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Thread: Kyiv

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  1. #5475
    But why does nobody read this fucking forum before to mistake??? Why didn't nobody hear "expensive prices for hungry tourists"? Why didn't nobody read "200 dollars for one day sex"?

    P.S. For your information, Slavic prostitutes on Italian roads make swallow blowjobs for 20 euros.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meashearim
    I have just arrived to Kiev, and will study Russian here for a year.

    The two days I have been here I have visited about 15 apartments with girls, and also a strip club called Haifa (only one girl was working, so I left pretty quick).

    I have to say that I am so far a little bit disappointed with the range of girls – and the high pricing – at these apartments. 900 grivna ($105) seems to be the average/standard price.

    I had recently a great week in Poland, and I have to say that the quality was better – to a lower price – which surprises me a little.

    Despite visiting 15 flats I have only made out with one girl (Lera). She was in her mid-twenties, really nice, had this lovely Eastern Europe-look, silicone breast, and petite. I payed 1200 grivna ($145) for one hour. She was definitely worth the money, but in comparison I payed only 150-300 zloty ($50-$105) for as beautiful girls in Warczawa-Sopot-Gdansk.

    I have read HunterDave's excellent posts, and will give a shot at the River Palace tonight and tomorrow. I have found a decent taxi driver, Sasha (Alexander), and he takes me from place to place for a fixed amount of 50 grivna. I guess it is still a little bit too much, but it will be easier to get a good price as soon as I know some basic Russian. The good thing is that he speaks English, which is a relief. Very few speaks English here, which complicates things a little.

    Do anyone know about the possibilities of following a RP-girl to her place?

    My problem is that I am living in the student's dormitory, and I am also sharing my room with another foreign student. Furthermore, after 11 pm I am supposed to be in my room – but fortunately the guard doesn't seem to care when I have been dropping home at four in the mornings.

    I haven't yet started to call escorts at Gia and Top-models, since my experience with similar sites is not so good (false pictures), but maybe I will take a shot at the mentioned dating sites.

    I'll be back with more reports after visiting RP.

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.

  2. #5474

    DTs @ RP

    Quote Originally Posted by Uke Boy

    Your RP report is most disturbing. In fact, the management at RP should be very concerned if one or more of their bar employees is spiking drinks and working in concert with this wh0re (in the negative sense of the word) or other criminal шлюхи. She should be stopped from ever being able to enter RP.
    UB, just to clarify, I'm not suggesting the staff behind the counter were involved in any of this.

    If it did happen (and I can't swear to it, just a hunch of mine as to the possibility) then I would suggest she did it herself while I was in the toilet.

    I'm perturbed as to how I went down so fast in terms of cognisance but also have to allow for the fact that I may have been responsible for my own condition after getting involved in some vodka toasting on top of my usual beer intake earlier on before arrival on top of a couple of hard days and nights in the city.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uke Boy

    Perhaps if anyone from RP is reading this forum, they can comment about what happened and what guarantees they can make about customer safety within the club. This is exactly the worst possible publicity they can receive.
    When I finally got my head together the following evening I went onto the web to see if RP had an e-mail contact address with a view to making them aware of what transpired the night before.

    However they only have a telephone number and being a stranger in town and not knowing the nuances of how they operate vis-a-vis the prostititution on the premises I wouldn't have felt particularly confident about making this case to them over the phone.

    Perhaps as you say if anybody from RP browses here they might wish to make a comment or make contact with me.

    Or if any of the regulars here wish to bring it to the attention of any staff/management they know then of course I can be contacted through this site.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uke Boy

    By the way, if this had happened to a local, he would have sent a friend next day and take her back to meet him but now in his space and on his terms. She would then have had a real lesson in honest behavior strictly taught to her. That is how things are still done here.
    Also in my part of the world...

    To be honest if I was sticking around any longer then I would have considered what options I had in terms of arranging some kind of counter-sting/retribution but had to exit Kyiv very early on Monday.

    Briefly thought about heading out there again on Sunday night to see if she was operating again but wasn't really feeling good enough to follow it through.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uke Boy

    She took the chance only because you are a foreigner.
    As you say I have no doubt I did stick out that night like a sore thumb and we were the only 2 unattached ppl (myself & her) downstairs if that rings any bells with anybody who might have been there.

    In fact she may well have muttered a secret "Hallelujah" when I appeared seeing as how everyone else there was in some kind of company.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uke Boy

    Your post on this forum could possibly end her RP gravy train.
    Well hopefully if nothing else it will help others keep their wits about them.

    For example, Meashearim who asked this very question yesterday would be perfect prey for her if he arrived there needing someone who was prepared to accomodate him at her abode.

