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Thread: Hong Kong Club Reports

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  1. #18980
    Quote Originally Posted by Zenduka1  [View Original Post]
    7 years ago when girls in HK charged 80-100 , entrance fee was $5 on Fri-Sat, crowds filled up Adelitas where women charged $60 and no entrance fee. We didn't have any reason to go to HK at all, specially on Thur, Fri and Sat nights. Now, when HK girls charged $120 on average so do women in Chicago and even in BT. Come on, this is BS.

    People tell me HK is shit in general. However I think that depends on the perspective. If you are in the Zona every week or even everyday, then you see HK as a money milking shady org. If you are there once in Month or two then you find HK to be the only alternative that floats your boat.
    Agreed 100. I only go once in a while and I'm happy to spend 50 pct more to have the widest variety in a decent setting. If there were a truly viable alternative I'the go there. But there's not.

  2. #18979
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMan31  [View Original Post]
    "Nothing compares to HK" . HK is garbage and you do not get out much if you believe that.
    If you mean by not get out much, of the rest of the world then you might have a point. However I saw Thailand specially Bangkok and Pattaya. I did not like it. They women are not my type. There are many friendly people but there are too many stiffos specially outside of the red zones. Just did not like Thailand where pussy is like a bottle top you find in a dirt. No prudence, all out in the open. Yuck!

  3. #18978

    Solo nomics

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainSolo  [View Original Post]
    Follows is a quick and crude analysis of the cost of sex compared to basic meals using most likely costs:

    In Tijuana Mexico, a basic meal costs 75 pesos. Lots of street girls will do half hour sessions for 500 pesos, HK bar girls, 2400 pesos, so 6 meals for street pussies and 45 meals for clubs'.

    Mexican club pussies are way inflated to ridiculous levels. You don't want to have to skip 45 meals in 30 days just to poke a club girl. How the hell can average locals skips 45 meals just to poke a HK pussy? HK keeps raising prices for pussies, drinks, hotels, tips ect. I get very offended when HK girls demand $30 fake wine fichas. That's the equivalent wage of 3 work days for unskilled people like those HK putas, $6 per minute or $360 per hour. Even Mexican brain surgeons don't make that extremely high wages. I know a few Mexican MDs with their own successful practices, but even they cannot afford these ridiculous HK girls. Every visit they would sample 1 or 2 HK girls and do mostly street girls.

    We should be smart to minimize spending in HK and not help fake, rotten HK putas to keep jacking prices on their stinking pussies. Fortunately I know a few nice, clean, hot and sweet HK girls who would do me for 1,000- 1,200 pesos. I always plead poverty to them and it works, but the $40 Cascada ST rooms with early knocking just pisses me off. I get disgusted thinking of too many stinky HK pussies blew up in my face.

    Stick with street pussies. There are many spinners on the streets, most are very nice, sweet, looking good, smelling good, feeling good. A few would do full BBBJ and BBFS if you get to know them. Street girls are humble and honest, work hard to raise bastard children and help their families. I have never gotten a stinky pussy on the street of Tijuana.

    Try in every way not to destroy the markets for locals.
    Seems like an odd way to show the difference between the price of a BG compared to a SG. One of the problems with your theory is that anywhere you go a BG will always be more than a SG so what we as tourists pays has no effect on the locals, if anything we are driving the price up more on SG which is what a regular would pay to be with because when they go to clubs it's usually just to drink with other guys and maybe buy a few drinks and flirt with the girls but seldom take them for sex.

    I also think you misrepresented what a club girl makes going for the price they ask compared to what the real price paid is. Where with the SG the price seemed to be a low number compared to what is usually posted as the price guys pay.

    With your math of 2400 being 45 meals is incorrect it's 32. Most girls get paid 1600 so that's only 21 meals. Lastly if a SG gets 500 that would be 6. 7 meals which should be rounded up to 7 not down to 6.

    All that being said you should be happy that we are seeing girls in the bar since it keeps the prices down on your SG and you can laugh at all of us wasting money on bar girls.

  4. #18977


    Quote Originally Posted by BaxterSlade  [View Original Post]
    Yea I have not been able to figure that one out. When we get in the car she has to give the driver a 4 digit code. He then enters the code in his phone and it seems to unlock the ride and we are ready to go. If he puts the code in wrong we aint going anywhere. The strange thing is if she orders an uber / didi for me, I get worried and ask her am I going to need a code? And the answer is no. I just get in and go.
    I was bored and figured to find out what this is.

  5. #18976
    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    IIRC, Hong Kong used to open at 3 pm. So guys would go to Adelitas first, and later move to HK.
    7 years ago when girls in HK charged 80-100 , entrance fee was $5 on Fri-Sat, crowds filled up Adelitas where women charged $60 and no entrance fee. We didn't have any reason to go to HK at all, specially on Thur, Fri and Sat nights. Now, when HK girls charged $120 on average so do women in Chicago and even in BT. Come on, this is BS.

