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Thread: Buenos Aires - 2003 Reports

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  1. #1408
    FB - Yeah, sounds like you had fun there. Maybe you're both too domesticated, and she's trying to give you a hint.

    I'm hoping I can back to BA for 2-3 weeks in late October or early November. I'll probably try and rent an apartment similar to the one Elvis got.

    I went ahead and booked a trip to Bangkok for a month. It's a bit cheaper than BA for that amount of time, and the ticket is about 60% of what a BA ticket costs me, and another 5k frequent flyer miles. I need to have some more clothes made, so I figure I'll take care of that first.

    How hot is it in BA in October/November?

    Elvis - Sounds like another Techno place for you! I wonder if Yessica likes Techno?

  2. #1407

    What's up? This place Amerika sounds cool, I've heard from my friends that it's that wild.

    I'll probably check it out on my next visit in September.


  3. #1406

    According to my amigovia, Saturday is always the best night for discos in BsAs. I forgot to mention that the dress code is liberal ranging from casual (yours truly in jeans and a Scooby Doo T) to prom dresses (the cross dressers) with an occasional costume thrown in. Also forgot to mention that at 5:00 am, tons of foam started pouring out of the ceiling onto the dance floor. I was trying to avoid the stuff to save my shoes, but others literally dove right in. Quite a diff place.

    Last edited by Fat Bastard; 07-11-03 at 03:32.

  4. #1405

    Nice scouting. Way to go, descending into the sewers of BA and reporting back to the team. This place will now be a must on my list.

    I have done Buenos Aires News on a Thursday night, Millenium, and a few other dance joints, but what you describe is straight out of New York's meat district in the 80s, like the Anvil and stuff of that ilk.

    Which is the best night to go??


  5. #1404
    Jaimito Cartero,

    Hey...sorry for the delay in's it going?

    Concerning my participation in a chica research....are you referring to Slash's offer?? Ain't life great? Oprah Winfrey would shit a gold brink if she knew that men actually enjoyed life in ways so offensive to her ears....where one guy needs help in picking a woman and asks another's help in Slash's most excellent manner. I love it!!!

    But I have to say I was only complimenting Slash on his style and idea....I wasn't indicating a a matter of fact, I think Dick Head is a better candidate and was NOT surprised (and laughed my ass off) when he piped up with an offer to "help out" his fellow monger (punter). Other good candidates: Tio Otto for a more refined outlook, Dances w/chicas for a list of all her faults (sorry have that coming), and Jackson for a down and dirty "let's just screw" report.

    When you make it back into town, let me know. My yahoo email is fatbastard1962.

    Last edited by Fat Bastard; 07-10-03 at 04:29.

  6. #1403

    i have a post of a different type you might like to read. it involves my favorite chica…i guess you could call her my amigovia. i have violated the “no more than three times” rule with this one. anyway, one evening, i asked what was on the agenda and she said that she wanted to go dance at an alternative club called amerika (gascon of cordoba). i asked, “define alternative club.” she said, “you’ll like it. it’s quite out of the ordinary. cross dressers, gays kissing, transvestites, lesbians kissing, everybody’s on ecstasy.” now guys, i’m very open minded and i figured why not? my amigovia is a high spirited woman who likes things to be a little different just to keep things interesting.

    well, we arrive at amerika about 2:00 am (i’m a gringo…it’s still hard to start the party this late, but when in latin america, that’s the way it is). when we pay the cover, they give you a condom along with your change. i’m thinking, “okay a condom….i like this place already.” we go inside and wow… let me tell you this place is huge with two floors. there must be three hundred people dancing to loud techno music…and as advertised…there is every kind of person in there. straight people on ecstasy dfking on the dance floor, some guy dressed as robin (as in caped crusader), a guy bigger than me with long hair and huge boobs, etc. there’s even folks smoking mj somewhere. this is a great place to people-watch.

    as we’re walking, my chica in front, some guy walks by us and proceeds to run his hands all over her body and then continues on. she turns around and says, “he didn’t miss a thing!”….and she’s laughing about it! well, maybe i should walk in front. wrong! while i’m leading, guys are hitting on her big time. being a gringo, i’m thinking, “hey, wtf? i’m giving them dirty looks. she realized this and says, “hey, we’re in a wild club...this stuff happens here…tranquilo! everything is fine…i won’t let things get out of control.” so i chill and just enjoy the ride. after all, guys are hitting on my woman and i guess that means she’s looking good….and she is!!! btw, bottled water and booze is free with the cover charge…i think 15 pesos…and the water is starting to go through me. so we head to the men’s room with her waiting outside. i come back out (after two gays literally watch me [CodeWord134] while standing on each side of me…i told you...wild place) and some guy is trying to kiss my chica’s neck! i walk up and i ask how many guys have tried that? she responds that he’s the second one to try and pick her up/kiss her! we head to the dance floor, begin to dance and do our thing. after a few minutes, some women run up to my amigovia and start kissing her!! did i mention that my chica is open minded?! now i am not one to stand in the way of my woman kissing other women! about two nanoseconds after this, their male friends start trying to line up and get into the middle of the kissing. my chica says to the ladies, “if your guys are going to kiss me, then you kiss my novio! well just like that, i’m kissing these women and my girl is kissing these guys. throughout the night, there is more kissing and groping of strangers. we had a blast and my amigovia enjoyed all the attention she received. she has an open mind and i guess she gave off the right vibes because everybody seemed to flock to her.

