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  1. #49243

    Just Riffing

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie97  [View Original Post]
    Funny how so many want to turn mongering into a science but it will always be everything but.
    Be careful of taking posts too literally. I was just sharing (and riffing a bit) on some entertaining research--a study which, in the late Senator Proxmire's day, would have qualified for one of his Golden Fleece awards. Like most one and all posting here, my operative mode of mongering comes closer to "winging it" day-to-day than anything that would ever pretend to be scientific.

  2. #49242
    Update on my recent post re facebook and second accounts. It seems that FB are getting good at spotting multiple accounts being set up. I tried and the new account was blocked. But in settings. Privacy you can stop anyone seeing your friends list. That affords a decent level of privacy so current friends don't see a rash of new Colombian friends with sexy profile photos!

    Another stupid question. That ratio of ladies have a good grasp of English? I'm learning Spanish as fast as I can, and I don't want to insult anyone by speaking English and assuming they can understand, but a middle ground would be great. Do people communicate with FB girls in English at all? Or do you stick to Spanish?

  3. #49241


    Quote Originally Posted by NilAdmirari  [View Original Post]
    As an addendum to my prior post on Estrous Cycles and Performance: Maybe the lap-dancers in estrous are just more proactive and flirtatious in marketing their wares. Or perhaps they are secreting pheromones that waft through the air, prompting the unsuspecting ogler to open his wallet. Or both of the above.

    As I have fantasized, one could apply the New Mexico research findings to the management of one's stable of chica regulars. For example, only recruit working girls who are off the Pill, and then organize your chica rotation so that each week you only see those who are in estrous (I. E. In full heat). This of, course, would add a serious Russian Roulette aspect to mongering in Bareback mode.
    Funny how so many want to turn mongering into a science but it will always be everything but.

  4. #49240
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    I said before about these chicks trying to add me because I guess they are friends of my friends. You do not have to add them. You simply send them a message saying I will be in Medellin soon. Give me your whatsapp and I will contact you when I am there. Then you save the number in your phone so that when you go to whatsapp and search fb mde or however you saved them, the chicks pop up. Seems something complicated is being made of something very simple.
    The flaw in your method is the risk that a girl has the almost completely unheard of happen, she loses her phone and ends up with a new number. I know, I know. It's crazy to think that any prepago in Medellin could ever lose her phone or have it stolen, but it does happen. It seems like it happens to almost every single prepago.

    My Facebook feed has a few messages every week from women who lost their phone and want everyone to send their Whatsapp number so they can rebuild their contact list.

    My friend list isn't just for me. Many girls get added who I have no interest in. On occasion I'm with someone who is looking for something different. Rather than travel to different casas or strip clubs looking for a plus size girl, I just spend a few minutes, let them find a fatty and everyone is happy.

    Another advantage is it helps my selective memory. If I've been with a girl and consider her worth a repeat, she's probably in my WhatsApp. When her name comes up, I know who I'm dealing with. If she's just a girl who I added, but never followed through with, I have to read whatever messages were exchanged to get an idea whether she was someone I was excited about. If we're friends on Facebook I'm getting daily reminders of who is getting better and who is going downhill. I'm seeing which ones are heavy party animals and which ones are more laid back. I'm seeing which ones are working and which ones are whining.

    As I said before, it also takes the work out of seeing who is interested and who isn't. Last trip I posted a photo of Medellin from the air and had over 20 girls message me in less than 48 hours. Sending Whatsapp messages to 20 girls, who I already had to message to get their Whatsapp seems like more work than glancing at 20 messages, with their Facebook profiles 1 click away.

  5. #49239
    Quote Originally Posted by LitmusSmut  [View Original Post]
    Questions to the seasoned, to the expats, the long-terms in Medellin:

    * What is late October like in Medellin from October 18 to November 7 range?

    ** Temperature and seasonal atmosphere?

    I've heard the "City of Eternal Spring" mentioned more than once so temperature wise it should be fine, but is it rainy everyday?

