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  1. #52276

    Well said

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    I use a simple rating system which works spectacularly. First a point I think you were making. The 1-10 scale is almost exclusively used here for bragging. Beyond that use it serves almost no purpose.

    My rating system is a nested boolean system. It starts with.

    1. Do I want to fuck her? If the answer is yes:

    2. Is she available for me to fuck? If yes:

    3. Can we agree on a price?

    That's it. I don't need to worry whether other people want to fuck her, or how much they would pay. It doesn't matter if someone would rate her a 9 and someone else would mark her as a 6. There's no crap about how well she'll perform, because I'll figure that out afterwards.
    I really like this post, thanks. I completely agree but would also add a subroutine to 2, which is: "Is she available to fuck me in the manner I require (BBBJ) ?

    I look back on a session and ask myself, "did I get off?" and the affirmative answer doesn't have a lot to do with this whole ratings scale. Sure there is a minimum threshold- but so many other factors come into play in a positive experience. It's been often said but bears repeating that the hottest girls are often the worst lays.

    The monger / friend I know who uses the scale a lot and posts on it here often I think sees it as a market research tool- one more data point to map a particular scene and to gauge its economics. The trouble he runs into- the main conclusion that we all seem to agree upon-is that it's largely unreliable because a 10 to some guys is usually a 6 to him, so the datasets will be inevitably compromised or need adjusting to account for this wild deviation. It's a methodology that has some limited use, but should not be part of the primary tool kit. In a sense it might be usable only for one to keep internal tabs rather than as a networked information pool.

  2. #52275

    Spanish vs English

    Quote Originally Posted by Surfer500  [View Original Post]
    So true, and whenever someone on this board say's they can function just fine using a translator, they are clueless.

    Besides being able to converse with women which takes everything to a totally different level as you have stated, those who can speak some Spanish, can also avoid and diffuse awkward situations which a lot of guys find themselves in when relying on a translator.

    I consider myself an intermediate Spanish speaker, I get all the tenses wrong, have problems pronouncing words, and am screwed up on masculine / feminine usage, yet understand probably at least four times more than I can say. As an example, I know the meaning of lots of words, and cannot at times pronounce them correctly, or even remember them, yet when I hear the word being used, I know the meaning of it.

    I studied formally at EAFIT for a while, and then had a private tutor for a few months everyday, and it was an eye opener to the language..
    I agree with you. Guys come here and think that using the translator is all they need. It's funny in so many ways. First of all, the translators work great for simple 5 word sentences. What time is it?, Where is the bathroom? Is there a barber nearby? Etc.

    But try to form a complex sentence and your translator will leave you in the twilight zone. The other problem is girls here (Latinas in general) have a very short attention span. Especially when they are on FB messenger or WhatsApp with 5 other conversations going simultaneously. Needing to copy her sentence and paste it in the translator and then write out a response and copy the translation and paste it into your communication app is going to take a few minutes no matter how fast you are at it. God forbid she uses some abbreviations which might completely confuse your translator. Meanwhile she has gotten 5 other messages and is concentrating on the ones that have quick responses. Translator users? Ever notice how your conversations sometimes stall out? Now you know why.

    As to Spanish being difficult. Yes verb conjugation and extra tenses make the language different than English. But there are some big and I mean huge advantages too. In Spanish, letters and consonants have consistent patterns and sounds. Words spell like they sound. Basically if you can spell it you can pronounce it. Think about English for a second. Take the "A" vowel. Sometimes it is silent. Like in boat, moat, coat, float. Some times it is hard like in: mate, hate, fate, bait and other times it is medium like in: father, matter, hat, cat, flat. So to pronounce words perfectly in English you have to know almost all the words. Because there are so many variations and exceptions.

    The reason. Is that English is a amalgamation of many languages. Which really makes the language difficult.

  3. #52274
    Quote Originally Posted by ColombiaLover  [View Original Post]
    When I first started to go to MDE back in 2006, I was paying 120 mil at the Mansion at an exchange rate of about 2200 or so. So I was paying about $55. In 2022, $55 equates to about 220 mil at an exchange rate of 4000. I usually pay 150 mil plus some for transportation, so I'm paying less now than I was back in 2006. Got to love it!

    As far as "girls knowing their value" I am not sure that these girls so-called "high-end" girls really have the kind of value they think. The reality is that you have stupid gringos chasing pussy they could never get in the USA And paying what these girls want without ever bothering to do research to see if the "high end" girl can actually perform well (which often they do not). Their true value is not really much more than the average FB girl. Guys are paying for luck. To say they had a trophy fuck. It's certainly not for performance.
    I pay for opportunity, nothing more.

