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  1. #13478
    Quote Originally Posted by Pistons  [View Original Post]
    Personally I feel there is also a disease out there to always define people as having psychological disorders, or syndromes. It is a syndrome in and of itself to define syndromes.

    Now I do agree with what may be the notion you are trying to pursue here though. At least what I assume it is. That any form or day to day open personal interaction is better than living a double life where we need to hide it. The idea of dishonesty is probably not good for anybody. Public relation and communications theory is very straight forward on this. The by far best way is the symmetrical two way honest conversation. Everything else leads to distrust. And this distrust is perhaps a key ingredient to all the 80% negative thoughts we have in our daily lives. Too bad most of the world does not believe in the two way symmetrical conversation. But rather in the asymmetrical marketing bullshit.
    It is depend on how you think. Negatively thinking it isolated some people, but positively thinking, it put people more together and closer. For mongers, I tend to think of putting people close together and gave me deeper understanding of where to go etc and also thing behind mongering industry.

    This is because for most mongers, we have to hide our mongering side of life, but internet and technology is not bad thing because it gave us platform where mongers can communicate with anonymity. So it is not all bad thing and did not isolate people, but put people together.

    As for labeling people with diseases and pointing fingers playing with words you just write quickly in forum is result of their own stereo type and their narrow mind, the odd thing is they are doing very thing we are doing, but they tend to think they are different, it is sad part of human nature to be self righteous thinking and biased justification to think just them are exempted from the very same action they are conducting too. But it also show how effective is the marketing conducted to brainwash those people who tend to label people with names and diseases without really knowing you.

  2. #13477
    Quote Originally Posted by McAdonis  [View Original Post]
    There is a lack of human connection. This hobby is both time consuming and secretive, so the men who partake in this hobby at addict-levels, I would say are more socially isolated then the general male population. This in itself is alarming, because many psychologists already consider loneliness to be a huge health risk for middle-aged men in many Western and East Asian countries:

    Internet forums and social media allow us to maintain contact with friends and family or form friendships with like-minded strangers on the other side of the world. But the problem is when one withdraws from society, and seeks only to interact in a virtual world because it is "safer". They use internet forums to alleviate their loneliness. They just want to be heard. They struggle to be noticed. So they repeat themselves over and over again.
    Personally I feel there is also a disease out there to always define people as having psychological disorders, or syndromes. It is a syndrome in and of itself to define syndromes.

    When that is said, technology is definitely isolating people. What you talk about here in regards to our little mongering segment in this world has been studied far greater in regards to for example computer gaming. Where it is has far greater outreaches as well. And the results seems to go both ways. Claiming it leads both to increasing loneliness, and decreasing it. Taking this further, a twitch streamer is in a way doing the exact same thing as an instagrammer. And the instagrammer can practically get funded to travel half way around the world, paid for and all by travel operators doing marketing campaigns for young people. The difference with mongering is perhaps the legal issues in regards to political correctness. Which I feel is the reason this topic comes up again and again here in this thread ad nauseum. But I believe we are all tired of this. So defining discussing it as a syndrome, or anything, feels misplaced in our context.

    A reason for escapist ideas to be good for us is that anywhere from 90-98% of our daily thoughts, are repetitive from day to day. And 80% of these thoughts are negative.

    The escapism related to travelling, is also helping the brain become more creative:

    I suppose however that going back to the same destinations over and over, can be repetitive. And in that sense, it is easy to fall back on negativity. I like to think of this as being isolated as opposed to exploration. But how do we define mongering as explorations? Is new girls, or new lineups the same as exploration? Or how about a new club? Is finding a non Romanian girl enough? How about an Italian, or a Spanish? (Pun intended). Or does a monger need to travel to a new continent?

    One might say travelling to do non mongering things helps as well. At least mixing it up with skiing, beach sports, or even going to museums. But mongering is in a way like partying. Just with a secure ending at the end. Even if the conversations does seem to get a bit on the repetitive side. Sex, and the release of Oxycontin and endorphins does also have great healing properties on the physical level as well. So Mr. Ho has a good point in defining working girls as some form of doctors.

    Now I do agree with what may be the notion you are trying to pursue here though. At least what I assume it is. That any form or day to day open personal interaction is better than living a double life where we need to hide it. The idea of dishonesty is probably not good for anybody. Public relation and communications theory is very straight forward on this. The by far best way is the symmetrical two way honest conversation. Everything else leads to distrust. And this distrust is perhaps a key ingredient to all the 80% negative thoughts we have in our daily lives. Too bad most of the world does not believe in the two way symmetrical conversation. But rather in the asymmetrical marketing bullshit.

  3. #13476
    Quote Originally Posted by McAdonis  [View Original Post]
    There is a lack of human connection. This hobby is both time consuming and secretive, so the men who partake in this hobby at addict-levels, I would say are more socially isolated then the general male population..
    That is stereo type man, we or at least most of us write here because we can talk about mongering which we cannot talk about in our private lives. I cannot talk to colleague, my parent or my friends (beside very few who knows about my mongering) about my mongering side of life, I hide it.

