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Thread: Living in Mexico

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  1. #72

    Las Pulgas

    Hey MIke 123, long time no see. When you gonna buy that beer you owe me? Thanks for posting the images. It should be noted that these roll-up doors are open all night during the summer and the tables are next tot he street.

    I went with my girley and Blue Nose last saturday night and the women were fantastic. A guy with game is gonna score there but it's important to keep a few things in mind. I've gone to Las Pulgas about 50 times this year, so here are a few qualified observations:

    1. Many "off-duty" zona girls go there for R&R so don;t be surprised if you see your favorite dancer there. She might, however, be sitting with her husband or boyfriend so be very very careful if you plan to approach her.

    2. You can score at Las Pulgas. Women are people too. They want to have sex.

    3. Take your time. The girls can sense when guys are there for only one thing. You have to be willing to dance and spend the evening at the club with the girl who "MIGHT" fuck you later. Many of these girls are factory workers out celebrating the weekend. They are not working there. They are civilians but welcome gringos who know how to behanve, how to dress and how to treat a lady.

    4. I almost shit my pants last Saturday....there were some FABULOUS creatures there. Oh mymymymymy. There is nothing like the Latina.

    5. It's best to go with someone and sit at a table. Last week Blue Nose came along, if anyone else wants to follow me and my girley in then PM me.


    7. Patience patience Patience. These girls will not (mostly) approach you. You have to have your game working and you have to be looking good.

    8. Dress "smart casual." Leave the bling at home. It's not safe and the girl doesn't care anyway. The see too much bling as stupid given the security issues in TJ right now.

    I'm tellin ya, Las Pulgas is a happening place. Forget the upper Revolution clubs. Las Pulgas is what you are looking for. Cheap beer and LOTS of fabulous civilian latina chicas.

    Be Safe and Be Nice.

    Country John

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike 123
    Here are photos. It's across the street from the Jai Alai stadium.


    1. Las Pulgas
    2. Las Pulgas
    3. Jai Alai & AM/PM Mini-Mart (Across the Street)

  2. #71

    Las Pulgas

    Here are photos. It's across the street from the Jai Alai stadium.


    1. Las Pulgas
    2. Las Pulgas
    3. Jai Alai & AM/PM Mini-Mart (Across the Street)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails pulgas1.jpg‎   pulgas2.jpg‎   jai_alai.jpg‎  

  3. #70

    Las Pulgas

    Quote Originally Posted by Tjrogelio
    Where is Las Plugas (or is it Las Pulgas, I'm seeing it written both ways)?
    It's Las Pulgas, located on Revolucion between 7th and 8th.

  4. #69
    Where is Las Plugas (or is it Las Pulgas, I'm seeing it written both ways)?

  5. #68

    Latina Traveling Partner

    bill marshall - at least you are realistic about yourself; i guarantee that if you lose the 30 lbs., start working out at the gym, and get some decent clothing you will get game down south. (don't mean to be offensive, but american men are generally horrible dressers by international standards.) latin women love sharp dressers. you are just the right age, they like older men - you can easily score a 20 - 30 year old latina with no problem.

    in order to get a girl in to the usa, you need to target middle class women who have their passports and can obtain a us vacation visa easily. many would love to travel the us with you. avoid the sex tours; too expensive and the women at these places are generally money grubbers.

    i travel a lot in latin america. i have had very good success finding traveling partners through the dating websites like, mejor amor, american singles, etc. avoid at all costs the marriage and sex tour operator sites aimed at gringos. go for the sites that latin americans use themselves.

    just put your ad in the place where you want a woman from. i recommend peru, hands down. avoid mexico, because our government trys to keep them out and visas are hard to get. you will have to pay her costs to get here. if you don't know spanish, many girls know english.

    my guess if you travel with a latina for a few months you will end up marrying her. are you ready for that? these women are so sincere, loving, honest, and sexy; you won't send her home.

    good luck,
    munch lunch

    Quote Originally Posted by bill marshall
    i'm a traveling physical therapist and want a latina or other to join me. do you have any recommendations as to the best way to get one across the border or other without marrying?

    i just want a little sex starved sweetie to enjoy exploring some of the different states i will be going as a traveling pt. my tastes are pretty easy--- as long as they are slender i'm generally good to go.

    i knew a guy in san diego who would go on sex tours and bring back litttle 20 year olds to be his play things for 6 months or so until his next voyage. this doesn't sound too bad.

    i used to be good-looking, but time has been a little rough on me--- had to shave the head (bald) and need to lose about 30lbs which i'm working on, age 38.

    any advice of where else i could post to ask for advice or other would be appreciated. my dick and happiness thank you in advance.


