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Thread: Hong Kong Club Reports

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  1. #19026

    Who wields the power?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenduka1  [View Original Post]
    Good points.

    If and when presented with choices, the ladies will wield power they get to pick their chodes, the real MVPs we affectionately call ourselves mongers. And when the cosmic alignment isn't quite right, and they decide to ungracefully bow out of the ascent solicitation, it's not your typical 'no. ' Oh no, it's a cinematic masterpiece of a sinister frown and a pout that could launch a thousand ships.
    It's really simple: you wield the power until the money is in her hands. No need to overcomplicate it.

  2. #19025
    Quote Originally Posted by TerOnlyOnce  [View Original Post]
    I would have said you wanted at least 30-60 minutes before taking her to hotel, and say no clock watching or timers, you want to end the session when you're ready, and that you only pay at the end LOL.

    She has to verbally agree to all of this, and then you take her, if not then pass.

    And if she verbally agrees and then changes up in hotel, then I would just keep telling her that she agreed to what we stated in the club, and just repeating myself like a bot that we already agreed and not give her money LOL. If she doesn't just leave I would just keep repeating myself to be honest. And if she called management or management come I would just tell them straight up that we already agreed to everything in club, if they get mad at me then I would come here and write a scathing review documenting everything, then never see that girl again.
    You got a good point. I will start telling them in the club, no clock watching and need at least 40 minutes. Take it or leave it.

    They do change often though when they get in the room. Last December a girl promised BBBJ and in the room she wanted $30 extra for it. I handed her $5, opened the door and asked her to leave. Oh no, she wanted the $100. So she called HK security. 5 dudes who know me came huffing and puffing. They waited outside with the door opened until the big Jefe arrived. He talked to us, understood what happened and he told her since she gave no service and got $5 for her troubles she should leave the room. When I saw an argument ensued between the two, I handed her another $5 to shut her up. Now even the security guys were giving her the evil eye. She left when she sensed what was going to happen if she didn't.

  3. #19024
    Quote Originally Posted by StRobert  [View Original Post]
    Don't take it seriously. Take it easy. In Mexico they have a different way of behaving, a different kind of humor. It may be offensive to Americans, but in Mexico it is normal.
    I think she likes him and she was flirting with him. At least that is how I would have taken it if I was in his spot. If she was really angry, she would have thrown his dollar on the ground disregard him like a little bug, which incidentally how I have experienced an angry chica in the past.

  4. #19023
    Quote Originally Posted by TerOnlyOnce  [View Original Post]
    I think he is doing good way.

    There is no point to take arriba a girl that you approach and she quotes you $140 and declines getting a drink with you.

    I think a reality most need to realize is that a good amount of these HK girl are not viable for arriba. So if you spend half your night having to constantly pass on girls for arriba, I would say that is normal and to be expected.

    If you are going arriba consistently with the first or second girl you talk to every night you are at HK, you are doing something very very wrong (unless you happen to know that girl already or had good session with her before).
    Good points.

    If and when presented with choices, the ladies will wield power – they get to pick their chodes, the real MVPs we affectionately call ourselves mongers. And when the cosmic alignment isn't quite right, and they decide to ungracefully bow out of the ascent solicitation, it's not your typical 'no. ' Oh no, it's a cinematic masterpiece of a sinister frown and a pout that could launch a thousand ships.

  5. #19022
    Quote Originally Posted by StRobert  [View Original Post]
    Don't take it seriously. Take it easy. In Mexico they have a different way of behaving, a different kind of humor. It may be offensive to Americans, but in Mexico it is normal.
    It could be nothing as you said. But it also could be a tip of an iceberg indicating what she feels about US Mongers, reason why asked her. I screen for these things, I could not take it easy in these situation as I usually have not much time to screen. I check and take a feel based on their responses and most importantly expressions. She left even though I had more dollars to give her and then stepped on her chances to go arriba. Maybe she did not care or there is further sinister attitude underneath. Pass on!

  6. #19021
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPi  [View Original Post]
    She set an alarm, and threatened to call security, and your interpretation of the situation is that her actions were motivated by desire to assiduously follow the rules? You really don't see that she was holding her breath and just grinding through the required time but not giving an inch more than needed to fulfill her end?
    I understand your point. But I have seen it all. This girl seemed genuinely scared as she saw it, to "bend the rules" This is lesson learned for me. I got to screen for this in the future.

