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  1. #7684
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    US administration may not have same figures than your internet, to take their decision for 4 January when they tell about increasing rates, when also increasing in EU where starting to tell about possible 5th wave, and exploding in Easter Europe. Or are they working for Pfizer? After third dose and maybe more to come.
    Just addressed Tweedle Dee, now for Tweedle Dum.

    Listen old man, the big bad scary internet is how organizations communicate in 2021. Don't let time pass you by.

    US Administration figures (on the internet):

    Center for Disease Control.

    World Health Organization.

    Covid is not increasing in the US at this current moment. You made a wrong statement. "I was wrong" is an easy 3 word sentence.

  2. #7683
    Quote Originally Posted by Pistons  [View Original Post]
    3. Communication is not something you know much about.
    4 posts to respond to one person. No grace, no logic, no eloquence. Apparently communication is not your strong suit either.

    Neither of us benefit from these interactions. You are made to look like a fool and I am made to be an asshole for picking on the fool, punching below my weight class as they stay.

    Nevertheless, you're a damn fool.

  3. #7682
    Quote Originally Posted by Mursenary  [View Original Post]
    The numbers in the US is in fact not increasing, for now. And both deaths and cases have been decreasing for nearly 2 months now.
    US is putting pressure on non vaccinated with the vaccine mandate. Austria introduces 2 G rules on Monday. There is more and more talk in Germany to go for 2 G rule too. The tin foil hat crowd gets more pressure.

  4. #7681
    Quote Originally Posted by Mursenary  [View Original Post]
    The numbers in the US is in fact not increasing, for now. And both deaths and cases have been decreasing for nearly 2 months now.
    US administration may not have same figures than your internet, to take their decision for 4 January when they tell about increasing rates, when also increasing in EU where starting to tell about possible 5th wave, and exploding in Easter Europe. Or are they working for Pfizer? After third dose and maybe more to come.

  5. #7680

  6. #7679
    I can already tell that you will now complain that the idea of paid actors are just one more conspiracy theory. Well, aside from the fact that I know. You can find several cases of Russian being very lazy with this. Even some youtube investigators ridicule this from time to time, by using the same actors and actresses multiple times in completely radically different news situations. So much so that it is part of the curriculum worldwide in communication. And if you believe Russians are all evil, and everyone else are good. Especially Americans, well then that's all on you. LOL. Ideas and tactics are global.

  7. #7678
    Ok fine, I'll elaborate a bit more.

    The current paradigm is that the definition of a conspiracy theory is what you claim. However, as I mentionned, that definition is wrong, because it is a combination of two words. So one can simply just combine them.

    This current paradigm of the definition of the phrase however leads to the idea that those who argue against the current (may I say) paid news story paradigms are renegades. And will get blocked out of future job offerings. The book 1984 explain this very well by the way through the idea of Newspeak:

    And this is where also the term conspiracy theory is a modern variation of newspeak.

    The ones who came up with the term conspiracy theory is the same ones who get paid billions of dollar every year from the medical industry and, the oil and gas industry and several other industries needing lobbying and the creation of news stories. Also known as PR companies.

    Hill & Knowlton.


    Weber Shandwick.


    Over 50% of the work being done by these companies are the framing of reality on behalf of the industries paying them. Even the various UN divisions are on their payrolls. And half my degree is based on distorting reality. I thought you knew this by now. LOL And I am just one out of many.

    I'll let you figure the rest, but one of my professors once got a bit mad at when I claimed 90% of what we hear in the media are blatant lies. He was a bit drunk at the time, but he laughed and said I was wrong: the real figure is closer to 99%. Then I mentionned sports as some sort of salvation, so he just smiled. I suppose that can be argued for.

    Everything is subjective. Everything is planned. Everything is by definition thus a conspiracy since these high paying jobs / contracts are never a one person idea. And the contract are usually handed out because there are problems to be solved. In 99% of cases problems that needs to be covered up. In various different ways from crisis management to internal communication. But there is never one truth.