    Also there are so many reports recently about what a no-brainer that RP is on a Fri/Sat night for a liaison once the price is settled that pointing out the possible pitfalls can surely do no harm...


  3. #5473
    Валерий Абисалович,

    Your RP report is most disturbing. In fact, the management at RP should be very concerned if one or more of their bar employees is spiking drinks and working in concert with this wh0re (in the negative sense of the word) or other criminal шлюхи. She should be stopped from ever being able to enter RP.

    Perhaps if anyone from RP is reading this forum, they can comment about what happened and what guarantees they can make about customer safety within the club. This is exactly the worst possible publicity they can receive.

    By the way, if this had happened to a local, he would have sent a friend next day and take her back to meet him but now in his space and on his terms. She would then have had a real lesson in honest behavior strictly taught to her. That is how things are still done here. She took the chance only because you are a foreigner but your post on this forum could possibly end her RP gravy train.

  4. #5472

    KIEV for newbies

    The MORAL of Gergiev excellent report could be the following:

    1. Sort out your transport. It is imperative to have a reliable taxi driver on hand, and he could be your guide, friend, guard and saviour, when needed.

    2. CASH, is to be handed over on a half and half basis if not at the end, as is the case with Bangkok long time girls taken out for the evening.

    3. I would avoid visiting apartments or as they are called (SALONS in kiev post) unless I have a driver waiting for me downstairs. It is worth the 50 kopecks per minute cost of waiting time. AFTER all it is only $5.80 EXTRA ph. Most of these apartments seem to be out of the centre in suburbs not used to seeing tourists.

    GERGIEV. IF I were you I would report your experience to the manager of RP. I think Hi is a big guy in fact huge, on night duty, and he is very friendly, and he told me any problems with girls that I might encouter in the club or outside to report them to him, and he will deal with them.

    IF YOU cannot reacall her name or her appearance, go back there again to rp, and she is bound to be there for another victim, or ask the manager to have a look at CCTV cameras of the club. They are bound to have some installed.

    KIEV Casinos are shut now, the last thing they need is to scare mongers away from clubs like RP.

  5. #5471

    Does ring a bill with me. Isn't this the name of the ultra Orthodox Jewish area in Jerusalem?

    When I was in Israel a few years ago. I do recall being taken there by some Israeli friends of mine, and indeed a fascinating area.

    So here you say you are a student<but are you a mature student? Agewise?

    As Kurenda said and Waryman, it is a pie in the sky to think one gets cheap sex with stunning girls in ukraine.

    Pulling girls in Ukraine and Poland will depend on your looks and age, so the darker you are the more difficult this becomes.

    So if you are a dark Israeli or a dark arab or asian or black, your chances are much much less.

    It is ironic that both Arabs and Israelis share the same variety of the colour of their populations ranging from white to darkest black.

    If I were you, and your are a lighter skinned youngish student, I would head to the student bars or the Irish pubs in the centre.

    And if I could pull a girl who was easily 20 years younger than me on Krestahick st, then I am sure you could as well.

    In here I followed Waryman excellent tips about Kiev, and dyed my hair 2 shades darker, so covered the grey and looked very north italian or a middle class spaniard, which is very appealing to the girls of kiev at the moment as per Waryman report.

  6. #5470

    Sour Night at River Palace

    Quote Originally Posted by Meashearim

    Do anyone know about the possibilities of following a RP-girl to her place?

    My problem is that I am living in the student's dormitory, and I am also sharing my room with another foreign student. Furthermore, after 11 pm I am supposed to be in my room – but fortunately the guard doesn't seem to care when I have been dropping home at four in the mornings.
    I think I can help you with this but maybe not exactly what you want to hear...

    Was in Kyiv last Saturday night and decided to pay RP a visit to finally check out the scene there.

    Like yourself I was compromised because of my accomodation arrangements but was happy enough just to go along and see the place in action with no real intention of "playing".

    Arrived sometime after 1 am and put my head first into the bar on the left as you go in (Sports Bar?), liked the feel of the place so pulled up at the counter and ordered a beer there to put me in the mood, so to speak.

    There were only approx 10/12 ppl present, some couples/groups here and there and a single lady sitting on her own on one of the seats between myself and the entrance.

    Anytime I turned around to have a look about she did her best to catch my eye and initiate some kind of contact.

    Called a second beer and at this stage because I was staying over with some married friends as alluded to above and also because of general weariness I began to debate with myself whether I would bother going upstairs to the club.

    So when she approached me shortly after and asked could she join me I agreed, reasoning that some harmless flirting/negotiating might be as good a way as any to end the night and might sow a seed for the following night or whenever.

    We had a drink and chatted together for a while and eventually she popped the question about whether I wanted her to accompany me back to my hotel.

