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  1. #5712
    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey135  [View Original Post]
    Check your private messages.
    Traveling to MTL first time and will be using the big agencies. Can you also provide names and agencies that you were disappointed with so I can avoid? Thanks!

  2. #5711
    Quote Originally Posted by AmanteDeLatina  [View Original Post]
    Bonjour / Hello! I am planning a trip to Montreal next year. I live in Phoenix, AZ. I do speak some French but the French I speak is like the French in France as I lived in Paris for about a year. I have heard that Quebec French (Joual) is completely different. Anyway I digress, now to the topic. I would like to know what the best strip clubs are for maybe some limited extras. I do not need full service but I would maybe like a HJ (branlette) and maybe some DFK with touching allowed. Don't need any FIV but maybe some FOV? Also, do most of the Montreal clubs accept American money? What would be the best place for this at the most reasonable price possible? I want to try to get a hotel room that is close to wherever the best place would be. If you ever make it to Phoenix, AZ please contact me and I would be happy to help you. I also go to Mexico frequently so if you make it to Mexicali or Tijuana let me know and I can help. It is interesting that I have found that airfare to Montreal seems to be very expensive compared to other cities. I checked it and I can fly to Burlington, VT for $400 less that Montreal so I think I am going to fly there and take a bus on up to Montreal. Has anyone tried that? Also, if any of you have ideas of when the best time of the year is to go to Montreal to avoid crowds at the strip clubs and to save money I would be interesting to hear. I do not want to go in the winter as I have heard that Montreal is very cold! Since I live in Phoenix I think I am allergic to snow. LOL. Thank you in advance for your help.
    Strip clubs on the island are quite restrictive so I would not bother trying to get extras. Not sure of all your acronyms, but I wouldn't bother. Off island they used to be a bit more liberal, but not all that many any more, and may be not worth it. Best options are the agencies on line. They can come to you (outcall) or you can go to them (incall).

    The international jazz festival is end of June early July so if you want to fight a million or so visitors that is a great time. But not for what you are looking for. Beautiful time of year, summer, but a lot of tourists for the various events. In Montreal your French will be fine, and English is fine as well. They will appreciate if you use what French you have whether it is Parisienne or not. Unlike the French in Paris that will sneer at the Quebecers and sometimes refuse to talk to them.

  3. #5710
    Quote Originally Posted by AmanteDeLatina  [View Original Post]
    I would like to know what the best strip clubs are for maybe some limited extras. I do not need full service but I would maybe like a HJ (branlette) and maybe some DFK with touching allowed. Don't need any FIV but maybe some FOV? Also, do most of the Montreal clubs accept American money? What would be the best place for this at the most reasonable price possible? I want to try to get a hotel room that is close to wherever the best place would be......................
    Also, if any of you have ideas of when the best time of the year is to go to Montreal to avoid crowds at the strip clubs and to save money I would be interesting to hear.
    I don't know if you will get answers to your questions. The infamous Montreal strip club scene declined when prostitution was liberalized several years ago. It's not really recommended or discussed in great detail.

    As far as accepting United States Dollars, I'm sure someone would accept them but at a terrible exchange rate for you. It's not like Mexico and most of Latin America where everyone is "fluent" in Dollars and interchangeably transacts in both local and USD. If you are adverse to using ATMs, there are competitive foreign exchange outlets in the city.

  4. #5709

    Best Montreal Strip Clubs?

    Bonjour / Hello! I am planning a trip to Montreal next year. I live in Phoenix, AZ. I do speak some French but the French I speak is like the French in France as I lived in Paris for about a year. I have heard that Quebec French (Joual) is completely different. Anyway I digress, now to the topic. I would like to know what the best strip clubs are for maybe some limited extras. I do not need full service but I would maybe like a HJ (branlette) and maybe some DFK with touching allowed. Don't need any FIV but maybe some FOV? Also, do most of the Montreal clubs accept American money? What would be the best place for this at the most reasonable price possible? I want to try to get a hotel room that is close to wherever the best place would be. If you ever make it to Phoenix, AZ please contact me and I would be happy to help you. I also go to Mexico frequently so if you make it to Mexicali or Tijuana let me know and I can help. It is interesting that I have found that airfare to Montreal seems to be very expensive compared to other cities. I checked it and I can fly to Burlington, VT for $400 less that Montreal so I think I am going to fly there and take a bus on up to Montreal. Has anyone tried that? Also, if any of you have ideas of when the best time of the year is to go to Montreal to avoid crowds at the strip clubs and to save money I would be interesting to hear. I do not want to go in the winter as I have heard that Montreal is very cold! Since I live in Phoenix I think I am allergic to snow. LOL. Thank you in advance for your help.

