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  1. #35387

    My 2 cents on Coronavirus

    Hi guys,

    I know you're tired of reading about CV at this point but I find it crazy that people are being condemned for creating hysteria or being alarmist by warning members about the threat of CV. That's kinda like condemning someone for telling you to use a rubber while mongering. If you disagree, that's okay but I think it's fair to say the risk is definitely there. Now everyone's situation is different so I'm not saying nobody should be making a trip to medellin right now (or fucking some puss raw).

    I just think that there's very little upside in making a trip to medellin right now. Can we at least agree that the CV is definitely not going to make your trip any better? The downside (I don't want to comment on how likely the downside is since most people have already made up their minds on that) is well that you're going to end up wasting a bunch of money and time. I'm not saying Columbia will shut down but if they decide to do what most of the major mongering destinations in Europe has already decided to do. You might be stuck in a foreign country that's closed all their bars, restaurants and brothels. Sure you'll still be able to find some chicas who are desperate but I have to imagine the quality of the girls (and service) will go down.

    Maybe that's worth the risk for some people and that's okay, there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone's situations different. I would just advise first time travelers to medellin to delay their trip a few months. You don't want your first trip to paradise to have this CV thing looming about.


  2. #35386
    Quote Originally Posted by Coupe66  [View Original Post]
    What has any of that got to do with Colombia? Nothing! Maybe you should post in in the Puerto Rico section where it belongs! Don't take it out on us, that you're stuck in the place!
    I know you've been paying attention. He's not stuck in PR. He chose to go where he feels most comfortable at this time. How is that wrong?

    Here's some information I just learned, which may be of interest.

    Not long ago 9 people I know all attended an event which included plenty of frequent international travelers. According to what I heard tonight, 6 of the other attendees have since been tested positive. Five of the people I know have since been ill. I haven't heard any information on the other 4. One, upon learning of the other positive test results, requested to be tested. She was refused because she has not flown internationally recently.

    All of them may have picked up a cold or flu bug. I'd say it's the most likely, at least for 2 of them. However, just the presence of people who have tested positive should initiate quarantine and testing protocols for all attendees. Hasn't happened and now that option is gone. Give it some thought.

    Given a choice, I'd rather sit this out in Colombia, but that's not an option now. Depending on what further restrictions are placed, I'll either be in the US or Canada. I'll almost certainly be working until everything returns to normal.

  3. #35385
    Quote Originally Posted by Uthred  [View Original Post]
    How about someone start a fresh new thread Called "Corona Virus 2020"? This way everyone that wants to talk about it can gather there. It will help future newbies trying to gather information related to chicas. Also with so much information coming in daily about this virus, I can see this Medellin Report section with about 50 pages of going back and forth about the virus. Let's move it elsewhere.
    Okay. But what are we going to talk about? Until this runs its course, there's not much to discuss. So the options are talk about COVID-19, or nothing at all.

  4. #35384
    Quote Originally Posted by PolloNegro  [View Original Post]
    I'm just trying to figure out who is the doctor on the board, because many people can go to Google and Google information even medical personnel can Google information but if you're not a doctor who can diagnose assess evaluate and treat what it is that you're retrieving from Google you're just like other people causing much more panic. I need a Dr who has contracted Covid 19 to confirm or deny all the Google diagnosis that BMs are spreading across the board! Then again, the cockiness & arrogance mixed with all of the BS, many board members wouldn't trust a legit Dr, pollo negro is out!
    Can you define what a "legit doctor" is? I'm asking because I've spent too much time with too many doctors and a lot of those "legit doctors" aren't worth a damn.

    I've seen several conflicting coronavirus discussions from "legit doctors. " Which one is correct?

    People are worried. Some more than others. Fact is, we're in unknown territory. Can you name another instance when all the sports leagues shut down? Add in college athletics, colleges themselves, public schools. Today Illinois and Ohio announced they are shutting down all bars and restaurants for dine-in service. More states will soon follow suit. In the past week the Fed has committed $2 2 trillion to prop up the markets. Airlines are basically shutting down.

    Does all this sound like situation normal?

    Even as arrogant as I am (according to some), I don't claim to have any answers. The only thing I know to do is not panic. Both the WHO and the CDC have plenty of available information, ranging from general recommendations to recent research papers.

