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  1. #2492


    Quote Originally Posted by RamDavidson84  [View Original Post]
    ................. There's no need to insult someone and laugh at them because they found a shortreading interesting.........

    As for the reading, it stated a lot of things I think many have been feeling, but the media doesn't cover and it was refreshing to read. Obviously there is still a pandemic raging which has killed millions and no one is saying that vaccines are useless or there is some global conspiracy like you are trying to insinuate. ................. The reactions of people like you are exactly why someone like me appreciates an author like Paul Kingsnorth. As I have stated before, I just feel people are educated enough to make decisions regarding their own health, especially with such an unproven vaccine. I also don't agree with the lockdowns at this point as the vaccine has not done what it was supposed to. If you want to make me out to be an idiot or an evil anti-vaxer, that's your right, but don't expect me or most people with basic common sense to have any respect for your intelligence and maybe even morality.

    God bless America! Haha jk.
    "Short"? Seriously dude I've read novels that weren't much longer.

    "no one is saying that vaccines are useless."

    Apparently you only read selectively. Elvis, JustTK, Shoo (t the) Bree (ze) and others are saying exactly that and without even a modicum of serious evidence to support their views.

    "or there is some global conspiracy like you are trying to insinuate."

    Again the same gabble of conspiracy theorists have been saying exactly that. I'm just not sure right now if their consensus is that it is a political conspiracy, or a Big Pharma conspiracy or Medical Establishment getting paid-off conspiracy.

    "I just feel people are educated enough to make decisions regarding their own health."

    If the health decision was about whether to get a minor operation (or even a major one) absolutely people should have the right to make that decision for themselves. but when the decision affects the health of many others should Government not step in and make decisions based on best information to protect the citizenry as a whole?

    "especially with such an unproven vaccine".

    Either you are listening to the masters of make-believe analysis (here in this section) or you haven't been reading anything by the real scientists. No credible source thinks the vaccine is "unproven". Sure there are questions about the length of effectiveness and about whether it remains highly effective against some of the new variants. But "unproven" . Sorry that isn't a rational position anymore.

    "I also don't agree with the lockdowns at this point as the vaccine has not done what it was supposed to".

    Are you saying that since the vaccine isn't a miracle cure (yet) Governments taking the very unpopular stance of initiating lock-downs is unreasonable? Apparently you think you are either smarter or better informed that politicians in many countries who are receiving the best advice the science community has to offer. What exactly did you think the vaccine was supposed to do, by the way? It seems to dramatically reduce the likelihood that you will contract the CoVid virus in the first place and if you do it is extremely unlikely you will need to be hospitalized or will die from it. I don't know about your expectations but for a first pass (I expect the pharmaceuticlal companies are going to extremes to improve the vaccine and make it effect for longer and against viral mutations) but I think the vaccine is pretty damn good.

    "most people with basic common sense".

    Most people with basic common sense are taking the vaccine. If you aren't among them, common sense may not be your forte.

    "God bless America! Haha jk".

    Dear God, you wrote this big ol' article and it wasn't until the very end that you said something that almost all of us agree with. Except for a few of the Euro-fanatics.

  2. #2491
    Quote Originally Posted by RamDavidson84  [View Original Post]
    I found it to be a very interesting read. but don't expect me or most people with basic common sense to have any respect for your intelligence and maybe even morality.
    Unfortunately common sense has gone out of the window a long time ago, and the response of P97 is precisely what the essay was talking about! P97 actually did a really good job in demonstrating the issues that he was discussing.

  3. #2490
    Quote Originally Posted by RamDavidson84  [View Original Post]
    The reactions of people like you are exactly why someone like me appreciates an author like Paul Kingsnorth. As I have stated before, I just feel people are educated enough to make decisions regarding their own health, especially with such an unproven vaccine. I also don't agree with the lockdowns at this point as the vaccine has not done what it was supposed to. If you want to make me out to be an idiot or an evil anti-vaxer, that's your right
    Thank you for your permission.