  5. #5708

    Street Walkers

    Hi Guys,

    May be visiting Montreal and am curious if there is any Streetwalker scene.

    I was in Montreal years ago, maybe around 2008, and found a nice SW scene. But that was forever ago.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who an provide any details and color.


  6. #5707
    Quote Originally Posted by HumbleHal  [View Original Post]
    Trust me, with relatives in Canada I know the healthcare is shitty.

    First, one must reside in Canada for 5 years before applying for health care.

    Second, there are co-payments and deductibles.

    Third, there are waiting periods to get appointments.

    Fourth, the quality of care and the amount you get is low, the best doctors are on their own and accepting cash, and the doctors make alot of excuses not to treat you, for example: it's not their niche, no operating room nurses, go to physical therapy first for a year, etc. It's a cost containment system and if they provide too much care the cost is reviewed each year and they lose their annual bonuses. The Canadian doctors make more money on annual bonuses if they provide less care, less surgeries, etc. It's managed care, cost containment.

    It's like the VA system in the states. It's better than nothing, if you have nothing to do all day but sit around and wait to see a doctor for a pill. Many foreign countries you can simply go to a pharmacy yourself and buy the same medicine without a prescription.
    This is BS. I am Canadian and co-payments and deductibles are illegal. So that is BS.

    5 years. Depends. You have to be a legal resident of Canada and then it is months not years. If it takes you 5 years to become a legal resident then you should have gone back to wherever you came from.

    Waiting to get appointments. Yes, sometimes. But it depends on what you are getting an appointment for etc. A day, a week, perhaps.

    Comments about cash, complete BS.

    And your version of the way doctors are compensated. BS.

    If someone wanted to have an informed and real discussion about the pros and cons of the Canadian health care system I would be all for it. But making up shit like this is BS.

  7. #5706
    Quote Originally Posted by HumbleHal  [View Original Post]
    Trust me, with relatives in Canada I know the healthcare is shitty.

    First, one must reside in Canada for 5 years before applying for health care.

    Second, there are co-payments and deductibles.

    Third, there are waiting periods to get appointments.

    Fourth, the quality of care and the amount you get is low, the best doctors are on their own and accepting cash, and the doctors make alot of excuses not to treat you, for example: it's not their niche, no operating room nurses, go to physical therapy first for a year, etc. It's a cost containment system and if they provide too much care the cost is reviewed each year and they lose their annual bonuses. The Canadian doctors make more money on annual bonuses if they provide less care, less surgeries, etc. It's managed care, cost containment.

    It's like the VA system in the states. It's better than nothing, if you have nothing to do all day but sit around and wait to see a doctor for a pill. Many foreign countries you can simply go to a pharmacy yourself and buy the same medicine without a prescription.
    LOL that's utter bullshit. Whatever they told you is flat out WRONG. I've lived in Vancouver, Toronto and now Montreal. I have NEVER had to pay a co-payment or deductible for the whole 35 years I've lived in Canada.

    * Those payments DO NOT EXIST * . Since guess what, the insurance company is not in charge. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a payment office in a Canadian hospital.

    As far as immediacy goes, if it's urgent then you get seen FAST. I showed up at Emergency with chest pains and they quickly hustled me to an examination room within 1 minute. My boss's kid had a retinal blastoma and after the paedetrician got him to the best team in the country, the kid had his eye removed within 1 month.

  8. #5705

    Canadian Healthcare

    Quote Originally Posted by HumbleHal  [View Original Post]
    Trust me, with relatives in Canada I know the healthcare is shitty. It's like the VA system in the states. It's better than nothing, if you have nothing to do all day but sit around and wait to see a doctor for a pill.
    I had a Canadian girlfriend who said the exact same thing. For people not in the know the Canadian system is vastly overrated.