    In life, most of close friends, you make them at high school and university and some lucky ones has childhood friends from even before that. I lost contact with most childhood friends, but since I went to boarding school, I kept contact from my high schools and Universities (I went to 2), and I am mild believer that once you go out there to society after university, it is much harder to make friends because we no longer are innocent.

    Some talk about addicted to mongering, but that is society stereo type, addiction is when one cannot control yourself toward certain hobby etc, thinking about mongering all the time is no problem, it is human basic instinct called lust, but once you cannot control your spending toward it or sacrifice all your life for it, then it is an addiction. I can fly to Germany every month if I want to, but I limit my self to 3 trips max or sometimes just 1 trip per year and I also monger here at home too every month, but I do not call this addiction, but something I love to do and it is human lust. It is just society try to lead you or even brainwash you to think that liberal sex is bad thing for their benefits. But that is not to my benefits. And we cannot even talk like this in our private life without getting attack, so when it comes to mongering we write here on sex forum.

  4. #13475
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    That was written with restraint. Believe me.
    Keep working at it. Stress and anger is a disease.

  5. #13474

    Human Connection

    There is a lack of human connection. This hobby is both time consuming and secretive, so the men who partake in this hobby at addict-levels, I would say are more socially isolated then the general male population. This in itself is alarming, because many psychologists already consider loneliness to be a huge health risk for middle-aged men in many Western and East Asian countries:

    Internet forums and social media allow us to maintain contact with friends and family or form friendships with like-minded strangers on the other side of the world. But the problem is when one withdraws from society, and seeks only to interact in a virtual world because it is "safer". They use internet forums to alleviate their loneliness. They just want to be heard. They struggle to be noticed. So they repeat themselves over and over again.

    In psychology, logorrhea or logorrhoea (from Ancient Greek λόγος logos "word" and ῥέω rheo "to flow") is a communication disorder that causes excessive wordiness and repetitiveness, which can sometimes lead to incoherency. Logorrhea is sometimes classified as a mental illness, though it is more commonly classified as a symptom of mental illness or brain injury.
    I am not posting this because I am deliberately trying to attack anyone. I just hope the ones that need help get help. I have admitted to being slightly socially awkward in the past. And sometimes I feel disconnected and drifting. I have let friendships lapse. Sometimes checking my phone and then feeling like a loser because I only have work related messages or messages from another monger. I mean I am not some 20 year old Instagram model that can post photos and get socially validated with thousands of likes in a matter of minutes.

  6. #13473
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    That was written with restraint. Believe me.
    Well that person is filled with anger and hate and pointing fingers without able to see himself. It is himself and not themselves because he has two accounts with two handle name. It got to be taken down.

  7. #13472
    Quote Originally Posted by Pistons  [View Original Post]
    I just got back from a skiing trip to Austria, with some club visits included. And all I can say right now is that I completely understand why girls have to act interested. When they get so much sex all the time, their run out hormones must make them feel almost sexless at one point. And this lack of enthusiasm must be the hardest for them to outplay.
    Mental side is hard and I think these girls are very strong to be so nice and some of them being warm hearted in such a given hard situation in FKK.

    However, what I am even more surprise is their physical capability. I mean some girls do 5 to 10 rooms every day, and usually some of them go on for like one month at a time or even longer with only one day holiday at a time and in some club like Artemis only 2 consecutive holiday is allowed even you are sick, if longer you have to go home and cannot sleep at the club dormitory upstairs. It is crazy how much pounding, sucking among other activities pussies can take without getting it totally damaged.

    When I first found German FKK, I was in my late 20's, so I could fuck like 7 cums per day or even more on good physical day, so I did many sessions everyday and I used to go 10 days and max was 14 days everyday in FKK, toward the end, my dick sometimes got cut LOL, but I still went on LOL, seriously female pussies are strong thing getting fucked everyday numerous multiple times for like a month or months and still OK. So I am surprise also with their physical side.

  8. #13471
    Quote Originally Posted by VitoCorleone  [View Original Post]
    I remember 20+ times girls talk about a client had died a couple days ago or sometime during the week. I've been in a club 3 different times a client has died during my stay.
    Hi Vito o / On Sunday,

    It is elderly peoples day in Artemis, so naturally, there are many elderly people there on Sunday and I got to know some of them, they turned out to be real friendly people. They mostly hang out, but they do go to room and one of the girl I session with over the years sometimes go with one of the elderly and she claims he can really fuck and cum. It is quite inspirational thing because sometimes I wonder how long monger can go on especially with condition that is set to us which is travel and consecutive FKK days of fucking and cumming few times per day everyday during our trips, but these elderly do give me inspiration that one can keep on fucking till our 70's.

  9. #13470
    Quote Originally Posted by Neurosynth  [View Original Post]
    If you want to drive off the edge of a cliff alone, I suppose that's your choice.

    But you have no right to endanger the lives of other drivers like that.

