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  1. #7121

    Now, that makes sense. To a loon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    And Eih, this is why I will never believe you guys did not cheat in 2020. If you really believe what you just wrote, then you had a moral imperative to cheat. Preventing Republicans from winning was the same as preventing the Russians from ruling.

    How the fuck do you call yourself pro-Democratic when you want one party rule?

    Republicans and Russians are the same? You have literally lost you mind.
    So, in your mind, the only logical way to defend and protect American democracy from Putin-loving, Commie talking points-reciting, Insurgency-praising, America-hating Repubs is to destroy American democracy and "win" by cheating?

    And we're supposed to give credence to any opinion and judgement of you and your side? LOL.

  2. #7120

    Biden incompetence

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Wingers demanded the USA ban Russian oil, their demands are being met and, consequently, gas prices have hit record highs.

    "Pelosi to proceed with vote on Russia oil ban - POLITICO"

    "Gasoline Price Hits Record High - WSJ"

    We didn't have record high gas prices until wingers demanded the USA ban Russian oil. Congress is doing what wingers demanded and now we have record high gas prices.

    Don't try to weasel out of 100% responsibility for this outcome, wingers. It is all on you.
    Biden incompetence at its best. Too late but he finally sanctioned Russia oil. What an idiot. By the way oil prices dropped today after sanctions on Russia oil so not increasing price of gas like the idiots claim.

  3. #7119

    You are making a joke a presume

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    See the links for more proof debunking those lies below:

    As Biden considered sanctions against Russian oil, Fox & Friends repeated the network's top 4 lies about gas prices

    False: Biden is discouraging U.S. oil production because he banned drilling on federal lands

    False: The U.S. was energy independent before Biden.
    I presume you are making a joke or mocking Biden. There isn't a same person who would believe your joke.

  4. #7118


    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    And Eih, this is why I will never believe you guys did not cheat in 2020. If you really believe what you just wrote, then you had a moral imperative to cheat. Preventing Republicans from winning was the same as preventing the Russians from ruling.

    How the fuck do you call yourself pro-Democratic when you want one party rule?

    Republicans and Russians are the same? You have literally lost you mind.
    Eih believes in Socialism or Communism so that is why he supports crooked elections and one party rule.

  5. #7117


    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    This is another example of a Dem losing it. Here the article says the Russians bought their own propaganda not Republican propaganda. Maybe in your fucked up head Russian and Republican are the same things but those of us with functioning mental capacity know they are different.

    Of course, this could be cleared up in a minute. Biden could take a mental competence test and live broadcast the results. The real issue is not that Biden has mental issues. It is that you Dems were so determined to take Trump down, winning was all that mattered. The primaries were rigged to give the demented Biden the nomination and then there was the "fair" election. Biden was tossed so many softballs by the press he should keep his ball cap on non-stop. Everyone knows Biden is not running things on a day to day basis.

    But you all now have a solution to the war in Ukraine and the oil crisis thanks to Eih: electric bikes. You need to go get one PV Monger and do more of this virtue signaling crap. Take your bike out to the desert and go hug a windmill.
    Another whacko Republican who has absolutely no idea how intelligence is gathered and how intelligence is turned into propaganda. Connecting the dots is simple but it isn't simple for the simple-minded.

    Russians wanted to understand what shape the US was in prior to invasion. They heard daily from moronic Republicans and their stooges in the US that "Biden is incompetent". So, the Russian intelligence gathering apparatus said that yes, the US President is weak. Then, the propaganda folks took over and said "Hey, if the intelligence folks think that Biden is weak, it must be true and we can use this to our advantage to snooker our own folks.

    There you have it. Simple. Republicans lied and the Russians believed it because they wanted to. Simple, but not for the simple-minded. But sure, try to spin it and then talk about "competence tests", a stolen election and Biden not running things on a day-to-day basis.

  6. #7116

    "no replies"

    Quote Originally Posted by EatALotOpus  [View Original Post]
    What road are you on?

    With Blinken "green lighting' European flights to Ukraine over the weekend and Puppet's oil ban yesterday it can only meat three things.

    1. US miscalculated the effect the embargo will have on Putin. As I have posted the Russian ambassadors comments few days ago, embargo will have no effect on Putin personally but will have on the Americans! We're seeing it.