    People tell me HK is shit in general. However I think that depends on the perspective. If you are in the Zona every week or even everyday, then you see HK as a money milking shady org. If you are there once in Month or two then you find HK to be the only alternative that floats your boat.

  6. #18975
    Quote Originally Posted by StRobert  [View Original Post]
    Hong Kong was a small club, inside there were a few chairs and tables with not very attractive chicas. I was there around year 2000. The entrance to the Miami club was from the alley side and it was a completely separate club, separated from the Hong Kong club by a wall. They dismantled the wall and connected both clubs. Before the Internet, clubs in Zona Norte were clubs mainly for locals and most Americans knew nothing about Zona Norte.
    IIRC, Hong Kong used to open at 3 pm. So guys would go to Adelitas first, and later move to HK.

  7. #18974
    Quote Originally Posted by BrotherMouzone  [View Original Post]
    I mean you have to have the financial resources for that kind of effort though. I'm no Zona Norte historian and certainly wasn't around back then but my understanding is HK started out as a small club just like these other clubs before gradually expanding over the years as they accumulated "resources". Assuming it's true that HK is cartel-backed, it's maybe not too difficult to understand how HK was able to expand and rise in prominence over the years. A lot of these smaller clubs maybe don't have the benefit of those same resources.
    Hong Kong was a small club, inside there were a few chairs and tables with not very attractive chicas. I was there around year 2000. The entrance to the Miami club was from the alley side and it was a completely separate club, separated from the Hong Kong club by a wall. They dismantled the wall and connected both clubs. Before the Internet, clubs in Zona Norte were clubs mainly for locals and most Americans knew nothing about Zona Norte. Only information on the Internet combined with the policy of prohibition of legal prostitution in the USA (except for a few counties in Nevada) caused a boom in clubs such as Hong Kong, Adelita, Chicago, etc. Guys from the USA, retired, divorced, single, married, etc. With a huge amount of US dollars started spending dollars in Zona Norte because they can't in the US because prostitution is illegal. (Endless sting operations in massage parlors and on the streets in California and other states. In Texas, even prison sentences.) And also it is not easy to travel for one evening or weekend to Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Europe or Thailand. Generally, clubs in Zona Norte have a win-win situation. Located minutes from the border with a huge country like the USA where prostitution is illegal. There is no competition from the US and they are laughing all the way to the bank. BTW ISG Forum is probably a rare forum where you can freely discuss the situation of prostitution in the USA and world without attacks from puritans, feminists, etc.

  8. #18973

    Did you read it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jackie888  [View Original Post]
    To be fair, you criticized HK waiters. Therefore you should be lucky as to not be banned by the HK police.
    If you read what he wrote you might feel differently especially if you are not white. Unfortunately people don't have integrity and instead of apologizing to those on this board he offended he claims to be a victim.

  9. #18972
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMan31  [View Original Post]
    "Nothing compares to HK" . HK is garbage and you do not get out much if you believe that.
    Sorry but it is true, if you don't believe me just ask the hoards of US men that flock there every week. They should know something correct? Or you think they are all stupid? Could it be you are wrong?

  10. #18971

    You can't be serious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenduka1  [View Original Post]
    So long as there are no alternatives, a bit cheaper but with women with acceptable looks, like Adelita used to be, HK prices could skyrocket and it still will be extremely popular specially in the weekends.

    There is just no other alternative currently. Even BT is going down the drain which used to be an option before the pandemic. Nothing compares to HK, forget Mexico, even around the world in my view.
    "Nothing compares to HK" . HK is garbage and you do not get out much if you believe that.

  11. #18970


    Quote Originally Posted by BrotherMouzone  [View Original Post]
    I mean you have to have the financial resources for that kind of effort though. I'm no Zona Norte historian and certainly wasn't around back then but my understanding is HK started out as a small club just like these other clubs before gradually expanding over the years as they accumulated "resources". Assuming it's true that HK is cartel-backed, it's maybe not too difficult to understand how HK was able to expand and rise in prominence over the years. A lot of these smaller clubs maybe don't have the benefit of those same resources.
    HK was a real hole in the wall and instead of being like all the other bars like CC and AB they decided to expand and bring the guys that visited the strip clubs on Revolution to HK with a consistent parade of girls stripping were as the other bars might have just a couple of girls every hour with the rest of the time guys and girls dancing.

  12. #18969

    Poor memory

    Quote Originally Posted by TjBrazil  [View Original Post]
    Can you imagine going into a bar or restaurant in America and 80% of the waiters don't bring correct change, steal your change from the cover charge, steal your change from drinks, Bring the most expensive drink they have without asking, constantly ask you for tips at every corner and then after everyone says " they are just trying to run a business " not only that, they call you a racist for pointing it out. LOL.
    So you state that 80% of waiters don't bring correct change or steal your change from drinks? I'd have to say you would have to be some sort of masochist if you knew this to be true. Who would let that happen to them so many times to try and prove that point? Also last time I checked the prices for each drink are posted so if you don't know how to count your change and point out the error to the waiter or just complain to his boss that is on you. We all know some of the games waiters will try at HK and other bars which is why this board is designed to help those that plan to visit. Like I said before and you don't understand is that these type of things happen in any tourist area, you will always have people trying to take advantage of you. HK can only do so much without hiring more staff to watch over everything but that means paying more people which will make them raise prices more which is what you all complain about.

