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  1. #11185

    Access to both sides

    Don't look to China and Russia for examples of censorship. Being unherd is right here with us. Your not allowed to hear both sides, if the other side does not agree with us.

  2. #11184
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Somewhere around Reagan's first horrific term as potus, Repubs simply gave up trying to produce anything but their usual historic crap results while also deciding it would be easier and more politically rewarding for them to devote all their time trolling Dems and trying to thwart consistently superior Dem results instead. You know, to "own the libs".

    Hey, maybe a few Trump Digital Trading Card gifts will win us over and we'll stop rankling you with the truth about "Repubs bad, Dems good. ".
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    By and large, Democrat administrations, in their more balanced approach to energy security, have been more forward thinking and progressive towards a cleaner energy future, by funding cleaner and renewable energy technologies.
    Quote Originally Posted by PVMonger  [View Original Post]
    When Bush 2 was in office in 2008, gasoline hit $4 per gallon. Repubs went on every talk show they could find to say that the president was not responsible for the price of gasoline.
    Those are the answers I got when I asked Spidy whose energy policies he liked better: Obama's or Biden's? You all went back to Democrat good, Republican bad when asked a question that had nothing to do with Republicans at all.

    In fact, you can look at energy policy like someone asking what 2 + 2 is? Trump and Obama both answered 4, and Biden answered 5, and all you dummies can do is say Trump is the devil.

    Of course, Tiny broke it down for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    Yes, the contrast between Obama's oil and gas policy and Biden's was extreme. Obama bragged about increasing production. Biden called for reducing net carbon emissions from electricity generation to "0" by 2035, which is absolutely nuts. It would rule out using natural gas for power generation. And he wanted to go to net zero for oil too by 2050. He campaigned on shutting down drilling on federal lands and federal offshore leases. But this of course has all gone by the wayside for the time being, as political considerations trump everything else.
    But you fools are too dumb to even see any difference between Democrats.

    When it gets really funny is when you look at the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by PVMonger  [View Original Post]
    You Repubs bay at the moon over "Dems good, Repubs bad" as it that's all there is to it. It isn't. Repubs have done a few things right (like the Interstate Highway system) and lots of stuff wrong (China tariffs, "trickle-down economics", tax cuts for the rich). Dems have done lots of stuff right (Social Security, Civil Rights act, GI Bill, the Affordable Care Act) and some stuff wrong (the Affordable Care Act). But, in general, Dems want America to get better while Repubs want America to stay the same.
    Yeah, let's go with the race one here.

    What party did Lincoln belong to when he announced the emancipation proclamation?

    Was it a Republican or Democratic president in office when the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments of the Constitution were made into law?

    Was it a Republican or Democrat president who was in office when the civil rights act of 1957 was signed into law?

    With the civil rights act of 1964, which party's representatives in Congress passed it with a higher percentage?

    As for the debate on the civil rights bill in 1964, it was the Democrats who led the filibuster against it.

    Senator Strom Thurmond, who was still a Democrat at the time: "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress. ".

    When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30,1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and lone Republican John Tower of Texas, led by Richard Russell, launched a filibuster to prevent its passage. Russell proclaimed, "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would tend to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our Southern states. ".

    Senator Robert Byrd ended his filibuster in opposition to the bill on the morning of June 10,1964, after 14 hours and 13 minutes.

    Furthermore, if you are going to claim credit for past Democratic legislation like social security for the Dems, you have to acknowledge the racist power brokers of Congress, the two most powerful of which were Sam Rayburn and Richard Russell, both vehemently opposed to civil rights for blacks.

    So yes, we have the Democratic douches now, the party of Robert Byrd, Richard Russell, Sam Rayburn and the original party of Strom Thurmond, having the nerve to call Republicans racist.

    So you douches could not even answer the simplest of questions, whose energy policy do you prefer Obama's or Biden's? All you could do was insult Republicans which says what you are all about. You are not interested in what is best for the country. All you care about is if something good happens to make sure Dems get credit for it, and if something bad happens, Republicans get the blame.

