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  1. #30331
    Quote Originally Posted by Frannie  [View Original Post]
    .................... It also will cast additional suspicion on African-American sex tourists.......................................
    That's rather myopic or perhaps wishful thinking. Who knows the mindset of the Dominican authorities in that regard? Will they target American sex tourists as a whole? What we are sure about is that the authorities are bent on eliminating sex tourism in Sosua and the upbeat voices for mongering in Sosua just took a beating.

  2. #30330
    Quote Originally Posted by Frannie  [View Original Post]
    ". However, without a doubt a US embassy officer will visit him in custody, as they must, bring him a hamburger, an invite to the embassy Thanksgiving dinner, and a few suggestions regarding legal representation on the present charges and recommendations on eliminating the DR from future vacation plans in the event of him having any free time on his schedule during the next 20 years.
    I talked to the guy's sister. He is retired military with a PTSD discharge from his time in Iraq. I do not know if he has military ties except through the VA hospital. The US Embassy is involved, and they gave her a list of DR attorneys. The fella resides in TX. In his passport, he listed a family contact for emergencies. The attached photos are of him stripping naked in front of Super Pola Market. Before the please arrived he put his closes on and walked away as you see in the photos.

  3. #30329

    Death in Sosua

    There are no clear path in mongering. Disputes about services, length of stay, money surfaces all the time. Only one time a Thai girl slapped me because I was more than friendly with her friend. This happened in the room and I slapped her back telling her never ever hit me. She calmed down. Other than that never had any physical altercations with anybody. Ofcourse there were issues like a ladyboy came into my room pretending to be a girl. When I told him to leave he wanted money. To diffuse the situation I gave him some taxi money. I could have held my ground and called security but my mind clearly says do not get into trouble over small amounts of money. And there were girls few times who came to the room and refused sex saying they do not do that. When I said they need to leave they get into an attitude saying they spent money to get here etc. Best thing to give small taxi money and get rid of them. Never had a girl demanding lot of money if she did not have sex with me. Some girls demanded more money than agreed in the morning, so I just add little to get rid of her. Never met a mercenary type demanding lot of money. Of course there are many of them around. Another thing I always discuss money up front with bar girls. And on dating sites sometimes girl ask that she needs this much. Yo agree or not is my own decision. I would rather go home alone if I did not find the right offer or right girl.

    When you land in a foreign country you are already disadvantaged. Especially when you are going for mongering locals including administration hates you. But the countries need money from tourism. So they tolerate us.

    Every now and then we hear of money dispute between a monger and the girl in a hotel and police were called to intervene. If there are no physical altercation police will generally tell the guy to give little more money. Hotel security will say the same. IMHO you better settle before police or security are called.

    Irrespective of what really happened the guy had no right to hit the girl or strangle the girl. I do not believe it was a choking incident during sex. Bottom line is there was definitely a big fight and the girl got the worst of it. Seeing pictures of the guy being dragged he did not look injured. Having stayed in Hotel Alicia before I believe there are no room phones unless they put it in now. The guy could have ran out of the room and get the security to handle the issue instead of physical altercation. I believe this happened in the morning and according to a e mail I got he assisted the girl from the hotel to his car. What happened after only he knows. He cannot blame being drunk unless he drank in the morning. E mail says girl was not killed in the hotel. Maybe bruised. Maybe she threatened to go to the police and he strangled her in the car and dumped her body. Forensic science and security cameras have come a long way from mafia days for people to escape from murder. There was no way for him to escape the country because there are witnesses who saw them together and probably security had the I. The. Besides I am sure the girl called her family to let them know which hotel she is staying. Generally girls with kids do not stay whole night unless they need money badly like this girl who had 4 kids. Murder cases get the highest priority in every country nowadays. Especially if it is connected to a foreigner goes above that. It is a big question if US embassy will offer help. It is not a given. They will wait till this guy is beaten to shit and recover under the guise of investigation. Even after it will be a cursory visit. You. S embassy will not interfere with local murder investigation unless it is high profile case and unless they determine he was framed. Too many witnesses in this case.

    Most foreigners behave in other countries. There are some bad apples who think the country is shit and the girls as lowest category to be abused and played with. Respect to any human being is a must irrespective of what they do to survive. Once I saw a foreigner beaten to pulp by local thugs in Bangkok because he refused to pay bar bill. This was in front of a crowd in pat pong. Police came and took him to hospital. Assailants just walked away. Unfortunately this happens often with foreigners who think they can do anything and get away with it.

