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Thread: Filipinas - Opinions and Advice

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  1. #2304


    The only problem I'd have with working bar girls on a regular basis is that they would entertain all sorts of clients, some of whom who'd insist on unprotected sex even if they have an STD.

    Otherwise, even though I'm American and I drank a lot before I turned 21, I don't really enjoy the prospect of getting blotto before sex. Don't get me wrong, I can still get it up after a bottle of Jager. I just don't like that polluted feeling and don't much care for women who smoke and drink to excess.

    One of my brother's friends long ago had a job as part of some international commission that took him to the Phillipines. A local dude took him to a very upscale bordello, and at 21 or so, my bro's friend was amazed and had his best sex ever with a stunner who worked there.

    The bummer for him is he got herpes, but he makes enough cash now that his American fiancee somehow overlooked that and now they just tango around the outbreaks.

    But my brother said that despite catching herpes, this dude still has an awestruck look on his face every time he talks about fucking that broad.

  2. #2303
    Quote Originally Posted by Born Loser 5
    I may be the only one here who would support you to do what you feel right, if you want to marry a bar girl go for it.

    Most of the advice you are getting here are from mongers who are from west where the divorce rate is 50% or rather 1 in 2 mongers here are divorced, separated or never married, very few including me knows the true emotions of love but we all here know the emotions of lust and its association with money.

    Western men may be the last place you would wanna go to take advice on love and marriage :D no hard feelings guys...

    Asia has a fairly good percentage of love lasting till death do us apart, your chance of success with an Asian girl no matter where she is from is far greater than the women from west.

    I'm from India where the divorce rate is very very low, 98% marriages are successful more or less same is with east Asian countries and same is true with Philippines.

    Only a fool or an ignorant will tell you not to marry an Asian girl.

    Its like an Asian dude advising the size of dicks to a western men. Some things we should better leave it to others. Western folks are never good at relationship stuff, they should not advice people whom they themselves have failed at again and again.

    Here western mongers will always pick on the negative side of things and then would happily relate it to money, money, money...everything starts and ends with money for them.

    They would never appreciate the culture of family the Filipinos lay emphasis be assured if you have a Filipino kid, he will be more respectful and would never abandon you to an old age home. At least you will have some people to fall back on. (sorry to bring the kid factor in)

    Why would you not love to have a big large family, the western mongers will counter it by saying you will be the family ATM for all, agree, but you would also be the one who would get number 1 respect among all, you would also be the decision maker unlike if you have a western wife who would take all your money yet not listen to you. why haven't anyone mentioned this to you ?

    We can not have both ways, its time for introspection, ever wondered why Asian marriages are successful than the west, if money was the only factor, then west should have the lowest divorce rate... quite the opposite right...which itself says that all assumption that Filipina or Asian girl would be after your money is wrong else if not then west should have successful marriage day in and day out which is not true.

    Now the question of she being a bar girl and all the negative comments fellow mongers are writing about her background and what your life will become if you marry her.

    This could only be answered and understood if a monger would please take the factor of money and survival out of the situation and think purely on spiritual grounds.

    Spiritualism Precedes Materialism, nature created us... men did not create sun, moon and the galaxies, if you base your marriage on money and nothing else, the relationship is bound to fail....when you met was your call of destiny and karma rather than you met her because you had desires for sex and she had to work in the bar to support her family and herself etc.

    This critical thinking difference would decide if your marriage is going to be successful or not..its more like believing that man is spiritual than material that would decide your destiny with her.

    Its the ignorance which is the greatest sin, people would say "what a load of crap, do you want me to believe in some snake oil theory about karma and destiny not on her survival, if it was not for the bar you would not have met her in the first place etc and if you ask the same "what a load of crap" guys on why western marriage fail in spite of the best life a society can give...they don't have answer to that ...survival, job, money, developed societies etc are not the criteria for successful marriage.

    If she was not a bar girl but a highly sophisticated girl, your chances of success with her would be exactly same as the bar girl, cos the underlying thinking has not changed.


