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Thread: Meat Loaf in Nicaragua

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  1. #724



    How do you enjoy living in Nicaragua since July 2009?

    Tell us your take and experience on Nicaragua.

  2. #723

    Making Others Pull Caballo In The Americas

    Columbus, in his log, noted:

    "They brought us barrels of cotton thread and parrots and other little things which it would be tedious to list, and exchanged everything for whatever we offered them...I kept my eyes open and tried to find out if there was any gold, and I saw that some of them had a little piece hanging from a hole in their nose. I gathered from their signs that if one goes south, or around the south side of the island, there is a king with great jars full of it, enormous amounts. I tried to persuade them to go there, but I saw that the idea was not to their liking...They would make fine servants... With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want."

  3. #722


    Quote Originally Posted by Stevewxly
    Meat Loaf posted the following on the Jaco Beach ( Costa Rica ) thread on 10/12/09.

    Meat Loaf,

    Here is my reply to your question.......

    I heard that Managua & Granada are dumps!

    There are half-finished condos & buildings all over the place. There are lots of drugs.

    I heard that only "sucker a*s Gringos" from the USA with no knowledge of anything beyond Sandals Resorts visit Managua & Granada. These rookies travel to Nicaragua and purchase condominiums, drugs, SW, and marry local Nicas.

    Are Managua & Granada really dumps?

    Now a question for Senior Meat Loaf -

    Have you ever been to Jaco Beach Costa Rica, or are your questions above based on second hand information / hearsay ???
    I've been hearing that Jaco Beach is a dump from a guy who lived there, but now lives in Granada.

  4. #721

    Fact or Fiction ???????

    Meat Loaf posted the following on the Jaco Beach ( Costa Rica ) thread on 10/12/09.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Loaf
    I heard that Jaco / Jaco Beach is a dump!

    There are half-finished condominiums all over the place. There are lots of drugs.

    I heard that only "sucker a*s Gringos" from the USA with no knowledge of anything beyond Sandals Resorts visit Jaco / Jaco Beach. These rookies travel to Jaco and purchase condominums, drugs, SW, and marry local Ticas.

    Is Jaco / Jaco Beach really a dump?

    Meat Loaf,

    Here is my reply to your question.......

    I heard that Managua & Granada are dumps!

    There are half-finished condos & buildings all over the place. There are lots of drugs.

    I heard that only "sucker a*s Gringos" from the USA with no knowledge of anything beyond Sandals Resorts visit Managua & Granada. These rookies travel to Nicaragua and purchase condominiums, drugs, SW, and marry local Nicas.

    Are Managua & Granada really dumps?

    Now a question for Senior Meat Loaf -

    Have you ever been to Jaco Beach Costa Rica, or are your questions above based on second hand information / hearsay ???

  5. #720

    Risks of Being a Step Daddy

    Meat Loaf and Chocha Monger discuss the risks and little rewards of becoming a "step daddy."

    Quote Originally Posted by Chocha Monger
    Playing step-daddy is one of the thankless jobs that often come with American women. I don't know why any guy would do that because the woman pretty much makes it clear that he will be second place to the kids in his own house while he earns the bacon (or Loaf would say, pulls caballo).
    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Loaf
    It's worse with these Latinas 'cause they all have kids by the time you de-baord the plane. You play "step daddy" and 0% rights / access to the kids. It's a waste of time and money, and you do come after the child(ren.)

    That's fool's gold: Why a guy would date and worse, marry a broad with kid(s) just for some p*ssy access is a fool.

    Expound upon this topic, Chocha Monger.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chocha Monger
    Meat Loaf, being a step-daddy entails a lot of risks and little reward. Some of the things you will encounter as a step-daddy are:

    1. The single mother may pressure you to adopt the children. The reason she will give for this is that she wants them to have your last name for aesthetic purposes. The true motive is far more insidious. She may be getting little or no support payments from the biological father. You, on the other hand, may present better prospects for financial support. Adopting the children will legally bind you making you liable for child support payments in the event of a divorce. As long as you do not adopt those children the biological father is still on the hook for child support payments. The courts will recognize your right to walk away from those kids without liability in the event that you divorce their mother. She knows this and that is why she wants you to adopt so that she can have residual income after you leave.

