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Thread: Cusco

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  1. #43
    For anyone who's in town and wants to hook up, gimme a shout out here and we can figure something out. I should be in town 'til around the 1st.


  2. #42
    ddm, now look what you've done! that "king of the jungle" life style has me frothing at the mouth. next you'll be telling me the chicas are feeding you grapes. ;-)

    well, i'd love to join you sooner, but won't be out that way untill early dec. we'll probably pass each other in the air, or something. i think after such great reviews, i will definately need to seek additional travel plans to cuzco from manaus. however, the route you mentioned, while romatic may take a little longer between cities than i am prepared for. but its worth consideration since i am in no real hurry and hoping to be in brazil for about 3 months.

    drop me a line detailing the cuzco to iquitos (via lima, by motorboat "rapido" from iquitos) to leticia (columbia / tabatinga) to manuas (brazil) routing. not what i had planned, but i can be flexible. is the action in iquitos and leticia worth a gander off the beaten jungle track?


    ps: as king a expect you treat your loyal subjects well and even a good spanking now and again! ;-)

    ps: just finished reading a previous post from cutting edge in the manaus section and he details some of the travel arrangements i was looking for from manaus to cuzco (more or less). but drop me a line if you have anything to add.
    Last edited by Spidy; 10-20-03 at 05:51.

  3. #41
    Hi Spidy,

    I'm glad you appreciate what I am trying to tell the world - South America and it's beautiful women are "ripe for the picking."

    The route you have outlined (Manaus to Cuzco) is the opposite of what I have planned. I found out you can fly from Cuzco to Iquitos (via Lima) for $68, take a motorboat ("rapido") from Iquitos to Leticia, Columbia / Tabatinga, Brazil for $50, and then fly or float down the Amazon River to Manaus. Leticia is suppose to be a wild party town in the middle of the jungle.

    My only problem is leaving Cuzco. I just like it here too much. I have a large beautiful room with a cathedral-ceiling that would make Conrad Hilton blush located just two blocks from the Plaza de Armas for $4 per night. A good multiple course meal costs less than a dollar; the beautiful chicas at La Curva are asking $3 for full service. My biggest challenge here is finding time for all the girlfriend action. I just love these cholitas!


  4. #40

    Great stuff!! Kudos to you and your adventures, I enjoyed every minute! Great bedtime stories!

    Do you know if it possible to fly from Manaus-Brazil to Peru-Lima or Cuzco?


  5. #39
    "Bricheras." That's what the locals call the girls that roam the Plaza de Armas and discos searching for gringos. Most of the bricheras are young beautiful women from Lima that come to Cuzco and make a living off the tourist trade. Bricheras are not your typical semi-pros that your find at clubs like Tequila Rocks in Lima. Usually they do not ask for money and are paid with drinks and dining out. By South American standards, this entitles you to getting laid. If you don't get laid, you have been cheated. Normally, a peruvian man will be pissed and feel cheated if he buys a girl drinks and takes her out to dinner without getting laid. I asked the locals about bricheras and most told me they were not dangerous, but to be cautious because they have a habit of stealing valuables from gringos. However, it is rare for the bricheras in Cuzco to drug men and rip them off which is quite common in places like Columbia and Lima. Usually I avoid women such as these and opt for girlfriend action, but I made an exception yesterday when two fellow mongers and I hung out together with some bricheras.

    My monger friends had been in Cuzco for over a week and had done most of the tourist activities (Camino Inka, Macchu Picchu, Apurimac River rafting, etc.) and were ready for a little action. They met two bricheras named Gabriela and Elizabeth who work as a street hawkers handing out flyers for Mama Amerika. Both are young, quite beautiful and speak some english. My friends where incredibly generous to them and even bought Gabriela a coat to keep her warm while hawking gringos in the street. By the time I met these girls they had spent a considerable amount of time with my friends who had yet to be laid. I tried to explain to my friends South American etiquette and tagged along with them as we enjoyed the company of these bricheras.

