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  1. #13852
    Is this the correct website? I could not find THC in Japan (all the search results are about the drug) but found this:

    THC is Tokyo Hentai Club. Search that.

  2. #13851
    Quote Originally Posted by AsiaExplorer  [View Original Post]
    There are plenty of foreigner friendly places in Tokyo, in fact I think they don't even take Japanese customers! For example THC, and it's sister location GFE soapland. These places are very service oriented and not trying to rip people off. That's what I would recommend to a newbie who has never been to Japan and doesn't speak Japanese.

    Last time I was there, I went to the THC soapland (then called Paradise) and had a 19 year old Japanese 10 out of 10, sliding her naked slippery gel coated body all over me for an hour, plus FS, for around $300. This seems like a much better deal than any hostess bar.

    If you live in the United States or Canada, there are agencies that bring Japanese girls over. However, these sessions cost more than you'd pay for a Japanese girl in Japan.
    Is this the correct website? I could not find THC in Japan (all the search results are about the drug) but found this:

    Video option is becoming a lot more common these days, it's listed as 15,000 which is $99 USD. In the US it's typically 200. Prices are certainly higher in US but on the other hand things are upfront, no dancing around FS you will get it and don't need to negotiate or tip for it. It's guaranteed. The other thing is you can go before work, during your lunch, break. Not saying either one is better, but you can see how it depends on the person and their situation / location. They also bring over the better girls. When the girls worked in Japan, it's no surprise it turns out to be a higher end place. There is quite a gap in quality between different shops in Japan.

    In NYC the other benefit is every girl gets reviewed a lot. Some guys see almost every girl, every week. So with 5 visits a week by 3-5 reviewers, the girls that are good draw customers. It's probably one reason why their market attracts and keeps the better girls more consistently. When a top end girl goes to DC / NOVA for example, everyone sees just her and the other 2-4 jgirls split the rest. A good girl can get 8 or 10 bookings a day, which is a lot more than even a popular girl in Japan (to be exact, even when the same girl goes back to Japan). This is a result of word of mouth and a "limited tour" model, it is much more intense in those two regions than elsewhere in the US or even Japan. Where most people just gatekeep their finds.

  3. #13850
    Quote Originally Posted by ATexGuy  [View Original Post]
    Will I go back to Tokyo? A very slight maybe. I prefer places that represent great value and Tokyo is not one of those cities.
    I'm sorry, but I think you went about your trip the completely wrong way. Those hostess clubs are designed to extract the maximum amount of cash from Japanese businessmen, while providing nothing in return, to keep them coming back in the hopes that spending more money might lead to something.

    There are plenty of foreigner friendly places in Tokyo, in fact I think they don't even take Japanese customers! For example THC, and it's sister location GFE soapland. These places are very service oriented and not trying to rip people off. That's what I would recommend to a newbie who has never been to Japan and doesn't speak Japanese.

    Last time I was there, I went to the THC soapland (then called Paradise) and had a 19 year old Japanese 10 out of 10, sliding her naked slippery gel coated body all over me for an hour, plus FS, for around $300. This seems like a much better deal than any hostess bar.

    Another very good option is Osaka, which has at least two different brothel districts. No looking at pictures online or on an ipad, you can just walk down the street and see the girls in person and pick one you like. Yes, about half the girls do not accept foreigners, but there are plenty of mind blowing beautiful girls that do. I also like the theatrics of this place, they have to serve you "dinner" (some snacks and tea on a tray) to legally operate as a "restaurant". I could imagine this tradition going back hundreds of years and it's fun to take part in.

    If you live in the United States or Canada, there are agencies that bring Japanese girls over. However, these sessions cost more than you'd pay for a Japanese girl in Japan.

