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  1. #12019
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Once again, just because a states educational system is well funded, doesn't mean that it's allocated fairly,
    We don't know how well funded Maryland is. It may be underfunded. But democrat-voting Baltimore city is massively well funded: it has the third highest spending per student of all school districts in the entire country.

    Despite that, Baltimore city has 23 schools with not a single student at age-level math proficiency, and 20 or so more with only 1 or 2 students at that level.

    That is absolutely glaring, and no leftist is able to explain it.

  2. #12018
    Quote Originally Posted by PVMonger  [View Original Post]
    You complain about censorship and President Trump did exactly that. He or someone in his administration asked Twitter to remove a post he didn't like.
    Dear God you are a cretin. Asking someone to remove a post, and doing nothing when they refuse, is not censorship.

    Censorship is when you forcibly remove a post or prevent someone from publishing something. Like the left did with the Biden crime family laptop corruption scandal, and much more besides.

    Just for once in your simple, CNN-watching, public miseducation-brainwashed life, try and engage what few gray cells you possess behind your dull cow eyes.

  3. #12017
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    No, China's #1 trading partner in 1966 was Japan.
    Suffice to say I don't agree with anything you say, and I haven't the time to go thru and address each one of your Gish Gallop. Striaght out, the first thing you wrote is a non-sequitor. Every country in the world has a no 1 trading partner. It says absolutely zero about whether a country is banished from / throttled in the world economic community or not. Even if a country sold 1 rubber duck to another country, it would have a nr 1 trade partner. Total nonsense from the getgo Elvis.

  4. #12016
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Once again, just because a states educational system is well funded, doesn't mean that it's allocated fairly, equitably or reasonably to facilitate all districts, according to those with the greatest needs.

    That said, the Baltimore 1st Grade kids, within the state of Maryland's educational system, do seem to go on to achieve better academic results in their high school and post secondary schooling. The funding is justified, due to the higher number of students graduating at the higher levels of schooling. It's not how you start your schooling, it's how you finish your schooling.

    Now if we can only do something about the theft, misappropriation and miss-allocation of educational funds and welfare aid / funds, in a state like Mississippi, that continually rank at the bottom of the country in corruption, poverty and education.

    4 Interesting Facts about Education in Mississippi: "Mississippi legislators have ignored a state law and spend $1.5 billion less on education than what is required; the cuts in the state are the deepest in the country"
    Why pick on Mississippi? The illiteracy rate, based on the National Assessment of Adult Literacy, is highest in California (23.1%) and New York (22.1%). Mississippi is in 9th place, where 16% of "American adults age 16 and over lack basic prose literacy skills defined as ranging from being fully unable to read to only being able to understand short, commonplace text in English, but nothing more advanced." And Mississippi's a small place. If you multiply the illiteracy rate by population, there are 9.1 million illiterates in California, and 4.3 million in New York. There are only 480,000 in Mississippi.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    BTW, do you have a corresponding webpage for the attached chart? Didn't see one on the Foxy Muse website.
    Come on Spidy. It's obviously from the USA Government's web site. That's easy to figure out by looking at the figure.

    Yes, Chris posted numbers from the Census Bureau's site, presumably so you couldn't complain that it's biased, like,, and the other sources you guys favor.

  5. #12015
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    My God, you are dumb. I presume you travelled abroad. Did Congress pass a law requiring you to have a Covid test when you re-entered the country? No, the executive branch made said law via a CDC recommendation. And BTW, the CDC IS a PRIVATE enterprise. Whoops.

    And how about Obamacare? Oh yeah, you were required by law to purchase insurance from a PRIVATE company. Whoops.

    And what body made abortion legal? Oh yeah, that would be the Supreme Court not Congress.

    So the whole part about Congress making the laws has been relegated to the dust bin. So let us look at it the correct way, the parties that make and enforce laws cannot abridge freedom of speech.

    Is that what happened? Damn right it did. You must be one of these dumb libs with your heads buried in the sand and have never heard of the Twitter files. A whole host of government agencies with law making and law enforcement authority were telling Twitter to shut down accounts and by far the overwhelming majority of requests were made against conservative voices.

    Now let us go the other way. Twitter bans thousands of conservative accounts because of the executive branch request. Do you libs stay consistent in your views? Hell no.

