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Thread: South China - Dongguan

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  1. #6944

    The big Dongguan re-shuffle

    Rough Google translation of a posting on another forum.

    The Dongguan Public Security carried out a large-scale exchange of cadres.
    Post of Political commissar of the Public Security Bureau office lasts six years, Deputy Secretary for seven years.
    Some of the Towns Public Security Bureau leadership rotation, exchange or promotions:

    Zhongtang Branch to Wan Jiang Branch
    Wan Jiang Branch to the Guancheng Branch
    Guancheng Branch to Songshanhu Branch.
    Humen Hong Kong Branch to Songshan Lake Branch
    DaoJiao Branch to the Zhongtang Branch
    Changping Branch to Dalingshan Branch.
    Long Branch to Nancheng Branch
    Liaobu Branch to Long Branch
    Huang Jiang Branch to Changping Branch.

    Fenggang Branch political commissar to Dalingshan Branch political commissar
    Songshanhu Branch political commissar to Wan Jiang Branch of the political commissar.


  2. #6943


    Heard that the flower street is resuming on the main floor of the Mayflower tonight (Friday)

    Anybody can confirm this?


  3. #6942
    Quote Originally Posted by AsnDragon  [View Original Post]

    Although China has done this before in the past when their economy was in desperate conditions like how it was in the 90's (when they artificially strengthened their currency with no real fundamentals). But If they do devalue the yuan, there will be a heated currency war among the EU and US as both their economies are hoping that the stronger yuan will help their exports trickle into the households of middle-income Chinese residents.
    They're already doing it now. Not only that, the consensus early in the year was that China was going to revaluate the Yuan by 10 percent within 12 months. This was already priced into the markets. Doesn't look like that's going to happen. If the Yuan doesn't move, that's as good as devalueing it. Remember 2008? After allowing the Yuan to revalue about 21 percent in 3 years, they stopped it once China's GDP growth rate slowed down. 7 years ago, the Yuan was priced at about 5RMB per 1USD in 2015, and that was the goal everybody wanted except China. Doesn't look it's going to happen. The US and Eurozone can ***** and moan all they want, if China doesn't want to do it, they won't. Besides, the Eurozone crisis is really a problem they have to solve themselves, maybe with some help from the IMF. There are members of Eurozone that are doing quite well, Germany in particular. Germany exporting more Mercedes to China isn't going to help countries like Greece or Spain even a tiny bit.

    EDIT: There is one other thing to consider I guess. The US is facing the so called "fiscal cliff" come Dec. 31st 2012. Depending on the outcome of the elections and how the fiscal cliff is resolved, the results of which could throw the US into a major recession, the US could place serious pressure on China to revaluate the Yuan some more. Depending on the amount of pressure, China might very well agree to continue the Yuan revaluation. I'm of the belief though, that the fiscal cliff will be resolved, it's too huge to leave hanging into the new year.

  4. #6941
    Quote Originally Posted by BruceTea  [View Original Post]
    How many shaved pussy girls have you met in CP? I've met zero.

    On that note, how many of these have I met:

    White tigers? Zero.

    Squirters? Zero.

    Anal? Zero

    BJ with CIM? Zero.

    I'm realizing I'm too vanilla. I must be doing something wrong or I ain't exciting enuff.

    I know those are out there and I've heard stories of them. But I personally haven't been so lucky as to "find" them.
    Small warning about talking a girl into shaving her pussy. She's going to ***** and moan at you for at least 3 days while it grows back because it's going to itch like crazy. Happened with every girl who shaved for me. My answer? Tell her,"Shave it again, it'll stop itching. That's how it is with men's beards." Get a good laugh out of that and then get ready to buy her something expensive or disappear for few days.

    Oh yah, it's also kinda scratchy against you as it grows back, like after day 2 or so. So. Unless you can talk the girl into constantly shaving it, you're going to have to get used to something similar to beard stubble against your groin until it grows back.

  5. #6940

    Devaluing the Yuan?


    Although China has done this before in the past when their economy was in desperate conditions like how it was in the 90's (when they artificially strengthened their currency with no real fundamentals). But If they do devalue the yuan, there will be a heated currency war among the EU and US as both their economies are hoping that the stronger yuan will help their exports trickle into the households of middle-income Chinese residents.

    But if cutting interest rates will not help jump start the economy again, then devaluing their currency may be one of their last moves they have to make to help out with GDP growth. But in the meantime they have lots of tools, more tools than what the US has at least. They could, cut interest rates, increase lending, increase public sector infrastructure spending on low income housing which is still needed, increasing tax credit incentive to exporters, or the central government could just start handing more money out to farmers for free (which they already do in many rural provinces but nobody wants to admit) and hope that they will end up spending and creating a multiplier effect in spurring growth.

