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Thread: 2005 Archived Reports

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  1. #484

    Never Believe The Girl

    Nice TR California Guy, you walked away with a positive session and that's always cool.

    First time in TJ? No sex for over a month? NEVER believe that stuff. She started high to see what color you'd turn. She was hoping you were a noobie from Orange County and would drop for the $300. So $300 to $60 is a good drop.

    Believe it or not there are guys out there paying the big bucks to have sex with these girls. They're getting the same $60.00 session and paying a lot more. The girls are getting wise and are changing their tactics.

    "Yes, I'm a young thing from Guadalajara and this is my first day in Tijuana and I hav't had sex in two months." Think about it guys. She's probably from San Diego. There are LOTS of girls driving across to work at Adelitas or Chicago Club. I know, I've seen them parking their SUV's overheard them at breakfast etc.

    One girl I talked to on a crisp Sunday morning joked about how they don't speak Spanish in the Club because the clients think they are getting "fresh" Mexican girls and that makes them horny. They know just enough English to get the guy upstairs and get the money. Other girls are complaining about the US girls coming across but the clubs won't do anything about it. If the girl is making her draw they don't care if she is from Mars.

    Guys, wake up. Don't over pay. There are lots of fine ladies at other clubs and then again there is one hell of a civilian scene out there (Las Pulgas to name one club).

    Country John

  2. #483

    Need advice on DATY

    Hi Folks,

    Thank you all for your great reports. Your contribution has made a big difference for us rookies. Anyway, I have always wanted to try DATY on one of the bar girls, but I do not want to do it BB. I saw these female condoms at Longs Drugs. Will the female condoms work for DATY so that you do not have direct contact with the pussy? I remember reading about some sort of wrap, how does it work and where can I get it? Thanks for your feedback.

    Stay safe!

  3. #482

    Last Thursday

    Well I was bored after stuffing myself so I headed down to see the action. There weren't as many people as I thought in TJ but that is okay for me because I prefer a mid-sized crowd. Unfortunately when I headed to my first spot, HK, it had the worst selection of girls I have ever seen there! I saw my girl from a couple weeks back and there was one hottie sitting with some guy buying her drinks, etc... but man the talent is just lacking. I sat around for a while and had a couple beers and then headed to AB to see what was going on as well. There were a couple lookers here but once again the waiters act like they are Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail LOL. So I went to the side bar for a drink. I don't really like the vibe in AB but I understand it is a basic spot to pick a girl and that is all, not much time for chilling or chatting.

    Anyway I decided to head back to HK, was going to visit TB but I don't even know where it is at, oh well back to HK when I got back I did find another hot girl so I was happy. She spoke okay English and she had a pretty face with a rockin little body, skinny though so if you like meat on your girls she would not be worth your time. By this time I am buzzed and I need to bring a pencil and paper because I can never remember names, I think hers was Fernanda or close to it and she is from Mazatlan? Now I decide I should get some dances to see how she acts and right off I get a bad vibe because she is telling me topless for 20 or full nude for 30. I was like that is half a session really so I asked how much for the room instead? She wasn't happy I asked for a dance and then was changing my mind so I said okay and took the 20 dollar version, still much better those piece of shit US clubs and that is almsot 3 small beers from those idiot waiters.