  4. #2489

    Relax Paulie97, you will live longer LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie97  [View Original Post]
    I'm beginning to suspect that you've never read a good book. Those were the ramblings of a clueless blogger / conspiracy theorist who was out of court before he got started. Truth was optional. His whole argument centered on Ireland and Sub-Saharan Africa and he misinterprets both. A surge in infections was expected in Ireland as we enter winter. What's telling is that the death totals of the last two months are drastically lower than a similar surge back in January / February. The cases to deaths ratio has greatly diminished which is evidence that the vaccines are working. Improved treatments are also a factor, though not near enough over the last 9 or 10 months to account for the great disparity. In fact their total deaths linear scale has moved only a bit since the summer.

    As to Sub-Saharan Africa, that's easy. They have a very young population, median age 16 to 17. We all know the young are less effected by Covid. They also have few if any long term care facilities and limited testing capabilities. None of this applies to South Africa and their stats look very different. Check the data yourself.
    I found it to be a very interesting read. I also don't respect your tone and it takes away from the point your are trying to make. There's no need to insult someone and laugh at them because they found a short reading interesting. Your reactions seem childish and you should show some more maturity if you are going to debate a serious topic. I have never enjoyed debating with someone who was only interested in winning the debate rather than actually trying to gain a deeper understanding of what is being discussed. Just not my style. You seem hurt more people don't agree with you in the moment so you lash out with insults as a desperate attempt to validate your argument. Most adults don't respect that type of emotional instability, especially on a forum where you have the time to calculate your response.

    As for the reading, it stated a lot of things I think many have been feeling, but the media doesn't cover and it was refreshing to read. Obviously there is still a pandemic raging which has killed millions and no one is saying that vaccines are useless or there is some global conspiracy like you are trying to insinuate. I thought the author did an excellent job at illuminating the connections between tech companies, pharmaceutical companies, the media, their profits, and their vaccine stance. I do think to a certain degree the importance of "Free Speech" has been diminished and the reaction to the vaccine and pandemic goes much deeper than many realize or understand to an almost tribal level like the author stated. I found it be intellectually stimulating and of course anyone who is remotely educated realizes the author is exaggerating a bit to entertain the reader. Nothing wrong with that, no one is going to join an anti-vax cult after reading it, so just relax bro. It's all good. Should we bully and insult those who enjoy novels like Animal Farm or 1984 as well? The reactions of people like you are exactly why someone like me appreciates an author like Paul Kingsnorth. As I have stated before, I just feel people are educated enough to make decisions regarding their own health, especially with such an unproven vaccine. I also don't agree with the lockdowns at this point as the vaccine has not done what it was supposed to. If you want to make me out to be an idiot or an evil anti-vaxer, that's your right, but don't expect me or most people with basic common sense to have any respect for your intelligence and maybe even morality.

    God bless America! Haha jk.

  5. #2488
    Quote Originally Posted by PedroMorales  [View Original Post]
    I used BBC

    Sorry for thinking you were the author of that well-written piece. Following your post, I looked him up, listen and learned
    Haha, that's excellent! Thanks for that Pedro. Although I was hoping it might have a more dramatic history. Not blaming you, obviously. Hehe.

    Unherd is one of my fave news channels. And Freddie Sayers is a great host. Intelligent and not scared to queston authority. He did a superb investigation a couple of weeks ago when he went to Austria to research what it was like on the streets of Vienna during the new unvaxd lockdown.

    "UnHerd aims to do two things: to push back against the herd mentality with new and bold thinking, and to provide a platform for otherwise unheard ideas, people and places".

    I recommend it to anyone that seeks to hear alternative yet intelligent opinion.

  6. #2487

    Stupid Shit in Timbuktu and WTF are you talking about?

    Quote Originally Posted by JustTK  [View Original Post]
    Does anyone here know the history of how Timbuktu came to be the go-to place to use when referencing some place that never matters?
    Google, the medical source, failed me, so I used BBC

    Sorry for thinking you were the author of that well-written piece. Following your post, I looked him up, listen and learned

    It is good to see the odd Briton can still think for himself and can use "the King's". Badgers here and elsewhere yelping about "the science" remind me of what the late and great Nazi fighter Joachim Piper (played by Robert Shaw in The Battle of the Bulge when he fought the American surrender monkeys) said of the men who fought under him. They only knew rudimentary of Nazi race theory, as most of them had little formal education. But could handle weapons and hated the American scum whose planes were incinerating their families.

