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  1. #741

    Visa renewal

    I know a few ladies that recently got a Visa renewal, but they dont go anymore to Kish, but now they go to Oman by bus. However not on a straight way but on many side streets. They stay in a place called a hotel, but its mainly a place where they just can sleep and wait. Their passport is given to somebody, this person comes back after 2-4 days and hopefully he brings a new Visa in passport. Otherwise they go back without Visa or wait some more days.

    Its terrible for the ladies, you wait somewhere in the dessert, and you totally dont know what will happen.

    I also know some ladies that just stay without Visa, and only be very careful and hope not to be catched and deported.


    Quote Originally Posted by Luper Calia
    Bravo. It is not clear cut, many girls are still going to Kish and other places, but the problem is not knowing when they are going to get back. Recent friends have taken 10 days rather than the full month, but the lack of certainty is very wearing on them- and it's more expensive.

  2. #740


    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo
    These are the ones hurting. It's 2 [months] and out, back home.
    Bravo. It is not clear cut, many girls are still going to Kish and other places, but the problem is not knowing when they are going to get back. Recent friends have taken 10 days rather than the full month, but the lack of certainty is very wearing on them- and it's more expensive.

  3. #739
    Quote Originally Posted by Softspoken2202
    Talked to a PRC WG, she says all her frieds visas are still valid & they would know only at the time of renewal.
    I still keep in contact with a couple of friends from the Peking opera.
    • Divas - they have 3 year residence visas, so rules should not effect them. Of course, these are the ones who quote 1000-1500 LT; 500 ST/1 shot, without batting an eye.

    • Chorus - These are the ones hurting. It's 2 [months] and out, back home. I don't know anyone who will willingly sit in Kish for a month. Couple of weeks ago, talked with one who had just returned to dxb, having been misinformed by a sponser that renewals were possible. Found out that's not the case once she got to dxb. 2 girls from her apt were leaving the very night I talked with her. She figures she'll be on a plane too in a month.

      Another girl had gone home when her visa ran out, spent a month in China, now back in dxb, hoping to stay longer than the 2 months, but realistically knowing that won't happen. But the money's certainly better than China, so she'll keep coming back as long as she can.
    Question is, how long will the authorities keep issuing visas over and over again, even with the breaks. You figure they have to be in some kind of database, and how many times can an "independent businesswoman" keep coming back?

    Through the years that I was there, I was amazed at how some found their niche (JSF - you remember the clingly one from TGIT? I saw her end of 07 in Rattlesnake!?!) I never thought she would last. But now? One thing when you have a year (or more, your choice - I knew "monthly visa run" girls who stayed for YEARS) to fill up your money bucket (the shit bucket ALWAYS keeps filling up), but with limited time?

    Given the money to be made, there will always be girls arriving. And with the increased necessity to make as much money as quickly as possible, yes, there might be some deals at COB. My guess? Mixed blessing - the girls returning home reporting the increased difficulties, think dxb will become a less attractive place for the chorus types. The stream will still flow through the grist mill, but it won't be the raging torent it used to be.

  4. #738
    Quote Originally Posted by Softspoken2202

    Have you read the report on the visit visa renewal. Now there is a mandatory one month waiting period for getting a new visa unlike earlier days of getting it the very next day. This means the WGs either have to go back to their countries or stay in Kish/someother nearby place for a month. Both of the options would be expensive.This would definitely push the cost of mongering up.

    Talked to a PRC WG, she says all her frieds visas are still valid & they would know only at the time of renewal.
    Really bad new for us.... I suppose this will affect also the offer quantity. I have a trip coming for 2 nights in Dubai, but it's not confirmed yet.
    Dubai is one of my favorite business destinations

  5. #737

    Korean AMP


    I am looking for information on Korean AMP's in Dubai.

    Please PM me if you have information.


  6. #736
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny13
    I know about most of the night time spots for P4P but what are some good lunchtime / afternoon spots?
    In addition to those mentioned by FC you could try the Coffee Shop at the Broadway Hotel in Deira. If you search you will find some reports.

  7. #735

    Afternoon spots

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny13
    I know about most of the night time spots for P4P but what are some good lunchtime / afternoon spots?

    The only two I know are

    TGIT at the Astoria Hotel, and Jockey's at the Panorama Hotel. Mostly low end, but you never know.

    Take Care

  8. #734

    Looking for some afternoon spots

    I know about most of the night time spots for P4P but what are some good lunchtime / afternoon spots?

  9. #733
    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer33
    Alternatively there is always the Fantasia Club,
    Don't forget you need the membership to get in. It costs $500 one-off fee - valid lifetime.

    If you need one PM me

  10. #732
    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer33
    I see you are new, but BTW you posted this in the photo thread. Try general info for such queries next time.

    I take it you do know that the UAE is a Muslim country. That said it is still pretty easy to find pork and alcohol, but not what you are asking for.