  4. #13849


    Kudos to you, you are as brave as you are intelligent. Japan has also been on my list but second tier for the exact reasons you so clearly pointed out. It's obvious to me that some help is required when your boots are actually on the ground there so I would probably use an app like Showaround to make a quick local friend to kick open some doors for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by ATexGuy  [View Original Post]
    Tokyo is an amazing city. It is clean and very safe. If the people were as warm, friendly, and hospitable as Thai people, it would be an amazing city to visit regularly. I am willing to work through obstacles, but the glaring discrimination you receive is NOT worth it if you are coming to a country / city to spend your hard-earned money. So many of these places do NOT want your business despite hearing countless times how bad business is and how bad the Japanese economy is. I am a Caucasian man, but there are Caucasian men all over the world that will get the same exact experience as me upon entering any of these Tokyo establishments. I can only imagine how a tourist from India or the Middle East would be treated by these Japanese clubs. Do I think anything will change? No! Walk the streets of Tokyo and you will see it is probably the least diverse city in the world. If Japan wanted us to visit and bring in our tourist dollars, they would welcome visitors warmly and not shun us from patronizing their businesses. The Japanese could learn something from the Thai culture about how to be hospitable to foreigners.

    Will I go back to Tokyo? A very slight maybe. I prefer places that represent great value and Tokyo is not one of those cities. Toronto, Sao Paulo and Tijuana are three of the best places in North and South America. Germany and Switzerland are good value in Europe. Thailand and the Philippines are great value in Asia. What I spent in Tokyo would have allowed me to party like a rock star in any of these other places. What I spent at O in Tokyo would have allowed me to bring a girl from Scandallo back to my hotel for an overnight. What I would have spent in Soapyland would have allowed me to pull 5 girls out of Hong Kong in Tijuana. What you spend in one night in Tokyo would allow you to spend a week in Bangkok or Angeles City. I can cross Tokyo off my list now, but I know where NOT to spend my money. The Japanese hostess clubs are an incredible experience, but like a slot machine in any casino, you have to continuously feed it with money for it to eventually pay off.

  5. #13848

    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by ATexGuy  [View Original Post]
    This is going to be a tough post to write. I have long held a desire to check out the adult entertainment scene in Tokyo, but never had the city high on my list. Despite having numerous tried and tested international cities under my belt, I spontaneously booked a flight to Haneda to satisfy my curiosity of Tokyo. Since I have traveled all over Asia for business and seen Japanese men in adult venues acting like drunken sailors, I was apprehensive of what they might have available in their home country. Since I find Japanese women incredibly beautiful, my mission was to identify the most beautiful women in Tokyo.
    Thank you ATexGuy, you are a hero for pointing the way. Your experiences remind me of my first visits to Japan. Trial and error with many refusals, but a lot of accidental wins and meeting some interesting people. You did a lot in just a few days. I hope you also had some special memories sightseeing too, Japan is special.

    The two clubs you were first rejected by were Hosekinobako (super hard word to pronounce) and Leicester (always pronounced Lester in Japanese). You first went to Luxe which is 100% foreigner friendly, sorry to hear you didn't get good girls until later. When a girl looks nothing like her photos, she might be substitute for the real girl. 90% of girls I saw were photo accurate, but the very hottest girl of all was brand new so she borrowed someone else's profile. I played with her for 3 long hours. It is the ultimate gacha game I suppose. My reviews on the three oppai pubs:

    Make use of the '24 hour Manzoku' shops like ATexGuy, they are 3rd party and will know which shops will take foreigners. In my case I could speak Japanese so they made a phone call to Hoseki and said "Can I introduce you to a customer? He is a foreigner who can speak Japanese" The answer was Yes. Maybe if it was busy it would be No. They never mentioned my race - race doesn't matter unless you are Black or Indian, all that matters is your Japanese ability and that you're a foreigner. Even my Japanese American friend was treated the same.

    After my 1st visit to a shop like Hoseki, I presented a discount card a girl gave me that also acted as proof I'm a repeat visitor. Or save your receipt with your name like ATexGuy. That's what they really care about, there are enough foreigners that run on the bill or cause trouble but a receipt rules those two out instantly. Notice how the girls vouched for ATexGuy, if the girls feel safe they are happy to serve foreigners (it's a big if). I'm not saying that the staff's hostile attitude is okay, just that we have to be problem solvers. There is an English staffed shop like Manzoku but forgot the name of it.

    My first time in Japan I wasn't even there to monger, just to see a girl. I was walking downtown Sakae in Nagoya when a Japanese tout beckoned me in. It was weekday dinner time so things were dead slow. Even with limited Japanese (3 months), as a presentable gentleman I could enter an oppai pub. I actually entered three. I don't know if it's still true but Nagoya is so cheap compared to Tokyo, it was 4000 yen ($27) to make out with 3 women for an hour. They were quite cute. People drop $1 K on strippers in NYC and don't even get LFK.

