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Thread: Chit Chats

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This blog is moderated by Ace Gallant
  1. #29
    Welcome back to Taipei Ace! Hope to hear your experiences back in Taipei. Hope it's a good trip. Would be great to tag along once if there is a chance.

  2. #28
    wife and son are in NY now and I am suddenly single again.

    Will be off to BJ on Friday and coming back on Sunday. Drop me a line when you come into town.


  3. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarok42
    Hey AG,

    bought my tickets for my family, they leave for the States beginning of June which means if you are in TP mid June I should be "single". We should try all our old haunts but also lets see if we can dig up some new places.

    You seem to have your nose to the ground when it comes to sniffing out good pussy. Cheers.

    That will be great! I reckon I'll be landing in Taipei around second week.....

    Another member "Wooooo....." who do not post much said this: "A monger should be able to seek out pussies regardless of where he is, even if you air drop him in Timbatu... he will get his girl!"


  4. #26
    Hey AG,

    bought my tickets for my family, they leave for the States beginning of June which means if you are in TP mid June I should be "single". We should try all our old haunts but also lets see if we can dig up some new places.

    You seem to have your nose to the ground when it comes to sniffing out good pussy. Cheers.


  5. #25
    Good IDEA!!! Fact is - I AM running off to CP again in a while!!

    You around?

    And Yeah OK, no problemo - just general ....just general........ Now the record's straight.........JEEEZ!!


    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Gallant
    Everything posted in my previous post are NOT directed at anyone. But this sentence is directed at you: "The above rule stands; don't be so sensitive about it, it was just general comments to all readers of the board."

    I do not know why are you taking this so personal but none of the previous posts had implied or indications that whatever posted was directed at you. Unless in sentence where I had indicate with a bracket (Joe) none or any part of the sentence is directed at you. Now be a Good boy and a Big boy; run along and play in CP..... :)


  6. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by SE Asia Joe
    Hey AG - good idea/rationale for this chit chat thread.

    And since this IS the chit chat thread - what do you mean about "there are no necessity to flame others for their posts" I mean - again you're pointing out that I had suppossedly flamed "others for their posts etc". Please do advise me where and when I had suppossedly - AGAIN - flamed somebody???!! Jeeez!! That's the second time that you tell me that I've flamed somebody (Who???? How?? When??? What context??) - whilst I absolutely have no idea what you're talking about!!

    And about me changing the world or China....????!!!! What in the world are you talking about?? Again I absolutely have no idea what you are talking about.

    Sorry friend - but.... am I THAT insensitive or ...???!!

    And Jeez - anybody else who thinks I've been a clod - couldn't you just tell me directly - either when I suppossedly make any "cloddish" remarks or just PM me. I'm a big boy - I promise you I'm a big boy and can take it!! - but for Chrissake, please do spell it out for me OK? Thanks guys!! And I really mean it - with no sarcasm or hidden meaning or hidden agenda or .....anything!!!!! JEEZ!!!

    Everything posted in my previous post are NOT directed at anyone. But this sentence is directed at you: "The above rule stands; don't be so sensitive about it, it was just general comments to all readers of the board."

    I do not know why are you taking this so personal but none of the previous posts had implied or indications that whatever posted was directed at you. Unless in sentence where I had indicate with a bracket (Joe) none or any part of the sentence is directed at you. Now be a Good boy and a Big boy; run along and play in CP..... :)


  7. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Gallant

    2) Those posts that are mainly Chit Chats betweens members (that's is why I have a Chit Chat thread like this one).
    2) What you can achieve may not be what others is able to achieve, anyone is entitled to their own opinions and thus there are no necessity to flame others for their posts.
    3) Nobody can change the world, nor China, nor any places, so just accept it the way it is, relax and enjoy ourselves while we can. Give yourself much stress relief this.

    Hey AG - good idea/rationale for this chit chat thread.

    And since this IS the chit chat thread - what do you mean about "there are no necessity to flame others for their posts" I mean - again you're pointing out that I had suppossedly flamed "others for their posts etc". Please do advise me where and when I had suppossedly - AGAIN - flamed somebody???!! Jeeez!! That's the second time that you tell me that I've flamed somebody (Who???? How?? When??? What context??) - whilst I absolutely have no idea what you're talking about!!

    And about me changing the world or China....????!!!! What in the world are you talking about?? Again I absolutely have no idea what you are talking about.

    Sorry friend - but.... am I THAT insensitive or ...???!!