    If I'm willing to pay, then the girl already passed my requirements for attractiveness. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me any girl's attractiveness varies depending on my mood. Paying more because one girl is more attractive than another is a losing game, because it sets the bottom limit on price on the day I am most attracted to her.

    Paying for performance is a guessing game. There are a lot of factors that go into performance. Even the world elite athletes have bad days. Expecting a working girl to always have her best day, because someone else reported about her skills will often lead to disappointment.

    Instead I pay for opportunity. I have an opportunity to get her comfortable and interested. I have the opportunity to coax an excellent performance out of her. I have the opportunity to get to know her and enjoy the entire encounter.

    When it's done, if I took the most of the opportunity, I'm satisfied.

  4. #52273

    Couldn't agree more about the benefits of learning Spanish here

    Quote Originally Posted by Surfer500  [View Original Post]
    So true, and whenever someone on this board say's they can function just fine using a translator, they are clueless.

    Besides being able to converse with women which takes everything to a totally different level as you have stated, those who can speak some Spanish, can also avoid and diffuse awkward situations which a lot of guys find themselves in when relying on a translator.

    I consider myself an intermediate Spanish speaker, I get all the tenses wrong, have problems pronouncing words, and am screwed up on masculine / feminine usage, yet understand probably at least four times more than I can say. As an example, I know the meaning of lots of words, and cannot at times pronounce them correctly, or even remember them, yet when I hear the word being used, I know the meaning of it.

    I studied formally at EAFIT for a while, and then had a private tutor for a few months everyday, and it was an eye opener to the language..
    I got sucked into a debate here one time with a monger here who felt it was not necessary to know Spanish to get laid, which I never said. Yes, anyone can come here and fuck around and even have a good time without speaking a word of Spanish, but every bit of Spanish you learn takes it to another level. I got so frustrated in the debate and the time I wasted that I swore off posting responses for several months. But that was my problem, not his.

    I would go as far to say even though I am constantly awash in this feeling that my life can't get any better, the single biggest factor that is making it better, is learning Spanish.

    My problem now, is that I am having such a good time already it's hard to find the motivation and discipline to undergo formal Spanish instruction. So I am learning by immersion and osmosis. I may be lazy on the Spanish, but I am a Happy Lazy. The penalty will be I am taking longer than I should, but it feels like in the long run that won't bother me because like I said, I am already happier than a pig in shit.

    Learning a foreign language has been called single the hardest thing a brain can do. I don't know exactly what that means, but sometimes I think I feel it. I am certainly not a natural at it.

    Someone else said, nothing worthwhile doing is easy. When I hear a mongerer say he's not happy here about the pussy here and he doesn't give a shit about learning any Spanish, I think to myself, "he doesn't really want it."

    Sounds like you are functionally literate, which is usually around 12,000 words for educated listeners. The "problem" with Medellin is their Spanish is very idiomatic, it has an accent, and the listeners are mostly uneducated, so if you vary even slightly off of what they are used to hearing, they don't even try to understand you, they give up early and quick. In a way that's good, because it forces me to say the words "right", for here.

  5. #52272
    Quote Originally Posted by Knowledge  [View Original Post]
    Ernest Hemingway wrote in English.
    The quote is directly from the book. The setting is Cuba, The main character of the book is Cuban, So it seems he needed to mix in a little spanish also.

  6. #52271

    Help with SIM

    Quote Originally Posted by Osteoknot  [View Original Post]
    She is here now, in my bed, sleeping. She is a Web cam model and got off work at 6 AM, and showed up on my doorstep early this morning. I unblocked her a few days after the incident, I don't remember exactly, when she tried to hack my WU account. This is the first time I have seen her since then. I am going out now with my amigo to get a black market WiFi hot spot SD chip for my fone because the Internet signal is so fucking weak at The Nutti. For those of you guys coming here to The Nutti (Nutibara Hotel) PM me after you arrive and I may be able so solve the same problem for you, cheap, if Internet is important to you.

    I am leaving her alone in my room. My computer is locked, my true valuables are in the room safe or on me. There is a ton of little stuff she can pilfer but I say she won't and if I am wrong, I don't really care. She will probably sleep the entire time because she was up all night. I told her if she touched any of my things I would dangle her out my eighth story window by her ankles as a warning, and next time I would drop her. I said it in a way just crazy enough that she wonders if I really would. I am crazy. I wouldn't do it because I am not strong enough. Otherwise, I would. Nobody here is strong enough to do it if she was conscious. Remember what I told you about her before, big and muscular and strong..

    Could you please help with weak wifi in the nuttibera hotel? Having terrible weak wifi connection and unable to dial into work and getting into trouble.

