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  1. #27162


    Quote Originally Posted by PereraA  [View Original Post]
    Is there anyone who have consy's contact number? Please Inbox me.

    Don't know if anyone has her contact number cz she communicates through email. A while back she had sent me an email to say that she's going to migrate and she will not be able to provide assistance in the future. Sad to see, we will miss one of the good persons who helped mongers.



  2. #27161

    Carlo Fox | Now there's a thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by CarloFox  [View Original Post]
    I have a strong hunch That Shenuki who is currently peddling some freelance model type girls through MR and Nehari Nora who is also on MR (Whom I'm sure fellow members remember) are the same person. Once you got a bit friendly with Nehara Nora she used to send a whole bunch of pics of her friends trying to set you up with them, obviously keeping a reasonable cut for herself at the same time. Shenuki is literally sending the same girls with the same rates. My theory is that since Nehara doubled her price maybe the number of bookings she used to get gradually dropped (her rates are around 80 k now) so she created a separate profile on MR to get her side "Manager" hustle going. I'm sure these girls she's sending can be negotiated at better prices if you have a direct link but that's just the issue isn't it? Finding a bloody direct link!! So until such time no choice but to go through avenues like Shenuki / Nehari because variety is the spice of life as they say and we are always going to be on the look out for fresh meat, for a lack of a better word.

    You may be on to something here. Great thinking! Has anyone asked Nehari, just for fun to see what she says?

    Now, unfortunately we have not tried to meet nor review Nehari as she seemed to be an established name. However, we do know what Shenuki looks like. Shenuki is a high end Model. So if Nehari looks like our description of Shenuki, or at least is a hot Model, then. Well I guess everyone can connect the dots.

    Wish we could have been better help here. If we knew what Nehari looked like, we could have to you guys exactly what's what! Lets see if we can meet Nehari and then we can confirm exactly!

    Also, looking forward to that chap Witch Master's (II) upcoming reviews!

    TGIF Boys! Have a great Weekend ahead!

    Cheers Lads!

  3. #27160


    Is there anyone who have consy's contact number? Please Inbox me.

  4. #27159

    Shenuki and Nehari Nora, same person??

    I have a strong hunch That Shenuki who is currently peddling some freelance model type girls through MR and Nehari Nora who is also on MR (Whom I'm sure fellow members remember) are the same person. Once you got a bit friendly with Nehara Nora she used to send a whole bunch of pics of her friends trying to set you up with them, obviously keeping a reasonable cut for herself at the same time. Shenuki is literally sending the same girls with the same rates. My theory is that since Nehara doubled her price maybe the number of bookings she used to get gradually dropped (her rates are around 80 k now) so she created a separate profile on MR to get her side "Manager" hustle going. I'm sure these girls she's sending can be negotiated at better prices if you have a direct link but that's just the issue isn't it? Finding a bloody direct link!! So until such time no choice but to go through avenues like Shenuki / Nehari because variety is the spice of life as they say and we are always going to be on the look out for fresh meat, for a lack of a better word.

  5. #27158
    [Personal message deleted by Admin]



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  6. #27157
    Brothers, this will be my last post for a bit! Will be back soon! {This may be a repost, as something went wrong with the original and the page crashed. If it is disregard the previous one in favour of this one}.

    MK – these one's for you!

    Now, We as the Wolfpack would like to express a considered view, in the form of a challenge! We hope that you (MK) have read our previous posts about mastering your masculinity and the post I left about texting, yes? We want to give you something that may change the course of your life for the better. Its just a suggestion, that we hope you will take extremely seriously and put to the test!

    If you want to touch heaven, you have to take that leap of faith!

    So here goes nothing! We hope you will take this up, the whole pack is in agreement here. We voted on it. I am now delivering it to you! We feel it's time to show you guys a few things!

    Now we assume that you may be quite "young" relatively speaking. May be mid 20's to 30's. So, this our gift to you!