    I demurred by explaining my arrangements but she countered by saying this was not a problem as I could also go back to her apartment if I desired.

    So for the hell of it I asked her what was involved and after a bit of sparring we arrived at a price of €150 for a few hours or so.

    When I rejoined that if I did go back I might as well see out the night she suggested €200 would cover that eventuality.

    Offered her another drink but she declined suggesting that if we were going then now was the time to move.

    And that was the fateful moment I decided to play seeing as she was exactly my type and also as the money arrangement seemed to more or less fit in with what I understood to be the norm around RP.

    So we headed off in the taxi into the weird and wonderful land of the Apartmentia on the far side of the Dnipro.

    Which left me a little anxious but we pulled up in a good area and the apartment itself was fine so I relaxed again.

    Paid over the cash and she asked me to excuse her for a minute or two.

    But after a few minutes a male figure emerged at the door and shouted in that I "should go now please" (sic).

    Decided to stand my ground and see what played out but after another few minutes what appeared to be the same or perhaps another man came in and loudly/menacingly informed me I should leave immediately.

    So at this point seeing it was 4am or so and deep in "Terra Incognita" I decided discretion might be the better part of valour and withdrew into the dark Dniprovo night.

    Had a devil of a job getting home as well but that's another story...


    So, no need for anyone to post and corroborate my jack-assery as I'm well aware of that but I've had some good freebie fun out in the Kommunalkas from time to time so I wasn't overly concerned about the direction we were heading.

    And after 22 years of almost flawless buccaneering would consider this to be a rather cheap lesson and the amount involved is a mere pin-prick in the overall Gergiev largesse.

    Also I had got involved in a bit of a drinking session involving several shots earlier in the evening which had sapped some of my energy and lowered my defences somewhat.

    But rather troublingly I can't remember her "name" or even her exact appearance and I felt so uncharacteristically poor the next day that I can't help wondering if there was something chemical added to my drink in RP at some stage or other.

    And I've never previously deviated from whatever gameplan I set out with; eg in this case to just pay a visit and check-out the scene for future reference etc.

    What my brain does tell me is that she was approx 30-35, very attractive and dark-haired with good English skills and as mentioned above situated on her own in the bar on the left as you go in at approx 1.30am or so if this rings any bells.

    Also can't help wondering what would have happened in this instance if I had been using my own hotel/apartment?

    Apologies about the rambling nature of this report as I actually wrote a shorter version that my computer swallowed up a night or two ago but in the context of Meashearim's enquiry I think it's better to provide a full account for the benefit of him and others...

    Anyone else have any knowledge of this kind of carry-on?

  7. #5469
    Jojo give a try to Lvov and you will found it's much harder then in Kiev.
    If already in Poland much better option is to try your luck there than in Lvov.
    Meashearim there are many who thinks that in Ukraine they will get cheap sex with stunning girls. In most cases this is not the case. Ukrainian pros are cheaper then in Ukraine. And if EU reports are correct Poland has much more pros per capita than Ukraine thus lower price.
    Since you're a student try your luck with female colegues in the form of freebies. But keep in mind if you're non-white (i.e. Arab or Asian) your chances are smaller. In that case don't loose hope but hit on foreign students.
    When ever in Odessa or Crimea I usually bang lots of female foreign students who study there, usually form Indonesia and Malesia.

  8. #5468

    Studies in Kiev

    I have just arrived to Kiev, and will study Russian here for a year.

    The two days I have been here I have visited about 15 apartments with girls, and also a strip club called Haifa (only one girl was working, so I left pretty quick).

    I have to say that I am so far a little bit disappointed with the range of girls – and the high pricing – at these apartments. 900 grivna ($105) seems to be the average/standard price.

    I had recently a great week in Poland, and I have to say that the quality was better – to a lower price – which surprises me a little.

    Despite visiting 15 flats I have only made out with one girl (Lera). She was in her mid-twenties, really nice, had this lovely Eastern Europe-look, silicone breast, and petite. I payed 1200 grivna ($145) for one hour. She was definitely worth the money, but in comparison I payed only 150-300 zloty ($50-$105) for as beautiful girls in Warczawa-Sopot-Gdansk.

    I have read HunterDave's excellent posts, and will give a shot at the River Palace tonight and tomorrow. I have found a decent taxi driver, Sasha (Alexander), and he takes me from place to place for a fixed amount of 50 grivna. I guess it is still a little bit too much, but it will be easier to get a good price as soon as I know some basic Russian. The good thing is that he speaks English, which is a relief. Very few speaks English here, which complicates things a little.

    Do anyone know about the possibilities of following a RP-girl to her place?

