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Reports of Distinction

Please Read This!

1. A Report of Distinction is NOT a reward to the author.
2. Jackson DOES NOT designate which reports should be referenced as Reports of Distinction.
3. Any Forum Member, including the original author, may post a link to any report that they believe merits the continued attention of the Forum Membership.
4. The only requirement for a post to be considered a Report of Distinction is that it is longer that the standard post and provides some information that might be of some interest to some forum members.
5. If you believe that a certain report should not have an ROD Link, then don't post one.
6. If you believe that a report with an ROD Link doesn't deserve to be an ROD, just let it go.
7. If you don't like a report that has an ROD Link, just let it go.
8. If you don't like the author of a report that has an ROD Link, just let it go.

Reports of Distinction

The Reports of Distinction threads were created for the purpose of providing a specific thread to post links to the Forum's best reports, thus ensuring that they will not be lost in the Forum's sea of daily activity.

The criteria for qualifying as a Report of Distinction is rather loose. Generally, Reports of Distinction are longer than the standard forum chit-chat, and provide a substantial amount of information, many times in the form of a travel report.

I do not "designate" which reports qualify as ROD's, and potential Reports of Distinction DO NOT need to be first designated as such by me. However, while I am moderating the Regular Member's reports, I will identify any reports that I believe in my opinion should qualify as a ROD. Of course that doesn't guarantee that someone else will post a link to the report in the ROD section, but it's only a suggestion anyway.

Because I don't moderate the Senior Member's reports, I don't have the opportunity to recommend any of their reports as RODs as I routinely do while moderating the Regular Member's reports.

Any Forum Member, including the original author, may post a link to any report that they believe merits the continued attention of the Forum Membership.

Posting a link to a Report of Distinction is easy.
1. First identify a noteworthy report that has not yet been added to the Reports of Distinction thread.
2. Note the report's number (see below).
3. Go to the Reports of Distinction thread for the applicable area.
4. Select "Add a Report" just as if you were adding a report in any other thread.
5. Enter a short, one sentence summary of the report.
6. Add a link to the report as described below.

Please do not re-post a copy of the entire report.

To post a link at a Report of Distinction:

Click the QUOTE button in the report, which will open a "Submit Report" window.
Look in the Address Bar at the top of your Internet Explorer window and view the link, which will look like this:
Identify the post ID number, which is the last 6 digits of the link.
Write down the post ID number or copy it to your clip board.
Go to the Reports of Distinction thread and select the button to add a new report.
Write one sentence describing the report's subject.
Add a link to the report by using the POST tags like this: [post]Post Number Here[/post]

As an alternative, you may identify the Post ID number as follows:

Move your mouse pointer over the QUOTE link in the report.
Look in the Status Bar at the bottom of your Internet Explorer window and view the link, which will look like this:
Identify the post ID number, which is the last 6 digits of the link.

Please do not copy the link the wrong way, as follows:

Please DO NOT simply copy and past the link that is displayed while you are viewing the report in the thread. This link will look link something like this:

This link only refers to the thread number and the page number within the thread. It does NOT reffer to the actual report, and thus it will not be accurate in the event that other reports are deleted from the thread or if the thread is split.

Revised 04-15-07

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