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  1. #611
    I completely second Lorenzo.

    Foz Iguazu is definitely worth two days. The Brazilian side is much more impressive as far as the view goes, because you can see the much bigger Argentinian falls from there. A trip to Paraguay is worth it; you can get incredible deals on consumer electronics there. Stay away from the drug scene! Mongering scene in Foz is iffy at best.

    Sao Paulo: I have been there 10 times and really have nothing special to say about it. It is HUGE, even much bigger than Los Angeles and NYC. Good food, nice people. BUt no real tourist sights, and the mongering scene is much more expensive than Rio.

    Rio: I am gushing, go there as long as you can.

    Bahia: Very cool to go and see some native culture. Take lots of pics, just like at Iguazu. This way you have something to show to the folks at home when you get back. (Also take some pics of pussy in Rio, but post them on this board ) Take a three-day cruise on the Amazon.


  2. #610
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorenzo
    While you're there you should try to see a candomble ceremony, or at least a simulated one, and a martial arts performance (there's a name for it, but right now I can't recall it).
    Capoeira. Can vouch for the soundness of the other recommendations regarding Bahia and Rio. Manaus and FdI, I still need to check out myself.

  3. #609
    California Guy,

    The answer to your question depends on whether the primary focus of your trip will be mongering, or whether you want to make it a trip whose primary purpose is to experience Brazil, while mongering on the side. I hope it is the latter, because it will make for a much more interesting trip. So, I'll base my suggestions on the assumption that this is the case. I'm also assuming you have enough money to get around, because it sounds like it does.

    24 days is a helluva long time for a first trip. You should be able to see quite a bit during that period. To begin with, I'm not clear why you want to go to Sao Paolo at all, let alone spend so much time there. I'll admit I've never been there, but that's because I never had any desire to go. I've never heard anything positive about SP. Supposedly the mongering scene there is good but expensive. Other than that, SP is larger than New York or London but reputedly 100 times more chaotic. Supposedly you can spend hours stuck in traffic. Is this what you want to do on your vacation? So I suggest skipping SP entirely.

    I suggest you focus your trip on 4 places: Rio, Salvador, Manaus, and Foz de Iguacu, although not necessarily in that order. Let me discuss each briefly:

    Salvador: this is in Bahia, in the northeast. This is the center of Afro-Brazilian culture and a fascinating place to visit. If you take a day trip or tour away from the city and into the interior, you might actually think you are in Africa. If you don't care for black women, there are plenty of mulatas, which you say you like. The mongering scene in Salvador is pretty good. I went to a termas named Special-Relax--a taxi driver can find it for you--and had several luscious young mulatas over the course of a few days. There are a few other mongering sites there, as well as escort services. Salvador is worth 4-5 days. While you're there you should try to see a candomble ceremony, or at least a simulated one, and a martial arts performance (there's a name for it, but right now I can't recall it).

    Manaus: this is the gateway to the Amazon, and any trip to Brazil is incomplete without going to the Amazon. I didn't do any mongering there, nor did I try, but I understand that it can be done. I took a 3-hour boat ride up the Amazon, or rather the Rio Negro, to Ariau Jungle Lodge, where you can take day trips and see wildlife galore. If you don't arrange a jungle trip before you leave for Brazil, you can arrange one when you get there. I suggest spending one night in Manaus, during which you can check out the mongering scene, then leave the next day for a jungle trip. One day for Manaus, 3-4 for the jungle.

    Foz de Iguacu: simply one of the natural wonders of the world. Stay at the Cataratas Hotel, which is inside a national park. There is a mongering scene available in the town, but I can't speak for it first hand. Read the reports on the forum. If you're feeling adventurous, you can cross the border into Paraguay and take a bus to Ciudad del Este, which has a frontier, wild west flavor to it. Just be sure you have a multiple entry Brazilian visa, or you may have trouble getting back into Brazil. Other than the falls, there isn't much interesting about FdeI, so I wouldn't give it more than 2 days, maybe even one.