    And such behavior shows us you all do not give a damn about the country. All you care about is yourselves.

    But yeah, we get it. Republicans bad, Dems good, so you all can quit posting now. We can predict what you are going to say, no need to waste disc space.

  3. #11183

    What horse puckey

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    So to answer my question, you cannot make one post that is not Republicans bad, Democrats good. Got it.

    So Obama and Biden's policies were the same? Got it.

    LOL. Tell me how that changes anything. How many people have died due to the waste from nuclear fission?

    Massive dependency huh? Yeesh.

    Yeah, the fusion break throughs were all Dems, and all the taxpayer money spent on fusion technology came from Democrats too right?

    I would ask you about Jimmy Carter's energy policy in comparison to Ronald Reagan's but I already know your answer, so I won't bother..
    Holy crap, Elvis. This is fantasy, even from you.

    "So to answer my question, you cannot make one post that is not Republicans bad, Democrats good. Got it. " Hey, the Interstate Highway System was a pretty good thing, and it was started by a Republican. To their credit, I would say that the healthcare plan that Republicans came up with during the last administration was pretty damn decent if they would have come up with one. Same thing with completion on the border wall, or passing an infrastructure plan or any of the other things that the previous administration promised.

    "So Obama and Biden's policies were the same? Got it. " he didn't even say that.

    "LOL. Tell me how that changes anything. How many people have died due to the waste from nuclear fission?" Hey, the fusion thing was a "breakthrough". It won't produce anything in the short term but in 10 years, who knows.

    "Massive dependency huh? Yeesh. " Only a dumb Repub would say that 68% of energy coming from oil and gas is a trivial amount. United%20 States%20 uses%20 a%20 mix%20 of%20 energy%20 source s&text=Primary%20 energy%20 sources%20 include%20 fossil, produced)%20 from%20 primary%20 energy%20 sources.

  4. #11182

    Big Announcement

    Hurry before they are sold out. Trump digital trading cards only $99 each. There should be no doubt now about this guy. Just take a look and when you stop laughing, remember that he was once the president and wants to be it again.

  5. #11181

    Again, the fix for that is so simple

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    Spidy, can you post anything outside of Dems good, Republicans bad?

    Hell, you can stop posting because we all know what you are going to say anyway.
    Well, it would be so much easier for Spidy and the rest of us to do that if only Repubs would for the love of gawd stop producing the worst results in history whenever the American electorate is careless, distracted, suckered or dumb enough to give them so much as a Red Tinkle opportunity to do it.

    Somewhere around Reagan's first horrific term as potus, Repubs simply gave up trying to produce anything but their usual historic crap results while also deciding it would be easier and more politically rewarding for them to devote all their time trolling Dems and trying to thwart consistently superior Dem results instead. You know, to "own the libs".

    They have essentially been running election campaigns on that "platform" ever since. And, post-1988, that "platform" has pretty much been a bust for them in terms of winning the most votes in presidential races. Which is obviously a big reason they then had to add rigging, cheating, suppression of likely Dem votes, violent, cop-killing insurrections, attempts to overturn free and fair elections and overthrow American democracy to their "own the libs" election campaign strategy.

    Hey, maybe a few Trump Digital Trading Card gifts will win us over and we'll stop rankling you with the truth about "Repubs bad, Dems good. ".

  6. #11180
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    Dems good, Republicans bad huh? Where we do send you your copy of 1984? How much of the federal budget is not earmarked for nonpartisan entitlements? 10%? 20%? Yeesh.

    Oh yeah, how about some facts to go along with this? Tapping the SPR? Letting Venezuela produce more oil? Begging the Saudis to produce more after condemning them as monsters? Pissing off American oil companies by saying you are going to put them out of business?

    I actually looked into the STEO at the EIA website after you posted this. The most amazing part was seeing Russia. The war was the catalyst for higher prices, and despite all the USA and European blubbering about boycotting Russian crude, their production is not down by one iota. China is just now getting out of Covid lockdown, and they are the #2 consumer of oil. On top of that, prices on diesel are still sky high. Yeah, prices are down on gasoline and except for draining the SPR, what does Biden have to do with that?