    We met them in the afternoon in the Plaza de Armas near the fountain. In addition to Gabriela and Elizabeth, there was four other bricheras who followed us like puppy dogs every place we went. First we walked a short distant to the Convento de Santo Domingo (Koricancha). Koricancha is both the ruins of the Templo del Sol and a convent for the Dominican Order. We took Gabriela and Elizabeth into the museum and left the other bricheras waiting for us outside in the street. Koricancha really is phenomenal. The Dominicans built the convent using the original inka walls. The Templo del Sol and astronomical observatory are outstanding works of precolumbian architecture. After we left the museum and were outside, the other girls were still waiting for us. I asked a cop who was standing there about these girls and he told me that they were bricheras and weren't really dangerous, but to be careful. He explained to me that the girls don't want to be hassled by the police and consequently do not directly ask for money or rob mongers like real pros do.

    After the museum, we returned to the Plaza de Armas and went to Mama Amerika. Our small army of bricheras followed us to Mama Amerika where we enjoyed a balcony view of the Plaza and some food and drinks. Mama Amerika is quite tranquil in the afternoon and you can enjoy a free movie on the big-screen TV while you flirt with the bricheras. I helped my friends who speak no spanish by serving as an interpretor. I teased the girls by telling them they were ripping-off my friends by not putting-out. Having had enough brichera-action for one afternoon, I setup a date for my monger friends with the girls for 8:00 that evening and we took off for some pro-action.

    We went to the Santutis chongo (aka La Curva or Sol de Oro). Arriving at about 7:00, it was already dark and most of the girls were already busy. Best to arrive at 6:00 when there are more girls available. These girls do a terrific business and you have to be quick to catch them before their door closes and they are busy with another client. Prices are the cheapest in all of South America, ranging from 10 to 20 soles (3 to 6 dollars). The quality and attitude is the best I have ever seen. We lucked out and serving as interpreter, I fixed my monger friends up with two incredible young beauties for 13 and 15 soles for half-hour sessions. Finally, after wasting several days and over a hundred dollars on bricheras without getting laid, my monger friend got to experience some south american hooker hospitality.

    We met the bricheras (Gabriela and Elizabeth) at their hotel (Hostal Conquistadora on Calle Plateros) and took them to dinner. I suggested a place off the Plaza de San Francisco where they serve creole-peruvian food. The cost for dinner and drinks for the five of us was only 36 soles (10 dollars) - much better than touristy places on the Plaza de Armas where you will pay at least four times that amount. Afterwards we went to the Makumba Disco Pub at Calle Meloc No. 443. The place was empty, but we had a lot of fun anyway and the bricheras found another girl to keep me company, but I had to spend 10 bucks on her drink. We left after a couple of hours and I left my date behind because the disco wanted to charge me another 10 bucks to let her leave with me.

    Returning to Mama Amerika, the place was packed with gringos and wall-to-wall bricheras. Some of the bricheras were knock-out gorgeous. I spent the rest of the night flirting with the bricheras and learned a lot about how they are and how they work the gringos in Cuzco. I returned to my room alone, happy to have survived the evening with my budget relatively intact and dreaming of cholita girlfriend-action rather than limeņa brichera-action. I learned all I wanted to about bricheras, and realize they really are a lot of fun. For the most part, the bricheras of Cuzco are just young girls trying to do their best to survive under difficult economic situations. They are not spoiled like the pros and semi-pros that frequent the clubs in Lima and really are a pleasure to hang with. My only question now is if my two monger friends ever got laid by their bricheras.

    DDM in Cuzco

    [Email address deleted by Admin]

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    Last edited by Member #3407; 10-19-03 at 21:06.

  6. #38
    The following represents the definitive expose on the action in Cuzco. In a nutshell, the quality is better and the prices are lower than in Lima and the environment is much safer.

    Cuzco comes from the word quechua word Qosqo, which means navel. Welcome to the navel (center of the world). The women here (cholitas) are among the most beautiful in the world. In general they are morenas (dark) and very slim. Usually they have small and firm tits, large almond eyes, and high cheekbones. My kind of girls!

    If you come to Cuzco and want to find a cholita, you won't have to work at it very hard. I have been here tens days this trip and have been able to date a new cholita almost every day. I usually have 2-3 encounters with different cholitas every day. Almost all girlfriend action. My biggest problem has been logistics - only 24 hours in a day, and so many cholitas to choose from. It seems that they all want an american boyfriend. Why fight it?

    The place to find girlfriend action is centered around the Plaza de Armas. Visit the cafes and discos surrounding the plaza or just find one strolling in the Plaza. The Plaza is full of girls who want to practice their english with foreigners. Another possibility is to make contacts with some cholitas via the internet. That way you will be up and running the moment you arrive in Cuzco.