    If you keep on thinking..ohh i met her in a bar, will she dump me later for money because she is a bar girl...your marriage will end as many mongers here are predicting, just by thinking differently and in a spiritual way will do wonders for your marriage.

    Its upto you really to shape your relationship anyway you want. Her background of being a bar girl does not matter at all as long as you think in the right way.

    Good luck to you.....i would say just go for it...if you have taken a thoughtful decision and you feel for it.

    Nothing personal folks, i may have touched some sensitive issues, but it is not directed at any particular person. peace out no fighting on opinions :)
    Well, you are not the only one who would support me, but definitely one of the few. Yes, correct, most of the advices here come from the same type of men, even if I do not see the world in black and white as you seem to do.

    I have no information enough to say whether Asia has a fairly good percentage of love lasting relationship, but, according to my experience, I always feel that the Asian girls are "different".

    Why would I not love to have a big large family? Because here growing children is ridiculously expensive. And I know what you might reply: they do not need money to grow up happy but, unfortunately, we are all well in the "money mechanism" and so it is not easy to find a way out. And you do not need to blame about western women, since I know it very well and it is why I am thinking to take now one who is not born in a Western Country.

    I fully agree that she being a bar girl is not the biggest problem. But it is hard to believe that a girl so much younger can decide to marry such a much older man only for spiritual reason, under a general point of view. I do not know whether when I met her it was my call of destiny and karma, but I really felt very well. That is all. And I thank you for your lines which added a new point of view.

  3. #2302

    Same Difference

    Quote Originally Posted by Born Loser 5
    I may be the only one here who would support you to do what you feel right, if you want to marry a bar girl go for it.

    Most of the advice you are getting here are from mongers who are from west where the divorce rate is 50% or rather 1 in 2 mongers here are divorced, separated or never married, very few including me knows the true emotions of love but we all here know the emotions of lust and its association with money.

    Western men may be the last place you would wanna go to take advice on love and marriage :D no hard feelings guys...

    Asia has a fairly good percentage of love lasting till death do us apart, your chance of success with an Asian girl no matter where she is from is far greater than the women from west.

    I'm from India where the divorce rate is very very low, 98% marriages are successful more or less same is with east Asian countries and same is true with Philippines.

    Only a fool or an ignorant will tell you not to marry an Asian girl.

    Its like an Asian dude advising the size of dicks to a western men. Some things we should better leave it to others. Western folks are never good at relationship stuff, they should not advice people whom they themselves have failed at again and again.

    Here western mongers will always pick on the negative side of things and then would happily relate it to money, money, money...everything starts and ends with money for them.

    They would never appreciate the culture of family the Filipinos lay emphasis be assured if you have a Filipino kid, he will be more respectful and would never abandon you to an old age home. At least you will have some people to fall back on. (sorry to bring the kid factor in)

    Why would you not love to have a big large family, the western mongers will counter it by saying you will be the family ATM for all, agree, but you would also be the one who would get number 1 respect among all, you would also be the decision maker unlike if you have a western wife who would take all your money yet not listen to you. why haven't anyone mentioned this to you ?

    We can not have both ways, its time for introspection, ever wondered why Asian marriages are successful than the west, if money was the only factor, then west should have the lowest divorce rate... quite the opposite right...which itself says that all assumption that Filipina or Asian girl would be after your money is wrong else if not then west should have successful marriage day in and day out which is not true.

    Now the question of she being a bar girl and all the negative comments fellow mongers are writing about her background and what your life will become if you marry her.

    This could only be answered and understood if a monger would please take the factor of money and survival out of the situation and think purely on spiritual grounds.

    Spiritualism Precedes Materialism, nature created us... men did not create sun, moon and the galaxies, if you base your marriage on money and nothing else, the relationship is bound to fail....when you met was your call of destiny and karma rather than you met her because you had desires for sex and she had to work in the bar to support her family and herself etc.

