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Thread: Crime, Safety, and the Police

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  1. #4344
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    Here's an update to this news grabbing story:
    Now this is an international accident. It looks like the attackers wanted their new tires. Mainly until now, crime has been cartel to cartel. What is alarming is that they attacked ordinary tourists. More news link to video News 9 Australia

  2. #4343

    Thanks Sol12 for this informative post

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol12  [View Original Post]
    Yes it wasn't an ordinary robbery because people usually don't get killed but unfortunately these tourists seemed to want to fight it out and not much you can do when people who are probably high on drugs and with guns want something if yours. Car jackings happen all over and its best to let them have it. That's what insurance is for.

    They were caught so fast because the family acted quickly and put messages on social media which the Mexican authorities supposedly reacted to before the victims countries of origin made contact. Unfortunately the Mexican government puts a higher priority on tourists who are missing compared to its own citizens.

    The family was able to use the GPS of one of the victims to find the location of the suspects who were dumb and kept it.
    Thanks Sol12 . I was wondering how they caught them so fast.

    The whole episode is so sad. Some of these criminals have literally zero value to human life. Scary!

  3. #4342


    Here's an update to this news grabbing story:

  4. #4341


    Quote Originally Posted by RikyMichaels7  [View Original Post]
    You are exactly correct Cane. This guy seems to think that he is control of all posts on this board and is always the first to belittle or bully someone if their posts do not match his opinions.
    I'm always happy to have an intelligent debate with those of a different opinion. I just can't find many on this board. Instead of a discussion on things I'm called a bully. Not sure how that's my fault.

    The only thing I like is facts and helping those that want to visit Tijuana without being scared by the sensationalism that some posters make. Or that if someone goes to a bar and is asked if they want to buy a snack that you just shake your head no or say "no gracias" and the person moves along. I don't think it's a reason not to visit Tijuana.

  5. #4340


    Quote Originally Posted by Dogers69  [View Original Post]
    Nobody shpuld be going to mexixo unless they are willing to give their crap up when asked for it. And even if you do, but your buddy refuses everyone gets killed. Keep in mind you are in the murder capital of the world, the chances of someone killing you and going to jail for it is zero, and the amount of killers walking around doing cartel hired killings is very high. In other words they have killed before it gets easier they say. So if gringo won't give his shit up he's gona get shot. It's a awful idea to go to Mexico in a newish pickeup truck, and then go I to remote areas where you can be shot and burned with no witnesses. Tske a beater to Mexico if going into remote areas and always give your shit up. Be happy to give it up. A thing else may cause death.
    Yes, this is the best thing to learn from the his story. No matter were you are in the world if a desperate person wants something it is better to give it to them instead of being harmed. Big things we have insurance for and can be replaced, most other things are just items that if taken can be replaced or they just aren't that important.

    Unfortunately we live in a world with many desperate people especially when they are on drugs or need to buy drugs.

    Also Tijuana is having a huge increase in vehicle theft so if you drive over get insurance not only in case of an accident but for the possibility of theft.

  6. #4339


    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainSolo  [View Original Post]
    It was not ordinary robbery. Looks more like a cartel revenge murder.

    How did policia find links to 3 suspects so quick. It's hard to believe policia could do anything, knowing only 10% murders investigated and maybe 1% conviction.
    Yes it wasn't an ordinary robbery because people usually don't get killed but unfortunately these tourists seemed to want to fight it out and not much you can do when people who are probably high on drugs and with guns want something if yours. Car jackings happen all over and its best to let them have it. That's what insurance is for.

    They were caught so fast because the family acted quickly and put messages on social media which the Mexican authorities supposedly reacted to before the victims countries of origin made contact. Unfortunately the Mexican government puts a higher priority on tourists who are missing compared to its own citizens.

    The family was able to use the GPS of one of the victims to find the location of the suspects who were dumb and kept it.

