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Thread: Mr Gogo in the Dominican Republic

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  1. #3612

    Man up! And handle your business

    When ever you go past a straight transactional relationship that consists of you give me sex, I give you money you will bring complications into your life when it comes to that relationship. Friend with benefits, Girlfriend, Wife. Throw children into the mix (theirs, yours or ours) is like setting off emotional naplam.

    The key in any country is to handle your business right from the start. Grownman calls it "Demanding respect". If you start any relationship with this basic requirement, things will flow much smoothly. If anyone gets themselves into a legal situation that makes them uncomfortable, never let threats of your girl using the legal system of the particular country control your actions. Remember, you have the money. And as such you can get excellent legal advice to help you navigate any personal, business or criminal situation that you may face. Especially, in the Dominican Republic. A Dominican advocate that has your back is going to worth way more than the money you pay them.

    I don't think that a Dominican girl who has a child with a non Dominican is the ticket to the lottery. I have many friends who have gone there and they manage the situation just fine. But they are involved in the situation. Not just sending money from a distance. My experiences do not invalidate anyone else's. But I can tell you trying to manage a situation without having "boots on the ground" puts you at a major disadvantage. The power of the purse is real. Use it!

  2. #3611
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    Dude it is not just there. In Thailand my brother sent me $500 to give to his baby mama. 2 days later she hollering broke. She told me she spent $200 on a taxi to get her mom and my niece to the city we live and back. They stayed 2 days. I said why they could not take the bus for $4 like everybody else? She said they needed to be comfortable. So now you affording comfortable but crying broke? As long as you keep giving it to them, they will keep throwing it away.
    I would do the same like this Thai woman, that is the whole idea of hooking a gringo and even better, having a child sired by him. .

  3. #3610
    Quote Originally Posted by GrownMan1  [View Original Post]
    she tell me her scooter was taken. I ask her what happened and she says "remember I told you it costs 6100 pesos a month" I'm like ok you telling me that doesn't mean chit to me. But I do tell her about chicas thinking short term. I reminded her of how we had went out and spent over 8000 pesos in restaurants for just 3 meals.
    Dude it is not just there. In Thailand my brother sent me $500 to give to his baby mama. 2 days later she hollering broke. She told me she spent $200 on a taxi to get her mom and my niece to the city we live and back. They stayed 2 days. I said why they could not take the bus for $4 like everybody else? She said they needed to be comfortable. So now you affording comfortable but crying broke? As long as you keep giving it to them, they will keep throwing it away.

  4. #3609

    Oh how good it is.

    "I was going to put this in my Boca Chica report but when I saw Mr. E's rant I decided to post it here. Adding to my BC post I mentioned that I saw my thick chica several times during my stay. Now let me preface this by saying when I'm in BC I will normally buy groceries and cook at least breakfast. I will then eat a Dominican type meal in the evening, usually spending no more than 400 pesos or so. On my last night I'll go out and have lobster and pasta.

    So I see my chica for the first time on this trip and she now has a scooter. Hmm she's come up. She was working as a waitress when I met her but had quit that job. She told me she had started another job at a resort and the scooter was 6100 a month but she needed it to get back and forth to work. Ok cool. Now for some reason when she's with me she doesn't want to go to work even though I not paying her every time we are together. She likes to eat, so the first night we go out and she orders shrimp and pasta. Ok gotcha. Next night we are out past 2 am on the strip but there's a place on the beach that's open we go there. What does she order shrimp and pasta. Ok I'm tracking. Let see how far this will go.

    My apartment has a pool and I mentioned she could bring her kids over if she wanted to. The day after the late night meal she calls me and ask if today is a good day. I said sure. She says she has to wait for her mother to get back, I'm not sure what she means by that but I'm half sleep and don't care.