    My problem is that I am living in the student's dormitory, and I am also sharing my room with another foreign student. Furthermore, after 11 pm I am supposed to be in my room – but fortunately the guard doesn't seem to care when I have been dropping home at four in the mornings.

    I haven't yet started to call escorts at Gia and Top-models, since my experience with similar sites is not so good (false pictures), but maybe I will take a shot at the mentioned dating sites.

    I'll be back with more reports after visiting RP.

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.

  9. #5467
    Do you speak Russian. All of these info and you went there once only? How much cash you spent man?

    I'm here for the forth time and I didn't have the chance to do this thing here, so let me know the info.

  10. #5466
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenda
    Jojosun a word of advice. Kiev yes for sure, but forget about Lvov.
    This used to be a good mongering destination 6-7-8 years ago but not today.
    Search the forum and there will be no new reports on it. You can try your luck but don't expect too much.
    Thank you kurenda for your advice, but the only reason I am thinking of putting iviv or lvov on my list, is that my favourite budget airline ryanair does some fantastic deals from london to poland, and the closest city in poland to lvov is rzeszow. Then it is a short hop over to livov by train or bus.

    Livov is compact, and if I did pick up some some freebies on kreschatick st in kiev (didn't include this in my mongring report) my reasoning is I could do the same in livov., I hope.

  11. #5465
    Quote Originally Posted by Me and You
    Reports of Hunter Dave and Jojosum must be reports of Distinction.

    Very good work guys and very useful and interesting infos and update about Kiev.

    Thank you.

    It is nice to be appreciated, but I did get flamed here by a certain (kiev expert) for asking one question too many prior to my landing in kiev.

    My advice to first time mongers to kiev, is to ask, and ask again, and rtff. A big thank you to all who replied to my questions, without their tips and info, (salons, apts, ) would have been clueless to me.

    Sharing info is caring.

  12. #5464
    Jojosun a word of advice. Kiev yes for sure, but forget about Lvov.
    This used to be a good mongering destination 6-7-8 years ago but not today.
    Search the forum and there will be no new reports on it. You can try your luck but don't expect too much.

  13. #5463

    Jojosun and Hunter Dave reports od Distinction

    Reports of Hunter Dave and Jojosum must be reports of Distinction.

    Very good work guys and very useful and interesting infos and update about Kiev.


  14. #5462

    KIEV has to be revisited

    Hunter Dave,

    Really enjoyed reading your reports, and you know <WHAT? , we were neighbors on KRESCHAICK st., so I am sure we crossed paths there. I was in kiev wed 9 sept and left on the Sunday 13 sept the day you left.

    NOW you mentioned the free concert in MAYDAN on SAT12 sept.

    HAving read your reports it seems to me FLIRT. COM UA, is a waste of time and I should have gone for the sites you mentioned.

    GOT so excited and eager to rectify past mistakes, that I have booked a return trip to kiev on 6 nov 09 for 3 nights. A monger should do kiev at least TWICE.

    I stayed in KRESCHAICK hotel it is no 14 on kreschatick st and paid 700 grevnas on Thursday and they charged me 630 uah per night weekend rates. What no was your apt on kreschatick?

    I think I am going to switch my mongering activities from poland to KIEV and LIVIV, as the exchange rate and cheap airfares from London are quite favourable at the moment.

  15. #5461


    That’s a super list. Store them in your mobile phone message archives. If you need more you could use this service.

    It’s staffed 24/7 by human translators, just type in what you want said and, unlike the computer programs the reply will be accurate. It’s currently free to use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Curious12
    1. Would like to join me for a dinner? - Ty hochesh' pouzhinat' so mnoj?

    2. Could you come to my apartment? - Ty mozhesh' pridti v moju kvartiru?

    3. How much do you charge per night? - Skol'ko ty beresh' za noch'? or Skol'ko budet stoit noch' s toboj?

    4. How much do you charge per day? - Skol'ko ty beresh' za den'? or Skol'ko budet stoit' celyj den'?

    5. How do you say (100, 200, 300, 400, 500 etc.) - Sto, dvesti, trista, chetyresta, pyat'sot

    6. Do you do oral without condom? - Ty delaesh' minet bez prezervativa?

    7. My apartment address is ... - Moj adres

    8. My phone number is ... - Moj nomer telefona

    9. What is your address / phone number? - Kakoj tvoj adres, kakoj tvoj nomer telefona?

    10. What is your name? - Kak tebja zovut?

    11. Can we go to a restaurant? - My mozhem pojti v restoran?

    12. You are beautiful - Ty krasivaja or Ty prekrasno vyglyadish'

    13. When will you come to my apartment? - Kogda ty pojdesh' v moju kvartiru?

    14. I will wait for you - Ja budu tebja zhdat'

    15. Speak slowly - Govori medleno

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