    It is always better to be civil, smile, have fun, loose some money and go home in peace.

  4. #30328
    Quote Originally Posted by Frannie  [View Original Post]
    ". In the tourist town of Sosa. " As in Sammy.

    We really cannot know what happened. There appear to have been at least three eye witnesses to what happened in the hotel room, all with different versions, some of whom have reported directly to ISG forum members rather than to the investigating authorities. Perhaps the information from the recordings of the closed circuit TV cameras in the hotel room will also clarify matters. Perhaps she hanged herself while her client was in the shower.....
    One thing is for sure, this poor perp should not be relying on a monger lawyer or a monger amateur "psychiatrist" to handle his case!

    Might have the jury laughing over a claim that it was self defense from a threatening puta.

    They might ask why he and an accomplice dumped the battered body in a remote field, and went on about his business!


  5. #30327
    Quote Originally Posted by Frannie  [View Original Post]
    Possession of a US passport is usually an indication of US citizenship. He could have moved to the US at the age of 2, or been born there, for all we know.
    Of course it does, but that is not the point. You said that Black Americans would have it hard after this because this guy is Black American. But the local news outlets are not referring to him as American, but as Nigerian. So in everyone's mind he is not American, he is Nigerian. Which would make it more of a hard time for Nigerians rather than Black Americans.

  6. #30326


    I tried so hard to stay out of this conversation but here I am. First my condolences go out to the victims family, hopefully the African American business owners will come together and make some kind of humanitarian effort to assist the family with their loss.

    I tried to keep an open mind and just stick with the facts but the conspiracy theories I heard on back channels had me thinking.

    Initially I had a few questions: 1) In the video of them walking down the street, they were walking to the Europa hotel end not to the Alicia end which is in the complete opposite direction. 2) Where is the video of them entering the hotel together? 3) Its many big dark skinned brothers with bald heads walking around Sosua, could they have the wrong guy to quickly close the case for tourism?

    Then I heard from a girl there that the girl had a Haitian boyfriend and he killed her and fled to Haiti, and the police grabbed the wrong guy.

    But then I saw the video and it looked like the suspect from the back, where is the face video of him entering the hotel.

    Now I hear he had a problem earlier this year with the same circumstances and others are now coming forward about him. Also I hear it's a new investigation going on internationally to see if its others and he might have been a serial killer.

    The guy has a mental problem but that won't matter in the DR, but he appears to be a monster and I can no longer look at the conspiracy theories and more.

    Again my sympathy goes to the family.

  7. #30325
    Quote Originally Posted by Frannie  [View Original Post]
    What we can say with reasonable assuredness is that this awful event will be fuel for those entities within the Dominican Republic that want to discourage sex tourism via regulatory actions and legislation. It also will cast additional suspicion on African-American sex tourists, even though the man was an African who became an American. Dominicans do not make such fine distinctions, and tend to label all African-Americans and people from Africa with the same tag--Haitians!
    I wouldn't worry about it. Sex tourism can die a slow death, or get reconstructed in order to appease whomever. But prostitution is going to be around for a long time. Especially because the DR government can't or won't be able to take care of their Dominican citizens that need help without sex tourism and their participants.

    "will cast additional suspicion on African-American sex tourists etc". Hmmm maybe? Maybe on the positive, some dudes will be more careful who they attempt to hire for a night of passion. And perhaps this incident may make enough chicas more cautious about getting into an altercation with a client. Sometimes you have to see potential positives in things. Don't always focus on the negative.

    Thats why I'm not totally disgusted by the Cestur police harassing chicas. The positive of it, is seeing a lot of chicas more anxious of securing a client, potentially being more reasonable in negotiations. I've experienced and heard reports from mongers who had chicas who didn't want to go back on the street because they were afraid of getting caught, or that it may take too long to score another client. This happened more with newer chicas to the Sosua scene. Especially Haitians and fresh 18 yr old Dominicans. These chicas concerns can be used to the mongers advantage.

