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  1. #1014
    Quote Originally Posted by Cultleader69  [View Original Post]
    Recently I visited 2 new places. I was able to get special services in 2 places. 2 girls and guys can give a good massage. The main thing is to treat them well.
    Thanks for the previous replies. Can you share the names of the 2 places you visited? Or general location? I'm always on the hunt for a new spa to try. Thanks.

  2. #1013

    Some new (maybe old) place

    Recently I visited 2 new places. I was able to get special services in 2 places. 2 girls and guys can give a good massage. The main thing is to treat them well.

  3. #1012

    Grand 3 and Art Spa

    Quote Originally Posted by ThreeOhThree  [View Original Post]
    Visited Grand Massage 3, its not the nicest of places and could use a bit of work. I think I met the type of the girl Alisonbuurger mentioned. Her B2B was pretty quick, nothing real sensual and she was pretty flat chested. I've been there a few other times and had a better B2B. The girl was cute enough and not a bad HJ, so I managed to finish fairly quick and then move on. I might return as girls seem to warm up to you a bit more if you are a repeat customer.

    Next was Art Spa, someone needs to tell me what to say instead of "soft" or "zoolon" because the masseuses never seem to understand that I'm wanting a soft massage, something just to get me warmed up. Instead I always seem to get a fairly hard massage (not Thai painful but more inline with Swedish deep tissue). Anyway, the massage wasn't bad, the B2B was more nicer and more sensual than Grand and she did allow my hands to roam around. I'm wondering if they have a VIP or sauna room. As I was putting my shoes on a man walked past the door from a direction that they have never taken me. I always go to the left, but he came from the right.

    Hope this helps in your search and happy hunting.
    Grand massage is bullshit place, don't go there again, for Art Spa there is only 1 girl who can provide cool B2 B massage and rest is up to you.

  4. #1011
    Quote Originally Posted by ThreeOhThree  [View Original Post]
    Visited Grand Massage 3, its not the nicest of places and could use a bit of work. I think I met the type of the girl Alisonbuurger mentioned. Her B2B was pretty quick, nothing real sensual and she was pretty flat chested. I've been there a few other times and had a better B2B. The girl was cute enough and not a bad HJ, so I managed to finish fairly quick and then move on. I might return as girls seem to warm up to you a bit more if you are a repeat customer.

    Next was Art Spa, someone needs to tell me what to say instead of "soft" or "zoolon" because the masseuses never seem to understand that I'm wanting a soft massage, something just to get me warmed up. Instead I always seem to get a fairly hard massage (not Thai painful but more inline with Swedish deep tissue). Anyway, the massage wasn't bad, the B2B was more nicer and more sensual than Grand and she did allow my hands to roam around. I'm wondering if they have a VIP or sauna room. As I was putting my shoes on a man walked past the door from a direction that they have never taken me. I always go to the left, but he came from the right.

    Hope this helps in your search and happy hunting.
    Grand massage is bullshit place, don't go back there again, for Art Spa, there are girls who will provide personal VIP service, the main thing is to treat them right, proper play, proper talk, and send them fee to their account through e-bank. If you want cool massage there is only 1 girl who can provide cool B2 B, and.

  5. #1010

    Grand 3 and Art Spa

    Visited Grand Massage 3, its not the nicest of places and could use a bit of work. I think I met the type of the girl Alisonbuurger mentioned. Her B2B was pretty quick, nothing real sensual and she was pretty flat chested. I've been there a few other times and had a better B2B. The girl was cute enough and not a bad HJ, so I managed to finish fairly quick and then move on. I might return as girls seem to warm up to you a bit more if you are a repeat customer.

    Next was Art Spa, someone needs to tell me what to say instead of "soft" or "zoolon" because the masseuses never seem to understand that I'm wanting a soft massage, something just to get me warmed up. Instead I always seem to get a fairly hard massage (not Thai painful but more inline with Swedish deep tissue). Anyway, the massage wasn't bad, the B2B was more nicer and more sensual than Grand and she did allow my hands to roam around. I'm wondering if they have a VIP or sauna room. As I was putting my shoes on a man walked past the door from a direction that they have never taken me. I always go to the left, but he came from the right.

    Hope this helps in your search and happy hunting.

  6. #1009
    Quote Originally Posted by AlisonBuurgers  [View Original Post]

    Back in my time, b2 b was a very sensual thing that the full naked masseuse used all her body parts tits, ass, pussy, thigh, etc, and lasted longer. Nowadays, inexperienced girls slide their chests a few times and then senselessly shake customer's penis.

    Does anyone know a place that offers service like good old times?
    Can't say it is exactly the same as the old days, but Top Massage on Seoul street offers b2 b like you are looking for. Maybe not as sensual as you use to get.

  7. #1008
    Just visited the new spa at Sansar Tunnel. I chose a 250 k set that included 2 girl massage. They said I could receive service from both girls at the same time or one by one. Seems like it is a new trend. I chose the second option.

    1st girl was a bit plump and she did a table wash and b2 b massage. After b2 b she gave me a small towel instead of a napkin. I wondered if they washed it properly, and how many guys wiped their junk with this towel.

    2nd girl was a kind of skinny girl and she did body massage and b2 b massage. 2nd b2 b was too short and I could not finish, she said if I wanted to extend the service it would be 100 k, but I refused because it was not worth it. They both wore underwear and requested a tip to take off it.

    Even though it is a new place, hygiene, and services are below mediocre. For me, I will not be going to that place again.