    Who knows, China is very mysterious afterall.


    Quote Originally Posted by Moody  [View Original Post]
    There's a simple solution to raising China's GDP, and it's most likely the route they will take. They will devalue the Yuan. If they suffer another quarter or two of below expected growth, they'll do it.

  6. #6939

    Shaved Pussy?


    Shaved Pussy- about 3-5 times actually. But mostly in Saunas. I have seen some KTV and BBS girls who actually pluck! Yes pull out their pussy hair one by one!

    White Tigers- This trip about two times. 13 In total from my experience. I mean REAL white tigers, with no pubes on top, just like 2-3 strands.

    Squirters- Zero. But I think it's just cause I don't finger them in the right places and thus they don't squirt. Got to ask the Doc how that works.

    Anal- Zero, I think it's nasty! Especially when they don't use any enemas to clean out their system.

    BJ CIM- only happened just once recently, and yes at a Sauna not anywhere else.

    Bareback- I've had offers several times, but I have NEVER done bareback!


    Quote Originally Posted by BruceTea  [View Original Post]
    How many shaved pussy girls have you met in CP? I've met zero.

    On that note, how many of these have I met:

    White tigers? Zero.

    Squirters? Zero.

    Anal? Zero

    BJ with CIM? Zero.

    I'm realizing I'm too vanilla. I must be doing something wrong or I ain't exciting enuff.

    I know those are out there and I've heard stories of them. But I personally haven't been so lucky as to "find" them.

  7. #6938
    Quote Originally Posted by SE Asia Joe  [View Original Post]
    Yes, I do HATE shaved pussies and I truly wish that this quite recent fetish (only started during the past decade or so) would run its course QUICK!

    I HATE shaved pussies. But Love natural white tigers at the same time!
    How many shaved pussy girls have you met in CP? I've met zero.

    On that note, how many of these have I met:

    White tigers? Zero.

    Squirters? Zero.

    Anal? Zero

    BJ with CIM? Zero.

    I'm realizing I'm too vanilla. I must be doing something wrong or I ain't exciting enuff.

    I know those are out there and I've heard stories of them. But I personally haven't been so lucky as to "find" them.

  8. #6937
    Quote Originally Posted by SE Asia Joe  [View Original Post]
    I keep on hearing / reading all this crap about pubic hairs being stuck between teeth
    Never happens to me, I just say "no.".

  9. #6936
    Quote Originally Posted by AsnDragon  [View Original Post]
    I guess SEAN is putting evidence behind his advocacy for girls NOT to shave their pubic hair, as he claims that feel like plucked chicken after shaving. I too am against shaving as well. But if she must lose the hair, use laser to zap it away forever! Otherwise, natural is fine.

    Recently, I have been so lucky to find 2 white tigers, which I am actually quite proud of.

    Yes, I do HATE shaved pussies and I truly wish that this quite recent fetish (only started during the past decade or so) would run its course QUICK!

    I keep on hearing / reading all this crap about pubic hairs being stuck between teeth (Yeah? Well if this happens, then you really don't know how to DATY properly!) , Stinkiness caused by pubic hair (yeah, shave it all off so that you really don't know its totally rotten / diseased inside anyway!) , smooth and tempting (Yeah. Shades of paedophilia perhaps? No?) , Cleaner / safer (Oh yeah? So what does what I put up in my previous post say?).

    I HATE shaved pussies. But Love natural white tigers at the same time!


  10. #6935
    Quote Originally Posted by AsnDragon  [View Original Post]
    Juat wanted to forward my own thoughts again.

    Ok, I have come to share another long post on my theory or thoughts on the Slowing China GDP. .

    Illicit trades are never things for any nation to advocate, but during these upcoming hard times, let's hope that the central government focuses more on the important issues, rather than poor WG who are just trying to make a living.

    God, what am I doing thinking about all this crap while getting a damn footie?

    Whilst I don't have any arguments against your premise that the illicit trade in China does make up quite a significant portion of its present GDP, I do have my own thoughts as to the direction that the powers-that-be will take to tackle this quandary.

    China's powers-that-be have repeatedly shown that it is more concerned with its own survival than the welfare of its people, which is only a poor second in importance to them. As such, whilst the present "displacements" occurring in the illicit trade does affect the livelihood of many, I believe it is happening with the explicit desire for the government not only to rein in such face-loosing illegal activities, but more importantly, to replace / supplant it with activities which will bring in more tax dollars to the government.

