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Thread: 2006 Thai Women - Opinions & Advice

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  1. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by 1Ball
    I guess this might be more a rhetorical question, or a statement, rather than a question.
    How do these girls do it?
    It is my constant amazement to see these sweet things going about with their lives day after day. The fact that they are able to be so nice with us while being in that line of trade is a tribute to the wonderful nature of the Thai womanfolk.

    They seem to have a different outlook to life than we have. They are less worried about the future and are more coincerned about the time just now. If they are in a nice place with a decent man, being fed and making money, they are quite content. Having sex with the guy is part of the experience. Sometimes they don't enjoy it at all, but sometimes they do and they have a blast.

    Many of our Thai hired sweethearts are not difficult to please. They give us a great deal, for relatively very little money. Let's hope we can keep them that way.

  2. #108
    There is something about the Thai woman that leaves a man in awe and wanting more.. could it be their beauty ? their charm ? I dont know , but for me whether they are WL, Hi So, or your regular office girl. Something about them just makes my legs feel lke jello and my head spinning.

    LOL ! dont laugh ! .. I know somewhere along the way everyone of you gents have had a similar feeling .

    I have been with other asian ladies from different nations but nothing compares to the Thai women

    So for me I just love these lovely ladies of Thailand.



  3. #107

    Love to Fuck.... Many...

    Would it fair to say that many girls just love to fuck a lot of guys?

    I have run into a few of them (is it just me?) and they say they like to have "fun" and make money at it. These are my types of girls as they not only have a good time but fuck like a rabbit... Like me.


  4. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Retired Army
    It depends on how badly you need money.

    Most of these girls don't see us as anything other than walking ATM machines. My girlfriend says these "career girls" are just like doctors or lawyers. It's just a job and after a while you get use to it and it's all automatic. One client or patient is, in the end, no different than any other.
    Yes this is true. Reminds me of the cartoon with the wolf and the sheep dog who exchange greetings before they clock in then proceed to fight until they clock out. Nothing better to prove this point is to observe the girls as they end their work at the G-clubs such as Soprano and Caribbean most will not give the guys the time of day and are in a hurry to go home or where ever as they leave for the evening at the end of their shift.

    I find this attitude amazing as these customers may have dropped a small fortune buying drinks for this girl, fifteen minutes ago and while the customer is waiting for a taxi the girl comes out and has to pass his way. Many do not even acknowledge the guys presence and even offer a polite.."Good bye have a night evening"

    The guys who repeatedly visit these places dropping wads of cash thinking that something is going to come of it are only fooling themselves when the girl really thinks "SUCKER"

    What is more amazing is that most of these girls are getting sponsored to the tune of >100K THB and up.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by The Traveler
    Joe Zop,

    some also enter the business because they believe - maybe because they have seen it happen to friends and/or relatives - that they can get a farang husband that way, someone who cares about them and doesn't get drunk or kick their asses too often. You often hear - maybe just to charme you - that they don't like Thai men due to their bad attitude and habits.
    The bird that I see when I am in town reckoned she got into the business for that very reason. She told me (and how much you can belive is debatable but I belive her) that as the oldest she had to look after her mother and her younger brother and sister from when she was 15. She did that working in resturants and shops in Bangkok. When the youngest finished school this year she was no longer responsible for them (but still mum) and decided it was time to get someone to look after her, she is now 26. Shes gone back to school and on advice of her younger sister who worked in a bar started bar work to meet a good farang guy. Maybe she has me lined up, I don't know but could probably do a hell of a lot worse in this world.

  6. #104

    Monger Wisdom

    What you want to find is a girl that bangs1 guy a day
    In which case she gives the session her 100% not 50% because
    she is thinking of the energy for the next trick or tired from the last trick.
    I have found that when a hooker says it hurts it most likely because she has been banging to many other guys and hell thats not my liability.
    Option 2 is that she has an active case of herpes which may call for an

  7. #103

    Another Observation

    Quote Originally Posted by 1Ball
    I guess this might be more a rhetorical question, or a statement, rather than a question.
    How do these girls do it?
    I was in BKK overnight a few days ago, and still marvel at the outward attitude of these girls. Laughing, giggling, seemingly having the time of their lives…… I went for a swim at the hotel pool, there was a (what does Coma call these guys? Jabba? ) 150 kg man splashing about with his hired help. There she is, bouncing on his 54 inch belly, in the shallow end, laughing hysterically, caressing, cajoling, pretending this guy is Don Quixote, and she is the luckiest girl in the world. Then as I walk around, I see dozens of them hanging on every breath of the customers.
    Hey, I’ve been there, and wondered this many times, as I am telling a stupid joke to a TG, and marveled at her feigned interest. I just don’t know how they keep it up (no pun intended) night after night after night. I could never do it. Could you ?

    Just an observation………
    It depends on how badly you need money.

    Most of these girls don't see us as anything other than walking ATM machines. My girlfriend says these "career girls" are just like doctors or lawyers. It's just a job and after a while you get use to it and it's all automatic. One client or patient is, in the end, no different than any other.