    ** Are there Colombian holidays to consider that really shuts down the city, its women?

    Are there national or religious holidays that cripple the city.

    ** How does Colombia treat Halloween?

    I've been in Europe for several Halloweens. If there are expat bar, they push it and the Euros arrive and love a good costume party. Great atmosphere in the cities and it seems to have grown. Any idea how Halloween is regarded in Medellin?
    The last time I counted, Colombia has 26 official holidays, most are celebrated on Monday. On average there's a 3 day weekend every other week.

    Most holidays just mean an extra day for the weekend. They don't have much of an effect on the mongering situation. The exceptions are Easter and Christmas. Both shutdown things for a week. There are still options available, but not as many.

    Halloween is widely celebrated in Medellin. Slutty costumes will be in abundance. There will be plenty of Halloween parties, clubs will be packed and you should have a good time.

    Temperature ranges from about 60°F at night to 85°F daytime.

  6. #49238
    Just got back from El Centro. Can't understand why anyone would be scared of visiting there during the day.

    There was girls ranging from 1 (closer to 0, she looked about 70) to 7/8. A few looked young though so you have to be careful.

    Ended up with a paisa spinner called Gabriella, she had a really pretty face, athletic body with a nice ass. The only things wrong were she had a lot of tattoos (which I don't mind but some might) and she had them stupid slug eyebrows that are fashionable now.

    Had a good session for around 30 minutes for 50 k plus 7 k for the room.

    The best looking girls there were just as nice as the girls in Parque Lleras the other night.

    Really enjoyed El Centro and will return tomorrow. Only explored the area around Veracruz. Need to try and find Raudal Street tomorrow and try and find some casas.

    If anyone else is around would be happy to exchange a tour for me buying you a session with a girl there.

    Took a taxi there and back as my legs are aching off all these hills in El Poblado and legs chaffing together. Getting a taxi on Uber or Cabify isn't easy here. Will take the metro next time.

    Used Uber twice this morning with no problem now it won't work with either of my cards. Says there's a problem with this payment method, anyone had this happen to them before?

    Also random question, why the hell do the shops here only sell milk in bags? So strange.

  7. #49237

    Estrous and the Management of Your Chica Stable

    As an addendum to my prior post on Estrous Cycles and Performance: Maybe the lap-dancers in estrous are just more proactive and flirtatious in marketing their wares. Or perhaps they are secreting pheromones that waft through the air, prompting the unsuspecting ogler to open his wallet. Or both of the above.

    As I have fantasized, one could apply the New Mexico research findings to the management of one's stable of chica regulars. For example, only recruit working girls who are off the Pill, and then organize your chica rotation so that each week you only see those who are in estrous (I. E. In full heat). This of, course, would add a serious Russian Roulette aspect to mongering in Bareback mode.

  8. #49236

    Estrous Cycle: The Overlooked Variable in Performance? Some Groundbreaking Research

    All the back and forth here in respect to the correlation of performance with price and other variables, somewhat comically overlooks perhaps the most obvious variable. Obvious at least to anyone who has been in long term relationships: Namely: Is the chica On or Off-the pill? If OFF, where is she in her monthly menstrual / estrous cycle?

    According to the grounding 2007 research of two University of New Mexico professors (and winner of a tongue-in-cheek Ignoble Science Award), who collected data from a large sample of lapdancers in strip clubs: "While ovulating, and therefore the most fertile strippers made an average of $30 per hour more than menstruating women and $15 per hour more than women elsewhere in their cycles. Women on the pill, who typically don't ovulate, made significantly less than naturally cycling women overall and had no "estrus earning peak. SEE:

    Of course, all of the above just helps explain the variation in performance by any one, specific chica--from howling orgasm one day with one client to indifferent performance (or simulated O's) on another day with another monger. The larger debate about performance --I. E. Do you get what you pay for? No doubt will echo on in these pages unresolved /.