    After making out with the third girl and giving her tits one final goodbye kiss, I was a transformed man. I became Traveler X. I made the very first review for Nagoya on this site, twenty years ago:

    There is a foreigner tax regardless of race. Even my Japanese American friend who could speak basic Japanese was charged a foreigner tax, though I'm sure other places will make an exception. I saw many Asian Americans at oppai pubs, they all spoke middling Japanese (2-10 years). Being white is not a big impdeiment (it's better than other races), the language ability is. As your experience shows, once they know you are a legit business person and not some bum that saved up cash (this is most their customers btw), they are less worried. We foreigners all look the same to them whether White, Asian, or other. It's why once I see a girl and she gives me her card, simply presenting the card gains me re-entry. Though as a rule it means you are also asking for that girl. If she's not working that day, they still give you discount and hand back the card. They even apologized twice to me and I was like "No really, it's fine"

    I too enjoyed talking with women, it's not for many other guys who just want to bang but but there's a reason it's popular. "Talk only" places can be cheap fun, but of course there are super high end places too where it costs 10 x as much and the ladies are amazing. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Most Japanese women are refreshingly honest and upfront, they are not going to pretend they'll go out with you after then not do it. Or they'll tell you nicely they don't go out with me, and it's usually the truth. We can understand they'll make an exception if they make a special connection, but the jist is still true some girls are not there to bang.

    "Fully prepared, I pulled out my credit card receipt from the night before and was immediately escorted to a table. " OMG I never though to this, their reaction is very Japanese and golden. I have an old habit of "leave no trace behind" but do keep girls' cards to get back in. A receipt is even better proof.

    "She politely explained that a customer came in and purchased champagne and a vip room. She said would not be able to spend time with me and she was honest that she needed to go out with this customer once the club closed" This is a classy girl, doing it the right way and being upfront and respecting your time. And yes, they do not generally have the freedom to pick and choose, if a guy books her he gets her. It's the business and they are professionals.

    "Maybe 25% of the place was occupied by really young Japanese guys that were drunk and passed out. " Oppai pubs are 10% whale customers, 10% good customers like you and me who spend generously, and 80% cheapskates who might not even buy a drink. The reason they don't want to let a white guy like you in is they don't want to add to the 80%. Once you pull out the receipt from yesterday, it's a 180.

    "I explained that this was my last morning in Tokyo and I was willing to spend money if he was willing to give me the girl of my choice. He smiled and asked me who I wanted. I pointed out this petite little lady. He said he would bring her over once she was finished with the other customer. Sure enough, in 10 minutes she was brought over and immediately hopped on my lap and put her tongue in my mouth. This tiny little Japanese girl acted like she was in love with me" Props to you, I probably should do this. Instead, I will go through 9 girls just to find the girl I want. I think 95% of guys won't do that, but somehow I love the challenge. Ultimate speed dating right.

    "The way she was straddling me, grinded on me, and kissed me, I knew that I had to sit in one of their vip booths. We got the attention of the host and he quickly moved us. I did two hours with this little lady and had a blast. ".

    I'm so glad you gave it one last chance and made it clear what you wanted. Could have been a more mediocre trip otherwise. When I said I made out with a perfect 10 for 3 hours, it's true. But I had to see 18 other girls over three nights to do it. I mean I got two other 9's I'll always remember, but still. You and I both spent well compared to other customers, but I consider it a steal. Never had such a good experience with the 3 best girls elsewhere, and keep in mind I'm banging and filming jgirl porn in the US so it's no like I don't have access.

    The unpleasant feeling of discrimination you had lingered with me as well my first trip. I made 19 more trips after that with less and less problems. So I don't justify their behavior, but I think it can be solved on repeat visits with experience. Not to mention that every year more shops have English staff and are foreigner friendly if you research them.