    And finally, as you love to do: we can point to psychology, and for example the Milgram studies and others who show peoples affinity towards trusting in the Powers that be. The establishment. Cults (religions, state, schooling system, any organization etc) work the same way in order to set in stone certain power structures, rites and common icons etc. China has this idea of feng shuei. The wind has to blow in the same direction. Otherwise there will be chaos. So one can argue this can be all good in a way (unless when someone wants to label sex as a sin etc.). But one can also argue against the leaders, against the feng shuei, and against the cults that run modern society. Because history shows that power always corrupts. Which you can see within the CCP, Facebook and even NSA (snowden, assange etc). And when power corrupts, you get machiavellianism (read The Prince) - A book that was ment to be a parody. However the state science professors misread it for being a blueprint of how to run a country, or a united nations. Thus we are back at the term conspiracy theory once again.

    The term is very on point in time also. At the onset of the information age. Where information is more and more ready for everyone to digest. Yet hardly anyone understand any subject to the fullest (Like most doctors are useless).

    And so many of these people who complain, and take part in the attack on the parlament are actually paid actors (by the pr companies). However this also leads to other likeminded people without a good income to have someone to agree with. They become part of something, a tribal unit. And thus it reinforces the idea of the definition of the term conspiracy theory. Which you quoted from your dictionary. And no matter how grey the definition was at the start, or how grey the framing of the phrase was to begin with, it ends up being a black lie at the very end. All planned this way by experts in communication. Otherwise the basis for the industry would be at stake. And people would even loose faith at the largest spenders on lobbying / pr / propaganda: The medical industry at 1st. Oil and gas at 2nd etc.

    But the people invested in these industries will always argue for them in a subjective manner. Because that is the way communication experts have written the system. Through curriculums, press released, species and internal communication. Framed in a good way for the people with the money.

    P.S. : this is why I usually stick to the short comments here, because explaining takes too long when the others have 0 background knowledge.

  8. #7677
    Quote Originally Posted by Mursenary  [View Original Post]
    Why is it that the types who call other people sheep and often credit themselves with some special insight are also the ones who are sub-mediocre in all facets of life. If someone is so great, then why is their life so shitty? School shooter pedigree indeed.
    1. We write on an annonymous message board.

    2. You fear being labelled.

    3. Communication is not something you know much about.

  9. #7676
    Quote Originally Posted by Mursenary  [View Original Post]
    Well adjusted humans just look up definitions in a dictionary:

    Conspiracy theory.


    A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.
    The difference between you and me is that you need a dictionary to give you a definition. Which funnily enough is literally wrong.

  10. #7675
    Well adjusted humans just look up definitions in a dictionary:

    Conspiracy theory.


    A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.

    Why is it that the types who call other people sheep and often credit themselves with some special insight are also the ones who are sub-mediocre in all facets of life. If someone is so great, then why is their life so shitty? School shooter pedigree indeed.

  11. #7674
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    Under increasing when not cold yet, land of freedom US will make compulsory for 4 January vaccine when working in more than 100 employees companies and even in Texas, when only 30% chose to vaccinate in Putin Russia. Pfizer may be better for business than Vladimir. When they sell also third dose now in Western EU.
    The numbers in the US is in fact not increasing, for now. And both deaths and cases have been decreasing for nearly 2 months now.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 9682E1C0-48BF-4949-806C-3AA5A4291B1D.jpg‎   EDA5E021-639E-4C5B-8EE1-968A333F2EC6.jpg‎  

  12. #7673
    In other words, the phrase conspiracy theory is nothing more than cheap rhetoric's. And it shows how easily the sheeps are fooled.

  13. #7672
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    Under increasing when not cold yet, land of freedom US will make compulsory for 4 January vaccine when working in more than 100 employees companies and even in Texas, when only 30% chose to vaccinate in Putin Russia. Pfizer may be better for business than Vladimir. When they sell also third dose now in Western EU.
    Actually, it is more about the new pills now. In which case we won't be able to spot the black particles in the vials any longer.

  14. #7671

    Waves, waves and more waves

    You guys are starting to sound like the beach bum with the physics hobby. Especially the nurse. Counting waves?

    Covid is like the wind. And wind causes waves. If we stop testing our immune system, we all die from the slightest of infections. If wind stops flowing on the earth, we have a problem too.

    I just read some reports on the age of the hospitalized now, and it turns out they are all aged 80+!

    Whereas when I pointed to lots of people dieing from the actual vaccine 6 months ago, the hallelujah group used their high age as an excuse as well!

  15. #7670
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    One addendum per reuters article:

    The daily number of cases was likely inflated by a public holiday in parts of Germany on Monday that led to a delay in data-gathering. The previous record was on Dec. 18, with 33,777 cases.

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