  9. #49235
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    these chicks trying to add me because I guess they are friends of my friends.
    You are just proving my point. You say "I guess they are friends of my friends". At some point you added someone as a friend that led the chica to try to add you. My goal is probably different than the averag monger. I am tring to find the largest number of gorgeous chicas that I can. So I need the largest net that I can have. That means the more chicas I add the more request I will get. The more that will show up in my "people you may know". Many of my contacts to not even have any gringos in their friends lists, those are my favorites.

  10. #49234


    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    I said before about these chicks trying to add me because I guess they are friends of my friends. You do not have to add them. You simply send them a message saying I will be in Medellin soon. Give me your whatsapp and I will contact you when I am there. Then you save the number in your phone so that when you go to whatsapp and search fb mde or however you saved them, the chicks pop up. Seems something complicated is being made of something very simple.
    Keep it simple.

    Just a quick message. Short and to the point. Get the whatsapp and off of the FB ASAP for more efficient results.

  11. #49233


    Quote Originally Posted by MojoBandit  [View Original Post]
    I feel like I must be missing something about your style of FB mongering. Please explain it to me. I feel like waiting to the last minute to message a chica is not a method that would work out for me. I think that would lead to a 50 50 chance of getting flaked on. I guess that if that is your style that you have your reasons than that is fine for you but I do not think it would achieve the kind of results that I look for.

    Maybe we have different organizational styles because for me organizing is a big part of finding them and I cannot see how one can do this without "friending" the chicas. I also have noticed that chicas are about half as likely to reply to me when I am not in their friends list. It can be done, I have done it but I have found my chances are better if I am in their friends list. Also I like to avoid the flakey ones that will be no-shows and I need to build a rapport to do this. I am also curious of how you "find" them in the first place before you message them? Without already having chicas in your friends list to go off of, how does one go about finding them?.
    I feel like waiting to the last minute to message a chica is not a method that would work out for me. I think that would lead to a 50 50 chance of getting flaked on. I guess that if that is your style that you have your reasons than that is fine for you but I do not think it would achieve the kind of results that I look for.

    Show me where I said anything about waiting until the last minute. You can't, because I didn't. You do realize that you and a girl can send an unlimited amount of messages and private, through messenger for as ong as you want without ever actually 'friending' each other, don't you?

    I also have noticed that chicas are about half as likely to reply to me when I am not in their friends list.

    I have not noticed this at all. The only reason a chica won't reply is if she thinks you aren't going to pay what she wants.

    I am also curious of how you "find" them in the first place before you message them?

    There are a few I have as friends-not many, just ones I have seen already and would see again-that's a very small list-- you can see friends lists from people you aren't friends with. Perhaps you can see more if chicas setting limit who can see their friends to only friends. But, it is rare that a facebook girl does that IMO.

    This leaves me wonder if I have a different attitude too because to me it is about finding what I think are the hottest of the hottest chicas.

    I think this furthers my style, not yours. Why bother being friends with 200 you just said you don't think are very hot? Why friend average chicas? All I want is the hottest-no need for hundreds of friends when hundreds aren't the hottest!

    As far as restricted lists, custom lists, editing friends lists, and 2nd profiles. Seems like a lot of work when all you have to do is just message with them without friending them to accomplish these goals.

    Are the ONLY women you find found through 'friends' ?? I doubt it,. Usually its through friends lists of girls you aren't friends with. Ike friends of friends. Maybe you get more girls on your list--but I can't see how / why friending hundreds of chicas in Medellin is anything but wasting time and trying to validate the ego by saying look at all these girls I found! As if that is some college degree needing skill LOL.

    Go on facebook. Find 'Medellin Rich' or any of the well known chicas out there--mine their friends lists-click on the ones you like, if they posted recently--check their friends lists--and if you want send them and those friends messages. This isn't very complicated and is often made out to be much more than it really is.

    I have been in and out of MDE for almost a decade now. Barely 'friending' any of them. Yet finding more than enough top quality talent to enjoy my time. And rarely do I need or want to message and begin the chat more than a couple of weeks before my next arrival--that's just wasting time.

