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  1. #14093
    Quote Originally Posted by TravelerX  [View Original Post] Rick Rock tries Casanova in Yoshiwara
    Great post! Even I learned some stuff from that interview.

    Only chiming in to say that Casanova is actually a soap land rather than DH.

  2. #14092
    I only had a few hours free in the afternoon so I stopped into the Tokyo Amateur Escort office in Shibuya. The guy showed me 3 laminated cards with women who were available right then and there. Even though I'd been there several times all 3 were new to me. They have so many women working here. It's frankly amazing.

    Based on picture alone, I chose 21 year old Yoshioka Suzu. Her pictures looks too good to be true. Incredibly, she looked exactly like the pictures.

    On the website it looks like they edited the bottom of her face, probably for privacy. But you can see her body. That is actually what she looks like in real life. WOW.

    So she's new not only to this place but to hooking, and she was definitely new to foreigners. No problem them. I broke the ice by rubbing her arm and being nice. Worked like a charm and she was fine.

    We went into the little love hotel shower, and she did some basic washing of my dick and balls. Then I left so she could wash herself thoroughly.

    She came out naked and my eyes almost fell out of my fucking head. She looks like a TV hostess, and her titties are bigger than you expect. She was very sweet, let me do basically everything I wanted. Had a great hour with her and had an awesome orgasm in what has to be one of the prettiest girls I've met in years.

    I hope she sticks around because she's a star.

  3. #14091

    Location is kind of selected

    After reading several reports and going through sites, I am planning to stay in either Shibuya or Shinjuku. I am still researching on hotels who do not ask if we bring in a girl. If someone can suggest airbnb with no questions asked could be helpful as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metso  [View Original Post]
    Hello Seniors,

    Reading through the forum and still reading it, I very less report of girl friendly hotels in Tokyo. I prefer to use DH in my upcoming visit to Tokyo and I don't see a forum for recommended hotels in the Japan thread.

    Can seniors suggest hotels or Airbnb in Tokyo best location as well where I stay for 7 days and bring in DH. Would be great if its near a metro.

    If I am not doing DH, planning to hit Soaplands, so if close to a metro station, will be good for navigation.



  4. #14090
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbo123  [View Original Post]
    First day in Tokyo and went straight to GFE. It was about 4 pm and I had no reservation, so there were only two girls available. I picked this younger skinnier one (forgot the name but she is new). Had a decent time: lots of kissing, good nuru, BBBJ and FS. I opted for 75 min and two pops, so left feeling good and spent. The rooms were nice and clean, would repeat but with a reservation next time.

    Question for the group: the street where GFE Soapland is located seems to have a ton of other soapies. Are any of these foreigner friendly? Should I just try going in next time?
    I wouldn't recommend going in without reservation and without checking first that it is foreigner friendly. Most soaplands are not foreigner friendly and you are just going to waste your time or even risk being shoved out quite rudely in some cases.

  5. #14089

    Girl-Friendly Hotels in Tokyo

    Hello Seniors,

    Reading through the forum and still reading it, I very less report of girl friendly hotels in Tokyo. I prefer to use DH in my upcoming visit to Tokyo and I don't see a forum for recommended hotels in the Japan thread.

    Can seniors suggest hotels or Airbnb in Tokyo best location as well where I stay for 7 days and bring in DH. Would be great if its near a metro.

    If I am not doing DH, planning to hit Soaplands, so if close to a metro station, will be good for navigation.



  6. #14088

    GFE soapland

    First day in Tokyo and went straight to GFE. It was about 4 pm and I had no reservation, so there were only two girls available. I picked this younger skinnier one (forgot the name but she is new). Had a decent time: lots of kissing, good nuru, BBBJ and FS. I opted for 75 min and two pops, so left feeling good and spent. The rooms were nice and clean, would repeat but with a reservation next time.

    Question for the group: the street where GFE Soapland is located seems to have a ton of other soapies. Are any of these foreigner friendly? Should I just try going in next time?

  7. #14087
    Quote Originally Posted by TravelerX  [View Original Post]
    I found some time to write my final guide about negotiating FS (full sex) at DH (delivery health). Maybe it's a scroll of wisdom, where just by reading it you are able to do stuff. But unlike in the movies, this scroll is free for anyone to have and read.
    Please accept my deepest gratitude. I'm really glad that I came to this forum before my trip to Japan. All of your advice are really helpful.

