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  1. #14103
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Solo  [View Original Post]
    Cheap Vietjet flight from HCMC SGN to Tokyo Haneda was packed, only $155 for 5. 5-hour flight on a new A321, delayed over 1 hour.

    Got my luggage out by 2 AM, barely caught the last Limousine Bus at 2:20 AM to Shinjuku Station, 2,800 why compared to about 12K Yen for Uber or taxi. Earlier bus would stop at Kabukicho Tower.
    Limousine bus is amazing, cheap and comfortable. Often direct.

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Solo  [View Original Post]
    5 AM, It was freezing cold under 2 layers of clothes and a flight jacket. Found 6 tachinchos squatting in front Okubo Hospital talking shit, mostly chubbies, not very attractive. Showed the prettiest one Hotel Apa on Maps. She showed me 20,000 why on her phone. She spoke a smattering Janglish, confirmed I agreed to 20 K, had cash and condom. We walked to the Apa.
    It is just hindsight, but if you feel a girl might have GPS and isn't giving you clear signs she is DTF and motivated to play (ex. kissing, bj, etc..) it's just hard. I don't know a good way but with my best experiences the girl let me get hands on and was smiles and responsive before I handed money. So there was no question I'd have fun with her, often I didn't even pay until the end. Obviously with GPS they ask money first and play hardball with the minimum. It's kind of a dead end but if you feel it falls too short maybe ask for half back being specific what you expected and didn't get. Rather than paying her upcharge when she already showed you she was low service.

    I'm nice to every woman, but if she said 20K was for 5 minutes I would say there's a misunderstanding but give me half back. Sometimes they will try better, but I mean it if she won't change her attitude. Some women don't know their job and I guess if I already had a hot shower with her and a few minutes of action let's part ways 50-50. I'm being generous because I want to move on to the next girl. Japan Legal situation

    You can kiss and suck on tits with a hot young girl at an oppai pub for 1/10th the price at an oppai pub (6K for 3 girls so 2K per girl or $13). I know some guys consider that getting blueballed. I guess I'm backwards because I will bang a soapland girl in the morning, go sightseeing, then see oppai pub girls at night without any pressure. I love flirting with them. Examining them head to toe with their legs over mine first. Kissing and licking them later. Every pair of breasts are different.

    I can't do this by myself. Please lick their tits for me while I'm gone. Everyone in the world who loves Japanese women is welcome. Luxe oppai pub is the goto place because you can go while English only. But Hosekinobako and Leicester are better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Solo  [View Original Post]
    There are many escort agents in Tokyo. Will book Amateur Escort today.

    Thanks to the bros for their good intels, especially TravelerX.
    DH is not my area of expertise. But I have seen many DH girls at korgs and know they work DH in Japan and learned from them. I know many guys want DH, but I wanted to point out the real reason I suggest oppai pubs and soapland "one time" first:

    Quote Originally Posted by Traveler X  [View Original Post]
    I've said before I suggest every Japan beginner start at oppai pubs and Kira Kira soapland. Because chances are good you see high level looks at the oppai pubs for cheap, high level service at Kira Kira for cheap. Then when some DH girl plays hardball on negotiation, you know their worth, you have your standards. You know they are asking for 2 Kira Kira girls worth of money if not more. You know they would literally not even be allowed to work at an oppai pub.

    If you don't mind reading, I would start here in order: Japan Guides
    Oppai pubs are super cheap. Playing with 15 oppai pub girls are about the cost of 2 girls to bang, as long as you can bar hop to take advantage of the 6K to 8K entry (3 girls each). Many DH veterans say oppai pubs were fun and novel "the first time". So try it your first time and raise your standards a little. You can flirt, kiss, touch, suck on their tits. It's just foreplay but at 2K ($13) for each girl, you become immune to GPS from a girl asking 20K without even letting you kiss and suck first!

    I will say at Luxe some girls (maybe 25%) expect you to buy them 2.7K drinks ($18) before action, whereas at every other oppai pub you can play first with every girl. Probably because Luxe is a foreigner friendly oppai pub where you need zero Japanese, whereas others are "must speak Japanese". It was the first time in 20 years I saw this, but also the first "foreigner friendly" oppai pub I've ever seen. It's new.

    Just to be clear, oppai pub girls are on average younger and hotter than DH girls. That's why the girls are at oppai pubs, to save at least their pussy.

