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  1. #5718
    Quote Originally Posted by MiamiBoy1  [View Original Post]
    It doesn't matter where he met her or what she did for living before. What matters is what happens after. Is the relationship exclusive and genuine? Do they see themselves together in 5 years, 10 years, or for the rest of their lives? And it is totally fine for a man to take care of his girlfriend, wife, or his family, don't you think? You probably won't understand, because you fuck your $35 hookers, whom your call "girlfriends". BTW, what's up with this trend of calling hookers "girlfriends"? Some of you guys are being delusional, they are not your girlfriends, take the money or any benefits they got from you out of the equation and see how long this "relationship" will last. Don't tell me BS about dating or a genuine relationship with a girl who could be your granddaughter, I'm not buying it.
    It doesn't matter whether or not you buy it, and not only because you're irrelevant. I've got some time to explain it. I'll start with Elvis.

    Elvis has a woman who is around 20 years younger than him, maybe more. He's convinced that she loves him, so convinced he's talking about marrying her and taking on the responsibility of raising her daughter. As long as he's convinced that she loves him, that his relationship is real, then he has a relationship. It doesn't matter if she's just using him, or if she secretly is disgusted by him. As long as she keeps him convinced of her love, it's all sunshine and rainbows.

    Elvis's only mistake is trying to convince everyone of the perfection of his woman and his relationship. If he spent half the time on her as he spends trying to convince himself everyone is jealous of him, it would last forever.

    Do you grasp that? As long as 2 people are each willing to put forth the effort to convince each other that they are happy together, they have a relationship. Whenever 1 or both stop putting forth the effort it crumbles and falls apart. That's the only significant thing.

    If a girl young enough to be my granddaughter (in a world where a childless man can have a granddaughter) continues to convince me that she enjoys my company and is eager to be with me, while I convince her that I'm satisfied with her company, then it works.

    That's all that matters. Nothing I do, nothing she does, requires your approval.

  2. #5717
    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    Here's the problem when you just get your information from Paulie, it's almost guaranteed to be 100% wrong.
    That is lie #1.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    Technically you never said your old lady's daughter was a 10.
    And you are admitting lie #2.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    You really shouldn't make sexual comparisons between a 14 year old girl and her mother.
    Saying a woman is tall and slim like her mother has nothing to do with sex. Lie #3.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    She was sophisticated enough to attend the Oscar's every year
    Tickets to the Oscars are $750 apiece. That has zero to do with being sophisticated. Lie #4.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    Shortly before I met her she was Personal Assistant to one of the elitest of the elite A-List actors. Then her boss caught her dipping into his cocaine.
    On what planet is a lying, law breaking, disgraced, cocaine snorting, fired personal assistant peon fit to be first lady of a country? Lie #5.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    If you can only measure your value in dollars, you have no value..
    You claimed I was making $5000 a month. Lie #6. Then you made value based judgments on salary. Lie #7.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    If There are no "estrato 4" or "estrato 6" girls. Paulie or you made some comment about my girl being from Manrique or Bello and I pointed out that she lived within an estrato 4 sector of Envigado.
    This one gets a double point bonus. You make a statement and then lie about it in the next paragraph. That is 8 and 9.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    If TI'm not limited to 2 dimensional thinking. I recognize that sex is just a biological function.
    Lie #10. Sex has huge emotional and societal implications.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    If Of course, someone like you with debilitating insecurity issues, could never fuck in front of 50 people, or kick back
    That is lie #11. I do not have insecurity issues and do not get off like you do on getting attention. If you are married and care more about how you look fucking someone on stage than your wife's physical and emotional needs, you have no clue what the duties of a husband are.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    and chat with the guys while their 4 wives are busy giving your girl a birthday present (1 eating her, 1 on each breast and 1 making out with her while she fingered 2 of them). People in the swinger lifestyle laugh at people having vanilla sex. You talk about having a harem, but freak out over any of them knowing you had other women? Shit, my wife would go to the bathroom at a swingers club and come out with someone for me to fuck. I'd come home for work and she would tell me she found a unicorn and asked if she could invite her over (to swingers, a unicorn is a single, bisexual woman).
    Lie #13 is this whole fucked up think you call "marriage". I am shocked, shocked it did not last. / sarc.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    We do this because there are a few people, like yourself, who insists on altering reality to fit their tiny view of the world. I call her "girlfriend", which should be sufficient. What you call her is up to you..
    Lie #14 is you have a girlfriend.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    You made $30,000 last year and when you were working you made $5,000 per month?
    $5000 a month is what I said my woman will make when she comes to the USA. That you did not understand that just means you are stupid not lying. Saying I make $5000 a month is a lie but I already counted it.