    2. Children routinely use social service workers against their parents. They know that all it takes is one false accusation to bring their parents in line with their demands. As a biological parent you will be looked upon with suspicion but there will have to be evidence that you did something to endanger the welfare of your biological offspring. There is the assumption that blood relatives are less likely to cause harm to each other. As a step-daddy you will not have this protection. You will be seen as an outsider, a usurper, and assumed to be guilty until proven otherwise.

    3. After spending your resources to raise the kids they are not likely to return the favor in your old age because the lack of blood bonds may mean that they feel no obligation to do so.

    4. The kids will not respect you. They will resent that you’re a strange man in “their” house boning their mother and they will try to get you to leave. Since you are not their father they will not feel the need to follow your instructions. Be prepared to hear, “You’re not my father. You can’t tell me what to do!” The children are the kings and queens of the castle and you’re just a peasant.

    5. Women do not like divorced men or men with children. They consider them poor financial prospects. Check online dating profiles and you will see that many women indicate this. Why should a man see divorced women or single mommies any differently?
    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Loaf
    1. Why even get married? Guys are suckers and get pressured by her so that they can have access to p*ssy.

    2. That is the social perception with the USA. In Latin America, they are much less government control (ie. legislation; court actions; government officials) all up in your business.

    3. True. In fact, USA biological children and parents rarely support one another in old age. This is why we have "old folks homes."

    3A. Don't forget about the expenses of education paid for by the step-daddy including private primary and secondary schooling, university, and other expenses.

    5. I don't see these hoes any different. In fact, I find people divorced bad prospects in the fact they "break contracts"- the marriage contract.

  6. #719


    I held a conversation with a Granada monger who began commenting on "cleaning-up" his Granadinas. With everyone wearing chanelas (ie. sandals;; flip-flop) toes are exposed day-in, day-out.

    With Meat Loaf being a foot fanatic / fetish, I look at feet to imagine the flavor of their digits.

    Gringo monger stated that he likes to "clean-up" his Granadinas with a brush and AJAX. "Get those feet cleans!"

    For me, if the toe nails don't match the finger nails in color, they have 0% opportunity with Meat Loaf. This comment is coming from a guy that wears a French Pedicure and Manicure as witnessed by "Nica Bound" and "DrDewman."

  7. #718

    Desert Storm

    For two (2) consecutive days last week I heard truths and challenges concerning my interaction with Granadinas (ie. Granada girls.) For two (2) days I didn't like what I heard.

    And like you, I made excuses: And unlike you, I don't settle for less!

    One associate stated that I have 0% talent / skill talking to the ladies. The truth is that I have had 0% interest in the girls of Granada. The truth is also that I don't like to "blow-up" the confidence of females for simple conversation. The truth is that I don't / didn't want anything to do with Granadinas.

    Meat Loaf posting history for the past few months has been about how mot to pull caballo and the nonsense environment made by Gringos, and the Spanish-speaking challenged in Granada.

    The following day, a "homie" made a similar comment in that he has not seen me with any hoes for months. True. I refrain from bringing hoes to that establishment due to the overwhelming chisme (ie. gossip) they partake. In fact, he said that he would have heard about me and what girl I'm spending time with. This is 100% TRUE which is why he / they have not seen me with any girls.

    Granada Mentality

    Do you have a girlfriend? What's her name?

    Granada is a small a*s town, population of 40,000, and they've been reared together. Everyone knows everyone that is Granadino. They know her history and what you're claiming to be your girlfriend.

    With Gringos passing through Granada in droves everyone knows that it is simply a matter of time before you leave. It's not about how long you've been in Granada, but when are you leaving 'cause they know that you're leaving.

    And they're looking / expecting another Gringo fool to support the household; pay for the entertainment expense of her and her friends and family; and other caballo activities.

    Gringos, with 0% communication skills claim to have Granada girlfriends. Get some reality: What they really have is someone to invite for social activities in addition to her guests and paid for by the Gringo. Furthermore, what they have is an applicant for the refugee program, as Chocha Monger termed. What they have is a "Bobo" stamped onto their foreheads.