    If you do prefer pro-action, you will not be disappointed. The working girls here are usually more beautiful than in Lima and have a better attitude. Best of all are the prices. Fifteen soles ($4) is the going price and in general, it is much safer here than in Lima.

    One place to visit is "La Curva." Previous reports of "La Curva" have been very sketchy and the location has been described as "far from the center of town." La Curva is located in San Jeronimo, southwest of Cuzco. It is a rural community and is extremely safe. Believe me, the peasants do not want to rob you like some limeņos might. La Curva is better known as "Santutis" or "Sol de Oro." La Curva consists of an outdoor chongo (*****house) with about 100 rooms all lined-up around a courtyard. The girls here do a terrific business, so arrive early in the evening (6:00) before they are all busy. Again, the prices are among the best in South America, only $4-5. There is no cover charge and a taxi from Cuzco is about six soles ($1.70).

    Once you are done at San Jeronimo, the place to go is San Sebastian. It is located about midway between Cuzco and San Jeronimo and the action starts about 9:00 pm. San Sebastian is not very dangerous, but it might be wise to go with a peruvian friend or someone who looks peruvian (like me). To find the clubs, just tell your taxi drive "El Condor." El Condor is a statue with a condor on top. To the Incas, the condor represents the spiritual world of the heavens. To us mongers, it represents a great place to get laid. The clubs are easy to find - they all have red lights in front of them. Inside you will find some of the best pussy in the world. Be warned, the clubs are far from elegant and I'm probably one of the few gringos who has ventured inside. But if you are adventurous, you will be well rewarded for you efforts.

    If you want to visit some high-class clubs, try "La Rumba." La Rumba is located near Avenida Collasuyo in Manuel Prado, not far from San Sebastian. The girls there all told me they were from Pucallpa. Pucallpa is located in the jungle. Why all these beautiful jungle girls (charapitas) decided to come to Cuzco, I'm not sure. When I complained that I wanted a cholita not a charapita, someone told me that the girls were really cholitas from Cuzco but lie because they ashamed and didn't want their families to find out. Nice story, but if they look like charapitas and talk like charapitas, you better believe they are charapitas. As one might expect, the prices here are a little higher and the clubs charge a "salida" (bar fine) of 30 soles ($8) to take a girl back to your hotel. The girls price is negociable, but ranges from 50 to 100 soles (15 - 30 dollars). The action starts about 10 to 11:00 at up-scale clubs like La Rumba and De Camero.

    If you just got back from the Inka Trail and are tired or if you are to lazy to leave your hotel, give Karen a call at 240064. Tell her DanDaMan sent you and enjoy.


  7. #37

    November should be a good time to come, but the earlier the better as the rainy season starts in November.

    As for hotels, I hesitate to post them because I won't be able to get a room in the future if they are full of fellow mongers. Believe it or not, this actually happened to me today and I had to change hotels because I told some fellow mongers where I was staying. It seems they gave the type of room I wanted to them. I filled up the hotel with guests that I referred to it and ended up having to pack my bags. Go figure.

    But if you take the time to write me, I will answer and give you some good leads on hotels. Just let me know the type and price range you are interested in.

    [Email address deleted by Admin]

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  8. #36

    I'm glad you're enjoying Cuzco. I was there a few years ago and had a blast.

    I'm sure you're heading out to Machu Picchu. Make sure you stay overnight there so you can spend a sunset and/or sunrise at the site. Tourists are light at those times and the place really has an especially mystical feel to it then. Other smaller towns may be worth a quick visit if you are really interested in the ruins and the history.

    I tried to contact you but the address you provided is apparently invalid. Please check this and repost the correct address.


  9. #35
    DDM: Gonna be in Cuzco in Nov. Been to Cuzco once before but had a ball and chain at the time. What's the hotel, please?

  10. #34
    Hey Guys'

    I took a break from the girlfriend action tonight to check out the clubs on the Plaza de Armas. Previous reports of Mama Africa's demise were incorrect. Mama Africa still exists and seems to be the place for semi-pro action. It is roughly equivalent to Tequila Rocks in Lima in this aspect.

    Strangely they moved it. It use to be on the west side of the Plaza and now is on the northwest corner. Also, there is a Mama America. Go figure.