    I am going to call my making $30,000 a lie because you are trying to say that is all I had. To make $30,000 in the market, you have to put money, usually much more to work. Again, it is possible that you are so stupid and have never invested in the market in your life, but I am going to give you a break and call you a liar instead of stupid. So that is lie #15.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    I'm not intimidated by women, regardless of their position, wealth, class, or power.
    Sorry, you already said the photos of the women I post are meant to intimidate. Lie #16.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    Her beauty is meaningless.
    Lie #17. No explanation needed.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    Unless you want to live as a submissive, a slave to a woman, it's the woman who has to be worthy of you. As you said elsewhere, when she's pregnant and shortly after giving birth, she's mostly helpless.
    Lie #18. You are confusing the courtship phase and commitment phase of relationships.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    I can't stand guys doing better than me? Nobody is doing better than me. And I'm not doing better than anyone else.
    Lie #19. This is bullshit that makes no sense in an attempt to be profound.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    When I go out to eat, I am eating for me. I'm not looking at what everyone else is eating and wondering if they are eating better. When I get in my car, it's just my car. Nobody else's car is on my mind. I don't care if someone has a better car. I don't care if someone has better clothes, lives in a better place.

    When I'm with a woman it's the same thing.
    This is the same one as women do not intimidate me. Sorry, you already admitted that other people's women intimidate you and now you are saying you do not care again. Lie #20.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    Whether your woman is so beautiful she'd give Michelangelo an erection, or she's a typical middle aged Colombian woman doesn't matter.
    Repeat lie of beauty does not matter. #21.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    If you remember, you posted some pictures of girls in your harem. The first was attractive, by Colombian standards, nothing spectacular. She was (if I remember correctly) wearing a one piece bathing suit and had a sash like a beauty contestant. The picture was standing in dirt with what looked like a bar in the background. I believe you claimed she was a Miss Colombia runner-up.
    We will go with faulty memory versus lie. She was not a member of my harem. She was Miss Cartagena. The pageant was in El Centro and her name was in lights in one of the photos, and I never said she was a great beauty, but anyone with a title like that is going to be sought after.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    The second photo showed 2 girls facing a beach. Not a world class beach, the type of beach poor Mexicans and Colombians go to.
    Rate on that hotel now is $444 a night. Again, I will go with stupid versus lie. I got it at a great discount during Covid when you were scared shitless in your mom's basement.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    There are only a few people on ISG claiming they are getting better girls than everyone else.
    Lie #22. No explanation needed.

    3 posts, 22 lies, and two dumb as shit comments. And I am the one insecure? Your posts just prove you are a stupid, lying narcissist.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    There are only a few people on ISG claiming they are getting better girls than everyone else. and I'm not one of them.
    I am tempted to say this is the ONLY example of a true statement you wrote but IMO it is just fake humility in an attempt to bullshit.

  3. #5716
    Quote Originally Posted by Nounce  [View Original Post]
    I think the problem is you and some that share your view associate money spent and wealth with the women, and being able to date these women seem to make you superior. Guys like that raving about how much they spent, how hot the girls are but the reports always lack substance.
    Sorry, Nounce, I did not know who was pursuing her for months after I met her. What was shocking to me was how many not so attractive women were pursued by men of wealth, fame, and power. It was actually a friend who said "Every decent looking woman has been pursued by a famous athlete. ".

    Quote Originally Posted by Nounce  [View Original Post]
    IFrom my point of view, I think it is shallow. If you look at the top 10 billionaires, do most of them date or marry the most beautiful women?.
    I do not know or care. What I think is you have the image of billionaires getting whomever they want. I have seen the opposite. I have been stunned at how underconfident some are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nounce  [View Original Post]
    Why do you keep disparaging the centro hookers?
    I am not. I am disparaging the men who are trying to equate them with hotties who are GF / wife material. I said on average sexually speaking the Santa Fe / El Centro type were better sexually than the seeking types. Of course, if a seeking type was lousy in bed, I would not repeat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nounce  [View Original Post]
    About buying drinks. You will never see me buying drinks for the 10 that everybody wants to buy drink for because I have no interest to be like everybody.
    Then the only 10 you are going to meet is a hooker who would fuck anyone for money, and I think you are taking this too literally. When I say everyone wants to buy her a drink, what I mean is guys are coming onto her day and night. How do you sell yourself such that she thinks of you as a worthy suitor? Saying you do not care is bullshit Nounce. Every guy in the world wants a 10 who thinks they are the shit. Your saying you do not want to compete is just fear based on rejection that probably stems from a previous painful relationship. Go ahead and get pissed at me, but I know what I am talking about.