    A baker refused to make a cake for a gay couple, and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court.

    Colorado courts ruled that the state's public accommodation law, which bans discrimination by companies offering their services to the public, did not allow Phillips to refuse the gay couple's request.

    Wow, so private companies cannot do whatever they want, and you are totally wrong, Checkmate.

    So WTF are you saying Checkmate? Are you saying that 50 states have laws that legally allow for political discrimination by Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets? I would like to see said laws or are you just blowing smoke out of your ass?
    1. Covid testing. Any sovereign country can make rules on entering the country as they wish. Executive branch is in charge of this aspect. Non sequitor (1st Amendment -free speech).

    2. Obamacare. People, organizations and states have brought lawsuits all the way up to the supreme court. They have ruled on these. Some aspects have been changed to accomomdate. The law has not been ruled unconstitutional. Non sequitor (1st Amendment. Free speech); incidentally, you don't have to buy health insurance if you don't want to, you'll be "taxed" when you file your taxes.

    3. Twitter. Executive branch can request anything of corporation, it is up to the corporation to ban or not. Your complaint should be toward Twitter. Non sequitor (1st Amendment).

    4. Abortion. Row V Wade was ajudicated in 1973 using the 14th amendment as argument (as an aside, as a man, I believe women should be the ones who should write the law in which would govern how they want to proceed with the subject of abortion) Non sequitor (1st Amendment).

    5. Baker. Colorado - You wrote this backward in term of timeline. The baker brought the suit against Colorado because he felt it violated his 1st Amendment right afforded to him, it went to the Supreme Court and they agreed 7-2.

    US constitution and state laws can vary. When it does, a person or organization can address their grievances through the court system. States make laws that are challenged in court all the time.

    6. Most law regarding discrimation is based on these familiar categories, Sex, Age, Race, Religion. Some states choose to add to the list of which you can not discrimate.

    Political Affiliation is not a category that is not a thing because it is easily changeable. For instance, I was a democrat years ago, and now I'm not.

    I have NOT said corporations can do whatever they want. Within the parameters of the law is how these corporations will operate. When they are outside of the law, one can address it through the court system if they are / were harmed.

    BTW. I literally copied and pasted what I put in quotations, in the last post, the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. Yes, I plagiarized directly from the source.

    Also don't label people you don't know.

  6. #12014

    Curioius, is there a webpage for the chart?

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisP  [View Original Post]
    Further to the recent discussion on illiteracy and education, ...
    BTW, do you have a corresponding webpage for the attached chart? Didn't see one on the Foxy Muse website.

  7. #12013

    Okay, it's only the 1st Grade...

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisP  [View Original Post]
    Maryland as a whole has good educational results. Yet the data I presented shows that Baltimore city, not Maryland, has the fourth highest spending per student in public schools of any area in the country.

    So the part of Maryland whose schools receive the highest funding per student also have the worst results (23 schools without a single student testing to his age level proficiency in math, and I believe another 20 or so in which only 1 or 2 students in the entire school did so).

    Funding is already distributed far more generously to Baltimore city than the rest of Maryland, which debunks the usual leftist canard, but educational results are far worse in this heavily democrat-controlled area despite this extra funding. Why do you think that is?
    Once again, just because a states educational system is well funded, doesn't mean that it's allocated fairly, equitably or reasonably to facilitate all districts, according to those with the greatest needs.

    That said, the Baltimore 1st Grade kids, within the state of Maryland's educational system, do seem to go on to achieve better academic results in their high school and post secondary schooling. The funding is justified, due to the higher number of students graduating at the higher levels of schooling. It's not how you start your schooling, it's how you finish your schooling.

    Now if we can only do something about the theft, misappropriation and miss-allocation of educational funds and welfare aid / funds, in a state like Mississippi, that continually rank at the bottom of the country in corruption, poverty and education.

    4 Interesting Facts about Education in Mississippi: "Mississippi legislators have ignored a state law and spend $1.5 billion less on education than what is required; the cuts in the state are the deepest in the country"

  8. #12012
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Sub-Sahara African sexual customs and culture includes blood-letting rituals, cutting, stitching, ripping and dry sex behaviors unlike anywhere else on Earth. So much so that condoms scarcely survive the challenges even when they are worn.