  7. #19020
    Quote Originally Posted by Zenduka1  [View Original Post]
    Even with all the careful screening the chance of getting a very bad service and so wasting a hundred dollar for nothing is there. Happened to me this past Wed. We had a good chat, she was my type, smiled a lot, held my hand as we walked out to cross the road to Rizo. Joking, kissing. So the screening seemed to work. When we got to the room the first thing she did was set a timer. I noticed it that and asked her, she said she is required by her employer to do so. 20 minutes in bed without even having the chance to enter her the alarm went off and she sprang up off the bed. Refused any more action and threatened to call security unless she leaves immediately.

    My thought is the girl was genuinely nice but she was so new and so concerned about the instructions she was given by HK management no matter I told her how erroneously she understood it. In the end I wasted $$.
    I would have said you wanted at least 30-60 minutes before taking her to hotel, and say no clock watching or timers, you want to end the session when you're ready, and that you only pay at the end LOL.

    She has to verbally agree to all of this, and then you take her, if not then pass.

    And if she verbally agrees and then changes up in hotel, then I would just keep telling her that she agreed to what we stated in the club, and just repeating myself like a bot that we already agreed and not give her money LOL. If she doesn't just leave I would just keep repeating myself to be honest. And if she called management or management come I would just tell them straight up that we already agreed to everything in club, if they get mad at me then I would come here and write a scathing review documenting everything, then never see that girl again.

  8. #19019
    Quote Originally Posted by Zenduka1  [View Original Post]
    I stopped an elegant girl, late 20's, dark, slim, tall, tattoos, one of those confident types who slash their hips side to side like a leopard's tail. She turned to me and smiled, beautiful face and shiny white teeth. As I was about to put a dollar in her bra she swung her open palms as if she wanted to slap me in the face. Like nothing happened she swung around and told me to put more dollars in her clothing. I couldn't let that slide, so I asked her, with dollars in hand, what was that gesture about. She looked at me and said, nada, pushed me back and walked away. WTF!
    Don't take it seriously. Take it easy. In Mexico they have a different way of behaving, a different kind of humor. It may be offensive to Americans, but in Mexico it is normal.

  9. #19018
    Quote Originally Posted by Zenduka1  [View Original Post]
    Even with all the careful screening the chance of getting a very bad service and so wasting a hundred dollar for nothing is there. Happened to me this past Wed. We had a good chat, she was my type, smiled a lot, held my hand as we walked out to cross the road to Rizo. Joking, kissing. So the screening seemed to work. When we got to the room the first thing she did was set a timer. I noticed it that and asked her, she said she is required by her employer to do so. 20 minutes in bed without even having the chance to enter her the alarm went off and she sprang up off the bed. Refused any more action and threatened to call security unless she leaves immediately.

    My thought is the girl was genuinely nice but she was so new and so concerned about the instructions she was given by HK management no matter I told her how erroneously she understood it. In the end I wasted $$.
    She set an alarm, and threatened to call security, and your interpretation of the situation is that her actions were motivated by desire to assiduously follow the rules? You really don't see that she was holding her breath and just grinding through the required time but not giving an inch more than needed to fulfill her end?

  10. #19017
    Quote Originally Posted by Nothing24  [View Original Post]
    Getting good service in HK is actually very hard. A lot of girls will not be interested or they will blow themselves out. That is to be expected, not every girl will offer you a good service. Even if she is very hot and is your exact type, I probably still would not take her up to the room if she fails the screening. The reason why is because the risk of getting awful service is just too high. You are supposed to have a good amount of girls failing the screening and being ineligible for you to take up.
    Even with all the careful screening the chance of getting a very bad service and so wasting a hundred dollar for nothing is there. Happened to me this past Wed. We had a good chat, she was my type, smiled a lot, held my hand as we walked out to cross the road to Rizo. Joking, kissing. So the screening seemed to work. When we got to the room the first thing she did was set a timer. I noticed it that and asked her, she said she is required by her employer to do so. 20 minutes in bed without even having the chance to enter her the alarm went off and she sprang up off the bed. Refused any more action and threatened to call security unless she leaves immediately.

    My thought is the girl was genuinely nice but she was so new and so concerned about the instructions she was given by HK management no matter I told her how erroneously she understood it. In the end I wasted $$.

  11. #19016
    Quote Originally Posted by BrotherMouzone  [View Original Post]
    While I don't do that myself, I don't see anything to be ashamed about or otherwise wrong with setting expectations. Though maybe the "demeanor" thing is a bit much, either the chica will be into it or she won't be. I'm never going to ask her to be fake about it, LOL. At least for me it comes off as a bit demanding / controlling, but to each his own.