  7. #4338


    Quote Originally Posted by CocrBrotheler  [View Original Post]
    They killed them for what? Trying to fight back? Not making ransom payment?
    The theory that the Mexican authorities have been using is that they were camping in this remote area and the killers had come to steal their truck and when the tourists denied it they were shot.

  8. #4337

    Is that right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol12  [View Original Post]
    I called you out for fear mongering because you have done it in the past in regards to Tijuana and Mexico in general and I don't know why you enjoy pointing out things that happen in a country or place that you don't even visit for mongering. You enjoy Brazil but you don't put the same warnings out on the Brazil page each time a tourist is killed in that country the way you do for Mexico. You even called guys on that board "paranoid" for making an issue about Brazil asking for bank info to get a Visa. So when it's a place you enjoy visiting and have insight about and try to let others know that it's not something to be worried about is the same way I defend and point out things in regards to Tijuana and especially HK. Remember back when HK had some issues and you suspected that HK could get sprayed with bullets. I and others that know much more about Tijuana and HK responded that HK was the safest place to be and wouldn't be sprayed with bullets.

    Also you posted an article about some hotel in Mexico where some people died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Again nothing to do with mongering just a story about tourists in Mexico dying. That is why I say you like to fear monger when it comes to Mexico. Why you like this I have no idea but as a person who has visited many different areas of Mexico and lived in Tijuana for many years with no problems I will defend it when I feel people are making something out of nothing. Is Mexico dangerous. Yes. So are many places including the US so no matter where you go you need to be careful.

    On the last part of my comment I also suggested that if you want to fear monger you should post on articles that are in the Tijuana news on all the killings that happen in that city since it would be more relevant to Tijuana. I guess since it's Mexicans dying or migrants from other countries you don't care.

    BTW thanks for the private message you sent me. It just proves how weak minded you are and you are unable to see your biases and aren't looking to have an intelligent conversation about this issue.
    You don't know what you're talking about! I've been on this and other boards for years and posted all kinds of stuff related to problems that tourists traveling overseas might face, crimes or otherwise. That's true for both Brazil and Colombia too. No place is perfectly safe. I have over 6,400 posts on this site alone. You've read them all to know that I've never said anything about the dangers that can be faced in Brazil and Colombia? Yeah, well ask Nounce if that's true LOL! Because it isn't. I've said plenty. Looks like you're the one showing bias and cherry picking to me. And to compare worrying about having your personal information stolen while applying for a visa to having your life snuffed out while on vacation is ridiculous.

    And I never said anything such thing that I "suspected" that HK Club would get sprayed with bullets! My point was that these criminals do dangerous, violent, stupid things and that if God forbid it did happen (if) then I wouldn't be surprised because worse things have happened in Mexico. That's not the same thing as saying "I suspect HK Club will be sprayed down with bullets". I don't "suspect" that will happen. But if it does, I wouldn't be surprised. Again, far worse things have happened. So, why couldn't that? That was my view of it then, and it's the same now. So stop twisting my words. Nobody said for sure it's going to happen (how could anybody really know that), but if it does then plenty of us here won't be surprised.

    Further, I don't "enjoy" pointing out things that happen in Mexico or anyplace else LOL! But, like others here, I do find high profile cases to be interesting to talk about, and Mexico has a lot of those that show up in both the national and international news. Just like the three surfers who turned up dead. I nor anybody else needs to go looking for anything. It's just there and people find those stories to be interesting, especially because tourism in Mexico is high among countries in the world. I don't "have it out" for Mexico or any other place. The stories are the stories, and the facts are the facts (no "alternative facts" here). If you don't like it, then go complain to CNN, NBC, The Guardian, or whoever. They report it. And we talk about it because we find it interesting.

