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  1. #12034

    It won't make any difference

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Foxy Muse, shows its real colors, as damning emails reveals, from the Dominion Voting Systems law suit court filing, that they once again, are nothing more than the sham and fraudulent news media, we've also known them to be. One without an once of any type of journalistic integrity.

    The emails show, that behind closed doors, between executives and their big on-air-pundits, that no matter what, they continue to perpetrate "the Big Lie" and the fake MAGA election claims, that was inevitably more appealing to their ratings and bottom line, than it was to tell the nation, the truth.

    Naturally, it wasn't very hard to sell to the gullible masses of QAnon\Repubs\MAGA insurrectionist supporters on the right, as they bought "the Big Lie" ...hook, line and sinker.

    "Incredibly damning": Legal experts say Dominion already has "staggering" evidence against Fox

    That's Foxy Muse, they will always chose lies for the sake of ratings over the truth, every time. I think one politician said it best (or facsimile), "Fox News is nothing more than a state own media company, an extension of the Republican party" (Note: This was while or since Trump took office).
    What the moron brigade will do is say that this is all "fake news". That's why it is so easy to be a Repub. If something doesn't conform to your warped worldview, you just scream LŰGENPRESSE at the top of your lungs and the rest of the moron brigade just nods.

  2. #12033


    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisP  [View Original Post]
    Dear God you are a cretin. Asking someone to remove a post, and doing nothing when they refuse, is not censorship.

    Censorship is when you forcibly remove a post or prevent someone from publishing something. Like the left did with the Biden crime family laptop corruption scandal, and much more besides.

    Just for once in your simple, CNN-watching, public miseducation-brainwashed life, try and engage what few gray cells you possess behind your dull cow eyes.
    No definition of censorship includes the words forcible. That is something you came up with in your warped homophopic, xenophobic and misogynistic mind. or

    But this is very typical of MAGAworld. So much so that Twitter started keeping a database of requests I wish the above article would have detailed how many requests came from Donnie the Dumbass' administration and how many came from President Biden's administration.

    And speaking of "misinformation", more Repugs are suspended from Twitter than Democrats because they spread more BULLSHIT. But this isn't surprising because most of them believe more bullshit.

  3. #12032
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Glaring as it maybe, it's only 1st grade students, don't over think it.

    Like I said, it's not how you start your schooling, it's how you finish your schooling. The state has some of the best great graduation rates, in the country.
    No, it is not only first graders.

    "Among the list of 23 schools, there are 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three Middle / High schools and two Elementary / Middle schools. And it's important to note, another 20 Baltimore City Schools had just one or two students test proficient in math. ".

    Also, why are you talking about Maryland's state graduation rates? This is about Baltimore city.

    Democrat-controlled Baltimore city public education receives far higher funding per student than the rest of Maryland (the third highest of any district in the entire country) and yet its results are terrible as we can see.

    Again, now that your usual leftist canard of "muh funding" has been proven false, how do you explain this?

  4. #12031

    Foxy News and "the big lie" finally bit them in the ass?

    Foxy Muse, shows its real colors, as damning emails reveals, from the Dominion Voting Systems law suit court filing, that they once again, are nothing more than the sham and fraudulent news media, we've also known them to be. One without an once of any type of journalistic integrity.

    The emails show, that behind closed doors, between executives and their big on-air-pundits, that no matter what, they continue to perpetrate "the Big Lie" and the fake MAGA election claims, that was inevitably more appealing to their ratings and bottom line, than it was to tell the nation, the truth.

    Naturally, it wasn't very hard to sell to the gullible masses of QAnon\Repubs\MAGA insurrectionist supporters on the right, as they bought "the Big Lie" ...hook, line and sinker.

    "Incredibly damning": Legal experts say Dominion already has "staggering" evidence against Fox

    That's Foxy Muse, they will always chose lies for the sake of ratings over the truth, every time. I think one politician said it best (or facsimile), "Fox News is nothing more than a state own media company, an extension of the Republican party" (Note: This was while or since Trump took office).

  5. #12030
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    Why? If you Google " Top 10 Largest School Districts by Per Pupil Current Spending", that's the first thing that comes up. But if you follow the link on the chart, it will take you here.
    That's better...much appreciated!