    And Jeez - anybody else who thinks I've been a clod - couldn't you just tell me directly - either when I suppossedly make any "cloddish" remarks or just PM me. I'm a big boy - I promise you I'm a big boy and can take it!! - but for Chrissake, please do spell it out for me OK? Thanks guys!! And I really mean it - with no sarcasm or hidden meaning or hidden agenda or .....anything!!!!! JEEZ!!!


  8. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by SE Asia Joe

    On you and Jackson - oh - I thought from the chats you and I have had, that you and Jackson were buddy buddies - and thus the reason he gave you your own forum.

    On subscriptions - yes I've paid my subscriptions even though I've been a senior member for a long time and thus not really necessary for me to have done so. But I do feel strongly that Jackson does a very good job and I felt it important that I put my money where my mouth is so to call. Which brings the subject that I've observed that you DO very nicely and actively encourage more to subscribe - and thus having reinforced my impression that you were budy buddies w/Jackson.

    Oh Joy! (not enjoy - just Joy!! like in joy rides)

    I had only met you face to face twice and had phone conversation with you a couple of times; never had I claimed that I have any special relationship or a buddy of Jackson. As for the reason of my own forum; as Jackson had put it: "In order to give AG some relief from what he believes are his unjustified detractors, I have made him the moderator of his own section of The Forum." and the reason why I agreed to having my own forum is because there are too many non-informational posts on the main board;

    1) Especially those posts that are by members who treated th board like a helpdesk (not contributing but only posting questions).
    2) Those posts that are mainly Chit Chats betweens members (that's is why I have a Chit Chat thread like this one).
    3) Posts that are for the purpose of fulfilling member's own ego.
    4) Posts that are argumentative.
    5) Posts that are flaming other members or encouraging Flame wars.
    6) Posts that are meant for "names calling", this is especially so when addressing Newbies.
    8) Posts that containing false information that may lead Newbies into trouble. (A bit sort of gray but the information had to be verified later by several senior members on the ground).

    On the subscriptions; I have nothing to do with subscription paid to Jackson o r the board. The Subscription I am talking about is emails subscription to the thread of your interest where you will be informed via the registered email once there is some new post to the thread your had subscribe. It has nothing to do with donations to the board.

    As I had said before;

    1) If you (Joe) thinks it is very troublesome to get to my thread, please go ahead and put a suggestion to Jackson for a link on the main page.
    2) What you can achieve may not be what others is able to achieve, anyone is entitled to their own opinions and thus there are no necessity to flame others for their posts.
    3) Nobody can change the world, nor China, nor any places, so just accept it the way it is, relax and enjoy ourselves while we can. Give yourself much stress relief this.


  9. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Gallant

    I do not want to suggest putting a link on the main page because there is only one person (You) finding it troublesome Suggestion:

    1) Have a bookmark on your browser that points directly into my forum if you feels that there is a need for you to check it out often.
    2) Subscribe to the thread, via your "User CP" (Control Panel). The system will send you an email once there is a new posting in that thread.

    BTW: I do not have any Guanxi with Jackson. I do not work for Jackson nor do I have any association with him, besides been a member/poster to his forum.

    Welll yes, it seems that I AM the only one finding this troublesome. Strange that others don't. Perhaps not many people bother with going in.

    And since I AM the only one - then totally out of line for me to request anything!! Will just try your suggestion to bookmark - alongside all the zillion other sites that I forget I've already bookmarked and end up not using as the list just goes on and on!! Oh well!!

    On you and Jackson - oh - I thought from the chats you and I have had, that you and Jackson were buddy buddies - and thus the reason he gave you your own forum.

    On subscriptions - yes I've paid my subscriptions even though I've been a senior member for a long time and thus not really necessary for me to have done so. But I do feel strongly that Jackson does a very good job and I felt it important that I put my money where my mouth is so to call. Which brings the subject that I've observed that you DO very nicely and actively encourage more to subscribe - and thus having reinforced my impression that you were budy buddies w/Jackson.

    Oh Joy! (not enjoy - just Joy!! like in joy rides)

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by SE Asia Joe
    And on going to Jackson - naaaaah.... it's YOUR forum!! No way I'd be so forward!!! You have all the guanxi w/him and only you should go to Jackson.
    Go to it Chief


    I do not want to suggest putting a link on the main page because there is only one person (You) finding it troublesome and requesting for it. However from Jackson side, he might have other people requesting for it and thus it might be a good ideal to have the link there.

    So; if you find it troublesome; please by all means, send a suggestion or request directly to him. He will have to do all these work to put the link in so it is only fair for him to decide. After all, he is the only person in control of the main page.