    I think it's pretty rich coming from you talking about having an "intelligent" conversation when, like the man says, you spend far too much time here bullying and belittling and attacking other people who post in these threads who may have some thought (s) about Mexico that differ from yours. All I did was post about a super high profile news story, and here you come bashing me for allegedly trying to bash your beloved Mexico. That was not my goal or intent, and I was doing no such thing! If there was a similar story coming out of Brazil or Colombia, then I would not have hesitated to post the exact same thing. So get off my dick bro! If you want to have an intelligent conversation, then how about you lead with something other than off base accusations and misguided vitriol?

    And lastly, I did monger in Tijuana once, and I had a good time. However I chose not to return, not because I thought it was too dangerous and that I would be killed in a hail of bullets (rolling eyes) while slapping some plump, round, Mexicana culo in the HK Club, but because I felt there are far superior destinations around the world that appeal much better to my prurient interests:

  9. #4336
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    Because the name of this thread is Crime, Safety, and the Police. That's why! And there's no "fear mongering" in sharing and discussing the facts as presented in the news about a current case in Mexico. It would appear that a few others here are also interested in the same story. If you aren't, then why ask why? Just keep it moving and scroll right along past it if you want to keep your eyes and ears closed to it then. Nobody here cares one way or the other. Que sera, sera! I have never said or done anything here on the level of some trying to fear monger about Colombia at every turn. That's for damn sure! Not even close.
    You are exactly correct Cane. This guy seems to think that he is control of all posts on this board and is always the first to belittle or bully someone if their posts do not match his opinions.

  10. #4335
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    Because the name of this thread is Crime, Safety, and the Police. That's why! And there's no "fear mongering" in sharing and discussing the facts as presented in the news about a current case in Mexico. It would appear that a few others here are also interested in the same story. If you aren't, then why ask why? Just keep it moving and scroll right along past it if you want to keep your eyes and ears closed to it then. Nobody here cares one way or the other. Que sera, sera! I have never said or done anything here on the level of some trying to fear monger about Colombia at every turn. That's for damn sure! Not even close.
    Nobody shpuld be going to mexixo unless they are willing to give their crap up when asked for it. And even if you do, but your buddy refuses everyone gets killed. Keep in mind you are in the murder capital of the world, the chances of someone killing you and going to jail for it is zero, and the amount of killers walking around doing cartel hired killings is very high. In other words they have killed before it gets easier they say. So if gringo won't give his shit up he's gona get shot. It's a awful idea to go to Mexico in a newish pickeup truck, and then go I to remote areas where you can be shot and burned with no witnesses. Tske a beater to Mexico if going into remote areas and always give your shit up. Be happy to give it up. A thing else may cause death.

  11. #4334


    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    Because the name of this thread is Crime, Safety, and the Police. That's why! And there's no "fear mongering" in sharing and discussing the facts as presented in the news about a current case in Mexico. It would appear that a few others here are also interested in the same story. If you aren't, then why ask why? Just keep it moving and scroll right along past it if you want to keep your eyes and ears closed to it then. Nobody here cares one way or the other. Que sera, sera! I have never said or done anything here on the level of some trying to fear monger about Colombia at every turn. That's for damn sure! Not even close.
    Well if you haven't noticed the Crime thread is inside the Tijuana section so maybe it had to do with the crime and safety of Tijuana not all of Mexico. Especially since Ensenada has its own section which would be the best area for this report IMO. Since it has nothing to do with guys visiting Mexico for sex I'm not sure if it belongs here at all but as you stated others enjoy commenting about it because people like to gossip and talk about other things that have nothing to do with what happened to these individuals just speculate on why they were killed.

    I called you out for fear mongering because you have done it in the past in regards to Tijuana and Mexico in general and I don't know why you enjoy pointing out things that happen in a country or place that you don't even visit for mongering. You enjoy Brazil but you don't put the same warnings out on the Brazil page each time a tourist is killed in that country the way you do for Mexico. You even called guys on that board "paranoid" for making an issue about Brazil asking for bank info to get a Visa. So when it's a place you enjoy visiting and have insight about and try to let others know that it's not something to be worried about is the same way I defend and point out things in regards to Tijuana and especially HK.