  9. #5704
    Quote Originally Posted by NewtonYork  [View Original Post]

    Canada is such an awesome country; the free healthcare alone is worth the stay
    Trust me, with relatives in Canada I know the healthcare is shitty.

    First, one must reside in Canada for 5 years before applying for health care.

    Second, there are co-payments and deductibles.

    Third, there are waiting periods to get appointments.

    Fourth, the quality of care and the amount you get is low, the best doctors are on their own and accepting cash, and the doctors make alot of excuses not to treat you, for example: it's not their niche, no operating room nurses, go to physical therapy first for a year, etc. It's a cost containment system and if they provide too much care the cost is reviewed each year and they lose their annual bonuses. The Canadian doctors make more money on annual bonuses if they provide less care, less surgeries, etc. It's managed care, cost containment.

    It's like the VA system in the states. It's better than nothing, if you have nothing to do all day but sit around and wait to see a doctor for a pill. Many foreign countries you can simply go to a pharmacy yourself and buy the same medicine without a prescription.

  10. #5703
    Quote Originally Posted by NewtonYork  [View Original Post]
    Two of my greatest hobbying regrets is missing out on Campo Alegre in Curacao, now it's gone. That's something I would definitely have wanted to experience, but the other is not having sex in Montreal with the escorts. Cause for some weird reason last time I was there, I just did the strip clubs. Now with how strong the US Dollar is, it's a great time to do it, but I'm older now, and it's not possible to do anything anymore without some kind of sildenafil. I tell ya fellas, if I ever get the viagra cialis situation sorted out for myself, Montreal is definitely on the list. It'll be a miracle if I live long enough to get back there, but the idea of fucking a hot blonde french speaking Quebecois chick is great.

    It's ironic isn't it. Life feels endless and too long, cause it's mostly misery. But when it comes to hobbying, life just seems to too short. There just ain't enough time cause there be places I want to go and go back to, to have paid sex with chicks again. But then most days, I just wish I was dead.
    One of the biggest frustrations I had with the local Montreal board was the existence of several old men who would try to discourage postings by young guys and would tell them to get girlfriends. The old men would then tell stories about their supposed wonderful experiences as young men with girlfriends. I told them that the song Glory Days should be played as a soundtrack when reading the thread.

    Your thoughts are very valuable to the younger members and lurkers reading them, especially with the lack of younger escorts entering the market. A person will never regret having too much sex with too many escorts when that person is young. The regrets go the other way. We all regret not having more sex with escorts when younger. None of us know what this activity will even look like a decade or two from now in numerous markets. If a guy is young, do things now.

  11. #5702


    Two of my greatest hobbying regrets is missing out on Campo Alegre in Curacao, now it's gone. That's something I would definitely have wanted to experience, but the other is not having sex in Montreal with the escorts. Cause for some weird reason last time I was there, I just did the strip clubs. Now with how strong the US Dollar is, it's a great time to do it, but I'm older now, and it's not possible to do anything anymore without some kind of sildenafil. I tell ya fellas, if I ever get the viagra cialis situation sorted out for myself, Montreal is definitely on the list. It'll be a miracle if I live long enough to get back there, but the idea of fucking a hot blonde french speaking Quebecois chick is great.

    It's ironic isn't it. Life feels endless and too long, cause it's mostly misery. But when it comes to hobbying, life just seems to too short. There just ain't enough time cause there be places I want to go and go back to, to have paid sex with chicks again. But then most days, I just wish I was dead.

  12. #5701
    Quote Originally Posted by VonderJohn  [View Original Post]
    1) Which lady do you recommend from Euphoria? Also, they say they charge 260 $ an hour. That is in CAD, right? Do they provide half an hour?

    2) For Nuru laval: What is the "Fetishes"service? What is the difference between Nuru and sensual massage? Is it worth the price difference? Finally, whom do you recommend from their list of ladies?

    Finally, are there any swinger parties in Montreal?

    Thanks in advance!
    I haven't tried them all, I wish. It depends on your taste, asian vs local, full vs petite. I found local quebecoise more into sex than others. I haven't tried 1/2 either, so don't know. $260 is CAD. All prices are always in CAD.

    Laval Nuru seemed very strict with their menu, with strict rules being in Laval district as they told me.

    No idea about swinger scene, but would love to hear your escapade.