    The one's I am interested in-I send a photo with the view from where I am staying and a note that lets them know I am in MDE and ready. That's all they care about $$.

  12. #49232
    Quote Originally Posted by MojoBandit  [View Original Post]
    I feel like I must be missing something about your style of FB mongering. Please explain it to me. I feel like waiting to the last minute to message a chica is not a method that would work out for me.
    I said before about these chicks trying to add me because I guess they are friends of my friends. You do not have to add them. You simply send them a message saying I will be in Medellin soon. Give me your whatsapp and I will contact you when I am there. Then you save the number in your phone so that when you go to whatsapp and search fb mde or however you saved them, the chicks pop up. Seems something complicated is being made of something very simple.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot_20210914-170043_WhatsApp.jpg‎   Screenshot_20210914-170359_Facebook.jpg‎   Screenshot_20210914-170545_Messenger.jpg‎   Screenshot_20210914-170429_Facebook.jpg‎   Screenshot_20210914-170449_Messenger.jpg‎  

  13. #49231
    Quote Originally Posted by JustIncognito  [View Original Post]
    You do not have to friend chicas on Facebook. You can just private message with them--most of them prefer WhatsApp anyway, so switch to there as soon as you can.

    You gain nothing by friending these girls. The point is to find them and message with them, not to see what they post on their timelines or for them to be able to snoop your profile.
    I feel like I must be missing something about your style of FB mongering. Please explain it to me. I feel like waiting to the last minute to message a chica is not a method that would work out for me. I think that would lead to a 50 50 chance of getting flaked on. I guess that if that is your style that you have your reasons than that is fine for you but I do not think it would achieve the kind of results that I look for.

    Maybe we have different organizational styles because for me organizing is a big part of finding them and I cannot see how one can do this without "friending" the chicas. I also have noticed that chicas are about half as likely to reply to me when I am not in their friends list. It can be done, I have done it but I have found my chances are better if I am in their friends list. Also I like to avoid the flakey ones that will be no-shows and I need to build a rapport to do this. I am also curious of how you "find" them in the first place before you message them? Without already having chicas in your friends list to go off of, how does one go about finding them? There are some extremely gorgeous (IMHO) chicas on FB but they were not that easy to find.

    This leaves me wonder if I have a different attitude too because to me it is about finding what I think are the hottest of the hottest chicas. I realize tastes can vary but there is a variety of prepagos on FB no matter your tastes. For me the numkber of gorgeos chicas is about 1 out of 50 of the prepagos that I have found on FB and maybe less than that. I have over 2500 "friends" of which maybe 50 are gorgeous. Over the last couple of years, a little bit of time here and there and it has probably taken me a cumulative hours to do this. Now it feeds itself.

    By chicas showing up in my "people you may know" and "friend requests" feeds. These are the honeys that are like finding the special eater egg with the prize in it.

    Gorgeous women are out there but one has to look for them. It takes time and effort to cultivate a crop of truely gorgeous women, no matter your preferences. I find that a person needs an organized method to do this and for me that has meant have chicas in my friend list who will cause other putas to send me friend requests and to cause other chicas to show up in my "people you may know feed".

    It has been also covered here a several times that one should have a FB profile used just for mongering, I have been made aware that this has becaome increasingly difficult and FB has been cracking down more on duplicate profiles (you could not tell that from Lleraldine Gomez who has a least 8 profiles that I have seen).

    If a person is unable to start a profile just for nmongering there is a function that can be done to "restrict" even your friends from seeing anything that you do not post as "public" - once you are friends with them you go to there profile andclick on the button that says "friends" then a menu pops up that has "unfollow" "unfriend" and also it says "edit freind list" and when you click on that another menu pops up and one of the choices is "restricted" , click on that and they cannot see anything on your profile that you have not made public (which is what anyone who you are not "friends" with can see).