    Okay so she starts dancing and it pretty good. She is a very nice and friendly girl so that is also a bonus which got me wanting to bang her more. I asked her how much and she told me it was her first day in TJ so she wasn't sure how much to charge. This wasn't a good sign because I know in other areas people pay US prices, like in Cabo for some reason, so I asked her how much she made before and she said 300 bones. LOL, at the same time she knew guys paid a lot less than this for their time in TJ and she wasn't asking for that amount, which was refreshing since I could stay here and bang a girl for 300. After some negotiations I told her I would pay 60 and if she was good I would give her a nice tip and off we went. In the room she was definitely different than most girls and I was happy we could communicate a little. She did some stripping and was about to go down bbbj which I was hoping for but pulled out the jimmy right after she licked a little, bummer but I guess it's safer. I could tell she hadn't been doing this long or much from where she came from and she told me after her last boyfriend a couple months back was her last sex because she hadn't gone with any guys to that point, not sure I believed her but I was horny! After some very good cbj, I mean she could suck it boys, she got on top reverse cowgirl and started to ride away. She didn't use any lube, which as I stated before I really like, but at the same time she wasn't super wet either so I wasn't too happy. I think she was into rough sex because she had me grabbing harder and I was cool with that although I don't like getting whacked or anything. Well after a while I turned her over and finished doggy which was great because she had a tight little ass. She did act a little too much during it but overall it was a good experience and she is a nice girl I recommend. She actually gave me her number as well but when I tried calling the other day it didn't work so I have no idea if I am dialing correctly but I think it was a bad number rating wise I give her an 8 for her face, 7 for the body, 9 for the cbj, and 7 for the sex good overall and I did tip her out. Okay until next time which maybe this week I hope you have fun and stay safe


  4. #481


    Quackup, be careful. You're spending money like a drunken sailor. You might want to do a bit more planning so you can get your sessions in and save some cash. She might try to clip you if she thinks you have money so be careful.

    I don't want to come off like I'm dis'ing your girl - far from it. I'm suggesting that you watch closely what's going on and keep your eyes open. You might fall in love and find yourself kiving in an apartment in TJ.

    I love the fact that she's a squirter. Nothing like them. All girls can do that if they would just learn to let it go. I'm working on my girl now, I think she'll do it.

    Otherwise great TR. I hate those guys at La Mansion. Try Hotel Pacifico on Durango. Nice rooms etc. $45. a night but it's worth it. Stay in town, there are lots of nice places to eat (like "Antonios" on Madera).

    Country John

    Country John

  5. #480

    The saga continues II

    We get up around 1:00 pm.. She is hungry so we go to the hotel restaurant and have lunch. I tell her not to eat too much because for dinner I wanted to take her to Puerto Nuevo, famous for their lobsters.

    After lunch, we walk to a store to walk off the meal and pick up stuff like sodas and chips. When we get back to the hotel M show me how much she appreciates me bringing her to Rosarito and away from T/B.. After a couple of sessions I tell her its almost 8:00pm and we should be getting ready for dinner.

    At that time she said she is not hungry, she had been munching on the chips and candy. She said she would rather have fun in the room. With this girl, it seemed like more of a date with a Brazillian girl then one from Mexico, which is a good thing. Not only does she love sex, like some of the girls from Brazil, she woke me up in the middle of the night so I could satisfy her needs. Wild!

    This night with all the play-time we went to bed somewhat earlier, 03:00a.m.. Before going to sleep, I told her I would still like to take her to Puerto Nuevo for Lobster. We agreed to go before we headed back to Tj.

    Because the room was so dark, I slept more than I normally do. In fact, M woke me up and told me it was 11:00am. already. It felt like I had just gotten to bed. Maybe it didn't help that M wore me out. Anyways we shower get packed and get a taxi for Puerto Nuevo. I asked the taxi guy how much for a round trip and if he would wait for us until we finished our lunch. He said $30usd total for the round-trip. Not sure if this was good or bad since I haven't been there in such a long time but we went anyways.

    We ate at Puerto Nuevo #2 because the line at Puerto Nuevo #1 was outrageous. The waiter showed us two sizes of Lobster. The small went for $17usd, the large for $20 usd. We both got the large which comes with a salad, a bean soup, beans and rice, and tortillas. It is still good. This was the first time M had tried lobster and she loved it.