    Like we previously said – "Fear" it is a thief in the night, it will "rob" you of every amazing opportunity that life gives you, so "Carpe Diem" Seize the Day!

    Now Listen Carefully: -.

    We are going to ask you to ask Shanudrie out. You say she works out at your Gym, so this gives you the perfect "in". FYI I have met Shanudrie recently at a movie theatre with some of the pack, I didn't put the moves on her because she was with her BF – I think. We have a strict policy of not messing with committed women who have BF's or husbands. {but we will make an exception in this case, because you have to start somewhere}. She is super nice, has a great "fun" attitude, is easy to talk to and is not stuck up. So perfect candidate for you to approach!

    Now: -.

    When she's at the Gym, you need to approach her, {when on mission, do not give a fuck about what anyone at the Gym is saying or doing – do not let anything distract you – focus. }.

    When you approach, make sure you do not look like a fucking mess, be neat, and smart. Also don't have a bath in Cologne! Just a dab of something nice, try Hermes. Women go fucking nuts for Hermes – That's a fact. {Even at my place of work, women are falling all over themselves even before I walk in the room, because of its electric scent. Women can't resist it! Try it!

    Now, when you approach, you must be in your masculine, {this does not mean you have to act like a bouncer in a night club}, just be a normal, easy-going brother, do not suck in your tummy or pump out your chest, be casual, do not look creepy, or stare, you cannot look like a rapist! Be very nonchalant, easy going, have a nice smile on your face, no weird facial expressions, you must be as cool as the sea breeze! Be calm and collected, when you walk so don't look down, keep your head level, and smile at her, make sure you hold eye contact. Never break eye contact and keep smiling. Relaxed smile. Not a creepy smile! Approach her from an angle where she sees you coming. Don't fucking surprise her. You may get kicked in the nuts if you do! Seriously, she has to see you approach.

    Now when you get to her you must remain in your masculine. Do not say "Hi" just say, {while smiling} I've seen you working out here for some time now and just wanted to say I sometimes see your videos on youtube, . I like them. *Keep Smiling* She will reply, *keep smiling* listen to what she says. Nod. Then say. I'the like to get to know you better over dinner, say next Friday? At {say some place nice that you know} at 7. 00 PM? {make sure that you say an exact date, place, and time – that is super important and plays into your masculinity} . Now she will either say "yes" or "No".

    It's a 50/50 chance – because she has a BF we think! But not to worry about this shit now!

    If she says "Yes" – Yippie Ka Ye mother fucker! – So now do not drop your mask, be casual and smiling, exchange numbers and say bye, do your work out and bugger off home. Do not hang about there or anywhere near her after, Vamoose! Do not go back to the Gym, till the date is done. Do not call her or text her for any reason whatsoever until the date. If you really must, you can send her a text on the day, saying Hey you, I'll see you tonight! No more texts! And you are off to the races! – I myself never send texts even on the day, I just meet them. But then again, I've had over 20 years of experience doing this, so, hell. Today women are just play things to me. No matter how stunning, putty in my hands!

    Now, If she says "No" – Here is where you got to listen very carefully: -.

    If it's a "No" . Your ego will take the hit, it'll feel like a gut check.! Do not for any reason drop your mask, keep smiling, be casual, its actually no big deal! With a calm smiling face say this. Awww ok, was looking forward to getting to know you. Well if you ever change your mind you know where to find me. Then while you turn away, smile at her and wink slowly at her with your left eye and let her watch you walk away. If there is a mirror anywhere causally glance at it to see what her expression is like. I guarantee you she would have loved your attitude. When you see her expression on her face your ego will hit the roof! Do the wink walk. It will show her that you are masculine, centered, unphased by her, and that you are confident. {MK, practice in the mirror, make sure you get the right look and smile, and wink, normal everyday lad look, happy with his life, casual, chill and confident, no need to put on bullshit airs to impress women! Practice, but practice fast! Also don't make this into a big deal in your mind, this is an experiment to you, have fun with it, don't over think it will make you fuck up}.