    Oppai Pub Posts Intro to oppai pubs (July 2024) Part 2 Update (Nov 2024) - Bribs is researching Update (Nov 2024) - Bribs finds love Update (Dec 2024) - Bribs repeats love No tip, buy drink, save money by not extending No need for VIP No need for VIP Hygene (Aug 2024) Fjrk76 might buy a house for an oppai pub girl ATexGuy's visit Luxe Oppai pub Do NOT pay full rate of 13K, Manzoku can get you 6K to 8K or just ask Luxe to discount to 10K on the spot How to get to Manzoku

    Delivery Health Posts Some DH info More DH info Negotiate first at DH Negotiate first at DH DH is hit and miss, 1 weak girl 1 great girl Example of how to DH Gingira media Rick Rock has fine taste in women

    Random shops Gingira, girls generally young and photo accurate Tokyo Amateur Escorts Tokyo Hentai Club Taitanic Yokohama

    Shizuku at Hentai Tokyo is working this week, at the time of this post:

  2. #14102
    Quote Originally Posted by MatadorDfw1  [View Original Post]
    I wanted to start off by thanking all those that post reports here. An especially huge thank you to Traveler X who I've never spoken to but whose detailed guides and reports were invaluable.
    Thank you for banging the women of Japan and sharing the fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by MatadorDfw1  [View Original Post]
    WIR- absolutely. Best experience I've had.

    Reading about Kira Kira, the consensus was the girls may not be as attractive but you'll get good service at a fair price. I'm here to tell you, at least in my humble opinion the girl I chose (AI) was by far the most attractive of all of my travels and service was amazing. Also much cheaper than THC with no up charges or additional fees.
    Hot girls exist, I just wouldn't expect them. I want to set realistic average expecations, no harm if the girl ends up way better on occasion. I imagine the hottest girls will eventually gain skills and realize how popular they are, then hop over to a premium / expensive shop for 50% to 100% more. Thanks for pointing Ai out for others.

    Kira Kira does have decent minimum standards, since they rely on loyal repeat customers. They are also very foreigner friendly despite being a "for Japanese" shop which is the best type.

    As you noted, you got the royal treatment by the girl plus all the shop staff bowing as you left. That's how a good shop is run, service first. They want repeat customers. They sometimes asked me to fill out a survey or asked me in private about a girl for feedback. They do this for Japanese customers too, to figure out which girls to keep or drop. There are always going to be some new untested girls.

    Last year, Kira Kira introduced a 5,000 foreigner tax and created an English website. They did this after some guy kept writing guides on how to use them. Kira Kira is still good value though, and has hired more girls to take on the new business.

    To be exact, summer of 2024 I paid 26,000 yen ($171). No foreigner tax, no cc charge since I pay cash. Now with 5,000 yen added on, it's 31,000 ($204). You did 90 minutes but also paid 20% for credit card fee which ended up 48K ($318). I get the convenience especially first time, makes sense since you are just trying things out. But in the future, exchange cash at the airport exhange in Narita or Haneda. It is a good rate and they capped it around $2200 per day per person. Or use any 711 ATM which will take an international card. The 24 withdrawl limit is determined by YOUR bank, not anything in Japan. The ATM may ask for dollars and yen, I forgot for sure but I think Yen is actually better.

    It's just my opinion, but 70 minutes cash is best by default. Maybe you find a top tier girl, then just repeat her again at the 70 minute rate. Or if you don't like the first girl enough, maybe you were still impressed enough to try again. You get another shot. Once you find a girl you like, you can try to OTC her at the same cheap rate next time you're in town.

    Put another way, you obviously had a good time because the girl was great. It would still have been great had it been 70 minutes or if you had paid by cash for less.

    Quote Originally Posted by MatadorDfw1  [View Original Post]
    She had me sit on this tiny stool where she cleaned me and really focused on my asshole. Weird I thought.
    There is fun in trying new things, but at soapland you are the referee. You decide what is fair or foul. I once saw a kgirl who I really liked but was also a top expert in rimming. She offered it to me every time but I always said "haha maybe next time". She stopped asking after my 8th visit.