    Next time pull off into an Aral or the like. Sleep for a couple hours.
    By the time I reached my gate at Vienna airport, boarding was about to finish, and I had ten minutes left till gate closed. I did manage to squeeze in a ten minute nap with 180 km left to go. But I am a pretty skilled driver, even on the subconscious level. Then again, I am sure that in twenty years from now, driving a car will probably become illegal.

  10. #13469
    Quote Originally Posted by Neurosynth  [View Original Post]
    If you want to drive off the edge of a cliff alone, I suppose that's your choice.

    But you have no right to endanger the lives of other drivers like that.

    Next time pull off into an Aral or the like. Sleep for a couple hours.
    Yeah, I second that. I pulled over and took naps at gas stations countless times between Darmstadt and Schwerzenbach, otherwise I might have caused danger to me and others on the autobahn.

  11. #13468
    Quote Originally Posted by Pistons  [View Original Post]
    ... I drove for 4 hours tonight, and fell asleep behind the wheel over 30 times times going at 125 km / h. ...
    If you want to drive off the edge of a cliff alone, I suppose that's your choice.

    But you have no right to endanger the lives of other drivers like that.

    Next time pull off into an Aral or the like. Sleep for a couple hours.

  12. #13467
    Quote Originally Posted by Polyamorist  [View Original Post]
    I only pray, Don Corleone, you were not called upon to do it personally. Tutti odiano un chiacchierone!.

    I remember I was in Casa Cherda in The Hague, and a girl told me that an 88-year old had died there in delicto the previous week. Well if you had to choose the manner of your death, what would you say? Maybe places could advertise it as a service. FKK Euthanasia.

    But I wouldn't recommend Casa Cherda for this kind of thing. The lineup was meh. In the Netherlands you are not going to die of excitement, more likely die of boredom.
    I sent Luca Brasi to take care of it.

    It wasn't a big deal. Ambulance shows up & do their job. Girl is traumatized but the club is business as usual.

  13. #13466
    Quote Originally Posted by Takedown  [View Original Post]
    Funny thing is that I thought you were him at first. The restraint shown in his posts clearly proves otherwise.
    That was written with restraint. Believe me.

  14. #13465
    Quote Originally Posted by VitoCorleone  [View Original Post]
    I've been in a club 3 different times a client has died during my stay.
    I only pray, Don Corleone, you were not called upon to do it personally. Tutti odiano un chiacchierone!.

    I remember I was in Casa Cherda in The Hague, and a girl told me that an 88-year old had died there in delicto the previous week. Well if you had to choose the manner of your death, what would you say? Maybe places could advertise it as a service. FKK Euthanasia.

    But I wouldn't recommend Casa Cherda for this kind of thing. The lineup was meh. In the Netherlands you are not going to die of excitement, more likely die of boredom.

  15. #13464
    I just got back from a skiing trip to Austria, with some club visits included. And all I can say right now is that I completely understand why girls have to act interested. When they get so much sex all the time, their run out hormones must make them feel almost sexless at one point. And this lack of enthusiasm must be the hardest for them to outplay.

    A girl at Wellcum laughed and smiled at me one day after having told me no once two days earlier when hunting as a duo (which I always turn down). She said after admitting her name: 'I don't smile. It is because I hate people. ' Then she laughed about it because she was only having fun this day, not wanting to work. And she had heard both guys and gals mention her hardened working look and attitude probably several tines before. She wanted to win the competition, and was just going to dance and make party instead of the usual routine. Her eyes lit up almost more than I have ever seen an FKK girl do before. It was a great display of self awareness and irony. Not having to be a robot and do the standard routine. I asked her for a room later as well. Which was replied with her asking me to stay and dance and party instead.

    I guess the box routines happening inside these clubs, and quite generally in life as a whole with any type of work, drags the enthusiasm down. All we want, men and women is to escape. There is always one part of us where we want to start anew. Be it a forum nickname, a marriage, a friendship, an education, a job, a house at a bad location, wrong country with crazed politicians, or anything else.

    As long as we are able to make these escapes, and create an illusion out of them that makes us believe in the idea of free will, we will be happy. So maybe we should still limit our knowledge and brainpower going forward. That way we might still think it is not a predetermined simulation we are experimenting, but something we have a say in.

    I didn't go with that girl this time around. And on that day I was one out of perhaps ten who got turned down by her. But we did reach a connection. Like going to the room without having sex. And that can be a strategy too.

    I drove for 4 hours tonight, and fell asleep behind the wheel over 30 times times going at 125 km / h. In a world of free will I would have been clean dead by now. But in our little simulation here, I was not determined to die. I was determined to write this little useless report here on ISG instead. And before I exited my lane a couple of dousing times, I sensed something was wrong. Something subconscious woke me up again and again. As if I could see the future. As if my subconscious knew that also time was a lie, and that everything is predetermined. A split second from death again and again. Like Russian roulette after a party with Vito Corleone high up in the Austrian apls.

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