    Need the SD chip you are talking about in your posting.

    Can't PM your mail box full.

  7. #52270
    When I first started to go to MDE back in 2006, I was paying 120 mil at the Mansion at an exchange rate of about 2200 or so. So I was paying about $55. In 2022, $55 equates to about 220 mil at an exchange rate of 4000. I usually pay 150 mil plus some for transportation, so I'm paying less now than I was back in 2006. Got to love it!

    As far as "girls knowing their value" I am not sure that these girls so-called "high-end" girls really have the kind of value they think. The reality is that you have stupid gringos chasing pussy they could never get in the USA And paying what these girls want without ever bothering to do research to see if the "high end" girl can actually perform well (which often they do not). Their true value is not really much more than the average FB girl. Guys are paying for luck. To say they had a trophy fuck. It's certainly not for performance.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueChange  [View Original Post]

    It's almost as if between the rise of social media and girls able to cut deals with foreigners, ease of accents to Shengen Euro Tourist Visa and girls knowing their value more, the 8's are harder to find in this profession in this city.

    I know that this profession is ebys and flows but who knows what will happen in the future. I wonder with inflation if girls rates will finally go up or stay to the prices in CO that they hace been for the past 7 years.

  8. #52269


    Quote Originally Posted by Sangnyc21  [View Original Post]
    Yes that's just my opinion.

    And no I don't think there are 9-10's on fb.

    I've seen both in real life and banged them both.

    But I will say in the FB scene they are upper tier. But if they worked at la Isla they would struggle to get clients. And I don't even think la Isla has a lot of hot girls but there might be an occasional 8-9 there.

    The cycle is once they hit 25 and they enhance their looks they'll transfer to the Gusto / La Isla scene.

    Then when they run their course there they'll hit the Panama or Costa Rica scene.

    Also realize they're many mongers on FB who prefer to have them early in their 18-21 days with that young flaca look. If that's your thing then these girls would be a 8. This is all subjective and just my opinion on the fb girls.
    Did you part with Scarlett? Or is she also available?

  9. #52268
    Quote Originally Posted by Surfer500  [View Original Post]
    Spanish in my opinion is a much harder language than English to learn, in Spanish you can have like four different words for the same thing versus one word in English.

    And then you have the "subjunctive tense" which doesn't exist in English as far as I know.

    So many rules / regulations on using Spanish as well.
    So I really, really do not agree that Spanish is the harder language. There they're their. Rough doesn't rhyme rhyme with through and neither rhymes with bough. Tons of silent letters in English where in Spanish you only have one, and it's always silent (unless combined as ch-; 'ch' used to be a separate letter in Spanish, as did 'rr' but the authorities have decided that is no longer true). And then you have lead as in metal and lead as in follow. None of that in Spanish. You can show me a word in Spanish I've never seen before and I can pronounce it correctly. There's rules on what syllable is stressed, and they're quite clear and simple. I would say one thing that's harder about Spanish is the existence of the two past tenses, preterit and imperfect. There is just nothing like that in English. And I guess the masculine vs. Feminine thing. My neighbor is from Macedonia and he said Spanish was easier. My other neighbor said the same thing but she is a native speaker of French and acknowledged that helped.

    Regarding the subjunctive in English, it definitely exists but its use is more limited. The most common use is for 'contrary to fact conditions' and that is why 'if I was you,' which you hear all the time, is flat out wrong It is impossible for you to be me, nor for me to be you. Therefore the subjunctive mood 'were' must be used. 'I would not do that if I were you. ' Another example of the subjunctive in English: 'It is necessary that he go to the store. ' Most native English speakers, though, would probably just say 'he needs to go to the store. ' The first sentence has a change of subject between the independent and dependent clauses and the second one does not, is the difference.

    Somebody the other day asked me how I became completely fluent and how I could tell. Most people won't be able to do this but I spent six months without speaking any English at all. By then I was even dreaming in Spanish and that's how I knew. At the point I began that, I had Spanish I-IV at the community college (I later completed a bachelor's in Spanish), so I knew all the tenses but did not have a good grasp of the subjunctive (which is not a tense). The way I learned that was I first learned how to recognize it in speech (the terminal vowel changes, 'escriba' instead of 'escribe,' for example) when I heard it. Then, I asked myself why that person had used the subjunctive instead of the indicative. Same thing when I was reading the newspaper. I did that every day too and did not read in English any more than my job required.

    I would say that becoming fluent in Spanish, which took me thirty years, was one of the two or three hardest things I have ever done. I have no inherent talent for languages at all.

