly invite Annu to our AC room for booze and food. Anushka would not stop, she would regulary press her body on mine, sometimes rest her legs on my lap but does not allow me to touch her tits. I have to pay for it, she says. She once asked me to take her and Siya to India Gate, knowing well I had work that particular day. She loves showing off gifts her customers have gotten her. She was the one who propositioned I cough up 8 k and enjoy her and Siya together in the AC room. I lacked funds that day otherwise I would not have missed out. She has alot of funny stories to share. She has a few tattoos. She spends time with me despite another customer having booked her for the night. When her customers notice her laughter coming from my room and calls for her, she screams back "Maa Chikne chup chap so jah, baad mae aaungi" (translation: Mfckr go sleep quietly, I will come later" Whenever she sees me in the hall, she comes over and orders me to hand over a cigarette, then she greets me. She has a decent TikTok following and regularly creates reels. She has added me on facebook but does not really reply back. Anushka said she is 19 but looks little older. She got married at 14 years of age and has had 2 children. Have not done it with her yet but she is on my to-do list.
3. Suhana. Glasses girl with great knockers. One of Siya's best friends. Used to come over for food and drinks but leaves early to attend her husband's call. If she is not with us, Siya always saves a beer and some food, and later takes them up to deliver. Suhana shows her appreciation whenever we meet. Seems very kind, I have never noticed any vulgarity escape her lips.
4. Sima. I call her the water heater girl as she always comes over to heat water in the AC room. She seems a little shy and very rarely eats outside food. Once I took along a random guy from reddit with me to #64 as he kept pestering me, saying he is afraid to go alone. Sima was sitting beside him and no customer was approaching her. Without saying nothing, shy Sima was trying to get his attention by resting her legs on his lap but the guy kept ignoring her. I suspect he was still shook after being rejected by sexy Rima who refused his night proposal. The guy was being undecisive so I took him aside and asked him to quietly book Sima for the entire night, AC room. Sima has been fond of me since. She always greets me with a smile and loves takes the initative shaking hands. Sometimes she teases me by showing off her milky fair thigh skin, then covers them up and tells me sorry, she cannot show anymore. Sima is a looker too, and one of my top 2 to-do list. She know I am interested and continues to tease me.
5. Rima. I do not know much about her but she seems very sexy and has the looks and the curves. She came to our room once for a short while, briefly spoke to me and left. Siya tells me the largest teddy that I keep seeing in the private room while on video call belongs to Rima.
6. Shristi. Busty girl. Had done her once long ago. She has an Iphone and creates a lot of reels. On her instagram you can see her jetski, commute on flights and go on dates with a certain customer whose face she blocks with stickers. Whenever there is a conversation regarding content on social media, the girls often mention her name. I aksed Siya if Shristi is actually in love with the customer, she said she does not know. Has a tattoo of a rose in her hand.
7. Fogot name. The most popular girl on floor. Has the best figure. I find her scary. She outright refuses customers. I have seen her slap and abuse customers. We had a conversation only once, she raised her hand up for me to clap like we both agreed on the same point, I misunderstood and left her hanging. Never spoke again. She puts on proper pretty night dresses.
8. Yuna. Short girl. Some call her crazy. Her voice is a little harsh. She once came over to eat chicken. While the other girls had nighties on, she came into the room wearing a tank top and mini pants. Her butt looked so cute, I could not help but stare. She caught me intensely staring. I also witnessed her dance to some nepali folk song. She has a similar tattoo on her arm as Anushka, it says "I miss Mom & Dad". Both she and Anushka joke that their own tattoo is authentic and the other one had gotten the tattoo from a shady place for 500. She once heard me narrate some nepali lines to Siya. She calls to me across the hall and repeats my fumbled lines. She once took a customer inside, looked at me and jokingly asked me not to peek. She is on top of my to-do list.
There are a few more girls on the 3rd floor but I have never interacted with them.
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