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  1. #2441


    Quote Originally Posted by DimKO  [View Original Post]
    Hi guys,

    I read this forum from time to time, mostly when going to "exotic" place.

    I want to mention some medicine that is widely used by mongers and working girls in post USSR countries. It's called "chlorhexidine" and some better version of it "miramistin". Generally it is antiseptics that kill bacterias and all other shit. It can be bought in pharmacy (very cheap) and is used in urology, surgeries and as a skin disinfection.

    I personally have been using it for 7-8 years, very sexually active years. 98% BJ are with no condom, sometimes BBFS and occasional broken condoms. Got only 1 minor problem during that period (ureaplasma or something like that, got cured with antibiotics in a week). So overall pretty good result for me.

    I take few bottles with me on a trip from home, not sure you can buy it in Thailand. So maybe search for similar medicine or try to buy from online shop.

    P.S. Recently if I want to have BBFS I test girls for HIV with express test. Cost 5-7 $, 10-15 minutes, uses blood from finger, compact. Makes me feel less worried.
    In India, we use Chlorhexadine 1% W / V along with Alcohol as skin disinfectant, usually called as handrub to keep hands germs free.

    More concentrated 2% W / V along with Isopropyl Alcohol is used to clean skin surfaces prior to surgeries, used in ICU, OT.

    I am unsure if you can directly apply or dip willy into the skin disinfectant handrub which is combination of Chlorhexadine Glutante plus Alcohol. I had severe burning sensation when I tried to apply Chlorhexdine liquid on my willy resulting dark pigmentation of my prepuce (I am uncircumcised) which took couple of weeks to heal after applying intensive moisturizer lotions. Like Betadine(Povidone iodine) mouthwash, we use Chlorhexadine based mouth wash for treating throat and oral infections. I remember reading a post on ISG that one punter used-to dip his willy in concentrated betadine liquid to act as a barrier for BBFS.

    Provided client bears the cost, does FLs or Gogo girls in Thailand agree for rapid testing? Though it doesn't completely eliminate the risk of exposure, it gives fair confidence about her past encounters.

  2. #2440
    Quote Originally Posted by Franga  [View Original Post]
    ...So I am thinking about my own toiletry methods and I realise that the last piece of paper that I use on my ass I also use to wipe the uriine off my urethra. Now is there any possible contamination there? Maybe. ...
    Women are often advised to wipe 'front to back' to prevent UTI's. Something to do with stopping bacteria entering the p-hole.

  3. #2439

    Chlorhexidine / miramistin.

    Hi guys,

    I read this forum from time to time, mostly when going to "exotic" place.

    I want to mention some medicine that is widely used by mongers and working girls in post USSR countries. It's called "chlorhexidine" and some better version of it "miramistin". Generally it is antiseptics that kill bacterias and all other shit. It can be bought in pharmacy (very cheap) and is used in urology, surgeries and as a skin disinfection.

    It is sold in small bottles with a thin "adjuster" on the tip, so you can stick it in [CodeWord109] channel and push liquid inside.

    After sex you [CodeWord140] first, then put few mls inside your dick hold for about 15 sec, remove liquid and don't [CodeWord140] for next 2 hours. Also it's good to spray it on surface of your dick and area around. Works better than just water or soap, but no one can guarantee you 100% defense, of course. No smell, no color, might burn a little when you first [CodeWord140] afterwards.

    I personally have been using it for 7-8 years, very sexually active years. 98% BJ are with no condom, sometimes BBFS and occasional broken condoms. Got only 1 minor problem during that period (ureaplasma or something like that, got cured with antibiotics in a week). So overall pretty good result for me.

    I take few bottles with me on a trip from home, not sure you can buy it in Thailand. So maybe search for similar medicine or try to buy from online shop.

    P.S. Recently if I want to have BBFS I test girls for HIV with express test. Cost 5-7 $, 10-15 minutes, uses blood from finger, compact. Makes me feel less worried.

  4. #2438
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave96  [View Original Post]
    I visited a dermatovenereologist the day before yesterday, he said it's just a septic spot on the glans that will go away in few days. It doesn't look like HSV or HPV, he said it's no use testing for HSV because most of the people have it. I said it's maybe a syphilistic chancre, he told me it is not a chancre because it's not painless, doesn't look like chancre and won't become a painless ulcer, he told me I don't need to get tested for HSV and syphilis and just need to keep the area clean.