    Money can buy you looks; it can buy great sex. What it cannot buy is true desire; that comes from personality and later character. Of course, women are going to be attracted to confident men, and be desirable towards them. Thing about confidence is whether or not that confidence truly reflects ability and character and when you have guys like JJBee and Viliany, eventually the women are going to see their confidence is based on narcissism and dump them.

    What you do not get about narcissists is their confidence game. With fellow men, they try to get them to feel as they are in some special, misunderstood group, and it is attractive. Who does not want to feel part of a special group? Thing is once you get sucked in they have you, and you will do anything to prove you belong to their special group, and you obviously have been sucked in by guys like these two and their language.

    The one good thing about the mentally ill like these two is their lack of originality. What is their shaming technique? People in the group are laughing at you. JJbee just used it. We swingers are laughing at you guys and your vanilla sex lives. Is that is what is going on? Or are swingers hiding their lifestyles, married people fucking everything that moves, from society?

    My confidence and hold on reality means the narcissistic jedi mind tricks do not work. The same goes with Miami Boy but not you. JJBee comes forward with the most disgusting marriage I have ever heard of and then tries to redefine what a GF is and you swallow it whole.

  4. #5715
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    That is not by choice, Mr. Truck Driver.

    I didn't say billionaires, but all of my hotter American sugar babies have been pursued by rich people and famous athletes. If a woman is a 10, she is going to be hit on by most everyone. Duh. It is just a question of the company she is with at the time.

    You are just confirming how ugly the women you see are. A 10 gets hit on by everyone. It is obvious you have never been around one.

    If I am the insecure one, why do you keep lying? There was no ultimatum. She was given a job in a town where it would be hard for me to see her, and she was depressed about it. I asked her how much her job was paying and covered her salary. Paying her was my idea, and this was six months after we started dating..
    You got one thing right. I've never been with a woman who intimidated me. I'm not intimidated by women, regardless of their position, wealth, class, or power.

    You think a woman is intimidating because she's beautiful? That's pathetic. She's just a woman. Her beauty is meaningless. If she relies upon it to get through life, she's no better than the one-legged man begging for change on the street. She's hopping through life on a crutch, looking for charity.

    Unless you want to live as a submissive, a slave to a woman, it's the woman who has to be worthy of you. As you said elsewhere, when she's pregnant and shortly after giving birth, she's mostly helpless. If she's not worthy of being sheltered, protected and cared for, she's on her own.

    As I said, I know my own value.

    You keep calling everyone a narcissist. I don't think you know what it means. Or you do know but you're following the first rule of the narcissist club: "I'm not a narcissist, you're a narcissist. ".

    I can't stand guys doing better than me? Nobody is doing better than me. And I'm not doing better than anyone else. This is a concept that clearly defines who is a narcissist.

    When I go out to eat, I am eating for me. I'm not looking at what everyone else is eating and wondering if they are eating better. When I get in my car, it's just my car. Nobody else's car is on my mind. I don't care if someone has a better car. I don't care if someone has better clothes, lives in a better place.

    When I'm with a woman it's the same thing. She only needs to be attractive to me. I'm not looking around to see if someone else has a better looking girl. Whether your woman is so beautiful she'd give Michelangelo an erection, or she's a typical middle aged Colombian woman doesn't matter. I'm not fucking her, have no desire to fuck her and don't care who is fucking her.

    We went through this a few months ago when, put of the blue you accused me of claiming I was superior to everyone. You constantly accuse everyone of being arrogant. You make up ridiculous stories about everyone believing in a land of virgins and every day exaggerate more and more about your girl.

    If you remember, you posted some pictures of girls in your harem. The first was attractive, by Colombian standards, nothing spectacular. She was (if I remember correctly) wearing a one piece bathing suit and had a sash like a beauty contestant. The picture was standing in dirt with what looked like a bar in the background. I believe you claimed she was a Miss Colombia runner-up. Strange that they hold the Miss Colombia competition in a dirt lot outside a cheap bar.