    Quote Originally Posted by MatadorDfw1  [View Original Post]
    I've never had nuru before but loved the pornos I've seen on it. If you're like I was and have never tried, please do it when in Japan. 100% worth the hype. I think her having massive boobs made it even better. She glided on my back and it was genuinely extremely relaxing. Then she starts flicking her tongue up and down my entire body. And I mean entire body.
    Some girls are really good at nuru, it's a combination of skill and tits. You are free to be active too, it was a nice feeling running my hands over her parts all slippery. I did some 69 with the girl here too. I know you picked 90 minutes and maybe that's best for you but I found in 70 minutes I could get 4 blowjobs (always no condom at soapland so far) and 2 bangs plus a chat in that time. Including about 15 minutes of nuru. If you feel you had enough of nuru, stop her at 10-20 minutes or whatever, make sure you do the main course when you feel like it. You are paying for time, you direct the action.

    Some Kira Kira info Google Maps location of Kira Kira Kira Kira website for foreigners. Kira Kira website for Japanese. Kira Kira mega guide (Yokohama). My first visit to Kira Kira.

    Quote Originally Posted by MatadorDfw1  [View Original Post]
    She then took out her translator app and asked me to fuck her in missionary. She was super wet with no lube and watching her boobs bounce and damn, it was something I'll never forget.
    Most guys want variety, but when you find a special winner it is nice to repeat. Have high standards. Sometimes the girl gets even better, sometimes you realize "it's just more of the same". You might even get her LINE and meet her OTC, just as if you met her through DH. Only do this for the most special girls, let's say the top 10% you'd be willing to see year after year. You'll notice soapland girls are simply cheaper than DH girls. DH girls have potential in other ways.

    About Delivery Health negotiation, the language barrier is hardest. Normally I would always start 10,000 and act like it's not important. Even if she says 20,000 or 40,000 just give 15,000 or 20,000 as your final number. You can say that's all you can spend today, or she can finish you by mouth then hand as necessary. Be pepared to walk, knowing another girl will do it for that. For example, your soapland girl at Kira Kira was hotter and better and did everything included with zero tip. To a DH girl, 20,000 is way more than 0. Obviously language barrier, nervousness, and having to negotiate halfway are barriers. Experience will help. DH negotiation

    I learned to negotiate through City of Industry strip clubs where you can bang just like DH. Here is an example from a few weeks ago:

    So what luck, I walked into a COI club and immediately discovered White Bona. Team Seven material there. Just wrong race and definite body over face. She gets on stage, and I know how it is - nobody goes to the tip rail because COI is full of cheap bums. But I know how to get things done at a strip club. I go up and toss some 1s. Just five is enough, then I lean forward for it. I'm the only guy so she pretty much has to wave her pussy inches from my face. Happily mind you, easiest thing in the world for these girls it's their sell chance for the main course. Mmmm Hmmm, white pussy is the cure for white fever. The stage is very well lit mind you, so I get a real good look when she was an inch from my nose asking if I want more. So I decide, this is the best pussy I've seen in a long time. Which is quite a statement coming from me. I know this is a petting zoo, but I have to negotiate for things later, so I make a tactical retreat. I pull back early and go to my seat with the others, even though her stage hasn't finished yet. Like I wasn't that interested. Makes negotiation later a snap. See photos of girl at bottom of post

    If a girl knew 15K was all you had left in your wallet, she would take the offer. In the same way, she will use excuses to ask for more money if she thinks you have it.

    I've said before I suggest every Japan beginner start at oppai pubs and Kira Kira soapland. Because chances are good you see high level looks at the oppai pubs for cheap, high level service at Kira Kira for cheap. Then when some DH girl plays hardball on negotiation, you know their worth, you have your standards. You know they are asking for 2 Kira Kira girls worth of money if not more. You know they would literally not even be allowed to work at an oppai pub.

    If you don't mind reading, I would start here in order: Japan Guides

    Attached are photos of Ai and KK info from their website. They are also Korean and Chinese friendly. Apparently if you become a member, they waive the 5000 yen foreigner tax in the future and even give you a punch card.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails KK SS.jpg‎   55.jpg‎   HP5-2.jpg‎   8e8a3142385ed4ceac01b9ac0db28ec6.jpg‎   Ai SS.png‎  

    Kira Kira 006.jpg‎   f745b654db37b24bb11fb0ceba90a611.jpg‎   HP3-2.jpg‎   S__51740685-1.jpg‎   HP44.jpg‎  

  3. #14101

    Okubo street girls, very bad session

    Cheap Vietjet flight from HCMC SGN to Tokyo Haneda was packed, only $155 for 5. 5-hour flight on a new A321, delayed over 1 hour.

