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  1. #6386

    And yet

    Quote Originally Posted by EatALotOpus  [View Original Post]
    Bacon shot up 24% CNBC about an hour ago. 12 PC meal of KFC $52.00 personal experience two days ego. Good job Brandon. Just bark at Russia knowing there's nothing you can do even though you practically invited them into Ukraine with your "Anything short of a small incursion" stupid comment. Push that vaccine blame the Russians ignore inflation. Something got to change and it will come November.
    And yet farmers and ranchers sell their chickens, hogs and steers for less than last year. So, if farmers and ranchers receive less for their animals and consumer prices are up, who is making the money? It couldn't be greed from the processors, could it? Or greed from the supermarkets, could it?

    Naaaaah, it is just easier to blame Biden instead of putting the blame where it belongs. On the corporations who are raising prices and announcing record profits. No wonder Republicans like their voters uneducated!

  2. #6385

    Jimmy Carter, Part Deux?

    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    Trump policies raised wages, grew the economy, and there was no inflation to speak of hence real wages rose and the American people were better off than under the previous administration. That is called prosperity.

    One year of dumbass Biden policies and the US has the highest rate of inflation since Jimmy Carter. Wages have risen too, but not as much as inflation hence real wages have declined under Biden and the American people are much worse off AND THEY KNOW IT! Rising wages are not the problem. Dumping trillions of dollars into the economy, shutting down the Keystone pipeline, and over regulating oil and petrochemical industry is the root cause. It is all on Biden.

    Furthermore, US Economic conditions are only going to get worse over the next 3 years while Biden eats his ice cream cones and takes long afternoon naps in the White House. Just wait until the Fed begins to raise interest rates! Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a wild ride: Historians will call the next 3 years Jimmy Carter Part Deux.
    Remind me again what home mortgage rates were during 1981?

  3. #6384


    Quote Originally Posted by ScatManDoo  [View Original Post]
    You wrote this blabber nine months ago in in May.

    What blather to you spew now after so many recounts found no evidence of democrats stealing elections?

    Look to the republicans that used to darken the White House's doors.

    Where there is evidence of election stealing.
    As a matter of fact they did find irregular voting practices in Maricopa County that affected the votes. The democrat secretary of state admitted that a few thousand votes for Biden and democrats were not legal votes but they believed the people at the voting sites didn't understand the rules. They said they just weren't trained properly and it was not done intentionally. Yeh right!

  4. #6383

    Still in Fantasyland

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for providing further evidence for my point in my previous post here. Well, of course, you hated Carter. Carter was a champion USA jobs creator. One of the top 2-3 best of all time.

    But his overall economy was not Great in the way it was under LBJ, Clinton, Obama and now Biden. It's just that his jobs creation results and tax policies were objectively more effective for growing a real economy than those of Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon / Ford, Reagan, Bush1, Bush2 and certainly Trump. Yeah, I'll even include Coolidge despite his higher average annual percentage of job gains during his 5 years in office since many millions more jobs than were created were wiped out starting less than 1 year after he got out without his successor, Repub Hoover, changing one thing legislatively, proving Coolidge's policies were nothing but a smoke and mirror disaster. Wiped out all the impressive stock market gains Coolidge presided over too.

    I'm guessing you dearly loved the presidents whose USA jobs creation results were either simply inferior to Carter's or downright spectacularly godawful like Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush1, Bush2 and Trump, right? Maybe even Hoover.
    I see you still are in Fantasyland. Continued lies and fabrications don't make it real.

  5. #6382
    Quote Originally Posted by GDreams  [View Original Post]
    Exactly what did Trump do about it?
    What could he do? Declare Marshal Law and move the National Guard into the City? Arrest the Mayor and the District Attorney? Constitutionally it is up to the Governor and the Mayor to request the National Guard. The President could have asked Congress to make it a Federal Crime (with a mandatory 5 year prison sentence) to possess an illegal handgun, but the bill would never have made it through Congress over the Marxist Left Senate filibuster.

    The bottom line is as long as the citizens of Chicago and all other Democrat controlled cities keep voting for the Democratic Party machine candidates and specifically for District Attorney's like Kim Foxx, who will not prosecute violent criminals, the murders will continue unabated.