    The second photo showed 2 girls facing a beach. Not a world class beach, the type of beach poor Mexicans and Colombians go to. The picture was taken from a distance behind the girls. Quite obviously it was taken without their knowledge. The girl on the right looked to have a good body, but the girl on the left was curvy, not fat, just big hips, big thighs. You claimed they were both your girls and that the curvy one had 0% body fat. Remember that one? I challenged you to show a real picture of them, taken with their knowledge and you stopped posting pictures.

    There are only a few people on ISG claiming they are getting better girls than everyone else and I'm not one of them.

  5. #5714
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    If I am the insecure one, why do you keep lying? There was no ultimatum. She was given a job in a town where it would be hard for me to see her, and she was depressed about it. I asked her how much her job was paying and covered her salary. Paying her was my idea, and this was six months after we started dating.

    And you were making fun of my phrase of being worthy of a woman. Well, yeah, what guy is going to be insecure with the glue sniffer centro rats you see? OTOH, you got a woman who stops traffic and appears to be nuts about you, and it is natural to ask, "Uh, why are you interested in me?" because such a woman so often has secondary motives.....
    I think the problem is you and some that share your view associate money spent and wealth with the women, and being able to date these women seem to make you superior. Guys like that raving about how much they spent, how hot the girls are but the reports always lack substance. From my point of view, I think it is shallow. If you look at the top 10 billionaires, do most of them date or marry the most beautiful women? Why do you keep disparaging the centro hookers? At least they hold a job and trying to make a living. Does that mean something to you? Does it mean a hooker that charges USD200 deserves more respect than a hooker that charges US $10?

    About buying drinks. You will never see me buying drinks for the 10 that everybody wants to buy drink for because I have no interest to be like everybody.

    The elites that I know have a job waiting for them by the time they graduate from college. When someone is from an elite family, that person would not have problem getting a job simply from family connection.

  6. #5713
    I'm still waiting for pussy whipped simping Elvis to come up with where I ever talked about a girl friend or any dental issues. But that got me thinking about about dental issues and an argie hooker who had a removable upper plate. I knew her for a couple of years and one night she left the bathroom door open and I saw her brushing the plate. She saw me seeing and it was kind of an "okay so now you know this" moment. In the instant, I knew and she knew what it meant: I would eventually ask her to take out the plate for better blow jobs. I waited a gentlemanly length of time, three or four sessions more, and brought it up. No. Saw her for a few more years, never did get it. But my point is, don't underrate toothless hookers. They have their advantages.

  7. #5712
    Quote Originally Posted by MiamiBoy1  [View Original Post]
    Don't tell me BS about dating or a genuine relationship with a girl who could be your granddaughter, I'm not buying it.
    LOL. I am 50 and my grandkids are 5, so that definitely is not me. I am not a guy that seeks out barely legal chicks. I meet people that I like and that like me, and not because they fit within a certain age range. But I am not a guy trying to date Madonna or Cher; I don't care how much money they have.

  8. #5711
    Quote Originally Posted by MiamiBoy1  [View Original Post]
    You probably won't understand, because you fuck your $35 hookers, whom your call "girlfriends". BTW, what's up with this trend of calling hookers "girlfriends"? Some of you guys are being delusional, they are not your girlfriends, take the money or any benefits they got from you out of the equation and see how long this "relationship" will last.
    You must have the wrong person. I have never referred to anyone that I give money to as a girlfriend, and I especially would not do it if I was paying her rent every month. I have always said on this forum that if you want to know how someone really feels about you then show up without money. I can do that with a girlfriend. A hooker is performing a service that I pay for. I can say with 100% certainty that I have never had a girlfriend that wanted me for money, because I have never given money to girlfriends.

    The other night a barber chick met up with me when I was having dinner. The next day in our chat it came out that her idea of boyfriend was someone that gives money. So that is to say that when I run out of money, then I run out of girlfriend. Her dumb ass is going to tell me that is why I do not have a woman, because I am not coming off of any money. Well bih I have plenty of women that I do not have to give money to. As a matter of fact I just came from an island vacation with one an hour before she met up with me. Her blind ass can not see that she does not have a boyfriend because evidently she is having a hard time finding an Elvis to pay her rent every month. I guess that shit is easier said than done.

