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  1. #10448
    Quote Originally Posted by Takedown  [View Original Post]
    Basically, increasing overall blood flow and improving cardiac fitness so I could pump faster for longer really fixed my issues. It's a lot easier to be stationary and whacking away than it is to pump your whole body on top of a woman.
    I agree. For my third pop, I generally have to be moving my whole body for five minutes continuously without a pause. So when I am carrying too much winter weight, I get 90 percent there then I cramp up or collapse in exhaustion. If a girl gets on top of me and starts riding, I need about 3-5 sustained minutes of effort from her to cum. But sometimes I am out of breath from this too, because it is a core workout trying to brace yourself against the force of her thrusts.

    But here's the thing, many of the men who report difficulty cumming inside a condom, also report that they cannot finish via CIM. Either the WG must use her hand. More often the monger himself must use his own hand. A man is both stationary and relaxed when he is getting a BBBJ, is he not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nympholepsy  [View Original Post]
    It is unfair to blame porn alone. It is the wanking accompanying the porn that has a large effect. It is a good idea to avoid wanking completely in order feel more sensation from a pussy, but if a guy cannot give it up, it is best to limit to very light wanking and not use it for a week before any FKK visit. This advise only applies to guys with difficulty to cum.
    According to the article I posted, an unprecedented number of people under 40 are reporting that they suffer from ED. That is to say that there were fewer reported cases of ED amongst the under-40 demographic back in say 2005. Why are there more cases now? Men have been wanking since the beginning of time. Men back in 1970 had to wank to the same magazine centerfold everyday for a month. Men in 2005 probably had a catalog of 20 porn DVDs that they cycled for use. However, men in 2018 have infinite access to free streaming internet porn. The author of the article tries to use science to support his argument, essentially saying that too much porn results in dopamine overload. "Although the brain continues to release the same levels of dopamine in response to porn, eventually there are fewer receptors to receive the messages. Watching porn no longer arouses the person as much or as quickly. ".

    I agree that giving up wanking would be preferred, but that may not be achievable. I suppose there are several experiments one can try. Perhaps only masturbating to a non-nude photo of your favorite FKK girl? Or masturbating only from the memory of the best sessions from your last FKK trip? If they can't even achieve erection from this, then I'd lean towards porn being the culprit. If they are still able to get fully aroused, I would adopt your position, that a man's difficulty cumming with a partner is due to the fact that he is just too accustomed to how his own hand feels.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neurosynth  [View Original Post]
    I believe what is happening is that guys are getting erections more easily than usual, and they expect that if they can get an erection then the rest of their system must be ready to work up an orgasm. This creates the illusion that orgasm is being suppressed.
    Possible. But I suspect most men know their physical capabilities with regard to how many times they can cum per day (or week) using their masturbation habits as the benchmark. Takedown used the word "dry" to emphasize that he is running low on sperm.

  2. #10447
    Quote Originally Posted by KosherKowboy  [View Original Post]
    I do not know if it is a form of lubrication that would break down latex or not but baby oil itself works great.
    Baby oil will indeed cause condoms to break, and should never be used with condoms. Assuming you don't want the condom to break.

  3. #10446
    Quote Originally Posted by McAdonis  [View Original Post]
    Then you have some ongoing debate on the affects of Viagra. Some are convinced that Viagra keeps them erect, but makes it difficult to cum. Others report that Viagra has zero effect on one's ability to cum. For the guys who believe Viagra inhibits cumming, is it possible that they have a porn addiction? If so, I'd suggest popping a Viagra before watching porn. If it is difficult to pop, then indeed Viagra is the issue. If it is easy to pop, then perhaps they have just conditioned themselves so that porn arouses them more than partnered sex.
    I've not read any *scientific* evidence that Viagra inhibits orgasm. It just adjusts the hydraulics so to speak. It increases blood flow that increases ability to create an erection. The orgasm mechanism is independent. I believe what is happening is that guys are getting erections more easily than usual, and they expect that if they can get an erection then the rest of their system must be ready to work up an orgasm. This creates the illusion that orgasm is being suppressed.

  4. #10445
    Quote Originally Posted by KosherKowboy  [View Original Post]
    I wish the same in my country but think on the bright side. You have beautiful Czechs, we have high school dropouts with rap sheets. You are a 3 hour flight to FKK land. For me a 3 hour flight lands me in the Florida Panhandle in the backyard of some evangelical if I go east, in some farmers's cornfield in Nebraska if I go north, uninhabitable desert land in Arizona if I go west and if I go south I get Mexico City.

    Would you like to trade?
    Well were I live even Alcohol is illegal. So you can take a guess about the sex business in my country (zero). And Europe is 6 Hours+ by Airflights. Would you like to trade?