    Blaming "poverty" and "lack of condoms" for the almost singularly high incidence of female-to-male HIV transmission and back to female transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa ignores what many of those cultures promote sexually that, combined, will rarely if ever occur anywhere else on the planet.

    I assure you it is not what happens in Thailand or any other mongering destination I have ever been.

    Penis-vagina sex under conditions that exist all too often in Sub-Saharan Africa, even if using a condom, is probably more abrasive, more apt to rip and tear delicate genital skin of the pitcher and the catcher and involve more blood mixing that will directly enter the bloodstream than the way bareback anal sex is performed under ordinary and common conditions elsewhere:

    'Dry Sex' Is the African Sexual Health Issue No Ones Talking About.

    Cultural practices contributing to the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in Africa.

    Now, in America, the higher incidence of HIV transmission among elected male Repubs has more to do with the outcome of their wide-stance foot tapping communication with other Repub-curious men in toilet stalls.
    Fascinating Tooms, thanks. I haven't read this paper yet, although I probably will, along with yours:

    It's titled "HIV infection does not disproportionately affect the poorer in sub-Saharan Africa," but that's somewhat misleading. Actually they're saying within certain African countries, the wealthiest quintiles have a higher prevalence of HIV than the poorer quintiles. This fits not only with what you said, but also with JustTK's comment, that HIV is disproportionately spread by miners and heads of polygamous families. They would be wealthier than your average Africans.

    My uninformed belief is that all who commented had excellent points. Poverty and condom availability play a part, along with the other factors you and Chris brought up.


    Excellent Points Tiny.

  9. #12011

    To anyone but Elvis who keeps ignoring me (in his hilarious way)

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]

    Studies showed the rate of transmission for heterosexual transmission was one in half a million to zero. So now Xpartan is creating a straw man (I wish you guys would not quote him LOL). I said when the rates of transmission are that low guys should not worry about HIV now with normal sex, especially given its current prognosis. In making that statement, Xpartan has no clue with regards to the prognosis with HIV, no clue what the rate of latex allergies is, and no clue as to how quickly a latex allergy can take your life. But he swears he is on a mission of safety when the truth is he is an uneducated dumb ass who puts people at greater health risk if he is listened to. Unsurprisingly, he swallowed up all the government's Covid crap too.

    Using condoms for pregnancy prevention is rational. Using condoms for HIV protection is just stupid if you really know what the risks and benefits are. Again, we all know nothing is likely to happen with condom use, but latex allergies are surprisingly common and cause itching and rashes. And in some people, you can go from a rash to full blown anaphylaxis with each subsequent use of a condom.

    It is covered in the article I linked. If you read the article I linked, granted it is long, the testing in Africa for HIV is shit, the data in various countries is so poor to the point of not being believed, and like with Covid, many deaths were shoved into the AIDS category.

    The author thought people in the coffin business would be booming with the AIDS "epidemic" when in fact they were going out of business. He went to what was called ground zero for AIDS expecting to see a ghost town and saw a city where the population nearly doubled. He then looked into the business of death and thought it would be pristine and it was just as corrupt as any other enterprise.

    And who was the lead actor in promoting the AIDS "epidemic"? That fucker Fauci. AIDS is real and so is Covid, but that self serving mother fucker massively exaggerated the risks of both for his own fame and financial benefit.
    Exaggerated? Come again?

    2 million people died in 2004 and 2005. In just 2 years. 2 million!

    Exaggerated? number%20 of%20 AIDS%2 Drelated, well%20 and%20 was%20 since%20 halved.

    What's your threshold of dead people to call it an epidemic without quotation marks?

    If Fauci and other heroic epidemiologists didn't raise awareness about AIDS (which nobody gave two fucks about because they believed it was a minority and lifestyle thing), the deaths would've been in tens million today.

    What does it mean to call someone a quack?
    disapproving. a person who dishonestly pretends to have medical skills or knowledge.

  10. #12010
    Quote Originally Posted by CheckMate1  [View Original Post]
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.
    My God, you are dumb. I presume you travelled abroad. Did Congress pass a law requiring you to have a Covid test when you re-entered the country? No, the executive branch made said law via a CDC recommendation. And BTW, the CDC IS a PRIVATE enterprise. Whoops.