    Be careful out there.

    Alternatively there is always the Fantasia Club, opposite the Israeli Embassy. Won't be marked on any maps, or on any websites, as it is very hush hush. But ask any cab driver to take you there, they all know about it.

    Be careful out there.


  11. #731

    Moved from photo thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Longmantatto
    I will be in Dubai in first week of November for couple of weeks. Is there a strippers club or live sex show or sex parties in Dubai (could be secret clubs)? Where and how do I get there?
    I see you are new, but BTW you posted this in the photo thread. Try general info for such queries next time.

    I take it you do know that the UAE is a Muslim country. That said it is still pretty easy to find pork and alcohol, but not what you are asking for.

    Be careful out there.


  12. #730

    Visa Renewal Problems: Cost of mongering may go up


    Have you read the report on the visit visa renewal. Now there is a mandatory one month waiting period for getting a new visa unlike earlier days of getting it the very next day. This means the WGs either have to go back to their countries or stay in Kish/someother nearby place for a month. Both of the options would be expensive.This would definitely push the cost of mongering up.

    Talked to a PRC WG, she says all her frieds visas are still valid & they would know only at the time of renewal.

  13. #729

    Rocky's update

    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer33
    Thanks for the email Piper. Much appreciated.

    Rocky's last night with my Filipina GF, just for a couple of hours.

    Bands back on. Some changed line-ups and not so many girl singers.

    Good news for you Piper, Baby Spice was still there. Bad news, so was Scary spice (mr Mohawk), with what appeared to be two new gay (male) singers to keep him company!

    Great to have some live music back though after a long drought.

    Be careful out there.

    Piper you may be interested to know that me and Filipina GF went again to Rocky's last night. Second band completely changed apart from one male singer. Not as good IMHO as before.

    Asked where others from last year's band had gone and we were told Chelsea Hotel (now country club hotel).

    So we headed off down there and all the old band were there, and really pleased to see us, especially the girls, and did a couple of requests for us "To our good friends xxx and xxx").

    Was a great atmosphere, packed to the rafters with Filipinas but no WG so far as I could tell.

    We got chatting to the manager who treated us like royalty because we knew the band and has promised to reserve me a prime table whenever I call him.

    About an hour before the end your friend Mr Mohawk (scary spice) walked in!

    Was equally pleased to see us and joined us for a drink, obviously there to see his friends.

    If you fancy a non-mongering night out with Wildcat, me and M then it could be a good alternative to Rocky's.

    Be careful out there.

  14. #728

    Music is back

    Quote Originally Posted by Piper1
    Steamer - I called Majestic Hotel this evening, and they said the band is back Wednesday night. Perfect! I had a relaxing night playing pool there tonight without all the noise. But then at 11:30pm it took me an hour to get back to Rattler on the way home in the Eid holiday traffic. I finally arrived at Rattler 12:30am, caught up with monger/work pal (he was wasted by then), so had a quick drink and a look around, then taxi home.

    Received your email and replied - please excuse my typos (blame in on Jack).

    As for smoking in the car during Ramadan (yes, illegal), I was tailed closely for 15 minutes by a local guy on my drive to the office this afternoon. He kept beeping at me as the smoke wafted out my car window. At the traffic light I offered him a smoke, but he only offered me the middle finger in exchange.
    Thanks for the email Piper. Much appreciated.

    Rocky's last night with my Filipina GF, just for a couple of hours.

    Bands back on. Some changed line-ups and not so many girl singers.

    Good news for you Piper, Baby Spice was still there. Bad news, so was Scary spice (mr Mohawk), with what appeared to be two new gay (male) singers to keep him company!

    Great to have some live music back though after a long drought.

    Be careful out there.


  15. #727
    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer33
    Eid has been declared officially tonight as starting tomorrow, the 30th of September. Which means bars, clubs etc should be back to normal from Tuesday night. Though I would still check first before venturing out as I know from previous Ramadans that some will not reopen fully (ie back to normal hours) until the next day (wed Oct 1) just because of the logistics of arranging staff cover at such short notice. But at least I can have a ciggie in the car again on the way to work!

    Be careful out there.

    Steamer - I called Majestic Hotel this evening, and they said the band is back Wednesday night. Perfect! I had a relaxing night playing pool there tonight without all the noise. But then at 11:30pm it took me an hour to get back to Rattler on the way home in the Eid holiday traffic. I finally arrived at Rattler 12:30am, caught up with monger/work pal (he was wasted by then), so had a quick drink and a look around, then taxi home.

    Received your email and replied - please excuse my typos (blame in on Jack).

    As for smoking in the car during Ramadan (yes, illegal), I was tailed closely for 15 minutes by a local guy on my drive to the office this afternoon. He kept beeping at me as the smoke wafted out my car window. At the traffic light I offered him a smoke, but he only offered me the middle finger in exchange.

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