    I will absolutely report my encounters.

  8. #14086
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Rock  [View Original Post]
    Yeah, it is one of the options. You can just ask upfront if the girl does AF. So far I got it from everyone I asked.

    Some girls might offer AF / FS in the room too.
    I found some time to write my final guide about negotiating FS (full sex) at DH (delivery health). Maybe it's a scroll of wisdom, where just by reading it you are able to do stuff. But unlike in the movies, this scroll is free for anyone to have and read.

    Recently, I interviewed a veteran Delivery Health girl after negotiating FS from her. Let's call her Momo. What Momo told me lines up 100% with what I knew but she helped me write down some important Japanese phrases.

    So Momo says if she worked at soapland, she has to bang. But when she works DH, she can choose who she bangs. Maybe she thinks a guy is dirty, or just not in the mood, she can just say no to fs or quote a high price. Exactly like strippers at COI who offer it but not to every guy.

    DH Negotiation for FS
    I asked Momo about negotiation tactics, after having already negotiated with Momo and finished our session. I asked what if I suggest 10K tip ($65) to a girl. She says if the girl will take it then she takes it. Or if she wants more, she might raise it to 20K. Then the guy might take it or leave it, or one person suggests 15K. Note that with DH, the girl is already being paid for time and this is extra money on to. It's not hard for her to accept if she's willing to do it. But obviously if the guy gives off rich guy vibes she can GPS him. This is why my recommendation is to wait until you are hard and had enough of the foreplay / bj, then be the first to say a number. Start at 10K and don't seem too eager. Even if she replied with a ridiculous 40K, simply say 15K instead. You can even show her 15K saying it's all you have left. I have a ton of experience doing exactly this at high mileage strip clubs, it's no different. And of course, I had just done it with Momo.

    It isn't hard in my experience and usually takes seconds because I time it right. I really would not go over 15K or 20K personally, but I have heard guys being asked GPS rates of 40K and up because the girl knew he had money and really desperately wanted to bang. If you MUST bang, soapland is an option btw. Anyways these things play out exactly the same as a high mileage strip club in the US and I can say from experience you have to start low and be willing to walk against GPS. An upside to getting 10K or 15K is if you really liked the girl, you can get her LINE and do it again OTC without the middle man. There are pros and cons to that, the shop guarantees the girl won't flake but if you genuinely get along with the girl you can see her on her "day off".

    Do not fall in love! You might as well follow a Nigerian tout instead at that point!

    Advanced Tactics
    I mentioned to Momo one tactic where the guy can open his wallet and show "15K is all he has left", in which case the girl almost always accepts. Bribs did exactly that too. It's classic and unbeatable, the veteran guys literally won't bring any more than their final offer so that they don't slip up or cave in. I hope everyone understands what I'm really saying: the girls are trying to maximize their take but they will literally take the bare minimum if they believed that's all you had. Or the maximum if they believe you were "must have it" and willing. Exactly how strippers think at a high mileage US strip club. I've dealt with them for years at COI strip clubs in LA.

    Momo joked in the case the guy shows his wallet, the girl will claim zaisan (zaisan = property) the connotation being "all the money in your wallet is my property now". A guy here is pleading the Japanese idiom "nai mono wa nai" (literally "nothing is nothing" meaning "I have nothing more"). It is a valid tactic, but a last resort I don't often use.

    DH Love Hotel and rejecting a girl
    The traditional way for DH is to check into a love hotel first then call up the DH you want to send a girl. They may call your room to confirm you are for real and for the safety of the girl. Normally love hotels are for couples, but you tell the front desk "a girl will come later" (ato de onna no ko ga kimasu). The love hotel staff deal with this all the time, day and night, so totally normal for them. This is how local Japanese typically do DH, though a few normal hotels can do it too. Obviously since foreigners / tourists aren't used to this system, the "foreigner friendly" and especially "foreigner only" shops may have some variation where the girl might escort you to a love hotel instead. They may also require payment upfront, which is not the default for DH.