    Got my luggage out by 2 AM, barely caught the last Limousine Bus at 2:20 AM to Shinjuku Station, 2,800 why compared to about 12 K why for Uber or taxi. Earlier bus would stop at Kabukicho Tower.

    Priceline had hotel APA Kabukicho Tower as the cheapest in Shinjuku at $73, with fees and tax $88.

    Checked in, tired and hungry, went to the cheap 24/7 Yakitori across from Toho Cinema for charcoal-grilled skewers, a beer and smoke.

    5 AM, It was freezing cold under 2 layers of clothes and a flight jacket. Found 6 tachinchos squatting in front Okubo Hospital talking shit, mostly chubbies, not very attractive. Showed the prettiest one Hotel Apa on Maps. She showed me 20,000 why on her phone. She spoke a smattering Janglish, confirmed I agreed to 20 K, had cash and condom. We walked to the Apa.

    APA security and reception were helping me and tachincho with the correct room number and access the elevator, no hassle.

    We took a hot shower together. She was shivering that the night was cold. In bed she looked a mid -20's spinner, pimples on face, natural see cups, very tiny pussy with a tuff of hairs, maybe 6 / 10 overall.

    She acted cold and bossy, refused me kissing her anywhere or touching her pussy. She was jacking me while I played with her boobs. I could not get erected. Using Translate, she said she always gets 20 K extra for CBJ to get me hard, or she would leave in 5 minutes. Had to give her another 20 K.

    She laid down in bed, spreading her legs, but restricted all my touching and kissing, complained my dick was too big, just pure BS, but her crotch was small, her pussy was the tiniest I have ever seen, and it was dry like the Mojave desert.

    I could barely pushed half of the head in. It met lots of resistance and could not go anywhere. Asked couple times to add lube but she vehemently refused. She asked to stay until 6 for another 60 K but I declined. She was cold and mercenary, the worst in all my travel.

    After fighting her half hour without gaining an inch into her pussy, she declared time was up. She put on a thin blouse, short skirt, a down jacket, knee-high boots and walked out into the freezing cold. I don't know how they survive all night outside in that sub freezing temperature.

    I wasted the only 40 K why or $266 drawn out from ATM. My Schwab debit card was hacked with a big charge in Honolulu, got locked out. Shit. Lucky I carry more cards.

    There are many escort agents in Tokyo. Will book Amateur Escort today.

    Thanks to the bros for their good intels, especially TravelerX.

  4. #14100
    Robo Deli is a great option in Tokyo that I haven't seen mentioned here. I guess it's really popular with Japanese guys, but they are cool with foreigners as you can tell from the English part of their website.

    This is a delivery health but they have all kinds of themes and options. The main one is that you can have the girl act like a robot servant. Want her to freeze in doggy style position while you jizz on her face? You can. They even have a remote control you can just to pause her mid-action haha.

    The women are all Japanese and sexy from what I have seen.

    Language issues: When you contact Robo Deli you will deal with English speaking Japanese managers. In person, none of the girls I have met spoke English. It didn't matter though. Especially when using the "no talking" option! You can tell her not to talk the entire time. Wish that worked on your wife!!

    You can use Google translate if you feel a need to communicate more than that. You can select the level of talking too. If no talking is too much for you, she can talk a little.

    For me though the joy of this place is the ability to basically use a woman however you see fit. It might sound harsh but it's really relaxing and low pressure.

    How aggressive do you want her to be? Really forward or timid and submissive? You can select that, and her clothes, even the way she makes her face when you're doing the butt.

    This is the kind of place people imagine when they think of Japan. It's not just a regular escort agency. You have all these choices, play styles, cosplay, and whatever else. At a place like this you learn why Japan is known as either "weird" or "awesome" depending on who you ask.

    For me it's awesome.

    Cost about 21000 Yen for the hour to start. Includes kissing, BJ, HJ, fingering, rimming, pissing, nuru kind of body massage. If you want more the sky is the limit: AF, vibrators, dildos, deep throat, rope bondage, strap ONS, whips, shackles, tickling, facial, cum on clothes, shaving, spitting, enemas, pig play. They have it all.

