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  1. #81
    Can the Admin perhaps create a separate thread for Coronavirus discussions and move all the posts to it --thus leaving this to the discussion of FKKs, girls and pay6?

    I come to this forum to relax, not to discuss what I can do in the comments section of the Guardian or any newspaper!

  2. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    Are you serious? Putting mask for sex in brothels, just ridiculous, when many guys ask for sex without condom. Girls don't tell you about? I m only sure about one thing, brothels are risky for health, why Germany made new law, even not really working, but when Italy extend to 3 May, France extend now to 11 May and restaurants, hotels, discotheques wil stay closed until at least mid July. If Germany which seem to manage quite well virus at the moment, allow paid sex soon, then they will have many very bad cases with old, fat, and from other diseases. They should then compete very fast with US. Guys who are not sure to be strongly healthy, should stay away, same if they have fragile relatives and don't want to lose them. New risky world now in FKK land.
    You can be fit + healthy and catch the virus without any obvious symptoms. The only possible way is immunity, if that really works.

  3. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    For sure, with no kissing, no good old BJ, no DATY, but masks for both, gloves for both and condom, real erotic, sensual plastic sex, today I was right to prepare bicycle, more enjoyable to rub my balls on seat.
    Oh so you are allowed to do sport outside in Paris?

  4. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by DenHaag  [View Original Post]
    Thank you so much for the reply Sirioja. You do not joke in my opinion. Paris Texas is indeed a great movie. It is make believe. Paris Arkansas and Berlin New Jersey really exist. This is no joke. You make faux-pas
    Hmm, having been in University in Texas, I'm familial with the city of Paris Texas. Oops. Search Maps on your smart phone. It will show up North East of Dallas.

    I have read your posts on Avigan to treat COVID-19. The USA has started testing of Avigan as a treatment 2 days ago. It was interesting to read that the drug was approved I Japan as an Influenza anti-viral but stockpiled by the government and not released to pharmacies for issue.

  5. #77


    I think the key is testing. Once you can test enough people daily, and I mean like 10% of the population per day so that you can quarantine everyone that gets sick right away, you should be able to get the R0 rate (average number of people each infected person infects) below 1 and the amount of cases will remain under control. You also need to be able to test for antibodies so that some people can be excluded from testing and just go on with life. FKKs will need to have a way to test all their girls and clients. I think this is the trick to FKKs being able to convince the government that they are not causing harm by spreading coronavirus. Today, testing needs to be done in a lab, but the ability to test on the spot and fast is being developed quickly.

    Governments understand the importance of testing and it wouldn't surprise me if by summer, the ability to test quickly and on the spot is widespread. I suspect this is the next step in government response.

    BTW. If a girl has already had it, she becomes the perfect WG at an FKK. She generally can't get it again and can't spread it to anyone again (assuming covid behaves like most viruses).

    Also, sex with a face mask seems dumb. Most infections are caused by touching something that then gets into a your mouth, eye or nose. Can't very well have sex without touching. You can shower afterwards but I would assume you would get it if she had it. However, your genitalia is not really spreading respiratory disease and it doesn't take it in. I mean, how many times have you gotten a blowjob from a girl with a cold and not gotten a cold.

  6. #76
    I am also highly unsure if we get a vaccine done. Remember: there is no vaccine against the rhino-viruses (causing the common cold) - nor AIDS.

    Also the virus may have mutated by then. And and and.

    There is no way out:

    I still believe clubs / brothels MUST adapt to the new normal and start planning for the worst. If everything turns out to be gone in March, so what? At least we are then prepared for the next one, e. G. The MaVid-22 (ie the new Marburger virus- only half-assed kidding here) or PoVid-24.

    Quote Originally Posted by MythoVirus  [View Original Post]
    Every government / media talking about a vaccine as if it was, simple candy you buy from a supermarket.

    Finding the correct vaccine which confers resistance to virus without a side effect, is a cumbersome process that isn't always viable at least in 2020.

    Need I remind you HIV, the holy shittiest king of all viruses to ever exist, is hitting earth since at least 1980, yet till today ZERO vaccine available (40 fucking years), among other viruses such as Herpes, Hepatitis see, West Nile virus. Etc.

    Not to forget to mention the previous two coronaviruses, Mr SARS and Mrs MERS, which were known in 2003/2012 respectively still till this date has zero vaccine or even a mere antiviral treatment. Granted those viruses weren't a pandemic which didn't put a pressure on government to provide a vaccine nevertheless it still shows making vaccine kr antiviral isn't a simple picnic.

    Yes, I'm not a virologist, or immunity specialist, as each virus has its own genome either DNA / RNA and its special envelope and proteins, maybe the virology aspect of Coronavirus makes it an ideal target for a future vaccine that I can't give my input in (But again the previous two coronaviruses which were similar in structure still we failed to create a vaccine).

    But for the life of me, I hope government don't put all hopes on an imaginary vaccine, HERD immunity is plan A, Vaccine shouldn't be plan A or be or see, it should be as close as plan Z if anything (little hyperbole for emphasis).

    The day Germany / Austria / Switz declare no FKK till vaccine is a sad day. The only benefit of lack of FKK is that my wallet for a first time will start to swell, as FKK really damages my bank account, as it's my number 1 nonessential thing to spend all my money.

  7. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve9696  [View Original Post]
    Not that you guys will miss me but I am just going to stop reading this thread for a while. I enjoy reading all the threads of places I've been and will return to. But this thread has become uniquely tedious of all threads worldwide. I recall this happened a year or two ago when 3 or so people just dominated the conversation with oneupmanship. Fortunately it eventually recovered. I hope the same is true here.