    A few hours later I get a knock on my door its her and her two kids. I invite them in and she says her mother, aunt and cousin are downstairs. Well ok and you want what. Some of you already know where this is going. I go down and meet them and they decide the pool is too crowded and that they are going to the beach. Cool I'll see you later. Come with us she says. I told her to give me a few minutes and I'll meet them. I should've kept my ass in the house but like a dummy I went to the beach. When I get there the kids are playing in the water but the other four are at a table waiting for a waitress. The setup. I don't see anything on the menu I want. I had a taste for Chinese. I gave a half hearted try at leaving them there but they said we could go somewhere else. We walk to another restaurant and she says this one is "mas barata" cheaper. I'm thinking why should I care. Long story short everyone orders food and the dumb American is expected and stuck with the bill after the aunt and mother very politely say thank you and leave BEFORE the damn bill even gets to the table. I pay the 3400 pesos bill leaving me with exactly 100 pesos. I tell her I'm going to my apartment she asks she can join me. I told her no because she had to get her kids home. She says her mother and aunt can take them. Where them be! Tches hiding at LOL. I tell her sure she can come over because we need to talk. The aunt and mom come out from wherever they were and get the kids and cousin and they leave. Me and the chica go back to my place where I tell her that was wrong and that she should have asked me first. Did she get it I'm not even sure. All in all I had spent about 8000 pesos on three meals with her. I always spend down my pesos and give her what I have left. This time I didn't go to the cambio on the day before I left so I only had like 1200 pesos left and that's what she got.

    Now that's not my rant part. She got me on the meal, I wasn't going to buy her food and not her mother, at least not the first time we met. Here's why she can be filed under Dumbminican. A couple of days after I get home we are on WhatsApp and she tell me her scooter was taken. I ask her what happened and she says "remember I told you it costs 6100 pesos a month" I'm like ok you telling me that doesn't mean chit to me. But I do tell her about chicas thinking short term. I reminded her of how we had went out and spent over 8000 pesos in restaurants for just 3 meals. I also reminded her of how she told me she "loves to cook". I told her we could have bought food and she could have cooked for us and I would've given her the money for her scooter. Good pu $$why, world class ass, but truly a Dumbminica". DCGogo.

    This is one of my favorite post by a mentor, friend, and fellow monger. I am going to miss you DC OG. You fought a good fight. It was an honor to have met and traveled with you. Rip / G\.

  5. #3608

    Coming home to ISG

    Haven't logged on for a few months but here is an update.

    Carnival was good in Santo Domingo. If you saw the group of American expats grilling at the park on the malecon, that was us. Actually I'm seeing more expats showing up to now live in Santo Domingo. People are branching out from the North coast. Complaints that I've heard are; Airport (POP) is too expensive so guys look at SDQ. The Congrejo bridge still out. POP closing for runway maintenance etc.

    My boys have been hittin Cartejena and Cali Colombia and given up on the DR. IMO, the YouTubers are fucking up the game putting too much info out there. I knew once they tag us with a label, then we are fucked. Well, we labeled ourselves; the Passport Bros. Now they can slide everything from sex tourism to exploiters onto the Passport bros name. Before they couldn't label us and have it stick but that has changed. Mongers, weekend warriors etc never stuck to us but we decided to give ourselves a name SMH.

    Went to Boca chica a couple weeks ago and it was slow. Been spending more time with my San Pedro side piece, viva San Pedro. Shout out to my ISG brothers killing Cali Colombia. Triple darkness, Grownman and Justice, Chris, Charles and Will. Yo guys save some pussy for the rest of us.

  6. #3607

    Vet info

    Santo Domingo has WellVet heath center on Bolivar avenue in Bella Vista. Great opportunity for Vets to receive care and other luxuries. Erika, DR Ramirez and Doctor Sanchez are the best and put vets first. Services I have personally received there are the weekly hot rock massages for free. I just recently completed my annual physical and all the blood work was done through them. Next day results and everything good. Counseling and prescriptions can also be attained there.

    Sometimes they have free BBQ and transportation to Santiago to hangout with the sister clinic. Great way to meet all the nurses in the network and they all are friendly. Physical therapy and other services are done in the office.

    There are other clinics to assist vets in Sosua and Puerto Plata but they are operated independently. There is a new one coming right across the street from Rumbas for any Sosua vets.

    The other independent locations in POP offer car washes and pancake breakfasts. One has a pool and big time rehabilitation equipment.

    Is it worth it? Hell yeah. Even if you just go for the weekly massage that's free.

    They are a third party clinic and they bill the VA. I'm sure for that hour massage they pay the girl 1000 pesos but bill the VA 5 k pesos. They document the treatment but don't report to the VA about specifics unless you direct them to do it.