  6. #13847

    Final Thoughts on Tokyo from my visit

    Tokyo is an amazing city. It is clean and very safe. If the people were as warm, friendly, and hospitable as Thai people, it would be an amazing city to visit regularly. I am willing to work through obstacles, but the glaring discrimination you receive is NOT worth it if you are coming to a country / city to spend your hard-earned money. So many of these places do NOT want your business despite hearing countless times how bad business is and how bad the Japanese economy is. I am a Caucasian man, but there are Caucasian men all over the world that will get the same exact experience as me upon entering any of these Tokyo establishments. I can only imagine how a tourist from India or the Middle East would be treated by these Japanese clubs. Do I think anything will change? No! Walk the streets of Tokyo and you will see it is probably the least diverse city in the world. If Japan wanted us to visit and bring in our tourist dollars, they would welcome visitors warmly and not shun us from patronizing their businesses. The Japanese could learn something from the Thai culture about how to be hospitable to foreigners.

    Will I go back to Tokyo? A very slight maybe. I prefer places that represent great value and Tokyo is not one of those cities. Toronto, Sao Paulo and Tijuana are three of the best places in North and South America. Germany and Switzerland are good value in Europe. Thailand and the Philippines are great value in Asia. What I spent in Tokyo would have allowed me to party like a rock star in any of these other places. What I spent at O in Tokyo would have allowed me to bring a girl from Scandallo back to my hotel for an overnight. What I would have spent in Soapyland would have allowed me to pull 5 girls out of Hong Kong in Tijuana. What you spend in one night in Tokyo would allow you to spend a week in Bangkok or Angeles City. I can cross Tokyo off my list now, but I know where NOT to spend my money. The Japanese hostess clubs are an incredible experience, but like a slot machine in any casino, you have to continuously feed it with money for it to eventually pay off.

  7. #13846

    Tokyo. Final Day

    Not able to sleep-in this morning, I decided to go back to the Jewelry Box since they opened at 6:00 am. I arrived around 7:30 and was met once I got off the elevator from the same guy from the day before. I once again was hostilely met by this guy with "No! No!" Of course I was like WTF is the problem now? I was just here yesterday. I was told the place was full and there were no girls available to service foreigners. He told me that most of their girls do not want to service foreign customers. Again, 10 to 15 minutes of harassment and they eventually let me in. Was the club full? Maybe 25% of the place was occupied by really young Japanese guys that were drunk and passed out.

    While I was waiting for a girl to be brought over to me, I got the attention of one of the hosts. He sat next to me and using Google translate, I explained that this was my last morning in Tokyo and I was willing to spend money if he was willing to give me the girl of my choice. He smiled and asked me who I wanted. I pointed out this petite little lady. He said he would bring her over once she was finished with the other customer. Sure enough, in 10 minutes she was brought over and immediately hopped on my lap and put her tongue in my mouth. This tiny little Japanese girl acted like she was in love with me. The way she was straddling me, grinded on me, and kissed me, I knew that I had to sit in one of their vip booths. We got the attention of the host and he quickly moved us. I did two hours with this little lady and had a blast. I am convinced this lady had multiple orgasms grinding on my big American penis. If she wasn't grinding on me then her hands were on it and stick shifting. This lady, from all appearances, appeared to be enjoying her time with me as much as I was with her and I think the host noticed this. Upon closing out my bill, I asked him to write something for me to give to the guys at the entry so I could avoid their future harassment. He wrote something on my receipt basically instructing them to let me in and what girl to immediately put me with on future visits. I recall my bill was 84,000 yen for my two hours in vip with her and her drinks.

  8. #13845

    Tokyo. Day 2

    In the same location as Treasure Box is a club that operates from 6 am to 2 pm called Jewelry Box. Yes, same exact club but apparently different owners. One operates during the morning and the other at night. Link below. Knowing all too well that I would likely get booted and refused entry, I decided to learn my lesson from my time with my Japanese friend. Upon being immediately turned away, I professed that I had been there the week before with my Japanese friend and that they promised to let me in if I came back. After a lot of back and forth and a phone call to my friend, they relented and actually let me into the club after a 15 minute hassle. Similar to Luxe, the club was not all that special and not worth the hassle. They gave me one girl that I had previously seen on their site. She looked NOTHING like her web site photos, but she was nice and provided good service. I believe I spent 13,000 yen ($85 USD) on my 40 minutes with this girl. They did not offer me another girl.