    Apparently, American oil producers are gearing up to produce like nuts in 2023 which is great news. I am not sure if it is the Republicans controlling the house or Biden privately telling them to go ahead. Yeah, for all your bullshit talk about Republicans kissing corporate America's ass, the oil companies have been killing it under Biden.

    I like Obama's policies where oil companies produced like crazy got oil and gasoline prices down and made less money than they are now. With Biden, oil production has barely moved, prices are up, and oil companies are making record profits. So which president's oil policies do you prefer, Spidy, Biden's or Obama's?

    Does your head explode with anything outside of Republicans bad, Democrats good?

    So just to be clear, I wanted Biden to go back to Obama's policies, and your sorry ass had to bring up Republicans. Gee, I wonder why that is.
    Funny you bring up 1984. I read today it's the #1 best selling fiction title in Russia right now, and #2 overall. A Russian government functionary said it's a great description of what's going on in the decadent West right now.

    Yes, the contrast between Obama's oil and gas policy and Biden's was extreme. Obama bragged about increasing production. Biden called for reducing net carbon emissions from electricity generation to "0" by 2035, which is absolutely nuts. It would rule out using natural gas for power generation. And he wanted to go to net zero for oil too by 2050. He campaigned on shutting down drilling on federal lands and federal offshore leases. But this of course has all gone by the wayside for the time being, as political considerations trump everything else.

    There was an article in the Financial Times a few days ago that quotes Biden's chief energy adviser, Amos Hochstein. Hochstein said USA Oil investors are "un-American" because they're not ramping up drilling. WTF? Biden wants to put the natural gas producers out of business by 2035, and the oil producers out of business by 2050. No oil and gas company is going to invest for the long term if it believes Biden and likeminded Democrats will rule the roost for the foreseeable future. And what if our federal government comes to be controlled by people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, both of whom said they wanted to immediately ban fracking when they were campaigning for president? Meanwhile, Biden is promoting the idea of a Windfall Profits Tax. We know what effect that would have, based on our experience in the 1980's.

    Thank goodness Biden and Sanders Democrats haven't controlled government for the last 10 years. If they had been, we'd be in the same shape as Europe right now.

    It might take a 10 year lead time to develop a project in the Gulf of Mexico. By the time it goes on stream I guess you have a year or two before you have to shut it down if it's producing from a gas field, if we're going to achieve Biden's goal. And apparently now if you're not willing to go bankrupt to achieve Democrats' short term political goal of keeping oil and gas prices low when the next election comes around, you're unpatriotic. All this after the Biden administration did its best to discourage private equity, Wall Street and even banks from stumping up more money for drilling.

    As to your point about Diesel, it's about as close to heating oil as you can get, in terms of the properties of refined products. And people in the Northeast who are dependent on heating oil to heat their homes are going to be in for a very expensive winter. If Democrats had allowed construction of more natural gas pipelines to the Northeast and California, the residents of those areas would be in much better shape. I was talking with a natural gas executive this evening, and he told me gas in the Four Corners area, which feeds California, is going for $45/ MMBTU right now, because of the lack of pipeline capacity! As you know, gas in our part of the world is selling for more like $6 an MMBTU. It sounds like California may be fucked as bad as Europe this winter. He didn't expect the price to let up appreciably.

  7. #11179

    So much for your trusted formula

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    You have a sample size of two years to show that your presidential model is bullshit. The market went up in 2021 when the Fed and Congress were pouring money into the economy, and it sucked in 2022 when the Fed was pulling money out. Duh. Right now, the bond market is predicting recession and later today Powell will probably say that he is going to keep the money supply tight. This has nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with Biden.