    Do your work out, go home, don't try to get her attention. Now's the kicker. You've played your cards, you took your chances, you rode off into the sunset with your head held high. You have nothing to lose and you will have zero regrets.

    Now, sit back and watch the fun: -.

    1. You are now on her Radar, you have made an impression, it is a good one!

    2. The Next time she walks in to the Gym, she will look for you either consciously or unconsciously {now, do not try and get her attention, just smile, or say hey, no winking, - but only do this if she engages you first. Do not stare at her or try to look at her or act creepy or weird or butt hurt. Be causal but do not purposefully ignore her either. If she looks at you or sees you looking, {try not to look obvious for gods sake} give her the chin with a cheeky genuine smile. Women love slight cockiness. Not too much just a slight hint. {FYI A smile is one of the best weapons at your disposal in this game}.

    3. Keep this up and she will continue to think about you, that Guy, he just didn't give a fuck. Damn. She will tell her friends. One sure fire way of knowing, is if she turns up at the Gym with one of her girlfriends!

    4. You have planted a seed. Her thoughts may grow. She may get infected. That Guy, there's just something about him. It's magnetic. He's just so free. Dayum.

    5. She starts to obsess..

    6. She may Chase you.

    7. Game on. Huston, we have lift off!

    But, If she never gets back to you, do not get disheartened, you took your first steps to mastering yourself! You will keep on doing this every day, with Hot Chicks until one says yes! Do not stop, keep on going, keep on training. Listen to our words. They will pay off in the end!

    We know what we're talking about! This is coming from the Pack, {You may not know us, but you will recognize the wisdom in our words} We guarantee it. We will guarantee it in writing, with our blood! We have explored women like deep sea diving the depths of the ocean. All of us have dated, Beautiful A+ quality women both in SL and abroad all shapes and colours. LOL, from Gorgeous Highly Successful women to Models from Victoria's Secret and then some. Our success is a testament to what we are trying to teach you! Wish we could show you!

    This is our gift to you young lads, we have honed our skills for over two decades! It may be time now to pass the torch!

    Remember, good looks do not matter, like we said in a previous post, "good looks" will only get your foot in the door, {you may only have one chance with a woman} and if you do not know what you are doing, that door will slam shut and cut your foot and dick off in the fucking process! We have seen really good-looking guys get burned by chicks, {some chicks weren't even good-looking}, these good-looking gents were burned to ash! While we have also seen average joes, who mastered themselves cut through super-hot women like a hot knife through butter, completely unphased! So, master yourself!

    Remember, if anyone on this Forum or anywhere else laughs at you, we promise you this, one day you keep doing what we teach, they will be forced to watch you walk past them with a Super Model who is head over heels in love with you hanging on your arm. We guarantee it. That's how confident we are!

    Remember no one will give you anything in this world, you have to grow a pair and take it! 90% of the men in the world have not realised that they have not been born yet, they do not know what we do, they have no one to show them, so they live in that world of mediocre nothingness. So, like we said before. The term "Nice Guys Finish Last" wasn't coined for fun, it is a fact. Remember having a beautiful woman is your birthright! So, keep circulating among the female population!

    You master yourself, and watch your mindset change, your attitude change, and with that watch your life change, the quality of your life will skyrocket, and you will only attract high quality, whether it be women or anything else! We have said this before we will say it again. Trust us, when you master what we have spoken about, you will see everything starting to change, it's like you found the key to the universe, like putting on a pair of goggles and being able to see the world in a new light and being able to see all its hidden secrets. It's a fantastic feeling to see, feel and experience the world in ways others have not really thought possible. Do yourself a favour, take the first steps and start changing from today!

    Men who have mastered themselves, go home and fuck the prom queen. Every time!

    Now, MK, do not tell anyone on this forum what happens, we hope you take our advice and follow through, it will lead you to the next adventure in your life. It will help you take the first steps in to a new life! A new way of life! So, what happens between you and her is between you two and God! No one needs to know! If you tell anyone, and I mean anyone you run the risk of outing yourself and fucking up all your chances with her plus your rep!