    I did learn something from my visit to Jewelry Box. The girls seem to love white men and have no problem with foreigners but the men that work there do. I was repeatedly told about it being difficult to communicate and foreigners walking out on their tabs. Personally, I just don't think these men want foreigners with their Japanese girls.

    Upon leaving Jewelry Box, I walked around the corner to an odd place where all of the girls wear nurses outfits. Once again, immediately upon getting off the elevator I was told "Japanese Only" and refused service. Using the same technique as earlier, I simply lied and explained that I had been there before with my Japanese friend. They agreed to let me in if I paid upfront. Similar to Sweater Moon, you are escorted into a booth and they bring a girl of their choosing to you. My first two girls were very average but super nice. Good kissers, nice boobs and plenty of stick shifting. My third girl was very skinny but very ugly and had terrible body odor. Two minutes in I just had to stop her and told her I needed to leave. I did not put up any fuss and just decided to cut my losses and leave. I think I spent 10,000 yen here.

    I decided at this point to make my way to Soapyland in Yoshiwara. I used the following web site as my guide. My friend had suggested Luxe, Versailles and Lavieen Rose to checkout.

    I have been to so many places all over the world and have never seen a anything like soapyland in Yoshiwara. If you look at the map on this web site, you will see how many there are in this concentrated area. I started at Luxe and Casanova. I walked up and down the streets and probably went inside 15-20 places. Per the Camacaze web site, "Foreign visitors are welcome to the area, though discrimination based on ethnicity and possibly your Japanese comprehension may be faced. " This was exactly my experience. As a Caucasian American, I noticed that I was required to pay more for services, that discounts listed on their web sites were not available to me, some had a minimum time of 120 minutes, and there were limitations on the providers available / offered to me. I could go to a web site and see 10 or 15 girls scheduled, but only 2 would be offered to me. Versailles actually told me "no insertion" for foreign customers because foreigners are too big. I noticed that the prices ranged from 70,000 to 90,000 yen. Some accepted credit cards with a 20% surcharge and some were cash only.

    If you have been to places in Thailand, Vietnam, Jakarta, Manila, or Macau, you know that most places like this have a selection process. In Thailand many places use a "fish bowl" where spas in Macau bring out all of their girls for a lineup where the girls line up right in front of you. In Yoshiwara, they hand you an ipad or they present you with photos in a picture frame which you can tell are heavily edited. I was very tempted a few times to roll the dice and select a girl to try the experience, but I ultimately decided NOT to spend $600 and I returned to my hotel. Had they allowed me to select the girl that I really liked I might have done a session. I am sure there were some amazing girls in soapyland, but they were not available to me and they will not be available to you.

    After getting a little rest, I decided to make my way back to Ginza. My new Japanese friend messaged me that he was already at Vogue with one of his clients, but I told him that I planned to go to O to see the girl from the prior night.

    Upon getting off the 3rd floor and walking into O I was once again stopped almost immediately upon entering. I was told "Private Club" and "Japanese Only" and "No Foreigners". To say they were hostile towards me would be understatement. Believing that I could work through this, I politely told them that I was there to see a lady that I had met the night before. I provided her name and they brought her out to the entrance. As I saw her walk towards me in the entry, she looked stunningly gorgeous and seemed happy to see me. She spoke some Japanese to the managers and I have no idea what she said. They then brought out a beautiful young lady that spoke perfect English. They asked me what I did for work. Oddly, once I told them what I did for work and the company I worked for, they smiled and handed me a portfolio that showed their prices. They told me that it would cost 100,000 yen to enter ($650 USD). When I told them that I was not planning to drink, they showed that it would cost 50,000 yen. I agreed to this and they escorted me to a table.

