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Thread: Reykjavik

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  1. #56
    I will probably go to Iceland in a few weeks and are very interested to know if there are any good stripclubs and brothels on the island?

    With all the best,


  2. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Relentless
    I was reviewing this board for info re my upcoming visit to Iceland. I was totally shocked that the board had more discussions about race and bragging rights instead of info exchange. .
    I second that.

    Instead of bragging about how much white/black/brown pink or green pussy you've had, why not post some examples. Where you got them, how much you paid, tips.

    There is more cred than just flashing stats!

  3. #54

    Ratsman and all the racially motivated people

    i was reviewing this board for info re my upcoming visit to iceland. i was totally shocked that the board had more discussions about race and bragging rights instead of info exchange. i also noticed many of ratsman postings were deleted by administration. i think the best way to deal with this business about race is to ignore and not discuss at all. if anyone has deep seated problems about race he should get in therapy and stop spilling his problems on this board. dont take up the space here with your problems go to a therapist and solve them. we are looking for and giving info. this kind of craziness does not happen on other boards.

  4. #53

    Thanks for your interesting comments !

    Quote Originally Posted by frenchlover

    There are other fine enjoyment in life than being a lady's man. I would think a man's top priority is to achieve power and station in the society, and to a lesser degree make great contribution to the society. That is a primal masculine urge. Women come as an entertainment and reward for us. Therefore, I wouldn't place too much importance on being able to get laid for free. It's nice but not the most important quality in a man.

    A man's destiny lies in his battlefield, whatever it may be, certainly not in bed. So if some men are good only at getting laid, I don't envy them at all. Ladies have preferences, there is nothing one can do about that.

    And also, after a while, pussies are just pussies. One can easily get tired of them after many one-night stands.

    Sex, in my book, is a power trip. Therefore, I prefer submissive women than those who seek out certain males to screw. In a way, sex with a call girl is much more fulfilling because I have power over her. One cannot say the same thing about women in developed west. They typically have power over western men. They are the ones who go out and seek out certain type of guys to screw. If you observe very carefully, the western women (outside US) tend to date touchy-feely guys, who probably will never rise high in a hierarchy (military or coporate). These women actually shun the men of status, because they consider these men boring and intimidating. Women fuck certain kind of men also for their own power trip.

    By the way, I do not consider rock singers powerful people. They are demogogues in some sense, not warriors and princes.

    Men of status, power, and exceptional abilities these days find submissive feminity in some developing countries and in p4p girls. It's a sad fact.
    Dear French lover,

    I am genuinely grateful for your elusive and enlightening opinion about some particular issues ,namely the ones concerning the values and expectation of western european women!

    Once again,this proves that the WSG has a lot of potential as a forum, offering a wide scope of discussion of matters related not only to sex but also to other interesting co-related matters that have a relevant importance in modern daily life and in society in general.

    Thanks to people like you, dear Frenchlover, it makes sense to get away from our normal and favourite visiting forums and embrace the discussions and topics of other forums and look around us a little bit more...for the world can sometimes be wider than what we have learned at school regardless the dimensions of the globe remaining the same ...many thanks once again!

    From Sweden with greetings to all of you


  5. #52

    What does this have to do with Iceland?

    All the racial comments in my eye's have very little to do with Iceland. I know I am late wading into this pool however. I find it funny how Rastaman brags about all the white pussy he gets. Check your rear view mirror because I have shagged hundereds of pro and non pro "Sistas" because they prefer sensitive, articulate, educated white men. Not macho rap, reggae wanna be gangsta's. As a white man in the Caribbean I must be Eminem if you are The 50 cent of the mongering game. Cause ya see maybe the women of your race are tired of your 80"s played out routine. Oh yea I shag hundereds of white, latina, and Asian girls too. By the way I don't hate other people based on race or, color there many other great reasons to dislike people on a personal basis. Like stupidity. Like Dennis Miller always said " The strong survive and gods just thinning the heard". Oh by the way I browse this board to get info on Iceland pussy, free or not. If I wanted to disscus politics, race, rap music or otherwise I would pick a different forum. Before anybody angrilly responds, just remember we come here to find out about pussy. Everyone needs to lighten up. Just my 50 cent's

  6. #51

    Reykjavik summary, anyone?