  5. #14099


    I wanted to start off by thanking all those that post reports here. An especially huge thank you to Traveler X who I've never spoken to but whose detailed guides and reports were invaluable. I'm new to the hobby and spent hours pouring over reports as I'm naturally a cautious person and wanted to do my due diligence before jumping in.

    After reading much about oppai pubs, soaplands and delivery health, I decided to go the path of soaplands and delivery health as my end goal was finding a pretty girl, getting good service and popping, so oppai pubs weren't for me.

    After much reading I decided on Tokyo Hentai Club (THC) and Kira Kira.



    Face- 3/5.

    Body- 3/5.

    Service- 4/5.

    Age- 27 (probably accurate).

    Cost- 37 k (up to 44 k w / CC) + 5 k + 30 k or $520 USD + $48 USD for short time hotel. 90 min.

    WIR- I chose not to.

    Went to the Shinjuku location which was easy-ish to find with google maps and the pictures listed. I initially went up an elevator next door (whoops) but was able to easily head back down and find the right entrance.

    Someone posted that this place looks like a rental car center and it really does. 2 Filipino guys behind the counter showed me who was working that day (I had already scanned their website prior to coming, just google Tokyo hentai club). My top 2 choices in my head were not available, likely already booked, so I went with Rui for 90 minutes. They them asked for add-ONS and deep down I know I should have turned them all down but I panic chose facial as it's always been something I wanted to do. The guy at the counter asked if I was sure I didn't want anal as that's what most people choose, but I was smart enough to at least turn that down and paid with credit card (slight % upcharge).

    They asked me to have a seat and then I waited for what ended up being close to 40 minutes for Rui to arrive. At first glance, I wondered if I was baited and switched as she did not look a whole lot like the girl in the picture. But after a few more looks I realized it was her, just that the eyes were photoshopped to appear bigger in her pictures and she wasn't wearing as much makeup.

    I said Hi and we started walking to a short time hotel nearby. I believe she was trying to grab my hand while we were walking but I didn't catch it and awkwardly realized it later. We small talked till we got to the hotel which had a kiosk to select your room. She asked if I've ever stayed at a hotel like this to which I replied no. She says in Japan the family lives together so it's common to come to these to have sex and not have the eyes and ears of your family around. Once inside the room I pay by credit card and the service begins.

    She starts getting the bath ready and says something to me I didn't quite hear. I thought she was calling me so I walked up which confused her and she asked me to go take a seat while she preps the bath. Whoops, I laugh at myself as I'm clearly a first timer and embarrassing myself.

    She says for the facial to make sure I stick below her eyes so she doesn't have to redo her makeup. No problems there, then she asks if I want anal or regular sex as an upcharge. I say regular sex and say I read that it's typically 20,000 to which she countered 30,000 since anal is 20,000 and what I was asking for wasn't legal so she had to charge more. Fine, no complaints. I pay her the cash.

    Then comes a shower followed by a bath. She asks me to sit on her lap (which felt weird at first) and she starts to blow me. 2 minutes later, she drains the tub, we dry off and head to the bed.

    I lay down and she goes back to a really good blowjob. I had been saving myself for this for 2 weeks so a couple minutes in and I was ready to blow. I was about to blow in her mouth and she stopped. Not sure if she sensed it or that's just how timing worked out. She put the condom on, put some lube on herself and got on top of me. About 15 seconds later I'm cumming in the bag. Really embarrassed I apologize and she just laughs and says Japanese girls are very tight. She wasn't lying. She then lays down next to me and we talk for a really long time.

    She asks how I'm enjoying Japan, and what I do for work, what life is like back home. It was good conversation and it felt like she was genuinely interested. Only thing about it was she was so nice and polite and not quite sexy? I know that's a weird comment but she was so sweet that I didn't feel like bending her over and fucking her. Probably mostly a me problem. Also no tongue in her kissing. LFK is the term for that I think? It just didn't feel right.