    To a censorship loving, civil rights hating, binary fool like yourself, the pandemic was all Trump's fault, and the Democratic governors had nothing to do with shutting down supply chains. Instead of passing on blame, I say everyone was responsible for the supply chain issues that resulted from the lockdowns and the subsequent inflation that followed. So unlike you douches with your Democrat good, Republican bad binary view of the world, I was saying the only part of inflation that I could lie at Biden's feet, and it was not all of it, was that he was partially responsible for higher energy prices because he kept knee capping American oil companies.

    Still, we have all grown accustomed to you Tooms. Biden was president in both 2021 and 2022 so obviously the great market year in 2021 was due to Biden and the horrible market year in 2022 was due to Trump.

    What you are not capable of doing is condemning Biden for this down year which is what you would have to do if you want anyone to believe your dumb theory that markets move to whom is president.

    If you remember what I said, a president is like a referee in a game. He cannot create a good game but he can sure as hell screw one up. To that end, Biden is brain dead, the worst since GWB at least and probably worse than that. IMO you have to go back to Carter to find someone this bad.

    When you have inflation, the correct move is to cut back on spending not spend like a drunken sailor as Biden has been doing. Biden is so stupid he said government spending does not cause inflation while everyone he put on the federal reserve is doing all they can to cut spending / demand to tame inflation.

    If you want a Biden compliment, take that. At least Biden put economic advisers in place smarter than his stupid ass.
    Unless the incoming Redrawn Districts Red Tinkle Repubs somehow manage to shut down the USA Government to fuck up Biden's historic recovery, roaring economy and unnecessarily spook the hell out of the stock market before they even find their butts to put in the seats, the USA Stock Market as typically measured by the S&P 500 Index will have produced almost TWICE the gains at this stage of Biden's presidency as it did under Trump at this same stage of his so-called presidency. The DOW gains are virtually identical.

    And for anyone wanting to calculate back to each election day rather than from inauguration day, bear in mind Biden's post-election Goodbye Trump relief rally from election day to the inauguration was one of the greatest of all time:

    Bidens Post-Election Stock Market Is Trouncing Trumps

    So I think some of us are wondering if you shorted the market in November of 2020 or January of 2021. If not, I guess your formulas and yield curves failed you.

  8. #11178
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Which party is it, that denies peoples rights and taking the America back to the dark ages with their backwards, archaic and ancient policies from a bygone Neanderthal era?

    Which party is it, that are simply nihilists, election deniers, hell bent on subverting democracy, the rule of law and The US Constitution?
    So to answer my question, you cannot make one post that is not Republicans bad, Democrats good. Got it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Elvis, I'm not so myopic and centrist focused on oil and gas, like Repubs (bending over, pandering to their big oil & gas donors), but more aligned with Obama and Biden's, balanced approach to US National Energy security, that focused less on oil & gas (despite staunch Repub opposition), but also more focused towards cleaner/renewable technologies.
    So Obama and Biden's policies were the same? Got it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Your question, is a very apt and timely question, given the recent breakthrough of fusion.
    LOL. Tell me how that changes anything. How many people have died due to the waste from nuclear fission?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    BTW, I'm not saying oil & gas is going away (we still need it), just our massive dependency on it and the ability of foreign oil & gas dictators/producers to hold the US hostage.
    Massive dependency huh? Yeesh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Elvis, even you can see the efforts by the Dems, to fund these energy technologies, is indeed a BFD!!!
    Yeah, the fusion break throughs were all Dems, and all the taxpayer money spent on fusion technology came from Democrats too right?

    I would ask you about Jimmy Carter's energy policy in comparison to Ronald Reagan's but I already know your answer, so I won't bother.

    Spidy, can you post anything outside of Dems good, Republicans bad?

    Hell, you can stop posting because we all know what you are going to say anyway.

  9. #11177

    Biden is is a BFD!

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis 2008  [View Original Post]
    [Deleted by Admin] Does your head explode with anything outside of Republicans bad, Democrats good?
    Not surprising or shocking, coming from a typical Elvis vitriolic rant. Repubs/Bothersidesism, once again attacking the messenger and not the message. Is it any wonder a good number of your responses, to other BMs are deleted?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis 2008  [View Original Post]
    Dems good, Republicans bad huh? Where we do send you your copy of 1984? ...
    What do you think? Ask yourself this:

    Which party is it, that denies peoples rights and taking the America back to the dark ages with their backwards, archaic and ancient policies from a bygone Neanderthal era?