    While these places may not appeal to most of the readers on ISG, I think it is worth sharing what is offered in Tokyo. First, O is not a big club, but it is definitely highclass and they definitely cater to a much older clientele than Vogue. I saw many men in their 70's and 80's but the women were a step above the ladies at Vogue. These women were 10's! The lady I was there to see was not immediately available, so they had the English speaking lady join me. She was gorgeous too! I sat with her for about 45 minutes and got a really good education on these hostess clubs. These places are part of the Japanese culture. Beautiful young Japanese women work in these places and often marry their customers or they have arrangements / affairs with wealthy older Japanese men. I saw many women with designer handbags, expensive designer shoes, and expensive watches and diamond earrings. I asked this lady if her watch was a gift and she told me that most Japanese men do not buy gifts. She indicated she makes very good money working at O and she is able to buy nice things for herself. I asked if she saw customers outside of the club. She indicated that O closes at midnight and she will go out with men after the club closes. She did not proposition me, but it was clear that she was interested in seeing an American man. When I asked how much she typically charges to go out with a customer, she indicated that she will accept tips but she goes out with customers that are generous in the club.

    Eventually the lady I was there to see became available. She did not speak English but I was able to use Google translate with no problem. Once again, some readers might not care about spending money or time with a beautiful lady unless she offered sex, but this was actually an enjoyable experience. I get why my new Japanese friend and other Japanese men get addicted to these places. There was something sort of hypnotic about spending time with an extremely gorgeous woman and just having a delightful conversation. This woman was very honest and indicated that she was very conservative. She indicated that she does not leave the club with men and that is why I saw her leaving the club alone the night before. She indicated that some girls leave the club with customers but she did not typically do this.

    Okay, so while I am sitting with this gorgeous lady, the girl I met at Vogue the night before was blowing up my phone. Since it was approaching midnight and there was no way this beauty was leaving with me, I closed out my bill and she walked me to the elevator and gave me a warm embrace and thanked me for coming in.

    I took the elevator down to Vogue and was immediately greeted with the same "Japanese Only" and "No Foreigners". Fully prepared, I pulled out my credit card receipt from the night before and was immediately escorted to a table. My girl from the night before was not immediately available so they had a lovely lady sit with me. Eventually the girl that had been blowing my phone up arrived at my table. She politely explained that a customer came in and purchased champagne and a vip room. She said would not be able to spend time with me and she was honest that she needed to go out with this customer once the club closed. For some reason this didn't bother me like my visit to Soapyland bothered me.

    I got the impression from all of these hostesses that they really do not have the freedom to pick and choose who they spend time with. I got the impression these girls are paid by the club to come into work and are brought over to customers by the hosts. If customers do not find the girl attractive and appealing, they are not asked to work again. If these girls are not able to get their customers to spend money on drinks or champagne, they do not make money and are not asked to work. I believe these girls get paid a commission on what they drink and what I drink. I got the impression that these girls are highly encouraged to go out with customers of the club to keep these customers coming in. Essentially, you come in and see me at work and I will go out with you after. Or, I will meet you for dinner before work if you come in and see me at the club after dinner. It is really about getting men hooked and coming into the club regularly. If a girl does not have a following of customers that spend money, she is not making money for the club and is not working there for long. I think the girl at O is so gorgeous and classy that she does not need to go out with customers to keep them coming in to see her.

    I do not know if a hostess club like the ones in Tokyo would be successful in any city in the USA, but there really is something appealing about the places I visited and I only visited two. It is so relaxing and enjoyable to spend time with these hostesses. I admit that I could get hooked too!

    As I was returning to my hotel, I decided to cut my visit to Tokyo short. I had satisfied my curiosity and realized that Tokyo just did not offer the same value that I look for. I booked a flight home for the next evening.

  9. #13844

    Spontaneous Tokyo Visit. Day 1

    This is going to be a tough post to write. I have long held a desire to check out the adult entertainment scene in Tokyo, but never had the city high on my list. Despite having numerous tried and tested international cities under my belt, I spontaneously booked a flight to Haneda to satisfy my curiosity of Tokyo. Since I have traveled all over Asia for business and seen Japanese men in adult venues acting like drunken sailors, I was apprehensive of what they might have available in their home country. Since I find Japanese women incredibly beautiful, my mission was to identify the most beautiful women in Tokyo.

    Arriving at HND and making my way through Immigration and Customs at terminal 3 was a breeze. I booked a stay at the Hyatt Regency Tokyo knowing that it was a short walk to Shinjuku and I had plenty of Hyatt points to burn. Fortunately, the Hyatt Regency is one of the stops using the Airport Limousine bus service. They have a kiosk right as you exit Customs to get your ticket and then you take the elevator down one level. It was about a 45 minute ride into Tokyo before I arrived at my hotel. I highly recommend this service. I think it was 1,400 yen each way.