    Four days later, the pimple disappeared. How is it possible to get a septic spot on the glans? I thought we only get them on the face. Can I trust the doctor? I am a bit paranoid about having HSV or syphilis.
    Your dermatovenereologist is right about your diagnosis, you can trust him because it's his field. Nobody is as skilled as a venereologist when it comes to infectious diseases. STD clinics are useless because they are not specialist in infectious diseases.

    Don't worry about HSV because most of us have HSV and good immune can control it and don't worry about syphilis because a chancre is very noticeable. Septic spots happens all over the body. Just wash your genital area with warm water without using soap.

  5. #2437
    I visited a dermatovenereologist the day before yesterday, he said it's just a septic spot on the glans that will go away in few days. It doesn't look like HSV or HPV, he said it's no use testing for HSV because most of the people have it. I said it's maybe a syphilistic chancre, he told me it is not a chancre because it's not painless, doesn't look like chancre and won't become a painless ulcer, he told me I don't need to get tested for HSV and syphilis and just need to keep the area clean.

    Four days later, the pimple disappeared. How is it possible to get a septic spot on the glans? I thought we only get them on the face. Can I trust the doctor? I am a bit paranoid about having HSV or syphilis.

  6. #2436
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave96  [View Original Post]
    Anyone has ever had a red pimple on their penis?

    I got a red pimple after having sex, protected vaginal sex and unprotected oral sex.
    Had that also. After a few days it developed to a yeast infection on my dick.

    That's very common. Also from oral.

  7. #2435
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave96  [View Original Post]
    Anyone has ever had a red pimple on their penis?

    I got a red pimple after having sex, protected vaginal sex and unprotected oral sex.
    Pimples or bumps are common on the penis. Most of them are harmless as long as they don't burst into ulcer.

    Common causes.

    Bacterial infection causes pimples due to bad hygiene, an irritation from or an allergic reaction to shampoo, or soap, an irritation from shaving, rubbing on clothing can cause bumps, ingrown hair, Folliculitis, staphylococcus Infections caused by cuts, cuts caused by intercourses and masturbation or scratches caused by an objet, when they close up, a bump forms and will decrease. Hirsutoid Papillomas Molluscum contagiosum, lymphocele. Oily skin cause pimples on penis, septic spots can also happen in penis. There are many other conditions, Dr Google is not your friend.

    Normal bumps on penis: Fordyce spots, pearly papule, hair follicles.

    Common std.

    Herpes and warts.

  8. #2434
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave96  [View Original Post]
    Anyone has ever had a red pimple on their penis?

    I got a red pimple after having sex, protected vaginal sex and unprotected oral sex.
    I had a red pimple on my balls last year, not on dick. It was not because of sex though. Though that pimple caused lot of itching and embarrassment once in public place, when couple of people saw me scratching my crotch area via jeans.

    Anyways, pimples are normal, but never heard it happening on dick. If it stays and you feel uncomfortable, just go see a doctor.

  9. #2433

    That is, if she is already HIV negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdSetra  [View Original Post]
    I notice that some clued-in and conscientious professionals are taking PrEP for their own protection.

    Trust and credibility aside, if a service provider is genuinely taking PrEP according to the correct schedule will it give her customers any added protection?
    Absolutely, if she is being protected, you are being protected.

  10. #2432
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave96  [View Original Post]
    Anyone has ever had a red pimple on their penis?

    I got a red pimple after having sex, protected vaginal sex and unprotected oral sex.
    As a person prone to pimples, I have had them almost everywhere over many years, including the balls. On dick is a bit unusual.

    If it is a pimple, then harmless. Pimples are lumps, and can develop a white head (pustule).

    Not really so red unless you irritated it by squeezing etc. So I am guessing you may have something that is not actually a 'Pimple'.

    No experience with that.

    Go get checked might be best if you have any doubts.

  11. #2431
    Anyone has ever had a red pimple on their penis?

    I got a red pimple after having sex, protected vaginal sex and unprotected oral sex.