    I suppose I take a more passive approach. Generally sit or stand near the bar and wait for chicas to approach me. Obviously it's not always the case but the chicas willing to approach you are generally a bit more likely to be "engaged" during arriba. More often than not I also buy chicas who approach me that I think I might be interested in a drink or two to further evaluate, during which you can often get at least a decent read on how good they will be in the room.
    I think he is doing good way.

    There is no point to take arriba a girl that you approach and she quotes you $140 and declines getting a drink with you.

    I think a reality most need to realize is that a good amount of these HK girl are not viable for arriba. So if you spend half your night having to constantly pass on girls for arriba, I would say that is normal and to be expected.

    If you are going arriba consistently with the first or second girl you talk to every night you are at HK, you are doing something very very wrong (unless you happen to know that girl already or had good session with her before).

  12. #19015
    Quote Originally Posted by HKMonger  [View Original Post]
    Part I: The Club.

    This is the opposite of me. I don't negotiate anything. It just kills the vibe to say, "I want x and why and you better be like z" as though you were ordering a pizza or something. I'll take my chances with a bad experience if I have to, but I don't negotiate.

    Instead, what I do is study the girls beforehand. I might need to see a girl 2 or 3 times at the club on previous visits before I make my move. I watch how they interact with other girls, other guys, and their demeanor in general. I also try to visit the club consistently enough that my presence is known to the girls, and they know that can't mess with me because I'll be coming back next week. Also, if they know you're a regular, they might see you as a source of potential steady income, which also gives you an advantage. HK belongs to me, not to them. It's my house, and they are just passing through. This is the attitude you have to take. Of course, I realize you can't do this if you just visit once in a while.

    I don't like to make my approach too early in the evening. I find that the girls get more relaxed (and the waiters also) later in their shift. I don't care about being a girls first customer, or getting her when she is fresh. In fact, I like it when I will be her only of the evening, or at least her last. I also don't like to approach girls when the club is too crowded. I like it when it's the early hours of the morning and it has died down a bit. That's when the fun really begins.

    I always go alone (except when I've gone with girlfriends from Tijuana). Other dudes would just get in the way and slow me down. I'm there to meet women, not dudes. There are many places in Tijuana to party and get drunk, so It's not my thing to do that in HK.

    I try to look for newer girls. This is the one sport where amateurs are always better than pros. I like them skinny with a natural body. No plastic. Not too tiny. Not too much of a doll face. I like girls that are "off-pretty" in the face, or that have a face that has character. I have a thing against girls wearing glasses. These girls either want to be "taken seriously" or "create a barrier" (or they are a lesbian). None of these is a good thing. I don't like girls that wear to much: again, creating a barrier. I don't mind a few tats, but if you are covered in tats, that's a big red flag. I don't like girls that look mean. A lot of these girls walk around pouting the whole night, looking like death warmed over. Even if they are hot, these types are just not approachable, IMO. A girl needs to show some warmth, and look like she is at least having a little bit of fun. I like them maybe a little bit shy, not overly confident. I look for traits that indicate she will be more submissive and willing in the room..
    Pretty spot on, looking forward to part 2.

    Just a couple of things I'd like to touch on:

    1) good mindset, I think all mongers should adopt it. HK belongs to you as a monger, if particular girls are giving you bad service, do not see them. Be selective, don't waste your time or your money. This keeps the quality and service from getting too out of control and turning into a shit show. The west is already garbage when it comes to getting laid with hot women, to turn HK into that is pointless, which is effectively what you will be doing if you start groveling and pandering to HK girls, paying whatever it takes to take them arriba, and having no boundaries for yourself. In short, have some standards, this keeps HK good for everyone.

    2) I probably wouldn't need to see a girl at least a few times in the club before I take her to the room, if I see her that night and I am attracted, I would approach and get a drink with her, then start chatting her up and asking specific questions to basically vet her and see if she is submissive and to get an overall feel as to whether I think she will provide good service.

    2) I would go alone but I am not opposed to chatting with guys on my down time, mainly other American guys that seem down to earth and cool. The reason for this is to not get bored wandering the club and always on the hunt. Plus there is no fun in being an introverted person in a club the entire time you are there, the club is very much an extroverted environment, so to engage in some chatting if there are opportunities is good practice.