    Rio: undoubtedly the pussy capital of the world. I don't need to say anything about it because there's plenty of information on this forum. I would spend the balance of your trip here. You like beaches, there are plenty of them, and women that are to die for. Enjoy!

    Member #2041,

    You have nothing to worry about. I am well over my optimal weight myself and built like a sumo wrestler, yet I have had no trouble whatever getting pussy in Rio. Walking down Av. Atlantica I have had women approach me multiple times, and they would probably do this even if I looked like Mr. Hyde. The only weight they're interested in is the weight of your wallet. So as I said to California Guy, enjoy!


  4. #608
    In terms of whether or not to venture out of Rio, you may want to. But I have a hard time imagining how much better it can get elsewhere. I'm here now, sitting in an apartment on Miguel Lemos overlooking the scene at Help, and marking time till the 11:30pm front door rush starts.

    I arrived yesterday and it was a beautiful sunny day. After a day at the beach and a snack at Kilograma, I made my way to Centaurus. And while there were a few of the old-timer chicks, there were also a ton of new ones. My first was Tatiana, a brunette with a body like Candy Loving (anybody remember the Playboy 25 anniversary Playmate? Think of her, but with darker hair). The second way Laura, a short-haired sassy chick with natural tits that defied gravity. I was sure they were fake, until I saw them up close. That Terma has it's downside, but I'll certainly deal with them if it means an experience like last night. A top 5 mongering experience, to be sure.

    I just got a call from a friend, but I'll fill in the blanks as time allows.

  5. #607
    In terms of whether or not to venture out of Rio, you may want to. But I have a hard time imagining how much better it can get elsewhere. I'm here now, sitting in an apartment on Miguel Lemos overlooking the scene at Help, and marking time till the 11:30pm front door rush starts.

    I arrived yesterday and it was a beautiful sunny day. After a day at the beach and a snack at Kilograma, I made my way to Centaurus. And while there were a few of the old-timer chicks, there were also a ton of new ones. My first was Tatiana.

  6. #606
    Quote Originally Posted by California Guy
    Well first I am getting my final planning done for my Brazil trip, this is my first, so I am very excited. At this time I am still having trouble about where I should go because I want to have fun with the ladies but also enjoy Brazil itself and relax on the beaches. Can anyone give me advice on what they would do for 24 days? Right now I am thinking 5-7 days in SP, then to Florpa for 5, Rio for 5, and finish my trip in Fortaleza, actually split up my SP trip into two seperate stays of 3 days. Should I cut out Florpa? I have heard it is gorgeous and to be honest I am not into African American women that much, nothing against them because I did one a couple weeks back but she was smoking hot and I was horny lol still I would have chosen a dark skinned mulato girl over her in a second because it is what I really like. If I did this then my trip would consist of SP, Rio, and Fortaleza unless I go to Bahia as well but I would assume it is similar to Fortaleza?

    Okay also will anyone be around either for Carnaval or after? I will be leaving next month, not sure exact dates, but I will be there either for Carnaval or go right after when it is a little cheaper. I would like to hook up with some people who want to have fun down there, experienced or not. By the way, how does carnaval affect the scene in terms of the ladies? Is it more of a negative or positive in terms of things like the number of girls available, quality, etc... I can picture this both ways as there could be more girls working but then there could be less because of the celebrations. Also with more guys all over it maybe worse to find hot girls and so on. Just curious about the way that works

    My thought is that if you have never been to Brazil, spend the whole time in Rio. Trust me, what'll happen if you do otherwise is that you'll come to Rio first and be blown away by the termas here, and afterwards, you'll go up to Nordeste and just be disappointed (different kinds of establishments up there, less of the terma atmosphere). Rio is like a melting-pot of women. You want blondes? You got it. Brunettes? Take two. Mulatta? Nao vai ser um problema. If you are just rolling in money, take a trip to Sao Paulo and get yourself some "high-class" women, or even down to Southern Brazil for a few days, but in general, I've just been pretty disappointed elsewhere in Brazil (in terms of mongering, for tourist purposes it is still very good though).