    And how about Obamacare? Oh yeah, you were required by law to purchase insurance from a PRIVATE company. Whoops.

    And what body made abortion legal? Oh yeah, that would be the Supreme Court not Congress.

    So the whole part about Congress making the laws has been relegated to the dust bin. So let us look at it the correct way, the parties that make and enforce laws cannot abridge freedom of speech.

    Is that what happened? Damn right it did. You must be one of these dumb libs with your heads buried in the sand and have never heard of the Twitter files. A whole host of government agencies with law making and law enforcement authority were telling Twitter to shut down accounts and by far the overwhelming majority of requests were made against conservative voices.

    Now let us go the other way. Twitter bans thousands of conservative accounts because of the executive branch request. Do you libs stay consistent in your views? Hell no.

    A baker refused to make a cake for a gay couple, and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court.

    Colorado courts ruled that the state's public accommodation law, which bans discrimination by companies offering their services to the public, did not allow Phillips to refuse the gay couple's request.

    Wow, so private companies cannot do whatever they want, and you are totally wrong, Checkmate.

    So WTF are you saying Checkmate? Are you saying that 50 states have laws that legally allow for political discrimination by Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets? I would like to see said laws or are you just blowing smoke out of your ass?

  11. #12009

    A totally different sexual culture

    Sub-Sahara African sexual customs and culture includes blood-letting rituals, cutting, stitching, ripping and dry sex behaviors unlike anywhere else on Earth. So much so that condoms scarcely survive the challenges even when they are worn.

    Blaming "poverty" and "lack of condoms" for the almost singularly high incidence of female-to-male HIV transmission and back to female transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa ignores what many of those cultures promote sexually that, combined, will rarely if ever occur anywhere else on the planet.

    I assure you it is not what happens in Thailand or any other mongering destination I have ever been.

    Penis-vagina sex under conditions that exist all too often in Sub-Saharan Africa, even if using a condom, is probably more abrasive, more apt to rip and tear delicate genital skin of the pitcher and the catcher and involve more blood mixing that will directly enter the bloodstream than the way bareback anal sex is performed under ordinary and common conditions elsewhere:

    'Dry Sex' Is the African Sexual Health Issue No Ones Talking About.

    Cultural practices contributing to the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in Africa.

    Now, in America, the higher incidence of HIV transmission among elected male Repubs has more to do with the outcome of their wide-stance foot tapping communication with other Repub-curious men in toilet stalls.

  12. #12008

    My contribution to uninformed opinions. Both sides

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisP  [View Original Post]
    Yet again the point has gone flying over your tiny NPC mind.

    Someone from the Trump administration asked Twitter to take down a hateful insult directed toward the President of the United States. Twitter refused. The End.

    They didn't attempt to "make it illegal". They didn't collaborate with twitter, the FBI and the rest of the deep state. They simply pointed out that Twitter deleted a huge amount of what it called "hateful" insulting tweets, so would they consider doing it here. Twitter didn't, as was their right, and nothing more happened.

    Compare that to the Hunter Biden laptop.

    Here we have a vast trove of information detailing corruption in the Biden Crime Family, just weeks before an election.

    Where Twitter had refused to remove the anti-Trump tweet, they now did the opposite for Biden. They (and other Big Tech) completely censored and blocked all mention of the laptop, to the point of suspending the account of the New York Post among others.

    See the difference? Refuse to remove a hateful anti-Trump tweet, but ferociously block and censor important information about Biden corruption and criminality.

    What's worse is that it was not only the Biden campaign and democrats involved in the coverup, but also the FBI and the rest of the Washington deep state. All working in tandem with big tech and the fake news media to block information and create disinformation and fake news.

    Up to 50% of people say that they would have switched their vote away from Biden had they known about the contents of the laptop. Its censorship was the clearest and most egregious election-meddling in American history.

    The entire media political alphabet agency big tech wall street deep state swamp and their globohomo Agenda (best summarized as "Open Borders and Open Buttholes") is a scam and fraud against the American people. I look forward to the day it is swept away, one way or another.
    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".