    Yes, the water trade and other illicit activities (and its trickle down effect) do have a significant impact on the nation's total GDP. But much of such is NOT taxed properly and only serves to enrich the very people who ARE a bane to civilized society. The counterfeiters, the gangs, the producers of harmful foodstuff, the hookers, pimps etc. So what can be better than to try to "centralize" and control such activities to larger and easier to handle / tax entities; Big expensive hotel KTV's, saunas, counterfeit producers now forced to produce their own brand of genuine product, throwing out BBS's and small time WG / Counterfeit etc activities etc. Instead have these shops and apartments now for proper housing and places for proper businesses for the populace etc.

    That is what I see happening right now as China can now well afford to stamp out a lot of these less savoury economic activities. This "transformation" had taken place in many countries and Taiwan is one prime example of this. In the 60's and 70's Taiwan was THE place to party, get counterfeit books, records, clothing etc. One can literally save money even flying in from Hong Kong / paying the hotel etc costs to party just for a week-end vs doing so in Hong Kong. But this all changed late 70's early 80's when the Taiwan economy rocketed up.

    The same with us coming from Hong Kong (and other parts) to party in CP nowadays. We still do save a heckuva lot. But I think most of us are already feeling the beginning of the end of this era with everything going up in price. No need for you guys to bemoan the future of our favorite hobby in China. Its going to happen no matter what! Just enjoy it for as long as you can instead!


  11. #6934
    Quote Originally Posted by Moody  [View Original Post]
    There's a simple solution to raising China's GDP, and it's most likely the route they will take. They will devalue the Yuan. If they suffer another quarter or two of below expected growth, they'll do it.

    If only things would be / could be that simple!

    And what are they going to do with the International / American bleating that the RMB remains undervalued / demands for it to be valued up?

    It's all so foolish and I always shake my head every time I hear these strident demands that the RMB be revalued upwards; Be careful, be very careful with what you wish for, I say!


  12. #6933
    Quote Originally Posted by AsnDragon  [View Original Post]
    As China's GDP is slowing down, and the central government has bigger worries on their hands, I think they will focus their attention away from all of this illicit trade going on. If anything, China's slow down could be more erupt than people think, and any type of growth, even the types that make the central government lose face, would be helpful at this point. **The last time China started cutting interest rates this drastically 2 times in less than 2 months, was during the financial crisis. Of course this slowdown would not be as profound, but I think it would be quite significant seeing how the world economies are all slowing down as well: Euro Zone, US, Australia (due to lack of China's raw material purchases) , Singapore and all the Asian tiger nations.
    There's a simple solution to raising China's GDP, and it's most likely the route they will take. They will devalue the Yuan. If they suffer another quarter or two of below expected growth, they'll do it.

  13. #6932

    SEAJ Advocating his beliefs!

    I guess SEAN is putting evidence behind his advocacy for girls NOT to shave their pubic hair, as he claims that feel like plucked chicken after shaving. I too am against shaving as well. But if she must lose the hair, use laser to zap it away forever! Otherwise, natural is fine.

    Recently, I have been so lucky to find 2 white tigers, which I am actually quite proud of.


    Quote Originally Posted by SE Asia Joe  [View Original Post]
    Physician: End The 'War On Pubic Hair'

    BELLINGHAM, Wash. (CBS Seattle) — One doctor is calling for the end to the 'war on pubic hair. '

    Family physician Emily Gibson made headlines recently for her public assertion that modern women should shy away from the practice of bikini waxing – which she referred to as the 'war on pubic hair' – as the practice increases risk of various infections.

    'The amount of time, energy, money and emotion both genders spend on abolishing hair from their genitals is astronomical, ' said Gibson in an article on KevinMD. Com. 'The genital hair removal industry, including medical professionals who advertise their specialty services to those seeking the 'clean and bare' look, is exponentially growing. '

    Hair removal in the United States reportedly cost Americans a whopping $2. 1 billion. And not long ago, photographs of young female celebrities leaving little to the imagination were seen on a near-daily basis, the exposed nature of the pictures showing just how prevalent the trend of pubic hair removal has become.

    Gibson, who also serves as the medical director of the health center at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash, additionally noted the negative health implications of the practice while explaining the biological purpose of pubic hair.

    'Pubic hair does have a purpose, providing cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion and injury. [its] removal naturally irritates and inflames the hair follicles left behind, leaving microscopic open wounds, ' she noted.