    2. Russia has the upper hand in this war as big part of the Eastern Ukraine is taken over and the Ukrainian troops are encircled, think safe corridors. US thinks by banning the oil will convince Putin to stop. He's more than likely to close Nord Stream 1 and leave Germany with no source of energy! Another miscalculation.

    3. Both.

    Any way it goes, Europe is screwed, Americans feeling it and the administration will manipulate the outcome as a win just like they're trying to do with COVID!

    Is it just incompetence? Or Hunter's crack habit is effecting the patriarch?
    Ok, I "won't reply" that with your tortured analysis that does not even factor in a moment of pain for the Russian people but has Europe getting screwed, the American people suffering in agony, Team Biden manipulating a huge loss for them into a fake "win" like their, apparently to you, phony spin that fully vaccinated people are not falling seriously ill and dying from Trump's Pandenic virus at probably greater percentages than ever before and certainly in greater percentages than unvaccinated people while "Russia", as in Putin, has the upper hand and Putin, as in Putin, will come out of this smelling like a rose no matter what, well, let's just say it has been duly noted which side you are on and who you are rooting for.

  7. #7115
    Quote Originally Posted by EatALotOpus  [View Original Post]
    What road are you on?

    With Blinken "green lighting' European flights to Ukraine over the weekend and Puppet's oil ban yesterday it can only meat three things.

    1. US miscalculated the effect the embargo will have on Putin. As I have posted the Russian ambassadors comments few days ago, embargo will have no effect on Putin personally but will have on the Americans! We're seeing it.

    2. Russia has the upper hand in this war as big part of the Eastern Ukraine is taken over and the Ukrainian troops are encircled, think safe corridors. US thinks by banning the oil will convince Putin to stop. He's more than likely to close Nord Stream 1 and leave Germany with no source of energy! Another miscalculation.

    3. Both.
    So yesterday the Trump apologists were advocating Russian oil to be sanctioned and today Biden is Putin's puppet for doing exactly that.

    Trump was the one showing weakness, kowtowing to Putin at every opportunity, taking no action over cyber attacks, screwing over Ukraine on military aid, having Rudy cosy up to the Russian disinformation bureau in search for Hunter dirt because he was so reviled by the American people he was grasping at every straw to be reelected, and his sanctions were having no effect on Nord Stream 2 completion just like his ineffective Iran sanctions. Yep he really showed Putin how successful he was in putting his puppet in power in 2016.

    So basically unless the US is prepared to go into open warfare over Ukraine there is little Biden can do apart from making it as costly as possible for the Russian people and the ruling elite. In this he has been very successful in banding together a coalition to put in place crippling restriction on Russia, something Trump would never have achieved as Iran sanctions proved. Europe better work overtime to shore up alternative energy supplies and buy lots of warm clothing for next winter. After that they will be in good position to give Putin's energy the finger and not make the same mistake again of becoming reliant on him.

  8. #7114

    You are smarter than this I hope

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Oh, does that mean the people of North Dakota are opposed to Electric Vehicles as you suggested and love the oil industry more than America?

    Why do you and the people of North Dakota love killing the planet so much with their love of burning fossil fuels and refusal to convert to renewable, alternative energy sources?
    There are enough electric vehicles in the world for 2% of the population. Do you expect 98% of the people not only in North Dakota to stop driving gas cars until there is adequate supply of vehicles and power. We are 25 years away from even possibly getting 50% of people driving electric cars. USA was doing fine with Trump president and gas under $2 a gallon. People can't stop driving cars because Biden is stupid and incompetent.

  9. #7113

    Biden bans Russia oil

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Wingers demanded the USA ban Russian oil, their demands are being met and, consequently, gas prices have hit record highs.

    "Pelosi to proceed with vote on Russia oil ban - POLITICO"

    "Gasoline Price Hits Record High - WSJ"

    We didn't have record high gas prices until wingers demanded the USA ban Russian oil. Congress is doing what wingers demanded and now we have record high gas prices.

    Don't try to weasel out of 100% responsibility for this outcome, wingers. It is all on you.
    Russia bans Russia oil 3 or 4 weeks to late actually funding Putin war with over a billion dollars. Oil prices were at $128 a barrel and a day after banning Russia oil the price went down to $119 a barrel so another good lie from you today. Oil prices were set to skyrocket on Biden first day of office with his executive orders. He was warned but he did not listen. Gas prices hit over $4 a gallon well before Russian oil sanctions. Just another lie from you. Amazing that you would be dumb enough to think that even one person would believe your lie.