    I have some leads on where the locals go for action, but it is in a dangerous neighborhood. I'm hesitant to go there alone. Maybe some other mongers can hook up with me. Let me know. I receive a lot of emails, but generally they only staying for a couple of nights and want to see everything. You won't even be over the soroche after 2 nights.

    Cuzco is really cheap now. You can get a really nice room for less than $5 breakfast included. The menu (meal of the day) costs from 1.5 to 5 soles. Yes, a full meal for about 50 cents, including drink.

    Last edited by Member #3407; 10-03-03 at 00:00.

  11. #33
    Hey Guys,

    I finally made it to Cuzco. It's low season and all the prices are dirt-cheap here now. It's even cheaper than Lima if you know where to go. I'm staying at my favorite hotel just minutes from the Plaza de Armas. They treat me like a king there because they know me and I have developed a great relationship with them. They are only charging us (me and my fellow mongers) $5 per night for nice single rooms, breakfast included. I just love this town!

    Cuzco is like heaven after 10 cold and cloudy days in Lima. It's springtime here and warm and sunny. I took Diamox this time and avoided having soroche (altitude sickness).

    I met an 18 year-old cholita who works in a bakery here. She works 13 hours a day, 6 days a week and makes less than 20 bucks a month plus meals. The campesinas here really get taken advantage. She told me her life story and tears came to her eyes. Needless to say, we have a date setup for her day off on Sunday. Either she gave me an academy award performance or she's the real thing - an innocent non-pro. I'll fill you all in later and let you know what happens.

    Interestingly, she told me where cholitas like herself get taken advantage of for sex. Needless to say I'll be there tonight if I can get a break from all the great girlfriend action here. I've been here 3 days and have had two different dates each day. I just love these cholitas.

    If anyone needs any advise on the scene in Cuzco, email me at [Email address deleted by Admin].

    Cuzco kicks ass!


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  12. #32
    Hello Guys,

    I have been following the forum pages for a couple of months now and think I have a pretty good idea of the situation. I will be travelling around South America soon and will be in Cusco in the second week of November for a few days. I can probably only visit one or two places due to other commitments and wonder where you guys would go if you only had one night in Cusco? Which is your favourite club/girl? What is the going rate?


  13. #31
    A cab from the centre of town to La Curva is 5 sol.
    Don't go late though. I arrived at 11 PM and it as almost dead. Only ugly old hoes.
    The taximan told me best time is around 7 PM.

    I went to a club on Calle de Sol I think it was called Memorada or something similar. About 12 girls inside. A couple of 7's and 8's inside. The girl I took has since been crazy for me and keeps emailing me all the time and gave me her home phone number.
    I fucked her 3 times in about 1.5 hour. I paid 20 soles for a can of beer, 20 for her leaving the bar, 25 for the hostal and 80 for the girl. She never asked money and I could have run off without paying, but off course I paid her when we got back to the club. I think she didn't ask for money so I would feel obliged to stay with her as she enjoyed my company.

    Mama Africa on the Plaza de de Armas seems to be renamed into Mama America and is filled with tourists. Some European girl walked up to me but we were standing in front of the speakers and after I yelled 3 times "What!" she went off. I hit on the waitress who was drop gorgeous. She gave me her email address so we could hook up later if she went to Lima, but I lost it
    I hooked up with another hot latina and she was ready to go to a hostal to do absolutely everything, but her brother wouldn't let her leave. BASTARD!

  14. #30
    Originally posted by Langer

    Thanks for the info. Im in Cusco now. Do you know where exactly La Curva is located? What is the best way to get there?



    Ask any taxi driver and they will tell you where La Curva is. I've never been there. I hear it's on the outskirts of town. Taxis are dirt-cheap in Cuzco, so it shouldn't cost you more than 5-7 soles to get there.

    Also check out the Blue Sky club on Avenida Sol.

    There are suppose to be two baņos de turcos in Cuzco. The first is Baņos Sauna Sol y Mar, Belen 494 Int. 6. Their phone number is 23 1475 cell number is 65 3547. The second is Silent Sauna spa Baņos Turcos located at Calle Quera 253 - phone 23- 1504.

    Let us all know about your adventures.


  15. #29

    Thanks for the info. Im in Cusco now. Do you know where exactly La Curva is located? What is the best way to get there?



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