    My suggestion is to stay away from all the opinion pieces and go to the source. Follow the advice of the CDC and the WHO. Maybe it's all blown out of proportion. Maybe it's the most significant event in our lifetimes. Only time will tell.

  5. #35383

    Impact of Coronavirus on Chica Desperation

    I will be curious to see how desperate the chicas become because of no business. I fully expect to be bombarded with requests to "borrow" money. I guess that is one advantage to going to casa or using streetwalkers. They cannot contact you! When the travel ban is finally lifted, those who can take advantage should have some great opportunities with a lot of pent up supply.

  6. #35382
    Thanks bro, this is very helpful. I planned to get in touch with her.

    Just in case, I want to stress out that you should hide your laptop and other valuable things unless you know the girl really well!

    Take care!

    Quote Originally Posted by NormalAsianKid  [View Original Post]
    Had a session scheduled with Lisdey Santilla or something for 11 am. She grabs my laptop and says she's going to steal my laptop if I don't pay her. I get angry and take my laptop from her and then kick her out of my hotel room. She goes downstairs and complains to the front desk guy. He comes up and tells me that she's going to call the police if I don't pay her. I explain to him what happened and he says it's not worth it because the police with charge me a prostitution fee and get me in trouble. I tell him that prostitution is legal in Columbia and show him on google. He tells me that it is legal for Columbians but foreigners signed something when they came into the country saying we won't hire any prostitutes. And that it's promoting prostitution and a "pimping" fee or something. I tell him I'the rather pay the cops for the fee than pay this girl cause I'm still mad fb failed me again and she tried to steal my laptop. He then tells me that the cops would put something on my passport / immigration saying I participated in prostitution and make it harder for me to travel in the future which had me worried. (Is this true? Or was he just making this up because it would be a huge hassle and probably a fine for the hotel if the cops got involved? So I tell the desk clerk, she only stayed for 30 minutes when we agreed to 2-3 hours. I offered her 150 k and if she doesn't want to take it, we can let the police handle it. He says okay she'll take the 150 k so I give it to him and wash my hands if this. Actually fucking was probably a 7/10. The rest made it a 2/10 session. I don't know why I always seem to have this problem with the fb girls but at this point I'm realizing it's probably just not going to happen for me on FB. Maybe it's cause I don't know Spanish or maybe it's because I'm not as assertive that they think they can take advantage of me.

  7. #35381

    I started the Coronavirus thread.


    Quote Originally Posted by Uthred  [View Original Post]
    How about someone start a fresh new thread Called "Corona Virus 2020"? This way everyone that wants to talk about it can gather there. It will help future newbies trying to gather information related to chicas. Also with so much information coming in daily about this virus, I can see this Medellin Report section with about 50 pages of going back and forth about the virus. Let's move it elsewhere.

    Since what you said makes all kinds of sense about not needing to have people read this thread and just get info about coronavirus. I started a thread called "Colombia / Trravel Corona Virus Updates" As you can see I typed it out too fast and travel is spelled wrong and Coronavirus should be one word. But that's how may posts come out anyway. Please add any info that you have about the subject and help me redirect the conversation to that thread so we can keep this one uncluttered.".

    Quote Originally Posted by AdventureSeekr  [View Original Post]
    1. Colombia closes borders to foreigners, citizens entry requires quarantine.

    2. American Airlines cancels all flights. 2 a. I think its safe to say other airlines will do the same.

    I just started the above thread so any info you have on this travel stuff and especially sources please post there so we can condense the information as it develops.

  8. #35380

    Next week

    Quote Originally Posted by PolloNegro  [View Original Post]
    Absolutely appreciate all of the information you provided, I landed today, 03-15-2020, at 1 pm out of immigration within 15 minutes, on to the Nutibara bus and currently in my room chilling. Here for the next 90 days, maybe longer. Pollo negro is out!
    I land next week. How was the medical testing when you were at customs. I already filled out the online form.

  9. #35379


    Quote Originally Posted by Combo  [View Original Post]
    Well given that Colombia isn't allowing foreigners to enter, I'm not sure there's going to be much about the chicas here, other than reminiscing.
    Better to leave it at that then. Start a new thread about the virus. When this shit blows over we can pick up where we left off. We get mad at newbies asking for info and then tell them to read back about 50 pages. At this rate the only thing they will read is the back and forth opinions about the virus. Then they'll ask JB how to find a facebook chick LOL. Seriously though you know what I mean.