    This critical thinking difference would decide if your marriage is going to be successful or not..its more like believing that man is spiritual than material that would decide your destiny with her.

    Its the ignorance which is the greatest sin, people would say "what a load of crap, do you want me to believe in some snake oil theory about karma and destiny not on her survival, if it was not for the bar you would not have met her in the first place etc and if you ask the same "what a load of crap" guys on why western marriage fail in spite of the best life a society can give...they don't have answer to that ...survival, job, money, developed societies etc are not the criteria for successful marriage.

    If she was not a bar girl but a highly sophisticated girl, your chances of success with her would be exactly same as the bar girl, cos the underlying thinking has not changed.


    If you keep on thinking..ooh i met her in a bar, will she dump me later for money because she is a bar girl...your marriage will end as many mongers here are predicting, just by thinking differently and in a spiritual way will do wonders for your marriage.

    Its up to you really to shape your relationship anyway you want. Her background of being a bar girl does not matter at all as long as you think in the right way.

    Good luck to you.....i would say just go for it...if you have taken a thoughtful decision and you feel for it.

    Nothing personal folks, i may have touched some sensitive issues, but it is not directed at any particular person. peace out no fighting on opinions :)
    Whats the difference with a bar gal or a bar fly in the west? A bar gal here gets paid for what she does for a job. Feeds the family, the kids, and the people that don't have money in the family. The western party gal, bar fly, or whatever you call her, just fucks at will, at the drop of a hat for a drink or dinner. They give the ass away for free, they all run there mouth and often are nasty and rude. I never had a gal embarrass me anywhere in the PI. Most all would not get drunk enough to ever be a problem. The gals in the states act an ass most nights out and that's 4-5-7 nights a week. What ya saying, that's the right girl to bring home and wed and try to keep happy?

    Who will you have more respect for? Girls are girls all over the world but remember this, they are all smarter than we are. If you treat the relationship with respect don't monkey around you can have a great relationship with any gal. Most put to much emphasis on the bar part, so she worked in a bar big deal. What about the western gal "again" fucking at will with whoever walks in the door? I am sure most bar gals will not do that, any smart bar gal only goes out of the bar with who she wants to. Its not a forced situation in most cases, so they do who they want and as often as they want.

    I am sure a person "female" from any country would not like to be treated like a dog anywhere.

    Here western mongers will always pick on the negative side of things and then would happily relate it to money, money, money...everything starts and ends with money for them.

    I am sure some of that is because they know how we are. Most gals here know we are the easiest to push over. We have more compassion and bigger wallets than most have. Who is a better find the old US guy getting 2-3 -k a month or the guy that spends a week 2 times a year from somewhere else. That's a no brain-er, eat rice every day or just 1-2 times a year??? Could be we are more gullible than other places. Pick the one you want but we do pay the freight. The greenback still tops the other currencies in most cases. Yes you are right we do talk money lots of the time but so do others that have more than a buck or two. Unless you have a printing press or a pipeline from some arms sale business you gotta keep up on the money. It also makes a difference if you get a small pension verses the big timer that has liquid cash in a bank. Most guys live on a budget and have to stay inside that budget every month.


    Why would you not love to have a big large family, the western mongers will counter it by saying you will be the family ATM for all, agree, but you would also be the one who would get number 1 respect among all, you would also be the decision maker unlike if you have a western wife who would take all your money yet not listen to you. why haven't anyone mentioned this to you ?

    In most cases this is true about being the big shot and the respect. Please don't think this is most of the time because its not. Some here don't care about anything but what they can skim out of the foreign guy. They scam and slither trying to get every peso the poor fool has. And they use there little gal for leverage in the plan.

    Its a hard spot to be in for any gal with the relathives asking cash,food,drinks, and everything else they think they need.

    Remember these are the same nice Fathers and mothers that send the little girl away to work in a bar so THEY can live better. This is not a western,eastern anything its a way of life we all have to deal with. I have seen as many fools from the states as I have from every other dot on a map acting good and bad.