    Gringa tourists, 99% of the Granada population, are not f*cking except Latin Lovers! They are present for 1 -3 days and gone: I don't exist to build the confidence of b*tches - "Charity D*ck."

    Meat Loaf Excuse

    I don't want to play the game, charity d*ck and caballo!

    Of course, I could play the game and win, but I choose not to play the Granada game. Why? I don't have the patience nor interest in spending my money. It's that simple!


    So I went to Managua and heard my name echo the streets. Made a visit to the house of an amiga and threw her dos polvos (ie. 2 nutts.) Via telephone I contacted another friend and invited her back to my mansion. I threw her seven (7) polvos within 12-hours. She moved into the mansion the following day.

    With the exception of one girl, I've imported all my chicas from Managua. I've layed pipe in five (5) girls over the course of five (5) months with four (4) being live-ins.

    Granada, is / was a tourist trap and great for bobos, but not Meat Loaf.

    For you, Gringo, Granada is the closest that you'll get to Nicaragua and it's garbage. Like "TJ Texan," we prefer the "real society" and not the four (4) block sector called Granada.

    I did meet lots of interesting people including "ISG Senior Member" and "ABQ," but my time has lapsed here and all know that my residential stint was tough to stomach.

    It was fun sailing "jolly boats" and visiting personal islands. It was fun learning of "the dream" held by others in foreign residency. It was fun watching bobos pull / volunteer to pull caballo. It was fun being a guest at mansions, ranches, and other residences of luxury, just as I held possession. I had to make Granada fun / bearable for mental SURVIVAL!

    ADMITTION: Meat Loaf struck-out in Granada with the females! Meat Loaf didn't even take the field, and rode the bench! Other than frivolous conversation with other Gringos, Meat Loaf accomplished little. Meat Loaf spoke almost 100% English, and found the Spanish-speaking community of non-interest. Meat Loaf prefers 100% local-populace residency and not "tourist traps."

    Good Luck to those that enter the Granada scene! You will need luck, smarts on how not to pull caballo, and a a stomach for the nonsense.

  8. #717
    Quote Originally Posted by Tj Texan
    Managua is not an athetically pleasing place, but you can day trip out of here and do some interesting stuff, you can also do some really cheap things and get a good bang for your buck.

    I have been going to CR for years, it is what it is, but hands down MGA is cheaper, easier (if you speak Spanish and can go without having your hand held), and better for the extended GFE experience.

    There are websites in spanish which are basically something similar to AFF, do some research and make some contacts prior to visiting.

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.
    I agree with the points you made, TJ Texan. I am glad you weighed in.

    1. "Managua is not an athetically pleasing place" True, so why live there unless you have to?

    I have no problems with Nicaragua. I just believe that nearly any other city in Nicarauga is more pleasant to live in than MGA.

    Granted, Granada and SJDS may not be the best places because they have been overpriced by the local gringos, but Nicaragua does have many other beautiful places.

  9. #716

    Beautiful Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Chocha Monger
    Meat Loaf:
    This is true. Some readers think that you write mierda (shit) because you don't tell them the address of the hoe houses selling pussy for C$7.50. They're mad at you. They think you want to keep all the C$7.50/polvo pussy all to yourself and accuse you of writing mierda to scare off gringos looking for cheap pussy. They want you to take them to the hoe house to have their dicks held and toes sucked by 5 hoes like you did with ISG Senior Member. They want you to help them live la vida. They want to experience fucking a young flaca behind the gasolinera. Meat Loaf's posts were 100% stroke material and they want to make the fantasy become reality. What are you going to do Loaf? Are you going to tour guide? Are you going to show the gringos where the pussy is cheaper than fresh pollo?
    I almost forgot about the gasolinera polvera (ie. gas station f*ck session.)

    Some of these fools want me to f*ck the b*tch before their eyes while they do what they do best- jack off!