    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. " Black Lives apparently do not matter to Democrats and Woke-tards. The proof is that this black on black slaughter has been going on for over 20 years in these one party Democrat controlled cities and nothing has been done about. The murders do not even make airtime on CNN, MSNBC or Disney propaganda news networks because they do not support the party narrative, so they are deemed not newsworthy. And that is Racism in America today.

  6. #6381

    More prosperity or Bigger Government

    "With inflation at 7%, the highest rate since 1982, and the Federal Reserve set to tighten monetary policy, you would think the president and Congress would be looking for ways to end the spending spree in Washington. Yet remarkably, bipartisan discussions abound to increase this year's omnibus appropriations by 16%—almost a quarter of a trillion dollars—pass another round of Covid stimulus, and resurrect the $1. 7 trillion Build Back Better bill. It is hard to recall a greater disconnect between economic reality and public policy in American history.

    This inflation has been driven by an explosion of federal spending, which was set to average 20% of gross domestic product in 2020 and 2021. Instead it doubled to 40% of GDP in a 12-month period as pandemic spending exploded. The multiple stimulus bills did more than fill the gap in aggregate demand. Spending surged as the pandemic shutdown reduced employment and production during that period by an average of 7%. In this textbook case of inflation, $1. 20 of income began chasing 93 cents of goods and services, a process greased by expansive monetary policy, and that mismatch sent inflation to a 40-year high.

    Checking-account balances are still 350% of their pre-pandemic level. Of the $5. 8 trillion in total Covid stimulus approved by Congress, some $400 billion has yet to be spent. Massive state surpluses have emerged from federal grants. All states combined are sitting on $113 billion in ready cash. Median household real wealth has surged by $27 trillion since the pandemic began, generating a potentially massive wealth effect on consumption.

    The producer price index, a key driver of consumer prices, rose 9. 7% in 2021, while import prices, usually a moderator of inflation, rose 10.4%. And 75% of the 17% rise in housing costs last year has yet to show up in consumer prices because rental leases cause shelter costs to lag behind increases in housing costs. Shelter costs make up a third of the consumer price index.

    Inflation permanently increases entitlement spending via automatic indexing. The current 7% inflation will add $1.5 trillion in new spending over the next decade. Under current services budgeting, discretionary spending will rise by $641 billion. Given everything that's going on in the economy, how is it possible to justify a massive increase in the omnibus appropriations bill, a new stimulus bill, or the resurrection of Build Back Better?

    In a final desperate effort to save Build Back Better and elevate government to the center of American life, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is trying to pitch the Biden economic agenda as "modern supply-side economics. " But whereas real supply-side economics creates a private incentive to work, save and invest, Ms. Yellen's approach expands government benefits as a way of "fixing supply-chain bottlenecks" and substitutes "public investment" for private investment.

    In virtually every case where Ms. Yellen claims Build Back Better will expand employment and production, experience and logic suggest otherwise. Almost 43% of the first year's cost of the bill is funding the expanded child tax credit with no work requirement. A quartet of University of Chicago economists have concluded the expanded child tax credit would reduce labor supply by 1. 5 million workers, just as soaring pandemic transfer payments resulted in 2. 5 million workers dropping out of the labor market. More than 20% of the bill's first-year cost, $52 billion, would fund tax cuts for rich people in high-tax states, not exactly a supply-chain fixer.

    Build Back Better would expand ObamaCare and other healthcare subsidies, which the Congressional Budget Office has consistently found reduces the supply of labor. The CBO concluded that it is "unclear" if family and medical leave would have a positive or negative effect on employment but "the magnitude would probably be small. "

    Ms. Yellen's modern supply-side economics argues that government can invest based on enlightened political motives more efficiently than the private sector can invest based on the profit motive. But "federal investment is estimated" by the CBO "to yield half of the typical returns on investment completed by the private sector. " The European Union, with its larger government benefits, greener policies and more government intervention in the marketplace, doesn't seem to be benefiting from modern supply-side economics. Europe has grown at 1. 57% for 20 years while the USA Has averaged 2.1% growth—that's more than a third higher. All of Ms. Yellen's claims ignore the negative economic effects sure to be produced by Build Back Better's tax increases.

    At some point, the Biden administration and Congress must accept a corollary to Adam Smith's truism: "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. " When government gives people the things they normally must work to be able to buy, many will butcher, brew, and bake less. This is the lesson of the War on Poverty. When means-tested transfer payments rose dramatically, the share of prime work-age people in the bottom 20% of American income earners who actually worked fell to 36% from 68% over the ensuing 50 years. All analysis of the labor component of the supply chain must recognize that if the government gives people things they typically get by working, many people will quit working.