    Please don't think so one sided when you are talking about the west. I seem to recall most of the Indians and others taking there little piece of the action in the states. I am also sure they are sending GREEN MONEY back to that wonderful place you call home. Its like talking about the farmer with your mouth full. IT DONT WORK...


  4. #2301
    Warm, soft, fresh and tasty cookies straight from the factory! And if you don't like the flavor visit a different factory to see what they're baking! You have a point X.


  5. #2300
    Barba, Vaq, and FF, thanks for the interesting posts.

    I loved the cookie jar analogy, but couldn't help changing it.

    Why should I buy the cookie jar, when I can visit the cookie factory anytime I want?


  6. #2299
    Quote Originally Posted by FreebieFan
    The expensive ones are usually the ones who have relatives in US, who have been spoilt with gifts from realtivces returning and ho generally look on peope from US ( as in all Westerners) as those with money.

    There are then those who are well travelled with " old money" and have been ussed to a certain lifestyle.

    And then there are those with excellent values who dont care for materialism and dont try and download your wealth.

    Its tough when they are tarred with same brush, or maybe Im lucky to have a mother in law who has her own life and doesnt need to move in with me, who has never so much as once asked for money etc. They do exist ......they are not all the same.

    Painted with the same brush they are Freebiefan! Mostly because the men doing the painting usually meet all their girls in the same type of venue such as the bar scene, and we all know after a girl has been in the scene for a while she picks up some very bad habits. I've meet a number of non-bargirls who wouldn't take my money or even let me buy them anything of great value while out browsing the malls. Nor have they requested any money for a mysterious illness that has struck them or some one else in their family after I had left the Phils. Good girls like that do exist there. I'm almost ashamed to take advantage of such sweet girls. But they seem to enjoy the attention so I keep doing what I do...and loving every second of it! If I were the marrying type, I'd have been married several times over to some of the sweeties I have met during my travels. But why buy the Cookie Jar when I can remove the lid and take a cookie any time I want to?

    Always on the Quest

    Yella Man

  7. #2298
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaquero
    I just got off the phone not along ago with customer service for my mobile phone provider.

    I'm a little preoccupied, so I didn't pick up the inflection at first, but it turned out that I was talking to a filipina. Though I don't speak the language, I do like the accent.

    Anyway, she started talking to me about visiting the islands -- namely, Boracay, Bohol and Palawan -- and asking me my age and my height, etc. She told me she's 22 and 5'7" and a former model.

    After our call, at my request, she texted me her phone number.

    I'm about ready to exhaust all my vacation time on family business, so my dick won't be reaching there anytime soon. But it's strange how quickly they'll come out with that.

    Is all the pussy from that part of the world tasty? That's been my experience so far.

    Seems to me if you get U.S. women who are freaky in bed, it's likely because they were molested as children. Very common. That's the pillow talk I've gotten. Very dramatic.

    Meanwhile, the filipinas seem naturally horny, but they descend upon your cash and assetts like a storm of locusts. And soon enough, you have a whole houseful of jabbering bug-eaters. But in its own way, it can be rather serene.

    I told this girl that I'd dated a filipina before, but following tradition, it was a matter of weeks before she was talking about moving her mother in with us.

    "Oh, we're very expensive," she said.
    The expensive ones are usually the ones who have relatives in US, who have been spoilt with gifts from realtivces returning and ho generally look on peope from US ( as in all Westerners) as those with money.

    There are then those who are well travelled with " old money" and have been ussed to a certain lifestyle.

    And then there are those with excellent values who dont care for materialism and dont try and download your wealth.

    Its tough when they are tarred with same brush, or maybe Im lucky to have a mother in law who has her own life and doesnt need to move in with me, who has never so much as once asked for money etc. They do exist ......they are not all the same.

  8. #2297

    Customer service

    I just got off the phone not along ago with customer service for my mobile phone provider.