    -The media (FOX, MSNBC, ABC, Washington Post (ie Amazon), etc).

    -Social media (FB, Twitter, IG, etc).

    -Business news (CNBC, FOX Business, Motley Fools, etc).

    These are private businesses (not state owned) and can or can not publish whatever they wish, and are NOT related to First Amendment free speech protection. ALL Businesses are PROFIT seeking entities. Now, if you are for or against regulating businesses, then that is a debate. So if an individual such as Trump or Biden petition a business to remove a quote or story, the business entity will evaluate whether it is good for their bottom line or not.

    On the value of ifs and shoulds about the past, too many times people post a lot garbage on the internet for clicks with their own agenda of gaining following, etc. Things like Hunter's laptop or that Trump is guilty as eff, etc. There's a system in place designed by our forefather, it's call the Judicial System. Bring your cases, if you have them to court, and present your evidence. Someone will judge it, and there are appeals available up to the end, with the 9 Justices to provide the final verdict.

    Too many times, we get into the habit of debating sh (stuffs) that we have partial picture of. Let it play out, whether it by timeline and reportings fill out the puzzle, or by court verdicts. One thing holds true is that LIES will always get exposed in time. But we are too impatient, and want to have OUR opinion validated now. Life doesn't work that way.


    DON'T be angry when things don't pan out the way your mind wants it.

    DON'T let BUSINESSES dictate if you should be angry with a person or group because they don't share your view politically, spiritually, or otherwise.

    DO enjoy the ladies that your with, and the buddies that are with you.

    ENJOY everything while you can. Because in a few years, we will ALL share the same fate (Thanos).


  13. #12007
    Quote Originally Posted by JustTK  [View Original Post]
    China and Eastern Europe were banished from playing a regular part in the world BCOS they were left wing. So of course, they suffered.
    No, China's #1 trading partner in 1966 was Japan. China traded oil and coal for finished goods from Japan. Americans would buy premium products like Stoly vodka and Beluga caviar in the 1980's as well. They were not excluded from the "regular part" of the world.

    And TK, I was shocked when you went to Venezuela and thought the Americans were responsible for the decline. You completely bought the Chavez bullshit. Truth is Venezuela had and may still have the world's largest oil reserves. The country was the richest in South America and should be today if they got their shit together.

    Venezuela's turn to shit was because when Chavez came into office he loaded up the Venezuelan oil companies with his cronies. Oil production in Venezuela is similar to Canada, and there was a massive migration then of engineers and workers from Venezuela to Canada.

    Then Chavez went back on his contract with Exxon. Exxon sued in world court and win. I expect you to say the world court is rigged in Exxon's favor, but there were Venezuelans who studied the contract and said Exxon was right to win.

    And then you had the American telephone company that wired all of Venezuela, GTE. GTE was bought out by Verizon, and under Venezuelan law, Verizon was forced to pay out 50% of its profits in the form of dividends, and it did so. Thing is Verizon owned 25% of the company and got those dividends too. I was at a share holder meeting and every shareholder was screaming at management to screw over Verizon.

    So what you call socialism I call theft. And what follows? Chavez dies. He steals billions and gives it to his family. They live in Florida, the great Satan nation that Chavez always griped was the reason for all of Venezuela's problems. Venezuela destroys its currency. They try crypto, then gold based currency, and no in their nation wants it, so what do they use now? The USA dollar. Now why is that TK?

    And you think this was just with the USA? No, Morales and Bolivia stole the natural gas wells from Brazil. Sure, Bolivia did great in the beginning. After stealing said wells, the first thing Morales did was raise the price on the gas Brazil was paying, but production in Bolivia was stagnant for decades.

    I invested a little in both nations. I made out when Chavez scared the crap out of everyone when he bought the phone company. He paid $18 a share for a company worth 5 X that. I put $1500 into Bolivia into a general mutual fund there and it went to zero. I invested in an Argentine company that was flat when the price should have gone through the roof but management was hoarding all the money through an options scheme. Meanwhile, I killed it when investing in Colombia and Chile, and which economies did the best in the twenty years since? Chile and Colombia have kicked the crap out of Argentina, Bolivia, and Venezuela.