    The risk also extends to sexually transmitted diseases.

    Said Gibson, 'Some clinicians are finding that freshly shaved pubic areas and genitals are also more vulnerable to herpes infections due to the microscopic wounds being exposed to virus carried by mouth or genitals. It follows that there may be vulnerability to spread of other [sexually transmitted infections] as well. '

    Bikini wax, Emily Gibson, pubic hair.


    Link :

  14. #6931
    Physician: End The 'War On Pubic Hair'

    BELLINGHAM, Wash. (CBS Seattle) — One doctor is calling for the end to the 'war on pubic hair. '

    Family physician Emily Gibson made headlines recently for her public assertion that modern women should shy away from the practice of bikini waxing – which she referred to as the 'war on pubic hair' – as the practice increases risk of various infections.

    'The amount of time, energy, money and emotion both genders spend on abolishing hair from their genitals is astronomical, ' said Gibson in an article on KevinMD. Com. 'The genital hair removal industry, including medical professionals who advertise their specialty services to those seeking the 'clean and bare' look, is exponentially growing. '

    Hair removal in the United States reportedly cost Americans a whopping $2. 1 billion. And not long ago, photographs of young female celebrities leaving little to the imagination were seen on a near-daily basis, the exposed nature of the pictures showing just how prevalent the trend of pubic hair removal has become.

    Gibson, who also serves as the medical director of the health center at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash, additionally noted the negative health implications of the practice while explaining the biological purpose of pubic hair.

    'Pubic hair does have a purpose, providing cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion and injury. [its] removal naturally irritates and inflames the hair follicles left behind, leaving microscopic open wounds, ' she noted.

    The risk also extends to sexually transmitted diseases.

    Said Gibson, 'Some clinicians are finding that freshly shaved pubic areas and genitals are also more vulnerable to herpes infections due to the microscopic wounds being exposed to virus carried by mouth or genitals. It follows that there may be vulnerability to spread of other [sexually transmitted infections] as well. '

    Bikini wax, Emily Gibson, pubic hair.


    Link :

  15. #6930

    Chinas Slowing GDP

    Juat wanted to forward my own thoughts again.

    Ok, I have come to share another long post on my theory or thoughts on the Slowing China GDP. No, I did not come up with this while my long body massage this time, but more of my long footie massage as I lay there, with the TV volume on low and half falling asleep while my foot is being massaged.

    I think China's national crackdown on illicit trade recently is bring further decline to it's GDP, in a "somewhat" significant level. Beijing has been out there on a full out campaign to crackdown on illegal activities: underground gambling dens, counterfeit goods, and of course the sex trade. Their crackdown can be felt all over China, in every major city and small town / village, nobody is NOT affected. Even Huiyang in Huizhou, which you think would be safe from the DG crackdown as it's so far away, recently on August 2nd saw a wave of random raids in many sauna establishments. Many saunas were closed for 1-2 days. But these three areas of crackdown really provide billions of RMB if not USD in the economy in sectors directly and indirectly involved. I bet you that just this crackdown alone has brought sales down in Hotels, travel, tourism, Alcohol industries, real estate and beyond. You can imagine that the billions of dollars that were circulating-contributing to the multiplier effect of China's growth is all of a sudden being shut off.

    Just take KTVs and Saunas for example. A factory / Business Owner, has tons of revenue and money in his bank. He wants and needs to expense out his account. He usually spends tens of thousands of RMB on KTV parties and charges his threesome sauna sessions on his company account as a "hotel expenditure" His money goes to the WG who buys clothes / makeup, eats at restaurants, takes the local taxi, rents an apartments nearby etc. She sends the rest of her money back to her parents in the countryside and thus they end up spending and helping their village's economy grow as well. You take away this trickle down effect and everyone suffers.

    As China's GDP is slowing down, and the central government has bigger worries on their hands, I think they will focus their attention away from all of this illicit trade going on. If anything, China's slow down could be more erupt than people think, and any type of growth, even the types that make the central government lose face, would be helpful at this point. **The last time China started cutting interest rates this drastically 2 times in less than 2 months, was during the financial crisis. Of course this slowdown would not be as profound, but I think it would be quite significant seeing how the world economies are all slowing down as well: Euro Zone, US, Australia (due to lack of China's raw material purchases) , Singapore and all the Asian tiger nations.

    Illicit trades are never things for any nation to advocate, but during these upcoming hard times, let's hope that the central government focuses more on the important issues, rather than poor WG who are just trying to make a living.

    God, what am I doing thinking about all this crap while getting a damn footie?


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