    Don't tell anyone in private or in public, this gives you plausible deniability, therefore if all does go well and she finds out about this post, you can then say WTF, what a coinky dink haaa. And no one will be the wiser. Cannot be proved. She may wonder but will never know.

    If we see a "muscular" guy in any of her Video's one day, we will smile and assume it to be you! *Wink*.

    We hope no one on this Forum tries to out MK by leaking this before his mission. If any of you like her, and think by showing this to her you will be in her good graces and get a chance to win her over. Maaannnn are you in for a surprise. Just an FYI – you immediately show her you are a feminine beta male and she will never respect you no matter what you do to try and impress her. It will stay the same for the rest of your life, and what women cannot respect. They cannot fall for. . Don't believe us? Do it and see for yourself!

    So, MK, we really hope you take this on and like Nike says – Just Fucking Do it! You got nothing to lose. And everything to gain!

    Tiger. Tiger Burning Bright, in the Forests of the Night!

    Lions walk calmly through the Jungles of this life.!!

    MK, we see something in you, a zest for life. Let it lead you. It will take you to interesting places. We are just here to give you a small nudge in the right direction. Happy to have known you! Look forward to meeting you one day!

    We sincerely hope you do it our way!

    Cheers Brother MK – Good Luck – We hope you totally kill this! – Best Wishes!

    It's been a pleasure, Lads!

    The Trident Rules All! - Wolfpack – out!

  7. #27156

    Good Advice. Going to Try

    Hi Bro,

    Sound advice, let me try.

    Quote Originally Posted by HellDiver  [View Original Post]

    That woman looks wild! With a capital "W" Bad luck though. Well If I ever get in the same room with her, she's going back home with me! LOL.

    Word of advice, never try to chat a woman up over text. 99% of men fail with a woman within the 1st 24 hrs of their interaction because they text, turn the woman off by over pursuing over text and then get ghosted. The Phone is for setting dates. When you text a woman, you more often than not, relinquish your masculinity and the woman ends up getting turned off, no mystery left. Guys try to impress, be funny, act cool. Never works. Women aren't stupid. You become Feminine and she gets turned off. Its a fact 99.99% of the time.

    If you want to get through to a woman you don't know, hit the ground running like a masculine man. Say things like this {depending on the type of woman}, Hey there, saw you and wanted to say I think you're very attractive. I'd like to take you out to drinks so that we can get to know each other better. Would you like to meet me on Wednesday ay 7.00 PM at X Bar for dinner and drinks?

    Now. She will either say Yes or No.

    If she says yes, no unwarted texting until you meet. Only for logistics. If she texts, say after about 2 exchanges, it was nice speaking with you, but unfortunately I got to go. I am completely swamped with work. See you on Wednesday. . lack of talking to a woman on text builds sexual polarity and builds sexual tension and she will wonder about you and think about you constantly unlike the dumb boys who are texting and blowing up her phone acting like needy little girls. She will only be thinking about you. The guy who is different from all the others. Why is he not kissing my feet like all the other guys.

    If She says "No" or is wishy washy. Say this or something to this effect. Oh that's a shame. Let me know if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me!

    After that never text her back for any reason whatsoever unless she reaches out to you first, if she does no small talk. Immediately make a date and go out with her. That's when the magic just may begin. It may take months Buuuuuuuttttt. {never text her again. If she never reaches out. Or until she reaches out. Date other chicks in the meantime and circulate among the female population} what we teach is god's honest truth! Only a hand full of men have the balls to do this with women. They go home and fuck prom queen every time! Takes practice, see the post we left sometime ago titled "Nice Guys Finish Last" - Remember the phone is for making dates. Not too much chit chat!

    There is a lot lot to learn. You guys have time, I'm guessing you are quite young comparatively speaking. Learn this shit now, you'll be a master when your just at that right place in your life. It changes your life completely We guarantee it.

    Cheers my brother!