  10. #35378
    Quote Originally Posted by FunLuvr  [View Original Post]
    Although most of your reports are interesting and entertaining, it's statements like this that lead to people exclaiming alarmist. NY and CA have not gone into lockdown, not even been suggested. The governor of California called for (not ordered) all bars to shut down, all restaurants to reduce capacity by half, and anyone 65 and over to go into home isolation. New York hasn't ordered any action statewide related to the virus. Illinois and Ohio probably took the most drastic action. The governors of those states ordered all restaurants and bars to close, with only drive-thru service open.
    Not even suggested is incorrect. It is already in process as we speak. I was referring to NYC and as of now its schools are closed. More is coming tomorrow or Tuesday. Nassau and Suffolk County as well. CT closes schools Tuesday. CA is heavily suggested by Governor, but will be mandatory soon. Its a moot point since most businesses are voluntarily closing anyway, it doesn't pay to stay open. Because you found discrepancies in one thing I mentioned quickly, you ignored ALL of the cited statements I've made over the past two days. Cool.

    I agree with Uthred, everyone make their own decisions. Let's end the covid discussion please.

  11. #35377
    Quote Originally Posted by Uthred  [View Original Post]
    How about someone start a fresh new thread Called "Corona Virus 2020"? This way everyone that wants to talk about it can gather there. It will help future newbies trying to gather information related to chicas. Also with so much information coming in daily about this virus, I can see this Medellin Report section with about 50 pages of going back and forth about the virus. Let's move it elsewhere.
    Well given that Colombia isn't allowing foreigners to enter, I'm not sure there's going to be much about the chicas here, other than reminiscing.

  12. #35376
    Quote Originally Posted by AdventureSeekr  [View Original Post]
    ... NY and CA went into lockdown today. ...
    Although most of your reports are interesting and entertaining, it's statements like this that lead to people exclaiming alarmist. NY and CA have not gone into lockdown, not even been suggested. The governor of California called for (not ordered) all bars to shut down, all restaurants to reduce capacity by half, and anyone 65 and over to go into home isolation. New York hasn't ordered any action statewide related to the virus, except maybe limiting crowd size. Illinois and Ohio probably took the most drastic action. The governors of those states ordered all restaurants and bars to close, with only drive-thru service open.

  13. #35375
    Quote Originally Posted by Macgoo  [View Original Post]
    Concerned -.

    You may already have it but sharing, just in case. Use Search Bar, for example, to see USA. Do scroll all the way down for insightful details. Also useful to evaluate whether: " . Should I stay or should I go"!

    Stay Safe!
    This one from John Hopkins University gives you the breakdowns and a visual map, but I cannot stress enough that none of this can tell us in the United States anything until we get enough people tested. The visual map is somewhat misleading also simply because the size of the "red" circles on the map do not correlate to anything geographically. Meaning size wise, if a circle on the map looks like it covers 1000 sqr miles / kms. It doesn't mean that 1000 sqr area is blanketed with Covid-19 coronavirus cases. And this is demonstrated when you scroll in and the circle gets smaller as the area you are zooming in gets bigger.

  14. #35374

    Corona Virus Thread

    How about someone start a fresh new thread Called "Corona Virus 2020"? This way everyone that wants to talk about it can gather there. It will help future newbies trying to gather information related to chicas. Also with so much information coming in daily about this virus, I can see this Medellin Report section with about 50 pages of going back and forth about the virus. Let's move it elsewhere.

  15. #35373
    This is 2020, cancel online. If that side worries you read all the fine print, the deal is no different than having a preservationist read it to you over the phone. You just won't have to wait an hour to hear it.

    Quote Originally Posted by MexiMonger  [View Original Post]
    Here is the tweet form Presidente Ivan Duque.

    Now I'm trying to cancel my flight. Airline won't pickup!!


    translation: Let myself inform to the country: starting march 16th, entering to the country is restricted from non national or non residents in Colombia. All Colombian and foreing residents will have preventive mandatory isolation por 14 days

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