  6. #67


    Never saw a $30. charge at Las Pulgas. They bring in special acts from around Mexico, perhaps it was for that show. I never saw a $30. admission. Sheesh.

    The Plaza is a local scene and I've spent some time there. Lots of women but not the "quick fix" us "zoners" are used to. I've been to Las Pulgas a lot. Yes, there are a lot of 5's and below there but I always see many hot girleys there. I've been hit on many times while my girley is in the banos, surprising especially since I'm nothing special. I just have a friendly demeanor and a plesant smile. I might be glowing, I don't know.

    I think the problem with a lot of guys (gringos) is that as soon as they walk into the place they have a sign on their forehead that reads "I'm looking for a chica who wants to ****, have monkey sex for nothing and then just leave." The girls can read it a mile away.

    I watched one night as a single gringo came in, sat down, ordered a bucket and kept to hmself for a short bit, looking around the room.

    He asked a few girls to dance, danced one song then took another having fun with each girl. A few girls actually looked surprised that he didn;t ask for another dance right away. When he returned to his table, I could tell the girls were talking about him, some even looking at him as he returned to his table. He danced a LOT. Finally I saw him dancing with the same girls he danced with earlier. Later he stuck with one girly, having a lot of laughs and finally they left together. He was probably my age (50), reasonably good looking, clean cut and dressed smart casual, little bling. I could tell he was polite and treated the girls with respect. Smart mongering.

    Latinas are not stoopid and they are not waiting for us Gringos to show up so they can have sex with us. Many are intelligent and sensitive women who respond well to being treated right.

    So go to Las Pulgas, be prepared to work the room. You will more likely than not score with a chica that you might like. Just be yourself, leave the "I wanna fuck" sign at home, dress well and be nice. Basic stuff eh?

    Country John

  7. #66

    Las Plugas 3/31/06 $30 Cover

    Hola El Azetca

    I had my mind set that I wanted to experience Las Plugas Friday night 3/31/06. I arrived at 11pm and there were maybe 50 people waiting to get in. I was the only gringo. I am looking at a sign at the entrance and it says 300 pesos cover to get in tonight. I thought to myself that can not be correct and stood in line anyway. The girl at the entrance asks for $30 to get in. I made her repeat it several times to make sure I understood her. I thought to myself no way am I going to pay a $30 cover to get in with the strong possibility of not finding anyone to hang with for the night. From what I understand Las Plugas clientele is lower class Mexicans and middle class Mexicans would never go there. I can not believe all these people were paying $30 to get in. Maybe someone with more experience in Las Plugas can fill us in on the details. The other times I was in Las Plugas during the week I paid no cover or $4.

    I walked down calle Revolution and it was dead for a Friday night. I stopped in El Torito and it had maybe twenty high school kids. I proceeded to Zona Norte and it was dead for a Friday night in my opinion. I ended up hanging out with a cool girl in Las Chavales from midnight until 6:30am. We are going to hang on her two nights off this coming week.

  8. #65

    My 2 cents on Plaza del Zapato and Las Plugas

    Hi El Azetca,

    I will give a little background first. I am 35 year old, 6 foot gringo, in good shape and I can speak passable Spanish. If I am not drinking I will only dance to romantic songs where I can hold on to the girl but if I am drinking I will be more inclined to cut loose a little bit but I always feel self conscious especially since the Mexican people are such good dancers. I spent all my life living outside Chicago, IL and I will have lived in San Diego two years this July. I always go to TJ alone because none of my friends enjoy going over there. I go to TJ anywhere from one to five times a week depending on my work schedule. The bulk of the time I have spent in Zona Norte. I never realized how attracted I was to Mexican women until I moved to San Diego and started hanging out in Zona Norte. The kind of women I look for is tall, skinny and all natural.