    The first agenda item on my list was to check out the oppai clubs in Shinjuku. I would later learn that Japanese call these places "booby clubs". I used the following web site as my guide. My first stop was to the Treasure Box on the 10th floor of the Daikan Plaza (link below). As I got off the elevator, I was rudely met by a man telling me "Japanese Only" and redirecting me back to the elevator. Using Google Translate I did my best to make my case for entry, but he was clear "No Foreigner. Japanese Only" so I left.

    As I left the building I walked toward the action and stumbled upon a place that helps you book visits to these booby clubs in Shinjuku. I was told that most of the places in Shinjuku are Japanese only and there were only a few that were foreigner friendly. I was encouraged to check out a place called Sweater Moon. Link below. Since I was a foreigner, they required me to pay upfront and then escorted me down some stairs and into a small curtained booth. They served me a cold draft beer and a few moments later brought me a very average looking lady. She was someone passable if she was free, but not someone I would ever pay for. I spent about 20 minutes with her on my lap and then it was time for girl #2. This girl was not passable and I did my best to politely ask for another girl. The answer was a clear no. You get what they give you like it or not. I decided to cut my losses and leave.

    After leaving Sweater Moon I came upon another location that helps with booking these clubs. I told the guy my type and told him I wanted to go to Leicester. He made a call and then had one of his guys escort me to the club. Knowing where Leicester was and where I was being escorted, I asked where he was taking me. He pointed out Luxe was where they had booked me. Since I had heard about this place, I allowed him to take me in. Of course, they had me pre-pay. Luxe is not really luxurious and quite small. The seating is open but they did have some private vip rooms. Similar to the first place, the first girl was passable but the second girl was big and not attractive. They refused to offer me another girl and I decided to leave.

    After 3 disappointments, I made my way to Leicester to see if they would allow me in. Similar to my first stop, there was no way they were letting me in their club. "Japanese Only" and "No Foreigners" is what I was quickly coming to terms with. I couldn't bribe / tip these guys to let me in. They didn't care how much I was willing to spend, they were not letting a mid-age white guy from the USA in their club. You have to accept it, but it doesn't feel good to be not allowed into a club because of your race.

    Given that my night wasn't going too well, I opted to take a taxi to 7th Heaven. I had heard that it was the closest thing to a western style strip club. Entry was 7,000 yen and that got you two drinks. Lap dances were 7,000 ($46 USD) in a private curtained booth. Oddly there were no Japanese girls. Most looked to be from Europe (the Cubans have not made their way to Japan yet! I saw one girl I liked and had her brought over to me. She put the heavy push for me to buy a bottle of champagne. She tried to convince me that I was required to buy her drinks so I might as well buy a bottle. A 15,000 ($100 USD) yen bottle got you one free lapdance so you are essentially paying 8,000 for the champagne. Not a great value, but my night wasn't going well so I agreed and then took this Romanian for a dance. Her dance was nothing too special so I only did one. I grabbed a seat near the stage and made some small talk with a Japanese guy that spoke perfect English. We agreed 7th Heaven was terrible. I explained that I was in Tokyo looking to see the most beautiful Japanese women. He suggested that we go to a hostess club in Ginza. He invited me to go and I accepted. He was paying for the taxi so why not.

    Arriving near the Ginza Grand Hotel, we arrived at a place called Vogue. Unlike the places in Shinjuku that I previously visited, we were warmly greeted due to me being escorted by a Japanese man. Vogue was a very luxurious club with absolutely gorgeous women. My new Japanese friend told me there was no touching, but it might be possible to bring the girl back to my hotel at the end of their shift. Since I had been to KTVs in China, I sort of knew how these clubs worked, but Tokyo is much different. It was clear as a foreigner that I was not taking my favorite girl back to my hotel on my first visit. My new friend wasn't able to get his girl to go with him either. He did share how addicting these places are for Japanese men and that he probably spent millions of yen at these places. A good girl can easily make a lonely Japanese man fall in love with her and have him coming in night after night in the hopes of eventually getting her to go out with him. Frankly, I had a great time at Vogue and my time flew by. Total damage was 101,000 yen (about $662) for our drinks and the time with the girls. Was this a good value. Absolutely not!