    Straight from Momo's mouth, she says guys will sometimes refuse a girl if they don't like her looks. Sending her away, typically asking the shop to send a different girl. Keep in mind we're talking about Japanese locals doing this, it does happen and I see it even in dramas as a trope. It's possible the shop gets upset and blocks you for repeatedly doing this, but many shops are fine as long as you "order another girl" and pay the nominal "transportation fee" you sometimes see listed. It's small, typically 1K ($6). The problem of course is if you only reserved your love hotel for 120 minutes and expect a girl to work 70, you can run into your own time limit. But you can always extend and pay the difference. Again, "foreigner only" places may have special rules about this.

    What Momo has said and also what I've seen in jdramas is the guy will be polite and say that the girl "is not his type" rather than being rude and saying he doesn't like her or whatever. She explained a polite guy would say "Chotto wa nai.." = "You're kind of not my type" followed by "Ano changu dekimasu ka?" = Um..can I change girls?. An alternative follow-up is "Ore kotsuu haraimasu" = "I'll pay transportation fees", referring to the small fee you often see tacked on as "transprot/taxi fee". Sometimes 1k or more depending on distance. I suppose if you speak no Japanese and she speaks no English, simply tell her by translator "Sorry, I want to change girls". Maybe offering her the listed fee directly.

    With some "foreigner only" shops, they often take payment ahead of time so you can't easily refuse the girl. But you can still ask nicely if it's possible and pay the fee. A legit shop is more likely to allow this.

    One shop I know of actually has a male staff escort the girl for her safety and collects payment before presenting he girl. I think Gingira does this. The good things is they have legit young and attractive girls so it's less of a risk. Whereas some of the lower tier DHs have the attitude of "We know some of our girls suck, so go ahead and send those back and choose another". Dh shops sometimes have high turnover, so they hire a bunch of girls and have no idea which ones are good. It's trial and error.

    Lastly, about bbfs, I won't say it's common but between you and the girl. I've gotten it as well as been refused.

    Next, I'll copy some links from my guide. All the guides are listed at: Japan Guides

    Delivery Health Gingira girls, look for O next to International Customer Gingira System Gingira English ad plus girls' media Gingira, girls generally young and photo accurate Tokyo Amateur Escorts Tokyo Hentai Club Taitanic Yokohama Example of how to DH Ichika Nagano did DH More photos of gingira girls Gingira and Tora no Ana Rick Rock visits Taitanic Yokohama Rick Rock tries Casanova in Yoshiwara

    Momo compared DH to Domino Pizza, very convenient. Above I listed many shops and random reviews. My hope is by trial and error people will figure out which shops work best for foreigners. There is a cycle where shops learn how to serve foreign customers and get good at it, then open up more to them.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails E0121AC8-0EC7-4A65-A7F6-E70DF598D524.jpg‎   ena01202501_01.jpg‎   nayu01202410_01.jpg‎   akane06202412_01.jpg‎   nanatan01202409_01.jpg‎  

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  9. #14085
    Quote Originally Posted by LR123  [View Original Post]
    I noticed THC posts girls that offer A-level (I'm assuming code for vaginal) Didn't see anything on TAEs site. Was it available when booking?

    Found it: AF. under options. now just have to find the right rirl on the website!
    Yeah, it is one of the options. You can just ask upfront if the girl does AF. So far I got it from everyone I asked.

    Some girls might offer AF / FS in the room too.

  10. #14084
    I noticed THC posts girls that offer A-level (I'm assuming code for vaginal) Didn't see anything on TAEs site. Was it available when booking?

    Found it: AF. under options. now just have to find the right rirl on the website!

    Quote Originally Posted by RickRock  [View Original Post]
    I heard that Dio closed, but hadn't been over to see. That's a sad state of affairs. They actually had a paper that said "foreigner price"?

    Then it said 60 min but he gave you 30? That's just wrong.

    At that point, might as well go to deli health and similar.

    I have been avoiding the pink salons for this exact kind of reason. Instead of 3-5 BJ a week I just get a good deli health or soap session once a week.

    Tokyo Amateur Escort has become my new go to. Every time I go there I see a new girl that is better than the last. No question they have the best line up of any gaijin OK place in Tokyo. I've had almost a dozen women all whom were beautiful with sexy bodies and college aged. Where else can you get that? If you know, let me know!

    One good option seems to be picking from their 'ranking' list of the most popular girls. Though I've also picked some random ones and it was good. I think they just hire only good girls. No fatties, no tattooed party monkeys, no fat lazy chicks.

