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  1. #14215
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Bear in mind that the Repubs' decades long War On Sex For Pleasure And Reproductive Rights at this stage appears to be heading toward banning "chemical" methods of contraception, the kinds that were invented and developed by scientists so as not to reduce the pleasure that human beings experience while engaging in Real Sex / BBFS+CIP.

    In 2020, Russia had 314 abortions to 1,000 live births, compared with 188 in the European Union, according to the World Health Organization.

    So as part of your made up Russia-Republican alliance, Twisty McPretzel, is the goal of this evil alliance to have more or fewer abortions? I cannot tell. And what is the goal of Democrats? Are you hoping for more?

    And the scientists like Fauci love men having sex with women as God intended? LOL. Since when? You Democratic douches rolled the "scientist" Anthony Fauci out to put Trump down. Before he was scaring the shit out of everyone with Covid, there was AIDS. In the context of a conversation about childhood infections: Fauci speculates that "if the close contact of a child is a household contact, perhaps there will be a certain number of cases of individuals who are just living with and in close contact with someone with AIDS, or at risk of AIDS, who does not necessarily have to have intimate sexual contact or share a needle, but just the ordinary close contact that one sees in normal interpersonal relations. ".

    Here is the video link of him saying just that:

    Where the fuck did you get the idea that a "scientist" like Fauci was in favor of bareback sex?

    Then you had the idiocy of Covid and the notion of sex with masks. In hindsight, for myself, I wish the work and travel restrictions stayed in place. I never got so much good and cheap pussy in my life. For Democratic douches like you who hung on his every word, you guys had the worst case of blue balls imaginable. What is amazing is you dumb douches still worship at the alter of Fauci.

    Hey Twisty, how many back operations have you had? Because at this rate, you are going to need a few more.

  2. #14214

    Speaking of Repubs, taking Americans back to the dark ages, SCOTUS is...

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Bear in mind that the Repubs' decades long War On Sex For Pleasure And Reproductive Rights at this stage appears to be heading toward banning "chemical" methods of contraception, the kinds that were invented and developed by scientists so as not to reduce the pleasure that human beings experience while engaging in Real Sex / BBFS+CIP.

    Never fear, condom-lovers, the famously anti-science Repub Party has not yet eyed access and use of condoms or any other method of contraception that could easily have been invented and developed by blacksmiths and wood-carvers rather than scientists.
    At the vanguard of said "decades long War On Sex For Pleasure And Reproductive Rights", just to mention but a few of the Repub medieval and backwards ideals.

    Well after these latest two (2) SCOTUS rulings (and the timing of the hearings), there's clearly no doubt now that SCOTUS, is simply a Republican Court, that has thrown out the time honored wisdom that "Justice is Blind" and is very much now aligned themselves with right-wing Repub party politics.

    Again, it was no surprise here! But I guess I was hoping! (...foolishly is would seem)

    Supreme Court to decide Trump immunity claim


    Takeaways from the Supreme Court arguments over bump stocks and machine guns

    A Repub SCOTUS, will be deeply troubling going forward, but that's what Americans will have to deal with unfortunately, for the foreseeable future.

  3. #14213

    Don't Let the Door Hit you in the Ass

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]

    In the mean time, paying for sex in Russia is no big deal. I know someone who spent a year in Russia and said the women there think having sex is almost like getting a handshake. Abortions were easy to get, and the women did not have the victim mindset. The concept of a woman getting half while doing nothing in a marriage does not exist there. Taxes are low, and Russia does not have near the debt the USA does.
    I still don't see why people like you, Tucker Carlson, and Nick Fuentes don't put your money where you mouth is and move to Russia. Could be because you don't want to live in a dark dictatorship where the slightest dissent can put you in a frozen penal colony for 20 years, if by chance you could last that long. You might also enjoy features like the right to assemble, due process of law, and all that goes with living in a country with over seven times the average monthly salary of Russia. There's also no reason for you to put up with an underfunded and poor performing Russian healthcare system as you age, and the list can go on, while we are left to wonder why the Russian oligarchs always send their children to the feminist Western Euro countries to live. This while they often move there themselves. No, it's far more practical for you to live, breathe, and ***** from the safe confines of the US. Our rights apply to most everyone, even you.

    P.S. If you are for reproductive freedom the first thing you can do is stop voting Republican, a statement of the obvious I know.