    Back in my time, b2 b was a very sensual thing that the full naked masseuse used all her body parts tits, ass, pussy, thigh, etc, and lasted longer. Nowadays, inexperienced girls slide their chests a few times and then senselessly shake customer's penis.

    Does anyone know a place that offers service like good old times?

  8. #1007

    Happy to see the forum more alive

    Damn! MNGGuy single handedly reviving this form nice job dude!

    Will be in UB late July and looking for places to visit. I've noted your recommendations, thank you sir!

    Happy to read more.

    I'll definitely report back once I've sampled these places. So far the place at Springs hotel was the one I liked the most for the cleanliness and the girls seemed hot-er with their short bottoms.

  9. #1006
    Quote Originally Posted by MNGGuy99  [View Original Post]
    How about we all meet up one day and have couple of beers? We could talk about our experiences and maybe trying out new places together as a group?
    Hi MNG, I would be interested, but would prefer not to set up a meet in the public forum. Can you send a direct message. I'll be away for a while and back mid-July. Happy hunting.

  10. #1005

    Catch up and meet?

    How about we all meet up one day and have couple of beers? We could talk about our experiences and maybe trying out new places together as a group?

  11. #1004

    Bolor spa?

    Quote Originally Posted by MNGGuy99  [View Original Post]
    I would recommend Bolor spa. You will find a big sign outside that says only MASSAGE and you take a left and go downstairs.

    I can not recommend Eelt anymore except its cleanliness.
    I went to Bolor spa last Sunday. The receptionist was very friendly. However, it was Win massage, not Bolor massage. The massage girl was ordiary girl and the massage was good. In the middle of the massage, I was asked if I wanted extra service, which I assumed was anal massage, but it was just B2 B, not very interesting. My Mongolian is limited, so maybe I misunderstood. I should have made it clearer that I wanted anal massage at the reception. Massage was 75 k, B2 B was 75 k. I would like to return again soon.

  12. #1003

    Bolor spa?

    I went to Bolor spa last Sunday. The receptionist was very friendly. However, it was Win massage, not Bolor massage. The massage girl was ordiary girl and the massage was good. In the middle of the massage, I was asked if I wanted extra service, which I assumed was anal massage, but it was just B2 B, not very interesting. My Mongolian is limited, so maybe I misunderstood. I should have made it clearer that I wanted anal massage at the reception. Massage was 75 k, B2B was 75 k. I would like to return again soon.

  13. #1002

    Bolor spa?

    Quote Originally Posted by MNGGuy99  [View Original Post]
    I would recommend Bolor spa. You will find a big sign outside that says only MASSAGE and you take a left and go downstairs.
    I can not recommend Eelt anymore except its cleanliness.
    I went to Bolor spa last Sunday. The receptionist was very friendly. However, it was Win massage, not Bolor massage. The massage girl was ordiary girl and the massage was good. In the middle of the massage, I was asked if I wanted extra service, which I assumed was anal massage, but it was just B2B, not very interesting. My Mongolian is limited, so maybe I misunderstood. I should have made it clearer that I wanted anal massage at the reception. Massage was 75 k, B2B was 75 k. I would like to return again soon.

  14. #1001
    Quote Originally Posted by ThreeOhThree  [View Original Post]
    Went to Bio the other day. Otgoo the cute girl mentioned before is no longer there. Maybe she moved elsewhere, keep a look out for her. Reception said there was another girl like Otgoo, so I agreed. She is a bit older, late 20's maybe and fit, Khaliunaa. The massage was okay and the b2 b was pretty nice. She didn't want me to touch her pussy as she had a tampon in. That was a bit disappointing. I wish they would let you know up front about this, I might have asked for a different girl. Anyway, it all went pretty well and I will most likely return another time, to give her a 2nd try.
    I visited BIO last night without reading your post. Now I regret that. When I specifically asked for a small girl, they sent me a chubby girl. So big that I couldn't tell was I touching her belly or tits! I will try Khaliunaa on my next visit. Thank you ThreeOhThree. I was going to strike BIO off my list. However I would like to see this Khaliunaa girl.

    The Spas I visited lately were changed so much that I can't even recommend them anymore. Eelt and BIO dropped in girls quality and massage. I will keep looking around and post when I find some good place.

  15. #1000
    Quote Originally Posted by AlisonBuurgers  [View Original Post]
    What the heck is anal massage? Are you talking about rimming or prostate massage? If I want it, what do I say to massuese?
    By anal massage I mean prostate penetration with 1 or 2 fingers by the masseuse. I'm used to ask anal massage because the terms in Mongolian isn't very clear and doesn't sound good (I'm a local guy).

    Just ask for "anal massage". Tell or ask the receptionist that you would like to get an anal massage.

    This is what I do. First I let the receptionist know that I would like to have a anal massage at the end. And later in the room when the lights go down and the B2 B is about to begin, I ask the masseuse to massage my bottom area or just pointing at my ass and tell her to massage this area (while facing down) and she will get the point. By the time when she flips you over at the end she already knows that I enjoyed the prostate massage and she will finger me while she is finishing me off with the other hand. When she doesn't, I gently grab her hand and direct it to my asshole.

    Right now, I know Bolor spa is familiar with this. Unlike other spas I think at Bolor spa. There is this person training the new masseuses and telling them to penetrate the anal area when the client is comfortable with it. Don't expect the B2 B to be good. What I recommend is to get the 75 k package and get a happy ending with a prostate massage. The B2B costs 150 k and the girls at this place, won't do a good job.

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