    Here are my thoughts on Plaza del Zapato and Las Plugas.

    I have gone to Plaza del Zapato about seven times. They have around twelve different bars all featuring different kinds of music from rock n roll to dance music. It is pretty much dead until around 10 or 11pm. I have gone week nights and weekends. I was the only gringo there the times I have gone which does not bother me and one cab driver told me I was very brave to be there at all. Being that I go alone I feel more intimated to walk up to a group of four women sitting at a table having a good time. The times I was there I did not approach any women I just kind of drank and observed. If I had another guy with me I would felt a lot more comfortable approaching a table of women. I was there one night and I saw a hot blond with an ugly girlfriend. I was thinking about approaching the blond but she turned down about three guys while I was watching her. Her waiter boyfriend came over to talk to her awhile later. I think the bars here are very fun and if you can bring a couple of guys with you I think picking up the women should be fairly easy as long as you can speak Spanish. I saw women of all shapes and sizes to make any man happy. The bar I have spent the most time in is called Sambucca (I believe) and is right next door to Monte Picacho. I like Sambucca because they have really good rock bands that play a couple songs in Spanish and then a couple in English. The best time I had was when I brought this girl I liked who worked in Hong Kong bar and we spent from midnight to 6am in Monte Picacho which plays dance music and another bar that I do not remember. One thing to note is the music tends to be very loud in these bars which makes trying to talk to someone very difficult. Also Plaza del Zapato attracts a more middle class Mexican crowd.

    I have gone to Las Plugas maybe three or four times since Christmas 2005 week. I went twice the week of Christmas during the week and I was not impressed with any of the women I saw. I think it was probably not a good time to go due to the holidays. I went back a few more times after the new year during the week and I saw women of all shapes, sizes and ages. I have not gone on a Friday or Sunday night which I hear is when all the singles go. Wednesday night is ladies night and Saturday is for couples. I was there one Wednesday night and I saw a lot of single guys sitting around and asking the girls to dance. I again just drank and observed but I think for someone like myself who goes to TJ alone Las Plugas is a better place to hang than Plaza del Zapato. The beer here is very cheap like $1.75. I have been told that Las Plugas attracts a more lower class Mexican crowd than a Plaza del Zapato. I definitely need to and want to spend more time in Las Plugas because I think the vibe for approaching the women was good especially if you are alone. I will report more about my findings at a later date.

    El Azetca I hope this helps you out and if you end of going to any of these places let us know how things work out.

    Jimmy TJ

  9. #64

    re: Las Plugas and Plaza del Zapato

    Jimmy TJ,

    How did your exploration of the Zona Rio pan out?

  10. #63

    Cell Phones

    I have a daughter who lives outside of Mexico City, and have found fairly good and inexpensive service from Verizon with their Northamerican program, you can coverage in Mexico and Canada, if you are in the Verizon Extended network it works out to about .10 a min. I got a phone for her with a US number and also call her Mexican house number for that price. When talking to her on the cell, it is very affordable. Talk to Verizon and they can line you out.

    Best of luck

  11. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Artisttyp
    Hello I travel out of america alot and I have yet to get an international cell phone for fear of getting locked into a contract of huge cellphone bills.Usually I use email to keep in touch with people at home and even local people I meet on my trips..or I give out my hotel number.My questions are:

    1. Verizon has certain countries rated into tier levels and price per minute...mexico is listed at 69 cents per minute while in mexico.Does this sound right?
    2. To make things cheaper I could see myself wanting to text message people from my verizon service (while in mexico) to a local person on a mexican network for 50 cents per message sent and 5 cents to receive..but does it actually work going from verizon to a mexican network?