    During Carnaval, you will have some of the best Brazil has to offer, and at some of the prices you might expect to see back there in California. But, you'll still have a good time.

    Trust me, Rio all the way. You won't regret it.

  7. #605

    Hey who will be around?

    Well first I am getting my final planning done for my Brazil trip, this is my first, so I am very excited. At this time I am still having trouble about where I should go because I want to have fun with the ladies but also enjoy Brazil itself and relax on the beaches. Can anyone give me advice on what they would do for 24 days? Right now I am thinking 5-7 days in SP, then to Florpa for 5, Rio for 5, and finish my trip in Fortaleza, actually split up my SP trip into two seperate stays of 3 days. Should I cut out Florpa? I have heard it is gorgeous and to be honest I am not into African American women that much, nothing against them because I did one a couple weeks back but she was smoking hot and I was horny lol still I would have chosen a dark skinned mulato girl over her in a second because it is what I really like. If I did this then my trip would consist of SP, Rio, and Fortaleza unless I go to Bahia as well but I would assume it is similar to Fortaleza?

    Okay also will anyone be around either for Carnaval or after? I will be leaving next month, not sure exact dates, but I will be there either for Carnaval or go right after when it is a little cheaper. I would like to hook up with some people who want to have fun down there, experienced or not. By the way, how does carnaval affect the scene in terms of the ladies? Is it more of a negative or positive in terms of things like the number of girls available, quality, etc... I can picture this both ways as there could be more girls working but then there could be less because of the celebrations. Also with more guys all over it maybe worse to find hot girls and so on. Just curious about the way that works


  8. #604

    Boa Forma

    Quote Originally Posted by Member #2041
    I've got a basic question about the hobby. I've got alot of experience with Costa Rica and Thailand, and Mexico, and I've always heard that the only place that might actually be better than Thailand is Brazil. I've heard that this is because of the attitudes of the ladies, who are really into the sex as well as the money, so I am considering my first trip to Brazil.

    My question is this: I'm quite a bit overweight. (5'8" tall 270 pounds) This has NEVER caused me any difficulty whatsoever in Costa Rica, or in Thailand, as the only thing the ladies seem to care about in these locations is how fat my wallet is. But I have heard that the ladies in Brazil are much more into the physical attractiveness of their clients than are the P4P ladies anywhere else. While this might certainly work to the advantage of a good looking young guy, I am equally concerned that it will work against me in Rio and elsewhere in Brazil, much more so than in other locations.

    Any thoughts or relevant experience?
    Good question and I'll give you my take on this and my experience. I am currently 5' 7" tall at 175 lbs. I go to the gym 7 days a week and sometimes twice a day plus I watch my diet, Im in great shape for my age. In recent years in returning to Rio I have been up to 30 lbs heavier sometimes 15 sometimes 20, it fluctuates. I will tell you that the response I get when I am at my best weight which is in the 170 - 180 range is a big difference in the sexual experience than when I have 20 - 30 lbs extra on me. When Im at my best weight in Help for example they stop me in Help to talk to me, when I am at a bad weight its harder to get them to talk to me and I see that their performance is lacking.

    As a result of this I use my upcoming Rio trips as goals to get in better shape as I know that my vacation experience there will be greatly enhanced if I look good. These Brasilian woman are not shy about giving out compliments, when I am at my best weight they always stop me and tell me how elegant i look, handsome, sexy and despite my age it is a plus for them because they tell me they much prefer a good looking older gentleman rather than a young stud because they are much more experienced and take their time.

    if you cannot reduce by the time of your next trip then my advice to you is to seek out the termas's that are so popular in Rio as it is more of a brothel style with a captive audience as it seems it is harder to turn someone down in a termas as opposed to a place like Help which is more like a regular club. That's not to say you couldn't have any luck in Help, Im sure you can because for sure money talks in Rio too.