    After lunch we get back into the taxi now headed for the Hotel Rosarito Beach to catch the Mexicoach back to Tj.. Like I mentioned before it is $6 each one way back to TJ and the Mexicoach terminal on Rev. and 7th. From there we catch a cab to Plaza Rio because she wanted me to develope the photos from my digital camera. I wasn't sure if any place in Plaza Rio would do it but we found one. I believe the stores name was dillards or something like that. It is a huge department store in the middle of the Plaza.

    It was an hour to get the chip developed. We walked around and being the big spender that I am, I treated her to a Mcdonalds coke and an ice cream cone. We then picked up the photos and headed to Hotel La Masion for one last romp.

    Yes, there are room availiable but because it is a Saturday, they said they only rent the rooms at 4 hours intervals. I think the guy said only on Friday and Saturday they do this. Last time we were there, it was on a Sunday and when I left for home, she stayed the rest of the night there. For the 4 hours, they still charge the $37usd.

    Since time was running short, we took the room. All I can say, the four hours flew by. Before taking her to her hotel above the T/b we went to eat Chinese because that is her favorite. The place was called Wha Chean or something like that. One block away from Plaza Rio. The food was actually pretty good. Finally, we dropped her off at her hotel and off I went to the border.

    Bad news, she told me she was leaving for home today ( Sunday ).

    Good news, she said she would be back sometime in January.

    Post Review. I know ymmv but with this girl, this is crazy. I hope any of you who get to meet her when she gets back, gets the same treatment I have been getting. I know when I first met her and I tried daty, she first said no but I was gentle and slowly went down there. Thats when I found out she was a squirter. She was very ashamed she squirted but now being with me and encouraging it, she seems to enjoy it more. So lets hope January comes by very quickly.

    Hope this helps, especially for those that want to do something different with their special girl down there.


  6. #479

    The saga continues I

    First off, I need to apologize to bubby and the rest of you who were looking for Marisol. Her bar name is Marielos. I thought I had corrected it in my last post but what I think actually happened, I corrected on the pm's that I was getting. So please forgive me. Also, I just got home late Saturday night and I wasn't able to read any post from last Thursday until Sunday afternoon.

    To start this next saga, I arrived into Tj around 11:00 Thursday night. I had spoken with M earlier and she said she was working until midnight. I had parked my car on the US side and walked over with a large duffle bag for our little venture to Rosarito.

    Since it was still early, I figured I would get a room at La Ma Masion first, drop my bag off and pick her up at T/b.. We planned on staying in Tj one night and head off to Rosarito in the morning. I took a taxi libre to the hotel and the guy at the hotel told me once I check in, I couldn't leave. If I did I would have to pay for another night. Screw that. Before I left, I asked him if he had plenty of room for the night and that I would be back in about an hour and a half. He said no problem.

    I get to T/b around 11:40 and if any of you were there, I was the one looking like a dumb-ass with a piece of luggage on my shoulder. M sees me and comes over and greets me with a hug and a kiss and tells me just a few minutes more. At around 12:10 she tells me she is going to her room to change and then we could go.

    We get into a another taxi libre, it's funny but if you tell them anywhere but the border they put on the meter. We get to the hotel where the same dumb-ass that wouldn't let me check in earlier said they had no more rooms. I got mad and said, I'am the one earlier who you said there were plenty of rooms. He said sorry but in the hour we were gone all the rooms were sold out. ( More on this hotel later ).

    I then asked the driver if he knew any other so called love hotels and he said yes. On the drive over I asked him how much he charged to go to Rosarito. He said $15 Usd with another $5 for the time already driven. If we would have waited until morning and taken the Mexicoach the fare would have been $6.00 each one way. I told the driver vamos.

    In the taxi I called the hotel I had made reservations for the next day and asked if they had rooms for the night. They said no problem. This might not be so bad after all.

    The hotel we stayed at was the Los Pelicanos. It is right on the beach and just far enough from the bars where it is nice and quiet. The only mistake I made was to reserve the jr. suite which was way to big for only two persons. Next time I will reserve a reg. ocean front room.