  4. #14212

    Yes, the Repub's Decades Long War on Sex For Pleasure and Reproductive Righ Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Like the devastating results of abortion bans that are affecting successful wins for the Repubs in the 2020, 2022 and 2023 Elections (all thanks to Trump "I was able to KILL Roe v Wade"), will IVF be next nail in the Repub 2024 Election coffin? For the presidency and well as down ballot?

    Since DOBBS overturned Roe v. Wade, sending nationwide abortion back to the states, Repubs have;

    --pushed abortion ban in red states, but with an eye on nationwide bans
    --denied an individuals the right to end an unwanted pregnancy
    --denied a women the right to end a pregnancy, if her life is in imminent danger
    --denied in general, women's reproductive rights
    --denied women's health care in red states?
    --denied doctors, their rights to administer proper health care, in pregnancy complications
    --banned calls for the nationwide ban of the Mifepristone, abortion pill. Trump appointed, right-wing TX Judge has case before the Supreme Court to decide the drug's fate

    AND now have:

    --denied families their right to have children thru IVF (In vitro fertilization)
    --denied access to IVF clinics in red states, as IVF clinics shutdown and contemplate their future, before an Alabama court ruling, on if embryos are "children"?
    --denied families the right to IVF health care and monetary compensation for the thousands of dollars spent on IVF treatment.
    • As onset trauma fills the women and families that are suffering from the Alabama IVF ruling, these families in red states, are rushing to move their IVF eggs to safer blue state IVF clinics, in fear of their red state following Alabama.

      After spending countless hours and thousands and thousands of dollars preparing for IVF, Only be told a day before their procedures are cancelled, their dreams of having of adding to their family union, are put on hold, if not shattered.
    Note: Repub ex-Vice Pres. Mike Pence, had the good fortune of using IVF to add to the his family union. Interview November 20, 2022:[/LIST]So as Repubs, again twist themselves into more pretzels, trying to "shuck and jive" their way out of voting against IVF on record (or even allow a vote to protect IVF), but yet lie in public about supporting IVF (ie. Nancy Mace [R-SC]), like the hypocrites they are.

    Hopefully, this sends a clear message to American families, that Repubs can't be trusted on "family values" and should also vote accordingly down ballot, there by driving another nail in the proverbial coffin of the Repubs.

    Next up on their minority Christian Right/Evangelical agenda and Repub/MAGA docket, is good ol' contraception and what some of the devout call "recreational sex", as opposed to what, I'm not really sure.
    Bear in mind that the Repubs' decades long War On Sex For Pleasure And Reproductive Rights at this stage appears to be heading toward banning "chemical" methods of contraception, the kinds that were invented and developed by scientists so as not to reduce the pleasure that human beings experience while engaging in Real Sex / BBFS+CIP.

    Never fear, condom-lovers, the famously anti-science Repub Party has not yet eyed access and use of condoms or any other method of contraception that could easily have been invented and developed by blacksmiths and wood-carvers rather than scientists.

  5. #14211
    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    On the same token, if Evil admits trusting mortal enemies of his country more than security agencies protecting his country, that makes him a useful idiot (in addition to having already classified himself as a moron and a loser).

    Of course, being a moron and an idiot would prevent Mr. S from realizing how idiotic and illogical his arguments are, so he won't shy away from posting his musings.

    Which he should've to avoid being ridiculed, but alas.
    I always wondered how you guys claim to love our country so much when it hates you and what you do with your money so much. There is a video of a guy running a brothel agency in the USA here:

    I watch the video and it is scary at the end. When he got busted, I think to myself something like this could happen to me. In his book, he mentions that prosecutors did not even give him discovery. It was disgusting, as bad as our legal system can be. It is rare to even have jury trials anymore. If they have to work and could possibly lose, the prosecution will throw the book at you. In the ultimate hypocrisy, people at the district attorney's office were actually clients of this brothel owner.

    In the mean time, paying for sex in Russia is no big deal. I know someone who spent a year in Russia and said the women there think having sex is almost like getting a handshake. Abortions were easy to get, and the women did not have the victim mindset. The concept of a woman getting half while doing nothing in a marriage does not exist there. Taxes are low, and Russia does not have near the debt the USA does.

    Why are you so convinced the government who hates you and wants to throw you in jail is your friend and the one who wants to leave you be is your enemy? And then I realized that is because you are a narcissist. In your fucked up head, you have convinced yourself the government does not hate you. They hate guys like Elvis. They do not hate me. They love me.

    I knew after the AIDS fiasco to not trust government. The whole concept of safe sex and condom use and AIDS prevention with heterosexual sex was so the CDC could rake in the bucks. That was exposed. In your mind, Xpartan, you think everyone in the CDC marched in lockstep with that call when that was hardly the case. The CDC scared heterosexuals to get more funding and it worked.