    I'm a little preoccupied, so I didn't pick up the inflection at first, but it turned out that I was talking to a filipina. Though I don't speak the language, I do like the accent.

    Anyway, she started talking to me about visiting the islands -- namely, Boracay, Bohol and Palawan -- and asking me my age and my height, etc. She told me she's 22 and 5'7" and a former model.

    After our call, at my request, she texted me her phone number.

    I'm about ready to exhaust all my vacation time on family business, so my dick won't be reaching there anytime soon. But it's strange how quickly they'll come out with that.

    Is all the pussy from that part of the world tasty? That's been my experience so far.

    Seems to me if you get U.S. women who are freaky in bed, it's likely because they were molested as children. Very common. That's the pillow talk I've gotten. Very dramatic.

    Meanwhile, the filipinas seem naturally horny, but they descend upon your cash and assetts like a storm of locusts. And soon enough, you have a whole houseful of jabbering bug-eaters. But in its own way, it can be rather serene.

    I told this girl that I'd dated a filipina before, but following tradition, it was a matter of weeks before she was talking about moving her mother in with us.

    "Oh, we're very expensive," she said.

  9. #2296
    "Marriage is an old religious relic that has no relevance to defining a happy twosome."

    Even the ROD software/editor agrees! :-D Now who can argue with that?

    All the best from Barba

  10. #2295

    Re: About marrying a bar girl, and BL5s comment.

    Marriage is an old religious relic that has no relevance to defining a happy twosome. Just a financial and practical institution that is loosing relevance to more people by the day. Of course a marriage can be much more, but to in any way relate a lasting marriages with happiness in life is just naive and traditional rhetorics.

    Anyone that followed my posts knows I am a hard headed atheist, at least when we are talking about any traditional sense of religion. I never go in to argument with peoples living in the fantasy land called religion. Neither do I try to convert people who believe the earth is flat.

    But to measure personal evolution and happiness in percentage of lasting marriages on a continent is maybe one of the most silly attempt to racial/geographical pride I have seen. Surely such a reflecting and open minded person as BL5 must see through this old fashioned religious invention of controlling female humans?

    You come across in this last post as a peculiar mix of an open yet super prejudice mind. If a happy marriage is defined by only putting your dick in ONE woman for the rest of you life, your on pretty thin ice with your statements about Asia and Asian men, don't you agree?

    Much of the discussions here are super nationalistic, super conservative and in addition racial. There are no continents. There are no countries. The concept of "nationality" is also a fantasy. It is all in you head. It is theoretical constructions. Just INDIVIDUALS exists. I have more in common with my south American or Asian friends than my neighbor here I north Europe. We are all individuals, and then we apply patterns called culture, traditions and religion, but that is only as much as you make of it in your head. The is no correlation between a lasting marriage and the reason to be proud of oneself. Neither in the opposite.

    The notation that there should be any external value in keeping together is all a subjective valuation. It bear no relevance in predicting a maximization of happiness for either a woman or a man. It has nothing to do with "real love".

    Sure there are cultural traits, but these are always overshadowed by a personality. I live with a (European) woman that I love. She has negative sides sure, just like I and you. I never met a girl that was all positive. If you wish to discuss est European Art Nouveau architecture or Fassbinder with your soul mate maybe some Pinays fall short, and if you prefer someone that fight you off the kitchen and order you NOT to do dishes maybe you should not begin your search in north Europe. It is a matter of preferences, right?

    BL5s statement "Only a fool or an ignorant will tell you not to marry an Asian girl." can only pass uncommented. How can one even begin criticize an ignorant generalization like that?

    So the only advice to give must be NOT to listen to anyone here. Romantic, naive optimists, cynics, addicts, etc. We all come here for some distraction and/or socializing in this cheerful and horny little flock of monkeys.

    What relevance can be found in any advice here? You can get advice on signals and patterns other have seen and perhaps not reacted on, but thats where the relevance stops. The rest is simplifications serving to air someones ego (just like this is mine blowing off steam. Yes you are correct I have not been to Asia to get my ego fix in a while).