    Hey guys,

    I do a lot of travelling and love to hobby all over the world. I am cuming to Reykjavik next year and will be looking for some fun. I like strip clubs and prefer escorts since I stay at 5-star hotels, but some times like going out to brothels. I usually offer reviews of my experiences (I am active on Canadian boards like TERB, but you can search for my reviews on this site).

    It's often hard to find info even with the search function. For example, I didn't find anything searching on escorts or strip clubs in this thread, and it's tedious to wade through all the posts.

    Mongers in other cities have produced some very helpful summary threads of the action in their cities that is especially helpful to visitors like me who do not speak the language. These would include the main well-reviewed clubs, brothels, and escort agencies, with web sites and contact info. Would any of you like to start such a list?

    Thanks to everyone, and looking forward to visiting your fair city.


  7. #50
    Its not really a question of "loose". Icelandic society (like the rest of the Nordic countries) offers more freedom and financial equality for women. Also if they have kids the men MUST pay child support, it is very strict.

    Therefore the women are not dependent on the men financially, really. Unlike the US where getting "the ring" is basically the woman's retirement plan.

    So the icelandic women are free to sleep with whomeever they want and dont have to get married to survive in life. You could say by implication that in many western societies such as the US all women are in a backdoor way being induced to a "soft" prostitution (which is only slightly more explicit when you see a 25 yr old woman marrying a rich 50-60 yr old man). But in Iceland the women are free of this.

    Not conicidentally, prostitution is much less common in Iceland!! Sex is available readily and its not a bargaining tool. No women is playing coy or worried about "not seeming like a ****" and therefore subsequently marry you. A brief overview of the Iceland forum here will easily support that analysis.

    I would also add that in most Nordic countries the further north you go, you also see more of a "frontier mentality" in the people. Social proprieties are less important and sex is more open. Iceland as a whole is very frontier-like, but the same patter of increased sexual openness and children out of wedlock does hold true if you go to the Northernmost parts of Norway and Sweden too.

    Those are really what is driving that. So don't just take the view that they are "loose". That comparison is coloured by the lens and implicit viewpoints of the societies you are used to.

  8. #49

    Are Icelandic Women Loose?

    I just caught the tail end of a broadcast on a cable news station about single mothers in Iceland. They mentioned that marraiges are becoming less common and many mothers have children from multiple fathers. There seems to be no negative stigma attached to this lifestyle.

    The most important part of the broadcast was that most women sleep with men on the first date. I stopped over in Iceland on a trip to Europe a few years ago and have thought about going back for a long weekend this summer.

    Does anyone have any info to support this? I'd appreciate details on the Rejkavik nightlife.

  9. #48

    Egotism and Racism

    I am Black American and while reviewing your posts I saw a certain issue pop up over, and over, and over again. I, as a die-hard afrocentric, will say that the tempers flaired due to Rastaman's ego. I like being black and I like controlling and influencing women. But my influence over women didn't come until I got some self-confidence. I've been black all of my life and the first part of it I was an outcast. When I got confident and unselfish and developed security and inner strength women flocked to me. I became what Americans call a "player." After I developed my skills in dealing with women I noticed that there were white, asian, arab, and latino players too; and alot of them had more skills than me! The point is that Rastaman needs to develop confidence and that everyone else should be mature enough to be patient with this little boy, that includes the white people too.

    Everybody grow up!