    The difference between Venezuela and Colombia was as stark as Western Europe and the old Soviet Union. Anyone going into the USSR by train could see how organized Western Europe was and what shit the USSR was. Anyone going from Venezuela to Colombia to find work? They should be. Venezuela SHOULD be a richer country.

    And the first thing this socialist dickhead in Colombia said he was going to do was to quit drilling for oil. Oh brother. The best thing you can do for the environment is to get people up to $5,000 per person with regards to GDP. Only then do the poor think long term about the environment. So this socialist MF gets in there and says the first thing he is going to do is quit expanding Colombia's #1 export business and the country is instantly 20% poorer because their currency crumbles. In fact, he assures the poor stay poor because the way you get people out of poverty is clean water and cheap electricity, and he just took out Colombia's cheapest method to get cheap power.

    That is the talk of the dumb shit Dems. They are going to save the planet by bankrupting the poor with "green" energy.

    I grant you that Lula is socialist and his version of socialism did help Brazil, but you miss the point. When you have your "owned by workers" fantasy, that does not mean the workers own things but people who claim to be for the worker. And for every Lula, I have seen dozens of Chavez's.

    There are a very precious few pols who will not be tempted to stuff their pockets while in power. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, and even Trump do not rule for their personal gain. That is four people out of how many American pols? Hell, even Lula's hand picked successor was corrupt. For all the red-blue clashing, McConell and Pelosi have both made out like bandits while in office.

    In reality, what concerns me the most is private property rights, and I see the leftists / socialists time and again having no respect for them. Doesn't "worker owned" mean stealing from those who have wealth?

  14. #12006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    A third excellent post on this subject. I think the ISG Brain Trust has a better handle on the spread of HIV in Africa than the UN and WHO. Seriously. Thanks for an enlightening discussion gentlemen.
    No problem Tiny. Next time your in Africa give me a shout. I will give you a tour of the mines, and we can go meet some local service girls. Am sure you will be well protected in your Darth Vader suit and other redundant medications.

  15. #12005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    Interesting link, thanks. It looks like only about 2500 heterosexual males in the USA came down with HIV in 2019. That's not very many. And that number may be high as I imagine some men may have lied about their sexual preferences.
    The way that number was created was just by asking men. The idea behind it is why would they lie, but two of the most common things people are going to lie about is if they are gay or do drugs.

    Studies showed the rate of transmission for heterosexual transmission was one in half a million to zero. So now Xpartan is creating a straw man (I wish you guys would not quote him LOL). I said when the rates of transmission are that low guys should not worry about HIV now with normal sex, especially given its current prognosis. In making that statement, Xpartan has no clue with regards to the prognosis with HIV, no clue what the rate of latex allergies is, and no clue as to how quickly a latex allergy can take your life. But he swears he is on a mission of safety when the truth is he is an uneducated dumb ass who puts people at greater health risk if he is listened to. Unsurprisingly, he swallowed up all the government's Covid crap too.

    Using condoms for pregnancy prevention is rational. Using condoms for HIV protection is just stupid if you really know what the risks and benefits are. Again, we all know nothing is likely to happen with condom use, but latex allergies are surprisingly common and cause itching and rashes. And in some people, you can go from a rash to full blown anaphylaxis with each subsequent use of a condom.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    Do you have any idea why the number of heterosexual males in Africa infected with HIV is so much higher? I'm wondering if there's something going on health wise that could account for it. Or alternately maybe there's a bigger stigma associated with being gay in Africa, so people won't admit to it. I suspect that's less likely.
    It is covered in the article I linked. If you read the article I linked, granted it is long, the testing in Africa for HIV is shit, the data in various countries is so poor to the point of not being believed, and like with Covid, many deaths were shoved into the AIDS category.

    The author thought people in the coffin business would be booming with the AIDS "epidemic" when in fact they were going out of business. He went to what was called ground zero for AIDS expecting to see a ghost town and saw a city where the population nearly doubled. He then looked into the business of death and thought it would be pristine and it was just as corrupt as any other enterprise.

    And who was the lead actor in promoting the AIDS "epidemic"? That fucker Fauci. AIDS is real and so is Covid, but that self serving mother fucker massively exaggerated the risks of both for his own fame and financial benefit.

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