    If you are such a fan of government and they tell you it is wrong to pay for sex, why do you do it?

    How as a man let alone a monger can you be cheering on the $85 million verdict against Trump in this absolute bullshit fake rape case? Because he is the enemy? Oh right, I forgot. You think government loves you.

    I was at the Fort Lauderdale airport and there is this nonstop PSA blaring every 30 minutes about human trafficking. I shake my head. Welcome to the USA. But Xpartan, you think when they mention human trafficking they are talking about people other than you. Remember this was the city where Robert Kraft went to an AMP and got a rub and tug and the prosecution tried to say he was promoting trafficking. So they will go after Robert Kraft but not you?

    What me so suspicious of you guys is you should be cheering Trump on. The "grab them by the pussy" comment was basically saying that women will fuck men for fame just as much as for money. He fucked porn stars and was married three times.

    So why the hate for Trump and such love for organizations like the CDC? Besides the narcissism, I think you guys have to be getting paid off with some kind of government check. At least I hope you have been.

    And for the record, the pandemic ended not because of the CDC or Biden; it ended when people realized the government was lying.

    And speaking of lying, you have not gotten a Covid booster in the last year. You would rather lie than admit you were wrong, but the biggest lie is one you tell yourself. You have convinced your government loves you.

  6. #14210
    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    What a brilliant argument (Not if a fella (let's call him I don't know Evil S) believes quacks, charlatans, and hoodwinkers more than scientists, doctors, and other trained professionals -- that's not the fault of said professionals. That's Evil S being a moron and a loser.

    On the same token, if Evil admits trusting mortal enemies of his country more than security agencies protecting his country, that makes him a useful idiot (in addition to having already classified himself as a moron and a loser).

    Of course, being a moron and an idiot would prevent Mr. S from realizing how idiotic and illogical his arguments are, so he won't shy away from posting his musings.

    Which he should've to avoid being ridiculed, but alas.
    The fact that currently many in our institutions are Trump appointees, or the fact that Putin is an obvious liar and serial killer that habitually interferes in US elections makes no difference to them. They've put themselves in an information vacuum where they are indoctrinated and inoculated. In the latter case they are told that other news sources are part of some "deep state" or "globalist" conspiracy. They no more listen to the opposition than any other cult member in the world. They've been around at least since the 90's, as I used to listen to them on shortwave radio. Then shockingly they won the WH in 2016.

    Political discussions with the hardcore ones are a waste of time. All you can do is beat them at polls. Make sure you show up, and take as many people with you as you can.

  7. #14209

    Is IVF the next "nail" in the coffin for Repubs?

    Like the devastating results of abortion bans that are affecting successful wins for the Repubs in the 2020, 2022 and 2023 Elections (all thanks to Trump "I was able to KILL Roe v Wade"), will IVF be next nail in the Repub 2024 Election coffin? For the presidency and well as down ballot?

    Since DOBBS overturned Roe v. Wade, sending nationwide abortion back to the states, Repubs have;
    • --pushed abortion ban in red states, but with an eye on nationwide bans
      --denied an individuals the right to end an unwanted pregnancy
      --denied a women the right to end a pregnancy, if her life is in imminent danger
      --denied in general, women's reproductive rights
      --denied women's health care in red states?
      --denied doctors, their rights to administer proper health care, in pregnancy complications
      --banned calls for the nationwide ban of the Mifepristone, abortion pill. Trump appointed, right-wing TX Judge has case before the Supreme Court to decide the drug's fate

      AND now have:

      --denied families their right to have children thru IVF (In vitro fertilization)
      --denied access to IVF clinics in red states, as IVF clinics shutdown and contemplate their future, before an Alabama court ruling, on if embryos are "children"?
      --denied families the right to IVF health care and monetary compensation for the thousands of dollars spent on IVF treatment.
      • As onset trauma fills the women and families that are suffering from the Alabama IVF ruling, these families in red states, are rushing to move their IVF eggs to safer blue state IVF clinics, in fear of their red state following Alabama.

        After spending countless hours and thousands and thousands of dollars preparing for IVF, Only be told a day before their procedures are cancelled, their dreams of having of adding to their family union, are put on hold, if not shattered.
      Note: Repub ex-Vice Pres. Mike Pence, had the good fortune of using IVF to add to the his family union. Interview November 20, 2022:
    So as Repubs, again twist themselves into more pretzels, trying to "shuck and jive" their way out of voting against IVF on record (or even allow a vote to protect IVF), but yet lie in public about supporting IVF (ie. Nancy Mace [R-SC]), like the hypocrites they are.