    It reminds me because the pro Nazi lockdown / apartheid lot are similarly uneducated bozos who don'; t even wash their hands after using the toilet. The difference is the bozos are gutless.

  7. #2486
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    She did not mention Sweeden or what happened to people in Timbuktu. She did not say how many people the Mayo Clinic study said are in ICU from covid in my age range. This is a lady that makes money off of me and she was totally unconcerned. Hell, she did not even have her mask over her nose.
    Maybe my doctor got her license out of a cereal box and does not know better than all the "experts" in this room and others like it.
    I think she is using a fake license MrE. Did you ask to scan it with your QR code reader so that you could verify it was not a fake license that she bought fom the street downtown?

    Does anyone here know the history of how Timbuktu came to be the go-to place to use when referencing some place that never matters?

  8. #2485
    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    "A new study from the CDC ...
    Thanks for the reply. The only research you referenced was a "study" from the CDC. The others were opinions. As for the CDC, that is a political entity of the Federal government. Each president of the US has the option of replacing the CDC director, and Biden exercised that option.
    Digging through that CDC study revealed some interesting details. It was compiled using reports from 13 jurisdictions (25% of the US population). Were those cherry-picked reports, or was that all they had? The study doesn't indicate which.
    Those reports were from April 4 to July 17.2021. "Case IRRs decreased, suggesting reduced vaccine effectiveness for prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infections." That was in July, so what might be the effectiveness now?
    The data is skewed. They classified everyone as vaccinated or unvaccinated. People who were not fully vaccinated were classified as unvaccinated. Why not compare the fully vaccinated to the people with no vaccination, and leave out those who were partially vaccinated?
    An interesting footnote in that study indicates that the fully vaccinated who got Covid had a higher percentage of death than those who were unvaccinated and got Covid (1.33% to 1.08%, respectively).

  9. #2484
    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    "A new study from the CDC published Friday finds that people who are vaccinated were far less likely to develop COVID-19 and to be hospitalized or die from the disease.

    Compared to people who were not vaccinated, people who were vaccinated were five times less likely to develop COVID-19. They were 10 times less likely to be hospitalized and die from the disease.
    And you believe that? How come if 40% of the world is vaccinated there are double the number of cases in 2021? How come if 60% of the USA is vaccinated we have more cases now than last year? Do you know how easy it is to rig a study like that? Even the guy you quote says, "We do not have conclusive proof." Why not?

    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    This last is why it matters to ME if YOU are vaccinated, and why you're a selfish asshole if you're not.
    If the vaccine works so damned great and you are vaccinated, why do you care at all? Are you as mad at drunks or fat diabetics? And what variants are we talking about?

    Let me give you some data to put your 5 X number in perspective. In Tunisia and South Africa, cases per million are 60,000 and 51,000 per million. Deaths are 2100 and 1500 per million.

    Now here are two countries in central Africa, Nigeria and Uganda. Cases per million are 1,000 per million and 2600 per million. Death rates are 14 per million and 68 per million.

    Why is there 50 X more cases and 100 X more death in some countries in Africa versus others?

    Given you are a Democratic douche, and you have all the answers, it has to be that Nigeria does better with vaccines, social distancing, and mask wearing. What else could it be? You douches know all there is to know about Covid and that is what it has to be.

    Here is a novel idea: quit listening to people paid to promote the vaccine. This is from Robert Kennedy's book:

    "The CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry. The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4. 1 billion in vaccines annually. Congressman Dave Weldon has pointed out that the primary metric for success across the CDC is how many vaccines the agency sells and how successfully the agency expands its vaccine program regardless of any negative effects on human health."