    For me variety is the spice of life. Being so, I am not going to give the same chick $500 per month for her to be my "girlfriend" when I can pay a different chick $35 every 2 days to fuck. But that is just me.

    P.S. There is a hooker in my bed right now that insisted to come over for free. I did not want company so I told her I did not have any money. But she insisted she wanted to come sleep over. Delusional broad thinking I do not have anyone because I will not give money. I pay chicks because I want to, not because I have to.
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  9. #5710
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    Says the man that met his girlfriend on an actual sugar baby website and takes care of her like one. WTF is right! I guess she got what she literally signed up for.
    It doesn't matter where he met her or what she did for living before. What matters is what happens after. Is the relationship exclusive and genuine? Do they see themselves together in 5 years, 10 years, or for the rest of their lives? And it is totally fine for a man to take care of his girlfriend, wife, or his family, don't you think? You probably won't understand, because you fuck your $35 hookers, whom your call "girlfriends". BTW, what's up with this trend of calling hookers "girlfriends"? Some of you guys are being delusional, they are not your girlfriends, take the money or any benefits they got from you out of the equation and see how long this "relationship" will last. Don't tell me BS about dating or a genuine relationship with a girl who could be your granddaughter, I'm not buying it.

  10. #5709
    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    I just date normal women. They only have to be attractive to me. No Olympic champions, no Miss Colombia's, no playthings for billionaires. Just normal women.
    That is not by choice, Mr. Truck Driver.

    I didn't say billionaires, but all of my hotter American sugar babies have been pursued by rich people and famous athletes. If a woman is a 10, she is going to be hit on by most everyone. Duh. It is just a question of the company she is with at the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    Pretty soon she'll have been the only Colombian to land on the moon, trip financed by the world's wealthiest men, just for the privilege of having hee smile at them. I'm pretty sure she's won at least 8 Nobel prizes and sells used panties for $3 million per pair.
    You are just confirming how ugly the women you see are. A 10 gets hit on by everyone. It is obvious you have never been around one.

    Quote Originally Posted by JjBee62  [View Original Post]
    Elvis has an insecurity problem that is bigger than his weight problem. It's always like that. Originally, she told Elvis that if he wanted to see her, he had to give $500 a month, to cover the money she would make if she moved and took a job. Now she's dancing Salsa with the President of Colombia and turning down dates with private jet owning millionaires.
    If I am the insecure one, why do you keep lying? There was no ultimatum. She was given a job in a town where it would be hard for me to see her, and she was depressed about it. I asked her how much her job was paying and covered her salary. Paying her was my idea, and this was six months after we started dating.

    And you were making fun of my phrase of being worthy of a woman. Well, yeah, what guy is going to be insecure with the glue sniffer centro rats you see? OTOH, you got a woman who stops traffic and appears to be nuts about you, and it is natural to ask, "Uh, why are you interested in me?" because such a woman so often has secondary motives.

    You make fun of the phrase being worthy of a woman because you have never been with a woman whose beauty and class is that intimidating.

    And now you are saying you just date normal women? No shit.

    But there are other guys on here who want to do better than that, and yet you are such a narcissist you cannot believe anyone could do better than you. I repeat, you are the insecure one. Narcissists like yourself cannot stand guys doing better than you.

  11. #5708
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocko20  [View Original Post]
    I agree. One has to laugh at people who brag about how good their hooker is, on a hooker forum with other mongers..
    Oh, okay, and that is not the goal? That is not winning, having all your needs sexually satisfied? I have probably said a million times guys who strive for that should have multiple women not one, because it is so rare for one woman to do it but if your goal is not to be sexually satisficed, WTF are you doing here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocko20  [View Original Post]
    Even when they do post a picture, it's usually some average woman that many mongers wouldn't be interested in because they are a dime a dozen.
    At this point, there is so much jealousy I could post a pic of an unknown most beautiful women in the world, and you would be like, "Eh, she is average. " There is no way someone as arrogant as you would admit to being wrong.

    And she has been called every name in the book. I say, "No, it is like this" and now I have to hear how much I constantly bring her up. LOL. The only reason guys are knocking her is they know she really is a 10 and are jealous as fuck. Unlike other guys, I have never lied about the quality of women I see.

    The funny part about the hooker lingo is IMO all women have an expectation of reimbursement with sex. Why should they not want to be compensated for something of value?