  8. #27155

    WM is back as WM2

    Hi guys,

    There seems to be a problem withy account, couldn't log in and password reset link also had some technical issues. So, I'm back in the forum as WitchMaster2.

    I won't have PM facility for a while, so have to bare with that at the moment.

    Will update regarding my recent encounters.



  9. #27154

    Phoenix1988 | Were you able to find what you were looking for brother?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix1988  [View Original Post]
    Awesome! Thanks bro! If we dnt have pm we should communicate like this in the future.

    Also your reports are awesome. Keep up the good work!

    "Someone" was asking me whether you were able to meet up with the one. {The "one" . Like in the Matrix. I made a funny} . LOL.

    Anyway if you did meet her, please drop a review and compare it to our review. So if there are discrepancies, people will know what variances to look out for and that makes the experience for everyone good. I know for a fact that people have met her but aren't saying anything. I talk to her sometimes. She also says that there may be some bad reviews because she has turned down people for Hygiene issues or hygiene issues have affected her performance. Not sure if any of that is True or Not.

    We strongly believe that your review will give everyone one on this forum a good idea of what to expect even if it doesn't jive with our review!

    FYI she is "Sashi" ask Shenuki.

    Hope you did have a good time if you did mange to meet!

    Best Wishes. Cheers brother!

  10. #27153

    MK | The model in the skimpy red dress

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleKolla  [View Original Post]
    Damn bro. I am in love too. If she is up for grabs I will definitely take her today. I found her on insta, she is one sexy bombshell that has this bang me now look. I think she's an indian lankan mix, hence her interesting features. I hope she's in the business, my cock would be happy if she is. If she isn't then I will just have to rub the fellow and pretend she is in the business. Hahah.

    Yes, we looked at her IG as well. Though she doesn't look as tantalizing on IG as in that photoshoot! But yes, she is very very cute. I am 100% certain, just by looking at her tats that she has an extremely extremely wild streak. I am also about 75% certain that she is a working girl as and when she's in the mood for it. I have amazing instincts when it comes to shit like that. I have been known to zero in on a woman from across the room and be able to read her like a book. That I am told by the other brothers is an inborn talent. Ha ha ha.

    But if anyone has connections with anyone in the industry or other Agents who are out and about, let us know, we pick up fast on hints. LOL. We would have approached Shenuki, but unfortunately we are in the dog house with her at the moment because of a recent cockup!

    Alight! Time to Jet!

    Cheers boys, happy hunting!

  11. #27152

    MK | Mishka Uthpala

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleKolla  [View Original Post]
    I tried approaching her a few years ago, tried to chat her up. I think she was already seeing some guy. She looked at our mutual friends and noticed one of her good friends was known to me and got in touch with her and told her that I was trying to chat her up. I let it go from there.

    That woman looks wild! With a capital "W" Bad luck though. Well If I ever get in the same room with her, she's going back home with me! LOL.

    Word of advice, never try to chat a woman up over text. 99% of men fail with a woman within the 1st 24 hrs of their interaction because they text, turn the woman off by over pursuing over text and then get ghosted. The Phone is for setting dates. When you text a woman, you more often than not, relinquish your masculinity and the woman ends up getting turned off, no mystery left. Guys try to impress, be funny, act cool. Never works. Women aren't stupid. You become Feminine and she gets turned off. Its a fact 99.99% of the time.

    If you want to get through to a woman you don't know, hit the ground running like a masculine man. Say things like this {depending on the type of woman}, Hey there, saw you and wanted to say I think you're very attractive. I'd like to take you out to drinks so that we can get to know each other better. Would you like to meet me on Wednesday ay 7.00 PM at X Bar for dinner and drinks?

    Now. She will either say Yes or No.

    If she says yes, no unwarted texting until you meet. Only for logistics. If she texts, say after about 2 exchanges, it was nice speaking with you, but unfortunately I got to go. I am completely swamped with work. See you on Wednesday. . lack of talking to a woman on text builds sexual polarity and builds sexual tension and she will wonder about you and think about you constantly unlike the dumb boys who are texting and blowing up her phone acting like needy little girls. She will only be thinking about you. The guy who is different from all the others. Why is he not kissing my feet like all the other guys.