  13. #5700
    Quote Originally Posted by NewtonYork  [View Original Post]

    Canada is such an awesome country, the free healthcare alone is worth the stay, but you guys are leaving? What the hell man? You know it costs upwards of 10 grand here just for an emergency room visit in the US. That's why most of us would rather die than get sick. What is so bad about Canada that any of you would leave? Canada has universal healthcare, which is free! Holy Moses, Christ on a stick. Some people have no idea how good they have it sometimes. Canadians, listen up. Look, sure you may not have it as good as the Scandinavians, or the Swiss or the Singaporeans, but by Satan Himself, you have it way better than any of us stuck here in shitty america. Trust me, I know.

    I'd sell my soul just to be Canadian, and rich, so I can enjoy the women of Quebec. My greatest regret is not partaking more of the girls when I had a chance to visit Quebec many years ago, all I really did was the strip clubs. Shoulda done some escorts too back then, now I can't even get myself back to Montreal even if my life depended on it.
    With the dumbass running the place it's almost as bad as USA, healthcare notwithstanding. Talk to the Canadians, man.

  14. #5699
    Quote Originally Posted by Jojab007  [View Original Post]
    Laval nuru massage:

    Only 2 were available (the other 3 busy). Receptionist wasn't accommodating even after I agreed to wait or come back later.

    Chose 1 girl, in mid 30's, athletic body and good face. She used elbows most of the time even though it was supposed to be nuru massage. There was some body rub at the end plus happy ending. Touching and light kiss on body is allowed except between legs.


    Had a girl called Mia. Name has since disappeared from website, dunno why. It was supposed to be GFE, but these days everyone has their own meanings. Kiss+DATY extra $70, so I paid. Kiss was just cursory on lips not even open mouth. DFK is extra $50, so I stopped right there. That's a ripoff. GFE should be GFE and not extra $ ever step. Needless to say, will not use Vog again.


    They are still the best in my experience. I have been using them for long time. Girls feel more like semi-pros, beautiful girls next door with good attitude.

    IMO, service from semis are more passionate as opposed to mechanical.


    You can't go wrong with euphoria. However I do find gems from time to time at other places. Such was experience with Gisele from xo. Very young, beautiful, not a time-watcher, and she enjoys it too. Will recommend anyone whos interested in young girl whos interactive, enjoyable and not in hurry to leave.

    Following an old posting, I tried to find strip called hilltop, had no luck. May be it's shutdown. Still looking for some good strip, tired of ones in downtown. Chez paree has good looking girls, but no extras plus insanely crowded.

    Did anyone had luck with SA or secretbenefits in montreal.
    1) Which lady do you recommend from Euphoria? Also, they say they charge 260 $ an hour. That is in CAD, right? Do they provide half an hour?

    2) For Nuru laval: What is the "Fetishes"service? What is the difference between Nuru and sensual massage? Is it worth the price difference? Finally, whom do you recommend from their list of ladies?

    Finally, are there any swinger parties in Montreal?

    Thanks in advance!

  15. #5698
    Quote Originally Posted by NewtonYork  [View Original Post]

    Canada is such an awesome country, the free healthcare alone is worth the stay, but you guys are leaving? What the hell man? You know it costs upwards of 10 grand here just for an emergency room visit in the US. That's why most of us would rather die than get sick. What is so bad about Canada that any of you would leave? Canada has universal healthcare, which is free! Holy Moses, Christ on a stick. Some people have no idea how good they have it sometimes. Canadians, listen up. Look, sure you may not have it as good as the Scandinavians, or the Swiss or the Singaporeans, but by Satan Himself, you have it way better than any of us stuck here in shitty america. Trust me, I know.

    I'd sell my soul just to be Canadian, and rich, so I can enjoy the women of Quebec. My greatest regret is not partaking more of the girls when I had a chance to visit Quebec many years ago, all I really did was the strip clubs. Shoulda done some escorts too back then, now I can't even get myself back to Montreal even if my life depended on it.
    From google:

    "Currently, annual immigration in Canada amounts to almost 500,000 new immigrants – one of the highest rates per population of any country in the world. As of 2023, there were more than eight million immigrants with permanent residence living in Canada. Roughly 20 percent of the total Canadian population. ".

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