    IMO the only difference between a hooker and normal woman is a hooker will have sex with anyone for money.

    IMO most men who are getting it "for free" are stringing the woman along with promises of a future payout. Often these guys spend huge $ on cars and clothes just to believe they are not paying for it.

    And they have this fantasy land of virgins who only care for you and not money. I have never seen such a land, but I swear to God we got guys so delusional about this fantasy land of virgins, they would swear their mothers are virgins.

    And it is like guys do not even get why women go with guys with money to begin with. Women seek out men with money because they are not desirable when pregnant and are basically helpless when with an infant and need a male provider.

    Please show me your saintly pool of desirable virgin women who do not care about being financially cared for. And if you cannot do that, what is the point of your calling a woman seeing only one man a hooker? I mean, outside of your being an asshole?

  12. #5707
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    No, you cry about getting dumped on social media to try to suck money out of people by playing the victim.
    Here's the problem when you just get your information from Paulie, it's almost guaranteed to be 100% wrong. You should have picked that up after your "Paulie was the best friend ever" fiasco. I posted about the events after they happened, told the basic story on Facebook. Never asked for nor received money, just a plane ticket.

    Never said I was an alpha male nor daughter was a 10. You have built so many straw men you are a fire hazard.
    So I was right about the dementia? Technically you never said your old lady's daughter was a 10. You called her mother a 10, then said:

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    I want you to fast forward four years and imagine you are me. My gal's daughter turns 18 then. She is top of her class. She has her mother's figure and is tall and slender, and she works out 3 hours a day, and she is an art whiz and is self taught on the piano and plays very well. She wants to be a doctor and every sign says she has the smarts and work ethic to be one.
    You really shouldn't make sexual comparisons between a 14 year old girl and her mother.

    As for being worthy, when you are with a woman who stops traffic and is sophisticated enough to be on the president of Colombia's arm. , it begs the question, "And what is she doing with me?" That is when the question of worthiness arises, but now I see why you do not get it given the kind of women you run with.
    Your old lady is a traffic cop who gave a ticket to the President of Colombia and then got a selfie with him? You did say it was a government job.

    You remind me of an old friend. She was sophisticated enough to attend the Oscar's every year, with her boyfriend, a Producer. She had a 2 year old 500 SL, mink coats and a bunch of diamonds. Shortly before I met her she was Personal Assistant to one of the elitest of the elite A-List actors. Then her boss caught her dipping into his cocaine.

    I never asked "what's she doing with me. " I knew then and I know now my self worth. If you can only measure your value in dollars, you have no value.

    I heard of the Colombian class system when I first went to Colombia long ago. You told me nothing I did not already know. Like everything else, you state the obvious and proclaim yourself a genius. Maybe you should write 10 pages on that too.

    Paulie says you are obsessed with this system, and you make it out to be as daunting as nuclear physics. Why? To impress people with your "solid" strata 4 girl? You pulled the same inflated image crap with Viliany's "La Qunita" hotel.
    I did say you probably still don't understand it. Thanks for proving my point.

    There are no "estrato 4" or "estrato 6" girls. The estrato system is similar to a township tax assessment. Depending on where you live in a county you pay a different tax rate. I live less than a mile from where I lived before, but I'm in a different township in a different county and pay less in taxes.

    Every city in Colombia is mapped out based upon average income and assigned a rating, 1 to 6. The estrato is used to determine the subsidies applied to basic services. Things like water, gas, electricity are cheaper the lower the estrato.

    There are people well below the poverty line living in estrato 6 areas, and people's with high incomes living in estrato 1 zones. Paulie or you made some comment about my girl being from Manrique or Bello and I pointed out that she lived within an estrato 4 sector of Envigado. Had I been bragging I'd have claimed she lived less than mile away in an estrato 6 area.

    When you say committed, did you mean you were both in a mental institution? That is the only way the term committed makes sense.

    Not for women. If she does not care that you are fucking other women, then she does not really care that much about you.

    Yeah, no sane woman would ever believe you could be faithful.
    I'm not limited to 2 dimensional thinking. I recognize that sex is just a biological function. We used it to greatly enhance our pleasure. Of course, someone like you with debilitating insecurity issues, could never fuck in front of 50 people, or kick back and chat with the guys while their 4 wives are busy giving your girl a birthday present (1 eating her, 1 on each breast and 1 making out with her while she fingered 2 of them). People in the swinger lifestyle laugh at people having vanilla sex. You talk about having a harem, but freak out over any of them knowing you had other women? Shit, my wife would go to the bathroom at a swingers club and come out with someone for me to fuck. I'd come home for work and she would tell me she found a unicorn and asked if she could invite her over (to swingers, a unicorn is a single, bisexual woman).