    I will not get into details about our first night there except to say we didn't get to sleep until about 6:00 in the morning and we were alot smarter about using the extra towels in the bathroom so the bed wouldn't be soaked.

    To be cont.....

  7. #478

    Tropical Bar

    Tropical Bar definitely has its share of cuties. I went for 2 nights in a row looking for Quackup's Mirasol, but had no luck. I asked 2 meseros and a couple of the girls, but they didn't know who I was asking about. I'd definitely like to sample a squirter .

    Instead, I hooked up with Amy from Mazatlan. I have come to TJ off and on for about 5 years, but this is the first time I have scored at this bar. Possibly because my Espanol sucks, and I don't dance. Actually, I just haven't really tried here very hard.

    Amy was much more aggresive in the bar than 95% of the girls in this place. She is 24 yo, and was very physically affectionate in the bar. After a lot of touchy-feely over about 45 minutes, she brought up the hotel subject and I was ready. I inquired about price and found out what activities would be permitted. $60 + room and we were off.

    She delivered on all counts- CBJ, chichi sucking and kissing, lip,face, and neck kissing but no DFK, and finally the sex. It was a nice, unrushed session, but like most of these girls, she didn't dig the sex in the room nearly as much as she claimed to in the bar.

    Three very positive things:

    The CBJ was excellent-her laying on her side, and me on my knees playing with the chichis and holding her head. She directed the action, urging me to fuck her mouth while she took it deep with awesome suction and tongue action. I rarely nut from a BJ, but I definitely could have, easily.

    Also, when we were screwing and I was ready to cum, she used excellent panocha muscle control on my unit,, enhancing the experience.

    Last, she didn't want the money in advance, which was a good sign. She actually never asked, except before in the bar. We were ready to leave the room when I finally volunteered the money. I'm sure she would have asked eventually.

    So overall, a very nice session. She's not the youngest or cutest one in there, but she delivers.

  8. #477

    Reviews of 6 Zona Norte Bars


    Thanks for all the great posts over the years. I have been a long time lurker for years to the site and I know want to share my experiences in Tijuana.

    I moved to San Diego 16 months ago from Chicago, Illinois. I work in downtown San Diego and currently live 5 minuets from the border. I had three years of Spanish in high school but did not need to speak it for 16 years until I started to visit TJ. After spending the past 16 months visiting Zona Norte anywhere from 1 to 4 times a week my Spanish is not that bad. I have had a 15 month relationship with a bar girl, rented a house in Playas de Tijuana for 6 months and I will write about all this in other posts. I have always traveled alone on visits to Zona Norte and I have never really hung out with any of my fellow gringos in the bars.

    The following are my reviews and opinions of 6 Zona Norte bars that I have spent time in.

    Adelita Bar

    I do not like this bar. If you are looking for a quick 15 to 20 minute session sin amor then this is the place for you. Yes, there are some very hot girls here but in my experience all the girls in this club talk a good game in the bar and when they are upstairs they turn cold. I have gone up with 8 girls and none of my experiences have been very good. The waiters are constantly pushing the drinks and it can get very hot in the bar with all the mongers. You can find action here starting in the afternoon and long into the night.

    Chicago Club

    I have spent the majority of my time in this club at night. The girls may not be as hot as in Adelitas but I have had very good sessions with girls here. The bar girl that I dated for 15 months I met here. The hotel has TV in the rooms with porn unlike the hotel for Adelitas. They play more American music in this bar than Adelitas. I have gone up with 10 girls and what was promised in the bar was delivered upstairs. This bar has action starting at 8pm and long into the night.

    Las Chavelas

    Unless you speak passable Spanish you will probably not feel comfortable in this bar. Many of the women are on the heavy side. I have gone up with a few skinny women who delivered what they promised in the bar. The music is strictly Mexican and frequented clientele is Mexican men. There is action starting in the afternoon and into the night.