    Remember back when HK had some issues and you suspected that HK could get sprayed with bullets. I and others that know much more about Tijuana and HK responded that HK was the safest place to be and wouldn't be sprayed with bullets.

    Also you posted an article about some hotel in Mexico where some people died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Again nothing to do with mongering just a story about tourists in Mexico dying. That is why I say you like to fear monger when it comes to Mexico. Why you like this I have no idea but as a person who has visited many different areas of Mexico and lived in Tijuana for many years with no problems I will defend it when I feel people are making something out of nothing. Is Mexico dangerous. Yes. So are many places including the US so no matter where you go you need to be careful.

    On the last part of my comment I also suggested that if you want to fear monger you should post on articles that are in the Tijuana news on all the killings that happen in that city since it would be more relevant to Tijuana. I guess since it's Mexicans dying or migrants from other countries you don't care.

    BTW thanks for the private message you sent me. It just proves how weak minded you are and you are unable to see your biases and aren't looking to have an intelligent conversation about this issue.

  12. #4333
    I bought pen taser and attached a leash to it. I like it because it is easy to carry and take out. The other good thing is you can use it scare off the bandito's.

    Quote Originally Posted by CocrBrotheler  [View Original Post]
    Thank you Baxter for this info. Always have to be vigilant.

    I got pick pocketed today for the first time in San Jose Centro around 130 pm. Thank God she did not harm me but really surprised me. I was in Calle 6 red zone trying to find the huge low end brothel. I walked by it and continued a little further to see if anything else interesting passing by numerous hos outside other establishments. Passed by this one larger woman without several front teeth and she tried to slow me. I made it by her the first time however when I turned around to head back she slowed me down enough to rub my chest and so quick her hand in my right front pocket. At first I tried to pull her hand out but she already got hold of my plastic sandwich bag of smaller bills. The sidewalk was narrow and perhaps and man accomplice to help block + traffic in the street so I stuck. Next time I go into more risk zones taking pepper spray and martial arts cane.

  13. #4332

    Thinking With the Wrong Head

    Thank you Baxter for this info. Always have to be vigilant.

    I got pick pocketed today for the first time in San Jose Centro around 130 pm. Thank God she did not harm me but really surprised me. I was in Calle 6 red zone trying to find the huge low end brothel. I walked by it and continued a little further to see if anything else interesting passing by numerous hos outside other establishments. Passed by this one larger woman without several front teeth and she tried to slow me. I made it by her the first time however when I turned around to head back she slowed me down enough to rub my chest and so quick her hand in my right front pocket. At first I tried to pull her hand out but she already got hold of my plastic sandwich bag of smaller bills. The sidewalk was narrow and perhaps and man accomplice to help block + traffic in the street so I stuck. Next time I go into more risk zones taking pepper spray and martial arts cane.

  14. #4331

    It Really Sucks

    They killed them for what? Trying to fight back? Not making ransom payment?

  15. #4330

    Uh why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol12  [View Original Post]
    I know you like to fear monger about Tijuana but to bring up a story about what happened to some surfers over 100 miles from Tijuana is really pathetic. Unless you have some inside information on how they where drinking in HK and where followed past Ensenada to be killed makes me wonder what this has to do with going to the Zona. If you really want to fear monger I'd suggest reading the local Tijuana news and posting that. Or tell us a country in the world that has never had a tourist killed.
    Because the name of this thread is Crime, Safety, and the Police. That's why! And there's no "fear mongering" in sharing and discussing the facts as presented in the news about a current case in Mexico. It would appear that a few others here are also interested in the same story. If you aren't, then why ask why? Just keep it moving and scroll right along past it if you want to keep your eyes and ears closed to it then. Nobody here cares one way or the other. Que sera, sera! I have never said or done anything here on the level of some trying to fear monger about Colombia at every turn. That's for damn sure! Not even close.

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