  8. #102
    I guess this might be more a rhetorical question, or a statement, rather than a question.
    How do these girls do it?
    I was in BKK overnight a few days ago, and still marvel at the outward attitude of these girls. Laughing, giggling, seemingly having the time of their lives…… I went for a swim at the hotel pool, there was a (what does Coma call these guys? Jabba? ) 150 kg man splashing about with his hired help. There she is, bouncing on his 54 inch belly, in the shallow end, laughing hysterically, caressing, cajoling, pretending this guy is Don Quixote, and she is the luckiest girl in the world. Then as I walk around, I see dozens of them hanging on every breath of the customers.
    Hey, I’ve been there, and wondered this many times, as I am telling a stupid joke to a TG, and marveled at her feigned interest. I just don’t know how they keep it up (no pun intended) night after night after night. I could never do it. Could you ?

    Just an observation………

  9. #101
    Joe Zop,

    some also enter the business because they believe - maybe because they have seen it happen to friends and/or relatives - that they can get a farang husband that way, someone who cares about them and doesn't get drunk or kick their asses too often. You often hear - maybe just to charme you - that they don't like Thai men due to their bad attitude and habits.

  10. #100
    Just a note on the point of poverty versus choice -- there was a study done several years ago (I think I posted a link to it at the time) that interviewed sex workers in great depth about their choices, and overwhelmingly the women said they did it because of the possibility of a larger income than they would otherwise hope to get. Family pressures and the need to provide for parents or children were cited in some cases, but the underlying aspect was that this was intentional and not forced. Most also said they did not need or want to be "rescued" from sex work as they liked and wanted to continue to make that kind of money.

  11. #99

    I go along with what you just said.
    Everybody might have a different reason for working into this kind of profession. That's the reason why I avoid generalisations and prejudices and only "judge" them (are we in any position to "judge" them ? What would we do at their position ?) on a person by person basis.

  12. #98

    I Think Everyone Has Good Input

    This has been a very informative discussion about regular Thai girls vs. bar girls.

    From reading the threads it seems that everyone has had their own experiences, some good and some bad. I will admit that I am not as knowledgable about the girls from small villages as some of the others. My wife is from a larger city and her father was a highly educated man who had many farang friends and encouraged her to do the same. My knowledge of small Thai villages is from the early 70's outside an Army base in Northeastern Thailand. Now, talk about culture clashes! We probably did more to screw up this country than anyone. However, I will admit that the Thai's were eager learners.

    From my experiences I have found that Thai prostitutes fall into several categories:

    Economic; to support their family or obtain a better life for themselves.

    Social; their friends are in the scene and they get sucked into it also.

    Family; born of a mother in the business and grows up in that lifestyle.

    Habitual; to support bad habits such as drinking or drugs.

    And my personal favorite:

    It's easier than picking rice. My personal observation is that many Thai girls are basically lazy and the sex scene offers them an alternative to the rural life of getting up before dawn, working in the fields all day and going to bed when the sun goes down.

    I am sure there are many more reasons, but this is all my coffee saturated mind can come up with right now.

  13. #97
    Most of the stereotypes in Thailand seem to play out their roles to the end; I could be wrong, but the English Professors don't do too well either do they?

    You're right. "English Professors don't do too well either." They are often looked down on in this country. But, as I've stated several times before, I'm not a lowly English professor. I don't teach English at all. I'm a senior professor in a highly skilled and demanding discipline and thus, garner great respect from Thais and in actual fact, don't really need to kiss ass at all. They need me more than I need them. I choose to act as I act out of respect for the prevailing beliefs, because I think it's appropriate to my position within Thai society, even if I don't subscribe to those beliefs.
    However, as I have stated before, I probably have been a little co-opted by Thai society as have many Farang that I know. But, I think prejudice isn't especially unique to Thailand. It exists everywhere I've ever been. I don't like the many Thai prejudices, and was merely reporting what I have heard and observed.

    The student in question is in fact Thai-Chinese and was expressing her parents' and the over-riding Thai-Chinese prejudice. She was hardly trying to impress me because I in fact took her to task about how narrow her parents thinking was and used several examples, including other students she knows who are dating either Farang students or teachers at our university to disprove this stupid idea. I also included myself. I asked her if she thought that my GF was a hooker simply because she was dating me. Her response after I was finished was that perhaps it was the job of her generation to adopt a new attitude and broaden the minds of their parents and the culture at large.

    I accept a lot of what you say. Everyone has different experiences. However, for example, I have seen plenty of Thai BGs act and dress inappropriately outside the entertainment venues. But, it is true that they don't do so when they are home.

    I'm not going to address each point that everyone made and try to counter it and justify what I said because I could be wrong according to each person's own experiences.

    The comment about these girls being looked down upon by their villages has been told to me time and again by various girls. But, maybe many others have had the opposite experience of being envied as has been stated because they have improved the lot and therefore status of their families within the community. That certainly seems logical to me given the importance of status and material wealth in the culture.