    Bar Tropical

    I really enjoy this bar but you need to speak Spanish to have a really good time. There are waiters that do speak English that can help you out. Unlike Las Chavelas the women in here are very pretty and average age is around 20 years old. Some women will only drink with you while others will go upstairs. Always ask the women if she will “arriba” go upstairs before you buy them a drink. I have had my best experiences with women from this bar. The music is mostly Mexican and frequented clientele is Mexican men. I am usually the only gringo in the bar but never felt uncomfortable. The hotel has TV with porn. There is action starting in the afternoon and into the night.

    Miami Club

    This club is very similar to Las Chavelas with the exception that I have never seen a girl that I would take upstairs. The music is strictly Mexican and frequented clientele is Mexican men.

    Hong Kong

    I really enjoy this club. It is more like your American Strip club but you can touch the girls. They have a good lesbian show at nights. I prefer this club at night. There are some really hot girls here but many will not go upstairs with you because there are just there to dance for tips and do not want sex. The club plays a good mix of music for the girls to strip too. The girl that I was dating now dances here but will not go upstairs. Waiters here do speak English so they can help you. Mix of clientele but mostly Mexicans and Americans. I have gone up with one girl on several occasions and the sex was amazing but I have not seen her there any more. There is action in the afternoon but the girls were not very hot in my opinion much better at night.

    Since I am so close to the border I prefer to hit Zona Norte Sunday to Thursday nights. Sunday to Thursdays are little more relaxed atmosphere, you have your pick of the girls, you can make better deals and the Policia are not has hardcore. Friday and Saturday nights I try and avoid as much as possible just due to the amount of guys in the clubs, girls will not bargain and the Policia are in full force.

    Jimmy TJ

  9. #476

    In TJ on Sunday last week

    Thanks to all the fellow mongers, I was able to visit TJ without any trouble last weekend. I was in SD last weekend and with the details provided, I was able to visit TJ and had the pleasure of visiting the "alley".

    From the border, took a taxi (5$) and went to Adilitas first. It was packed and I did not find any body interesting right away. Hence, walked the "alley" checking out the girls. I liked the girl in front of cascades, who was young with beautiful face and boobs (the way I like them..). Hence, negotiated the price of 30 for sucky and sin ropa (I know it is little bit high but I liked the girl and hence no negotiations). But in the room, when I handed her 2 20$ bills, she offered CBJ and I accepted it (my first mistake). The session was so so (nothing special) and I did CBJ, regular postion and finally doggie. Banged her in doggie for 5 minutes and I was done by the time the dreaded knock came on the door.

    After the first round, I went back to Adilitas and checked out the girls. After an hour or so, one girl (abour 25 - 30) with good rack and decent face offered me sucky, fucky, multiple positions for 50$. I took the offer and we went upstairs. Compared to the first round, this girl gave very good company (in bed) and seemed to enjoy the session (could be faking but it felt good..). Kissing, CBJ, multiple positions were offered and I really enjoyed the session.

    As previously suggested, the Bar girls seemed to be much better than the street girls. Anyway, thanks again to all the senior members for all the information, so that persons like me from Illinois, could visit TJ and enjoy some good looking mexican girls.

  10. #475

    Info on Tijuana

    Hello all,

    I will be travelling to Mexico - Tijuana on mid January next year and wanted to know get some info as it will be my first trip there. Please can some veterans of the place adivse me where i can get the best girls and what sort of prices in dollars should i be looking at paying them. Also if anyone has any info on girl friendly hotels.

    Will appreciate all the help.