    Upon leaving Vogue, I was educated on this area of Tokyo. I saw tons of men leaving clubs with gorgeous women. My new friend shared with me that this street was lined with clubs similar to Vogue. While he claimed Vogue was one of the top hostess clubs, he showed me how the clubs lined the street and how the drivers for wealthy Japanese businessmen stand along the sidewalk waiting for their bosses to exit the clubs with a lady before going to a love hotel. He explained that these men regularly go to these clubs and spend a lot of money. The girls leave the clubs with their regular customers. These Japanese men go into these hostess clubs and the hostesses often go out with their customers after work to keep them coming in. Please note, I never had a girl solicit me to leave the club for money or offer me sex.

    As we were standing along the sidewalk outside Vogue, the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen was walking towards us. It was clear she was leaving her work at a club, so I asked my new friend to go up to her and ask where she worked and to get her name. It turned out that she worked at O which was on the 3rd floor above where Vogue was. I told the girl that I was going to be in the next night to see her.

    Given my lack of sleep, I decided to call it a night and made my way back to the Hyatt. End of Day 1.

  10. #13843
    Quote Originally Posted by RickRock  [View Original Post]
    Japan is a bit unusual in that pretty much everything is paid up front. On the other hand it's pretty rare to get ripped off in Japan. Never happened to me in 20 years of visiting.

    At a soapland you are going to get wash, nuru, BBBJ, FS (covered or uncovered). Differences between places are:

    - Price.

    - Cleanliness.

    - Quality of girl.

    - Quality of service.
    Thanks RR. Very helpful. Sounds like soaplands catering to foreigners might be place to focus.

    With the exception of maybe one response from a busy body member without a life and nothing better to do than give personal opinions (hunter) I appreciate the input from members of the board. Japan trip is booked in March! I'll continue research and report after trip. Cheers.

  11. #13842
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  12. #13841
    I've only frequented a few shops here and the price on website was always tax-inclusive, including at THC. Amateur Tokyo was the only one where the final price I got was different, but still went ahead.

    Won't name the girl, hasn't been reviewed here but I looked at their Japanese page (Shibuya Garden AFAIR) for reviews on the girls. I only talk of extras with the girl directly so hadn't taken CIM option while booking but she gave BBBJ anyway without asking. Sex is 10 k.

    Their Japanese page also doesn't mention that prices are tax-exclusive (different prices though).

  13. #13840
    Quote Originally Posted by John557  [View Original Post]
    Booked a 2 h outcall from few weeks ago, wanted to give a heads up which I haven't seen detailed yet on the forum. 10% tax is charged on the prices listed on the website, this is not the credit card surcharge, this is even for cash. But they removed the admission fee 2 k.

    So for a Shinjuku 2 h outcall, it was 34 + 2 choice + 2 delivery plus 10% tax on all this, total 41.8 k.

    Girl was nice, as expected.
    AFAIK, every place in Tokyo charges the consumption tax.

    Who was the girl? What did she do? BBBJ or more?

  14. #13839


    Booked a 2 h outcall from few weeks ago, wanted to give a heads up which I haven't seen detailed yet on the forum. 10% tax is charged on the prices listed on the website, this is not the credit card surcharge, this is even for cash. But they removed the admission fee 2 k.

    So for a Shinjuku 2 h outcall, it was 34 + 2 choice + 2 delivery plus 10% tax on all this, total 41.8 k.

    Girl was nice, as expected.

  15. #13838
    Here's another good find in Tokyo:

    Japanese Girls Massage Bamboo Forest

    In room massage, and they are pretty quick and hassle free about setting it up. No need to show ID, have a Japanese phone number, or any of that annoying stuff that so many places require. Also foreign friendly and English speaking.

    I was able to get a nice Japanese women in her 20's sent to my hotel in about 2 hours. She was English speaking. Tight clothes. Lots of flirting and joking around. She never got naked. Not that kind of place. But after a really good massage she flipped me over and worked a nice load out of me.

    60 minutes was 20000 Yen, no delivery fee or tipping.

    The website says "no sexual services" but I ended up getting a world class hand job with nuru lotion on my first try. Is this the norm? YMMV.

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