  12. #2430
    Quote Originally Posted by Syzygies  [View Original Post]
    I agree that specialists are better than GPS normally, however still have had misdiagnosis by specialists. Worth getting a test to confirm. I insist.

    One skin specialist diagnosed my scalp acne as dandruff. I was outraged, he could be so stupid. As a lay person with a lot of acne experience, I can tell the difference. A skin specialist ought to be able to understand also. Second skin specialist agreed was acne without doubt but is given a different medical terminology when under the hair. Just a silly example.

    I did have to put up with Chlamydia far too long once because no test and specialist misdiagnosed (guessed wrong). Too much guessing going on. Agree that visible evidence can be fairly conclusive for some conditions, but not all. Normal GP once diagnosed "Cold Sores" on my mouth but skin specialist later laughed and said was very obvious to him they were Impetigo bacterial infection and not cold sores.

    Sick of being given wrong treatments. Hence testing is important to me.

    In all professions, humans are fallible and fuck up, so worth double checking anything where there can be doubt. Their is an old saying, "everyone gets promoted to one level above their level of competence". Or looking at it another way, very few are 100% competent to do their job. Everyone can learn and make mistakes.
    All skin specialists are not specialist in infectious diseases, All skin specialists are not dermatopathologists. There are many kinds of skin specialists like bone specialists and other specialists, medicine is very vast. I always test to confirm. Tests are also misdiagnosed and not 100% accurate because some medical conditions may affect some antibody tests (HIV syphilis etc ). It's better to see a specialist to rule out some conditions, to diagnose you, to know your symptoms, your sexual history, your family history to give you the right medication and to test you for the right desease.

    Every specialist must diagnose and send the sample to the lab to confirm it.

  13. #2429
    Quote Originally Posted by Syzygies  [View Original Post]

    Sick of being given wrong treatments. Hence testing is important to me.
    Just be mindful of incubation and detectability timelines.

    I once had a horrendous recovery from tropical malaria as, by the time I got to a treatment centre, my blood samples had cleared and doctors were reluctant to provide medication. My blood may have been clear but I still felt like I was going to die for the next 30 days. Not a fun experience.

  14. #2428
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerForSex  [View Original Post]
    As a expert, just by looking at a penis I can say the diagnosis before the lab confirms. It's better to see a medical professional that's specialist in infectioous diseases. Concerning tests, often the faster the worse.
    I agree that specialists are better than GPS normally, however still have had misdiagnosis by specialists. Worth getting a test to confirm. I insist.

    One skin specialist diagnosed my scalp acne as dandruff. I was outraged, he could be so stupid. As a lay person with a lot of acne experience, I can tell the difference. A skin specialist ought to be able to understand also. Second skin specialist agreed was acne without doubt but is given a different medical terminology when under the hair. Just a silly example.

    I did have to put up with Chlamydia far too long once because no test and specialist misdiagnosed (guessed wrong). Too much guessing going on. Agree that visible evidence can be fairly conclusive for some conditions, but not all. Normal GP once diagnosed "Cold Sores" on my mouth but skin specialist later laughed and said was very obvious to him they were Impetigo bacterial infection and not cold sores.

    Sick of being given wrong treatments. Hence testing is important to me.

    In all professions, humans are fallible and fuck up, so worth double checking anything where there can be doubt. Their is an old saying, "everyone gets promoted to one level above their level of competence". Or looking at it another way, very few are 100% competent to do their job. Everyone can learn and make mistakes.

  15. #2427
    Quote Originally Posted by Syzygies  [View Original Post]
    Mystified! Never heard of that! Not sure how it gets near. In Thailand we wash well, not just wipe with paper.
    The reason for my extra caution is that I have been reading that most urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria present in your own body. I am not talking about sexually transmitted bacterias here but things like E. Coli for example.

    So I am thinking about my own toiletry methods and I realise that the last piece of paper that I use on my ass I also use to wipe the uriine off my urethra. Now is there any possible contamination there? Maybe. So now I will use a clean piece of toilet paper from now on to do the final wipe of my urethra. It may be meaningless, but better safe than sorry. After that I always use soap and water to clean everything.

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