    One thing I would like to address is the oft-made comment about the poverty that forces these girls into the business in the first place and their lack of access to a proper education. I think that in a significant number of cases this is probably true, but is tied more to their parents' belief that children should take care of the parents; a belief which actually overrides the importance of education. I have a good friend who is a student whose mother is sick and wants her to quit school and come home to take care of her. In this case, it has nothing to do with economics but the children's family duty. She told me that it is a common belief among country people of her mother's generation that children's education and future is considered far less important than taking care of the family, now. It is because there was a time that education was beyond the reach of many of Thailand's poor of her mother's generation. So, they don't see it's importance. But, education is not in fact out of reach as it once was. There are many programs now, scholarships and government loans that any Thai can get. So the prevailing attitude about education has more to do with the upcountry mindset that as soon as the child is old enough, they should work to help support the family. It fits the Thai mentality, especially upcountry of the "Now" without any longterm thinking about the future. They really do just think day-to-day because this is the traditional survival experience and method for most of the older generation.
    However, I also think (I'm certainly going to get flamed for this!!) that a significant reason that many Isaan girls go into the business is also out of sheer laziness. Many quit school by choice at the end of Mor 3 when compulsory education ends. They don't have to do so because of poverty, anymore, so much as because of the aforementioned attitude of their parents and their own inherent laziness to continue school. I'm probably spouting another Thai prejudice here. But, the prevailing belief in Thailand is that Isaan people are lazy and irresponsible, especially the men and that Isaan girls are prone to quitting school as soon as possible and getting knocked up in their teens by these guys and/or going to work as hookers. Obviously, this isn't true as there are certainly more Isaan women not working in bars than those who are. But, I do believe that a significant number are in the business by choice because of the easy money and the easy work, not because they don't have any other options.
    Of course I realize when given a choice of coming to Bangkok and slaving in a factory for 3,000-4,000/month or on a construction site for 150 baht/day compared to the 40,000 or more they can make screwing men, these uneducated girls obviously go for the maximum economic return for the least amount of work. Maybe any of us given such a choice would go for the money regardless of the consequences. But, in doing so, these women sacrifice a lot. I've met lots of other Isaan women who choose to work in factories or any number of jobs for low wages rather than become bargirls, simply because they think the personal cost is too high and they are still traditional enough to value their honor within the society above quick money. They are shocked at even the notion of doing such a thing as working in a bar, even for that kind of money.

    At the end of the day though, it is true that Thais are to blame for all of this because of the way they think regarding status, wealth, materialism and quick fixes to deep rooted problems and the main trait of never thinking about the future.

  14. #96

    I Agree

    Quote Originally Posted by sean_double
    I'm not too sure though that as OTH states well and you imply that a bargirl is by definition bad news and irredeemingly screwed up. All these girls are not the same and the bar/ prostitution thing can mean very different things to different girls. Even if these girls are uniformly put in a low social status by Thai society they don't necessarily all value their own hooker/bargirl experience the same way. Some girls are just flat out *****s and others are reluctant participants who just want to make a little money and get back up to Issan or wherever with as many of their values intact as possible. Of the latter type I think a farang can get pretty lucky if he's willing to make the effort.

    It just depends how much of the bar is in the girl in the first place.


    You have a valid point. I am obviously referring to the kind of girls that a tourist on a two week escursion is likely to meet in the Soi 7 Beer Garden or Bamboo Club. I know nice girls, who are not hookers, that can be found around the tourist areas who are looking for farang boyfriends. They are the ones who are fed-up with Thai men and know that a Farang is likely to treat them better and have more to offer.

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by The Traveler
    Quote Originally Posted by OTH
    Last week, one of my students who I have become quite good friends with told me that her parents would be horrified if she ever had a Farang boyfriend because people of their generation think that any Thai woman with a Farang is automatically assumed to be a prostitute. That, in a nutshell is how a large majority of Thai people think. It's changing, of course because many younger Thais are more global and cosmopolitan in their thinking and many, especially middle and lower class Thai women want a Farang BF because of so many bad experiences with Thai men. But, in large part, even they still think the same as their parents.
    Yes, Thais think like that but what does it prove ? Nothing, but that they have prejudices. Someone isn't necessarily a bad or fucked up person just because others might think so, only judging based on the profession but not knowing them in person, their character, attitude and so on.
    Allow me to add further.

    Sometimes, things aren't what they appear to be at the surface. Thai girls do know how to make a guy happy with words and actions. I'm not saying it is, in this case but could it have been the student is trying to impress her teacher friend of the risks she's willing to take to be with him? Some "sweet" talks?

    I mean, I have girls telling me that they prefer guys like me than the good looking guys knowing that I'm not a good looking guy, probably trying to impress me with their "sincerity"?

    Unless the girl is a Thai Chinese where the older generations still prevent their daughters from marrying out of their race, it is hard to believe any Bangkokians would be so naive to disallowed their daughters to date a farang just because their daughters might appear to look like a hooker. It would also be very naive of us to believe that.

    My 2 cents worth

    Tee Vee

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