    Or whatever? Why do you guys do this? Mr. E is fucking everything that walks while having a "girlfriend". Huacho has this 50 something toothless ex-ho he calls GF and you have a SB you are saying is a GF. WTF?
    We do this because there are a few people, like yourself, who insists on altering reality to fit their tiny view of the world. I call her "girlfriend", which should be sufficient. What you call her is up to you.

    I didn't "call them in" but why would you use lawyers? You have nothing to protect, but your fianc should to protect herself from your mountains of debt.
    What debt? I don't have any significant debt, other than my car payment. At 1. 9%it just doesn't make sense to not take it. I'm also carrying a small amount at 0% for 2 years, from when I replaced my living room furniture last year. I fucked up on that one. I had 2 years to pay it, but I'll have it cleared well before 1 year is up. That's it. Pretty typical of you, making a mountain out of a molehill.

    And I don't have a fiancee. That requires a commitment to marriage. That's definitely not on my agenda.

    "First world lifestyle" sounds like a line you feed women in your centro dive bars.

    Maybe once a week I wish there was something in Colombia I had from the USA. Outside of my gal and her daughter, my life is 99% the same in Colombia as the USA.

    And I bet my gal lives better in Colombia than your "first world" lifestyle.

    I am already the family provider, and marriage is the way for us to get more time together. Nothing more. My primary concern was the kind of Democratic douche judge you know and love who would void a contract and rule that my gal was entitled to half if things did not work.

    As for the strip clubs, yeah, that would be a problem with your sugar baby not my gal. She has already been pursued by jet owning multi millionaires. I bet most of the women you are with have never been on a plane.

    It is true that your "solid 4" SB is an upgrade from your usual, the ghetto dwelling, glue sniffers of El Centro you pay off with food stamps. But when you say guys here cannot date the elite, you are making my point. You do not think you are worthy of dating an elite woman like my gal, and I agree. You losers need to quit trying to compete with your "girlfriends" and be happy with your multiple skanks.
    That's all I have time for now. Time to go to work.

    $5000 per month Hahahaha.

  13. #5706
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    The only thing consistent is you guys being fucking morons when it comes to money. You inflate Vi's hotel from $20 to $90. Then you brag about how little you spend on the lowlife women. "Hey, JJBee, I banged this centro wench for a $1 and a bottle of glue. " And you all are obsessed about the $4 bank fees. And somehow the most studly thing to do is mooch housing off a woman.

    Of course, the Medellin morons financial advisor is Viliany, a guy bragging about his hotel and its 24 hour receptionist and hot towels. Until his government checks came in, I guess he was staying at motels with hourly rates. I guess those towels come in handy when he is looking at the Marriott beating off, "Some day, I will be staying there. Some day. ".

    And V worked in the securities industries, and unless he was mopping the floors, he was vastly underqualified to work there. Anyone can look at his record on investing and see that. Last year it was commercial real estate and this year, it is the banks.

    So V thinks he has me. V, why the fuck would I spend anywhere from $500 to $1000 on a plane ticket to see a woman who would be at work all day getting paid $500 a month? I made $30,000 last year just screwing around in the market part time. That is enough to support her for five years. And as stupid as the market has been lately, I expect to do even better this year.

    And when I meant my gal would go to work and was talking about her coming to the USA, do you think I meant the $500 a month in Colombia or making $5000 a month in the USAA working when I was working V? Be careful. It could be a trick question.

    After getting your ass kicked in the market and after being exposed as being in a La Quinta type hotel, and after Paulie made fun of you about your line about staying in the "great luxury hotels", I would think if you had any common sense or humility, you would shut the fuck up, but I know better. You are a fucking narcissist without a drop of humility in your body.
    Definitely off the meds. You know it's not good for you.

    Let's start with a challenge. Show me proof that you can rent a deluxe room at Hotel Dorado La 70 for $20 and I'll send you $1,000. I said I thought I had paid $90, but when I checked and posted proof, it turned out to be 483 k, about $110 on May 5, 2022. That was for a deluxe room. I also showed that the cheapest room rate for that hotel right now is $42 per night. If you choose your dates and book ahead you could get a slightly better rate, for a basic room.