    Which party is it, that are simply nihilists, election deniers, hell bent on subverting democracy, the rule of law and The US Constitution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis 2008  [View Original Post]
    ... So which president's oil policies do you prefer, Spidy, Biden's or Obama's? ...
    Elvis, I'm not so myopic and centrist focused on oil and gas, like Repubs (bending over, pandering to their big oil & gas donors), but more aligned with Obama and Biden's, balanced approach to US National Energy security, that focused less on oil & gas (despite staunch Repub opposition), but also more focused towards cleaner/renewable technologies.

    By and large, Democrat administrations, in their more balanced approach to energy security, have been more forward thinking and progressive towards a cleaner energy future, by funding cleaner and renewable energy technologies and did not give up on supporting things like sustainable fusion, as exemplified in the latest fusion energy breakthrough, which is being hailed as clean energy game-changer (albeit, only some 10 to 20 years away, before large scale project plants are realized).

    Your question, is a very apt and timely question, given the recent breakthrough of fusion. Perhaps now, even die-hard oil & gas Repubs (and some Dems), will be weaned-off their hard stance on fossil-fuels (but I doubt it!). BTW, I'm not saying oil & gas is going away (we still need it), just our massive dependency on it and the ability of foreign oil & gas dictators/producers to hold the US hostage.

    Elvis, even you can see the efforts by the Dems, to fund these energy technologies, is indeed a BFD!!!

  10. #11176
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    I do hope Elvis returns to the building by Christmas Eve so we can compare Trump's S&P 500 Index and DOW performance vs that of Biden from election / nauguration to this same point in their presidency so he can explain why his trusted formula and yield curves didn't have him short the market when Trump was elected or took office like he did with Biden.
    You have a sample size of two years to show that your presidential model is bullshit. The market went up in 2021 when the Fed and Congress were pouring money into the economy, and it sucked in 2022 when the Fed was pulling money out. Duh. Right now, the bond market is predicting recession and later today Powell will probably say that he is going to keep the money supply tight. This has nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with Biden.

    To a censorship loving, civil rights hating, binary fool like yourself, the pandemic was all Trump's fault, and the Democratic governors had nothing to do with shutting down supply chains. Instead of passing on blame, I say everyone was responsible for the supply chain issues that resulted from the lockdowns and the subsequent inflation that followed. So unlike you douches with your Democrat good, Republican bad binary view of the world, I was saying the only part of inflation that I could lie at Biden's feet, and it was not all of it, was that he was partially responsible for higher energy prices because he kept knee capping American oil companies.

    Still, we have all grown accustomed to you Tooms. Biden was president in both 2021 and 2022 so obviously the great market year in 2021 was due to Biden and the horrible market year in 2022 was due to Trump.

    What you are not capable of doing is condemning Biden for this down year which is what you would have to do if you want anyone to believe your dumb theory that markets move to whom is president.

    If you remember what I said, a president is like a referee in a game. He cannot create a good game but he can sure as hell screw one up. To that end, Biden is brain dead, the worst since GWB at least and probably worse than that. IMO you have to go back to Carter to find someone this bad.

    When you have inflation, the correct move is to cut back on spending not spend like a drunken sailor as Biden has been doing. Biden is so stupid he said government spending does not cause inflation while everyone he put on the federal reserve is doing all they can to cut spending / demand to tame inflation.

    If you want a Biden compliment, take that. At least Biden put economic advisers in place smarter than his stupid ass.

  11. #11175

    Evidently you forgot 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    Dems good, Republicans bad huh? Where we do send you your copy of 1984? How much of the federal budget is not earmarked for nonpartisan entitlements? 10%? 20%? Yeesh.