  6. #12029
    Quote Originally Posted by CheckMate1  [View Original Post]

    Also don't label people you don't know.
    That's literally his thing.

    Don't worry though, if enviably, he ends-up calling you the "D-bag" word insult. You won't be the first and you probably won't be last.

  7. #12028
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    My goodness indeed...kkkk! It that your fancy way off saying I don't know what top and bottom of the illiteracy and literacy rate tables look like.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    I think most people know what the bottom and top of a chart looks like, never mind the percentages you care to spin.
    Yes, that's correct too.

  8. #12027

    Mississippi, Louisiana is at the bottom, no matter the spin

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    SPIDY, my goodness, you think that 84% of the population in Mississippi, Louisiana and Nevada is illiterate? No wonder you insist on calling Nevada a swing state instead of a blue state. Those numbers are the % of the population exhibiting "basic prose literacy skills." Or what World Population Review is calling the "literacy rate." Subtract the literacy rate from 100% to get the % of the population that's illiterate, defined, again, as the % of "American adults age 16 and over (that) lack basic prose literacy skills defined as ranging from being fully unable to read to only being able to understand short, commonplace text in English, but nothing more advanced." California and New York are at the top of the list, with only 76.9% and 77.9% respectively exhibiting basic prose literacy skills. Nevada, New Mexico, and Louisiana are in 8th through 10th places.
    My goodness indeed...kkkk! It that your fancy way off saying I don't know what top and bottom of the illiteracy and literacy rate tables look like.

    Spin it any way you want. I think most people know what the bottom and top of a chart looks like, never mind the percentages you care to spin.

    Red states like Mississippi and Louisiana are commonly at the bottom illiteracy and literacy rate tables. Period.

  9. #12026
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Glaring as it maybe, it's only 1st grade students, don't over think it.

    Like I said, it's not how you start your schooling, it's how you finish your schooling. The state has some of the best great graduation rates, in the country.
    I don't believe that's correct. From memory, I think that included elementary, middle and high schools. However I'm too lazy to look it up. Maybe you could do me the favor of providing something that says it's only 1st grade students, since I dug up links for Chris' chart.

    As to your defense of Maryland and the Baltimore school system, which you make solely because they're blue, Chris is right. Maryland is probably in the top 5 in the nation in advanced degrees and income per capita, because of all the high level, highly paid employees of the federal government, government contractors, and lobbyists and think tanks and the like. Yet still many of the schools are a laughingstock.

  10. #12025
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Do you mean the theft, misappropriation and miss-allocation of educational funds and welfare aid / funds, in a state like Mississippi, that continually rank at the bottom of the country in corruption, poverty and education.

    What are you talking about? The link you provide has Mississippi, Louisiana and Nevada at the bottom of the literacy rate table, with 84%, 84% and 83.9%, respectfully. Check the tab, that shows the "bottom" of the literacy rate table, in your link.

    The results from your link, is very much in-line with the results, from a previous " illiteracy table" I provided, that uses a few other metrics, but mirrors the same results w / are to red states common at the bottom. No bias here, just the data. See the following link.

    Your link of "literacy rates" only showing the reciprocal of what I already showed you, with illiteracy rates.
    SPIDY, my goodness, you think that 84% of the population in Mississippi, Louisiana and Nevada is illiterate? No wonder you insist on calling Nevada a swing state instead of a blue state. Those numbers are the % of the population exhibiting "basic prose literacy skills." Or what World Population Review is calling the "literacy rate." Subtract the literacy rate from 100% to get the % of the population that's illiterate, defined, again, as the % of "American adults age 16 and over (that) lack basic prose literacy skills defined as ranging from being fully unable to read to only being able to understand short, commonplace text in English, but nothing more advanced." California and New York are at the top of the list, with only 76.9% and 77.9% respectively exhibiting basic prose literacy skills. Nevada, New Mexico, and Louisiana are in 8th through 10th places.

    Btw, "Reciprocal" doesn't mean what you think it does.

    Also, when you say that red states are common at the bottom of the wisevoter list, yeah, you're right. Iowa, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, and Alaska are all in the bottom 10, of the LEAST illiterate states, according to wisevoter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Yeah, that's not what I asked for. I asked if there was a webpage, associated with the chart. Meaning a page that had text associated with the chart. Got it?
    Why? If you Google " Top 10 Largest School Districts by Per Pupil Current Spending", that's the first thing that comes up. But if you follow the link on the chart, it will take you here.