    If a waiter brings a drink you don't ask for you tell him you didn't approve of that, and I'd hate to break it to you but more often than not the girl is telling him to bring that drink. I have never had a waiter ask me for a tip, so I assume your talking about the hotel guys who you don't have to tip, same way you don't have to give money to kids on the street. Again if you have the inability to say no to someone you only have yourself to blame.

    None of those examples have anything to do with what myself or others have been regarding when we say "HK is just running a business. " Also if you had described your frustration with HK and it's workers like you did in this post nobody would accuse you of being anything but a disgruntled customer but you stereotyped whole ethnic groups with very poor rational. Very few people have high morals and do the right things in life especially when it comes to money. You see rich people that have no need to steal do it everyday or people of all over the world complain if they are charged for something they didn't buy yet seldom do these same people point out to someone that they weren't charged for something they have. Doesn't make them all terrible since most people just figure that the business makes enough and if they get something for free what's the big deal.

    HK for idiots guide 101.

    If you worried about a waiter not bringing your change or giving you the wrong change and you don't speak the language and don't want to bother complaining about it you can order from the bar directly or just bring plenty of small bills so when you pay you pay the exact amount. Not to difficult.

    If you plan on drinking with a girl and you'll be ordering a few drinks, use the same waiter so your not dealing with multiple waiters bugging you. If he brings you something you didn't approve like a wine tell the girl beer only. They will either agree or they will leave.

  13. #18968


    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    The downside of higher pricing at HK is that it precipitates a death spiral: the prices tend to reduce the number of customers. Some regulars stop coming so much, the guys who come once a month now come 3 times as much, and when they come, they don't buy so many drinks. The top tier ladies are unaffected, but the other ladies struggle, and do they fade away. And so their customers.

    Eventually, it becomes a ghost town, with a handful of ladies and customers.
    I think most upset on the rising price from this board are living to much in the past. Especially considering what has happened with the worlds economy due to poor leadership and most economies are still adjusting but it could be another year or so before prices began to stabilize. On top of that HK has to deal with the higher than average price to live in Tijuana compared to other parts of Mexico so the incentive to get quality girls to work there is higher not to mention the new competition of girls just doing things online.

    In regards to regulars stop coming so much I think it's very rare that guys consistently visit the Zona more than 5 years, they get bored like a kid gets bored with a new toy. I agree with your point on guys maybe cutting back on trips but I don't think they buy less drinks, for myself and others that have posted here when the trips get cut back it allows us to spend more freely when we come because we aren't concerned about maybe saving money that can be used on the next trip that's only a month away. If my next possible visit is in six months I'm not worried about buying an extra drink here or there.

    Unfortunately the Zona is not kind to the old, new talent is consistently arriving which is what also continues to bring new customers, any successful business has to develop new ways to attract new customers so they can continue to grow. Same way countries have to have a certain number of babies born each year or they will dissolve as the older generations die off.

    Last year HK launched an online site to meet girls in the club and watch them in videos. I'm not sure how much business they get off it but it's a good and new way to reach out to young clients that will feel more comfortable coming to HK and already have a girl that they know instead of being nervous to talk to a stranger.

  14. #18967


    Quote Originally Posted by Zenduka1  [View Original Post]
    The problem is CC wants to match pricing with that of HK. This is there issue.
    I disagree with CC wanting to match pricing with HK. For example my drink in HK is $10, in TB which is the same company it's $7, the cheapest place is CC that is $6. So if CC wanted to charge more to be like HK they could but they know that the best way to compete with HK or even TB is to have a lower price.

    Unfortunately this only works with customer drinks, if HK charges $11 for a girls drink and they are paying the girls more in that cost no quality girl is going to work in CC unless they match that. So CC is forced to raise ficha prices as well. I like to read about some f the other border bars like LOS Algodones and it's a much smaller town with basically two bars and the prices from the posters is basically the same as Tijuana. All the girls know what they can make at different places so the market gets adjusted.

  15. #18966


    Quote Originally Posted by BaxterSlade  [View Original Post]
    Yea I have not been able to figure that one out. When we get in the car she has to give the driver a 4 digit code. He then enters the code in his phone and it seems to unlock the ride and we are ready to go. If he puts the code in wrong we aint going anywhere. The strange thing is if she orders an uber / didi for me, I get worried and ask her am I going to need a code? And the answer is no. I just get in and go.
    Yeah. Definitely doesn't make since.

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