  11. #474

    The ups and downs of Tj

    i wasn't going to go back to tj for at least another week but the girl i met at tropical, who i wrote about on my last report, kept calling me on my cell phone. i have had girls from tj call me before but not everyday. finally the third time she called, i told her i would come down sunday.

    she said she would take off of work and we would spend the day together doing whatever. i told her i would take her to the movies, then to a restaurant, then to the hotel. after saying hotel she starts to laugh, and asked, what are we going to do in the hotel?

    i told her she would find out on sunday. she then asked if i would stay at the hotel with her the whole night. i told her i had to leave around 10 or 11 p.m. because i had to work the next day. she didn't like the answer but said okay. for the next three days, she text messages me about sunday. i had to use babelfish to translate what she had wrote. i could only understand half of it because she uses alot of slang to cut down on the words.

    finally sunday rolls around, i call her that i'am at the border getting ready to cross over. she gives me her room number, she is staying at the rizo de oro the same hotel used by the bar tropical. i get to the lobby, tell her i'am there and says she will be right down. at the lobby she gives me a nice tight hug and a kiss and gives me a present. a little figurine, but i think this is the first time a tj girl ever gave me a present.

    i thank her, get into a taxi and off to plaza rio we go. funny, but before we get into the taxi, one of the waiters from tropical passes us, and looks at me and asked, do you speak spanish? i told him so-so, and he says good luck. back to the taxi, we used a taxi libre who actually used his meter and told us there would be heavy traffic because of some parade near plaza rio. no problem, it took us a while but when we finally got there, the fare was $34 pesos. wish all of the taxis were this honest.

    by the time we get to the movies, the only one starting at that time was chicken little. since we didn't want to wait around we went to see it. this was at the vip theater not the big one. tickets were $7 pesos each. this theater is great to bring a date. big comfy leather chairs and the arms between can be pulled back so you can get more comfortable with your date.

    for me the movie was so-so, she seemed to like it. the best part for me was when she would just turn to me and start making out, which happened alot during the movie. after the movie we walked through the mall and i told her i would buy her a present, she said she didn't want one. i then told her if not her, i would buy a present for her son. she said okay. i can't remember the stores name, but it's under the big movie place and she picked out a toy for her kid. we wait in line but the line took so long she gets mad and says forget it, lets leave. i said what about your sons gift. she said it will have to wait.

    after leaving the store, we catch a taxi libre to the hotel la ma maison. this took her a little bit by surprise. i guess she thought we were going back to rizo de oro. the hotel charge is now around $37 usd. this hotel is very nice, highly recommended. she loved it.

    we did our thing and after a couple of hours i told her i would take her to a nice restaurant. she said she was having so much fun, she didn't want to leave the hotel and could we order room service. no problem. the food was okay, nothing great, nothing bad. just more time for playtime. after dinner, alot more playtime. around 10:00 i told her i should be getting home. she then says i should stay with her the whole night. i said again, i have to work tomorrow.

    finally, not to make a big scene, i told her since i have next weekend off including thursday and friday because of the holidays, i would come back next week and take her to rosarito. that's when she threw me a curve ball. she told me she was leaving for home tomorrow, that's why she wanted me to stay with her the night.

    she then said, if i stay the night, she would stay one more week. i told her i couldn't. we finally agreed that if we have one more session, she would stay one more week and i would take her to rosarito. i finally left tj around 1:00 a.m.. i told her to stay at the la ma maison when i left and she had no argument there. she really liked that hotel also. compared to the hotel rizo de oro, she probably thought she was staying at the ritz.

    so after so many so-so sessions with different girls, this is my highlight of all the girls i have had so far. not only is this girl great in bed, she is a squirter. no faking an o here, half the bed was just soaked. i have to remember to get extra towels when we go to rosarito. so if any of you guys are in tj, she is still availiable untl thursday because after rosarito, she will be going home for the holidays.

  12. #473

    Stange day in TJ

    I had a strange thing happen last week in AM Sunday morning. I concluded my trip at one of the better strip clubs on revolucion (up around 5th or 6th) at dawn (I think they closed at 5:30 or 6:00) and having extra time and needing exercise, I walked down Revolution to first and headed west for about a mile and a half or so (beyond where any map I own shows any detail)

    I know what your thinking, Is this guy crazy? but as I walked on it seemed like a Sunday morning stroll in any other city, and surprisingly once past nino heros, I felt no reason to be alarmed, but I was still alert.