    The fact that you ask proves more distance than many here will ever achieve. If you love her, you should be with her. Until you don't love her. Her background does not bear any relevance in predicting your success. You posses the ability and power to react and adapt to whatever errors her background might "make her do" 2-3 years down the line. If the marriage is required for practical reasons it would be a mistake not to marry her, regardless of her background.

    I live in a relation since many years, and we all know they are never strait and simple. We all have a history and they all seem just as messed up when looked in to.

    After reading all opinions I ask myself what exactly is it in a "bar girls" life experience that would be problematic? The fact that she drinks alcohol regularly (if she even does)? The shame imposed by society in using her body labor for sex instead of making pizzas, circuit boards or fancy hair dresses? Or is it maybe the hard core sales person those girls become in some cases? Seeing every customer as an object to keep happy, to make them hand over as much of their money as possible? Compare this to a waitress, a car seller, an insurance policy sales man, or any other person selling something. They all get affected and alter as persons after a while. I constantly read about people failing to have a happy life with bar girls, but it seems like they are all still in the same phase and mental state as when they met the bar girl. Who is the actual problem in those "attempts"?

    This perhaps turned out to be more of a comment on BL5s post than an advice on if a girl that used to have sex to earn money can be categorized as a suitable or non suitable regular partner.

    In my opinion you have provided to little facts for anyone to, if ever, give you any relevant advice on this particular person.

    But to cut it short I fall in line with BL5, although from my angle. Go ahead and marry her tomorrow! You can always divorce her if things does not work out.

    /Best from Barba

    "And it really began with Einstein. We attended his lectures. Now the theory of relativity remained. And still remains. Only a theory. It has not been proven. But it suggested a completely different picture of the physical world." Douglas Sirk"

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.

  11. #2294
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Tile

    I read and I see your eyes are wide open. Also you are not going to die wondering.

    But why you wait until the end of 2011 ? ? This is far too long ! ! No-one knows what will happen tomorrow, next week or next month let alone next year or 2011. Don't wait so long. Do it sooner rather than later.

    Yes, I try to keep my eyes wide open, thank you. Why I want to wait until the end of 2011? maybe it is too long but (1) I want to think well about it (2) I want to know her a bit more (3) I want the time to settle well all my properties and liquid assets (4) I want the youngest of my son graduates (5) I want to give me the time to find maybe a nice girl here to go on having my GF experience at home while happily mongering all over the world and (6) because I like to pace slow. SE

  12. #2293
    Quote Originally Posted by Finrod
    Good points, BL. But you may be missing the boat here: no amount of spirituality (or at least the desire to do good) on a man's part can replace the requirement to evaluate the woman in his life for her fitness to be his long term partner. We know that far more often than not, women who come out of the bar environment do not make good long term partners. Some do, no doubt about that, but many more don't. If a guy wants a long term partner, he stands a better chance of finding a good one if he skips the bargirls. That's the way it is all over, not just in the Phils, and the other posters here are calling it as they see it.

    That said, if SE knows the risks and wants to do it anyway, go for it. But he shouldn't come running back here with his tale of woe should it go bad. He asked for help, he got it, now it's up to him whether he will take it in or not.
    On the contrary, SE. All forum member would be interested to know how well your relationship got on.

    Lots of contributing forum members have Filipina wives and have great relationships. I am sure tons of forum members have married their bargirls, some of these marriages have thrived while others have have been living nightmares.

    If you are lucky, your relationship can be a fairy tale. Definitely many bar girls are very good at what they do. They know how to man happy at least in the very short term. With luck and understanding you can be successful in your relationship. I would not put it down to spirituality unless both of you join some sort of cult.

    Good luck in whatever you do. We'd all like to know how it worked it. Will it be (hopefully) bliss or hell.

    You are far better informed now. I am glad you gave us your story and asked your question. Your story was well written and thought out. I hope the opinions in this forum have proved helpful. May the force be with you.