    To the chicas (vets and hardcore) who don't care one way or the other, they can take their chances with the police, and hope they get someone to pay what they expect. Chances are, those chicas who tend to elevate their value and hold out looking for a big score (relatively speaking) , may prove not to be good providers that mongers should seek for good service. They are aiming to get paid, not provide good service. They may have already assumed that their transaction with a client is a one time deal. So they aint looking to impress anybody for a comeback. The look, the facade, is the main impression to be made in order to get that one transaction in the bag. Be on the lookout for those types.

  8. #30324
    Quote Originally Posted by Frannie  [View Original Post]
    What we can say with reasonable assuredness
    This room reminds me of a movie we had to watch in 12th grade Sociology class, 12 Angry Men. I don't wish anyone to have most people in this room on their jury should they ever need one. In my country it used to not be what you knew or think you knew, but what you could prove. That shit is fading away though to be just what people feel.

  9. #30323
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    That is where you have it wrong. All of those news videos and articles are labeling him as Nigerian. I think the only indication that he is American was in that photo that contained his US passport.
    Possession of a US passport is usually an indication of US citizenship. He could have moved to the US at the age of 2, or been born there, for all we know.

    This is a link to a story about a famous murder in the UK in which two men of Nigerian family origins butchered a soldier in the street in London.

  10. #30322
    Quote Originally Posted by Questner  [View Original Post]
    Where the reporting of having an argument over a payment comes from? Just think about it. This is not the first death at this property. Something does not make sense in this tragic incident. Just a reminder to escort your lady to a security guard outside or to a strip and make sure she is OK, and always have your local lawyer and funds at hand just in case. Some reporting on youtube with respect to what happened is simply callous and atrocious.
    Are you suggesting that perhaps the security guard at the hotel was extorting the chicas, which led to an argument about money, the death of the girl, and the security guard helping to dispose of the body? Sounds like the plot of a crime thriller, but in the DR life is lived in the raw, and nothing can be ruled out.

  11. #30321
    Quote Originally Posted by Frannie  [View Original Post]
    It also will cast additional suspicion on African-American sex tourists, even though the man was an African who became an American. Dominicans do not make such fine distinctions, and tend to label all African-Americans and people from Africa with the same tag--Haitians!
    That is where you have it wrong. All of those news videos and articles are labeling him as Nigerian. I think the only indication that he is American was in that photo that contained his US passport.

  12. #30320
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    Seeing that none of us were there we are all speculating that because a female death occured then the male is 100% guilty of an unprovoked attack. For all we know she could have been on his ass like a spider monkey and that was the only way he could stop her. Talk about a biased jury!

    It has been said that the guy confessed after the police beat him. Well shit, our police get people to confess to stuff they didn't do without even beating them. So to me that is not saying much. Of course I am not for killing people, but when you are defending yourself a death is a possible outcome
    Quote Originally Posted by Bravo  [View Original Post]
    You are responding with emotion, not with logic!! No where in my post did I say she deserved to be murdered or advocate violence against women. Like any investigation, its important to know what happened before the crime was committed.

    Its not only important to know what happened, its also important to know WHY something occurred. What was the person's mindset at the time of the crime so we can determine what went wrong. (An argument over money seems like the likely factor based on all the trip reports of encounters that went bad with the girls). I am perplexed as to why the man stayed in Sosua, it just makes no sense that he didn't take off to SD and catch the first flight out of the country.
    You both are correct about the importance of conducting a thorough and proper investigation and not just assuming he killed her unprovoked. In the DR it may not make a bit of difference on how or why it happened, or change his fate. She was a local / Dominican and he was a foreigner. Its quite possible this could have happened elsewhere unlike the DR, and an investigation might have proven that the woman attacked him 1st, and he defended himself. In such a place, the weight of her actions vs his may be taken into consideration.

    Obviously people who take sides based on whatever motivates them, it's to be expected. Many will have a tendency to be super biased and not objective, leaning towards feeling sorry for the female. Enough men are wired that way. A female can do no wrong. And when she does, her actions can easily be explained away. Questioning motive and accuracy of behavior (of both parties) leading up to an outcome does not mean anyone is claiming somebody deserves what they got. Or they asked for it. But a proper investigation can lead to the facts. It may eliminate or include the possibility of the deceased having initiated a physical attack and not the other way around. Again, because it's the DR, it may not make a bit of difference, especially to the deceased family, friends and locals.

