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  1. #44395

  2. #44394


    Quote Originally Posted by Star2019  [View Original Post]
    Most of the spas are closed or working undercover. One of the reason is rapid spreading of GBS. The public health department is more cautious.

    LE is also another reason.
    GBS is autoimmune disorder, it cannot be transmitted from one person to another LOL. It's not an infection.

    All spas are closed due to LE threats, absolutely no other reason. It's exactly same as last year, Feb March all PMC spas were closed and girls moved to pcmc spas. Now also they have moved. If you are connected to the girls you know where they are.

  3. #44393

    References for Spas near bavdhan, chandani chowk, kothrud

    I live in Bavdhan area. Any good spa recommendations? New to Pune.

  4. #44392

    MP closed mostly due to GBS

    Most of the spas are closed or working undercover. One of the reason is rapid spreading of GBS. The public health department is more cautious.

    LE is also another reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by NewbieMature  [View Original Post]
    Hi guys,

    I am planning to visit Pune in coming days and was planning to go to famous MPs in Aundh area. But recent posts from mongers here say that LE situation is not so good now a days. Any updates on that. Is situation good now. Any suggestions?

  5. #44391

    Pune Visit

    Anyone who can help me with a contact in Pune?

  6. #44390

    SA girl riddle any review and damges and service.

  7. #44389
    Hi, can you please share the contact details of indie Devika?

  8. #44388

    Not good

    Quote Originally Posted by NewbieMature  [View Original Post]
    Hi guys,

    I am planning to visit Pune in coming days and was planning to go to famous MPs in Aundh area. But recent posts from mongers here say that LE situation is not so good now a days. Any updates on that. Is situation good now. Any suggestions?
    Situation is bad. Avoid spas till everything is settled. Mostly this will be till March end or even till later date.

  9. #44387

    LE situation in Pune for MPs

    Hi guys,

    I am planning to visit Pune in coming days and was planning to go to famous MPs in Aundh area. But recent posts from mongers here say that LE situation is not so good now a days. Any updates on that. Is situation good now. Any suggestions?

  10. #44386

    Any good young indies left?

    Hi Everyone!

    I am still in contact with Devika who gives an amazing deepthroat now. But other than that are there any good young indies left in the scene? Does anyone have any review of Prajakta from MR?

    Please feel free to connect to share contacts. Thanks!

  11. #44385

    Yes RajAnjali manjri are active

    Quote Originally Posted by HotLavda  [View Original Post]
    Recently any one had meet with RajAnjali Manjari.

    And also Bhagyashree no is off, any one has other channels to meet them.
    I meet them a week ago.

  12. #44384

    Is it safe to conact couples, MR Scene?

    Hello everyone,

    I've come across some couples while browsing through the forum and wanted to ask: is it safe to contact them? Also, what's the MR scene like in Pune? I had a bad experience in Goa last week where I was scammed for 25 k via MR.

    Does anyone have advice on how to navigate this or any beginner's guide to decoding the scene?

  13. #44383

    Any Leads Please

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to this forum and excited to be part of the community. It's great to have a space where we can connect and share information. I had a friend in Aundh, but unfortunately, it got busted last week. If anyone has any leads, please all the senior almighty members, enlighten us.

  14. #44382
    Quote Originally Posted by Usajb007  [View Original Post]
    Is the Spa action completely dead right now in Pune? I am coming there for 2 weeks and would appreciate tips on safe options.

    Was intrigued by the following MR profiles, any pointers would be much appreciated.
    Avoid all not vfm all are aunties.

  15. #44381

    Any update on sonakashi?

    Looking to meet her any update on her any reviews?

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