  5. #10444
    Quote Originally Posted by Takedown  [View Original Post]
    also had no issues finishing 3 times a day by masturbation and porn, but with a WG and a condom, I couldn't finish more than twice a day and the sessions had to be 8-10 hours apart. After making a concerted effort to improve my cardiovascular health this past winter, I returned in April 2018 and really saw a huge change. I was able to finish 3 times per day and was even able to pop twice in one hour on two occasions. This continued until about day 11/12 of my trip but I think that's understandable considering that I was dry by then. Basically, increasing overall blood flow and improving cardiac fitness so I could pump faster for longer really fixed my issues. It's a lot easier to be stationary and whacking away than it is to pump your whole body on top of a woman.
    Good pointers. Also sleep and certain aphrodisiacs helps a lot. And no hard gym the 3 days prior to reaching the FKK.

  6. #10443
    But in Finland I think there would be so much better places to build clubs. People would experience Finland in a different way. There would also not be very high distance between the girls. Girls would travel to Helsinki in like 2 or 3 hours. Of course there would be trains after that, but they serve food and drinks, maybe even better than in planes, so no problem.

  7. #10442
    Yeah I wouldn't trade places unless you were very wealthy person and could buy pornstars for 1500 $ an hour.

  8. #10441
    Quote Originally Posted by Guy93  [View Original Post]
    Love the saunaclubs in Germany. I really wish these could be a thing in Finland also. But there's too many people that don't want sex trade and we are lucky to be in this situation. If things were worse we would have the Swedish law also. I am glad I can still buy sex from beautiful Czech sexworks in my country but I wish for the clubs like in Germany.
    I wish the same in my country but think on the bright side. You have beautiful Czechs, we have high school dropouts with rap sheets. You are a 3 hour flight to FKK land. For me a 3 hour flight lands me in the Florida Panhandle in the backyard of some evangelical if I go east, in some farmers's cornfield in Nebraska if I go north, uninhabitable desert land in Arizona if I go west and if I go south I get Mexico City.

    Would you like to trade?

  9. #10440
    Love the saunaclubs in Germany. I really wish these could be a thing in Finland also. But there's too many people that don't want sex trade and we are lucky to be in this situation. If things were worse we would have the Swedish law also. I am glad I can still buy sex from beautiful Czech sexworks in my country but I wish for the clubs like in Germany.

  10. #10439
    Quote Originally Posted by SmokeLight  [View Original Post]
    Agree! I have reported earlier that I had issues after years watching porn while using less and less US escorts. Thanks to FKKs, I recovered from porn side effects on cuming in condom nicely. The best cure was sensual DFK. Consistently, I feel 2 x or 3 x stronger orgasms when I finish in condom in a girl rather than in my hand. Beautiful and rewarding.

    Yet even now I still have to watch porn almost every day to release myself in sex prison USA after testosterone-stimulating chats with our gypsies on WhatsApp. My advise during your USA prison term: when using hand, apply plenty of dick oil sold in stores under "baby oil" brand names. Keep your porn sessions to an absolute minimum. If you can be done in 5 minutes, do it, don't masturbate longer than that.

    If I lived in an FKK-enabled country, I would never watch porn again except in a room with a girl for a mutual fantasy, if she says lets watch porn together.
    I have gone the route of US escorts harder than ever in between trips in lieu of jerking off to porn and to fight boredom. I never had a porn thing and 75 plus percent of the time I watch it now is in the hour after I book a session with a US hooker just to get my excitement started mentally and to also test and / or adjust my Viagra cocktail du jour. . My Urologist once told me many men get used to condoms by jerking off in them which is where I got the Brandi Love idea to practice after getting shutting out at Oase 6-0 two trips ago, got shut out again 1-0 last trip and at Sharks got beat up as well, think 6-1 the Sharks sent me packing in 3 visits. The one time I did cum in a condom at Sharks I had to think of Morena at Dietz sitting on my face while another rode me to completion the way God wanted us to.

    My problem with cumming in a condom is I am too used to the opposite here and there.

    Maybe I should do like you and fire my harem here. I do not know if it is a form of lubrication that would break down latex or not but baby oil itself works great. I have a few who use it here to edge or get me hard prior to blowjobs and fucking. Is this lube you speak of actually 100 percent baby oil or baby oil mixed with a water based one etc or a scent or heat producing ingredient?

    Quote Originally Posted by Takedown  [View Original Post]
    First, I was having a lot of AO sex in 2016 but did not have as much access to it in 2017.

    Psychological issues have been well documented in the clinical literature so perhaps some personal stress in 2017 also played into it.

    Now, the answer that I think is the most easily addressed, personal fitness.