    Due to the fact that most of the members who access my forum, knows specifically what to look for and they also start off from "Asia" bookmark, I think that is why they do not find it troublesome. But unlike us who travels a fair bit, we tend to be viewing the forum from the top main page.


    1) Have a bookmark on your browser that points directly into my forum if you feels that there is a need for you to check it out often.
    2) Subscribe to the thread, via your "User CP" (Control Panel). The system will send you an email once there is a new posting in that thread.
    3) If still feels like it; send a suggestion or request to Jackson.

    BTW: I do not have any Guanxi with Jackson. I do not work for Jackson nor do I have any association with him, besides been a member/poster to his forum.


  11. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Gallant

    However I don't think it is too long process to get to AG's Taiwan. All you need to do is go to Asia, AG's forum - Taiwan.

    Jeeez - NO!!! No - the actual process is (and am doing it as I'm writing this)
    - Home/Main page
    - All the Forums
    - Taiwan
    - Taiwan - Ace Gallant's forum
    - click on the link
    - On your Taiwan Forum.

    6 steps versus just one to go to your China forum.

    And on going to Jackson - naaaaah.... it's YOUR forum!! No way I'd be so forward!!! You have all the guanxi w/him and only you should go to Jackson.
    Go to it Chief


  12. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Teppenyaki
    Thanks to everyone that kindly replied me.

    Unfortunately, I went in Taipei but I had no opportunity to pay a visit to Caesar`s...
    For "If I will score" I just meant "If I will have a chance to visit this place". Sorry for my bad english.


    You are most welcome TP, as the main purpose of this board is to share information. If do have a chance to finally visit Caesar or enjoyed other mongering activities in Taiwan make sure you put posts relating to your experience here in our forum.

    BTW: These is also a Chit Chat Thread under Taiwan, please use it for general comments or discussion.

    MODERATOR'S NOTE: This post was moved from the Taipei thread because it is a casual discussion

  13. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Teppenyaki
    Thanks to everyone that kindly replied me.

    Unfortunately, I went in Taipei but I had no opportunity to pay a visit to Caesar`s...
    For "If I will score" I just meant "If I will have a chance to visit this place". Sorry for my bad english.



    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Gallant
    Reminder: 4300 NT and you will score.

    I have just called Caesar, they said that there is a area for Female but they do not have many guest and thinking of closing it down. Quote the manager: "Why would you want to bring a female friend? We have a lot of female friends for you here! hahahaha!"


    MODERATOR'S NOTE: This post was moved from the Taipei thread because it is a casual discussion

  14. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by SE Asia Joe
    Yup, I click on your link and it goes straight to the Taiwan - Ace Gallant Forums.

    But what I am referring to is that when I want to go to your China Threads, on the MAIN International Sex Guide page, I can just click on "Ace Gallants's China Forums" on the left top side beneath "All the forums and directly under "Giotto's Thailand forums", and I get right on to all your China threads.

    There is no AG Taiwan forum at that location on the main ISG page.

    So unless someone writes somewhere on AG Taiwan forum and such post appears on the main ISG page, I need to go to All the forums, click to Taiwan, then cliick on Taiwan AG column, which comes to Jackson's message about your Taiwan forum and which also gives the same line as you provided for one to click on to get to the same page as per your instx above.

    In other words, its a looooong circuitous route to get to AG Taiwan. Comprende what I am refering to?


    Perhaps you would like to write to Jackson about that, I do not control to main pages of the main forum.

    However I don't think it is too long process to get to AG's Taiwan. All you need to do is go to Asia, AG's forum - Taiwan.


  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Gallant
    Joe, can you try clicking the below link? Let me know what is the result and that will help to determine what went wrong.

    Yup, I click on your link and it goes straight to the Taiwan - Ace Gallant Forums.

    But what I am referring to is that when I want to go to your China Threads, on the MAIN International Sex Guide page, I can just click on "Ace Gallants's China Forums" on the left top side beneath "All the forums and directly under "Giotto's Thailand forums", and I get right on to all your China threads.

    There is no AG Taiwan forum at that location on the main ISG page.

    So unless someone writes somewhere on AG Taiwan forum and such post appears on the main ISG page, I need to go to All the forums, click to Taiwan, then cliick on Taiwan AG column, which comes to Jackson's message about your Taiwan forum and which also gives the same line as you provided for one to click on to get to the same page as per your instx above.

    In other words, its a looooong circuitous route to get to AG Taiwan. Comprende what I am refering to?


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