    They won't be able to help you with major injuries that require surgery so make sure you have private insurance for that. My private insurance is through Humano and I have all the bells and whistles including Airvac, which flies me to Miami. Humano is 180 usd a month and includes dental. They have other plans for 150 usd a quarter but it's just above basic care.

    IMO if you live here have some heath insurance. The basic public hospitals can be very bad. From bringing your own sheets to having to have someone cook you food. I visited someone in the hospital last week and he cried when I walked in with that Wendys hamburger and fries.

    The DR has had 800 traffic deaths so far this year, so be prepared in case of an emergency fellas.

  7. #3606

    My thoughts and opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by GrownMan1  [View Original Post]
    We have a lot in common and then we don't.
    That was eloquently stated.

    We all have different desires, preferences and styles. We all have different backgrounds, ideas, plans and paradigms. When it comes to chicas that I remember individual chicas. From around the world that made memories with me. And those memories are based on the total experience that I had with them that caused them to stick in my mind. It has had nothing to do with where they were from. And I cannot say that I won't make many more memories because I have not traveled all over the world to look for girls that I can pay to fuck. But can state that if I traveled to every country in the world and fucked multiple girls in every country I would not come away with the idea that this country is or is not better than the other. Because what I actually enjoy are he differences. I am not looking for the perfect place, perfect girl, or the perfect sexual experience.

    It is interesting how some individuals posting up in here are willing to make statements that appear to be looking down on others who pay for sex. As if they thing they are the only people that have ever been able to get free sex from girls throughout the world or the Dominican Republic. Because even those who do it would have to admit that is not true. We all have had a range of experiences. The only difference between them is our personal satisfaction with them.

    The culture in the Dominican Republic is unique. But it is populated with individuals. And they are all different. There are exceptions to every generalization that I have read that has been posed up in here. There is a high degree of resource scarcity in the Dominican Republic. But there are also plenty of chicas with their own money or access to it who do just fine on their own. There are many men running scams in the Dominican Republic. But there are also many consummate professionals as well.

    Same thing applies for each of us when it comes to the best place to live or to visit. I have found opportunity here in the Dominican Republic. And since my success here I have have decided to leverage my experiences and language skills and look for other opportunities in Latin America. First thing you have to do is learn the country yourself or find people who know it and pay them well for their knowledge.

    If someone only has plans to use a property a vacation home or their personal home then I understand if they purchase "easy" in order to simplify their life. But could not do that. Knowing what and where are the true values of real estate in the Dominican Republic.

    For example, I can tell you that I would consider 135,000 USD for a house or an apartment for 92,000 USD a straight jack (site unseen) in the areas I have seen mentioned. And from my experience I would not consider it a good real estate value. But if that is where you want to live then everyone buys what it is they want.

    But then again, I actually know the real estate market in the Dominican Republic and purchasing does not represent an anchor to me. Instead it represents an investment. I do not have my money tied up into gringo priced real estate that does not produce cash flow. Because the focus of my life even now is not hanging with my boys and getting my dick off so I can write about it here in ISG. LOL!

    I just recently helped a friend purchase a property as a path of progress play at non-gringo prices and he is looking at a double or triple in 3 - 5 years plus using it in the interim to produce cash flow. The Dominican Republic is full of opportunities for those who are looking for them and more importantly know what to look for. The applies when it comes to business, real estate and chicas.

    That brings me to another point. As we move through our lives our objectives change. When I first arrived in the Dominican Republic to live the last thing I wanted was to buy something. After my rental experiences I knew that I could not continue living here if I had to deal with the attitudes that I have experienced renting from Dominican property owners. I have not regretted my decision one bit.

    I read an excellent book where his saying is: "Go where you're treated best". Run to something not from something. Build a trifecta of living arrangements. And then plant your flags in the different countries where is best for your to perform the different tasks you wish to accomplish in your life. I follow that philosophy on a small scale. It is not necessary to plant yourself in one place and be an ex-pat. Travel the world if that is your desire. Live in many different places if that is your desire. As long as it works for you that is all that matters.

    Can someone tell me why where you get girls that you paying for sex makes a difference? I have great experiences with chicas in the Dominican Republic all over and where they come from or how much I pay them has nothing to do with the quality of the sexual experience. It is all up to the individual chica and the chemistry you share with them.