    With about 30 minutes on the clock she asks if I really want to give her a facial or if I would prefer to fuck her for round 2. Fine, let's fuck I say. She asks for position and I ask for reverse cowgirl since she rode me good previously (albeit 15 seconds LOL). She lubed up and after about 10 minutes of her riding she starts to get tired and starts giving me a CBJ which wasn't doing much for me, then she tries giving me a handjob. I know time is coming up and I know I'm not close to finishing. I thank her for trying but tell her it's not likely I'll finish in the time left. She smiled and got up and asked me to shower. Afterwards Rui asked for my WhatsApp and what day I'the be back in Japan (I told her I was going to Bangkok for a week after this and coming back). She periodically messaged me and wanted me to visit her again. I declined as I didn't have much time and realized it was incredibly pricey once I did the conversion. Probably wanted to repeat cause my dumb ass paid too much LOL. She's really nice and sweet though if that's your thing. Overall decent experience and more of a GFE than a PSE.


    Kira Kira.


    Face- 4/5.

    Body- 5/5.

    Service- 5/5.

    Age- 27.

    Cost- 48 k with CC upcharge or $318 USD for 90 min.

    WIR- absolutely. Best experience I've had.

    Reading about Kira Kira, the consensus was the girls may not be as attractive but you'll get good service at a fair price. I'm here to tell you, at least in my humble opinion the girl I chose (AI) was by far the most attractive of all of my travels and service was amazing. Also much cheaper than THC with no up charges or additional fees.

    I did some research on the girls working the day I'd be visiting and messaged them on WhatsApp. They were very responsive and confirmed my appointment. If you're coming to Tokyo for mostly tourism, getting to Kira Kira is the most difficult part, but it's not very difficult. From my hotel in Ginza you can just take the train for a little over an hour and you'll be at a station about a 10 min walk from Kira Kira. It's oddly in a residential neighborhood and I felt weird walking by families with their kids but oh well.

    Walked in, they confirmed my reservation and asked for payment. In the past there was a claim that they don't upcharge foreigners but the prices listed are lower than what we pay. I was sat in a waiting area and they came for payment. They said 30% upcharge for CC and I said no, your message to me earlier today said 20% (also what it says on their website I believe) they nodded and took 20%.

    They then told me Ai was ready. I was greeted by a beautiful lady with an amazing body. Wow. We walked to the room and she said something in Japanese and I apologized for not speaking any (I know, I know, I should learn some Japanese if I'm visiting). She took out her translator and asked if I've been there before. I said no, but I read many good things. She asked if I wanted to play on the air mattress and I said yes. She got undressed and again, wow. Her boobs were so massive for her frame and so perfect that I was wondering if they were fake, they were not. Super tiny waist and stomach and a cute tone butt, not big but big enough to not be bad.

    She had me sit on this tiny stool where she cleaned me and really focused on my asshole. Weird I thought.

    Then we get into the tub and she pulls me into her lap and starts blowing me. Blowjob was amazing. Plus the giant boobs popping out of the water. I was in heaven. Very sloppy blowjob with a lot of tongue and focus on the boys. She went for a while too, and I felt myself getting close before she stopped and got out of the tub and started prepping the mat.

    I've never had nuru before but loved the pornos I've seen on it. If you're like I was and have never tried, please do it when in Japan. 100% worth the hype. I think her having massive boobs made it even better. She glided on my back and it was genuinely extremely relaxing. Then she starts flicking her tongue up and down my entire body. And I mean entire body. She was sucking the shit out of my toes haha which was a little weird for me because I don't have a toe thing at all, but it felt ok I guess. Then she got to my asshole and I understood why she spent so much time cleaning it. I almost jumped up when she put her tongue in it. Never experienced anything playing my ass and it tickled the shit out of me. I was trying my best to be cool but I halfway wanted to kick her off me. But I let her do her thing and I think she sensed I wasn't into it and she moved on. I appreciate the dedication though. She flipped me over and took some mouthwash. Then she DFK me with a lot of tongue rotation. Wasn't a great kiss IMO but she was getting into it. She went down my body and started blowing me again. A little bit in she puts the cover on and starts riding me. Light moaning which didn't feel too fake and she looked so fucking good riding me. Got close to busting again and she hopped off and helped me to my feet. Fair warning, nuru is super slippery, don't fall. Then she cleaned me off and asked me to sit on the bed while she cleaned herself.