    Oh yeah, how about some facts to go along with this? Tapping the SPR? Letting Venezuela produce more oil? Begging the Saudis to produce more after condemning them as monsters? Pissing off American oil companies by saying you are going to put them out of business?

    I actually looked into the STEO at the EIA website after you posted this. The most amazing part was seeing Russia. The war was the catalyst for higher prices, and despite all the USA and European blubbering about boycotting Russian crude, their production is not down by one iota. China is just now getting out of Covid lockdown, and they are the #2 consumer of oil. On top of that, prices on diesel are still sky high. Yeah, prices are down on gasoline and except for draining the SPR, what does Biden have to do with that?

    Apparently, American oil producers are gearing up to produce like nuts in 2023 which is great news. I am not sure if it is the Republicans controlling the house or Biden privately telling them to go ahead. Yeah, for all your bullshit talk about Republicans kissing corporate America's ass, the oil companies have been killing it under Biden.

    I like Obama's policies where oil companies produced like crazy got oil and gasoline prices down and made less money than they are now. With Biden, oil production has barely moved, prices are up, and oil companies are making record profits. So which president's oil policies do you prefer, Spidy, Biden's or Obama's?

    Does your head explode with anything outside of Republicans bad, Democrats good?

    So just to be clear, I wanted Biden to go back to Obama's policies, and your sorry ass had to bring up Republicans. Gee, I wonder why that is.
    When Bush 2 was in office in 2008, gasoline hit $4 per gallon. Repubs went on every talk show they could find to say that the president was not responsible for the price of gasoline. In fact, only a fool would believe that once COVID (virtually) ended, that we wouldn't see massive inflation due to demand outpacing supply and the COVID-related supply chain issues. And what happened? Massive inflation! Inflation would have happened regardless of who was in the White House. Inflation would have happened if (God forbid) the US would have elected Donnie the Dumbass again.

    But, with the Repubs in control of the House, we can get ready for 2 years of angertainment from them. They'll investigate every Democrat whose name they can spell (and with tRUMPettes leading the way, I expect a lot of misspellings {like the moron who called for Donnie the Dumbass to implement 'Marshall Law' they'll try to impeach President Biden because he stutters sometimes, they'll shut down the Government over some cockamamie BS or another and then blame the Dems for failing to go along with their cockamamie BS.

    But here's the thing. You Repubs bay at the moon over "Dems good, Repubs bad" as it that's all there is to it. It isn't. Repubs have done a few things right (like the Interstate Highway system) and lots of stuff wrong (China tariffs, "trickle-down economics", tax cuts for the rich). Dems have done lots of stuff right (Social Security, Civil Rights act, GI Bill, the Affordable Care Act) and some stuff wrong (the Affordable Care Act). But, in general, Dems want America to get better while Repubs want America to stay the same.

    The demographics of America are changing. America is becoming less white, less homophobic, less xenophobic and less misogynistic. But instead of embracing that inevitability, Repubs are pandering to their mostly-white and mostly-older and mostly-non-college-degreed base and telling them to be afraid of anybody who isn't white, anybody who is LGBTQ+ and anybody who is an immigrant. It reminds me of several lines from the movie "The American President" where the President holds a press conference and talks about his opponent. "he is interested in two things, and two things only: making you afraid of it, and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle-aged, middle-class, middle-income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family and American values and character. " If you've never seen the movie, here's the link. I suggest that you watch it over-and-over again until you understand what he's saying.

  12. #11174
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    In particular I've enjoyed some of JustTK's out-of-the-box contributions. And the rest of you have brought up some good points from time to time. And broadened my thinking. A little bit.
    Take care Tiny. Nice to read your thoughst too. You won't miss much. This section is dead unless they can bash Chump for smthg.