    I do not see the purpose in being critical and making personal attacks because you disagree with someone else's ideas. Address the issue not the person. We would all do better to share our experiences than trying to run down the experiences of others up in here in order invalidate them.

  8. #3605
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    What I do not understand is how grandma did or does it. Can someone please tell me how these chicks' moms got houses and shit from back in the day, but the younger generation does not have a pot to do number 1 in? Were they just giving away houses in the DR 30 years ago or something?

    Like the lazy chick I was talking about. Her mom has a house in Puerto Plata and residency in the USA. She has to go stay in New York 6 months out of the year so she does not lose her residency. Meanwhile her daughter is sitting around waiting on a knight in shining armor to show up at the door.

    And funny thing about it is that I was going to help her get a visa but she made every excuse why not. Then 1 year later she asked me to help her get a visa. I said you did not want to try when I was offering. Yesterday's offer is not today's offer! Then she got mad. You can't expect me to jump when you want me to jump. You better get in while I am offering to jump.
    How grandma did it or does it? Mom got houses? I'm not taking sides on this but recently while hanging out with one of my longterm female Dominican friends she told me about " The curse ".

    It is not centered in facts so take it as folklore. She said to basically sum up it as; The Spanish made them working girls. The girls learned how to barter for provisions and trade with the pussy as a commodity to survive. She said Dominicans take pride in being the best at it. She said it's what we do. The DR was the first stop in the Americas so the unknown area to the west (Colombia) was the prize. So I asked her why weren't the Colombians made working girls? She said that was the final stop so people married and settled. The DR was just a pass through. Take it for what it's worth.

    Back in the days before the internet and social media you could just show up and be knee deep in pussy. Some girls didn't even have phones. Now we have the internet and other avenues of communication but the game has gotten harder and more buisiness focused. The customer service has been on a steady decline since advanced technology has arrived. The age old days where you walked around with a club and no clothes don't look that bad LOL. I'm just talking shit fellas, happy Labor Day.

  9. #3604
    Quote Originally Posted by OldKool  [View Original Post]
    I think we may have different way of rolling. I do not do casas or hood rat street SWs. Why would youe xpect good sex from some one you treat like toilet paper. To give you a good performance.
    I don't do SW or Casa Chicas either so I don't see your point for mentioning it. As I recall you gave a special shout out to one of my chicas who you had a session with. You even posted her picture online. I think you may got me confused with another Grownman.

    Is DR the only country you've ever visit? That would make a lot of sense. A big Mac is the best meal I've ever had if all I ate is at McDonald's.

    We have a lot in common and then we don't. I'm not assuming the type of chicas you deal with. I just quoting what your said. I pay attention to your style as well as your perspective. I have learned a lot from you. Good sex is when you bust a nut! I'm quoting you!

  10. #3603
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGogo  [View Original Post]
    If she has grandma raising the kids
    What I do not understand is how grandma did or does it. Can someone please tell me how these chicks' moms got houses and shit from back in the day, but the younger generation does not have a pot to do number 1 in? Were they just giving away houses in the DR 30 years ago or something?

    Like the lazy chick I was talking about. Her mom has a house in Puerto Plata and residency in the USA. She has to go stay in New York 6 months out of the year so she does not lose her residency. Meanwhile her daughter is sitting around waiting on a knight in shining armor to show up at the door.

    And funny thing about it is that I was going to help her get a visa but she made every excuse why not. Then 1 year later she asked me to help her get a visa. I said you did not want to try when I was offering. Yesterday's offer is not today's offer! Then she got mad. You can't expect me to jump when you want me to jump. You better get in while I am offering to jump.

  11. #3602
    Quote Originally Posted by OldKool  [View Original Post]
    I do not do casas or hood rat street SWs.
    LOL. So what are the chicks at Bailee's, refined geisha girls? Just because they walk into an establishment does not unmake them hood rat street walkers. Maybe they would only be that if you picked them up when they were on the way to Bailee's, but not once inside.