    She then took out her translator app and asked me to fuck her in missionary. She was super wet with no lube and watching her boobs bounce and damn, it was something I'll never forget. Went for a good amount of time in mish with her legs on my shoulder and finally busted in the bag and collapsed next to her. She smiled and then cleaned me up. I'll add, she perfectly edged me for a majority of the 90 minutes. She pulled out her translator app and we chatted for about 5 minutes before it was time to shower and leave. She wrote me a sweet note with smileys on a card and handed it to me on my way out. I'm in love haha. The staff does lineup to thank you and bow as you leave, funny. One of the greatest sexual experiences of my life. Thank you for recommending Kira Kira, it was amazing. On to Bangkok for some much cheaper encounters. Will likely be back in Tokyo again.

    Happy to answer any questions anyone may have and want to thank this forum who have been incredibly helpful.

  6. #14098
    YEP! They are absolutely to be avoided in Tokyo.

  7. #14097

    Girls friendly hotels Shinjuku

    APA hotel Kabukicho Tower and hotel Cabin Premier Okubo are girls friendly. Both are in the center of all good food and entertainment in Shinjuku.

    There are dozens other large hotels in that area that rent rooms all night and also by the hour, like love motels. Their rates would be lower.

    You will miss out on lots of good food and entertainment staying away from Kabukicho.

  8. #14096


    I try to focus on the positives and how to go straight to the fun. Japan is very safe with one exception - do not follow the Nigerian touts in Kabukicho. I have met several friends later in life who were robbed by these people once they entered bars. I myself was warned 20 years ago by ISG with the same stories, so nothing has ever changed. I'd rather not focus on this, but I guess I'll have to copy and paste some public examples. 15 second warning - do not follow Nigerian touts in Kabukicho

    Example articles: Rip-off bar scams targeting foreigners Bar levied false bills

    ..led by a tout to bar in a place like Kabukicho and then being presented with a massive bill for just a few drinks while the entrance is blocked by burley and angry doormen.

    A few people on Reddit say they've been drugged in bars, again usually Shinjuku, and frog-marched to their ATMs while in a semi-conscious state.


    I was promised some big Japanese titties and slightly buzzed me is like "Why the fuck not! I've not seen any decent tits since I got here!" we get in the bar and there is some topless late 30s black girl with titties so saggy she could tuck them in to her belt dancing.

    I was like "Yeah, but na" and tried to leave. The Nigerians 'strongly encouraged' me to stay for a drink. They got annoyed when I ordered OJ. Was promptly roofied.

    Next thing I remember the club is fucking FULL of them. At least 20 and one of them is rifling through my wallet saying "surely you've got a credit card so you can have some fun!"

    Then I blacked out. Some time later a vague memory of fucking face planting a closed roller shutter while trying to get home followed by waking up on my floor and two days of puking my guts up and feeling like shit.


    The exact same robbery was happening when I first went to Japan, the US consulate issued repeated warnings about it. Nothing has changed in 20 years! It is so easy to have fun if you research your place and head towards it. You are perfectly safe walking past the touts, they don't do anything in public other than give their sales pitch. There do exist underground Thai, Chinese, Filipino and other shops, but they suck. So it's not like you can luck out either way.

    Do what Japanese locals do, go straight for your shop or go to Manzoku. It's mostly the tight alleys and smaller streets they hang out in anyways, in the larger open areas they are nowhere to be found if you if you just want to gawk at cute girls holding up signs for the legit bars (i.e. Japanese run shops). Naturally, they prefer to prey on people who are already half-drunk so if you are not drunk just walk past because you are a low priority.

    Some other resources: How to get to Manzoku Tokyo All Shops (67 ads) Picking up girls Intro to oppai pubs (July 2024) Part 2 Beginner guides

  9. #14095

    Cheap Sex Kabukicho

    I live in Tokyo, I'm a student. Finally decided to checkout kabukicho with my friends. We turned down a bunch of 8 k yen handjob places, seemed like it was not worth it. After a good experience with one of the Nigerian dudes for something else I bluntly asked him, I want to have sex tonight and I'm not giving you more than 100 bucks. 5 minutes later he walked me and my friends down a stair case into a little room with 6 gorgeous young Thai girls in lingerie, their mama asked us to pick one out, 45 minutes full sex 1 shot, 15 k. Balls deep in this girl she walks in and asks me if I want to have a 3 some with her sister for 5 grand more, declined but for 30 $ I should've took it. My grand total ended up being 98 $ American to fuck one of 6 gorgeous Thai women. Absolutely worth it, guy hangs out outside of a place called "selene" give him the same line I did and you'll be in for the best price per what you receive I've gotten so far in Japan.