    Hopefully, this sends a clear message to American families, that Repubs can't be trusted on "family values" and should also vote accordingly down ballot, there by driving another nail in the proverbial coffin of the Repubs.

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    The America that Repubs and Russians alike hate is the one where free and fair elections are honored, historic job gains, wage increases, effective national security is achieved, the debt and deficit are kept under control, the government isn't crawling into our bedrooms trying to control our private lives. ...
    Next up on their minority Christian Right/Evangelical agenda and Repub/MAGA docket, is good ol' contraception and what some of the devout call "recreational sex", as opposed to what, I'm not really sure.

  8. #14208

    Speaks volumes indeed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]

    As for Russia and the Republican party having an alliance, that is a fucking joke. It speaks volumes about how partisan and stupid our intelligence agencies have gotten that I trust Putin is telling the truth more than the CIA.
    What a brilliant argument (Not if a fella (let's call him – I don't know – Evil S) believes quacks, charlatans, and hoodwinkers more than scientists, doctors, and other trained professionals -- that's not the fault of said professionals. That's Evil S being a moron and a loser.

    On the same token, if Evil admits trusting mortal enemies of his country more than security agencies protecting his country, that makes him a useful idiot (in addition to having already classified himself as a moron and a loser).

    Of course, being a moron and an idiot would prevent Mr. S from realizing how idiotic and illogical his arguments are, so he won't shy away from posting his musings.

    Which he should've to avoid being ridiculed, but alas.

  9. #14207

    A case for Lara Trump as RNC Co-Chair?

    Would that be a big "YES" for you as it is for me?

    Consider the following:
    • YES, to another Trump, at the head of another Repub organization, at the ready to turn it to shit.
    • YES, to yet another Trump grift, as Lara Trump, gleefully and commandingly tells Repub/MAGA world, that the RNC donor monies and coffers, will be going to fund "Trumps 2024 campaign" aka. Trump's legal bills and legal fees.
    • YES, to this RNC grift, siphoning off money by the Trumps, thereby leaving nothing (or very little) for other Repubs running for Senate, House, state, gubernatorial, mayoral...etc, candidacies around the country.
    • YES to no money for support of other Repubs campaigns, down ballot.
    • YES to more "loyalists" being "thrown under the bus", in Ronna 'Romney' McDaniel ( much for loyalty...kkk!)

    • Vote YES for Lara Trump for RNC Co-Chair! (For a new RNC, that promises and vows to bring chaos, grifting and thuggery to a RNC chapter near you!)
    P.S.: All this seems very on par for the autocrat and wanna be dictator. Even on queue, as he stalls yet another family member into the right-wing Repub apparatus.

    Repubs, embrace the chaos, about to unfold!

  10. #14206

    Hunch confirmed.

    Guess he doesn't have the money after all.

    After 30 day of when the judgement was official, February 23,2024, the NY AG can go to the court enforce the judgement and seize assets up to the $454 million plus $111 K per day of interests. Unless, in the next 3 weeks, he can raise the other $354 million through sneakers, NFTs, RNC, Save America Pac, "friends" or bond agency, AG James will have fire sales of properties.

    Listed sources you can read up on it. Fox News did not mention this story, so sorry I couldn't include it.

  11. #14205

    My positive contributions to America far surpass yours and Trump's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    LOL. I would ask what country do you live in as an insult, but you live in Thailand not the USA. Yes, what love you show for your country but taking off to a cheaper destination then sticking around and fixing the mess you created.

    You are mad as a hatter on this one. No doubt your fellow Democratic douches line up with you on this one. You are alone with your Democratic douches in thinking that your beloved president engaged in an illegal and disgusting act of terror that could have led to WW3 and a nuclear one at that is "nobody giving a fuck".

    And the USA is okay in engaging in terror because Russia did it first? I swear to God you Democratic douches still think Russiagate was true and the years of incessant media coverage on the issue was not a complete waste of time. Then there was Covid and antivaxxers. I have not heard the antivaxxer term in a while. Were you guys right about the vaccines? You douches are still so stupid you think that everyone forgot about that. Covid? What is that? A kind of fruit?.
    I pay every USA dollar of the taxes I owe and vote straight Democrat down every ballot in every election I am legally entitled to vote in.