    The problem is that you are so erect that pleasurable sensation decreases. When I am a little softer, sex and masturbation just feels better. .
    I do not always agree with all your posts but Grand Slam here or perhaps call it hitting 4 for 4 and for the cycle. For me all four points hold true 100 percent. Great points. Actually working on all four for the next episode of ' Man vs Condom'.

    Thanks Doc !

    Where should I send the check to?

  11. #10438
    Quote Originally Posted by McAdonis  [View Original Post]
    "Watching porn no longer arouses the person as much or as quickly. They then have to look at more porn or search for stronger porn to obtain the original sensation. " There is a condition called porn-induced-erectile dysfunction:

    Then you have some ongoing debate on the affects of Viagra. Some are convinced that Viagra keeps them erect, but makes it difficult to cum. Others report that Viagra has zero effect on one's ability to cum. For the guys who believe Viagra inhibits cumming, is it possible that they have a porn addiction? If so, I'd suggest popping a Viagra before watching porn. If it is difficult to pop, then indeed Viagra is the issue. If it is easy to pop, then perhaps they have just conditioned themselves so that porn arouses them more than partnered sex.
    It is unfair to blame porn alone. It is the wanking accompanying the porn that has a large effect. It is a good idea to avoid wanking completely in order feel more sensation from a pussy, but if a guy cannot give it up, it is best to limit to very light wanking and not use it for a week before any FKK visit. This advise only applies to guys with difficulty to cum.

    For guys getting sex very often, then wanking should be eliminated if there is any problem to cum at all. Personal choice for all, but sex feels better for me if have eliminated wanking. I am not into extreme porn at all. A guy starts to get mentally warped if he requires extreme porn to get it off. That is definitely not a good thing in my view.

    There is little doubt that Viagra has a negative effect on cumming, for those guys whose dick becomes insensitive during an extended fuck. Without the Viagra, a guy with a non sensitive dick would not be able to stay hard so long, and he would be forced to try to cum earlier while dick was still reasonably sensitive. So yes, for insensitive dick guys, delaying the cum by staying hard so long may make it more difficult to achieve. Guys who pop too easily will never have the problem, but may be able to last longer with Viagra so that the girl can get some enjoyment as well. Girls will admit their man can perform better in bed with Viagra, for those cases where sex did not last very long (girls sometimes complain about a partner who lasted just 5 minutes or less, but Viagra helped fix it).

    My GF does not need me to last longer. Marathon sex is not her desire. She is so sensitive, she can pop several times in 30 minutes. That is sufficient for her. I have to be content with less than an hour. By keeping the session down to 30 to 40 minutes, it makes it easier for me to cum at the end.

  12. #10437
    Quote Originally Posted by McAdonis  [View Original Post]
    A lot of the hardcore mongers tell me that they can easily cum three times a day at home watching porn, needing only 5 minutes each time. But it is difficult to cum inside a condom with a WG, even during 60 minute session. Some guys have reported almost never. Some guys struggle to get 10 shots over a week long trip.

    Then you have some ongoing debate on the affects of Viagra. Some are convinced that Viagra keeps them erect, but makes it difficult to cum. Others report that Viagra has zero effect on one's ability to cum. For the guys who believe Viagra inhibits cumming, is it possible that they have a porn addiction? If so, I'd suggest popping a Viagra before watching porn. If it is difficult to pop, then indeed Viagra is indeed the issue. If it is easy to pop, then perhaps they have just conditioned themselves so that porn arouses them more than partnered sex.
    Regarding finishing in a condom, I'm sure porn watching has a real effect but there are a lot of other factors in play. In 2017, I had some hard times finishing 3 times a day. First, I was having a lot of AO sex in 2016 but did not have as much access to it in 2017. I'm sure that was a major part of it. Psychological issues have been well documented in the clinical literature so perhaps some personal stress in 2017 also played into it.

    Now, the answer that I think is the most easily addressed, personal fitness. As you alluded to with guys masturbating, I also had no issues finishing 3 times a day by masturbation and porn, but with a WG and a condom, I couldn't finish more than twice a day and the sessions had to be 8-10 hours apart. After making a concerted effort to improve my cardiovascular health this past winter, I returned in April 2018 and really saw a huge change. I was able to finish 3 times per day and was even able to pop twice in one hour on two occasions. This continued until about day 11/12 of my trip but I think that's understandable considering that I was dry by then. Basically, increasing overall blood flow and improving cardiac fitness so I could pump faster for longer really fixed my issues. It's a lot easier to be stationary and whacking away than it is to pump your whole body on top of a woman.