    If She says "No" or is wishy washy. Say this or something to this effect. Oh that's a shame. Let me know if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me!

    After that never text her back for any reason whatsoever unless she reaches out to you first, if she does no small talk. Immediately make a date and go out with her. That's when the magic just may begin. It may take months Buuuuuuuttttt. {never text her again. If she never reaches out. Or until she reaches out. Date other chicks in the meantime and circulate among the female population} what we teach is god's honest truth! Only a hand full of men have the balls to do this with women. They go home and fuck prom queen every time! Takes practice, see the post we left sometime ago titled "Nice Guys Finish Last" - Remember the phone is for making dates. Not too much chit chat!

    There is a lot lot to learn. You guys have time, I'm guessing you are quite young comparatively speaking. Learn this shit now, you'll be a master when your just at that right place in your life. It changes your life completely We guarantee it.

    Cheers my brother!

  12. #27151

    MikeC002 | Cardinal Rule indeed!

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC002  [View Original Post]
    The number kind of gives out whether it is a scam or not. This guy used to flood online classifieds with such fake postings sometime back. Unfortunately few guys from the forum had actually fallen for the advertisements of this person. He got a respectable cyber front end so much that some had actually deposited money before meeting up. Cardinal rule that we all should remember is that "All leads might be worth following up, but never pay upfront before seeing the lady in person."

    Hello brother,

    Absolutely correct. This number is fake we all tried it, including two of our brothers currently in the Netherlands. We have to see where this number is registered. But as for paying upfront, you are absolutely correct. We too follow this Rule to the Letter, {never pay upfront no matter how hot the woman is}, sometimes we also pay after the deed is done. This is the best advice anyone can give a brother on the Forum. Mike is right in every aspect! Thank you for sharing your insight, this definitely helps us a lot and will go a long way to help get rid of critters like this!


  13. #27150

    Remember the cardinal rule

    The number kind of gives out whether it is a scam or not. This guy used to flood online classifieds with such fake postings sometime back. Unfortunately few guys from the forum had actually fallen for the advertisements of this person. He got a respectable cyber front end so much that some had actually deposited money before meeting up. Cardinal rule that we all should remember is that "All leads might be worth following up, but never pay upfront before seeing the lady in person."


    Quote Originally Posted by HellDiver  [View Original Post]
    Hello Lads,

    Now just imagine if this really was her. Now that would be the definition of "Surprise".

    Escort Service with a British Number. Well only one way to find out I guess? If anyone has tried before me, please do let me know what you discovered!

    MR Advert!


    Right I feel much better now!

  14. #27149


    Quote Originally Posted by Wmunger  [View Original Post]
    Is that actually crystal? When you check her WhatsApp through MR the profile photo and name shows someone completely different.

    She's run by an Agent. Same one who Manges Tehani.


  15. #27148

    Crystal WhatsApp

    Is that actually crystal? When you check her WhatsApp through MR the profile photo and name shows someone completely different.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sriman1982  [View Original Post]
    I have met both actually. Long story short, cannot compare.

    Ashley is a MILF with experience, a clean, and bossy type of woman who is well-educated and fluent in several languages. I'm sure she is from a decent family too. You must have skills too to get the best out of her. If you need only sex she is not the person. In the long run and if you are willing to be a regular fun begins.
    When you check crystal on the WhatsApp number she provides on MR it's a guy wearing police clothing, is that actually her number seems a bit suspicious.
    Crystal, I doubt the charge of the night you (250 K) mentioned. I think it must be around 75 K. She is well passed her 30's (Didn't see her ID) even though is mentioned less on MR. You will get whatever you ask for. Don't recommend her for a night. Good for releasing the Kraken once in a while short-time basis.

    P.S. It is very hard to recommend working girls these days.

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