    Those two efforts alone far, far, far surpass anything positive Trump, the Repubs in Congress and every Repub voter has ever done for America.

    And, yep, I have managed to provide more positive benefits for America allll the way around the globe than any Repub Voter anywhere inside or outside of America. Significantly more than anyone who ever voted for Trump, of course.

    You're welcome.

  12. #14204
    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie97  [View Original Post]
    Putin playing the victim after starting the war is aburd to say the least.

    P.S. I'm not sure what all the Repub historic and cataclysmic Great Depressions, famines, massive job destructions, and other apocalytpic disasters beginning with Lincoln in continuity until now has to do with anything. Then again I suppose that can be shoe horned in about anywhere.
    That was in response to. Elvis' question:

    "So my question to you Tooms is one of clarification. When you mention this America-hating collusion between Russia and Trump / Team Trump, you mean the American military industrial complex that staged a terrorist attack and an act of war against Russia right and wants to drain our resources with perpetual wars? That must be the America you mean and if so, I completely agree with your POV. ".

    I don't see how my answer regarding the Repub Party's historic results for the country going back 100 years being precisely the same as those wished for by Putin / Russia shoe-horns my point into it rather than addresses it directly.

    100 years would take it back to 1924, not to Lincoln's presidency.

    Putin / Russia could not have wished for better results for America than the Great Repub Depressions, Great Repub Recessions and Massive Repub Job Destruction that Repub policies and stewardship produced ever since then along with none of the opposite historic boom times and jobs creation.

    And since at least 2016 they have not wanted to risk merely "wishing" for it. They have decided shovel-feeding their anti-Dem / anti-America talking points down the lovingly receptive throats of pro Repub media, Repub candidates and Repub elected officials to be enthusiasticslly vomited back out to the American electorate provides much more certainty of a cozy, deep and intense collusion with their America-hating Repub comrades already residing within America's borders.

    Why only "wish" for it when they've got Trump, Tucker, Fux, Newsmax, Breitbart, virtually every Repub in Congress and the Repub voting base ready, willing and eager to make that wish their command for the low low price of simply providing them the words and suggested methods?

  13. #14203
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    The America that Repubs and Russians alike hate is the one where free and fair elections are honored, historic job gains, wage increases, effective national security is achieved, the debt and deficit are kept under control, the government isn't crawling into our bedrooms trying to control our private lives.
    LOL. I would ask what country do you live in as an insult, but you live in Thailand not the USA. Yes, what love you show for your country but taking off to a cheaper destination then sticking around and fixing the mess you created.

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    BTW, nobody gives a fuck about blaming America for some oil pipeline casualty due entirely to Putin's spectacularly stupid War of Putin's Choice Against Ukraine. Obviously, not even Putin.
    You are mad as a hatter on this one. No doubt your fellow Democratic douches line up with you on this one. You are alone with your Democratic douches in thinking that your beloved president engaged in an illegal and disgusting act of terror that could have led to WW3 and a nuclear one at that is "nobody giving a fuck".

    And the USA is okay in engaging in terror because Russia did it first? I swear to God you Democratic douches still think Russiagate was true and the years of incessant media coverage on the issue was not a complete waste of time. Then there was Covid and antivaxxers. I have not heard the antivaxxer term in a while. Were you guys right about the vaccines? You douches are still so stupid you think that everyone forgot about that. Covid? What is that? A kind of fruit?

    And now the completely innocent Ukraine being attacked by Russia narrative is the next Democratic douche narrative to fall. Here is the new news:

    Over the weekend the New York Times published an epic expos. The Spy War: How the see. I. A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin.

    The listening post in the Ukrainian forest is part of a see. I. A. -supported network of spy bases constructed in the past eight years that includes 12 secret locations along the Russian border.

    Yowza! Officials have long scolded the public that even minor disclosures of "sources and methods" could "risk lives" and must be prevented at all costs. Yet here comes the Times, helping "current and former officials in Ukraine, the United States and Europe" blab a long list of extraordinary details, down to the number of CIA-supported secret bases along the Russian border.

    When intelligence sources line up by the hundred to fill newspapers with "secret" details, they're almost always doing one of two things: spreading disinformation, or "pre-bunking" embarrassing future revelations. The lavishly overwritten "secret untold story" that puts advance spin on ugly leaks has become a popular genre across this century's many giant intelligence screwups.