    Go forth and multiply (or not).

    Meaning as in: and NOT as in

    Yellow Fever

  13. #2292

    Excellent Rebuttal Yellow F

    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow Fever #2
    Lots of us mongers support you and your right to marry a bar girl. I previously gave SE my support and some considerations that he should be aware of.
    I don’t know YF a guy should feel like he deserves more in life. I don’t care how ugly, fat, stupid, broke, old…. SE can't you give yourself more credit than that? Just an opinion.

    We must get a perspective from where BL comes from. I worked around an Indian guy for over a year. He was a mechanic and worked on my armored Land Cruiser and sometime we would talk. He would go on on about how marriages and people in the west were no good etc. He told me in India most marriages were arranged by parents, he told he could beat his wife and tell her to shut the fuck up and she would not protest the least bit. He told me if you got a divorce in India it was shameful and you would have a hard time finding another partner….you smell what I am cooking?

  14. #2291
    Good points, BL. But you may be missing the boat here: no amount of spirituality (or at least the desire to do good) on a man's part can replace the requirement to evaluate the woman in his life for her fitness to be his long term partner. We know that far more often than not, women who come out of the bar environment do not make good long term partners. Some do, no doubt about that, but many more don't. If a guy wants a long term partner, he stands a better chance of finding a good one if he skips the bargirls. That's the way it is all over, not just in the Phils, and the other posters here are calling it as they see it.

    That said, if SE knows the risks and wants to do it anyway, go for it. But he shouldn't come running back here with his tale of woe should it go bad. He asked for help, he got it, now it's up to him whether he will take it in or not.

  15. #2290
    Quote Originally Posted by Born Loser 5
    I may be the only one here who would support you to do what you feel right, if you want to marry a bar girl go for it.

    Most of the advice you are getting here are from mongers who are from west where the divorce rate is 50% or rather 1 in 2 mongers here are divorced, separated or never married, very few including me knows the true emotions of love but we all here know the emotions of lust and its association with money.

    Western men may be the last place you would wanna go to take advice on love and marriage :D no hard feelings guys...

    Asia has a fairly good percentage of love lasting till death do us apart, your chance of success with an Asian girl no matter where she is from is far greater than the women from west.

    Lots of us mongers support you and your right to marry a bar girl. I previously gave SE my support and some considerations that he should be aware of.

    I entertained the idea once and had a relationship with an experienced Philippine bar girl, she lived with me in China for about 6 months until I terminated our relationship due to 'irregularities', basically she was enough dishonest for me to give her up and I had burned too much cash to support her family.

    I think your statistics on Western vs Eastern marriages is a load of crap. China is rife with divorce, it is a simple procedure which takes all of 20 minutes to complete. In the Philippines divorce is nearly impossible, so second marriages just happen without divorce. It is possible to get papers from the NSO saying you are single even when you are not.

    Thailand, much the same. Guys leave their wives for others frequently. Look at DIA, every girl wants a man to only be with them. This must come from experience, it is not a fairy tale.

    My experience with Indonesian chicks, says divorce is quite common there too.

    Such is life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Born Loser 5
    I'm from India where the divorce rate is very very low, 98% marriages are successful more or less same is with east Asian countries and same is true with Philippines.

    Only a fool or an ignorant will tell you not to marry an Asian girl.
    I'm glad that 98% of Indian marriage last forever, perhaps the people don't live long enough to find others, perhaps arranged marriages are the way to go, perhaps poverty or family pressure forces couples to remain together. Perhaps villages and languages are different. Maybe the law discourages divorce. Maybe it is just the tradition in India. Maybe the women are too weak in the relationship. Maybe the women and the men couldn't give a rats ass if they take other lovers. Maybe you get the death penalty or get stoned if you are an adulterer. Maybe men can do whatever the fuck they want and the woman can't do anything about it. Maybe castration is a form of birth control in India? I doubt it is down to spirituality. I really don't know the reason. in fact I don't care and frankly I don't believe it.