    the club closes at 6:00 am and we decide to bolt about 5:30 to beat the exodus. all in all, a great place to watch many different kinds of people who have one thing on their minds….being with other people in a sexual way. something far different than the normal monger venues. i hope to go with her again soon.

    Last edited by Fat Bastard; 07-10-03 at 03:27.

  7. #1402

    Agreed we all have different rating systems. However, I don't recall seeing postive reviews about chicas from you. I've only been active on the BA board for a couple of months, but I'd love to hear some of the outstanding chicas you've seen.

    I'm planning on going to BA later this year again for 2-3 weeks, and would like to have a list of the "must do" girls.

    Another tip, if you make real paragraphs, and enter carriage returns every now and again, it makes reading your posts much easier.

  8. #1401
    Originally posted by Slash
    My offer;

    Dickhead and friends, here is the latest on my offer. It looks like it is down to 2 girls. The girls are on The first girl is Aixa. I am going through Adriana for this girl. So, this will be easy for me to send money to Adriana and have her give it to Aixa. Aixa will never know one of you gave her a test ride (so to speak) for me.

    The second girl is Biby. She is my first choice but, she will be harder to work with because I am talking to her directly. I don't want Biby to know this is a test run for me. Do any of you guys have an idea on how you can see her with me paying for the hour? I hope to complete this mission by the end of the week.
    Slash, you can e-mail me at my hot mail account, richardhead41. I would be glad to test drive Aixa for you. As far as how to pay for Biby???? I don`t know. Maybe Roxanna would have some idea of how to work it out.

    Your faithful test pilot,

    Richard Head, Esq.

  9. #1400

    I am glad some of you are understanding exactly what
    is the point of my posting.
    I like to add that even when I seem to be very demanding
    I still enjoy many girls here in this great city. I do internet,
    incall places, cafes, Recoleta clubs, Microcentro clubs,
    I hit on girls at the malls sometimes ( from the popular
    Abasto one to upscale Patio Bullrich) and of course I go
    to the clubs like Pacha, La Diosa, Danzon, Asia de Cuba
    often finding girls from our well known clubs.
    The difference is I don´t go around writing I was with a
    stunner, a goddess, or a 10 since that is simply not true.
    Like I said before, the audience I try to reach is my amigos
    readers in the US. They are getting a false impression
    with all the fantastic descriptions of places like madahos
    and the girls there and anywhere else in BA. Also
    with brush and fully orchestrated pictures in the internet.
    If you are one of the old school BA mongers who just love
    the girls here and think the place is heaven on earth,
    that´s fine, good for you, but this board has a large
    number of readers and perhaps when you write your
    out of this world account of events you might encourage
    guys to come and find out that your stunner, gorgeous
    10 is not better looking or less of a good person than
    a girl you can hook up with, even without leaving US soil.
    If after all, someone is not getting my point I think the core
    of my message was posted the 07-09-03 @ 01:41.
    People who want to add something should go back to
    the beginning of this discussion the 07-07-03 @ 04:33
    in order to get fully update and inform with every opinion
    posted by all members.
    Chau, Amigos

  10. #1399
    Subject: several attempts to post my reports have failed-----please post it.