  10. #715
    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Loaf
    Readers think that I write bullsh*t, but they simply can't change their paradigm from G8.
    Meat Loaf:
    This is true. Some readers think that you write mierda (shit) because you don't tell them the address of the hoe houses selling pussy for C$7.50. They're mad at you. They think you want to keep all the C$7.50/polvo pussy all to yourself and accuse you of writing mierda to scare off gringos looking for cheap pussy. They want you to take them to the hoe house to have their dicks held and toes sucked by 5 hoes like you did with ISG Senior Member. They want you to help them live la vida. They want to experience fucking a young flaca behind the gasolinera. Meat Loaf's posts were 100% stroke material and they want to make the fantasy become reality. What are you going to do Loaf? Are you going to tour guide? Are you going to show the gringos where the pussy is cheaper than fresh pollo?

  11. #714

    TJ Texan: You're on the verge

    Your last two posts have almost earned you an induction into the "Managua Mongering Hall of Fame."

    If you write some more real and truthful information, it will certainly be granted.

    Also, you need to pay Jackson his US $20 per annum for ISG Senior Membership since you joined the ISG community on 08-09-04. Come on, it's been five (5) years now, "TJ Texan." His corporation accepts (a) money orders so you may remain anonymous, (b) checks, and (c) credit cards.

  12. #713

    TJ Texan & Meat Loaf Expound Upon Nicaragua

    Quote Originally Posted by tj texan
    your views on nicaragua are not only entertaining but also spot on, your advice to the rookie in nicaragua is priceless.
    readers think that i write bullsh*t, but they simply can't change their paradigm from g8.

    Quote Originally Posted by tj texan

    nicaragua is tough to survive in, it is tough to work in, it is tough to earn money in (ask the poor, they will vouch for this), it is tough to get anything done in, it is just tough. but it is a real fun place if you invest the time and, no pun intended, are tough. you do have to look out for yourself here as the folks will surely take advantage of you, and not only the poor or the chicas in a bar, but the wealthy and even the tiny middle class.
    yes, survival is the challenge for everyone. and how will they survive when the atm card doesn't work or they can't call north america / europe family members for a bailout? this is the only reason they are able to survive to nicaragua which is why they become the caballo and victim.

    to earn money in nicaragua you must learn the street. to make money in any society you must learn the street 'cause products are sold to the masses. once you learn the street then you can assume your role in the boardroom.

    the word "customer service" is non-existent.

    they will take advantage of you: i suggest that gringos learn "gringo envy" by residing on the mexican-side of the usa border (ie. tijuana, nogales, cd. juarez, matamorros, nuevo laredo, reynosa) where they will attempt to chase you back home every single day! if you can survive that, then you'll be prepared to defend property and limb in nicaragua.

    and you know they would / will never go live in those border cities!

    Quote Originally Posted by tj texan

    they don't take advantage of you due to you being a gringo, they take advantage of you due to being "caballo" or an easy mark.
    again, you have the atm card and are a telephone call away from friends and family in north america / europe for a western union bailout. your friends and family are not going to let you become homeless, get incarcerated, go hungry, etcetera, in a foreign land, especially nicaragua. therefore, everyone knows that you have means. and therefore you will always pay versus a nicaraguan.

    Quote Originally Posted by tj texan

    to them a gringo, or any foriegner, is an opportunity not an acquaintance. the key to survival here, imo, is to weed out the ones that only consider you an opportunity. there are those that will consider you a peer, but due to your status you will still be an opportunity, and will treat you as such. but you have to show them that you are tough and can handle yourself.
    you cannot show fear! you must get more stupid and dis-regard "common sense" and your future for them to "get the message." prior experience in other countries as a resident will season you.

    first words of anyone should be, "no ando" (ie. i don't have) and "no tengo" (ie. i don't have) and "negra" (ie. hell no.)

    Quote Originally Posted by tj texan

    if you have the time and the game you can "in grain" yourself with a decent segment of nicaraguan society and that is where you will meet and be able to have access to the better "pro-am's", but you need to watch your p' and q's and not come across as a sex driven freaky gringo.
    for this to happen you must pursue commercial endeavors. you must show them a carrot (ie. money; access to money; commerce) for them to acknowledge you. you serve as the bridge from north america / europe to nicaragua.