  13. #11173
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    The "Two Santa Clause" theory clearly has the Repubs, spending like drunken sailors to enrich themselves and their billionaire cronies and the other party (the Dems) clearly spending money to benefit and stimulate a stagnant and recessive economy, typically decimated and left-for-dead by Repubs, with their ill-fated trickle-down economics.
    Dems good, Republicans bad huh? Where we do send you your copy of 1984? How much of the federal budget is not earmarked for nonpartisan entitlements? 10%? 20%? Yeesh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    And yet numbskull Rebubs were all over Biden for the price of gasoline. (...kkkk!)
    Oh yeah, how about some facts to go along with this? Tapping the SPR? Letting Venezuela produce more oil? Begging the Saudis to produce more after condemning them as monsters? Pissing off American oil companies by saying you are going to put them out of business?

    I actually looked into the STEO at the EIA website after you posted this. The most amazing part was seeing Russia. The war was the catalyst for higher prices, and despite all the USA and European blubbering about boycotting Russian crude, their production is not down by one iota. China is just now getting out of Covid lockdown, and they are the #2 consumer of oil. On top of that, prices on diesel are still sky high. Yeah, prices are down on gasoline and except for draining the SPR, what does Biden have to do with that?

    Apparently, American oil producers are gearing up to produce like nuts in 2023 which is great news. I am not sure if it is the Republicans controlling the house or Biden privately telling them to go ahead. Yeah, for all your bullshit talk about Republicans kissing corporate America's ass, the oil companies have been killing it under Biden.

    I like Obama's policies where oil companies produced like crazy got oil and gasoline prices down and made less money than they are now. With Biden, oil production has barely moved, prices are up, and oil companies are making record profits. So which president's oil policies do you prefer, Spidy, Biden's or Obama's?

    [Deleted by Admin] Does your head explode with anything outside of Republicans bad, Democrats good?

    So just to be clear, I wanted Biden to go back to Obama's policies, and your sorry ass had to bring up Republicans. Gee, I wonder why that is.

  14. #11172
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    Gentlemen, Thanks for your kind replies. There are flaws in your facts and analysis. Through the past several months, I've discovered there are not enough hours in the day to reply to them all. And besides, I am but a tiny LED light, amidst the bonfire of misinformation that you're bombarded with by your favored media sources every day. Finally, I cannot fight this battle alone, and all the right of center posters have left this forum.

    I'll check back from time to time. In particular I've enjoyed some of JustTK's out-of-the-box contributions. And the rest of you have brought up some good points from time to time. And broadened my thinking. A little bit.
    Are you sure you don't want to just rest up from all of your post-2022 midterm gloating over that Red Tinkle so you'll have plenty of strength on hand for the post-2024 Red Tinkle gloating?

    Maybe that's what all those other gloating-exhausted wingers disappeared to rest up for.

    I do hope Elvis returns to the building by Christmas Eve so we can compare Trump's S&P 500 Index and DOW performance vs that of Biden from election / nauguration to this same point in their presidency so he can explain why his trusted formula and yield curves didn't have him short the market when Trump was elected or took office like he did with Biden.

  15. #11171
    Quote Originally Posted by PVMonger  [View Original Post]
    If you believe this, you'd actually have proof. But you don't. As usual.
    Quote Originally Posted by PVMonger  [View Original Post]
    That shows a different thing, doesn't it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Typical response to try and normalize and "bothsider" the corrupt and dysfunctional party that is now basically/predominately a QAnon/Repub/Bothersider looney-tunes conspiracy party, hell bent on subverting democracy, the rule of law and The US Constitution.
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Truman, Carter and Clinton didn't leave anyone a recession. Stop making up stuff.
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    GHW Bush didn't win the vote "since" 1988. He won the vote "in" 1988.
    Gentlemen, Thanks for your kind replies. There are flaws in your facts and analysis. Through the past several months, I've discovered there are not enough hours in the day to reply to them all. And besides, I am but a tiny LED light, amidst the bonfire of misinformation that you're bombarded with by your favored media sources every day. Finally, I cannot fight this battle alone, and all the right of center posters have left this forum.

    I'll check back from time to time. In particular I've enjoyed some of JustTK's out-of-the-box contributions. And the rest of you have brought up some good points from time to time. And broadened my thinking. A little bit.

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