  10. #47
    Ok guys all the crap aside about the color of one's skin. Iceland is off the beaten path and as stated before P4P is some high dollar stuff. The strip clubs in Iceland are very upscale and if you think you will get some play there you better think again. The best hunting grounds are the regular clubs, but they really don't get busy untill after midnight or 1 am. Keep in mind that you are different if you are not from there and that will peak a lot of interest just because of that fact. Icelandic women by nature are experimental and are actually encouraged to have multiple sex partners so this helps you also. Reykjavik is the best city to go to and has the best clubs in the country. I never had any problems here but also being from the States and the deep south my accent was a interest to most. Also add to the fact that I am fluent in Russian, Icelandic, German, and Italian speaking their language which is the same language the vikings used added to my charm. Also don't be cheap because Iceland is not a cheap counrty. Try and stay in the better hotels and always dress your best. Oh and one good thing to remember don't insult the locals. Doing so will mean your chances to score with a local chick just got flushed. Also if you can hook up with some english speaking people or some of the local marines stationed there. They know the lay of the land and can give you really good advice.

  11. #46

    Is this Dr Phil or WSG? I guess I have learned that unless you part with a big wad of money, there's no easy pus** in Iceland. I will be there in a couple of weeks so any info greatly appreciated (without racial commentary). I've posted on this board a few times and I've never seen such racial discussion like this. Bottom line, if you have skills (or MONEY) you color really doesn't matter.


  12. #45
    Cachondito, a couple of things regardiong your post of Sep 6th:

    First the discussion is in fact very relevant in the context of Iceland. In case you haven't got the jist of it: in Iceland paid pussy is rare and very expensive. In addition to which there is a lot of free pussy of better quality, more so than other countries. So its relevant to us pusy mongers as to what the situation in pulling gals. After all, picking a gal is actually the most likely way to get pussy there - not paying!

    Second, not everyone is as racist as you. I have experience of living in three Scandinavian countries, Netherlands and in the UK (that is "Northern Europe" that you speak of, right?) . My take from those times is that people are not racist on the level where a woman dating a black man is somehow "tainted". These are societies where racism certainly is present in some way, but not on that level which is very deep in people who think like you.

    Maybe you are from USA or South America where people have a much more embedded level of racism - but that what you are talking about is not true in Scandinavia for sure.. Women in Scandinavia esecially date who they want, when they want. Given that as I said many of them are only "experimenenting" with foreign exotic or black men which they are more rare - it goes without saying that many of them end up marrying their local men in the end after all that!

    So maybe you are living in a place with very deep social racism and separation, but its not valid to project that on Northern Europe or the rest of the world, for that matter.

  13. #44
    Guys, please.

    This section for Iceland isn't like the Germany FKK one - people don't go to Reykijavic every single month - it isn't a business hub, and it's too out-of-the-ways. So it's not like we're clogging up the boards when many other guys are trying to put up field reports, you know?

    I still will NO recant a SINGLE LETTER that I typed, it's all 100% legit. That's all I have to say on this matter, and as per request I will desist. And Pastaman, you can rant all you want, but you're still an idiot.

  14. #43

    And I'm black too. Squash it!. let's get back to what this board is meant for!

  15. #42

    There are other fine enjoyment in life than being a lady's man. I would think a man's top priority is to achieve power and station in the society, and to a lesser degree make great contribution to the society. That is a primal masculine urge. Women come as an entertainment and reward for us. Therefore, I wouldn't place too much importance on being able to get laid for free. It's nice but not the most important quality in a man.

    A man's destiny lies in his battlefield, whatever it may be, certainly not in bed. So if some men are good only at getting laid, I don't envy them at all. Ladies have preferences, there is nothing one can do about that.

    And also, after a while, pussies are just pussies. One can easily get tired of them after many one-night stands.

    Sex, in my book, is a power trip. Therefore, I prefer submissive women than those who seek out certain males to screw. In a way, sex with a call girl is much more fulfilling because I have power over her. One cannot say the same thing about women in developed west. They typically have power over western men. They are the ones who go out and seek out certain type of guys to screw. If you observe very carefully, the western women (outside US) tend to date touchy-feely guys, who probably will never rise high in a hierarchy (military or coporate). These women actually shun the men of status, because they consider these men boring and intimidating. Women fuck certain kind of men also for their own power trip.

    By the way, I do not consider rock singers powerful people. They are demogogues in some sense, not warriors and princes.

    Men of status, power, and exceptional abilities these days find submissive feminity in some developing countries and in p4p girls. It's a sad fact.

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