    SE, go marry an Indian chick. Get castrated (become a Eunuch) in the process. At least you won't have the 'balls' to leave your bride. Not sure about her though leaving you though. To reduce the risk of her fleeing (or courting other males), you could chain her to the bed or lock her in a dungeon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Born Loser 5
    Its like an Asian dude advising the size of dicks to a western men. Some things we should better leave it to others. Western folks are never good at relationship stuff, they should not advice people whom they themselves have failed at again and again.
    Although I have never directly compared and only heard circumstantially from bar girls that i see, I agree with your statement that Asian dudes, perhaps especially Chinese guys have tiny weewees. Us Caucasian guys are big like stallions. Who the fuck cares?

    Maybe it is the fact that most Asians have tiny dicks, keeps a marriage strong??

    As you say Western folks are never good at relationship stuff. I think you should tell this young poor innocent girl NOT to get married to SmartEuropean because he as a Westerner is not good at relationship stuff. Why give him the go ahead, you should protect her, so that she does not lose 'face' and have a bad relationship with a high potential for divorce. Remember Western people are the problem, eastern marriages are made in heaven and are perfect according to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Born Loser 5
    Here western mongers will always pick on the negative side of things and then would happily relate it to money, money, money...everything starts and ends with money for them.

    They would never appreciate the culture of family the Filipinos lay emphasis be assured if you have a Filipino kid, he will be more respectful and would never abandon you to an old age home. At least you will have some people to fall back on. (sorry to bring the kid factor in)

    Why would you not love to have a big large family, the western mongers will counter it by saying you will be the family ATM for all, agree, but you would also be the one who would get number 1 respect among all, you would also be the decision maker unlike if you have a western wife who would take all your money yet not listen to you. why haven't anyone mentioned this to you ?
    Big large family, basically no birth control in the Philippines makes for a very poor country. We know who we can thank for this; the extreme Catholic church in that country. Lots of poor impoverished people do not make a strong family or country, only makes for a larger shared poverty. Family planning helps to make life on this planet sustainable.

    This is what a big family does to your country: http://www.internationalsexguide.inf...&postcount=232
    GE is an example of a foreigner with a very successful marriage to a PI girl.

    I guess in the PI, family is all you have. Let the girls go out and sell themselves to support the males at home because no one is able to get a job.

    If we go back to SmartEuropean's situation, how will he and his own children feel, if his new bride is younger than his existing kids. Just a thought, not a reason to give up but only a consideration.

    Should SE and his new bride choose to 'breed' in the future, it is their choice. I hope that they have children they can afford to take care of and not have children because the church commands them to.

    I'm willing to bet that if their relationship lasts more than 3 years (hopefully), the pressure to have offspring on SE from his wife will be great. Never say never.

    Quote Originally Posted by Born Loser 5
    We can not have both ways, its time for introspection, ever wondered why Asian marriages are successful than the west, if money was the only factor, then west should have the lowest divorce rate... quite the opposite right...which itself says that all assumption that Filipina or Asian girl would be after your money is wrong else if not then west should have successful marriage day in and day out which is not true.
    I cannot confirm either way if this is true but my feeling is it just a load of meaningless crap. Hey BL5, do you have any statistics for marriages between east and western people? How about different educational levels? Different ages? Different religions?

    I fully support SE and his happiness. I wish him success in whatever he decides.

    I support people who want to get married. I also support people who choose to get divorced because marriage does not always work. It happens in ALL cultures.

    Till death do us part was a lot more meaningful and reasonable when people had a lifespan of 30 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Born Loser 5
    Lots of meaningless drivel deleted

    Good luck to you.....i would say just go for it...if you have taken a thoughtful decision and you feel for it.

    Nothing personal folks, i may have touched some sensitive issues, but it is not directed at any particular person. peace out no fighting on opinions :)
    At least this part of your comment, I will completely agree.

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