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How To Hide Advertising Banners

How Can I Hide Banners?

Simply put, you can buy a subscription.

It's doubtful that we would be telling you something you don't know when we say that it takes money to run this forum. Currently, we make our money in one of two ways: via Paid Subscriptions and Banner Advertising.

We get that there can be many reasons why visitors to our website would not want to display advertisements, particularly of the type that we are most likely displaying. but given that the need for us to make money is paramount for the continued operation of our website, we feel that it is an obvious necessity on our part to charge for the privilege of not displaying advertising banners while you are on our site.

Visit Paid Subscription FAQs for more information on cost and benefits for buying a subscription to our website.

Visit Buy a Subscription to purchase a subscription to our website now.

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