    40% of Pfizer's revenue has been off of the Covid vaccine and its profit off of it is close to $1 billion. It is amazing how many people are getting rich off a shitty vaccine, a vaccine so bad that it might not even work for the latest variant Omicron.

  10. #2483
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    Most people with Covid do not get put in the hospital (it is now less than 1%) and even then you put these people on oxygen, blood thinners, steroids, and / or Regenron if they qualify and they do well. So why does this guy want unvaxxed sick people to be put in a gym? Because he is a fucking asshole.
    I went to the doctor yesterday for a regular checkup and one of the first things she asked was if I had gotten a covid vaccine. I told her no and she asked the reason why not. She said if you ever decide to get one then you can just go to the lobby and sign up. Then it was on to the next thing.

    She did not tell me about how the hospitals were overcrowded because of people like me or how I was going to get sick and die (especially having asthma) or how I was going to infect everyone around me. She did not mention Sweeden or what happened to people in Timbuktu. She did not say how many people the Mayo Clinic study said are in ICU from covid in my age range. This is a lady that makes money off of me and she was totally unconcerned. Hell, she did not even have her mask over her nose.

    It was the very opposite of a group of strangers that want to quote sources of how this world is doomed if I do not get a shot and are so concerned with my personal health that they stress themselves out wanting to beat some sense into me, jab me with a needle themselves, or wish for the incarceration or death of myself and others like me. Maybe my doctor got her license out of a cereal box and does not know better than all the "experts" in this room and others like it.

  11. #2482
    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    "A new study from the CDC published Friday finds that people who are vaccinated were far less likely to develop COVID-19 and to be hospitalized or die from the disease.
    This last is why it matters to ME if YOU are vaccinated, and why you're a selfish asshole if you're not.
    Hi Huacho.

    As much as you would like to believe it, the data is not on your side. I have always said, and I remain open to persuasion by facts. But currently the evidence rests on the side of the skeptics.

    The new CDC study reported in Healthline lacks any multivariable analysis so can be dismissed immediately as inconclusive – no details of timeline of vaccinations, no details on the immune status of the non-vaxd, no age analysis. Look, we all accept that the vax has some efficacy for the first few months. The issue is that it does not do what it was sold to the public to do – it does not provide long term protection. And is it any better than natural immunity? Please come back when you have that evidence.

    "Even when fully vaccinated people develop symptoms, they tend to be less severe symptoms than in unvaccinated people. This means they are much less likely to be hospitalized or die than people who are not vaccinated. ".

    So why does this bother you? This is just validation that it is indeed a personal choice. Lie cigarettes and alcohol etc, its up to me if I want to take the health risk. It doesn't impact you, so stop concerning yourself about my health.

    "We do not have conclusive proof. But more and more studies and real-world evidence points to fully vaccinated people, who are not immunocompromised, are less likely to transmit the virus if they become infected," said Brian Laird, PharmD, manager of Pharmacy Operations at OSF HealthCare Heart of Mary Medical Center in Urbana, Illinois. "The reason why is that vaccinated people have a lower viral load if they get infected," Brian said.

    Ok, great. Some guy who works at a pharmacy tells us he has inconclusive proof, so Huacho now thinks I am a selfish arsehole. That says it all really, Huacho. That shows how robust your argument is. What about some real evidence Huacho?

    Huacho – do you eat beef, chicken, fish, pork, cheese, milk? Then I think you are a selfish arsehole. Firstly, bcos you do not care about the lives of those unfortunate creatures (the very definition of selfishness), and secondly bcos by eating those animal products, you put yourself and others at greater risk of infection. That IS scientifically proven. So Huacho, tell me honestly, who is the arsehole now?

  12. #2481


    Paul Kingsnorth.

    From his website in the "film" section:

    "In this conversation with Unherd, in March 2021, I talk to Freddie Sayers about mythic versus logoic ways of seeing, avoiding culture wars, Bill Gates, conspiracy theories and escaping the Machine."

    "An interview from spring 2021 with the 'Techtonic' programme on WFMU radio in New York, about my novel Alexandria, and the onrush of techno-feudalism in our society. We talked about the failed promise of the internet, the coming surveillance civilisation, Jacques Ellul, techno-colonialism, neo-environmentalism and more."