  10. #7112

    Biden has 3 more years

    Quote Originally Posted by ScatManDoo  [View Original Post]
    Then you get my vote for Drama Queen winner.

    In order to get to millions of innocent people killed.

    Much time needs to pass from when they are counted in the thousands instead of the hundreds.

    Do they teach math insufficiently in Canada?
    Biden has 3 more years and plenty of time to do it. At this rate of stupidity he can achieve it.

  11. #7111


    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    See the links for more proof debunking those lies below:

    As Biden considered sanctions against Russian oil, Fox & Friends repeated the network's top 4 lies about gas prices

    False: Biden is discouraging U.S. oil production because he banned drilling on federal lands

    False: The U.S. was energy independent before Biden

    False: Canceling the Keystone pipeline made us dependent on Russian oil

    False: Biden's administration deliberately raised the price of gas to push his climate agenda.
    Unfortunately all the things you claimed false have since been proven to be true. Oil hitting $120 a barrel is proof they are all true. Stop your lies. You and fake news will dispute the truth every time. Pleas prove to me that gas prices are not over $4 a gallon.

  12. #7110

    Riddle me this

    What road are you on?

    With Blinken "green lighting' European flights to Ukraine over the weekend and Puppet's oil ban yesterday it can only meat three things.

    1. US miscalculated the effect the embargo will have on Putin. As I have posted the Russian ambassadors comments few days ago, embargo will have no effect on Putin personally but will have on the Americans! We're seeing it.

    2. Russia has the upper hand in this war as big part of the Eastern Ukraine is taken over and the Ukrainian troops are encircled, think safe corridors. US thinks by banning the oil will convince Putin to stop. He's more than likely to close Nord Stream 1 and leave Germany with no source of energy! Another miscalculation.

    3. Both.

    Any way it goes, Europe is screwed, Americans feeling it and the administration will manipulate the outcome as a win just like they're trying to do with COVID!

    Is it just incompetence? Or Hunter's crack habit is effecting the patriarch?

  13. #7109

    Porch with a sea view at that!

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie97  [View Original Post]
    You need to formulate something behind these daily obtuse sideshows if you want to stimulate responses. You're pretty much like the Sambo piping up back in the back corner of the Sunday morning white church, good for a quick chuckle but no consideration beyond that. Up your game or get back on the porch.
    If you had read my posts you would have read the "no replies"! I'm not looking for a rabbit hole conversations nor will I post a decertation full of BS just to satisfy my ego. Also I'm not here to educate or entertain you. Feel free to skip

    As far as obtuse sideshows is concerned, at the very least shows you that I'm multi-dimensional with various sources and yes, even but not CNN, feed me mushroom food and tell me what to think dependent. However for you to take the time to reply to my post means that it triggered you. Sorry about that. Truth hurts! Now back to my porch with a sea view!

  14. #7108
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Of course, anti-democracy Russians and Republicans are the same thing. Repub congressmen and Trump knowingly repeat Russian talking points obviously written and delivered to them to repeat by Putin.
    And Eih, this is why I will never believe you guys did not cheat in 2020. If you really believe what you just wrote, then you had a moral imperative to cheat. Preventing Republicans from winning was the same as preventing the Russians from ruling.

    How the fuck do you call yourself pro-Democratic when you want one party rule?

    Republicans and Russians are the same? You have literally lost you mind.

  15. #7107

    Exhibit A

    Quote Originally Posted by MarquisdeSade1  [View Original Post]
    LOL. In case there is any doubt that Biden doing anything positive for democracy or in advance of Putin's actual invasion of Ukraine would be twisted into an "excuse" for Putin's invasion and cited as a reason to "blame" Biden for it, our always reliable resident Sado-Masochist winger chimes in with Exhibit A evidence right on cue.

    Zelensky was cracking jokes, shrugging off and lampooning the idea that Putin would actually invade right up until mere hours before he did.

    If Biden had jumped in front of that, interjected America into the Russia-Ukraine face off and punished Putin for invading before he actually invaded Ukraine, I suspect even Zelensky would today be joining every winger on the planet suggesting "We had this under control! This is our style! If only Biden had kept his nose out of it, Putin would not have invaded Ukraine"!

    Bank on it.

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