    Now if the shit was reversed, and he was killed during a fight, and she got some people to dump his body, it would probably be very quiet? His known past with other women, certain people would say he got what he deserved. Nobody would ever use or question her bad history or indiscretions against other foreigners. Instead her past would be accepted as an excuse or reason for her behavior, and it was his fault for messing around with the wrong chica.

    It would have been said, that he should have known better. He should have paid her. He asked for it by trying to short her. Bottom line, when you are a man, you won't ever be let off the hook (even if you are right or innocent ) as long as women are seldom held accountable. Even when a woman initiates an attack, a man is always expected to have restraint. Women mostly, are not held to that standard when dealing with a man. He's going to find out how true that is very soon.

  13. #30319

    One telling fact.

    It's very sad to see someone die like this. Especially leaving behind 4 kids I believe.

    Obviously some major disagreement happened that erupted into violence. What the disagreement was about is unknown, or not been made public. One thing to me is very clear. The guy was caught on tape carrying the body out. Innocent people don't try to get rid of bodies. This was manslaughter at the very least.

  14. #30318
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrx2005  [View Original Post]
    located on the dead end street of that Puerto Rican town. And people are supposed to accept everything in this posting as credible / accurate?
    ". In the tourist town of Sosa. " As in Sammy.

    We really cannot know what happened. There appear to have been at least three eye witnesses to what happened in the hotel room, all with different versions, some of whom have reported directly to ISG forum members rather than to the investigating authorities. Perhaps the information from the recordings of the closed circuit TV cameras in the hotel room will also clarify matters. Perhaps she hanged herself while her client was in the shower.

    What we can say with reasonable assuredness is that this awful event will be fuel for those entities within the Dominican Republic that want to discourage sex tourism via regulatory actions and legislation. It also will cast additional suspicion on African-American sex tourists, even though the man was an African who became an American. Dominicans do not make such fine distinctions, and tend to label all African-Americans and people from Africa with the same tag--Haitians!

    I saw video in which the arrested man was shouting "abogado, abogado" indicating that he wanted an attorney. (He might have been hungry and asking for an avocado, but I doubt it.) The greatest mystery to me is why he did not lawyer up BEFORE he was arrested, especially if there were mitigating circumstances such as self-defence that he wanted to put on the record. Most likely the answer is that he is in some way mentally deranged. However, without a doubt a US embassy officer will visit him in custody, as they must, bring him a hamburger, an invite to the embassy Thanksgiving dinner, and a few suggestions regarding legal representation on the present charges and recommendations on eliminating the DR from future vacation plans in the event of him having any free time on his schedule during the next 20 years.

  15. #30317
    Quote Originally Posted by Revere  [View Original Post]
    PUERTO PLATA. - A 36-year-old man from Nigeria was detained by the National Police for being the main suspect in killing a 29-year-old girl in the tourist town of Sosa.

    The prevented is Oluseye Adesegun who according to his passport number 545842454 holds US citizenship, which arrived in the country as a tourist and resides temporarily at the Alicia Beach Hotel, located on the dead end street of that Puerto Rican town.

    According to the investigations, the foreigner was sharing a drink last Monday with the name Zaida Yonay Rosario Paniagua, in a night entertainment center of Pedro Clisante street in the El Batey sector.

    After a few drinks, the couple went to the hotel to have sex, agreeing a payment of 2 thousand 500 pesos, but after finishing a night of passion, the foreigner was only giving 500 pesos to the lady, a situation that generated a fight where the female got the worst part after being hit and strangled.

    A security camera of the Alicia Beach Hotel captured the moment when the Nigerian took out the vanished lady and took an unknown path, for which the relatives of Zaida Yonay Rosario Paniagua, who is the mother of four children, reported her as missing.

    Before the indignation of the inhabitants in the municipality of Sosa, the authorities undertook the investigations and in the hours of Thursday afternoon the corpse of Rosario Paniagua was found putrefied in the bushes of a vacant lot, located at the entrance to the Jardand Deportivo sector. Islaband place in the municipal district of Cabarete.

    In the act of lifting the lifeless body of Zaida Yonay Rosario Paniagua, the acting legal doctor certifies that the cause of his death was due to severe cranial encephalic polytraumatism, multiple open wounds in the mouth and feet, and also direct strangulation that left him traits of violence in the neck.
    located on the dead end street of that Puerto Rican town. And people are supposed to accept everything in this posting as credible / accurate?

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