    He's another tin foil hat global conspiracy theory peddler but with a coffee house vibe. And one that can't be bothered with doing a bit of basic data research on Sub-Sarahan Africa and Ireland before rolling out his preset monologue. Those were launching pads, nothing more. Lolol.

    Just wear a mask. Get the jab or suffer the consequences. Societies have a right to protect themselves from selfish people. It's nothing so lofty, devious, conspiratorial, or complicated. Pandemics happen, and if history is an indicator this should be temporary.

  13. #2480
    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    Do you know what's even sadder? You, for a few obvious reasons.

    1. You are obviously lacking in reading comprehension skills. I've certainly never told anyone to get vaccinated. I've stated, more than once that, in my opinion, it's in most people's best interest to get vaccinated, but whether or not they do doesn't matter to me. I don't believe anyone else who you listed has insisted people get vaccinated. What they and I have stated is that Covid is a serious issue. That's not an extremely radical position. Basically every country, every research organization, every healthcare organization, etc, has stated the same thing. Considering the past 20 months, anyone smarter than a hamster recognizes that Covid is quite likely the most significant event within our lifetimes, no matter how you want to measure it.
    This true and it's fully appropriate to counter fallacious arguments that attempt to diminish the value of vaccinations and other mitigation efforts.

  14. #2479
    Quote Originally Posted by FunLuvr  [View Original Post]
    Please provide a link to the research to substantiate that claim.
    FL, he is just another Democratic douche spouting off their dogma. You can tell just by the term "horse dewormer". There are 68 million horses and 8 billion people, and the use of ivermectin in people (and dogs, cats, reptiles ETC) dwarfs the number of horses, so you can imagine who came up with that name. Clearly, the vaccine manufacturers are worried about it.

    You might ask why. Every fucking day the NYT sends me a morning email and there is the constant comparison of red and blue states and counties with an attempt to show blue regions are handling Covid better, and I do not see any difference at all. It is like this Sweden crap. Sweden did good or bad with Covid based on who you compare them to.

    Where there is a real discrepancy is in Africa. Look at these numbers in cases per million: 51,000 in South Africa, 57,000 in Libya, and in the most populous country in Africa, Nigeria, 1000 per million. If politics were not dominating Covid, this is the discrepancy that should be studied or maybe not if you are a vaccine manufacturer.

    You see this might be one reason as to why:

    And anybody who writes this about sick people, "the unvaxxed would get put in a gymnasium and given horse dewormer" has got issues.

    Most people with Covid do not get put in the hospital (it is now less than 1%) and even then you put these people on oxygen, blood thinners, steroids, and / or Regenron if they qualify and they do well. So why does this guy want unvaxxed sick people to be put in a gym? Because he is a fucking asshole.

  15. #2478
    Quote Originally Posted by FunLuvr  [View Original Post]
    Please provide a link to the research to substantiate that claim.
    "A new study from the CDC published Friday finds that people who are vaccinated were far less likely to develop COVID-19 and to be hospitalized or die from the disease.

    Compared to people who were not vaccinated, people who were vaccinated were five times less likely to develop COVID-19. They were 10 times less likely to be hospitalized and die from the disease. "

    "Fully vaccinated people with a vaccine breakthrough infection are less likely to develop serious illness than those who are unvaccinated and get COVID-19.

    Even when fully vaccinated people develop symptoms, they tend to be less severe symptoms than in unvaccinated people. This means they are much less likely to be hospitalized or die than people who are not vaccinated. "

    "We do not have conclusive proof. But more and more studies and real-world evidence points to fully vaccinated people, who are not immunocompromised, are less likely to transmit the virus if they become infected," said Brian Laird, PharmD, manager of Pharmacy Operations at OSF HealthCare Heart of Mary Medical Center in Urbana, Illinois. "The reason why is that vaccinated people have a lower viral load if they get infected," Brian said.

    This last is why it matters to ME if YOU are vaccinated, and why you're a selfish asshole if you're not.

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