  12. #3601

    To each his own

    Quote Originally Posted by OldKool  [View Original Post]
    What makes The DR work for me is quantity and quality. I have not had a leche popi in 9 years, I had couple in my first few years. I changed my approach and now I get them to leche. Busting the nut is like eating the meal. If you order food but do not eat it you wasted your time and money. I think we may have different way of rolling. I do not do casas or hood rat street SWs. Why would youe xpect good sex from some one you treat like toilet paper. To give you a good performance.
    Your perspective is appreciated Sir. I think Old Kool is a positive dude that can make any situation work for him. Personally I don't rank the Dominican girls as great fuckers, I think they are good actors. I think the Haitians are better lovers, but black guys tend to stay away from chocolate when traveling, go figure.

    Mr E, yeah I remember that crazy girl you had when she drove us from Sosua to Cabarette. Girl claimed to be a driving instructor but was the worse driver I've ever seen.

    As far as them being lazy about getting a job, that could be true. But I don't look down on a girl for tricking if it's done a certain way. If she is tricking and has her kids home with her and is a good mother I can understand. Better than getting a job for peanuts and having every dude there trying to fuck her for free. If she has grandma raising the kids and she is out running the streets getting high, I don't have respect for her tricking.

    Also there is a lot of real estate developments going on between Sosua and Puerto plata. I received a flyer yesterday of some black developers offering a new home and land, residency and a new car for 135 k. Another is offering apartments for 92 k. I would say do your due diligence and not just follow the new trend.

  13. #3600

    Respectfully disagree

    What makes The DR work for me is quantity and quality. I have not had a leche popi in 9 years, I had couple in my first few years. I changed my approach and now I get them to leche. Busting the nut is like eating the meal. If you order food but do not eat it you wasted your time and money. I think we may have different way of rolling. I do not do casas or hood rat street SWs. Why would youe xpect good sex from some one you treat like toilet paper. To give you a good performance.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrownMan1  [View Original Post]
    Mr. Olski you said your definition of good sex is your ability to bust a nut. So I can understand you making that statement. However, I caution newbies travel to the DR for the quality of sex. In my experience it is not the quality sex but the quantity of available chicas that makes the DR what it is.

    The DR is the home of Leche poppi Leche. It is a saying and practice that is well common with DR chicas especially in the Su. I've never experience any other country where the chicas are popular for this type of display of action. Not even in the US.

    I respect your wisdom and your advice. But come on man! I could never define good beer by my ability to get drunk.

  14. #3599
    Quote Originally Posted by OldKool  [View Original Post]
    The women in the DR. The one thing the girls have is great sexual chemistry.
    Mr. Olski you said your definition of good sex is your ability to bust a nut. So I can understand you making that statement. However, I caution newbies travel to the DR for the quality of sex. In my experience it is not the quality sex but the quantity of available chicas that makes the DR what it is.

    The DR is the home of Leche poppi Leche. It is a saying and practice that is well common with DR chicas especially in the Su. I've never experience any other country where the chicas are popular for this type of display of action. Not even in the US.

    I respect your wisdom and your advice. But come on man! I could never define good beer by my ability to get drunk.

  15. #3598
    Quote Originally Posted by OldKool  [View Original Post]
    The women in the DR I have met have no money. There expectation is their man will take care of them. Jobs are as scarce as hens teeth for men and women.
    Come on OK. I know you ain't falling for that. I know chicks that have had the same job for over 10 years. I know chicks that have gone from job to job for over 10 years. I know chicks that have not had a job for 10 years. If a mf is looking for a job then they will find one.

    The other day I was talking to one of those that have not had a job since I have known her for over 10 years. You seriously think she has been looking for a job for 10 years but has not been able to find one because they are scarce? No. That broad just don't want to work.

    Gogo remembers one night she drove us from Sosua to Cabarete. She couldn't drive worth shit but said she used to be a driving instructor. We had it out the other day because she is the type that as you said has an expectation that a man is supposed to take care of her. And that exact attitude is why she is jobless and manless. I told her what a dumb thing to think that was. How would I look raising my daughter to just sit in the house and wait for some man to appear to take care of her? Get the fuck out of here with that BS. How irresponsible and lazy can you be?

    Then the flip side is this lawyer chick I have been talking to. She is responsible as a mf and not asking folks for handouts. OK maybe you have never met a responsible Dominicana that can take care of herself because that is not what you are looking for. You only look for run down chicks that you can bribe and trade trinkets for pussy. And that is fine, but don't go generalizing an entire country to be the same as the chicks you are actively setting out to find and the making excuses for them.
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