  9. #603
    Quote Originally Posted by Member #2041
    I've got a basic question about the hobby. I've got alot of experience with Costa Rica and Thailand, and Mexico, and I've always heard that the only place that might actually be better than Thailand is Brazil. I've heard that this is because of the attitudes of the ladies, who are really into the sex as well as the money, so I am considering my first trip to Brazil.

    My question is this: I'm quite a bit overweight. (5'8" tall 270 pounds) This has NEVER caused me any difficulty whatsoever in Costa Rica, or in Thailand, as the only thing the ladies seem to care about in these locations is how fat my wallet is. But I have heard that the ladies in Brazil are much more into the physical attractiveness of their clients than are the P4P ladies anywhere else. While this might certainly work to the advantage of a good looking young guy, I am equally concerned that it will work against me in Rio and elsewhere in Brazil, much more so than in other locations.

    Any thoughts or relevant experience?
    Don't worry. The past few times I've been to Rio, I remember this handicapped guy hanging out in Meia Pataca all the time (who could hardly walk WITH crutches), and he didn't seem to have any problem pulling the ladies. I've seen 70-year old foreigners pick up GDPs in front of Help. So I don't think that weight really should be any issue. Stick to the pros and the Copacabana joints and the termas, and the only way anyone will ever discriminate is based on the size of your wallet. I've been mongering in quite a few other places, and no, Rio (or Brazil, for that matter) is not different from anywhere else. Welcome to the cidade maravilhosa, and happy mongering.


  10. #602

    Question about Mongering in Brazil for a big guy

    I've got a basic question about the hobby. I've got alot of experience with Costa Rica and Thailand, and Mexico, and I've always heard that the only place that might actually be better than Thailand is Brazil. I've heard that this is because of the attitudes of the ladies, who are really into the sex as well as the money, so I am considering my first trip to Brazil.

    My question is this: I'm quite a bit overweight. (5'8" tall 270 pounds) This has NEVER caused me any difficulty whatsoever in Costa Rica, or in Thailand, as the only thing the ladies seem to care about in these locations is how fat my wallet is. But I have heard that the ladies in Brazil are much more into the physical attractiveness of their clients than are the P4P ladies anywhere else. While this might certainly work to the advantage of a good looking young guy, I am equally concerned that it will work against me in Rio and elsewhere in Brazil, much more so than in other locations.

    Any thoughts or relevant experience?

  11. #601

    Football Americano!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny Jams
    Euro100- Any idea if the bowl games would be on there? I'm gonna be down there for New Years but it would be nice to watch the Rose Bowl.
    I'll be at the Mariot In copa with a beer watching USC spank that ass like 2 garotas in a dupla.

  12. #600

    Shenanigan's Irish pub shows football

    It's on the main drag in Ipanema (Rua Visconde de Piraja near Rua T. do Melo). Go upstairs and you'd never know you're in Brazil.

    I was there watching NFL games in November so they might have the bowl games on, too.

  13. #599
    Exec- Do any of the cell phone you have found offer caller id blocking?

  14. #598
    Euro100- Any idea if the bowl games would be on there? I'm gonna be down there for New Years but it would be nice to watch the Rose Bowl.

  15. #597

    Recharging Cell Phones

    One of the difficulties with adding credits to a cell phone here in Brazil is that the instructions are in Portuguese. Claro has another way which is to just go to their store and enter the number in a keypad. This service also is available at the Sendas (maybe others as well) supermarket.

    I just went through the checkout line, asked the clerk for R$50 recharge for Claro (other providers were listed), entered my phone number, hit enter, entered the number again and almost immediately got the R$50 added to my phone. Bonuses are the same (this case $R10) as those available in the Claro store.
    Last edited by Exec Talent; 12-22-05 at 18:46. Reason: Clarify

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