  11. #12024

    Math Proficiency Pop Quiz

    Which is greater, 10+ significant and now revered legislation proposed, fought for and passed when Dems held the WH and the majority in both houses of Congress or 0 by Repubs when they had the same advantage?

    Every Great Repub Depression / Recession and Massive Job Losses of the past 100 years minus none of the Great Recoveries, Economic Expansions and Job Gains = ?

    81,000,000 votes vs 74,000,000 votes + 306 EC votes vs 232 EC votes + 65 lost court case challenges and no wins = ?

    5 months with no Pandemic Prevention and Response minitoring and reporting minus a 2 month heads up to avert a Pandemic and all of the deaths and economic destruction that followed = ?

  12. #12023

    1st Grade Students

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisP  [View Original Post]
    Despite that, Baltimore city has 23 schools with not a single student at age-level math proficiency, and 20 or so more with only 1 or 2 students at that level.

    That is absolutely glaring, and no leftist is able to explain it.
    Glaring as it maybe, it's only 1st grade students, don't over think it.

    Like I said, it's not how you start your schooling, it's how you finish your schooling. The state has some of the best great graduation rates, in the country.

  13. #12022

    Yeah, but not so obvious...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    Come on Spidy. It's obviously from the USA Government's web site. That's easy to figure out by looking at the figure.
    Yeah, that's not what I asked for. I asked if there was a webpage, associated with the chart. Meaning a page that had text associated with the chart. Got it?

  14. #12021

    Mississippi and Louisiana at the bottom...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post]
    Why pick on Mississippi?
    Do you mean the theft, misappropriation and miss-allocation of educational funds and welfare aid / funds, in a state like Mississippi, that continually rank at the bottom of the country in corruption, poverty and education.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny12  [View Original Post] ? The illiteracy rate, based on the National Assessment of Adult Literacy, is highest in California (23.1%) and New York (22.1%). Mississippi is in 9th place, ...
    What are you talking about? The link you provide, has Mississippi, Louisiana and Nevada at the bottom of the literacy rate table, with 84%, 84% and 83.9%, respectfully. Check the tab, that shows the "bottom" of the literacy rate table, in your link.

    The results from your link, is very much in-line with the results, from a previous " illiteracy table" I provided, that uses a few other metrics, but mirrors the same results w/r to red states commonly at the bottom. No bias here, just the data. See the following link.

    Illiteracy Rate by State

    Your link of "literacy rates" is only showing the reciprocal of what I already showed you, with illiteracy rates, but using slightly different metrics.

  15. #12020

    Here is the glaring truth of it

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisP  [View Original Post]
    We don't know how well funded Maryland is. It may be underfunded. But democrat-voting Baltimore city is massively well funded: it has the third highest spending per student of all school districts in the entire country.

    Despite that, Baltimore city has 23 schools with not a single student at age-level math proficiency, and 20 or so more with only 1 or 2 students at that level.

    That is absolutely glaring, and no leftist is able to explain it.
    Trump's Pandemic set back scores all around the country, probably all around the world. It has nothing to do with "Dem run" anything.

    It turns out if a so-called "World Leader" is so bad at math he can't tell the difference in Inauguration crowd sizes even with photographic proof, can't figure out that a million fewer jobs created with his $2. 5+ Trillion deficit-spending economic "stimulus" legislation than without it was a huge waste of money, can't calculate that subtracting 5 months of Pandemic Prevention and Response monitoring and reporting from 2 months being plenty of time to prevent a Worldwide Mass Murdering, Economy and Supply Chain-destroying Pandemic from emerging after initial cases were detected equals "Your Pandemic", can't figure out that getting 7 million fewer votes, that 232 Electoral College votes is fewer than 306 and that 65 lost court cases means the election was not stolen from him, etc etc etc, then America's most dangerous math problems were not in our schools but in the White House from January 2017 to January 2021.

    Reading and math test scores fell across US during the pandemic. How did your state fare?

    Largest score declines in NAEP mathematics at grades 4 and 8 since initial assessments in 1990

    American Students Have a Math Problem

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