    It's funny that you compare it to LaQuinta. Google lists both hotels as 4 star hotels. Only problem with La Quinta in Medellin is that it's on Las Palmas, a long taxi ride to anywhere. Dorado La 70 is a short, flat walk to everything. The real surprise came when I looked at La Quinta for tomorrow night on Booking. Both 4 star, only 0. 1 better customer rating for La Quinta, but La Quinta wants $168 for a room, Dorado wants 340 k.

    So you, Mr "I made $30,000 last year", the world's most savvy investor, believe, for 2 hotels which you claim are equal, it makes more sense to pay $168 per night instead of $72 per night. Or, if there was any truth to your claim that it's a $20 night room, getting a room equal to a $168 per night room is pure fucking genius.

    It was fun reading through the rest of your silliness. You made $30,000 last year and when you were working you made $5,000 per month? That's big money. It's understandable why you need so many lawyers to keep her from getting half. I literally can't find a job as a truck driver that pays $5000 per month. These days, that's nearly impossible to find. About $6000 is the cheapest anyone is paying now, and those are the crappiest jobs with worn out equipment.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot_20230326_104926_Maps.jpg‎   Screenshot_20230326_105223_Maps.jpg‎   Screenshot_20230326_105706_Bookingcom.jpg‎  

  14. #5705
    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    Lots of lower end hotels in LatAm only offer hot water at certain times of the day. They turn the central boiler off. Peru is notorious for that. I wonder if that really saves gas vs. Firing up again. Dunno. In Buenos Aires the "chinos" (smaller Asian owned grocery stores) liked to turn the refrigerators off at night, which is scary, and I also wonder if that really saves electricity. Dunno. Maybe. I had no hot water when I lived in Medellin and I got used to it. To be honest, I had never run into that before so I just "assumed" any apartment anywhere would have hot water. In Mexico and Argentina they did. Shoulda checked but did not. Here in Guate I have the "suicide shower" as we call those things, but no hot water at the sinks. I just use a little bleach when I wash dishes. But for sure in Colombia if you have an on demand system the women might cut you a deal just for the hot water.
    I was in a hotel in Bogota that had a solar hot water heater. The tank would hold enough to last until 8-9 pm, after that, cold showers until after 6 am.

    Same with me, when I walked through the apartment. Never thought to look for the water heater, until I moved in and took my first shower. Only the shower in the maid's nook had the "suicide shower" but it was cracked. Easy replacement, and I've done enough wiring that I wasn't worried.

    Before someone complains because I mentioned "Maid's nook", it was a large, 3 bed apartment in an old building, better part of Laureles. Off the kitchen was a room, not much bigger than a closet, just enough room for a twin bed and small dresser, with its own small bathroom. The only reason it had hot water was because the breaker box was on the other side of the wall.

  15. #5704
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony2023  [View Original Post]
    As much as you put your jet owning multi millionaires pursued gal on a pedestal LOL, you would think you would not have a problem linking her social media or at least share a picture of this drop dead gorgeous so we could see for ourselves what you're always talking about LOL. By the way does your elite GF know you constantly talk about her on almost a daily basis on a hooker forum? LOL.
    Well let's remember some of the contradictions: (Elvis wrote every one of these statements (unless it is clearly identified as my opinion)).

    His hooker girlfriend is a Colombian elite. She got knocked up and the baby-daddy fled the scene.

    She was never a sex worker. She was advertising her "availability" on Seeking Arrangement. (afterall, all the Colombian elites do that).

    She completed her education and got a government job. Elvis is supporting her until she finds a job.

    She and all her "elites" were terrified of Petro and wanted to leave the country if he was elected. She is sophisticated enough to be on the President of Colombia's arm.

    She is a "10" and stops traffic. My speculation is that she stops traffic like a traffic cop so that her obese sugar-Elvis can waddle across the street.

    So why is it that Elvis has never posted photos or the social media links?

    1. Perhaps she is only a "10" in his imagination and if the world saw her pictures, well the lie would be uncovered.

    2. Perhaps he is deathly afraid that there will be a chorus of "Oh, that is Sofia. I nailed her 2 nights running in Cartagena last summer. " Or something similar.

    3. Of course, one can't discount the possibility that she is just a figment of his imagination.

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