    This month I tried Suzu Yoshioka and Rika Omura. Both were beautiful, but different.

    Suzu is an unquestionable beauty. Prom queen level gorgeous. I don't think anyone on earth would disagree with me. Beautiful face, incredible body, great natural tits, subtle curves.

    Rika is a cutie with more of a girl next door look. Another good body hiding under her clothes. More passive with tighter holes.

    Suzu is out of my league. Rika I felt like I would be able to pick up, maybe, if I was 20 years younger. This is part of the appeal, in both directions.

    For about 30,000 Yen each time this is really hard to beat.

  11. #14083

    Sayuri at Ran Thai massage

    After reading several positive reports, I rocked up at Ran massage joint near Kanda station at 10:15 pm after a long day of stresses and strains. I was looking forward to a good service and a happy ending.

    I selected the recommended set course, the 90 minute option for 11 k. Only Sayuri was available. She looked nothing like her pics, but she was the classic MILFy massage lady with lots of curves. She was also sluttily dressed with just a t-shirt over panties.

    The place is far from luxurious, with thin partitions between each massage station, and a curtain to enter. The mattress was on the floor. Basic, but fit for purpose.

    After the obligatory shower (solo), she started the "Thai massage", which basically prodding through the towel. No pulling or stretching. Not ideal but not too bad either. I was able to cop a feel of her meaty thighs, which was an unexpected pleasure.

    She switched to the oil massage, which comprised repeated strokes of my calves, hamstrings and glutes. Again not great but not terrible either, below average. No work on my back or front. No erotic touches.

    She then declared loudly "hann-job hann-job"! I turned around and she started her work. One good point is that she pulled up her top to reveal a fulsome rack. I was allowed to fondle that and her meaty thighs and buttocks.

    She wanted 4 K to touch the pussy. I couldn't be arsed to get up fetch my wallet so I demurred (probably a mistake). I politely requested a price for cunnilingus but refused.

    The HJ was in truth a bit disappointing. Again, it wasn't terrible, it just wasn't up to the high standard I had read about. It was a routine bashing of the bishop with an unfortunate bashing of the balls on the downstroke.

    In fairness, the technique combined with the fondling would get most guys off. I could not finish and that was partly my fault.

    After a quick shower, I emerged into the Kanda red light area, wondering if I should try again at another Thai joint, paying 8 k for the 1 hour option.

    I wandered around the area. There were a surprising number of salarymen in varying degrees of inebriation. One guy vomited noisily, then when back to drinking from his can 🙈. Another was arguing loudly with a mama-san outside a joint. The body language was weird: he was squatting Asian-style while she stood over him in hectoring mode.

    I bumped into a Chinese tout who had propositioned me on another day. The ideal would be a Time Machine to retrieve her 2005 version, but the 2025 version was still attractive.

    I tried to negotiate services through her translation app, which translated back to English. Unfortunately everything I wrote came back as gibberish. All we could manage was to agree on 5 k for a handjob.

    I knew it would be a sub-optimal experience, with probable upsell, but I went with it anyway.

    She took me to a nearby building with crude curtain partitions. A drunken Japanese guy was engaging noisily with a lady further down.

    I handed over the 5 k and stripped off. Lily removed her coat revealing a tight bod, but fully covered by tight-fitting pants and top. I asked her to remove and was told that would cost 5 k. Sigh.

    I thought fuck it and grudgingly coughed up the 5 k. Her body was very good: slim with perky tits. She kept her panties on. Her HJ technique was average but was enough to get me off after only 5 minutes or so.

    Given that she had offered FS for 10 k on another night, it was poor price / performance, but I was still pleased to bust a nut and not go home with blue balls. If I could find a way to communicate properly, and negotiate a proper session, I would take her again for FS.

  12. #14082

    JanJan: Rip-off or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by RickRock  [View Original Post]
    They all do. This guy got ripped off with poor service.

    There aren't going to be many more reports, because 99% of pink salons don't want your foreign cock.

    Hinomaru is closed, Ichigo banned foreigners, Dio is changed.

    Only places left are really Jan Jan, Sugamo World, and maybe Golden King.

    You walk in, put the money down, get your dick sucked by a below average older lady. What is there to report?
    Agree on Bangkok.