    Instead of offering a phony version of President Reagan's supply-side economics, Democrats would be better off trying to replicate President Clinton's approach to welfare reform and spending restraint. He didn't expand the size of government, but in his last four years in office he did preside over 4.5% average annual growth, 2. 3% inflation and a reduction of the federal debt. Do Americans want more prosperity or a bigger government?

    WSJ 2/8/22.

  7. #6380

    Great Economy

    Bacon shot up 24% CNBC about an hour ago. 12 PC meal of KFC $52.00 personal experience two days ego. Good job Brandon. Just bark at Russia knowing there's nothing you can do even though you practically invited them into Ukraine with your "Anything short of a small incursion" stupid comment. Push that vaccine blame the Russians ignore inflation. Something got to change and it will come November.

  8. #6379
    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    At Least 22 Black American Citizens Shot in their own Neighborhoods by Black Criminals During last Weekend in Marxist / Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago and not a word in the left wing corporate media: Disney, AT&T, Comcast, NY Times, Amazon WP. So what is Uncle Joe going to do about it. Nada. He read a teleprompter speech without forgetting where he was.

    This is Racism in America. "The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another." So there is nothing the Woke Left will do about it. Their hands are tied by their ideology and racism.
    Exactly what did Trump do about it?

  9. #6378
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for providing further evidence for my point in my previous post here. Well, of course, you hated Carter. Carter was a champion USA jobs creator. One of the top 2-3 best of all time.

    That approval rating was down six points from Carter's previous low in July. The 19 per cent rating is the lowest any president has received since the poll began in the 1950's.

    A fourth of the Democrats polled gave Carter an excellent or good rating overall, down eight points from July and 53 per cent of the people who said they voted for Carter in 1976 now say they do not want him to run in 1980.

    Final results showed Ronald Reagan won 489 electoral votes against the Democrats' 49.

    Seriously, Eih, you sound like Bagdad Bob with this Jimmy Carter situation.

  10. #6377
    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    At Least 22 Black American Citizens Shot in their own Neighborhoods by Black Criminals During last Weekend in Marxist / Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago and not a word in the left wing corporate media: Disney, AT&T, Comcast, NY Times, Amazon WP. So what is Uncle Joe going to do about it. Nada. He read a teleprompter speech without forgetting where he was.

    This is Racism in America. "The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another." So there is nothing the Woke Left will do about it. Their hands are tied by their ideology and racism.
    Sorry, but by near unanimous Republican Party vote, what you described and much worse than that is "Legitimate Political Discourse".

    That means by any Repub definition it is Constitutionally protected Free Speech as covered in the 1st Amendment. Therefore, for any mayor of any city or any governor of any state to so much as Fund The Police in order to do anything to abridge the behavior you described would violate the Constitution of the United States of America.

    According to the Republican Party.

  11. #6376
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Fast-rising wages could cause the Fed to raise interest rates even higher

    Hey, wasn't this the kind of thing Trump used to claim credit for
    Trump policies raised wages, grew the economy, and there was no inflation to speak of hence real wages rose and the American people were better off than under the previous administration. That is called prosperity.

    One year of dumbass Biden policies and the US has the highest rate of inflation since Jimmy Carter. Wages have risen too, but not as much as inflation hence real wages have declined under Biden and the American people are much worse off AND THEY KNOW IT! Rising wages are not the problem. Dumping trillions of dollars into the economy, shutting down the Keystone pipeline, and over regulating oil and petrochemical industry is the root cause. It is all on Biden.

    Furthermore, US Economic conditions are only going to get worse over the next 3 years while Biden eats his ice cream cones and takes long afternoon naps in the White House. Just wait until the Fed begins to raise interest rates! Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a wild ride: Historians will call the next 3 years Jimmy Carter Part Deux.

  12. #6375
    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    At Least 22 Black American Citizens Shot in their own Neighborhoods by Black Criminals During last Weekend in Marxist / Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago and not a word in the left wing corporate media: Disney, AT&T, Comcast, NY Times, Amazon WP. So what is Uncle Joe going to do about it. Nada. He read a teleprompter speech without forgetting where he was.Left will do about it. Their hands are tied by their ideology and racism.
    What does the GOP propose to do (legislation or other LE changes) to address the problem?