  10. #52267
    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    Yeah, it's not the difference between a native speaker and a non-native speaker they care about; they're just obviously not to into the whole translator thing. And the way to get to where you can speak good Spanish is to speak bad Spanish, any kind of Spanish. You don't need to be a 'native speaker.' But once you can hold a real conversation, doors and pussies will start to open up even if you don't have a lot of money to throw around.
    So true, and whenever someone on this board say's they can function just fine using a translator, they are clueless.

    Besides being able to converse with women which takes everything to a totally different level as you have stated, those who can speak some Spanish, can also avoid and diffuse awkward situations which a lot of guys find themselves in when relying on a translator.

    I consider myself an intermediate Spanish speaker, I get all the tenses wrong, have problems pronouncing words, and am screwed up on masculine / feminine usage, yet understand probably at least four times more than I can say. As an example, I know the meaning of lots of words, and cannot at times pronounce them correctly, or even remember them, yet when I hear the word being used, I know the meaning of it.

    I studied formally at EAFIT for a while, and then had a private tutor for a few months everyday, and it was an eye opener to the language.

    Spanish in my opinion is a much harder language than English to learn, in Spanish you can have like four different words for the same thing versus one word in English.

    And then you have the "subjunctive tense" which doesn't exist in English as far as I know.

    So many rules / regulations on using Spanish as well.

    I'm sure you can further elaborate on all this.

    Just my two cents on this topic.

  11. #52266
    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    And it gets down to 20 degrees at night so be sure to bring a big down jacket. But seriously, any country that uses pesos makes it more complicated for the newbie gringo, because the $ sign is also used for pesos and in fact originated that way. Gringos don't face that issue with euro, yen, sterling, etc. Because the symbols are different. Then there is the height and weight thing. If a chica says she is 1,70 and 60 that doesn't mean she is 5 feet tall and weighs 170 pounds. That would be kinda fat to say the least. She means is 1,7 meters tall (between 5'6" and 5'7") and weighs 60 kilograms or 132 pounds. So get a bit familiar with the money, the temperature system, the measurement schemes, and so forth before you go.
    I appreciate that and will take all of that into account.

  12. #52265
    Quote Originally Posted by Taylor707  [View Original Post]
    She wouldn't be asking for $5 taxi fare if she meant $250 usd.
    Valid point sir thanks.

  13. #52264

    I tend to agree with the direction you are taking

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    The 1-10 scale is almost exclusively used here for bragging.
    I don't think the default is automatically "bragging" but some need for self validation, without necessarily tacking on Super Ego. It's deep. It is part of the projection and self validation that is rampant on this Web site. Otherwise, pointless from where I sit, but hey, I don't think anyone else is getting harmed by it, so be it. Even when you find like-minded mongers, in theory you are creating more competition for yourself by using a rating system. Jajaja. Mongering is a group effort while being every man for himself at the same time. Yin and Yang.

  14. #52263
    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    I use a simple rating system which works spectacularly. First a point I think you were making. The 1-10 scale is almost exclusively used here for bragging. Beyond that use it serves almost no purpose.

    My rating system is a nested boolean system. It starts with.

    1. Do I want to fuck her? If the answer is yes:

    2. Is she available for me to fuck? If yes:

    3. Can we agree on a price?

    That's it. I don't need to worry whether other people want to fuck her, or how much they would pay. It doesn't matter if someone would rate her a 9 and someone else would mark her as a 6. There's no crap about how well she'll perform, because I'll figure that out afterwards.

    Occasionally, I'll modify that. I'll ask myself if something I know might want to fuck her. If I think the answer is yes, I'll send them her info.
    That is spot on G. That is the real rating system don't give a damn what the next man think. My 8 is my 8 and nobody else's.

  15. #52262
    Ernest Hemingway wrote in English. Back to the subject at hand, what do all of you linguists talk about with girls, the latest reggaeton hits, the cost of their daily room rents in San Diego, how much you are willing to pay for a rato at that moment?

    Quote Originally Posted by MojoBandit  [View Original Post]
    I cannot say for sure that the restaurants are playing on this or not but you might want to blame Ernest Hemingway (he had a second home in Cuba) for the restaurants calling themselves that, here is a quote from "The Old Man and the Sea" which was written in Cayo Blanco Cuba.

    "he always thought of the sea as 'la Mar.' which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her but they are always said as though she were a woman. Some of the younger fishermen, those who used buoys as floats for their lines and had motorboats, bought when the shark livers had brought much money, spoke of her as 'el Mar' which is masculine. They spoke of her as a contestant or a place or even an enemy. But the old man always thought of her as feminine and as something that gave or withheld great favours, and if she did wild or wicked things it was because she could not help them. The moon affects her as it does a woman, he thought. "

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