    3) as for picking girls I would only go with those that are submissive. Even if a girl looks very attractive, if she gives you push back in conversation during your drink or if you can tell that she is not accepting of your verbal advances of what you would like to do, I would take that as a bad sign and most likely would not take her up to the room.

    The main issue is you do not want to take a girl up to the room that turns out to be a bad idea because you did not properly screen her. Therefore I would definitely ask how much the session would be and how long it would be. I wouldn't take a girl up for the standard 20 minute session, 5-10 minutes of sex. That is a waste of time and money. Instead, I would firmly make it clear that I want at least 30-60 minutes or however much time you want. Then settle on the price then and there. I'd also say that I'm only paying at the end, not at the start of the session. This will probably screen out of a lot of girls and cause a good amount of them to walk away. That comes with the territory though if you want to ensure that you get good service. I do not recommend just negotiating a price and then taking her up. Because 10/10 times what will happen is you get to the room, she asks for the money immediately, you pay it, and you get a shitty ass 15 minute service with 10 minutes of actual sex. Waste of money, waste of time. Do not do this, do anything but this LOL.

    Besides this, during the drink and chatting in the club I would talk about the stuff I want to do, if she has big tits I may want to titty fuck her so I'll mention that, mention if I could get BBBJ if I want that, tell her what I would like to do to her, like have her bent over or something, idk, whatever I want at the time basically. The point is to see how willing she is when she hears all this stuff. If she seems down and like she wants to do it and please, then that is good. If she doesn't seem interested or right away wants to talk about money or how long the session is, or if she wants to put boundaries or restrictions as you are mentioning what you want, then that's a bad sign and you should walk away.

    Getting good service in HK is actually very hard. A lot of girls will not be interested or they will blow themselves out. That is to be expected, not every girl will offer you a good service. Even if she is very hot and is your exact type, I probably still would not take her up to the room if she fails the screening. The reason why is because the risk of getting awful service is just too high. You are supposed to have a good amount of girls failing the screening and being ineligible for you to take up.

  13. #19014
    I stopped an elegant girl, late 20's, dark, slim, tall, tattoos, one of those confident types who slash their hips side to side like a leopard's tail. She turned to me and smiled, beautiful face and shiny white teeth. As I was about to put a dollar in her bra she swung her open palms as if she wanted to slap me in the face. Like nothing happened she swung around and told me to put more dollars in her clothing. I couldn't let that slide, so I asked her, with dollars in hand, what was that gesture about. She looked at me and said, nada, pushed me back and walked away. WTF!

  14. #19013
    Quote Originally Posted by Nothing24  [View Original Post]
    I also disagree that the attractive younger girls will typically not approach you since it’s not in their nature. I have just as many of the younger ones, Im talking about 19-21 year olds, approach me just as much as any other age group with a good amount of success that has included GFE type services as well. Theyre definitely out there, I can guarantee you that.
    Usually the experienced older ones are the ones who go from man to man and solicit their services. An HK monger who stands and wait may not experience the best the place offers. An HK monger moves from flower to flower engage and analyze, fast, and pull. Takes lots of errors to get it right. Pouring money at her doesn't guarantee the best of her service.

  15. #19012
    Quote Originally Posted by BaxterSlade  [View Original Post]
    While I'm no fan of HK, its about the only place to hangout on a Sunday morning. As it got closer to noon the girls were flowing in, they even started to outnumber meseros and customers. I would never dream of taking an HK girl up due to the inflated prices. When a nice looking chica approached, I did get that she could be fun vibe I bought her a drink (confirmed fichas are $11 now). When the conversation turned to the vrooom, I asked what about a bee j only? I was a bit surprised when she said 50 . Never heard that one for under 100 for a trip to the room. I said lets go and she was great, took her time and didn't ask for payment upfront. Finally an intelligent HK chica who realized sometimes its not worth it to just stand around not making anything.
    CBJ, I'm assuming? Even still, not bad for a bar girl I guess.

    Edit: I just read HKMonger’s post. If you have had great success with that approach, then by all means keep doing what works for you. I have to disagree with a couple of your assessments though. While they’re not necessarily my preference, I have came across several tatted up chicas who turn out to be very loving girls. They may not look like it from the exterior but I have found some to be very submissive and giving in bed, providing amazing sessions and GFE’s.

    I also disagree that the attractive younger girls will typically not approach you since its not in their nature. I have just as many of the younger ones, Im talking about 19-21 year olds, approach me just as much as any other age group with a good amount of success that has included GFE type services as well. Theyre definitely out there, I can guarantee you that.

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