    See you soon. (I hope).
    If you think this is bad, don't go to the Tijuana thread.

  8. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    Mongering will become more expensive. Sex without a mask will become an extra proposed by the girls in the room.
    Sex without a Hazmat suit will become an extra proposed by the girls in the room.

    Or maybe let's stop giving the girls ideas.

  9. #73

    See You Soon?

    Not that you guys will miss me but I am just going to stop reading this thread for a while. I enjoy reading all the threads of places I've been and will return to. But this thread has become uniquely tedious of all threads worldwide. I recall this happened a year or two ago when 3 or so people just dominated the conversation with oneupmanship. Fortunately it eventually recovered. I hope the same is true here.

    See you soon. (I hope).

  10. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Kawaii50  [View Original Post]
    Could be even worse: No Oral, No Kissing. Only HJ with girl wearing a glove and mask.
    For sure, with no kissing, no good old BJ, no DATY, but masks for both, gloves for both and condom, real erotic, sensual plastic sex, today I was right to prepare bicycle, more enjoyable to rub my balls on seat.

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxSquatter  [View Original Post]
    Ugh masks means no oral, no kissing, no anything but stuffing penis in. Sure hope it is more lax. Not even worth going.
    Mongering will become more expensive. Sex without a mask will become an extra proposed by the girls in the room.

  12. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Mtraveller  [View Original Post]
    Another German speaker here, watched the video, found the point in the speech referred to. There was no "analogous" statement or any other implication that prostitution will be forbidden till a vaccination will be available. Absolutely nonsense what that user wrote in the Rheinforum.

    It should be obvious to any half sane person though, that under rules of social distancing the big clubs will not re-open until other places of social gathering like bars, dancing clubs will be allowed to re-open as well.

    Smaller brothels and girls working independently may find it easier to restart business. Once general quarantine restrictions are removed.
    Thank you very much for your input. I am very glad there will be no ban on prostitution until a vaccine will be available, because I live in Germany and perhaps would have much more to lose than most of ISGers if there would be a ban.

  13. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxSquatter  [View Original Post]
    Ugh masks means no oral, no kissing, no anything but stuffing penis in. Sure hope it is more lax. Not even worth going.
    Could be even worse: No Oral, No Kissing. Only HJ with girl wearing a glove and mask.

  14. #68

    Vaccine next year? You sure?

    Every government / media talking about a vaccine as if it was, simple candy you buy from a supermarket.

    Finding the correct vaccine which confers resistance to virus without a side effect, is a cumbersome process that isn't always viable at least in 2020.

    Need I remind you HIV, the holy shittiest king of all viruses to ever exist, is hitting earth since at least 1980, yet till today ZERO vaccine available (40 fucking years), among other viruses such as Herpes, Hepatitis see, West Nile virus. Etc.

    Not to forget to mention the previous two coronaviruses, Mr SARS and Mrs MERS, which were known in 2003/2012 respectively still till this date has zero vaccine or even a mere antiviral treatment. Granted those viruses weren't a pandemic which didn't put a pressure on government to provide a vaccine nevertheless it still shows making vaccine kr antiviral isn't a simple picnic.

    Yes, I'm not a virologist, or immunity specialist, as each virus has its own genome either DNA / RNA and its special envelope and proteins, maybe the virology aspect of Coronavirus makes it an ideal target for a future vaccine that I can't give my input in (But again the previous two coronaviruses which were similar in structure still we failed to create a vaccine).

    But for the life of me, I hope government don't put all hopes on an imaginary vaccine, HERD immunity is plan A, Vaccine shouldn't be plan A or be or see, it should be as close as plan Z if anything (little hyperbole for emphasis).

    The day Germany / Austria / Switz declare no FKK till vaccine is a sad day. The only benefit of lack of FKK is that my wallet for a first time will start to swell, as FKK really damages my bank account, as it's my number 1 nonessential thing to spend all my money.

  15. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Mursenary  [View Original Post]
    The infected threshold of herd immunity for COVID is around 70% so I do wonder how that could be achieved in a short enough time without having to lock up senior citizens for over a year. I don't think a couple of months would do it unless it was done purposefully.
    Salaam Mursenary,

    At the current feeble rate of infection, I calculate that Germany will achieve herd immunity in the year 2089.

    The current strategy works only as long as everything stays shut. Imagine that. All the factories closed for 69 years. All the shops closed for 69 years. All the schools closed for 69 years. I'm fine with that. But all the FKKs closed for 69 years? By the Prophet! Have I got your attention now?

    Suppose we go in the opposite direction. All under-60's hugging and kissing as if they were at a Berlusconi orgy, and passing around greasy pizza. A national lovefest and daily FKK visits compulsory for all non-seniors including manginas. Yes, then it could all be over in a couple of months. Love is the answer. DFK for the win.

    You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I just found that this famous German epidemiologist Kekule has the same idea as me:

    Using Google Translate, a summary:

    "We cannot wait for a vaccine and live in lockdown mode for another six to twelve months. If we did, our society and culture would be destroyed."
    Older people and people with previous illnesses, i.e. those who are most susceptible to the coronavirus, should remain isolated. Kekule: We have to convince them to stay at home. But we also have to find ways to make the situation bearable for them, so that, for example. shopping and social life are also possible. When this vulnerable group leaves the house, a mask or mask is required.
    The 61-year-old suggests that young people be (consciously) infected with Sars-CoV-2 in order to become immune as quickly as possible. In the age groups <50, the course of the disease is usually harmless. In this respect - according to the epidemiologist - schools and kindergartens must first be opened after the lockdown. Denmark is already planning this after Easter.

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