    After a lot of consideration, my plan for b.a. was to use roxana for my first few
    days, and how it would work. it was great. she gave a great intellectual tour of
    the city and its history. then i gave her all my specs for the things i wanted the
    chicas to agree to, plus my budget for 1 hour sessions. then i got pictures, names,
    phones and gave to roxana. she set up all the dates. it was pefecto ! the plan was
    for 2 a day, but that was not enough. all the girls were so beautiful and so hot . i
    cant describe how good it was. and it got better and better. then i began
    supplementing the roxana dates with girls i met arond town, mostly madahos and
    newport(a great bar with many 7,8,9's---best scene in town for me) but didnt find
    until my last 3 days. at newport, it is so easy to talk and set up details of the
    date. you have so many good ones there. b.a. turned me into a high dosage sex
    addict ! in 8 days, i was with 16 different women, one 6 times, 4 three ways and 1
    way !!!
    and spent many 1 hour sessions with 3 other favorites.all were 8, 9's except two
    7's and two 5's ! all were hot in the sack except barbarella, a 7, but she refused
    most of the terms of our agreement. she only saved the date with s....... and
    prostate stimulation. b.a. is "all good". a mongers paradise. 10x
    better than costa rica. all the girls came to the marriott plaza hotel, they are
    very chica friendly. i am a legend there now ! the club
    scene for me sucked except for madahos and newport. in centro, all the places are
    bad. girls are older, low down,fat and slutty and are 3,4,5, and 6's. stay away
    from cutty sark and the iraqi doorman. he will promise you hot, cheap girls in
    apts. dont believe him. i looked and left. black is a joke,well
    dressed 7's with a 10+ attitudes. later i learned of the high drink prices.
    solid gold is all 4,5,6's and not worth the trouble. madahos best to me , mostlly
    6,7,8's. !

    my budget was $40-70, never exceeded. the 3 and 4-ways were all $50 each. why
    negotiate lower, this gave me unbelievable sex and service. all were happy.
    i have been with many women in my long life. all but 3 girls, would rank in
    the top 25% and several in the top 10. b.a. is incredible ! i will be back

    i came, i saw, i conquered. not quite. i came many ,many times. i saw
    many beutiful and so many hot chicas. they conquered me. i became totally
    emersed in sex. i was with 16 different chicas 34 times, some multiple times, all at
    my hotel. ba is heaven. a gave the economy a big boost. much more
    later, plus a high recommation of roxanas services.

    mongers------roxana was incredible. use all her services. it is much simpler than
    learning the hard way by yourself and you pay what you request. and she will help
    you with late date, language problems ,maps, experience, etc.


  11. #1398
    Hi, Buddies!!!

    I'm back in Buenos Aires!!!! So I'm back to work, you can start emailing me and calling me at my mobile, and I will be very very happy to help you as usual!!!!

    The ones who were making appts. through Mayra have to make them with her until you leave Argentina, it's a question of internal organization, but you can count on me to make city-tours or meet me. I will also appreciate your comments about Mayra by posting them, and I know she will be happy too.

    See you, then, your tanned Queen, Roxana.

  12. #1397

    Thanks for the additional web site information. I guess you came in on my request near the end. I want to meet Biby (Carolina) in Cancun for my vacation. I was looking for someone that has actually spent time with her. I want to know if she looks like her photos and other information. Thanks again!!!

  13. #1396
    Biby is also Carolina on if you want to see another perspective. She was also on the top 10 of my list last visit but the club scene and 1 1/2 hearted 1 hr session phoning the web girls prevented this.
    On the other discussions regarding BA talent, a lot of intersting insight there. For my 2 bits, each time I go to BA, it's a little different, and so am I. I was with a newby for a little bit last time and it was interesting to hear his perspective. For sure, you should be able to find wild, memorable times, and others not so memorable. I did notice coming back to N America that while there are just as many great lookers here, it seems that the BA women hold themselves, (their walk notably), just a touch higher on the more desireable side. They want to impress just a bit more. They know their sexual power edge and show it. And let's not forget, when in BA, we are away from home and the 'setup' is a tailor made situation you will not find in too many other locals.

  14. #1395
    My offer;

    Dickhead and friends, here is the latest on my offer. It looks like it is down to 2 girls. The girls are on The first girl is Aixa. I am going through Adriana for this girl. So, this will be easy for me to send money to Adriana and have her give it to Aixa. Aixa will never know one of you gave her a test ride (so to speak) for me.

    The second girl is Biby. She is my first choice but, she will be harder to work with because I am talking to her directly. I don't want Biby to know this is a test run for me. Do any of you guys have an idea on how you can see her with me paying for the hour? I hope to complete this mission by the end of the week.

  15. #1394

    For a guy stateside about to embark on an extensive visit to S. America, I very much appreciate your posts and want to let you know that at least part of the intended audience gets your point.

    I have seen some average Argentine girls here in the States and they definitely pick up my interest, but after reviewing some of the Argentine websites and pics of the girls, my eyes are widened and sobered before going to the "promised land."

    For context, I am in my mid-thirties and am not hard on the eyes. I appreciate and cherish GFE. But, if that is my primary purpose, then I might as well just do the traditional dating.

    I feel you did a great job in forewarning your target audience(for me in particular) to not expect absolute perfection and consider your posting an extremely valuable contribution to this board.

    I still look forward to my stop off in BA in a few weeks, but I am glad I will just go with an open mind to have fun and not be totally disappointed that every woman in B.A. is not a perfect goddess.

    Point taken!

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