    After I had enough exercise, I flagged down a taxi ,who was definately surprised to a gringo that far from centro, and was somewhat amused as he asked what was doing up here.

    So I offered him $5 to the border which he accepted and he took me back along a long-assed route that I did not recognize. I guess he figured that if was going to walk a mile to see his city he would give me a tour of some other nicer areas. I believe we were north east of the river off of pasoe tijuana.

    Anyway (now the strange thing you've been waiting for) as we approached the border station (by the end of the sidewalk where the buses usually are) and I exited at the end of the i noticed a policia pull up by the cab. The cabbie got a strange look on his face (as would anyone) and I walked away slowly and unconcerned as not to arise suspicion (back to my sunday stroll!) even though I was being eyeballed by the cop. As the cab pulled away the police lighted him and I saw him braking and pulling over as he went behind a building.

    I could not see that the cabbie had done anything wrong, maybe it was just a routine check of license or something. Does anyone know if cabs are not allowed to drop people off that close to the checkpoint? Or is there was something else I missed? Maybe he was from out of the zona considering how far I had walked?

  13. #472

    Thursday Night

    Hadn't been on a Thursday so I decided to check it. I headed right to HK where I like to hang out and see my girl but it was packed! Not with girls but with tons of guys watching that stupid lesbian show, kind of over-rated in my mind. Anyway, the girls were okay this night but I didn't see a couple I rate as the highest. I did see the girl I sessioned with a couple times and I really like her, she is gorgeous, but she got pissed because I wouldn't take her to the room. I forget that is what I am there for but at the same time I bought her a couple drinks, which is fucking stupid at $7 each, and was just chillin. I felt bad because she got up and left but after the last session I wasn't to happy and she kept saying "you want to fuck other girls" in her broken English. I obviously said no and I really meant it at the time, I just wanted to chill for a while. Finally she got up and left so I did the same. I found this other girl named Alexa and I had seen her before as well. She has one of the prettiest faces you will ever see, very young looking. Perfect natural C cup for you boob guys but her ass isn't that good, overall I give her a 7.5-8 but no complaints in terms of looks and I would love to have this girl on my arm. Anyway, her English sucked so I couldn't understand anything nor could she but my little guy did the talking. The session was a little bad in terms of the fact she didn't do oral and right away had me on top but she was very wet which was nice and I could tell she was having fun. I banged her probably 15 minutes and I popped one so I left. I would do her again if I were there but she isn't a gfe or at least ymmv with her. I was going to check out some other spots but I wasnt into walking around so I chilled at HK. I think I will head back next week and look for the famous Salma because that is what I want

  14. #471
    Thanks for the info CJ.

  15. #470

    Princessa Salma de Michoacan at Hong Kong

    Quote Originally Posted by Lascivious
    OC, what's a novella, (beside's a short novel)?
    The "Novella" is the Mexican soap opra. Girls like Salma are dedicated and passionate followers. On one TLN with her, I snuggled up next to her in bed while she watched intensely. She was like a WWF the end she laughed it off.

    Salma likes to go with guys who are nice to her and polite. She is not shy at the table or in the room. If she takes a liking to you she'll put icing on the cake in the room and you will have sessioned with a pro, one of the cleanest girls I know. She is very dedicated to her kids and this is why she's there. She might talk about them, not for pity but because she misses them, is proud of her daughter and likes to tell people (who'll listen) about them.

    Of all the girls I've taken in the Zona, Salma is the one girl that I have a true friendship with. I've backed away from the Zona and sadly, have not seen her for a long time -I actually miss talking to her. Tell her you know "Or-vee-yay" and tell her I said hello, I still love her and to "have a nice day anyway.

    Country John

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