    I've read the offers from cell phone companys but you really find out how it works when you try it.I've just ended a tmobile contract that couldn't even get me service at the charlotte north carolina airport where I know there are major communication networks available.
    Do I enter into another contract or forget about the cell phone? I dont want to switch sim cards or rent a phone when I'm there.I want one phone with one number wherever I am.Verizon says thats what it offers...any advice would be great.Enjoy mexico I usually spend a month there every year and love it.Gracias por su ayuda!
    Talk to Nextel. I have a service with international direct connect and my phone works just about everywhere in Mexico. Sprint also has excellent coverage in Mexico (you are roaming of course but the phone works well).

    Forget about cingular and verizon.

    Country John

  12. #61

    international cell phone and text messaging inquiry

    Hello I travel out of america alot and I have yet to get an international cell phone for fear of getting locked into a contract of huge cellphone bills.Usually I use email to keep in touch with people at home and even local people I meet on my trips..or I give out my hotel number.My questions are:

    1. Verizon has certain countries rated into tier levels and price per minute...mexico is listed at 69 cents per minute while in mexico.Does this sound right?
    2. To make things cheaper I could see myself wanting to text message people from my verizon service (while in mexico) to a local person on a mexican network for 50 cents per message sent and 5 cents to receive..but does it actually work going from verizon to a mexican network?

    I've read the offers from cell phone companys but you really find out how it works when you try it.I've just ended a tmobile contract that couldn't even get me service at the charlotte north carolina airport where I know there are major communication networks available.
    Do I enter into another contract or forget about the cell phone? I dont want to switch sim cards or rent a phone when I'm there.I want one phone with one number wherever I am.Verizon says thats what it offers...any advice would be great.Enjoy mexico I usually spend a month there every year and love it.Gracias por su ayuda!

  13. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by bill marshall
    i'm a traveling physical therapist and want a latina or other to join me. do you have any recommendations as to the best way to get one across the border or other without marrying?

    i just want a little sex starved sweetie to enjoy exploring some of the different states i will be going as a traveling pt. my tastes are pretty easy--- as long as they are slender i'm generally good to go.

    i knew a guy in san diego who would go on sex tours and bring back litttle 20 year olds to be his play things for 6 months or so until his next voyage. this doesn't sound too bad.

    i used to be good-looking, but time has been a little rough on me--- had to shave the head (bald) and need to lose about 30lbs which i'm working on, age 38.

    any advice of where else i could post to ask for advice or other would be appreciated. my dick and happiness thank you in advance.


    bill, just an observation but why don't you post a few trip reports? i am one who is happy to share whatever knowledge i have and help if i can -you are already aware of that.

    i would be interesting to hear about some of your experiences either in the zona or stateside.

    country john

  14. #59

    Searching for a Foreign GF for states until can move

    i'm a traveling physical therapist and want a latina or other to join me. do you have any recommendations as to the best way to get one across the border or other without marrying?

    i just want a little sex starved sweetie to enjoy exploring some of the different states i will be going as a traveling pt. my tastes are pretty easy--- as long as they are slender i'm generally good to go.

    i knew a guy in san diego who would go on sex tours and bring back litttle 20 year olds to be his play things for 6 months or so until his next voyage. this doesn't sound too bad.

    i used to be good-looking, but time has been a little rough on me--- had to shave the head (bald) and need to lose about 30lbs which i'm working on, age 38.

    any advice of where else i could post to ask for advice or other would be appreciated. my dick and happiness thank you in advance.


  15. #58

    Well Said CJ,Also Attitudes of Americans towards Mexico

    Christmas Day in A small Mexican border town. Many businesses open, restaurants, stores,barbers, vendors, shoe shiners, burrito stands, they cannot afford the luxury of non-working holidays, yet most folks are cheerful.

    Crossing to otra lado, the USA, totally different.While waiting for a vehicle search,this is the banter I heard from two USA border guards."I would like to do an airstrike on Palomas (the Mexican town)and watch it burn!" I would like to Napalm the f----g place says the other guy". What is more these guys were Hispanics, Mexican Americans, Chicanos!

    Yep, Country John, just like you say they think they are superior, when the opposite is true! In all fairness, not all USA border patrol is that way, but too many of this ilk. They really get upset about an American wanting to live in Mexico!

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