    Some may agree with your rip-off assessment and some may not. Here are the criteria for members to make their own judgement.


    - significantly cheaper than others options (4 K).

    - BJ is bareback with full CIM.

    - skillful technique.

    - easy for foreigners to use.

    - efficient use of time.


    - provider is usually older and not attractive.

    - some ladies allow no touching.

    - no choice of lady.

    - no foreplay, instant BJ after the wipe down.

    - limited privacy.

    - seedy ambiance.

    Some may evaluate the last 3 cons as pros.

  13. #14081

    Sexy cat

    Quote Originally Posted by CCRider1008  [View Original Post]
    71 years old and she's still hookin? That's not a sight I want to see.

    How much was the fee for the MILF? I assume it's lower than younger delivery services.
    14 k for 50 minutes, plus 1 k for selection.

    For my second session I paid 20 k for 75 minutes, as I found the 50 minutes a bit of a rush to finish.

  14. #14080

    Sexy Cat part 2

    I showed up at Sexy Cat at 8 pm on Monday, hoping for a quiet evening with lots of choice. Fat. Chance! Positively reviewed providers (Shiho and Asuka) were on duty but not available. Only "mature" ladies were available. In the end I chose Airi, a slim 48 yo who allegedly spoke some English. I shelled out 20 k for 75 minutes, plus 1 k for the privilege of selection. (The 50 minute option is 14 k).

    In the waiting room I was surprised to see a disheveled young English guy instead of older well-dressed Japanese gentlemen like last time. The guy looked unkempt but his eyes suggested a keen intelligence, likely far superior to my own, as he had escaped my wrinkly fate and secured the services of Achibo from the young cast.

    Airi showed up in the standard "OL" uniform. Her legs were slim and shapely but the face was definitely showing some city miles and wishing it was the 1990's. She was still much younger than me though.

    I was actually reminded of a Japanese Mrs Robinson, with her slim figure, poise and naughty look in her eye. Her English was minimal and highly accented. We used Google translate. She was very friendly and service-oriented.

    Off came the clothes. The bottom part was pretty good, with an enormous Bush. I haven't seen one that overgrown since the 1970's. The upper part was flat with clothes-peg nipples.

    I sat on the special stool and she soaped me up, including the classic crack reach-under. She joined me in the tub for a little bit, which was an achievement given the small size of that receptacle.

    On to the bed and the standard service applied. Summary:

    - Kissing with minimal lip contact (she didn't like my stubble).

    - Cat lick.

    - Tongue-based BJ, I loved the technique but unfortunately it was delivered only in short bursts before reverting to HJ.

    - 69, her labia are dark and external, shaven thank god (the Bush was above).

    - No rimming or anal play.

    - Very skilful HJ, with light pressure for extended pleasure and edging.

    - Sumata executed very skillfully with a hand to assist. This was the "classic" sumata between the thighs, not pussy frottage aka "cameltoe slide", nor the "penis tapping" technique that Mifuyu had used in a previous session. The sumata was delivered in cowboy position with plenty of gel. There was actually more sensation than BBFS.

    Despite her GILF looks, it was a pleasurable session that she kept going for over an hour. Her digital dexterity finished me off with 10 minutes of the 75 left on the clock. To paraphrase Kipling: she filled the unforgiving hour with 60 minutes worth of distance run.

    In summary, Airi is suitable only for MILF (GILF) lovers, or aficionados of HJ / sumata. Even then, Japan old hands will likely have better options. For newbies seeking a novel experience, it is a reasonable option.

  15. #14079

    Would say try esim with local carrier

    Quote Originally Posted by CCRider1008  [View Original Post]
    Thanks to all who answered. Intl plan is free for me given my plan (get like 20 free days year) so I'll roll with that. I went to Brazil in Sept and purchased an esim due to the same internet blogs saying USA companies have terrible network services in Brazil. Worked fine and never used the esim.
    For Japan. I would recommend KDDI or SoftBank esim.

    I also have free roaming for 12 days but will use it in Dubai cause I will stay in Japan more than 12 days.

    Esim. Vacay. Asia / th / en / e-sim / asia / Japan this is a website that I plan to use in Japan. Got it from a travel vlogger and seem the price is right for my pocket.

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