    Today the party's platform right now is historically briefly stated:

    "Flippy-Floppy TrumpShit".

  13. #6374

    To Repubs, this is more evidence that Biden and the Dems are destroying America!

    If the Fed sees a need to solve any downside to this terrific economic outcome by raising the cost of money to as much as 2 friggin' percent in the next year or two with the mere stroke of a pen, Repubs will hysterically mischaracterize all of it as "the greatest evil of all evils that has ever befallen the country"!

    Watch for it.

    Fast-rising wages could cause the Fed to raise interest rates even higher

    Rapidly rising wages are expected to push Federal Reserve interest rate hikes at an even faster pace.
    Average hourly earnings are running at a 5.7% pace over the past 12 months, near the highest levels in 15 years.
    Bank of America is sticking to its call for seven rate hikes this year as the Fed looks to control the higher cost of living.
    Hey, wasn't this the kind of thing Trump used to claim credit for before it turned out his one and only godawful classic Repub waste of $2.5+ Trillion 2017 economic legislation produced fewer jobs in the economy with it than without it and his other historically disastrous decisions in 2018 and 2020 totally crashed the economy, destroyed worldwide supply-chains and wiped out millions upon millions of jobs, reducing their wages to zero?

  14. #6373

    Racism in America

    At Least 22 Black American Citizens Shot in their own Neighborhoods by Black Criminals During last Weekend in Marxist / Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago and not a word in the left wing corporate media: Disney, AT&T, Comcast, NY Times, Amazon WP. So what is Uncle Joe going to do about it. Nada. He read a teleprompter speech without forgetting where he was.

    This is Racism in America. "The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another." So there is nothing the Woke Left will do about it. Their hands are tied by their ideology and racism.

  15. #6372
    Quote Originally Posted by ScatManDoo  [View Original Post]
    The media (both left-slanted and right-slanted) in recent articles has been predicting a large red wave result for the mid-term elections in 2022.

    With the republican party acting Super-Trump-Stupid, I'm not so sure the 2022 elections will turn out bad for the democrats.

    There has been betting talk in this thread about placing wagers whether Donald Trump gets jailtime, or escapes it.

    I am not interested in a bet that may not be settled for years.

    Back to the terms of the proposed bet:

    I think the democrats will most likely pick up one or two Senate seats in the 2022 midterms.

    But that's a very risky bet, and not the one I want to make.

    Right now the Democrats have 48 Senate seats. The Democrats currently caucus with Independent Angus King and Social-Democrat Bernie Sanders.

    That gives them 50 Senate votes, and a controlling like majority in the Senate with Vice President Kamala Harris.

    I am willing to bet that in the November 2022 midterms the Democrats maintain majority control of the Senate.

    I bet the Democrats don't lose a seat and that republicans won't get more than 50 Senate seats resulting from the 2022 midterms.

    I can receive or send payment on either Zelle or Venmo.

    I don't think an intermediary needs to hold our stakes.

    For even odds I am willing to bet $500, and if someone wants only part of the action, that will work.
    What makes you believe that any of your opponents here will pay you if you win?

    What would Trump say (and do)?

    Grifters don't pay.

    And don't worry, they'll find excuses to stiff you (voting fraud, big steal, etc.).

    On a more serious note, I'm afraid evil will flourish one more time in November. But I really hope to be proven wrong.

    But in 2024, GOP will be crushed. And they'll spend the next 10 years trying to remove Trump's stink off their banners, but good luck with that.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScatManDoo  [View Original Post]
    Beside, my gut tells me that TrumpShit can eventually get convicted, only to escape extradition to Argentina, or Russia, or probably somewhere sunnier.

    The loser planned a nearly successful coup in less than 60 days.

    As a long-time criminal, I'm sure he's been planning his clean get away for a much longer time.
    In an unlikely case he has to face some real prison time (not a year or two, but a serious prospect of never seeing the light of day again) Russia wouldn't be so bad for Trump. Lots of options for thieving billionaires to have fun.

    Only they may not be willing to take him. What for, he'll have served his purpose and only become a liability.

    Unless there is a piece of paper somewhere in Lubyanka basement (google it) that has his signature on it. In which case, they'll be obliged to bring their guy "home", LOL.

    Argentina? Not so much. Why would they mess with us? Maybe his buddy Kim?

    But I have it on good authority that North Korea is not a fun place to live, LOL.

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