    In the case of this new Ukraine story, apart from the self-serving history re-writes (the idea that CIA-Ukraine cooperation started with a cold call on Valentine's Day, 2014 is high comedy), certain details jump out. Although on the surface the Times depicts a heroic partnership against Russian perfidy, it contains an un-subtle leitmotif about civilized America continually begging Ukrainians to lay off atrocities. As the partnership deepened "after 2016," the Times reports, Ukrainians "began staging assassinations and other lethal operations, which violated the terms the White House thought the Ukrainians had agreed to. " Americans were "infuriated" and "threatened to cut off support," but never did. Shocked, shocked!

    Future defense intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov led a commando raid into Crimea that killed "several Russian fighters, including the son of a general," a "disaster" that prompted a wigged-out Barack Obama to push for shutting the partnership down. The theme of Ukrainians free-lancing the bloody stuff (especially before the war) is prominent. Also noticeable: the bulk of the article's detailed revelations come from the Brennan era, and Brennan is to an almost humorous degree the hero of the article, displaying Atlas-like resolve, reining in Ukrainian savages on one side of the world while keeping the pusillanimous Obama from losing his nerve on the other.

    One last note. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, academics like John Mearsheimer were blasted for saying the crisis was the West's "fault," and for writing things like:

    Since the mid-1990's, Russian leaders have adamantly opposed enlargement and in recent years, they have made it clear that they would not stand by while their strategically important neighbor turned into a Western bastion.

    Two years later we're hearing much the same thing from intelligence sources, who tell the Times of a clandestine partnership that involved secret border bases and "transformed Ukraine. Into one of Washington's most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin. " It doesn't justify invasion, but it does poke holes in initial hysteria against acknowledging the depth of the USA -Ukraine strategic partnership. We were told something different two years ago.

    The Ukrainian people suffered terribly in the last two years, but if that $61 billion doesn't pass, the priorities of America's Ukraine hawks will shift quickly. In Washington, there's no time like ass-covering time, and the season may be upon us already. End of link.

    And here we ago again with the douche who keeps on giving: John Brennan former CIA director, the architect of Russiagate. He is pointing fingers already saying It wasn't me. It was those crazy Ukrainians. Maybe we should have done a little more vetting before calling them heroes and pouring billions in their pockets. The Democratic party-CIA-Ukraine alliance looks like it is going to dissolve and quickly.

    As for Russia and the Republican party having an alliance, that is a fucking joke. It speaks volumes about how partisan and stupid our intelligence agencies have gotten that I trust Putin is telling the truth more than the CIA. That is what you get after Russiagate, Hunter Biden's laptop being Russian disinformation, and the so called innocent Ukrainians. That does not mean Putin is good. It means that is how full of shit the intelligence agencies and Democrats have become.

    How about spending money to build stuff versus money to blow shit up? If that is the essence of the Russia-Republican collusion, then I am all for it.

  14. #14202

    So True

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    The answer to that question has been documented by Repub vs Dem policy results for the past 100 Years:

    The America that Repubs and Russians alike hate is the one where free and fair elections are honored, historic job gains, wage increases, effective national security is achieved, the debt and deficit are kept under control, the government isn't crawling into our bedrooms trying to control our private lives, Great Repub Depressions, Great Repub Recessions and Massive Repub Jobs Destruction are unheard of, "Once in 100 Years Disasters" actually do only occur maybe once in 100 Years and not Once In Every Repub Presidency, etc.

    Neither Russia nor Repubs can tolerate such an outcome for America. Russia's most obvious expression and demonstration of their hatred for it is its exclusive collusion with the Repub Party to help them win elections and the Repub Party's most obvious expression and demonstration of that same hatred is its loving embrace of Kremlin collusion with them and Trump's ongoing public fellating of his Puppet Master Putin.

    BTW, nobody gives a fuck about blaming America for some oil pipeline casualty due entirely to Putin's spectacularly stupid War of Putin's Choice Against Ukraine. Obviously, not even Putin.
    Putin playing the victim after starting the war is aburd to say the least.

    P.S. I'm not sure what all the Repub historic and cataclysmic Great Depressions, famines, massive job destructions, and other apocalytpic disasters beginning with Lincoln in continuity until now has to do with anything. Then again I suppose that can be shoe horned in about anywhere.

  15. #14201

    SC Trumpers punked & pranked by Jimmy Kimmel...

    Jimmy Kimmel, punks the Trump supporters in South Carolina, and highlights their hypocrisy.

    Too funny! The hypocrisy is so thick, you could almost cut it with a knife! (...kkkk!)

    PS: Or search/Google: "Jimmy Kimmel South Carolina" (Sorry at posting, I didn't find a YouTube video version)

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