    Regarding Viagra, it's not so much that it directly inhibits orgasm. There is no significant literature that shows empirical evidence to validate such claims. The problem is that you are so erect that pleasurable sensation decreases. When I am a little softer, sex and masturbation just feels better. When you are stiff like a rock, there is just less sensation. In the past I was curious about the effect of Viagra and did masturbate after taking it. While I had no problem cumming, the process did not feel as pleasurable and took about 10 minutes longer. Even on orgasm, I remember seeing the load come out but it just didn't feel as good.

  13. #10436
    Quote Originally Posted by McAdonis  [View Original Post]
    "Watching porn no longer arouses the person as much or as quickly. They then have to look at more porn or search for stronger porn to obtain the original sensation. " There is a condition called porn-induced-erectile dysfunction:

    A lot of the hardcore mongers tell me that they can cum three times a day at home watching porn no problem. But it is difficult to cum inside a condom with a WG. Some guys have reported almost never. Some guys struggle to get 10 shots over a week long trip. One guy even told me that he pulled out his smartphone inside the room and watched with WG as he used his own hand to cum.

    Then you have some ongoing debate on the affects of Viagra. Some are convinced that Viagra keeps them erect, but makes it difficult to cum. Others report that Viagra has zero effect on one's ability to cum. For the guys who believe Viagra inhibits cumming, is it possible that they have a porn addiction? If so, I'd suggest popping a Viagra before watching porn. If it is difficult to pop, then indeed Viagra is indeed the issue. If it is easy to pop, then perhaps they have just conditioned themselves so that porn arouses them more than partnered sex.
    Agree! I have reported earlier that I had issues after years watching porn while using less and less US escorts. Thanks to FKKs, I recovered from porn side effects on cuming in condom nicely. The best cure was sensual DFK. Consistently, I feel 2 x or 3 x stronger orgasms when I finish in condom in a girl rather than in my hand. Beautiful and rewarding.

    Yet even now I still have to watch porn almost every day to release myself in sex prison USA after testosterone-stimulating chats with our gypsies on WhatsApp. My advise during your USA prison term: when using hand, apply plenty of dick oil sold in stores under "baby oil" brand names. Keep your porn sessions to an absolute minimum. If you can be done in 5 minutes, do it, don't masturbate longer than that.

    If I lived in an FKK-enabled country, I would never watch porn again except in a room with a girl for a mutual fantasy, if she says lets watch porn together.

  14. #10435
    Quote Originally Posted by Jnpr30  [View Original Post]
    Getting the girls drunk to make them put out more is an interesting strategy. Never tried it. A few times one of my ex favs explicitly asked me to buy her a drink prior to the session and I did, but she seemed to handle it well and was not too much worse for it, and I could not tell if the service changed perceptably. One thing I will caution: alcohol may have an adverse impact on your own arousal and performance. There have been such occasions for me in the clubs however in those instances, I was tired and needed a drink and knew that I could not finish anyway.
    You need to get them more alcohol.

    I know of guys getting girls way drunk by buying bottles which some girls cannot resist. I get girls asking for a bottle of something usually with red bull.

    Tequila is a good one to get the princesses really horny, man, kinkier room sessions as the girls are really open to suggestions as less inhibited and handys in the room taking films and pictures is not a problem for the girl. Good times.

  15. #10434
    Quote Originally Posted by McAdonis  [View Original Post]
    "Watching porn no longer arouses the person as much or as quickly. They then have to look at more porn or search for stronger porn to obtain the original sensation. " There is a condition called porn-induced-erectile dysfunction:

    A lot of the hardcore mongers tell me that they can easily cum three times a day at home watching porn, needing only 5 minutes each time. But it is difficult to cum inside a condom with a WG, even during 60 minute session, on day one of their trip. Some guys have reported almost never. Some guys struggle to get 10 shots over a week long trip. One guy even told me that he pulled out his smartphone inside the room and watched with WG as he used his own hand to cum. I believe YamaYama was the one that reported that he leaves the club and goes back to the hotel to masturbate (don't remember him mentioning his porn habits).

    Then you have some ongoing debate on the affects of Viagra. Some are convinced that Viagra keeps them erect, but makes it difficult to cum. Others report that Viagra has zero effect on one's ability to cum. For the guys who believe Viagra inhibits cumming, is it possible that they have a porn addiction? If so, I'd suggest popping a Viagra before watching porn. If it is difficult to pop, then indeed Viagra is the issue. If it is easy to pop, then perhaps they have just conditioned themselves so that porn arouses them more than partnered sex.
    I agree with this.

    I think I have been there With the low volume sessions I take. Taking a girl on the first day of a 4 day trip then no girls after that until the 4th day taking another girl on the 4th day. Hell, I have even been downloading stuff while in the club to watch.

    I spent all my time on sunbathing, wellness, eating, chatting with friends and swimming in the pool and reading my books. Did not bother with girls.

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