    Quote Originally Posted by tj texan

    i don't hang much in granada, too many gringo's and too many gringo's pursuing questionable pursuits for my taste.
    granada is disneyland and not nicaragua. it is important and required that any gringo-resident of nicaragua become familiar with granada because this the gringo-network. you need other gringos for survival 'cause they too have the atm and telephone and similar survival skills for nicaragua, void spanish-fluency.

    you meet some real players and gringo-access is given to other respectable gringos. if you are a bullsh*t gringo-person the chisme will expose you and you will gain 0% access. just as the street, gringos observe other gringos, day-in and day-out, and this is how you become judged.

    walking around town with prior stories of corporate america / europe success and nothing to verify it will not work! burning bridges amongst other gringos will get you cut-off. your reputation from costa rica will 100% follow you to granada. you chasing sw on the calzada and parque central will become your image.

    Quote Originally Posted by tj texan

    managua to me isn't bad at all, but i live here and i make the best of things. i have lived in and worked in much rougher less hospitable places. it is all about becoming a permanent fixture and not showing that you are a gullible american.
    those not looking for disneyland (ie. gullible gringos) prefer managua, but we also know the realities of canal 10: ultima hora (ie. news broadcasts.)

    true, permanent fixture as detailed by "xdred."

    Quote Originally Posted by tj texan

    editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here for more information.

  13. #712

    El Jefe Maximo, Lic. Loaf...

    meat loaf:

    thank you for the kind words. i don't chime in often, but sometimes i find it difficult to add much.

    your views on nicaragua are not only entertaining but also spot on, your advice to the rookie in nicaragua is priceless.

    nicaragua is tough to survive in, it is tough to work in, it is tough to earn money in (ask the poor, they will vouch for this), it is tough to get anything done in, it is just tough. but it is a real fun place if you invest the time and, no pun intended, are tough. you do have to look out for yourself here as the folks will surely take advantage of you, and not only the poor or the chicas in a bar, but the wealthy and even the tiny middle class.

    they don't take advantage of you due to you being a gringo, they take advantage of you due to being "caballo" or an easy mark. this society in general is very poor and survival is a daily struggle. hell, they sell babies in the neighborhoods, to each other no less.

    to them a gringo, or any foriegner, is an opportunity not an acquaintance. the key to survival here, imo, is to weed out the ones that only consider you an opportunity. there are those that will consider you a peer, but due to your status you will still be an opportunity, and will treat you as such. but you have to show them that you are tough and can handle yourself.

    if you have the time and the game you can "in grain" yourself with a decent segment of nicaraguan society and that is where you will meet and be able to have access to the better "pro-am's", but you need to watch your p' and q's and not come across as a sex driven freaky gringo.

    i don't hang much in granada, too many gringo's and too many gringo's pursuing questionable pursuits for my taste.

    managua to me isn't bad at all, but i live here and i make the best of things. i have lived in and worked in much rougher less hospitable places. it is all about becoming a permanent fixture and not showing that you are a gullible american.

    my advice is that is your are going to be "sucker gringo" do it with the higher classes, they will act like they have done it before and not be too much trouble. biggest problem i have seen in nicaragua is gringo's taking a skirt out of the barrio las torres, painting her up, getting her some good threads at gallerias, taking her out to the zona viva a few times and expecting her to shed her true colors.

    fellas i am here to tell you that "my fair lady" shit will fail miserably in nicaragua and you will not only pay for it, but it will be a humbling experience. nicaragua, where they coined the phrase "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear".

    editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here for more information.

  14. #711

    TJ Texan

    I respect "TJ Texan" 'cause he lives here day-in, day-out!

    He knows how to employ Nicaraguans and "el nino esta enfermo (ie. the child is sick) which means, "leave me alone and don't ask me why I didn't show up.)

    He also knows about the entertainment locations.

    He also knows about the Nicaraguan occupation- chisme (ie. gossip.)

    He knows what I mean by SURVIVAL 'cause he's SURVIVING too.

    He knows the real Nicaragua, Managua, and not the "tourist trap" where English-only is allowable. He know society via Spanish-fluency and therefore can explore society.

    Good Job "TJ Texan" and I was glad to see your posting a few weeks ago and today. I was wondering what happened to you.

    Compa' esta nortena es para ti (ie. friend, this northern Mexican song is for you):

  15. #710

    figure of speech

    In today's "street vernacular" hate means envy.

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