    Another aspect of this "edit friends list" can be found if you go to your FB home page and on the left side is a menu of options, you will see "friends" - click on this and another menu comes up where you find an item called "custom lists" scroll to the bottom and click on "create list" and you can organize lists of friends in any types of lists you want. I have lists for chicas in various places like Cali, Barranquilla, Cuba, etc. And for example I have a list called "Top Chicas" - now when I go to make a post there is a shaded box that shows who my "audience", more times than not by default is says "friends" or maybe even "public" but I can click on that and a box pops up to let me choose my audience, and if I scroll it shows my custom lists, so if I want to anounce that I am going to Medellin but I only want my Top Chicas to know this, that is the audience that I would choose.

  14. #49230
    Quote Originally Posted by JustIncognito  [View Original Post]
    You do not have to friend chicas on Facebook. You can just private message with them--most of them prefer WhatsApp anyway, so switch to there as soon as you can.

    You gain nothing by friending these girls. The point is to find them and message with them, not to see what they post on their timelines or for them to be able to snoop your profile.

    If you are not friends with them. You can message them and they can message you just the same.

    I have never understood wy so many of you insist on 'friending' these girls and then spend so much energy trying to work around that when there is zero reson to be friends with them in the 1st place.

    Find a girl you like on FB, send her a private message. She will respond or not--they don't care if you are 'friends' or not they care if you pay them a rate that works for them--and that's all figured out in messenger and WhatsAPp not on Facebook timelines and walls.

    Friending these girls is pretty stupid IMO and I don't understand how, for years, I seem to be one of very very few people who thinks this way.
    I've learned that if everyone is going one direction and I'm going the other direction there's a good chance I'm going the wrong way.

    If you have to worry that friends, family or your employer will find out you're mongering in Colombia, stay off Facebook and stay out of Colombia, because there will always be a risk your activities will be discovered.

    If you're going to use Facebook, you're not really minimizing your exposure by not friending the girls, you're just limiting your options.

    If you're just going off of girls reviewed by other mongers, there's no need to add friends, you can just keep sending messages to the same 20 or 30 girls until you get a reply.

    However, there are some reasons why you should add the girls. Every reason doesn't apply to everyone.

    1. Some accounts are fake, just used to scam money or sell pictures. If you're seeing their daily updates it's pretty easy to figure out which girls are a waste of time.

    2. Some girls travel. There's no need to wait 2 hours for a reply when the girl just posted from Panama City.

    3. Some girls are impacted by major events, death in the family, sick pet, or showing symptoms of Covid. The day of the funeral probably isn't the best time to ask if she wants to fuck.

    4. Some girls have hot friends, hot friends who have never been with a gringo.

    5. New girls are turning 18 all the time. It's helpful to know when they celebrated, especially if the girl has been telling you for 7 months that she's 18, but just had a birthday party yesterday.

    6. Knowledge is a good thing. If you pay attention you can learn a lot about the girls from what they put on Facebook.

    7. When other plans fall through, pop open messenger and you can see who is active. Right now I have 144 friends active. I don't need to hope I can find someone. I know who will receive my message instantly.

    8. 1,000 girls are hard to keep track of. My favorite from last trip might have put on 40# since I last saw her. Another one might be pregnant, or with a jealous boyfriend. Every day it takes me about 5 minutes to see who is looking good.

  15. #49229

    Colombian Holidays?

    Questions to the seasoned, to the expats, the long-terms in Medellin:

    * What is late October like in Medellin from October 18 to November 7 range?

    ** Temperature and seasonal atmosphere?

    I've heard the "City of Eternal Spring" mentioned more than once so temperature wise it should be fine, but is it rainy everyday?

    ** Are there Colombian holidays to consider that really shuts down the city, its women?

    Are there national or religious holidays that cripple the city.

    ** How does Colombia treat Halloween?

    I've been in Europe for several Halloweens. If there are expat bar, they push it and the Euros arrive and love a good costume party. Great atmosphere in the cities and it seems to have grown. Any idea how Halloween is regarded in Medellin?

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