  10. #14094

    Cheap Sex Kabukicho

    I live in Tokyo, I'm a student. Finally decided to checkout kabukicho with my friends. We turned down a bunch of 8 k yen handjob places, seemed like it was not worth it. After a good experience with one of the Nigerian dudes for something else I bluntly asked him, I want to have sex tonight and I'm not giving you more than 100 bucks. 5 minutes later he walked me and my friends down a stair case into a little room with 6 gorgeous young Thai girls in lingerie, their mama asked us to pick one out, 45 minutes full sex 1 shot, 15 k. Balls deep in this girl she walks in and asks me if I want to have a 3 some with her sister for 5 grand more, declined but for 30 $ I should've took it. My grand total ended up being 98 $ American to fuck one of 6 gorgeous Thai women. Absolutely worth it, guy hangs out outside of a place called "selene" give him the same line I did and you'll be in for the best price per what you receive I've gotten so far in Japan.

  11. #14093
    Quote Originally Posted by TravelerX  [View Original Post] Rick Rock tries Casanova in Yoshiwara
    Great post! Even I learned some stuff from that interview.

    Only chiming in to say that Casanova is actually a soap land rather than DH.

  12. #14092
    I only had a few hours free in the afternoon so I stopped into the Tokyo Amateur Escort office in Shibuya. The guy showed me 3 laminated cards with women who were available right then and there. Even though I'd been there several times all 3 were new to me. They have so many women working here. It's frankly amazing.

    Based on picture alone, I chose 21 year old Yoshioka Suzu. Her pictures looks too good to be true. Incredibly, she looked exactly like the pictures.

    On the website it looks like they edited the bottom of her face, probably for privacy. But you can see her body. That is actually what she looks like in real life. WOW.

    So she's new not only to this place but to hooking, and she was definitely new to foreigners. No problem them. I broke the ice by rubbing her arm and being nice. Worked like a charm and she was fine.

    We went into the little love hotel shower, and she did some basic washing of my dick and balls. Then I left so she could wash herself thoroughly.

    She came out naked and my eyes almost fell out of my fucking head. She looks like a TV hostess, and her titties are bigger than you expect. She was very sweet, let me do basically everything I wanted. Had a great hour with her and had an awesome orgasm in what has to be one of the prettiest girls I've met in years.

    I hope she sticks around because she's a star.

  13. #14091

    Location is kind of selected

    After reading several reports and going through sites, I am planning to stay in either Shibuya or Shinjuku. I am still researching on hotels who do not ask if we bring in a girl. If someone can suggest airbnb with no questions asked could be helpful as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metso  [View Original Post]
    Hello Seniors,

    Reading through the forum and still reading it, I very less report of girl friendly hotels in Tokyo. I prefer to use DH in my upcoming visit to Tokyo and I don't see a forum for recommended hotels in the Japan thread.

    Can seniors suggest hotels or Airbnb in Tokyo best location as well where I stay for 7 days and bring in DH. Would be great if its near a metro.

    If I am not doing DH, planning to hit Soaplands, so if close to a metro station, will be good for navigation.



  14. #14090
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbo123  [View Original Post]
    First day in Tokyo and went straight to GFE. It was about 4 pm and I had no reservation, so there were only two girls available. I picked this younger skinnier one (forgot the name but she is new). Had a decent time: lots of kissing, good nuru, BBBJ and FS. I opted for 75 min and two pops, so left feeling good and spent. The rooms were nice and clean, would repeat but with a reservation next time.

    Question for the group: the street where GFE Soapland is located seems to have a ton of other soapies. Are any of these foreigner friendly? Should I just try going in next time?
    I wouldn't recommend going in without reservation and without checking first that it is foreigner friendly. Most soaplands are not foreigner friendly and you are just going to waste your time or even risk being shoved out quite rudely in some cases.

  15. #14089

    Girl-Friendly Hotels in Tokyo

    Hello Seniors,

    Reading through the forum and still reading it, I very less report of girl friendly hotels in Tokyo. I prefer to use DH in my upcoming visit to Tokyo and I don't see a forum for recommended hotels in the Japan thread.

    Can seniors suggest hotels or Airbnb in Tokyo best location as well where I stay for 7 days and bring in DH. Would be great if its near a metro.

    If I am not doing DH, planning to hit Soaplands, so if close to a metro station, will be good for navigation.



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